f I. vuT COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. JUNE 23. 1849. jmroTra Philadelphia DSTCRBANCKS IN MoTAMKNSlNO.Sub Beqiunt to the alarm of fire on Saturday nisrbi an aflfray occurred in Sbippen street, between Ntnitt and Tenth streets, the par - ties to which were the rowdy fire runners ottuched to the Franklin and Moyamesing . Hose Companies who have recently been ihe cause of nil the difficulties in the dis trict in which they are located. The con tending parties were not more than eigh teen or twenty on either side, and were stationed at a safe distance from each oth er, so that the missiles fell harmless, ex cept in the damage caused to the surroun ding property. The party at Nin.th st. furnished themselves with missiles by tear ing up the bricks from the pavement. Pistols shots were occasionally discharged Tut only one person was injured and he but slight. j'. About three o'clock on Sunday morning the firemen were again called out by the alarm of fire. As ta Franklin Hose Car nage, with a few members, was passing .Twelfth and South streets, they were at . lacked by a gang apparently lying in wait for tfiem, who, with stones and pistols, for- . cad the Franklin members to fly from their carnage which was immediately taken possession of by thcjissailing party. They "ran away with it, Expediting their movc- tnents by allowing the hose to run off of the cylinder. The hose was taken posses sion of jby the the Moyamensing watch men arid placed in the Hall yard In the mean time, the party in possession of the carriage, proceeded with it at a rapid rate to the Washington st. wharf, and first brea king two bells, the cylinder and other por tions of the carriage, they ran it ofFinto thr dock at the lower-side. Yesterday mor ning it was hauled out by some of the Southwark firemen who returned it to the member, of the Franklin. The latter took ihe carriage to the Moyainensing Hall for the purpose of taking back their hose, hut finding the latter so much cut as to be al most worthless, ihey left both it and the Carriage in the Hall yard, where the' re mained all yesterday. The carriage bro kenly the rioters was ii(t the new one procured previous to the parade, but an old fchrriage they had previously. Two cous ;ins, narnd HafTv, were jiurt while endeav oring to protect the carnage- -o.ie of them had his arm broken. Dbeadfvl Riot a Man Killed and Several-W6)ht. Th citizens of Moy amnsing, during yesterday morning, were "busy debating among themselves what laea&urcs bliould Lt udupiud to pi event, fur ther outrages, which were confidently ex 'pectftd, as retaliation for the events of the aighl In these fears they were not disap pointed About , half-past .U o'clock, a small shed, between South and Shippen, Eleventh And Twelfih, wu eel on lire, ev idently to bring out the firemen, and have a renewal of the riot. The Moyamcasing Hose Company proceeded out South street, ; but had hardly reached Ninth, before their ! leader observed a movement of the crowd west of, them, presumed to belong to the Frank hu Hose, which he suspected was for the purpose of cutting off their retreat to their house, and morJeito defeat this ob ject, the Moyamensing ranalong Ninth to ; Fitzwater. On arriving at this point, they I were attacked by their opponents, the first weapons being bricks. Five-arms, howcv-1 er, were soon brought into requisition, on both sides. A detachment of the Moya-1 me rising meinbors retired with their carri- ' $ge, wfylc ihe. others covered the retreat to the house. The carriage being safely housed, the member who had charge of it returned to ;he scene of the conflict, some few of thejn liaving armed themselves with guns and horse-pistols. The Franklin Hose pity were led by a fBaD m a brown coat und wearing a slouch ed cap, who displaye&fcravery that would have distinguished him if a motive more honorable had prompted ins conduct Tins arty were not aa well provided with fire arms as their opponents, and in consequence, the ost of those shot were fighting on that Side. The parties at one limo got so near each other, that fisticuffs were resorted to. Alexander Cilhcs, who resided with his father, in Stewaid street, below Fitzwater, was struck by a ball, which passed through his left arm and entered the breast near the rtgion of the heart, causing death in a very bort time He had fired several times be fore he was hit. The doccased was aged about 21, and though not belonging to the Franklin Hose Co , yet he ran with them and took part in their quarrels The Cor oner subsequent! held an inquest upon the body. The evidence elicited before the Coroner was to the effect, that a Mr Illack and a drayman who lives back of the Moy amensing Hose House, both fired about the instant that Gillies fell. 'The following terdiefwas returned : "That the deceased, Alexander (Jilles, came to his death while leading on the mob in a riot between the Moyaoieosing and Franklin House Companies, by fire arms, according to the evidence, fired by a man named Black, and a drayman, name unknown." "The following it a list of the names of thine wounded in the affray as far as could if-fathered , - . X William Lwson,ihot in the right breast, . lr lh bouWr a dangerous woun H( 4 taJtrt to Xbe Hospital. Jaflinclift rtceirtd teno-js cut - . - - . . IT 1 - . t- dressed at Mr. Rizer's apothecary store. A lad named Jackson was stabed in the leg. James Rogers was wounded ip the left arm by a pistol ball. Mr John Rollin, a painter living in Thir teenth street, above Fitzwater, was struck by a ball which passed through the fleshy part ol his r:n. He was on his way home from church and had nothing to do with the companies. Patrick Duffy, one of the Moyamensing police, was struck on the cheek with a club during the not, inflicting a severe wound. Tno houses of the belligerent companies were closed up during the afternoon by the Sheriff, who personally visited them. The police of the City, Moyamcnsing and Soulhwark were called iiuo service and every preparation made that caution could direct to prevent a recurrence of ihose scenes during the remainder of the day and evening. But two arrests took place, as for as we could learn. One was Mcvey, who was captured by Alderman McLain. He is said to be a city lamplighter, residing on the lower side of South street; beIoy Eighth. Ihe other person arrested was a man na med Green, who was taken to the Moya mcnsing Hall. John Rowland, a young man residing in Thirteenth street, above . Fitzwater, was shot through the arm. Walter Phillips, residing in Lombard street, near Schuylkill Fifth, received a ball in his thigh. Postscript. 11 1 2 o'clock. All quiet. The Sheriff has a strong posse on guard, and holds possession of the' Moyamensing- and r raiiknn Hose Houses. 1 Ci'Riors Placard. .The following squib ! was found posted at the corners of many ! of the streets of Moyamensing early yes- lerday morning. It was printed and m the ! Usual shape of a placard : I "Piin.ic .Notice. The Millcrites of: Moyamensing, from ten years old and up-; Wards, will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon j the- Eastern I division at Eirhtli and i Fitzwater streets, and the Western Divi- sion at the Eleventh street Market Those j having guns and pistols will bring them '. alonr; thone not having these usual wea-1 O I O t K)ns are requested to supply themselves with as many bricks and stone3 as they ''an crry. The police and watchmen will j be present to see fair play. Hub. rail Franklin." "Go it, Moya.(' Firemen's Fight.. During the return of the Handin-IIand Engine and the South Penn His, from the alarm of fire about 3 o'clock on Sunday morning, a difficulty j occurred between these two companies at! Eighth and Poplar streets. The engine I was taken possession of by their opponents and the apparatus somewhat defaced. I The other party, however, soon ra'Ihd, and . succeeded in recapturing their engine and driving oft those who took possession of u AN ELOQUENT APPEAL. 'I'iie following ia the nddress of the Ho unto Republicans to the invading French It ia gloriously eloquent : 'Frcnchine'i ' Hie html you tread on, still preserves the traces of your glorious niiccs tOM ; but these biuiiht tis liberty, and you bring U3 slavery. In destroying the lio m.tn Iiepublic,you will destroy your own, and you will be fratricides at the Bamo time that you injure yttuiselves Oh, shame ! you stood by, ar.tl regarded with ft laugh of mockery the misfortunes of Ix)inbardy. You had not a single word of consolation for the fall of Piedmont. Your venal wri ters utter blasphemy and calumnies on the neroic etiorts ol Hungary. Un this very day with an imprudent mockery, you come to destroy Hainan liberty. Frenchmen ! your implacable government subjects you lo the greatest of all infamies, it binds you to the train of despotism and injustice, and obliges you to follow in the wake of the t'roai and Cossack. Are you indeed sol diers I. if yuj are, choose a foe worthy of your courage. Do not come to defy the ri sing of a petty state. If you wish to com bat with republican arms, cease to be re publicans yourselves, or confess, ihnt you are the satellites of tyranny and hypocn ay. French citizens I tear aside the veil of policy, and answer, whom do you wish to restore to power f Are they the priests? this hereditary race who have caused so much blood lo flow and occasioned so many wues to France hersolf. Study your own history and you will tee what a fatal pres cnt you are about to make to us. Know it, once for nil , from our earliest infancy even to our ylu ac we have cherished nn implacable hatred of sacerdotal dominion You wish to rennpose it by force You are abqut to place us on a level with the Chinese You will force us to curse the soil which has given you birth. We are unfortunate, because we arc the sport of violence of powerful men ; unfortunate because we are despised and trampled un der foot by the very nation which was al ways the illusion lo our mind, and the source of our hope. Frenchmen ! befors undertaking a detestable work, ask of the blue heaven that is above you, and it will answer that it lint been polluted by sacer dotal iniquity, and by tbeir horror in all ages. Ask our youth, and our women, and you will learn from ihem an U.itnter ruptsd Ul of seductious, of debauchery, ind of Tnlity. Ask of our faraen, lor whom thy have labored ? ihy will an- on the head by a brickbat. i tua oroiner received a ball in his leg. '., ' ' Lytle Hurts, residing in Spafford street, near Shippen, was struck with a buckshot over the eye. Ho also had a wound in the lee from a shot. The first wound .was wer, for the priests I Ask to whom be longs the, fifth part of the ' state ? to the priests I Ask to whom belongs the most luxurious abodes, for whom are the most exquisite delicacies and who are obeyed by thousands of menials? Their answer still will be the priests! the priests IFrench men I your mission is the work of hell. It v ill bring down upon your heads an uni versal melediction for which your patt glo ry will not prove a recompense. On this very day you lose all the pride and glory of warriors. The children of the conquer ors of Areola and Marengo, have, alas, be come the janissaries of the sacristy, and the champions of the accursed mitre.' SALT. 1 rrSACKS Liverpool Salt, In bleached sucks 1 UU 2UUU busliols Turks Island do. for salt) by June 5. HOWARD 4. PEDF.N. 3B. SUGAR. g HHDS. St Croix For sale by HOWARD if- PEDKN. 35. June ! PALE ALE. BOXES June 5. Pale Ale. For anient HOWARD 4 PEDEN'S. 35. BILLS OF LADING, Ac . I710LI0 POST BILLS OF LADING!, bounh in Books, and sheet, also Letter Sheets with it variety of mercantile blanks, tor sale at The Com mercial OJJkt. COW PEAS. KA BUSHELS Cow Poas for gate bv OU HOWARD & PEDEN. June 2. 34. DECLARATIONS. COPIES of Declarations, which will be printed loonier, prepared by a distinguished Jurist ol North Carolina, are received at the Commercial Ot fice, embracing tho following particulars : Trespass; Motne Profits j Declaration in Eject ment, with four demises j Replication in debt on Bund ; In Assutnsit Replication ; Pleas by Execu tor in Assutnsit ; In debt Plea Nonost Pactum and nil Djbil j Pleas in Detenue; Plcaain debt on Hond Declaration In debt on Uond by Kxeeutor ; Pleas In Trespass ; Pleas in Case 01 Trover ; Pleas in As sumpsit ; Pleas in debt on Constable Bond , De claraMon in (Jaso for Deceit ; Declaration in Lelin- ue ; rleus in Replevin tor Slaves ; nepneanon in Replevin for SJuves; Detluralkm in Replevin fur Slaves, wlv ic the Slaves have been Replevied and re-deiiveicd to I'liiinlills ; Declaration in Replevin, whcr the Slaves remain in Defendant's possession j Pleas In action for A8atill and B ittery ; Declarations-Assajlt and Battery; Declarations in Tro ver; Declarations of Assumpsit ; Declaration in As sumpsit vs. Executor; Declaration in debt against niakerand indorser of a single bond; Ejectment Declaration on 3inglo Demise; Declnrntion In Tres pass; Declaration id debt on Constable's Bond t Def clarationin Assumpsit by Extcutor ; Declaration o Asruuip.'il, A ; Declarations of Asd;npit, C ; 0e clarulions in debt. D. Wilmington. May 29, 18 19. 23-1 f. PINE OIL. THIS article having been fully tested and proven to be Superior to anything heretofore In use, U now offered with full confidence of giving salia fartlon. A cmiaiaiit Supply can be found at the Store of S. P. POLLED, and will also be delivered to eu tomcrs wherever desired by Mr. William Blancy. A. H. VANBOKKELF.N. March 3, 1919. H9-tf. CAMPHINE ! CAMPHINE ! ! 40 CENTS PER GALLON. Forsuleat the Store of J. G. BAUMA.V Fob.27. I 17 I ..1 FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE HAT STORE. CEIVED THIS DAY, 2 dm. more those much admired Gents Leghorn Hats. 2 Oo. 2 Do. Bmvs Pedal Hats (cheap,) I " Medium Brim drnb Beaver Hals, 11 ' Black Tanipico, do. 5 " Men and Boy California, do. Also a fine assortment of Bilk and Gingham L in bulla i all for sale a4 low prices for Cash. C. MY KUS, Hatter. May 1. 20. COTTON YARN. BaleB of assorted Fsyeueville Cotton Yarn, on coneignment, for sale by 51 CASUWfcLL BLUSSUM. May 26. 31. BLANK NEGOTIABLE NOTES. BLANK Negotianle Notes on the several Ranks In this place just printed In a neat form, for sale a; The Commercial Office. March 27. 5 H ATER COOLERS. 1DOZ. approve kind, for tale by Do ROSS ET BROWN. Aptel 14 13-ll COGNAC BRANDY! IN half ripen for sale on consignment by JEFFREYS 4. LEIOHTON. March 3. 149 IOR HAIiE. B0 Boxesiuperior Smoked Her rings. & Boxes Mould Candler. HARR1SS & DRAKE. Feb. 22. 146. PLANTING POTATOES. 1 (lO BBLS- Planting Potatoes. Received this 1 vAy day, pet Cues. M ills, for ule bv S'Silia. IV 1 THl MARTIN CRONLY. 140 Frb. 9. RICE. 2(X3 Tiercc fresh kcal- For sale by GF.O. W. DAVIS. 140. Ftb 10. OATS. ffrjl BUSHELS Oats, iuit received per Ever " " crecn and for sale bv HARRISS & DRAKE March 15. IM ELDORADO OR GOLD LEAF. ANOTHER lot sale at Msy29. ii pe For J. W1LK1 1NSON A CO S. 32. WRET Vim. 1 A OOZSrf Bot;l Clartt Win, a saps rior artl I J eto, for salt by CARROLL FENH ELL Jans 9 1949. 37 DANI BROWNE V 1 --jPROFCSSORof Maslo nnd, Dealer fZZZr1r In Pima Fortes, Guitar and other 1 fTl I Musical Instruments. Old Piano ta ten In exensnge. Waroroom at Moxirt Hall. Pro fessor Browne may b seen at Mozart Hall, or at tha Washington Hotel, opposlio Cape Feat Bank. Nor. 6. 1848. "k" 30-tf FOR CALIFORNIA. THE Nautilus, Mutual Lite Insurance Company ot New York, will take risks on the lives of per sons koIms tu California. Apply to . B " V. J. LORD & CO. March 10. - . PANTS! PANTS!! OUR assortment Is larger than we ever before of lerod, consisting ol Doe Skin and Summer Cass., Prin. e Albert Linen, 4c. In fact every Myle now in use, of tho latest fashions. Call nnd sen at SCOTT, KEEN &. Co b. May 13. 23 MARBLE YARD, AT WILMINGTON, N t rfHEsubscflttor takes this metiied of informing jl thocitixensof New Hanover and the sin roun ding cauntles, that he has established tho above bu siness, in all its variety, in the building kno-vn as the Carriag Rtporitury, next door to Mrs. Cowan s, on Market street, where he will be constantly recei ving from one of the moat exteniive mmutactorieH in New York, as well as fro.n an establishment in Baltimore, a constant aupyly of articles in his line -consisting iff part of ' MONUMENTS ; Plain and tiox Tomba ; Head and Foot Stone ; Fire Places; Mantel PUcrs ; Bureau and Centre Tahh Tups; Pastry Slabs; Imposing Slant's; Form Tables; PainL.Sloncs and MtUlari; Window ami Door Sills and Lin- ( tela. In short. ever nrtiole required, cither of Italian or American Marbles, ha isprepared to furnish, at pri ces that cannot fail to please -and in a style of work manship that cannot be surpassed at the North or elsewhere. He will attend to the delivery and put tins up of oil jobs :hit requiro hia attention -thereby saving the purchaser the trouble of 'employing expe rien ed men to put up a job nfterit has been bought at tiio North ! ncd he has no hesitation in laying ihnt there will be a netl saving ol 20 lo 2S per cent. In buy; Ing of him, together with the assurance of havingtlie wni-ic iinnrl not rnnnioff ihe risk of breaking by 8hippingt'roni a distance. The public are respect fully invited w rail an.I examine nis sioca ami juuge for thomselves. Orders by mail or otherwise fiom hi ominirv will tin Mtt nite 1 to. and charL'es lilt same as il ordered in person, and instructions im- plicilly obeyed. S. R. FORI). Agents for D.iplin Codnty, at Kenatisville, I. B. & J. J. Kelly. For Sampson County, at CJinton, J. d W. son, with whom all ordors cn be left. Agents at Goldsboro', Gregory & Oriswold . March 17, 1849. John- l if LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! Qf-r- BBLS. Linoolnville White Lump; Alio, JwU calcined Plaster, Plastering Huir, nnd Fire Brink, Hydraulic Cement j 1080 bbls. Lime tf-c; oi sale by J. C. ft, R. B. WOOD. April 14. 1345. ' I3-tf. BOSTON LINE OF PACKETS TUB following VESSELS williull regularly betweoa ibis port awi Bos ton, vii r . Bris VVM. NICHOLS, Capl. Jus. LrUhton. Schr. MINNESOTA, Capt. Gilbert LcigUton. The above vessels are of tha first rlass, und are commanded by experienced navigators. HARRIS'S & DRAKi:. Jan. 11. BANK CHECKS, CtTECKS on the sever.il Binks In this place, bound in Books, and in sheets, for j-ulcal the Commercial Office. j EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. Qrn E,,!prY Spirits Bbls. large size nov, lun ; iCOJiW' from Packet, ''A J, DcIIosmcI." For : sale by BARRY, BRYANT & Co. I May i, 1319. 21 -U. FOR SALE, rHHl)S Superior rpitailin Sugar, daily exp' C TCVtedby Schr. John Slot y, from the west In dies, by GEO. W. DAVIS May 17, H19. 27. RICE. KA TIERCES Rice for sale by UU HOWARD Jl PEDEN. June 2. 31. GUNNY BAGS 1 AAA2 BUSHKLi Ounny Bigsjuat reeeivod 1 UUUand for aale by BARRV, BRYANT A Co. March 6, 1849. 150 FAYETTEV1LLE FLOUR. TUST received psrsreamor Rowan. 55 bbls. Flour assorted Qualities, for sale br LATTA. 21 AprU 12. SM0RE TONGUES, ic. 2DOZ Smoka Tongues ; No. 2 A 3 Mackerel, Cheese in Csskcs 1 Lard in kegsj nil sf which will be sold low for Cash. CARROLL FENNLL. Msy 15, 1840. 2C. NOTICE. THE Subscribei weuld lake this tff 11 method oi calhne method oi calling the attention of t 4 Jtha cillmni of W ilminilon and vi cinity, to the largest snd best assortment 01 sumnic Hats ever oirred in this place. My assorlmsnt em biaccs every variety of Mens', Boys' and ohildrens Hals, and will be sold vorv low for CASH. Persons wishing to purchase anything In ihr above line will find it to their advantage to call nt tho Hat Store. C. MYKKS. Hatter. April 5. 9. SUGAR. 5IIHD9. Superior Muscovado Suatr, just recei ved and for sale by 3ARRY. BRYANT 4 Co. May 1,1349. 20. " FLSIL 1 f BBLS. Macksrel, assorted ; IVJJ bbU. MuUctls. For sale by HOWARD A PEDF.N. JaasS. MOUSSES. 50 C6L9. Nw Crop Iholswss for sale by HOWARD PEDBN. Juns 5. 35. UOUSli S FAMILY AND PLANTATION MEDICINES. em. IIOISE'S INDIAN TOXIC, A pleasant and nccer failing aire far CHILLS vr A (.' '' '.' S'Eli, in tkree hours, mid a remedy in IiUtons and (militant f'crer. The cures feutid on ihe wrapper of MM", ni.d TEN years gi.inding.are Ihe must remarkable on ic coril. proving it clearly to have been superior toeveij other known remedy in curing Inteririitiants. Per soi.s ol Bilious or Dchililntnd lialiite, will soon find somcthin'Mo mvieiMie and slri'n!ihen thoiii, will find it the very tiling, l iken In Ian" table : spoonful (oa?s three or four limes 11 day. Do try it. Piice 81 per bottle. HOI'S E'H CINTMKXT, aswtktnsr and yerfect cuttfbr PILES, and for Burns, iruises, lixter iial Sortncsn, Mashes, Sprains, fesh Cute or Wounds., whether on man or beast, and as nn ex ternal application in Rheuiiintism, Us effects art decided, and absolutely astonishing . A person aft 'r tiainir It r.iuiarlted, ''it is worth five dollars a thimble full." No family should ever be without it a tingle moment. Price $1 per pot. HOUSE'S VKGRTABLK PILLS ate worthy of a place in every family, and as a general Family Mctikiiu, the best in the World. They are hafrpily combined sons lo act directly upon the iclwlr. animal economy, and assists nature in expelling all morbid or afrid hwnors, vhieh engender disease. They are the. only rsliable cure ever discirrered for HUE LI MA TtSM. Try them, ye ajjlicttd ones ; d y up your tears andcease your groans, for there is yet good in store for you. So great is their popularity thai orders for llicin to be yent to distant parts of the oewUry Oirpugh the mail, are frequently received. Noporsonor planter, who has ever tried them, would willingly dispense with thein. Wc appeal to the hundreds who have used ilium, for liie trulh of what vye say. Price 25 cents per box. HOUSE'S CERATE adrriilid run fir Titters Scald-head and Rimricorm .1 cure ot lo iitirs slandiittr. bu a sinirtc bar, and nmnv others that sea ted tncurulilr, hnri yielded roilily tt it ewalire rirlu:s. Ihn'tt'dit our word fir it, but try it. Price 50 cents per pot. v JJfThe above tried, popular and highly approval of Medicines nuy bo pureliH'etl of nil the Diugeiits In Nashville, and from the Proprietor at Whon'B.ile and Retail. and upon inquiry may be. found in almost every town in the .Soufi and Wist. All orders addrrSseJ to GKO. VV . IIOL'SK, Nun h vill", Tcnn., will hi? attended to. and lilictnl discounts made upon tV r. tail pri.v. Prepared by GKO. VV. HOL'HK, Nashville, lnn. For .-i.il. jy Wm. II. Llppiti, Wil uington ; J. II. lerry, rv Ai iiistronir. Rocky Pofot ; Lnhau CaTal, near Ho. IVnuhlnxton: John i'. Woolen hliz ibethto rvn ; Boney Carr, Duplin Co ; P. G. H. Brad:haw, Is land i'renk ; 1. B. ij-J..I, Kn ly, Kenansville; James SuIIIvbiii. Wolfs Creek, Duplin ; .Adum C. Davi, Rockford, Lenoir Co ; Reuben Wallace, Snow Hill, Greene; .Siuniiel Kcwell, New Hanovei. April I, IH 19. 6-6in-c it o c k si' uT n a Fl'RM I i RE WAREHOUSE, THK subscriber would respectfully an nounce to ihe citizens of Wilmington and tile surrounding counties, thai he Is now receiving bit Kali Slock of Cabi net Kurnilure. Ilnviii selected it him self in the cities of New York and Hip-. ion, hu can conliderrtlv recommend it lo the attention of customer for variety nrt i legnnce ol style, beauly ol work manahip, and cheapnei-s. It i l loctherthu most compleie .nock thin he hus sterol f red in'iliisniaiket.and hi'ihinks that those wishing I ) purchase "lay find it to r!n ii intiresJ to call The follow in;! ate e 'ii. e 'A r lie a::;i Stoek. viz : SoFAs, i OTTOMANS, I HUASS. DUNE At S, I Ii s comprised in the ' AND TA III. I.:-, lIM(i r.p. CESTNF. do. E.TESlO UIESSISd Dl'NEAl SIDE nUAHDS, WAIIDHOBES, CNIIt B ROUTE I OS, co''.r- Tin in. i: ,i OF I'D F. CHAINS. MATCHED d: TOILET do. II OtK do. SETTEES, oFFtcfghfCSKs MA TTNi:s.SE. liedinion Sets, coinp'ete'i I'reiieh lied J"st dip. , Looking (ilupsp p; T.iilrt do H'nshstaniUi 3I;iiioL'anv d ; II p-t.in ii. U::,U; II. l ; .Sinks king I 'hn,i :i .Mnliognny do 1 Do l-'n ni li do ; Coil Maple .In ' nn'. Rush seal, and I'.mey ( Ii iir ; V inil-nr nnd Common do ; ( 'hiiflren's Nigh do. For sale nt nin.l orate piicei, by J. I). LH'F. Oct. 12 H'.t. At the Rock Spnnj. CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about ;l(tJ arils above the i:pi.ieopal Church. f JiiF. Subucribers wou'd respect M. lully l.iform lha inhabitants o Wilmington, and vicinity, that Ihey h-ivo ..1 1 employ experienced workmen at the v irions branches, and are therefore enabled to manu facture all kinds (jf tiding Voh tics, In the latesl style an 1 best manr.ar, ami would respectfully solic it the a tention of all persons wUhlnganythlng done In oar line, as wo are .lelermined 10 give satisfaction. Blarksmithlng of all kinds, also, ail kinds of re pairing do'ie, in the ncoust manner , arid at reduced prices. N. ft. Siyn und ornamentil Painting done in tho best manner and at short noti'-e. WKLLS A. CORNWALL. Wilirungton. Jan. 20. 131 IIOTCHKIS'S VKRTICAL WATER WHEEL. UT Kit A St) is Aopnl lor ihn alwiva V bo. I. in w this place. He will take pleasure In showing theCMtlngs loany person who m:iy desire to sec j them Ther will be found at Iris office a supply ol j Wherls. 'Jrtnks or Oudgeons, st nil times for sale singly or in pairs. Doc. 7. 149. 113 tf-c. rdiTsAii. 1 A lino Schr. of 42 ton buithern of eny I draft of watur carries 25 M feet lumber or 375 barrels, 1900 bushels Corn, new buili In this slate by one of our best Carpenters. Oak frame, i planked wiih lha best material, snug Cabin, her ma- i terlals are all new, nnd she Is in every respect a com- pleio vcsssl of her size. Apply to 1 CASlltVKLL A BLOSSOM. May 8. 2.1 NOTICE. THOSE persons indebted to the Cape Fear S. S Mill, by note or account contracted during the year 47 or 48. are icqucsted to make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned; they having on the 31st Dec. last rcllnguUhcd the General Agency ofihat nilll.lt becomes necessary that all her accounts lo that dais should bt immediately settled. , J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. Mtrch3. 1849. 149. ltlCE. IS whole and half casks, of prime quality. For sale by F J. LORD .1 CO. March 10. 15-3. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK T) Manufactory . "0 1 THE subscriber rtfpeclfully Informs the public! that he hat jecently received large additions to hs Block of Saddle and Harness mounting t, f-c, of the latest nnr! nmst Improvtd style, nnd is constant ly insntifnetiirlnfT. nt his store on Market stieit. for merly occupied by GnyC. Hotolikiss.cvpiy deicrip tion of articles In the above line. Fioni l is txptri- Mirp In thrt liiir,Mi.a l,cf,..ila i-ntiliili nt that he will be nblc to give eniire satisfaction to his iUstomers, and all oirteiH wno miiy Irvor hini wnli stall, no has nrw on hand, and will constantly keep, a large; aasorimenl of ' Coach, C.'ig, aiui El!7'nridles, Whins, Xulky Iluriiess; Ka'Hwin c.;Gciilleicf u'sj v lilps, Spurs, e., c, all of which he will warrant lo be of (he best ninterii al and workmanship. He lias also J turge tisaoit- lllellt of TruiiIH, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bagflj atcnci, tanry i runKs, vc. nnd nil other ai tides usually ktpt in such estoblish- mrnts.nll of wtilch he offers low for CASH, or owl short osoi r to prompt edsturners. i Sadilles, Harness, I runks, Medical Hags, lc. &c. i ,I"'no 10 orncr- Heiialrlne of al kinds done with nearness ani despatch. Old Saddles nnd llarnefs taken in part pov lor new. jumim j. i.uiul.m . 41 N. B. All accounts stai uing on my book ovefi; tlx months, will be charged wun interest. ll per sons indebted to the subscriber for last year wiil- please call and seitle, as by so doing 1 hey may pro-j vent what would b dimgreeable 10 thuin and uu pleasant to him. as pel sons Honietimes have to do un- pleasant things in sell dclcnce. J. J. C. March 13, 1849. 163-c. Lorin Larulina institute jor trie ViSirvawni or tub TVV iVn Till MR II THE Sessions of this Institution, commences ol the Hist day ol July of each year, end continual ten iViontlis, when tlmeis a vacailun ol two niontln-.i iriuimr tli.i li...ilo nr, nliriiul 1 1 II i Iir ffl M i B i I lIlMir T CT . ll'lllM Illlll. I'l il 'lilM ' l The Institui. in is tdtiiatid on Cutwell Suuare, a bout one-third of a mile from ihe Slate Houte. 1 hi ground occupied by the buildings wiih Ihiu adjacent is the property of (lie Institution, ai d granted by thl'l l.eeialiituic ol the Stall'. In ex ent it embraces fouJi acres, a uurt of which will be cultivated, ami lha rell ' niaindi r will conhiitule spacious Luwns where tli .Male Pupils will amuse themselves, at proper hours , in a hli lie sroi ls, and tho elualea, in walking, o sKeli i.ilier kinils ol 1 xeieiHU ua Ilia V be 11 D 1)1 mil i 11 1 , to tlltil six. 'I'lii' main buildini; in the dimcnfior.8 of ils nlan , i sixty fielby tliiriv uu. ii Las two wings, eacll i tirirly-eifihl feel by tvi my two, extending at righ !aneels I'rnni theio.iin ei.ifiee. and moiectiiii fnin cat h extremity 1 J it by nearly the i hole w idth ojl I each wine. In elevation it embrace lour stories, inll ' -p.. i: . I I ... t .1 I : I 1 cjuiiuiK iiie oapiiiieiii, nun ine winp uiier, uiio 1 siurmoiinled by a loueror obsei viiinry.coiuiiiundin an extensive und beautiful profpect. In the base Hu nt lire Ihe ilimng-rooiii and atoie rooms, and ii I..... a... I... .nl nr.. ll.. r...rt.,r 1 1 . I .. UU .1111) riuvic uiu wiioi iiiimii un nit; pnini, oitijii. room nnd library. In ihe other stories are the famill ur ai tim nta of ihe Principal and his assistants, an two rooms set apurl foi the Pupils in case of aicknrs In the basement of one wing are the kitchen an wash ropira, and that of tho other is set apart for In wtruclioti in mechanical trades. On (lie principa Moor of tho u ing-, arc the sitting-moms of (hit nisle ml I'l innles nnr) the iinner t-lorv ia oernniell fo dormitories. The chief merit of tho arrangemen tonbists In Its preserving llueo Iwo departments' o tar as relates lo ihu accommodations, ainun nient and pursuits of ihe Pupils out of school, so indeper dent In every particulars to constitute ol them tw separate and distinct communities, while ihe dinise. room in which both nesemble, wiih (he Trachct nnd family of the Principal, Isroiivtnii nily sccrss: li'e. E.icli dep. iidiient has itK ii purine aienr in lh rear, its scparalc plcasuic ground, end its finatn eommiinication wiih the t-chnol rei mf : po i at fa the ordinary purposes of life, there Is no in asf ioi.j pass Irom ono to the other. The Act of the (Jencrul Assembly, requ res tli when Pent-Mules uru umiblij to pay lor their hiairi tenance and ediicnlion, the Jusliersof (he tevcr. Coin's 11! PI. as and (Imirtcr Sefscnis. sliould levy i the an in,' manner n? laxes me now bv law levied fi the support of the poor. hcv nty f,,. liollnm Im (p siippui 1 ami MiniiK' iniiei' nf p very n:eli llr il'Mu as Hliall be si'leeti iJ by lh'! Liteinry lioard, lor ll purpyi-i if of Filucalli.il. 1 J Fin fuilher parlieiilni s, w i:i lo t tic ui:deisii:i 1 d. 11 ply bv ! 1, 1 r or otkl WILLIAM 1). fOOKF. 1'riucii.id. fl"i'ifT.I!S 1 l' Till: LN'STI'l t'TION. I, .,,..,. -1L I; , . . ;. v WILLIAM . tit A M M, I'nrsiM s r n:r pn.inn ; Hi. JDH.N M MultFHK.M), CHMiLF.M MANL i;sn, WILLIAM V. HARRISON. Srti-BETXR. ok hip. I'.oahh. Treasurer - f'HAKLKS L. 1 J 1 iJ IU.. I'.mi . I :n:AM;i:r.n nr TAtt. I'rinripu WILLIAM l. CUOKK, M A. Assistants. iiti.L i'.. haki'.i:. r;i:oKt.T. f.. ki.iciiam 'yVioo CHAHI.I's K JOHN-SON. 51. D. Mitnm. Mir. LA t; It J HARKF.lt. Ii il..i"h N. '., Aiio.-i . I JPi. O'.'-lv-tw p. Tim CITY HOTEL. Adjoiiii nt; the Court Ii one S q 11 n P HALM OH, N. C. AS been roeently tlioroiiflhlv retailed, si' really iuiprovul by the addition of a ltirJu number ol plensanl and commonlous rooms whli aru not cxi i lied by anv in the City The table a. waii furnished wiih lha best that can bo procured and tlic cnarges are as mouernle ns can be n Horded. I The stables are in DpDod order, well furnnished wli provender, and attended by careful and cxperiencq Us'lers. i Mrs. Lawrence would therefore respectfully Inrl. tho attention of travellers and others to the advant u 'l IWIIUTU Uf til I V TBI U UIII-IIIIIC II I. , IY An Omnibus will be In regular attendaniK tor tho conveyance of rassengors (gratis) from ai' to me nail Itoad Uepnl. Raleigh, Mirch 17. 1849. 7G-Iy w-t. ' GRAIN STORE. pORN, Cow and black eye Peas-, Seed Ost.U y Kresh Uround t;orn meal, Rye nnd Hotnoni Cow and Horse Feed ; WhostRyeA Hsy Csni Flour. Ubls. and half Bbls 1 White Beans. Con stantly on h.m 1, for CASH. Apply at the Ora 1 Store Murphy llulldlnM. ELLIS A MITCHELL, p"i 1 164,1 March 16. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. FRESH supply of very handsome Bills ol change, for sale nt ihe Commercial Offict. MAIL ARRANGEMENT. AHHIVALH. The Mail from the N-rth arrives daily at 12, A. Ik Do. do do do South do do do 9, A. flat D'. do d.i Fnyettevillaf la Warsaw, arrivjl nn Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, wiih the Nort ern Mall. I Tho Mail from Fsyrttevllle via Kliiabethtown t' rlvra on Tuesday, Thursdsysnd Ssturdny, at 8, A. Is The Mail from Long Creek arrives every Thui' dnv, 5, I. M. ' the Mall from Onslow Court Houeo arrives eve Monday, 8, P. 51. " DEPARTURES. 3 The Mail for the Noiih Is closed every day at 10, P. ,J Do. do do do South la do do do do 0, A. m Do do do Fsyettevllle via Warssw Is closed l Mondsy, Wednesday and Frldsy, 10, P. M. I Tho Msll for Fsyettevillo via Kliiabethtown U closed Tuesday, Thursday snd Saturday st 91, A. ,11 The Mall for Long Creek Is clcscd Thursday, T A M ll ro 'In Onslow C. H. dn do 10,'P