;; : PHILADELPHIA HAHKET. July 23. Business generally continues to Im prove. Cotton has furtliOT advsncedsales 6 j 10 eu. per lb. 7 No change in the market for Naval Stores talci 250 bbla. Spirit! Turpentine, In lota, at 33 a 34 cents ; 350 bbla. Wilmington Rosin at 95 cU and about 200 bbla. Soap do. M M.75 P bbl- Rica in fair request from the trade, and sales of about 200 casks, and mostly at 3 eta. per lb. Limited operations in Exchange at a 9 prem. Circular Inatnrbtlous to Collectors aud othor Officers of the Customs. Tbbasobt Dcpaktmcnt, July 16, (649. In view of ao much of the first section of the Wsrehousing act of the 6th August, 1816, as refers to the disposition of unclaimed goodi, and of the provisions of the 5th section of the set of 3d Hard) 1849, requiring all moneys receivable from customs, &e. to be paid immediately into the Treasury with out abatement or reduction, and in modification of the circular No. 3, dated 23d of Maroh, 1849, Collec tors and other officers of the Customs are hereby Instructed 1st. That the provisions of the 56th section of the Oeneral Collection act of 2d of March. 1799, being Unchanged and still in force, unclaimed goods, waresi and merchandise cannot be allowed to remain in 'public--atoro beyond ths period of nine month from '4he date of their storage, but must sfter the expira tion of that period be sold to realize ths duties and proper charges, In the mode prescribed by law, and existing instruction of the Department. 2d. In pursuance of the provisions of the Sill sec tion of the set of 3d March, 1849, before referred to. aswellasthe provisions of the tuiiif net of 30 h July, 1846 1 and the warehouse net of 6th Ai;,-um, 1846, the duties on all goods, wares and merchan dise, entered and deposited in public warehouse tinder bond, must be paid within ont year from the date of auch warehouse entry. Where the duties shall not have been paid within the period mention ed, any auch goods, wares and merchandis must be sold jto realise the duties end appropriate charges in conformity with law and the instructions of the Department. 3d. Any goods, wares and merchandise, duly warehoused, upon which the duties shall have been paid within the prescribed period may remain in public store, and thus retain tho right to exportation with benefit of the drawback of the import duties on 4m exportation at any time within two yeirsfrom the date of entry for warehousing, subject to ths deduction from the drawback required to be retained for the use of the tinlted States, by tho 15th section of the Tariff act of 30th August, 1842, and also to the payment of th appropriate expenses. Any goods of the description before mentioned, maybe transported under warehoueS regulations, and be rc Vrarehoased at any other warehouse port, and retain the right to drawback upon due exportation there from at any time within two years from the dp of the original warehouse entry at the port of arrival. 4th. The Storage on goods, wares and merchandise in warehouse will be required to be paid monthly, tod if not so paid promptly, then all such goods sa.net be subjected to increased rates from storage, equal to one half of 'he former rates for the time they may subsequently remain In public store. W. M. MaasDiTu, Secretary of the Treasury. WHISKEY. 1ftfi BARRKLS New Orleans Rsctifid W'his- 1 JJ key, for sale by DsROSSET & BROWN. July 31, 1949. 63-tf. EXTRA CANAL FLOUR TN WHOLE if- Half Bbla. just received. For aale a. by I'cKUSSET & UBOWN. July 31, 1849. . 68-61. RECEIVED PER SCHR. ALARIC. X( BOXES Sicily Lem os ; 'V ?5 do. do. Oranaes. Foisalent J. WILKINSON J-CO'S. July 31. 53. Orrica WiL.dt aleioh R R Co. ) Julu 'ill. I. IQiCI I M'OTICE Is hereby given, that.au election will be 1 hnld nn N.n.r ,.u ik. ... i. . -f - y team Boat Agent, vacated by ih resignation ol Cohn A. Taylor, Esqr. By oider of th- Board Di rectors. JAMES s GREEN. Sec't mi. 4 Ral It. ft . Co July 31. 5l-2l. 9 NOTICE. (PHE Summer "Arrangement'' late existing under lithe firm of SHAW a KKPITON for carrying iu m yuniKH, wh oiHoiTta w me etc last the death of Dr. W m . ShiaW All rumAtta f clalma against, as well is those Indebted to the it firm, wiliplease call on the surviving partner for ljustment. A. PAUL REP1TON. The subscriber will eon:lnn il h lifting nn Mai ,n account, retaining the name and ityle of (July 31, 1849. 6-3t. NOTICE. fOCT. KENNEDY, begs leave to inform the cit- I J iXna Ol W llminrrtnn r that fiavln. - I B f " MeilllJ NIBUO IVUIC asgernonts In Feyetieville, previous to his oon- yt iuvb-o iu hub piace; ue js in nonor bound frutAU them. He will therefore be absent from this .ice until the 15th, of August, when ho will return nn practice nere. Me mey be obliged be absent durlna the full nn mn f,,..i W Or Six dtvs. when he will ir..t thr..,.k u,,.i. .11 V engagements elsewhere, snd will make no more Jit Will COmDcl him him to laava IVlluiln.m. u. liea hie Iriends and ths eltitens generally will ex- Nr 31. 1849- B8.lt. Chronicle and Journal copy it. HOUSES TO RENT. NUMBER of iman thesurburbs the vicinity ha Drv Pond. Inauira of GILBERT POTTER, ily 31, 1849. W-tf pJTCH, Russia, Hockabuck, and Bird rye Dla- Jmr-.'af mm "r WILLIAMS. IN EN and Cotton Osnaburgs. For aale br 1 J. 8 Witt tiug frfr- 67 v CORDED Marseilles, and Manilla Skirts For mILLIAMS. W 67. ! GRAIN STORE. received (000 bushels Coin ; XM 4.. VUt... D..n n... D... m... . unit uiaii, vaiv. i lay, Bgeal,Homony, Horse snd Cow feed. Flour, roveawDT H.L.LI9 ) nilUllbLL. Ulf W. 66. BA V Rum, Lavender, and Cologne Water for aale by J.S.WILLIAMS. Jllly 21. ft: , , ' - . I ti. PINEAPPLES., TEST RECEIVED, at J. WILKINSON &.CO'S. July 29, ,- . . : . 6d SUGAR. -- 2HIIDS. just received per achr. Alarlc i 20 packages Loaf. Crusuad and Powd red ; and 2D boxes Sosp i for aale b - . HOWARD PEDEN. July 28. ... - 6G oats. A LARGE Flat load of SHEAF OAT3r hr sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. July 28. 66 COLORED Marseilles an ill-. For sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. July 23, 67. P If A LOU'S Hair Invlgorator; to prevent baldness and to restore the hair that has fit lien off or be come thin, and to cure effectually scurf, ordandriff. For sa:e by J. S. WILLIAMS. July 28- 67. SPUN COTTON all numbers For sale by J. 8. WILLIAMS. July 28. 61. TO HIRE. AYOUNGf Negro firi, until 1st, January next apply to KOBT. O. KAN KIN. July 26. 66-4t. TAR, SHINGLES AND BOARDS. OA c I! B f. S. T .4 II: 400,000 Cypnls shlrwles. snd Kbit's ibyr) i. i vi-r Wide Boards. For snle by BArlRY, BRYANT A ADAMS. 66 July?'). TflE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE Insurance-company, Continues to Insure lives ataa low - rates as' any otlKr responsible Office. SURI'I.US OVER 800,000. Apply to CASHWELL 4 BLOSSOM. July 24, 1849. 60 GLUE, OP the very best kind, for Distillers use, always on hand, and for sale by CASH WELL & BLOSS6M. July 26. 5H TO RENT, I7ROM IstOctobvr next, llioCooper Sho . W'hurf and Shed, owned by Mrs K. C. jCaldbr. Apply CASl July 20. I WELL & BLOSSOM. 60 DOMESTICS. COTTON YARNS; bale! otjisst ossortcd num bers. COTTON OSNABURGS i heavy and superior goods. 4-1 SHEETINGS all ftora North Car ollna Factories. For sale y K. W. BROWN. July 24. 65-lm. FOR SALE. PACKING YARN FOR STEAM ENGINES of 3 sorts of Hemp CIT NAILS ; Shot, full allotment ; SOAPS ; CoSee, Spices : LOAF and Powdered Sugars ; 'owdered Sugars ; , Woolsey's best. ( R W. BROWN S. July 24. LIVERPOOL SALT. Qtn SACKS ground, full size; 00J 25 ' blown or etoved. Forsale bi R. W. BROWN. July 24. 65-lm. I HAY. A FEW balsa of good Quality, for-sul by CASHWkLL & BLO6S0M. July 24. 64. GLUE. K( BBLS. superior Glue, just received per Ver UUsailles. For sale by BARRV, BRVArJT & ADAMS. July 19. B3. NEW LIGHTER " STEVENST0N." TIIST launched from the Ship Yard, of Mr. Jntjirs J Oassidy.thi'newand suhstaniiallv built Lhrhlor. ailed the '' STl?VENS()N.''-ahn I. firirH nrTl.l, Hatche.. and tarDHiilins. nnH Corn, Rlre or Turpentine. For engagtmenta of Freights please call on. J DAVID BANKS. Wilmington N. C. July 19, U49. 83 if. MACKEREL. 1 C BBLS No. 1 Mackerel, e splendid article. Its For itale to close, by OEO. HARR1SS. Jul) 19- 63-tf. SUNDRIES. NEW ORLEANS Whikey ; NORTH AR"LIA Tallow Candlca ; Sperm CaiiHb s ; Wrapping Paper. ALSO. North :sr.li:ia El iUr barrels, half barrels and bsgs. Expect' d tro. u the interior, at K. W. BROWN'S. Julv2l 65-3w. HAY. BALKS prime qjality. For aale by W. L. SMITH :i. 64. NOTICE. 1(X) July 'PHE O'paMnorahlp late existing under firm of Jl Uabbv. Bbvant oi, Co., was dissolved on the 12th Inst, by the death of Mr. Alfred Brsaat. ALL persons having claims aguinst, us well as thone in debted to the late firm will please call on thj survi ving partner lor ndjustment. ALBERT ADAMS. The subscriber will continim ihn Rn.fne.. nf his latt firm of Baaav, Bsvast 6V Co. on his own ac count, nnder the nameand style of R ARRY, BRY- ni "U1113. A Lb KMT ADAMS. July 17. ii CAUTION. A LL persons are cautioned against purchasing li. miJ.is irom any ot the negroes in my employ as the stvorest panelty of tho law will be enforce d again all ao offending. 1 can identify the MOSS ef myestablishmcnt. end will tske steps to do so, should depredations be hereafter committed. P. OIARD. July 10. 491m. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! 1 000 CASKS fresh Llncolnville Lime, daily 1 JvJJ expected per 8chr. Przarro, and for aale by Wl. M. HARRIS3, Agent. .July 17. 52 DOCTOR B. A. KENNEDY, DENTAL SURGEON, Graduate of tho Baltimore College of DENTAL SURGEONS, BEOS leaVe to tender Ills professional services to the citizens of Wilmington snd public acnerallv. on locatlnc him self in this ulacc. He Is prepared to perform all op erations in his profismiun on the lausat end most ap proved principles. Incorruptible Artificial Teeth in serted on nold plate Yoin one to anentlre set. Whole upper sets inserted in the Atmospheric pressure prin ciple, flavin? made an Improvement In this nrds of incrtlni; teeth, he i-onfidt-ntly recommends itss answering the purpose ol mastlc itinn. They can be .token out and put bouk at pleasure by the wearer, txi worn with comfort, and cannot be detected frcin the natural teeth. Extracting, cleaulng, nnd plucking Ac, dune on s.'icnti'ie nrinciples. All operutlo .s warriinted tn give satisfaction, and mt bo sui passed by any nprratoi in the United States. Irregularities in cmldrens' teeth corrected. L idles atten led a their residences when necessa ry. Office fininerly occupied by Doct. Wors's. May 3, 1949. 21-tl. TO RENT. THAT larRO Brick Dwellinir House, on Market si., now occupied by Mrs. Wdi Possession given on the 1st day of October next. Also, u.t store underneath the above men tioned dwelling, now occupied by Messrs. Pibksoh A Kjsllv. Possession given on the 1st day of Octo ber next. Apply to Da. JOHN D. BELLAMY. Wilmington, N C, Ju y 24, 1849. 66 tf. BUSINESS NOTICE. PHE business heretofore conducted under the 1 firm of U P A R. H. GRANT will be ron- linu.d under the sole management of the subsciibcr. who solicits orders in his line. Particular attention will be paid by him to the umiuitjxion Business. Ail p.-rwMiBiiid.ibtrd to the l ite Arm ir. requested to full n the subscriber, and settle the sarin' by uyh or Note, Aithourdelny. as it isvery esstnti.il limt the former business be brought to ao iiiiiiidi;ite close. . It. H. GRANT. Chronicle ond Journal ropy -1 times. Wilmington, July 20, 1849. 6(4w. trVIYETTEVlLLE 4 4 ShcetinirB for sale by ' J. S. WILLIAMS. July 21. 61. SALT. fliislieh coarni- St. M irtm .S.ilr. For sale by WM. M HARRIS."!, Afl't. KXX) July l'J. BUTTER. JUS I' received by p.icketsiroin New Yoik. For sal by HO.Y'Aitl) & PEUEN. July 19. 5J. TOBACCO. i ) X BOXES Tobacco, v. ry superior. For sale by ZJ HOWARD if- PEDEN. July 19. 53. LAMP OIL. GALONS pure Lamp Oil. For talc by HOWARD & PKDF.N. 150 July 19. 5J. LEMONS AND ORANGES. j tiuXLS Maseim Lemons -, I J 00 '' Sleily Oranges, in prime order and for sale by J . W ILKlNSOiN & O... July 19. . bi- NORTn CAROLINA VINE DRESSER AND IIOIU K ULTURAI MODEL l'llACTIC.VL SCHOOL. ''Construe the times !o their ncc'Sbiii. s, " 'TU pride that nuils the country down.'' TIIK underienec! princiunl of said Si u ..d i n . JL ready to receive applications ioi i'il-", over ! ! years ok), attenj.-d w.tn or without a slave, to Icirn prqoticatty all the manipulations of the Vineyard, the orchard, and hurticultute in frenorul. The pupils will be taught besides nil the prnctical tin.) Sclentiflc details of gripe, and fruit raining i'-c. the art of making wire, nnd of taking care of it at all period:) of ripCninj, til it of drying and preserving, nut uf season, thu fresh fruit lor tho table use ; the knowledge ol soils and localities most advantageous to each plant; cheiinsiry npplied (o aricultuiu in general, and especially to tlie pfepuratiun nnd com position of the propel nunurxa beat suited lo each kind oi suflaod pruduelion. Tliey will learn also, during leisure periods, the common braiirbesof mi English edu-ation as well as the French and Ituli.in languages, in which the best treutlses, on these tubjecis, arc to be found. A geologiciil nnd iiiineralo),'ical cabinet will be formed by the pupils, by brinL'Ina specimens from their rcs- peclive.diirletf', which willoecome a subject of stu dy and of practical knowledge and interest to the pupils. They shall keep a meteorological journal to habituate them to observe the effects of the vicissi tudes of the Atmosphere on vegetation. The principal (las an extensive library for the use of the pupils. When twenty pupils will be pcrramently secured for the space of three Years, which is the time need ful to acquire ibis business, I shall make the nccess sry preparations for their reception on the 1st. of January 18S0. It is desirable that early application" snoulo bo made to enable tho principal to niako am ple preparations fur .the accommodation, of the pu pils. TERMS per year, payable quarterly in advance. 1. To the pupil's board and washing 1170. 2. - To liu i Ion of the pupil bringing a slave, fer all die above branches, and lor the privilege of taking borne, on the expiration of the U. Scholastic year, atock of rooted vines and r-oa raised by the pupil himself 1100 3d. The pupil, that has no lavo at the School shall pay for, the above tuition fc. 1160. tth. The boatd of tlui slave. J. TOQNO, Principal REFERENCES. The Hon. John M. Clayton, " 11 James M. Mason, " " Oflorga E. Badger, " " Richard Barton . Virginia. David Barton, Eao. do Oov. Charlea Manly, Ex-Gov. Swain, President of the II. of N. C. Professor Mitchell, Chapel Hill. (Jen. MacRea, 1 Dr. Thomae Wright, i Wilmington. Rev. Dr. Drane. $ Wilmington, July 7, 1749. 48-tf. LOOK HERE. A FEW MORE CUSTOMERS WANTED : Thn Subscriber la fur nishing MILK for one ahllllog per Quart. Persons wishing ean nave it left at their Houses Morning and Evening. WM. BLANEY. 61-lro. July 14,1819. WOODEN WARE AiD BROOMS. 6 DOZEN Corn Brooms, 6 " painted FaUa, 4 Neat Cedar Tuba, I dosen Wash Boards. 6 " setts measures. I " Cocoa Dippers, Clothes Pm, Axe Handles. PoiatoeMaahefS, tu ,4c. Korsa'ebv V HOWARD tfc FED EN. July 19. ;. 57 If STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. BRUNSWICK COUNTY. Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, June Term, '49. William Lllcs. Administrator of Arthur Benton, Sr. N Petition for sale of n. Kcal Estate. Job Benton and oth ers, heirs at luw, of Arthur Benton Sr. TTappearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J. William I.ovell and wife Kiasey, two of the do fen dantainthis case, reside beyoni the limits of this State and that publication has not been heretofore made for thorn ; It is ordered thatpublicetlon be imw made tn on of the newspapers pi.t lUhrd In the Town of Wilmington. tor the space of six weeks, no tifying snid defendants to sppear at the next Term of this Court, to beholden at the Court House in Smnh vllle on the first Monday in September next, then and there to inawrr PluintlrTs petition, or th same will bo hiiiid ex parte, end judgment taken pro confesso s to them. Witness, SAM'L LNODON, Clerk. July 21. 64-flt-law. DIAPER nnd Damnsk Table Linens, various dualities, for sale by J.S.WILLIAMS. July 21. 64. HOMEOPATHIC CHOCOLATE. FOR SALE, AT J. WILKINSON 4 Co'a. 63. July U. DECLARATIONS. OPIES of Declarations, which will be printed ' r, nnlMr. nrAnitr.il hv Hialinffnliihil Jliriat oA North Carolina, are received at the (Commercial ficc, embracing the following particulars : Trespass; Win ne Profits ; IVcJnratlon in Fject mont, with four demises; Replication In debt on Uond ; In Assumsit Replication ; Picas by Execu tor in Assumsit ; In debt Plea Nonest Factum and nil I) -bit j Pleas in Detcnuc; PI easin debt on Bond Declaration in debt on Bond by Executor; Picas In Tii-spusa; Pleas in Case oi Trover ; Pleas in As pumMt Ploos in debt on (,'onslubli' Bond , De elnr.i;ion in Case for Deceit ; Declaration in l.etin ii. ; I'luas in Replevin fr slaves; Replicu'lon In Krdivin for Slaves; Declaration in Replevin for Slaves, wh' re the Slaves have b.en Replevied and a-deliveied lo Ptaintills ; Declaration in Replevin, wher tho Slaves remain in Defendant's possrnslnn ; Pleas in action for Assault and Battery; Derlarn lions - AssuJlt and Buttery; Declarations in 'tro ver; Declarations of AssumpHit ; Declaration A mimpit vs. Executor ; Declaration In debt against maker and indorser of a single bond ; Kjectmenl Drciaralion on single Demise; Declaration in Tres pass; Declaration in debt on Constable's Bond-; Def eluratlotilo Assumpsit by Executor ; Declaration o Assunipsit, A ; Declarations of Assumpsit, C ; De clirniiDiTS in debt, D. Uilinincton. 23 if. OIL CLOTHS, for Floors, For sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Ju!y2:. 54. M OSCHETO Nettings for snle by J.S. VM I.LI A MS. 54. July 21. PROSPECTL'h OP T1IK 32L OLT MVL CUD AC a WILMINGTON', NORTH CAROLINA. '; u!lius nddictns jurorc in vfrlm-mnisfri, Qua in c csnfiae riipil tempestas; defcrar hoRprs " TH F. subscriber decinns to commence aljont the I st of November next, in (lie town of Wilmington, North Carolina, the publication of a Semi-Weekly Newspaper, to bo called the Aurora. HI lira ta to ciuau a papev worthy of the grow-' nc tortunn of thai enterniirtne community. The 1 plan differs materially from that ol any now publish ed tneie, orcven in the state, r irst : H will be more literary in its coaracter. Secondly : Owlnp no allegiance to any party or sect of politicians, :s political discussions will be impartial and candid. 'I'he snbticribcr ventures to presume thot his po litical opinions are sufficiently known to render any declaration oi incin unneccss.iry. Hiving advoca ted the election of Jencnl Taylor t the Presidency, lie is disposi d lo civi ;n bin administration a fair tri (iiiiiineudinv when he can, but cetieuiing wh he must. Tti- co-ivncrcial department of the Aurora will be attended to by some gentleman more competent in that line than the subscriber The Aurora will he printed with a press and types entirely new, and in tlie neatest manner. Its atze will bo aboui that of the Daily New York Herald. Terms : Four dollars a year, or two dollar for six months. Supscripiions will be due one month after the issue nf the tirst number. "Postmasicrs sending eight subscribers, whose res ponsibility they will guoruntfc, will receive I lie Au rora 1 year gratis. All communicailons should be addressed to the subscriber at Pactolus Pot Office, Pitt county, N. Carolina, until the firsvof October next: after that dote at Wilmington. HENRY I. TOOLE. May 26,1849. B3-Ct. THE SOUTHERN METHODIST-PULPIT. MONTHLY ORIGINAL J 384 Pages in the Volume. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. WE beg leave to Invito attention to the follow inc features : I. At least XII Original Sermons ere given lu chers ot the various Southern Conferences. 1. At least XII Portraits, of distinguished Ministers B"W living at tho South. These will be superior wood-cuts 3. Feu and Ink Sketches, of distinguished Prea chers, containing biographical and descriptive mat ier, anecuoies, ore. 4. itellgtous aud Literary Intelligence, and Essays on subjects of Interest to Southern Metho dists will enhance the value of the work. 5. The whole Volume is completed In 12 numbers, each conuing 32 octavo pages end neatly covered. The Second Volume will begin with the Ju ly Number. The work la recommended by the BISHOP, all the PerledicaU, aud eight f the Conference ofthe Church. TERMS : ONLY 1 OO A YEAR! But in variably in advance. ' Wt mutt nbt requuUd to denote from thi rule. Six Coplea will be seut for S. All remittances meat a Post paid. We offer the fallowing PREMIUMS. 1. Any person Bonding ua uici-i6rj a,nd 91) will be entitled to a copy of the "Cyclopedia tfRcle giowi Anecdotes? a new work, the most adinirabl ofthe kind extant, 900 pages 8vo., aad bound In cloth r sheep. The low at New York retail price le li, Kvery preacher and every head of a fami ly should have a copy. 2. Aay person aeoding sa ten aubtcrtbtn and 10. wig be entitled to a portrait of Bishop Aabury, or of Bishop McKeodree, a he may cnio:. a. i now wno eeoa ua id fuaacnocr iuti Ua will be entitled to both portraits. They are steel engravings, nine and three-elghte by eleven arid a ipj ir'cr inches, printed On superfine psper seven teen by twenty four inches. These superb engra vings cost S3 In Philadelphia. - To avoid mlaukea of asaUtnf, die. dsc.. we ahoald bo pleased, to haw ths aubacxtptlons before the 15th of June. We keep no accounjs: the work U too cheap to allow It. Let namea and money come to gtl'ier. Address pyttihiid. CHARLES P. DEEMS. Nawbern, X. C. N. B. Subscription with money, may also be tfM to the Editor ofthe Commercial, Wilmington, N April 19-15-tf. N. V. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. WE have Just received the following artklea, by the varlona Packets, which ws offer fur sale at low prlcee for cash. High Post, Sacking Bottom Bedsteads j Low M . High Post Slat " " Low .! Field Bedsteads Swivel office chairs Double and aingle Cots i Meat and Milk Safes, large eUf ; Cheap Bureaus I Windsor cnelrai Cane Seat I Rush - Cribs and CraeHeti i Pump Shower Baths i ond vririom other articles U tedious to enuinerate. making in all a large, snd ' well stHted Stock, of ornanirntal and useful Koml : lure, which housekeepers are respectfully rrtmisted j to call and examine, whether thwy wish to p irehsse : or not. a. & w. a. aw v kr. j July 7. 1849. 48. STILL AND TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. 1 STILL and Fixtures, complete, in good order and now ready for use, situated near Lockwood's Kelly Rlvcr. ALSO: , 1,600 acres Turpentine Land, situated near Leek wood's Polly, end well known aa the Mason tract Terms liberal. For sale by ROBT. O. RANKIN. The above property, If not sold previous to Tues day, the 4th Seritember next, Mag the second dsy of Brunswick Count v Court, will then be sold at Pub lic Auction, at bimthville, without reserve, to the highest bidder, on a credit for the Still of 3, (, It and 12 months ; nn.l for the Lund a credit of 3, 6, 9, l'J, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months, for approved notes, with aatisfactory security, 'I'he 4 latter notes bearing In terest from date. R. (i. RANKIN, Autl. WIIminion, July 10, H4'J. 49-n. KAVETTEHLLE KMH R. BBLS. Super Fine, snd X. For sale by MARTIN A CRONLV. 30 July II, 134!). 6l-6t. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. tf f In fine onler, Ul store and to arrive Ap OUKJ ply to fJFO. 1IARRIS.S. July 19. 5). ELDORADO TOBACCO. ALL that have tried il, admit that it Is the vury be. article. For lule at J. W ILK1NSON & (Vs ti. July 19. FAMILY FLOUR. A r HIU.S. n.l 20 Inlf harn U, Fxtro Canal fcLFloTjr. Just received arid for sale by J. A D. MclOF.. July 19. 5S. GLUE. A i BBLS. oi a very Superior cjuality, jii.-i Re ci.ieJ .r i.ilo 'in ConKisjiiment by JEFFREV3 if- LF.KJHTO.Y Junel?. 3-i. CONGRESS WATER. 1 O DU. Congress Watvr, just from tho Sprln;, 1 O full .is. sq.I pinu, at reduced piices ; any per son wishing a treatise on the niedicinol Iironetica with an analysts Ac. of this Hprlnr, csn be aupplle I sratla, bf A. u. k.v .na, for vnarK ai Uo, July IU. 49. PATENT MEDICINES UST received C .io7.cn Sands Sutsnparilla ; also, Old ond Voting Towtisemls do. lidoii. Mwsynes Syrup of Wild C'horry j " Vurmlfutfc i 1? " D. O I SIlOl " li " German Hitlers; 4 Epin.', .Sarsap ami Uucens delight, for sain ot usual prices, by A. C. EVANS & B.IO. Also, Bernard's Cholera Reiiiedy.just lo hand. July 10. " 49 COTTON YARN. I N BALES No 4, 5. 6, 7, and-assortcd from No. 1.7,42. For sale by , MARTIN & CRONLV. July 11.1319. 6i.6t. FOR LEASE OR RENT. THE subscriber oiTera ilij ficnoinmcwtftflna .AmM , l. . I. . .id . , " inc rai(js i.irce story '!i brick icncTni.nl .in,... ,i. rioniunu ninraiii oireeis, containing l Rooms, and every convenience necesmry for a large Boarding House, In- ludlng a Cistern of 400 bbls. eapeeity. Possesion gjven on or before tl.e let Oct. next. M. LONDON. If not previously disposrd of, the premises; will be exposed at public auction on lat Oct. 1849. July 12. B0.tr. r,. ...,. . . CANDY! CANDY!! Kflfl LBS- received this day. For sale by OVfKJ j. WILKINSON dr. Co. July 19. 53. LIME! LIME!! fA CASKS of superior Philadelphia now jn JJ sroep. Apply to GEO. I1ARR1SS. Jnly 19. S3. VALUABLE LOTS. THE ubscriber offers for sale, those pleasantly situated. Valuable Lots, under enclosure, on North side of Market Street, Fast of Well s Car riage manufactory. There la one corner Lot, 00 feet front by 330 hat rear, on which is in progress fo erection a large frame Building; another Lot, adjoining oa an Alloy. 65 by 330 feet ; slso a rear Lot on wbJek la a email building. The shove prop, erty Is offered all together or in parcels. The mott desirable and roomy situation in the town. The person auperiatendlng the Building, will come upon erma with the purchaser to finich if desired. L. A HART, for S.P. POLLET. July 17. Igw-4 NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore existing ucdtr the nam tad firm of HARR1SS A DRAKE, la this day dissolved by the junior partner, Mr. E. K. Daaas having assented himself to CslifornU, with o4' a mutual understanding. Tae aaslaeaa will be settled by ths subscriber as speedily as possible, at the old stand, WM. M. HARRIS July 17. 52 PORK AND BACON. 0 BBLS.alesaPorki vw 6 hhda. prinja Bacon SuonJdcta: For tale by GSO. HARRJS43. May 10. 14- tf. LLVSEED OIL BBLS. for safe b ' ' - : ? - tVUX U. LATTA. June J. 36. 1H ArWlCIOARSaseorttiJ brand and r Jl yJJKjyj eyaliiy. For sale vfy low by )WAKD a feden. I June 3S TAILORING! THE subscriber has resumed hie bminess In Wll nilngion, snd will carry on the TAILOrtINO BUSINEiJtl in all Its yanons branches. He Is in possessina of all the latest styles, and from his poet experience In the business he feels satisfied ttaic he can please the taste of the most fa.tMlotts. A trUl 1 all that he asks Rr convince tile most steptieal. He guarantees all work mat hi" doct o fit, and to be made in a uwkmait-likt manner. S R. UOBBrNl. May 15, 13 JR. 26-tf. N. C. COTTON YARN Si SHEETING IORSuleby JEFFREYS A LEIOHTOPL une 19th, 1349. ii. A CHALLENGE ! THEsubnerUxT efTere lt ! fiOO letO0. (Tt. 00 to 4C0, (hat the Pilot 0o R. B. POT TER, can beat th AN E. BEKUV.bolft by Mr Benjamin Berry, of W liming ton. Th subscriber re quires odays' notice If in thi State, and 10 days if out of It. Tlie race to be outside rh Bar. Any per sons wishing' to take up the beta ean leave their names at 'J Commercial (Mc. . . w. St. pottett. May 10. ' 24-lf. THE CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. ; . HMIOSF. who have read Mr.-PoTTsa'a Chalierge 1 lor a H ace, wlOi the Pilot Boat ANN 1 IU'.KKY, would naturally suppose the boat which propobus t . sail against her was nearly the Sam stxej and cap .city; but on the contrary, his boat, lbs R. B POTTER, is Sar.nty One Tons, while the tonnage rrf the ANN E BEERY is ,ut forty Sine 7Vn. tjivintf Mr. PoTTua's boot atmdvuntagc of TViy lie a Tone. Willi tills advantage, the large bout ought to beat nintty-nine limes out ot one hundred, thotiKh not so good a model. 1 wtll tnk either ol Mr. HoTrra's bets, and sail my boat sgainM-hls, sx--ciir.irng to the rnies of boat racing in New V'ork. I would iiamu JSnuth vili" as th. starting point. Thence lo sea to the point which shall be agrees up on and bxek to Smiiliville. I:. W. IIF.F.RV, At No. 5 Mill. May 17, 134 J. 27-tt. ) IMPORTED CROCKERY. Of") CRATES ENGLISH CROt'KERrV, ear--OV. fully scJhcUiI expressly for 'hi market, dully expected per "Ararat" direct from Liverpool, cscft crate containing a fuil assortment of diirsrenl quali ties from fine to common, consisting. f Platos, Dish es, BowIh, Miijs, Ewers and Hasina, Bakers Dish es, Twitllers. 5oup Tureens, London Ten Cups and Saucers, Muffin Dishes, Sauco and Salad Dishes, Trays, Jugs. Milk Bowls, Teapots, Cream Jcjrs, Ac . 'ic. For sale on accomiiiodatii),; 'crti, j, in lots to suit purchases by J ,f. D. McRAE. June 16. u. SCOTT'S PATENT REFRIGER ATORS. I HAVE Tcceivtd the Agency (tr the above r.t w ana useful artWks, and wl I receive and foiward ordots. For further inf. rm.itij-i, apply IS ROBT. f RANKIN, A -err May 23. x.xf. HOUR. 70 BAttREL-S, iual received' pi r ifcnrlc'IM, of I O iif.irted branJt, nnd for nlw by J. HATHAfV AY A SOX. June 13, Is 19. 41 CUBA MOLASSES. HlfD. prime rcmlllnf Molarsrtr, no.v UvJlanding frofa- Brig Annawon, for aale by J. HATHAWAV A SON May, 2d, 1349. , 21.. WHISKEY. OfaO BBLS. New Orleans Rectified Whreiey, CJJ landing per chr. Old Zach. Fur sale by derossf.t & npow:. May 31, 1649. 3ltf. REFRIGERATORS! REFRIGERA TORS!! THEwaytbpreeerw yrwr meanv, Is Sy baying and using REFRIGERATORS, several of which, are fur sale st the N. Y. Furniture Ware- nouee. By o. 4 W. K. CTWTffa J one zy 4t. MOLASSES. a flHDS. Prime retelling Molarics'jngt n'eelved and for sale by J. HATHAWA'i' 4 SON. July 7. k TAX LllTS. haVi I HAVE been appointed to receive tlie taBttsfor lllr ili.lricl nf VVilminot.A mnA miU ii.l d.- nunc during the last 2U workiat daya hxihtsmootii. T can hn found t the office' of the vVHMbfgftfo, and Kaleigh Rail Boas) Cernipewe. ' i V-' - S. D. WALLA Cat, J. P, Ju!y3. 1519. 47-lru. Journal v. HI py tiff 1st. Aojlnt. SECRETARY, BIREAl S AND BOOK CASES. . LL combined in one beautiful and ornamental piece of Fiirniinre suitable for the P.rlor or LJ brsiy Tor snle at the New YorS FurnfrHnr Wart nonse. O. a W. A. QWVER. June 31. a FAYETTEVILLE FL0LR. FL( BBL8. Sup., just recelvej and for snle by A J. HATHAWAY A SON July 10. 4'J PORK AND BACON. rrl HUDX. Weetiro Sides, Shoulders, aud Haais, JU 60 bbla Mess Pork, 300 Baltimore Onvasud Slmgldeis, all in splendid order. J6t received, fur aalcby DcROSSET A BROWN. May 31 53 If SPIRITS TLRPENTLNE BARRELS. QAA LARQE tii, perfaclly aeasocud, a -id war 6JJ noted to hold. If protijly g'u.d For ni. A. II. VAJiBOKITELIN Jly H. il ''- at'

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