THE COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON, if,; o. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. If If. HOSPITAL' SURG EON. Mr. MoirH Jomki, Collector ovinia port in 1S45, removed Dr. A. J. DeRosset from the post of Hospital Surgeon, and appointed Dr. Dtwt. So our good neighbors of the Journal may look a little behind the "Heroic Age," for incidents of this sort. STEAMER VANDERBILT. The Stcamor V'anderbili, Op:. Marshall, left this port on the 19th insl. at 5 o'clock, ,1'. M., wind N. K. Crossed Cape Fear Bir ut 7 nnd 35 minutes and at )(. then about 50 miles S. VV. Irotn Cape Fcar Liht House, the gale cann on. The Stentw i , was scudded before the gale, until 0 A M. lOih, when it ws Ihotight unsafe to run nay longer; the sen had boarded her several times abaft th Who Is, do ing some damage to the saloon. She. was llti n hove to, head to ind und sea, and lay in that position till 12 and 35 mitiutes P. M.. w'hen the gale lulled for moment. She was then wore off bolorc thovind and. run for Charleston, whero she arrived ol 5 P. M. Capt. Mabshall was til lbs' Wocl 13 hours nnd a half, without nourishment, and( const quently suf fered much lioift fatigue It wall some time alter liis arrival in Charleston beforasho recovered from the effects of this exposure, suffieienily to uti nd 1 1 Ins daiies, Thefirst mite, Mr.JiHN Mahsm ml, son it the Captain, arid the MyoM mate, stod iiian.ulfjr up to their duties durlntho "trying scene through which they had to pass, as aid also th ' Unci f.ngi rieer, Mr. Asa Easton, end his Assistant. TORMDO. The Ownneaut, I'ennnylvnnian Reporter, uivesan account of a tornado, which occurred on 'I'liuWil iy week, and by which great damage was done. lis approach was across the lake ; ami it raised u waier pout, wJUali, on elTikmg llio siiore, irftew tnrrrnis Of water upon the farnn neir m han.l, det'ioyin crops, and creating great d.itnage. Kvuy thing within range of ihe loriudo was I. u l!cd, and in llie village of Conneaut vciy extensive injury was in fliclcd upon the build. ins. A hail storm broke ihou ands of panes of gi-ss, mi l ilie rourvc of the torna do, after It pas.-o.d east of the vill.ig:', was marked' entire desolation ; building were overthrown, or unroofed, barns and bheds Ujjcd from iheir places an.l destroycd,-fVlole acres of forest trees npro-ted, and" largr, soum irt, two and ihrefl feci in diameter, twisted oil' and blown a considerable distance. Ths Injury d me was very creat, as the tornado extend d In a direction east of Conneaut, a (!fstanr,''ot -some ten miles. 'J01UO. ll is expected that the same difficulties which oc curred last year, w ill be again enacuid m the Ohio LegtsIfUurc, If Ihe democrats and free soilers should auccisedjin obtaining any thinn approaching to a mn jorilyof the moinbcrs. T(i6 sameurbuhnt spirit is in the field -the Vhigs'adherlng tivthe law and their opponents setting it at defiance. MIXKSOTA. The Legislature of Minesota met ai St. Paul, on the 4th of trio present monih, and both the Council and House of Delegates organized, the latter by elect ing WlUiam Furber. Speaker, and W. D. Phillips, Chief CJcrk, and the former b) choosing Mr. Olm stead, President and Joseph R. Brown, Sccretaiy. -Col. James M. Goodhue, the editor aud proprietor of the Minesota Pioneer, was chosen territorial primer. The progress ofliliuosota is rapidly onward. LAW OF RAIL ROADS. A conductor on tho Camden ami Amljoy Railroad lately expelled a passenger from the cars, because he would not pay the tnrc demanded. The person ex pelled brought suil. and it was decided that the Com pany was justified in its action. Till-. 1 1 A i I I A I.MIIKl. ! TheTirst Proclamation ol Soli.u.nie, Emperor of' naytl, has made its appearance, dat- d the 2l-ih of last mon'h. Wc hove no room for it to-day, but will publish il on Tuesday. All matters relative to his Imperial Majesty will be very mieiesiing especially to the sristocraJic portion of mankind. " Till-. DE-VF ML TE." A handsome Uuarlo sheet, under the sbow title is issued from the Norili Carolina lns'itul'nn for th) ducatiun ol ihe Deaf and DiMt), as we see from the first number now before us. Ii is prone. I semi niunlh'.y, at tl per year, and its main object U to di: fusc information on ihe subject .: D af .Mutes aod Blind instruction. , " BLACK MAIL." BrrTT of the Herald h is been called upon to subscribe (10, to pay the expenses of an election eering campaign In favor of the persons in authority in the city of Nrnv York. He is very indignant at this call, and gives details of extmvaganre on Ihe psrt of the rity oaihoniio, transcending any thing of the kind in thi country. It these statements ure correct, hi is rijjhl in opponing them w hig or no whig. But it n amusing to h. ar BaNNarT ci ndemn the levying of " Klsck Mail." Unless he is very much traduced, no man ever carried this system lo so great an extent, or enforced it with such scandal ous Injustice. Bixhett and Bluck Mail hi been considered synonymous. THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE. The dismissal of thc French Ministi r by our tin vcrnmcnt has created some excitement throughout rial majesty of Hayll. It would bean lU'lecorcu ( dignUy and so ignorant of the interests of Us marine thecounlry. Thc dilTicully arose as far l.ncn as May , wi.lnli.inol mistocralic usages, lo peas by one ol nrr, as il has shown Usef tobt in this transaction." Icsl, since which time our G ivernimnt has hid no bis hitch, rank, without giving hiut a call. Perhaps, When this letter was laid before the French gov ofnclal intercourse with M. Pui ismn, ih Fr. nch i her majesty muy biing his imperial majesty along ; ernn,oni M. deTocaueville, the French Minister of Minlster. The trouble was supposed i , b.i c arisen from the appointment of Mr. Rtvr.s v.s m.msirr to France; but ai his appointment was ihi sequent to I lie suspension of intercourse, this mu he a mista ken notion. We see nothing satisfactory in the ir(.',1FU.fon pa pers relative to this subject; but ss the editor of the Cnton doc not assert the erteicnri- of a difficulty, th report, which come through tliTorre-pondence f ths BMmort Sun, snd other papers, may be true. It I said that Mr. Pousetn wrois s discourteous note to the Secretary of Stale, but subsequently withdrew it, when it Impropriety wan unomcislly pointed out lo him. But it appear that he repeal, d the ofTeDCO, when he had occasion to write again on the iih4 subject. Whal w the subjrrt no one ire nit to know U lv reported hat the correspondenie will ntrt be made public, till laid before Congres at Ui moxl fricm. ' -" . Bom of cur writers art beginning to swsgger pretty conHldornhly ovr this event. Tlisrsty nlk about a "nation of frccmtm.'Vthat will not fefook insult, and. tht question of V who's afraid" is implied in mcaT lines of ths Washington Correspondents. U thei whole' mutter Is true, -tare we no causa for any considerable bluster about It. If our diplomat Intercourse should cease with the French Republic, tin! t' iibolur relationship will be retained, and com merce (jo on as usual, unless sonic mote hostile de monslraiions are made by one or the olhcfof the panies. Diplomaii&equahblc of this sort are by mo means new in the history of our country, but their existence Has never been the primary cause of n nn tfonal quarrel. All that can be said uboul die matter 4a, thnt4ha United Stotesond France "don't visit ;' an, occurrence that may happen politically as well as socially, without a fiht. NAVAL OFFICER. Mr. James G. Ghui-.n is appointed Naval Officer of this port, in place of CoI.'Jamiu T. Millkh, re moved. FATAL AFFRAY. The M dtlon Herald, of Thursday, says : We Irani thittu fatal nilVay occutn-d m Halifax, on Sal. urday night la?!, bclwccn Jacob, ti slave belonging to the estate of A. A. Austin, ilec'd., Sluidc, u slave belonging lo Mrs. Eppcs and Bray, a slave belon ging to Geo W. B.irns, Esq., in which llidlaller re ceived several severe wound, of which hi) subse quently dicd. The particulars w, have not heard. 1 STORM. A northeaster commenced hero on Tflcfcduyvcn, in, and continued, with rum, until Thirsdav noon ' with Considerable violence. . Wo hear of no material damage- in (his section, by this periodical visile-. Some few trutp were blown down, and others a little .luinturod. m THE TAILORS' STRIKE. Tbe "urike," which occurred a short lime among the T.ijlorg in Boston, htis resulted in no hm- ( fit to them or urni to their employers It has thrown abut d:irnT;inplrifment into the hands of nee- dle-wi.inrn, who are futind quito competent t' do the work, ami content wiikv the wages which ii I lilK'S. ' 1 10 RRIJi MURDER. About flic 3d iiut, ut Palestine Grove, Leo county, Illinois, a young girl named S dina Montgomery, a;-id filteen years, who was tmpposedto have some knowledge of the movements of a ganj of horse ihieve.s, was nmidi-isd, by being atruek by a heavy club. The body w as thrown into the creek. A man numed Samuel Perkins, who, it is supposed, was him! to secrete the body, when an ell'jrl was made 10 arrest him, bbw his brains out with his musket - LANGUAGES. There are three thousand six hundred and sixty- four know n Innguages now used in the world. Of these, nine hundred ond (liif ly-sevun aru Asiatic ;, five hundred und cilily-seven European ; two hun dred and seventy-six African; and one thousand six hundred and twenty fuur American dialect. Kxplusion of Gunpowder and Dcatli. Tlie Ludluw Star reports a tanific xplosion of a powder house near Ludlow, Vt., on the 9th, by which two Irish Loys, who were at play ne;ir r, were kill ed. The boys, il is said, were playing with some loose powder, which they thoughtlessly scattered over the ground, near the powder house, and set ha lo. Tins communicated Willi the powder within the house and caused a terrific explosion. CANADIAN DIFFICULTY. The steamboat Franklin, plying between Detroit and abou, (otty mjici from Egmont Light-House, Flori- centrol portion, the bottom is quite flat, running up Staut Ste. Marie, was seized on the Ulh inst. on the n, killinp instantly thirteen persons, and scalding sharp to either end, and thus imparting gr at buoy other side' ol the River, by tho Canadian authorities, severely thirteen others four of whom died shortly oncy to ihe ship in which respect the Ohio dilli rs loraviolationoftherivenuelaws. Theconiplnint was i afterwards. The others, nine In number, were la- materially from English vessels, which uniformly ( that the Franklin had"bcen in the habit of landing i at Ryund Island, supplies for persons residing on1 the Islands, acknowledged to belong to Cunado, in j the vicinity ol the mouth of St. Mary River. Round ( Island, i:i the Strail of St. Mary, is said to be Ame- ( rican6,(l. anUi uf course, Americans have a right lo land goods there; ifjUcy arc carrirj from thence I uin JaCl)b 5;mith) pilot ; Jnme Studley, sailing-mas-into British territory by British subjects the fault is I(,r theirs, not ours. Caplain Wilson also states that all the cargo . . COALITION REPUDIATED. The Editor of the Union affects lo repudiate llie late union of ihe two wings of Ihe Demoerulic par ty, viz; ihe Hflnkers ami Freesoilers. He is will ing lor ihem to unite on tho "'old plulform." without any Intel polat ion ol freesoilism WsalluU see, when the spoils appear less in pcrsp 'dive, whether Mr. RncHii w ;ll jtiek to his pos lion or not. We guess lie will go for ;hc spoils, (reesoil or oiheiwiea. P.IRGI.ARY. Several aitrmpts ol robbery wire made In the ' neighborhood of thi Exchange, New York, on Sa- i lurday night last. The offices of Messrs. Cameron! 4-Whitehouse, Conning &. Co. F.lisha Kiies, Math- ! ew Morgan, Del, annvy. Islien At ( Inrk, City Insu I ranee Company, Mutual Safety Company. Mr. Nel- son, 4c, were entend and thoroughly overhauled. j The enterprising visiters look nothing by their ven j lure excepting a lew cigars and some champagne. They left a note on the desk of Messrs. Cameron A Wliilthouse, sitting thai their safo was a difficult one I lo open, and requested ihem to leave directions for that purpose . QUEEN 1CTORI . ' It is said that the British Queen will shortly visit i her American dominions, and that preparations for her receplion are making in Canada. Her nujesly can do neither more nor leas Ihin call on hi I m f - with her. This would be a sublime spectacle -rather a "pair of spectacles." MAINE ELECTION: Pobtias'd Sept, I7th 1849. From the return thus far received, there Is no ch Ire l r Governor. In Ihe Senate the Whigs will probably hove a majority. Ths House isDetnoerat ir, by a small majority. CHOLERA AT THK EASTv. -Bostoh, Sept. 17th P. M. Ths cbojera continues to rage at Bangor, and on Friday 11 10 deaths occurred. Since the disease first mad iu appearaaee leer have been 112 death At a French eeiUemem Dear Bradby, M., oat of 28 peraph,7 died In one day. Those who were spared immediately l0fi tlie pllc,c, nd ihe setilemeoi m now broken up, x , At Old Town sevstal Indians bars JlUafkUms totVdi.e.e - Chaslis VY. HoiDfir, proprietor of "Holden's Magazine, apd a write; of soma popularity, dlod In California, of Mllouj dyeeotary, on the 13th June, ' . ' , From tli Raltlgh Register. THE RAIL ROAD. ' For some time past, we have had but little to sny In connexion with the Central Rail Road partly, because other matters have engrossed our considera tion, but mainly, because, considering the proper na son for argument over, we Were willing to await the populaVdevclopmrnts in its favor. We have the most gralifylngiiitelligencc from the We; in reference to the eaccessof this great work. So fur, we under- - l rt it '. r . . 1. 1 .u , u 7 T 8 luu win naBn, nave uonu nooiy in llie WBV Ol 1 , , , " ', 1 subscnplionsi and we trust that the friends nf l ie ; caupe may continue fo M) more and more successful, , ' , . " '! until an amount is obtairU-d, sufficient, with that to be Wuke, Johnston and Wayne, to guaranlc eits success Ve very much feur, howcv-; cr, from what we hear itM see about us, and we are j ashamed to confess ir) that, although the moststren- I nous and unwearied efforts huve been, and are being j T.,l j iir ... made, in this City, through the agency of lbs Inter nal Improvement Association especially, to obtain at least 11 respectable subscription, we shall fall short of that which the magnitude and importance of the en lerprise demand el our hands. From every indication bearing upon the subject, we have rnme to the conclusion that the Road will he built, even though we should be humilialing'y compelled to seek foreign aid. We have no fears for the West they will furnish their quota of the requir- erUamounl, without fuikre or faltering. It Is need- lesl to say that we should be more than gratified, if ; whos0 weiglu js ab(Ul 200 lon9cost 850)00. Ralsigh and the County of Wake will subscribe their , Wj() a vjew w obvla(c h (lifflcuIli heretofore cx just. proportion to this great project, which Is lo ad- j k d bv f our pninu, by tho workinlj 0f vance'iheir interests In so pre-eminent a degree. Yet, if, by any possibility, we shall come short of what rightfully devolves upon uu, let not our West- 'rn friends be discouraged on that account. We j 'he best e can, and leave ihe rest lo luck. Conceiving the apathy and apparent indisposition I 10 move la Ihe matter, upon the part of most of our I neighbors, lo be a mistaken policy, we shall have a i few words lo say, in our next, as to the vital interest ! that Raleigh especially hasin Ihe construction of the ! Central Rood. IIAYTI. i'liiLAnEtPiiiA, Sept. 18. Wc have advice Iroin Pon uu prince to the 28th nil , which stute bat on the 2dth the Senate and Chamber resolved to abrogate Ihe Republic of Hayti, ant proclaimed Soulouqpe Emperor. ' - - 1 ' Captain and Five of the I'rtiv of a Whaler ; Drowiu'd. Roton, Sept. 17lh--P. M. J Letters have been received from the whaling bark' j Javet, of Wcstporl, slating that Capt. Hasmer and a ' ' boat's criw of five were carried down and drowned, by Ihe boai-hne getting foul while a n hale was nt- I.iehed. - From the N. O. Delta. Kxplosion of the Towboat M.ry KlliBsland. Mcvetecii uvea iosii several I'crsons Dangerously Wounded t I , It turns out, unfortunately, that the explosion of . j the steonur Mary Kingilnml was much more serl- I ous much more fatal, than first reports led us lo an ticipnte. - ! We learn from Capt. Wilson, of Ihe schr. Jno. T. j Sprague, which vessel arrived on wednesdsy night ' I last, ai the New Basin, from Tampa Bay, where he ; j left on Ihe evening of the 8th inst., that the steamar Mary Kingland burst two of her larboard boilers, ken t0 ,ne hospital at Tampa Bay. The r0i,wing are the nsmes of the persons killed, M fa, a, w, could leurn them: Charles Adams, mate . Mc .iunnigu-, firstengineerj W. Holmes, (;can(i engjncer The following persons received no jnurv . (;;1piuin James Jf. Whann, master; Cap- i consisting of horses, mules, wagons, and other Gov I crnment freight was thrown overbosrd, and the j boat also received considerable damage. At the I lime the accident ouccurred, the engine woe work I ing slowly, and the pilot was making his sounJin(,'s, In work his UIV IH. : Th i:i,.,l smi... nmneller Ashland, from this i port, arrived atTampa Bay on the 4th insL from tlie llultimorc Sun. Washington, Sept. 19-9 P. M. The French Diplomatic Rupture. Official Statement Furthcoming Tht (Jffennvt lan guage of M. I'ouitinAHion of Prtndtni Tay lor, Slc. The Washington Republic of to-morrow morning will, I undcrstsnd, contain an official statement, em bracing obout two column of correspondence, fully coroborating the facis as staled by your Washing ton correspondents, relative to ihe difficulty with the French Minister. The Intelligencer will also contain a brief editori al, giving no particulars, but rather of an explanato- ry character, with a view to quiet the public mind. i j, ,la,t.g tr,at no serious disturbance of the amicable relations of the two countries Is anticipated, The offensive words In M, Poussin's letter are Mjj i0 be aa follows : " lam sorry to find that tht American government is to utterly itutnsibU to ths t-'oreign Affairs, addressed a nolo to Mr. Rush, ay- i Ina : 7 he trench frjeculire taw no occasion lor Ut actum," nd that " there had been unnecessary re crimination and marked faultt on boOi tides." Thu ecking to divide the responsibility and directly In culpate our government. On the receipt of this Hole ihe President immedi ately directed that no further lntcrcoimo be held with M. PouMin, ind that hitpasiportt be made out and placed at hi diapotal. He also instructed the Secretary of Slate to inform M. De Tocquevillethal " his opinion on ths conduct of th American Gortrn menl had not bun tulicitedthal auStm, and not criti cism had been txpscttd Jrovs him, lad Ibat before this dispatch should reach him M. PoQasin's passports would be placed at hi disposal. On Fridsy night last, M. PouMin' passport were prepsred, and on Silurdsy they were transmitted to the "legation In Washington. He was In Nsw York 3 4b itf, but arttved her tttl evtnlng y. Fpm Ih N. Y. Journal qf Com. V, S. Ma it STiAMsmr Ohio, LL F. Schenck, U. S. TV ' comma ndor.l Thealane8t Amcrican-bullt sea-going steamer thahas ever disturbed jour way ten mads her experimental trip on Saturday, biie left the foot of 9th street at 20 minutes after 1 o'clock, and proceeded out to sea, with from 1200 to 1500 par sons on board, amogg whom were many, of our principal merchants, ship and engine builders, naval officers and various public functionaries. Several had come fr6m New Orleans, Ohio, and other equal" I ly remote points, to be present on the occasion. .Shortly after 5 o'clock, she reached hf pier ui the foot of Warren street, N. R. where the lurger part of , .he company disembarked, hlivingin the meantime . , e . . f . .1 partaken of n sumptuous repast. Later in the eve- . , ,. .. , . ,, ning n second collation was provided, when address- , , , , , . , ,, cs were delivered by Geo. Law and Col. Lloo, (to .... ...,.; i,,M4 fnr ,. .,r ,t, ' enterprise,) His .Excellency Governor Young, Coin. Scherick, Mr. Bullock, editor of the Savannah Geor gian, and others, tfniversal satisfaction was ex- pressed at the performance of the vessel. ThcTtijjh she was at no time put under more than nine pounds of steam, (11 to 17 being the usuffl quantity,) a suf ficient degree of speed was attained to amply test her sailing qualities, ond develope the defects of her engines, ii any existed. The latter, however, work ed without the slightst jur or irregularity. They were built by T. F. Lceor & Co, and are culled the "Anieiican Improved Slde-Leve"? Marine Engines," Stephens' patent cut off bein intRiduccd. They are two 90-inch cylinder, or 800 horse-power, wfth 8 feet stroke of piston. In connection with Ihem ere ; , , . b of ilc drorDluo variety I the cylinder, these arc each imnwvcably secured by 30 l bolls, of 2J inches in diameter, nnd 5 feet in length' ' penetrating through the kelson, bed plate and floor , timbers. Besides this, in order lo prevent the m 1 chincry from being affected by Ihe springing of the vessel, its entire weight rests on llio kelson, and as far as possible is disconnected with the pull. The shafts and crank nro of wrought iron, and ' their aggregate weight is 61 J ions. The Weight of ! the bed-plates is 3G gross Ions ; cylinders, 19 tons. ( The water-wheels which arc of wrought iron, have ,' a lace of 9 feet and ti diameter of 31 feet. The total cost of llio engines, with their, various appurtenan ces, is about SH5.000 No less than 900 tons of me tal, in the rough, were required for their construction. In their style ond finish, they arc similar lo En glish built engines, only that in all their important parts, they are believed lo b'! much stronger. Our first built engines of this character, had suflioienl strength, bu' not stiffness enough. To remedy these defects, heavy cast iron has, to a considerable extent been substituted for light wrought, and. as is supposed, with the desired efficacy. The hull was built by Messrs. BLshop it ?inimon son. Its extreme lengih is 267 feetwldtli, 4li !eet ; depth of hold, up to spar duck, 33 feet. Tho floor is made solid with llmbera20 by 2 lndica, firmly boiled. The kelsons are seven in number, of whito onki and run the who,e knglh o ,,, ship Thccab. ins are capacious, tastefully ornrnntcd, aijd fitted up wh itale rooms-nll well ventilated. The decks arc four in number. The upper, or spar-deck, is merely lemporory, and can bo removed when the vessel is required for war-like purposes, without in- jury to ihe main structure leaving the main deck cleor for gun-scrvicc. In model, the Ohio is unlike other American steamships. The bow U long and projecting, framed and built solid in the vessel; the lines are quite sharp running up to the centre of the vessel, so that there are no two frames alike. In the have a great drnught of water and a narrow beam, Compared with the Cunard. steamers, she isaihl fe. t wider. She registers 2750 tons, and with fuel aboard (fiOO tons) for the trip from this port lo New Orleans draws 15 feet 9 inches far from 8410,000. Her entire cost will not he - 1 I imbrr. Two Rafts common Mill Timber were DECREASE OF POPULATION IN IRELAND i "ld st 1 per M measurement. A letter was read in one of our city churches yes- ' Limiif.b, Shinoxc, and S i aves. -No sales made terdny, from the pastor of a parish in Ireland staling , of cilher for sevcrsl days past all dull, the alarming fact (hat the population of his parish Bacon and Cobn. Wc bel'cve the marknl In pr, t hss decreased, in four years, fully one-half. Thc 'y well supplied, with the exception of N. C. hnm. number of persons In his parish in 1845 exceeded j which are scarce, snd rell readily at a h'.r price. 9,000 souls; while, by a census recently and necu-' Freights. --To New York, 35 lo 50e. Philadel rately taken, the number was found to be only I 500 ' phia, 35 lo 50c. Boston, 40 lo 55c. This great falling-off Is attributed to famine, starva lion, or consequent disease ; while but a very small number have been able to escape these miseries, or the sight of ihem. by emigration. Unhappy Ireland. Wash. llepublU. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF WILMINGTON, SEPTEMBER 22. HIGH WATCB AT THE SAB.- 11,3. ARRIVED. Sept. 21. v learner Gov. Graham, Peck, from Eli- xsbcthlowo, with Mdie. for J. C. Bowdt-n, i. C I.atta. and Martin Sl Cronlv. CLEARED. Sept. 21 Schr. Virginia, Heron, for Philadelphia, by Geo. Hsrriss, with 200 bbls. Spls. Turpentiee, 75 da Tar, 1330 do. common Rosin. " Mecklenburg Schr. Industrie, Langc, for Rot terdam, by Deliossel at Brown, with 1,209 bbe Rosin. NEW YORK.- -Abbivio. - hence. 18. Schr. Uablne, Power, Jane, tlorlick, NOTICE TO MARINERS. Col. Rawbiw, Ih Colleclor of (hi port, has hand ed us Ihe following relative to lb berings of the rsnglng lights. They ars from Cajn. I. B. Smith, of the steamer Gladiator : On approaching Ihe Western Bar or Oak Islnnd Channel, gel ihe light on Bald Head lo bear E. or E. by N. and run for it until the Lights on Oak Island bear N. E. by N. and run for the Lights until (he Light on Bala Head bear E. or E. PTE. tod then the course Is E. N. E. up lo ihe Rip, or lo the Point of Osk Island. When in over ihe Bar, Bald Head Light will bear E. 8. E. - SniP CHANDLERY. ' WK have just opened our tock of Chandlery and Cordage, and respectfully Invite Muter of Vessels, Merchant and Sail Makers lo call snd ex amine It, s ws srs con 6 dent It Is un-nrpissod by no other slock in ths Market for sale low br. HOWARD oY PgQfirf. Sept. 22 1919 WHOLESALE TRICES CURROT, k cv AIi STORES Yellow Dipping- .J. 2 20 New Virgin DinDlnj....f...3 10 Hnrd' 1 15 n on IV a 0 2 23 3 15 Spirits Turpentine-. V gal. Tar " - Pilch i" 271 e 65 a 1 40 90 1 50 85 ti Rosin No.1, c. a li per lb. gross. " No. 2. " " No. 3. VnrnUll 20 TIM1IKK. , ' Inferior 3 0 J a Fair Quality 10 6 IA l.irM IlICM. MI1'I Wide boards, plank and etantling'.lO. 00 a 1 1 00 Kloor Itouids- 12 00 t 14 00 ,UMllKR,KIVEK. Floor Hoards .Wid Boards Scantling ' IIKIi). Rougli Cleaned jj'l'AV l. W. t). I ltd. rouh none- " " dressed " " bairel 5 00 4 L0 80 3 !50 7.5 J 25 8 50 12 UU 7 00 0 3 50 n oo Iti ou H 00 8 50 V . O. llhd. rough 8 00 dressed- 11 00 SHfVGf.KS. Common Contract v Rlack's" lar"e 2 25 4 I'D 4 UU i 5U 3 50 K. E. I'oks 05 a 70 IVa Nuts 50 t 75 SUGAH. New Orleans- 6 a 54 Poito Rico 4J t 9? t'Oi-'Ki:. St. Domingo 6 & Rio 8 Java r 10 19 11 Layinia -- ... 8 8 Cuba 7 iu MOIiASfllW. ' New Orleans Cuba cargo, none in market nominal. .sAir. lionaire Liverpool 1 SIMKITS. N. E. Rum JU Common Crip Whiskey Apple llrandy UACOX ,'- Hams, N. C.". " Western nominal , ' " , Sides, N. C- TV " WeBtefh3v, Shoulders, N. C. ' ..v .- Wesl.rn domi:stics. Cotton Yams Coltr n Oznaburgs 1-4 N. C. Sheetines I'lionit. Fayeievilie r, Canal -. 18 20 10 1 IH 28 o 30 28 iu 30 2-: ra 30 23 in 30 8 Si Go 7 8 6 lit b 1 11 ra 7 5 0 ? 6( I.) n II ; ra 7j 6 ' t 75 r 00 Wi 7 60 52 J o 67J, GU iu 85 ia 5 10 ret 2D 7 fit '.I 2U ti 21 fri a 75 41 ia 5 35 at "km o 60 ia 90 C"rn- Meal--. Co iron Rimer- y ....... nominal- Choesii Beeswax Hy Soap Feathers Lard Llnlc COMMKRCIAL Itl-lMAItkM N MARKMT. For several days past, sales of overy dosntptlon of Country Produce have been very light. I'he Ri ver is very low, consequently hot htik- prod uco has been brought to market Ti'Spbmtine. Hales of 715 bbls. Turpentine were effected yetterday at 2,23 per bbl., for Yellow Dip. and a small parcel Extra Virgin brought 3,20 pel bbl. II bbls. Virgin were sold at $3,05 per hid. Tar. -None In market. Spisit- Ti-bpemtivk. No Bules ofSpirluTur eiitiBe for several days past, that we ure apprisn! Roan. A small lot of good quality common Ro- sin was dispoaodof at II per bbl. (common Rosin is i very scarce;) a lot of II bbls. No. 1 Rosin, was sold i a t J of a cent per pound. NEW iORK WAHKI.T. s'ept. 19. Crude Turpcnlino has dei -lined .ml j sales are made at 2,02i. Spirits of Turpi mine is dull at 35 a 3G cents. Rosii. is scarce. Sales of com j mon hove been mode at 1,05 a 1,10 c(. nnd 1 .20 lor : Wilmington. White Rosin ranges from $2.50 to $1 I per bbl. of 2R0 lbs. ! Rice is $3,50 a 3,63, with snlos of 200 tierces. Sale of Com fos the day reached about :U ;0' ; 'bushels, including Western mixed at 53 o 5'Ji ets. ; ond round yellow at 60 a 61 its. There Is nothing worthy of note in any other nr ! tide. PII1LADEIJPIIIA MARKET. Sept. 13. The Cotton market is buoyant and some considerable sales are reported, but the particulars arc not public In Flour there is not much movement, and sales arc 1000 his. good Pennsylvania brands st $5, which is thc general asking price. Grain of all kinds is without much change; sales of 6000 bushels white Whest were made at 113c ami 2000 bushels good seds al 105c, closing dull. Rye hss been fold at 60c for distilling. Corn Is In fslr demand at 65c for Southern yellow. Outs go slowly al 29e for good Southern and 31c for Pennsylva nia. Rice sells slow ly al 3c. per lb. Spirits Turpentine Is In small demand, at 38 a Wc per gallon. Tar and Pitch scarce, the former sold at $2,25 and the latter al $1 30 per bbL Forolgn freights dull and rates unchanged. UlAMLIiSTON MARKET. - Sept. 20. Cotton. The transactions yesterday were limited to about 600 bales ol price ranging from 9 to 10 ; lb bulk at 101 c. Prices were deci dedly in favor of sailer. MONEY MATTERS. The demand for money for business purposes Is stesdily inrreoalnyl In" New York, and other north em porn. Thlfdsmand I met freely by Banks and Private capitalists, so thai thc rale of inters! lias not increased. The accumulation In the Sub-Treasury of specie, to the amount of three and a , half millions ofolfars, iti New York nloneja calculated to annoy the banks and depress ths money But they have abouf eight millions of specie yet in their vaults, which keeps them in a situation of com parative ease. The New Yprk Spectator says: "Thus while Ihe general aspect of business may be considered favdrablt, It ia evident that there are rea sons which should induce the community Wt to place too much confidence In the continuance of an easy money market for six months lo come, merely because such has been ilscondiilon for six months post. The experience of formcf years has shown ilmt it is easy, under an abundant money market, to nccumiilato so largo an amount of obligations as speedily to Increase Ihe rale ol Interost and destroy confidence In t ommerrial paper, from tho apprehend ed results of the speculatiyc tendencies of all class es, when they have become sufficiently developed lo ailed prices materially." Speculations on our owq a flairs would be but idle declamation. The unprecedented pressure in the mo ney market here, Is but very little abated, though wc may certainly look for belter times from the com mencement of tht Fall trade, which is now at hand. . Ncw-Qbljeaxs, Sept: 19-11 A. M. YesTerday there were 600 bales Cotlorf sold. Pri cis were Irregular, but holders firm. " The steamer Globe, from Brassos Santiago, reports that a tremendous gale wag experienced there on the 13th nnd 14th insts. Several small, vessels dragged their anchors and wee driven out lo sua. One wus. sunk, and others were much Injur d. The Clintonia Wright has arrived here from Rio with 300 bags of new Coffee, b; ing tht first cargo this season. It Is held at 8J cents. Whiskey has advanced to 23 a 21 cents. CROPS. Mobilb, Sept. 15. The accounts from the interior of this State con tinue unfavorable lo the gr-jwint crop. The bolls aro falling from the stalk in the first growth, und the ar my nnd boll worms arc making their appearance iit many quarters. West of us Ihe roporis nre that ihrsi: wonn are making great ravages, and holding their way eastward. Altogether the advices from the t oiton region upon the gulf arc somew hat wor my, and t lie weather calculated to spread the inlec lion. FRESH GROCERIKS 1 ( IIIIDS. pood brow8u?ar, 1 U 5ii bblj. St. Croix do, 1110 bug. Rio Coffee; 50 " l.aguirn do 25 " J iva do 50 packages Loaf, Crushed, Granulated ond Powdered Sun or, Ircsh Tens tSc. 4c. For sale by HOWARD A PF.DEiV. S-pr. 22. t0. TO RENT FROM- 1ST OCT. NEXT. Ao rpWO.'JTORKS In the La7arus' building. f 2" ? fa JL at present occupied by Win. Rourk and f-i'W.John Bank. Several Warehouses In same bmldine. T-vo Wharves between Ann and Nunn sireitfi, suitable for landing Naval Stores or Lumber. One of Ihi-in ImK excellent accommodation for n Coop er's establishment. Apply to UtHUSSKT & ItKtm V Si pt. 22. . tOBi. CONFECTIONARY. 1 riH "OXES Stewart's Candy ; im50 - Standard do Rnlsens, N uls, Prunes, 6ic. For sole bv HOWARD & PEDEN Sept. 22 HO. 1UULLETTS. CBHLN. Mullelts, put up for fstnily use. wnr ?)) ranted rood or nionv refunded, l or sale bv HOWARD d- PEDEN. S( pi. eo. MOLASSES. Qr: MPLS. Molasses, for sale bv 'J HOWARD PEDEN. 60. Sep SALT. 1 f ( ( III SHELS Alum Salt. 1 V A JY.J W0 Sacks Liverpool do. Fur sale by HOWARD A PEDEN. sept. 22. 80. PREPARED GUANO. . IAIUIEKS, Planters ond Market Gardeners, are L respectfully Informed thai the above celebrated Fertilizer, admitted by piaclical farmt rs snd otheie w ho have used It repeatedly throughout ihe United States nnd West Indies on every variety of vegeta bles nnd iirlleles usiisllv raised in thnriiHitrenl 8 mien to be the cheapest, most durable snd fertilizing Ms- nun and whose Certificates recommending lis use, ....... L. i . r : , 1. .ii . i i t. j ,t id painpiiici kjiiii, wiiit uirccuvni. can or nau grans. It destroys worms. Insects and riles, and prevents Dllgnt , mildew and rust, f or sale by HOWARD 4 PEDEN, Agents fur thu Manufacturers. Sept. 22, 1843. 80-lf. FOR SALE. v '"PHE HOtJSK AND LOT recently oeeu f.iritW I nlxl Kw V I Hnrn.rJ A'A .l,...i4 . iiiliLths North WeiUm corner of Mulberry ni s; n l ...i- T1 ...... r . . , . v. I .. i 1 .1., ugwuu .imi.i i vi ins i.i i i aoiu. t ubvohiuii giv en tne 1st 01 uctoocr. Apply to THOS.tT. MILLER sept. 22. eo-tt SPIRITS BARRELS. .CJkOUBarrel, jnit repelvcdi and another par cei expected dally. For sale by DaROSSET A BROWN. Sep I. 22. aO-Bt. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ' i 'rip. sitoscrioer oners lor saie inr nous X and Lot where ho now resides, and Ih m lit- .i. it cc ..i. .l.11 dioinlnir Lot. with the Rrlck Buildln known ss the "old Williams' Castle." Term cnmmonaiin. inn norssinn in ven on ine isi October. JOHN McRAE. Sept. 20. 79 61. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing hetwes 1 th siibseriher. under IM nrm of McKhl.LA at ftiAcUAi., i tni i.y co' ieoL L H. McKRLLAR. V ALEX. Ma'cRAR, Jr. IN. II. liUner Plimvr uniuri(-ii I' usfi ii nonic of the rlrm In settling hp Ihe business. (Journsl snd Chronicle copy 3 time ) 11 i ........ u.m.1 in in.t'1 iilMiini 'vii, i'

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