pa llsaed every Tfitirtd1 BI tur(laV s.;i,0)pr annum, parW In advance, ;By,TE OMAS.LOJUNG, r t !!. EDITOR AND fROPRIETORi !,.,.5,.a.,r'K"u-iltii;J'i ,",. t ; r J Jff;;-BKNJA,MIN. .'.I? HOWZE," jCOaftBaPONUINQ EDITOR, i g,Vr 0lT AND SIABKST aT BESTS, v ;t w v" JIATES of advertising. aqr. 1 insertion, 1 aqr. t month, 1 " 3 " t u i ; 4,00 6,00 8,00 3 " 1.00 !! I month. 2 511 1 l year. 12,00 Ten Hnas orieas make a square! ! If an Advertise ment exceeds ten linds, the price will be In propor- tloa. . - -i r i j All advertisement are payable at tho time of ihcir .4fMBl! t; f".' j j, Coiurscts wih ypatrlw advertisers, will be made on the moet liberal leans. S No tran'ur o cwstracls for yenrly advertising will be porirtitiea; ; Should ciimsturicee render change in business, or an unexpected removal nflcesanry, n chirge cai,nii Hf published Mrms will bent - the opUof iof the contractor, for tho time be has ad vrtls4Ve. ;n'jL-ji ..'vv.y - Tha privileged Annual Advertiser iaetrictly lim Itod to their own Immediate business ; and nit adver tisements for tlm .benefit of other person-", as well as all advertisement not immediately connected with thejr own business, and all excess of advertisements, In lengtn or otherwise, beyond tho limits engaged, will be charged at the Usual rates. All advertisements Insertod in thetrl-weekly Com mcrciaL, are entitled to ono Insertion In tho Wtckly, free of charge. JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed 1 n superior style. - AGENTS FOilTJECJiHISRCIAL N RWYO V.L Messrs. Hhown & DbRossbt. BOSTON :-FbsdMCK Kidder, Esq. fclRRY, BHXJVr& ADAR COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " WILMINGTON, Tf. C. July 17.- 52 JOHN WALKER, JR. AUCTIONEER it COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1849. My- F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors St tJojimlssion Agents N-ov. 15. tal9. 109-l)-p. L. MALLETT, - ' AGENT FOR THB SALE OF Ti.uber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c, iVu'a Building, tfurtk Walef Street, vVlLVKNUTON, IS. C. Nov. 9, laid. 101 JOHN D. LOVE, UK A LIS It IN CABINXT FURNITURE, 'oliJil'tfluVCllUaS, H'KASStiS, it, KUO'K SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. Doc. 14, 1913. s. in. war, AUCTIO VV VJt ABB COM AllSSlOr MERCHANT, wibviiNaro.Vf ft', a Ulberat C ish nuances nuJ SB all. Consigning nts front ilia Nurlh.or n ProJUoa frum tb4 Country. OJije i d.) Jf on Ma Vu i if, 3oatk aide ol Martet Street. . Aprll5, W4d. .. 8-tf. )S Xit&l St , li Doors above' Front St. 120-i ; -; CORNEUUJi ;tf YERS, M'AN ufact u re r, AD UKACKIt IV HATd, CAPS, 'UM BitiS LL AS AND WALKING OANflS, &c. WILUlSJrJ.V, N. C, llatket-st. iJsjt.ll349. ttUf- WILLIAM NEFF, W:lL.BSAUi AN WTAjj,' DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLER V, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, , CORNER OF DOCK A WATRS 8TRKKT8, WILMINGTON, N. C. Doc. 7th. 1W9. n scorr, KEEN & CO. MEitCHAr TAILORS, AMD OE1LEH4 IN SUPERIOR1 MARKET STREET, W1LMI NO TON, N. C. Oct. 21. 1818. '- A. B. ST1TU & Co., mcTmstUs iso coj siusui ikrciunt Payettetllto Street, RALEIGH N . C. Will ittend to all orders and oomrsdssJoni In their as o business, with punctuality and diapaich. (taraa to nisRaoeUancyCHAS. JIablt, J. O. Watsob. Esq., SathbWjNhaw, Esq., on. J. R. J. Danibl, a bo. W. MossAi, tie.., au O. V. MmtdN. Bafeig1!, .V. C , Veh. 12,1849. 1 Ij-12ui-c 2 if ,t"Ff; VOL. NO 90 WILMINGTON, -TilESDA7) . - " - RUSSELL KEiXDniCfi, ' ' x GENERAL ''!v '" r Commission Merchants, ' W1LM.WGTON, J. C. ,i M JOS. B. lU'HSKLf,, Jos. KeHDRICK. Aug. U- .,... 63 J, & D. MeRE & Co. 1 General Commission Mercbauts. WILMINOTON, N. C. JOHN MACBAB. DOMALD MACBAB. W. QUIBK. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE, AUENT FOIL THE SALE or ll.MUEIi LUMBER, SAVAL STOIIEU if-c will iiakeli.)oruloaah iidvuncesonalltfonsigmuenln m of jiro-duce. i.vla.rchi';, 1849. GEORGE W. HAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17 1849- 1 J. C. LATfA COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ot. 11848. ' 67 LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OK LONDON, FIRE INSURANCE IN THIS ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OK HAKTFORD, Conn., OB, IN THB HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, Maybe effected by application to ' 0AOS.SET & BROWN. March 17,1919. 108 ROBERT O. RANKIN. AUCTIONEER, f WlLSflSfGTOX, N. C. May29,tS49- " "-'V- J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. Hath a WAT. March i, M'J. i. L. Hatbawat. 149. W. L. SMITH, (Late of the firm of Sandford & Smith.) COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Store on North Water Sireet, Purslty's block. Oct. 14 1948. y-yc JEFFREYS & LE1GUT0N. General Comniisiion Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. February 13, 1849. 14 ! UEtfRY P. RUSSELL. b AGENT FOR THB GAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WICWXOTON, r(,C. trim attention ulen to the f lithfill eaeedtion of all orders for Lumber. Jan. I IS49- DER0SSET & BROWN WILMINai'ON, N. C BROWN & DER0SSET. NUW rORK. GICXEIIAL CO VVSSO.V MURCltiXTS. March 17. 1349. 1-7- G. & W. A. GWYER, ii i 1 MANUFACTUECai ASD DEAXBK.S IN ABINflf FURNITURE, . . . Iu all Us varieties. .. Bedrtead-t, Cntta, Mattresses, Looking Olasaea, Sit, Ac, FLIO.fp- STREET, NEAR MARKET. ' VVILMINGTON, N. C. oBoaaaowvaa. wM.A.ewvia. May I 6, 1849. BANri ClIECAi. LHfX;i! on thd sevor.l B.ika in this -place buuoU in Bjobb, and in shoots, lor alat the Commercial OjfUt. SALT. 1 nrv .SACKS Liverpool! SOsacksfine 1 JJJ store anJ for sale by J. if D. McRAK A Co. Aug. 18. REMOVAL. 65. Ct R. FORD haa rem jvedhra Mabsls Vabd to C5 Doek street, 2d door from Wm. iS en s Ao. 11 64 tf. WINES AND LIQUORS. f ALHSKT, O. L. P. Madeira. UlBiiy porr.S.hfi Ml ry.Malags, Muscat Claret. Chinpigii, Braddv. lam, tiln. Irish Wnlskey. Manomrahela, Old Nidi. Cherry Bounce, Annlsee4 Cordial, dkc&e. Fo' ale tew by ' HOWARD A PEDKN Oct. 4. ; PUBLISHER TOWEEKLY,,gTllbMA3 lORlNGi; CASnWELL & BLOSSOM, d GENERAL COMMISSION FOItVVAHDING SlERCrt.lST8, Ho$. 1 k I Biekiiioa'i Stores . Nortrj Water St. Wilmington, N. C. DAVID CASHWBCL. JOS. I. SIOhBOJl. Cash advances made on consignments of Tim ber, Luifiber, Naval Stores, Ac. Also, on shipiutnU to oar trieids In Newt ark. April J, loll). 8- 12m. nn.T Aortitis v nalWT General Con mission Merchants, NEW YORK. SBHJ. BLOSSOM. CHA. W. BLOSSOM Liberal adnees mode upon Conaianmenis. References. Messrs. Cabhvtbll & Blossom, 3 " J. A L). McRab, VVilmington. " G. VV. Davis K.-q. ) July 10, TB49. 49. HERON & MARTIN General Commission llercliunts, 3t 1-3 North Wharves, Pil I Ij A I) E LP II I A , Rcrxa to Messrs. fiioa. Watsos & Soss, ) Jwo. O. Dacouta, fc.sq., ) Wm. S. Nbilso.s, Esq., t Ptlil'a. Robert Neilsoh. Kaq. 1- Messrs. Moses, Tavlob &. Co., ' pjew yorjti - J . 4, D . McRab, jWmingln. Geo. Habbibb, bsq. Apri!5, t94a, 9-tf. GEX UARRISS, General Commission' Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to piocurlng Frelghu and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Rbtbb to E. P. Hall, Esq' sl O, G. Parsley, Esq., w J . A. Taylor, Esq., Wilmington. J. D Bellamy, Esq., Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, J Messrs. Toolter, Smyth A Co.; Vnrlr " Thompson A Hunter, J1""50 Alex'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia Messrs. Williams A Butler, ) n. .., a n H. F. Baker, Esq., 1 f Chi rslen, S. C. Jan. 2, 1849. . 123-tf. WILLIAM M. HARR1SS, ; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, y WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freights and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. RiFiaiNcis: O. G. Parsley, Esq, Col. John ilcRae, Wilmington, N. C. Messrs. Ballard 4 Huntington Will Peck, Esq.. Ralelifh, N. C. V,e"u ?.' ?.BC"11 vyu" Fayettcville, N. AM 1 1 1 1 ul. 5 . C. umjjjii u ul-j-, fq., , Messrs. Jantes Corner A Sons. Baltimore. " E. A. Souder 4c Co., Philadelphia. " Thompson b Hunter, N v . " JillsburykSaodford,j"ew YorK " Hunting sV Tufta, Boston. J. AO. P. Titoomb.Kennebunk, Me. July 17th. 1849. 62 tf. JOHN HALL, v.. Commission Merchant, WILMINQTON. April 12. 12 F. J. LORD & CO.. Agents for the ' NAUTILUS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Cb Accumulated Capital, $130,000. ALSO JO l. THE EAGLE LII'E It UEAJ.TU UTSUIt AN'CE CO. Capital, $100,000. Will take risks on lives of Slaves. Office 2 3 North Water Street. Oct. 24, 1848. . MABTO .A CRftNLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N.C Oct. 3 1848. bBif. H. L BpiERFlELD, PA VTLION HO TEL. Corner of Haxel and Meeting Htreets, CHARI-KHTt), H. C. Where, he will be happy to aee all his KOrth Cakolinaprienjh. Julyl2, 18i3. 50-il. OLDS & ANDERSON, Grocers & Commission Merchants, No. Ul Front Street New York. . , Oae of,t)ta psrtiers te4nB a nativ e of Norib Caro lina, and the ether a No'ihern man with twenty years' cpurjcrce in City trade, the Interests of their CaUOns la ahipplag to, and buying from them will s well protected-. Btrtct atlentloB paid to uooslgnmentf of uoi. I Grata, Va! torea, Latavber, and every kl-d afProlcx and all orders for Groceries and Merthasdlae generally , promptly attended to. at ins .uweai vuj inces. L8WJ. owns, ANDSBSOX. Hay ZX, I9. DEEDS' FOR SUET. Wirantss Deeda?.tn4 Dswdf Mt Movigsge on Isnd. just printed m (orreel form and for sals at tbe Cvmwxial OJJItt. "" ORNING, OCTOBER 'l0, 1 ' . - . . ,v-- HJ t ANDERSON & LATIMER, CO M M i S S 1 0 N MEU C H A N T S, SOUTH WATFR STREET, WIliMIXCTOS, N . C. ep 27, Wll m. m sia S W b ivsuaiMt FOR SALE Mt The Camncniul OJin, an e'li B int edilnm uf S iiDuina Arlicltf. iinlji ..tiuiz ul jUit laws uf ijuugfi us ruluttvu -to the Mrrobunt's I ervice. WRAPPING PAPER. to REAMS lor sale by 20. NOTICE. 'ROM and afier (he first Jannnry, Ifl49, no Fi-eijrltt L I will be transpurletr or delivered without .tin- Ireilit being paid. ROOT. FF.NNR'tf. Trunsportation Agi nt, V. & R. R. It. Co. 30, 184H. 12: tf. -1. AGENCY OF Nantilvt Mutual Life) Insurance Company. IlKltsONS holding Pulicii-s in this office mo noil- L fitd'tliat Seiip CercilicaU'i. fur K . .y t j projiit ui tin utintsa of Ike Cuiiijianu are ready for UTivry at tho Airency otnee. it, iortrr vrn-er si. I Oct. 24. F. J. LORD Co., AfnlH. .D4-lf. GLUE. CltRMANnud American Glue, of prime quality V for Distillers. For sale by i DeROSSET A BROWN. I Jaa. G. 125. DISTILLERY FOR SALE. 'PH Turpentine distillery at FjIsous Dpo. on Tihe lull Road lately owned by Juhn Chrn.itt.ii, Will be sold at a fal price, for further nirtH!Ulnrs ap- plyio JEFFRKV.s if- LKIUIU'ON. AurUlO. 1S19. 11. AprU 10, 1919. BILLS OF LADING, &c. IOfclO POST BlCtS OP LADING bound M. In Books, and sheets, also Letter Shrets will. variety of mercantile blanks, lor sale at The Cum mfrtial Office. CAMPIIINE! CAMPD1NE I ! 40 CENTS PER GALLON. For sale at the Store of Feb. 27.' J.G BAUMAN. 147 PATENT MEDICINES JUST received 6 dozen Sands Sarssparilla j also, Old and Young Townsends do. Viioz. Swaynes Syrup of Wild Cherry j 12 " " Vermifuge; 12 " Dead Shot 6 " German Bitters; 4 Epin, Sarsap and Queens delight For sule at usual prices, by A. C. EVANS t BltO. Also, Bernard's Cholera Remedy just to hand. July 18. 4!). NEGROES WANTED. THE Subscriber wishes to hire a limited number of Negroes cither Men, Boys, or Women, for wh"m he will pny liberal wares. P. G1ARD. August 31, 184'J. 71-tf. TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH. The Great Mail Route from Char leston, S. C. I HAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens st. J daily 1.1 3, p, tn. after the arrival of the South ern cars, via VVILMINGTON ami WELDON, N. C, PETERSBURG, KICHMO.vD, WASIU-NG-. TON, BALTIMORE and PHILADELPHIA. The pu -llc is respectfully Inforoied thai thf steam- I An of this line, front Charleston to VV iliuinstun. an- . , . . ii In first rale condition, and are navigated by well, icn,.,n .ndexuerienced coinmandere. and the Hull-1 roads are in fine order, thereby socitrlnir both safety I snd despatch. JHROUOH TICKET ,n al. i ready been in.op -raiion is now continue t ass yt-. manent arrangement from Ch-rleslon to Phth.di l- ' phla. Passen?ers availing themselvei thereof, will j have 1 he option either to continue wllUoot delay. lhr...mltherouieotiherwise1toai3ptany..f the iuiiifdiate points, renewing Uielr s.aison the line to ' nil 1 lieir convenience. By this route travellers mnv I "VvSXm&'TZ ! Steamer to Weldoa, as likewiso on the change of; ea m ine iniermi'iliaie points lior.i inence io rnu- ... 1 . - - ...!.,.. . . - - Idelphia. Through rickets to Philadelphia al -0 each, can alone be had bom h. VIIN3LLtv, Afjrnt a 1 lis A'iliuinKton Sl Rale sh Rail Road Cumpkny. at the office of the Company foot of Lnureni street, In wh'.m p'ease apply, tot oiriar inlornintion In quire of L. C. DUNCAN, at American Iluiel. Cbarleaton Aug. 2. 69 DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership of Jewmt L Co., is this day dissolved, by iigreeinen' of the parties. (). O. I I'urslcy Is hereby fully authorized to settle all de 1 mnnds 8g ilnst or debts daetoseld firm. 'Persons j having ckfiniB will please present tiirm si ence. w. U. PA'iSI.KV. R. BRADLEY. 8 JKWETT. WllmUgtsra. N. C, May 22, 1849. 76-if. r COTTON Canvass, suitable for Koat Sails, for J salabv J. S. WILLIAMS. Sept. I. 71 PREPARED GUANO.. FARMERS,. Planters and M.irkel Gardeners, are respectfully Informed that the sbove ' relebrsted Kenlllx.f . admitted bv Jrsciltal farm rs and saner who have usws 1 1 repeatedly throaghout Ute Unites! Sl w Wiion eTury (trie,r0 VeM... 1 bi,- and article usually raised In thermierenf SUirS, to be the chipeet, moat durable and fertlllsjns Ma nure and whoa Certificates recommending in in p-imphiet fof in, with diretilons. can be hadgraiia li ikskruvs worma, insects and flies, and prevent Might, mildew and ruse Far sale by ' HOWARD A PEDEN, -Agents for the JiaaufaetBjrrra, Sept. 21, 1849. ...... ,W 't -iiLJ...'.-.-a.; 84 0 : tWiiole 6., 5&G - 'i i . , t MOW BLACK BEN LOST niS TEETH Wuntine n hIiiivc, a few nrltts afncp, I Haiintrri d il)to u barber's shot) in the vicitii- j ty of Cliulhain stret't. Aniuriff the noat ( and inly lookirt "colored gnmncn," who were ui wo ttinff, there was one of ink v lv.i..i ... i . L :.'t conjitenance inducetl mc to avatf wy his proff4ioual skill in pri.Tfreite I K'J IUU Vll.lS. . & nuuvvu U'OV till nun. i iceih were uiicoinuioa white and beautiful. ! and 1 cornpliu!uted hita on", their pearly i purity, lie smiled, ahowimr ihern atiU "UV tTa7r- f.ii. uT IVZfSl9" MietasVUmrt, fact ! I ihought tho ft llovf was joking1, ami i replied, "I misped that they were made by n more skillful dentist than he." No. sir," HHid he, "Mr. Blaindell made (Jjnj, and put 'em in. sure ; I II tell you how it 'wax 1 lost dobe four jipetb, abonrd a ca nal b nil. when I wns a green hand. I'd been 'tioml nhip, m.d I thought i vould just irv ile c.iiinl fora change. Well, de very fu clay out I lost dose teeth, curious nou'rh. I teil rou. De captain told me, to ' ir(l nit ilitiniir I a onrn IMi'n A tmWtw and whur cuttin up That steak was lef when I hear hun sing out, "Look out I ,.hn,,t I" Ti:il;iu' hp wiiutcd me. 1 grub de steak in j my list and jump up de ladder when 1 got dtrc I louk towards dc stum, unrfcask tita if he call ; but bress you, I no sooner Ot de words out ol my moul, and tie sieak ack. vuieii soincthii) cotch me by dc bead und srpjece it right down o;i de Ijout, and de bref rtht out of my body. When de href coiue back, I whur layin on dc bank f ,aiii.I, and dero whajr a whole lot ob . , , , . . . folks siaiiilm routid dea I bear, dem wy, 'noor iiiini'i-iIumJ !' ko links I. dat enn'f poor imor unua : $0 iinics 1, tiut can't be prossible den I try open my motif, bat stood severnl Mecondt rhotionlea the tree dut feel so berry quuie I luff it uloue an at which the muzzte of his pistol Wafpoin tout 1 move my leg but ebcry time -I try end fired. The crack' u short"iul I couldn't do il so dan I luff it alone and sharp as the peal of a bii;!ndbwi'tho lay still. Den de doctor come he put he blue wreaths of curling smokele'ared finger on my wriss, and feel my head a' away, the black spot On the oaJr-wa not littlo bit and den he say Isegot a expoun to be sent the white bdlrt-hatebwerr" in- fracture ob de skull. Tinks I, dia nigsrer t0 the spliniered wtyovf otfihbtSil rtt'plae. am deil, curtain, duts a fuc. Arter while The seconds then gave Mtitray thf third dey pick me up, un.J links dey wliar goin pistol, and he stationed hirrrtelf :leli' steps to berry me t" could n't stand; sol from his Unarmed udmiryerld ift'i!lhe sing out, 'Wbat'dfebhll. de mailer? meanwhile seem talm,BTd?ferte,ss)'s if whar you' goane wd L3v?. De captain Un unconccrried rftcWoft"9 Mi8arirre i.civ. nig Luun vy uuu ouJ, 11., nun do you" feel?' fto 1 tell him I feel ito qnare bouldeinouf; den be kugh( icf 1 ask him what de matter who hit me on do head and bold me fnS. Den hctcll mc dat when ho hollered dere was u bridge ahead. and jis ait 1 pop my head oat it cotch ine, and dat do boat whar light, under de fus jise. and wl up it cotcn tie stenK 'tween it ann ae use and ilrartrd df teeth right out- my ktaii-o say dat arter dey pull up de plank, and got me out, dey find de beef steak stickiu fas to de jise wid de whole four teeth dare, through it yn, ytth !yi ! here Hen roar ed dat show dis ti'ggcr pluck Insc de whole jaw fore urn gib an inch !" Heu finished me off, raid I left, not a little tick led with hisyarn. 5p. Tun . F roin tin Sunday Timt: JOHN MENEFEE: THE FIGHTING jtfocTOH. The hero of the following short sketch was a nnitve of Kentucky. Hm father was a furmer in moderHle cireuautanccs, I liu mr a er. . aar tv. 1 1 n si frnm I -via ur 1 1 1a v sirl. i t il" (S l', iv tiiiio il vtll Livuinr tit, vr ' mannretl by tjreal labor and scrupulous economy tO irivt his fltVOrite and fir it born Jft education, embracing the . ' e degree or ft flOCtOT Of fneaieine Young M.-ncfee" Was renmrkaWe from the earliest ,i r ;.li,,,..t ,u.,u,1. penod of his intellectual development for an intense nrrd burning ambition, such as -mil, I nn r.v.l in n-Kninvr h nn,L,r. took, while'the glorious gifts of a rnagni- ficent bfaitfantf mijrhty physical constiiu t'ion seemed to furnish the surest guarantees for the ultimate reality of his every hope By prodigious exertions day and night, he ulrwvl fnremnt in nil hm rl.tsses At rnllcro. und graduated with an eclat that obscsred j the fame fall competitors; so that had I ine risiii'T siitr ot nts genius mei wim no I adverse shock to hurl it away from its ap propriate and radiant orbit, imagination can scarcely assign a limit to the splendor it might have- atiained But,- milbrtanately, a hostile collision occurred, at the very com mencement of his career, to arouse the sleeping roleatiO of his darkest passions, and project ihe course of his ambition at a dangerous tangent from the circle of a peaceful life. He had a young and beautiful sister, who was seduced and betrayed by a fash ionnble villain of Louisnlle, one James Murray, a lawyer, and universally regarded as the most desprately brave duellist that Kentucky the land so prodigal of heroes- ever produced. ' While the father and mwherof the rnin ed girl were weeping tears, of despair, John, (hen only twenty years of agearmed him self, and proceeded ir March of his enemy He found him in the court house, Immedi ately aftei an adjournment, and withoul uttering a word, attacked- and belabored him tlrctdfully wivh cowhide, Murray, WiaarCfctigfUVW'lifiriJfSfrii lur'tbe fieiVdiMtrhlwri'ix Rminana t. i- cen'.rdtctl wra'.h apcareo to nafe cif n young , Menefle . jttty'iltl'pf ftrdcften urn. lie ounueu EiS aniaoniai wiuiijuits. and countleii bkw( jisljf tlor&ji hand very purtol lU ahet.iicwWcJilyi11? from his pocket, jm4 flaf eU"t4 hurt till ho waa Jiirally covereil wtth Ilh)! A challenge wat-lhe, AVl,IJc9r Menefee accepted on ibesa ..coftdaioina;--That the meeting. theoU .lake ; place, t ft certnta Hpot the) enautng1-, moimoj; J)rc;ly after eunriee. Three ptol wer, to, be lonrled each foe ahotUl take OM.aad fire ty turnt at a mark len pncailts.ant Who ever lni nearest the centre should then havo the remaining ' pistol, and shoo aft tils ad' vewnry's hend. If he-truncd, the-other should be entitled ton ahot, and wn-by alienation till one of them should- faH Head ! Thcsl ferocious terms were mat alt aev tff?f, 1rnr the principal and wrond met accordingly on the banks of flie Ohw Riv er, six miles below the IhIL. The iocondsmeoguredorf istpaces, and thm made fc, black it witbwttnoitHciied cipal, and retained th9 third to b in ten to thrmiccwsful marksman. The rvntajfo nists then cut a pack of fjnrd for th arst ahot. Murray drew the1 queen-ef 'dia monds, Menefee the aco of ipatles, and so wtii the Aral firo. . He jmmediately took his stand, turned his right side to the tree, let .the band which graapetf frresU'e,apon, now, a( full cocTc, fall until lc rfnrk muz zle reached below hw lc nee, fixccVtil. flash ing blue eye itcdHy a mOnierrlihthe mark, and then, fiwift as IBought," faked und pulled trigger. . Unfortunately, the pistol . hung fire," U called ' in ,tthe i backwoods that ia, the flash ii the ban wtta seen brat, and then the explosion, of the load in the barrel, sounded long, like a double report. Under suclrcgmsiaricea most persons would have rjiissea the tree , but as it was, . Meptfee's bullet T barely cut tlte upper edge of the irrazk.-; An excellent hot I v , ; , ,1 ;t ir! Murray. now took hia poiuaa, ile jwas j' a famous level shooter, liaJing previoua- I alain ikfaa nunin H rnitav .1h1 .AYl4 dtnjr hw ball directly thwurt ikew-jbrsans lie? rawed slowly, poised adtltberai aim, prise. According to the lefiu 'stfrftila'ted, Murray might 'chbda' h&'8irft 'tfrt'lkitcr the elevation-of hjs weair1'1 t$ BWjkntl the thoughj appeared (o .cws soul to torture his antagonist bjaf cruel dn'jf un necessary delay. lie rafseJ hia linht bind ight, an dat 1 slip gruduajly, upi! iixcU a inorl,al aiiiy.i$en leii dc baat come J cfee's head, iu which iiOsicie if OTliflUed ior more man two minutcf t jjujV4ppsiee still betrayed no etootton. Not a nerve shook his face-, paled 0(rtj-. aliade. A bitter smile of scoro wruhed on, bis purple lip, and his gleamyig bloee vefcftjjqjing fiercely into that of Lux de.tiil y ioe. semcd to the wondermg scocdik.4bltwire, so intense ik1 vtftgef4;CfSteH sgWW At length he. called QUiBjMoic pifitfing and sbriJl as lhshfik of ifltmptlssr', Murray, yoadtl cowad wlijlwdon 1 you shoot I Are you afoudUo shoot And whether il vai thoiih pvsitioa of Murray's arm, ay long exteodedfti affected the nerves, or that-h beiatae.eJrxitfsb by the mocking laitntfOf a4uirphaeai4Ullh! terrible tones) of htt-eoeinyvoieaoqttail-eil with preternatural dread befoDt the light ning of his bnmin? blrje eyjyU impossi ble to tsy ; bul at Wr;'wnaftttr'ttrg1rt be the cause. KJ renlatk&ble-thre-tjAssed over his featfirear' tUs the'ekv'creV-iiltihd his pnle'!iprjujrerili'llii liaeT!hook. He firedf "Ct bairriiltreffgllf fcne fec's left temple'wHhdurff.fury ?'! Then the serJo'nrl reFoati Jd tittiJIsroTand placed it in ihehkrldV Pie MlfMt&Ii 1 neyotitlitul aenger OT It 'Slsfcr'r waltoa WlWh licat a iiurrj, to tiisiiaif wojK(ior suspense. Quick as (he Hush of a' nbca nV he cVva- ted his weapou and ircil 'tvlif the our of lb-e explosion, ,wijh)uj.oii'aan, "J ..wyw !Ml,',r1 is ". vr " : . ""wi ty j Menefoe tie 1 the country, ia-l settled in 11 -jgar Cot 1 way county, Arkausas'Vhtucefortli the whole current of his thoughts andya$ sions appeared to be changed. The earth -ouake of moral wrath, which had burst up from the profound ubysse of his soul, had ploughed out a new passage ior the march ef ambition--" passage staiuod wh ineffa ceable blood I Itefore, his aeart hai burn ed with unquenchable enthustasmito-eicel in knowledge, in variety, deptfanJeifci t of attainments ; but now he eoveied -4p rrority oh!) in desperate deeds -tbe Woody achievements of "orate braverr. ' -Ndri to lay the truth; could he 'have seftw a more appropriate field in mewld wlBTld lor beligerent purposes' tharrArWa!tncl, afforded. Polilicnl strife raffed Vith3in- credible fury No mAn C0uldbe a leader either in the parries of the slate, or in those of a county, unless bo stoed'teiady fit 'l times to defend his principle al Jbs" pnt of the bowie knife and muzslo of ibe fNatoL To enumerate alMhe duels fbnghi hfbp ' " " 'ft rv ifTTr r-.m. "