CURENDON CORSE GUARDS. ATTENTION!' " ; ,-, ,;;!;!: jf,, , YOU ere hereby ordered to ap pear et the uml place of : pa rade, on Setarday 27th Otobernext, t 9 eloclc A.-M. armed ind equip ped aa the law directs, with Blank ,nd Bill Cartridge. yy order ol toe Captain HALL, 0. S. 90. Oct" 16. LEMONS. 10 BOXES fresh Lemons, for inle by HOWARD & FEDEN. OFFICE WILMINGTON A RALEIGH R. R.Co. WiLMiNrroMf Oct. ldh, 1849. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that the en nual meeting of the, Stockholdere of the Wil mington A Raleigh Roil Rood Company, will bo heldln ihi place on the 2d Thurtday, tUh November next. JAMES 8. GREEN, &Vy. U-Tha Chronicle, Journal, N.C Standard, Wel don Herald, and Turboro' Press, will publish the above unt'l meeting. Oct. 11. . - BAC0NAND lard. a n SHOULDERS fLO 6 bbla.. Lard; 9 kegs do For sale by CASHWELL t BLOSSOM. Oct. 16. M-tf. FOR BUENOS AYRES AND MONTI VEDIO. THE superior faat nailing, A 1, French ship , Armantine, Captain Frederic F.etebe, will ..n r,.. .v... .k,.un n,ii hpt ween -the 20th ond25ih of October, for passage only, hiving tupe f . .t 1.. Xf . tiinfj ill Villi I II 11 VVtIVCI, l' pt ', j T o rior accommodations, apply ta Master on board, or J consignees, rui ir-n n'""""' On. l5 90-Bt. POTTER A KIDDER. Phlia. Ledgorcopy Bt. and eend bill to this office. CANDY! CANDY ! I 1 enfl LBS., afresh article. For sale by bog or A J.JVJ otherwise, by J. WILKINSON A CO. Oct. lfi; Journal copy. 90. NUTS ! NUTS ! ! ' tZ.(fr LBS. different klnda. For kale at ejUUl. t J. W ILKINSON & CO S. Oct. 16. . Journal copy. 90. PERFUMERY AND SOAPS. Lj ARG&aeaortmontof Perfunery and fancy soaps- ust opened and for sale b y J. WILKINSON & CO. Oct 16. Journal copy. ' . 90. ORANGES AND; LEMONS. Bnxel Sicily Lemons ; ' I J 82 " Moaeno Orangee. For sale at. J. WILKINSON COS. Oct. 19. Journal Copy. 90, PRINCIPIE CIGARS. 10,000 BOOOMIncrvo; 75,000 Common. For sale at J. WILKINSON CO S. Oct. 16. Journal copy. -4 !'0. LARD. 6 BBLS. prime N. C. Lard.iuM received and for sale by AINUfc.llSUlN4L.A Oct 18. 90. WHITE BEANS. 50 BUSHGL3 White Bean, for sale by HOWARD fc PEDEN. Oct. 16. 90. FLOUR. Kf BBLS. Superfine Flour, for sale bv OU HOWARD PEDEN. Oet. 16. 90. JUST RECEIVED "AND FOR SALE. rv SACKS of Liverpool Salt In bleached sicka, OU 16 kegs nulla, assorted sizes, 3 dot. Collins' Axes, Kentucky pattern, 1 do. Georgia longbllt, A superior lot of Bason Hams, Sides snd Shoulders and the Georgiaaweot Potato. Lew for cash, at , QFO.H KELLY'S. Oet. 13. Chron. copy. 69. LOOK OUT. I INTEND leaving Wilmington about the 10th of November, and before I leave must bring to s close my unsettles buslnessi therefore, all persons Indebted by note ar book account most pa y up by the tret ol November, or thafr notes and accounts vlll be put in salt loriawitn. ana no misrsit. ii. auianM,!,. Oct. 130), 1649. su-tf. BUCKWHEAT! BUCKWHEAT!! QA BAGS Buckwheat v AvttBou. i do. . 20 1 6 bbU. do. ,do. Pox sale by Oct. 13 It 49 flOrVARO 4 PEDEN. A e9 - ! PILOT BREAD IND CRACKERS. 10 , BBLS. Pflof Bread i 1 10 " alunrOrackarai 10 " Lsmen do. 10 " Butler 10 " Water do. Pic Nlc; do. do. HOWARD A PEDEN. B9. 10 k Soda 'or sale by October 13 1849. FLAG STAFF FOR SALE. THE TLAO BTAFP at Exchange Corner Is of fered for sale. Apply at the office of 7Vm Com mercial. Oct. 13. 89 tf. FOR RENT. FRO ttlat Nov., the honso on Jenkins' lot. eecaiiled bv Mr. Ttiuln. onoo.iie the 'lav Pieebyterlsn Church ; thcie Is a pump of water oslBswt. Apply 0 UM pietnls a toJ.Uor by. '1 A. MORGAN. Oct 13. B9-8NP DISTILLERS AND COOPERS. THE subscriber having removed his Cooper age, to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Tbaln, offers Hoop-Iron and riveu of the beat quality, for aale at the rawest rateat wholesale and retail, and will leoelve the article and ratero the mony, If they do net ault i aud has slso orderesl trass hoope end drawing knives, of the beet quality, which he will sell cheap and warrant, la hie absence all business will be dons by his Foreman, Mr. Dorby. Money recelpied and received si b himself. STAVES. He also wishes la parehaee WhiteOek bbl. staves, aa4 headings, for which he will give the hlghset market asainyaa 60 thousand. A. MORGAN. Oet. 13. W-2m p. l3j FOR PHILADELPHIA. - f HERON'S LINE.) - THE Packet Schr. HARRISON JONES. Omc, matter, will ba quick despatch forth above oori. Fur Hutu freight or paa- ge, apply to GEO. HARR1S3, ' No. 18, North Water St, Up Stairs. Oct. 13. ; - 6-- FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD... WILL be psid for the delivery of my gid MARIA 11 (known about Wllmlqgton M.ri.ii ftthli la me at the 70 mile poat on the Railroad, in vyn county, ono messr. CishweHA Blossom In Wilmington or to any Jail In the Mate, Marfan ran away, sometime In April laet ; ilie la about twenty one yeara old, and of a light copper color. I will also give '.he above reward for evidence aufficlent to con v lot any white perron of harbouring her. All pereons are forbid employing or harbouring her, n the Law will be rigidly enfor ce 1 against any person ao doing. She la supposed to be lurking about Wilmington. E. PETERSON, Oct. 13 19 if. CIGARS! SIGARS!! I (f fi CIGARS. Various branda and 1 UUiUUU quality, for sale bv .HOWARD & PEDI Oct. 13. TIBBETT'S WASHING INVENTION. TglHR undersigned having a Patent Right for M. Tibbctt'a Washing Invention, takes this meth od of Informing the public, that anv innovation upon that right, will subject the persons oflindlng to a suit before the proper constituted author itles of the country. Learning that un Individu al now In Wilmington, is selling Individual rihta, w.; take this opportunity of saying to the citizens of that place, that we, and no one else, have the right to vend Tibbi'tt'a Ptent in North Carolina. M. Q. &, A. D. WADDIOLL. Oct. J3th, 1819. 88-3t. GROCERIES. 1 f HHDS. Porto Rico and St. Croix Sugar; 1 J B0 bays Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee ; 10 bbls. ClarifirdSug ir; 20 bbls. and half bbls. best family Flour ; 20 bls. Irish Potatoes ; B kega prime Goshen Butter; 30 boxes !o. I and Extra Soap; 25 buxi s Candles, nasorti'd. For sale by ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Oct. 11.: . fi, 88. FISH. I ( BBLS. and half bbls. No. 1 and 2 Mackerel; lv7 15 kits Salmon and Mackerel ; 6 qtls. Codfish. Forsalcby ALEX. MacRAE, Ja. Oct. 11. 89 TEA AND MATCHES. TEN Boxes Young Hyaon Tea, and 60 GroBs Matches, jusl received. For sale by RUSSELL A KENDR1CK. Cel. 9. ' 87. WHISKEY. I f BBLS, prims Whiskey; L J 10 bbls. Boston Rum ; 5 " " Swan" Gin. For sale by ALEX. MacRAE, Ja. Oct. II. 85 GLUE. 25 BBLS. of superior Glue, for sale by RUSSELL oY KE. DRICK. 89. Oct. 13. FOR SALE OR RENT. THELotatN. E. corner ol Second and M iithnrrv all It has a anus Small house liliJL on it. with 4 rooms, fire places to ail ; and some utner Dunaings. Apply to L. LANE, or In his absence, to P. ta. WALKER. Oct.'J. - 87. TOBACCO. - r( BOXES Tobacco, assorted, for sale by 1UU HOWARD Sl PEDEN. pet. 11 1649. v 89. - m i ii I, it OROCKERY. A GOOD assortment, for sale at HOWARD 4 PEDEN. And daily expected, a large aasoriment. NEW GROCERY STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to Inform his fiWndsadd the public generally, thai be has ta ken the stand formerly occupied by Mr. J. H. Roth- su., oa the aoulh side of Market Street, Fenr Doors from the corner of South Water Street, where be is now receiving an extensive assortment of GROCERIES, FARM1XO IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE, f., te which he invites the etientiomeX CASH CUS TOMERS particularly. Having purchased mostly for lAbii, he is pri'pured to offer induoeraenta to per son! dealing in a like commodity. ALEX. MacRAE, Js. Oct. 12. fc8. ''yt. - - MRS. SARAH H KELLY HAS just returned- from New York tf with her FALL STOCK of MILLE-f IN AK Y. Her assortment ia from the latest and most fashionable styles in the city. She hopes, therelore, to give satisfaction to her customer, md will endeavor to merit a con'.innunce of their pat ronage. She is thankful for past favors from her friends, and wishes a continuance of the anue. P. S. Slaw Bonnet cleaned and preaasd for 50c. Dreii making sino, contioutd. She is also prepared to aeeommodate five or six Boarders, of yood address and eh irseter. Oci.9. Chron. cop. 1 momh. 87. TO THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON AND ITS VICINITY. MRS. MAXWELL, begs leave respect dQfully i meloi to announce to the Ladiea of V Urn- nelon, that having just returmd from New York, ahe la now prepared i xhlMt the new est and moat riehret Styles of Millinery in this mar ket, lonsisilng of three esses of Silk snd Satin Shirred Bonnets, also two cases of Morning do. with Pamela aod Straw do. of all the various sijles and prlose. She would also call attention to her stock of ale pat Brocade Ribbons, comprising the richest and newest Stylos of the season. Also, French Flowers, Feathers, Dreaa Caps, and Heat D re esse, with s good assortment of Embroideries, such aa Collars, Cuffs, Edgings, Insertlnge, etc., etc.. all of which ahe will offer at unprecedented low prices, being de termined u mefil the patronage of all who may fa vor her wihacall. Mra. M, would further etste that she has engaged a competent Drree Maker, from New York, and every attention will be paid to that branch of I bo business. The Boa nets being got sp by the moat fsshlonsble Milliners la New York, need only to be eeen to be sppredsted. Mi. i. he., removed Millinery Establishment te Msrket street, over Scolt. Keen 4 Cb's, and so licits s csll from the Ladiea. All kind of Benneta clcaaed aa mail. Oct. II, 1843. 881m m NOW RECEIVING, At the New York Furniture Warehouse, Ou FALL STOCK OF GOODS. COMPRISING un Infinite variety of FURNI TURK, essenliul fur Housekeeping purposes which we are determined to sell at LOW PRICKS, FOR CASH or approved paper. Our goods have bei n selected with care; ,ind at Cash prices, which will enible us to sell 20 percent less, than the credit system. The Ladies and the public generally are 'respect fully requested to call ai.d examine our Stock, w hen we will offer such Inducements as cannot fail to meet the approbation of the buyers. Call and see. G. it W. A. GW YFR. Sept. 29. 8J. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! r"pHK subscriber retpectfullyrfwinw; X solicits of tno puuitr. an examination of his New and Beautiful Slock of Furniture, now being' received at his old and well known si a ml at thv Rocll Spring. The slock is fully rqiml if not supiTlorto any th;it hu Itai- Uiihtrto iccnved. irt elc giinc- of style, ni.-tiliiis, mid beamy o. finish. The pricea will be low, as he proposes to sell for cath. The following articles are just icceived, per Brigs Emily and I rancta Jane, viz: French Sofas; Ttte-a-Tete do. Plain do. Centrn.Tables; Card do. Cherry do. Piie do. Cune Seal Chairs ; Rooking do. Mahogany Nurse Chairs; Children's do. Marble Top Bureaus ; Plain do. do. TUli t Table s ; Ligbl Stands j G ecian V ashatund;-; Plain do. Secretaries. Sewinir do. Sideboaidn, Ac Complete sets for Bedrooms, each set consisiiug ot a French Bedstead, Dressing Bureaus, Wash and Light Stands, Four Chairs, a beautiful article. Al ho, several cheap-Wardrobes. JNO. D LOVE, At the Rock Spring Wilmington, Oct. 9, 18J9. 67 if. Chronicle and Journal copy 4t. REMOVAL TH Subscriber having removed his Drugs, Chem icals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and Fancy Arti cles, to his new store, N. E. Corner of Front and Market sts. (Dawson's old stand) at which place, he will be happy to see his old customers, where they will find a fresh supply of articles in his line, as cheap if not cheaper than any housr in the place. W M. II . LIPPITT. Oct. 9. 87 4t. OIL. 5 Bbls. Bleached Winter Strained Lamp Oil, 5 do. uubleachod " " " ' Just received aud for Bale bv RUSSELL & KENDR1CK. Oct. 9. 87. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. H. S. KELLY HAVING disconnected himself from V, R. Psia sow, would Inform hia frienda and the public I general, that he haa taken the store on Front strcetn 5 dour from Market street, Immediately opposite. Dr. Bsllamv's office, where he is prepared to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in all lis branches. Being in possession of the latest Fashions, he will cut and make gentlemen's npparel at the shortest notice, in a style ol workmanship and neatness of fil not to be surpassed by any in the State ; and he bopea to merit a continuance of the patronage of his lormcr customers and the public, Oct. 6 1849. eC. APPLES ! ! APPLES ! ! For s ale at WILKINSON & CO S. 87. 100 Oct. 9. BBLS. Apples ASSIGNEE'S SALE. IN pursuance of a deed of Assignment made to me by John K. Hawes bearing date 16th of June 1849. I will sell al Auction at t lie Court House el 12 o'clock on Monday 22nd loau Unless sooner dis posed of. A tract of Land in New Hanover County patented by John R. iiawes, 23d February 1346. es timated at 500 Acres lying on the east side of Black i River adjoining the lands of Law dt. Savage, Daniel Robinson, Tho. J. Sikeaand Daniel Weltona. TIIOS. D MKARES, Asaee. JOHN WALKER, Jr. Aucfr. Oct. 9. 1849. 87-6. LARD AND BACON HAMS. KEGS pood Lard and a lot of Hams, received per Rail Road, and for sale by 10 J.HArttAWAj Oct. 9. 67. lamp Oil. C BARRELS good Winter Bleached .just I slved tS and nd tor site by J. HATHAWAY d SON. Oct. 9. FOR FREIGHT OR CUARTER ,jnt THE A I coppered Brig ALBEMARLE ,Cuas 'iiiu ry waster, iiu lont burthen, or 1 1 1 M it. Lumber. For torms. apply to GKO.HAilK.lSS. Oct. 9 9T-3t. No. 18 No. Water St., up rulrs. JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE BBL8. and qr. bbls. of No. I Mackerel, ' " 1-2 bbls. No. 1 Salmon, 3 quintals of Codfish, 10 bbls. i Irlh potatoes, Mercer and Shsnaogo, 3 cases preserved Ginger s fine article, I 10 half bbls. of beet Canal Flour-new whest, 3 flrklns best Goshen Butter. Low for cash, a'. GEO. H. KELLY'S. Oct. 9 Chron. copy. 87. TOPSAIL ACADEMY. THE first session of ibis Institution will open on the first dsy ol October, under i lie superinten dence of J a ass H. Basarr, a graduate uf Randolph Macon College. Its loceiiod la 12 mike east ol Wilmington, on theroed leading loNewbera, health fully and plseeaody situated, in a neighboraood where board mav be obtained al 19 per month- Term of taitloa will be aa follows, vis i Laws braoche of English, per session af fir months, 17 00 Higher branehe af English, together with Mathematics, 12 B0 Latin and Oreek, , 18 00 NICHOLAS N. NIXON, f resident af the Board of Trustee. Sept. 18, t 77-6w w. FLOUR & PORK. 1 (T BBLS. extra f.mlly Flour t - 1 J 30 bbls. Mesa Pork, for e.U- by DaROSSET 4 BROWN. Sept'. 27. ; 8 FLOUR. BBLS. freih" ground Flour, Fayelteville branda, aasorted, for eale by DaROSSKT RROWN 100 SP'- 27- 82 2w. SULPHATE QUININE. JUST received 60 onnces Fsrr'sfti'lnlne, and lor aale by A. C. EVANS 4- BROTHER. Sept 27. n-t(. 7 BOXES Cvondlsh Tobacco, 1 qr. cask ort Wine, 1 " " Madeira " For sale bv H. P. 'RUSSELL, No. '22 No. Water at. Oct. 9, 87-tf. FOR RICHMOND. CS.T'HE packt-t Schr. Kensington, Foster, l ju uinnier. win nave aespaicn as suovs. fcor light freight or psasace, apply lo GEO. HARRISS. No. 18, North Water Street, upstairs. Oct. 11. 88-3t. WESTERN SIDES. 5 HHDS. just re.etved per Urania, for snlehv DrROSSET & BROWN. Oct. 11. R8-2w. FAYETTEV1I.1.E Super Flour-M harrelsbeat. For aale by peROSSET eV BROWN. Oct. II. ' 88-3t. LARD. Just received per Schr Kenslnglnn. For sale by DaROSSKT A BROWN. Oct. II. 88. JOSEPH II FLANNER, General Commission Merchant WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 9ih, 1849. 87-Iy-c. BACON. Z LBS. side and Shoulders, just re j' v 'U ceivi'd. per Rail Road, for sale by CASHUELL 4 BLOSSOM. pt. 25. 81. NAILS. 1 ff KEGS, assorted sizes, for sale by 1 J ' W. O. JEFFREYS. Oct. 4. 83 SHOES. A GOOD assortment, suited to ttiecountry trade of good quality, and at fair prices, by lite case. for sah by W. Oct. 4. J. I'M. I IXC O. 85 WILMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL. THE subscribers, in accordance with the wish of a large and respectable portion of (he citi zens, having rented the rooms formerly appropria ted to the Male department of the Odd Fellows' Schosl, propose to establish In Wilminoton, Aa aunaUsh, Matiwu... teal aaa Ctaaateat High School, In which will be taught the Elementary and highe English branches, together with the atudlee neces sary lor admission into the lower two classes of our University. They pledge ihemeelves that the course of Instruction shall be accurate and thorough; and that they will spate no pains In rendering the schooi acceptable to the citizens snd worthy of their pat ronage. The exercises will open on Monday the 16tb of October next. TERMS : Elementart' branches of English 8 per session of 5 mo's. Higher branchesof Eng lish, (with Mstus- matics) 12 " " " Loiin and Greek Lan guages, 16 " " " " ' Tuition payable one half In advance, and the bal ance at the expiration of 'l months. GEO. V. STRONG. LUCIAN HOLMES. ( Journal and Chronltle copy 3t.) Sept. 28, 1849. 28-lm. WORTHY OF ATTENTION! The Largest and Cheapest Stock of DRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing, Boots aud Shoes, t ever vraa offered at thla place. 18 now for s ,le. Wholesale and Retail, by S. d D TELLER. Those in want of fhe above articles will do well, by calling on the subscribers, next door to the Com mercial Bank. j Country Merchants will do well by calling and ex amining before tney purchase. S. A D. TELLER. LADIES are particularly requested to Inspect their FANCY GOODS. The colored Fisnnels, Velvet Trimmings, have just arrived and are opened. Those in want of ihem wit) please came forward a loon al possible, ss lloy sell very fast. & D. T. Oct 4. 85 tl. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THIv undersigned have thl day entered Into a Copartnership, under the Ann of ANDERSON s LATIMER, for the transaction of a Wholesale Grocery and General Com iiiiasign Buslneaa. All consignment will be attended lo with pioinpineaa and despatch, Office In Mr. G. W. DaVis' building, on SoUth Uater Sl. JAMES ANDERSON. Z LATIMFK Wilmington N. C. 8epL 2th 1819.' 82-if. GUNNY BAGS. 3000a nd'io Large Six Ganny Bay, just received or sale Dy RUSSELL A KENDRICE. 87. Oct. 9. HOOP IRON AND RIVETS. 1 ( TONS Hoops snd 30 thousand Rivets, for 1 J Spirits Turpentine Bsrels, for sale by W. O. JEFFREYS. Oct. 4. et HORSE FOR SALE. MA Bo North n troke Hors, perfectly gentle, and a fast troitsr. Apply to HOWARD A PEDEN. OcL. 81. RIO COFFEE. 7 Sack Rio C , for aal by GEO. ELLIOT. I North Building, North Water St. Oct. 6. 89. HAVING REMOVED to the store late ore'apW by Mesara..AlfDRRfKw an4 XOVXU, sad known aa t ha Al PERSON 8TORE,Unvw receiving a general assort anew ; nir ooods, hard waib, " " Cim,ESY, eW adapted to the wants af the town and country, C. H. L. respectfally inviue his customer ta ton tlnue their trade with elm al hi hew aland, he would also, say ia the customers af Mesers. Anderson at Young, that having succeeded lo their business stand. (They having gone out of trade) he la desl roua of succeeding to their business slso, and be Ihvee he eaa offer Inducement for their old custo mers totrnde whh him. They sre reapectfully' lnvl tedtoesll and examine his goods snd judge Jar ihemsilve. H llminiiton. N. C. Sept. 6. 73. TO RENT, IROM the let of October ftrxt, (he very commodious snd pleasant pretnisee at present otfcui'M by Thoa. Lorlntf, Esq. r or lerms, apply to u. u. rarsiey. R. BRADMCV. Sept. 13, 1849. 76-lt iMoRREiYT TH : two story Dwelling House, on the aaat aido of Second street, and between Dock and Market street, at present occnpleu by Mr. John Kyle. Apply to JAS. A. BRADLRT. Sept. 13. 78-rf. SOUTHERN MCTHODIST PULPIT. MO TIILY ORIGINAL I 384 Paxes in the Volume. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. r WE beg leave lo invite attention to the follow ing ic.iliire : 1. A i leas: XII Original Sermons are given lu the course of the year. Thus sre by MuthodlM Prea i hcrs ul ic various Southern Conference. 2. At least XII Portraits, or distinguished Minimis n w living at the South. Thee will be superior wood-cuts 3. Pou and Ink Sketches, of dlatingahed Prea chers, containing biographical snd descrp'ive mat tor, anecdotes, Ac. 4. ItcllglouH and Literary Intel. Igenee, aud Ksaays on subjects of interest to Southern Mstho dints will unhi nee the value of the work. 5. The whole volume is complete in 12 numbers, each contalng 32 octavo pnges and treat ly covsred. The Secoud Volume trill begin Willi the Jo It Number. The work Is recommended by the nitatlOP, all the Periodicals, and eight efthf Conference of the Church. TUKM : OJfLY HI Od A YEAR I Bui in t&riably in atlnctu-.t. 't mwl not bt rtquuled to deviate from Ihit rult. His copies will be sent for 3. Ail remittances must be Post paid. We ofior the following IMllJ.VIIt'JIS. Hr I . Any person sending us ten tub$eriber$ and will be entitled lo i copy of the "Cyetoptdm qfNM' gumt Anecdote," a new work, the most, sdinlfH bis of the kind extant, '100 pages, 8vo., and bound in t.loih or sheep. The low ! New York retail price y92,60. Every preacher and every head of a fauil isshould hsve a copy. 2. Any person seeding ua a lubtenbert rcal,ll0. wilt be entitled to a portrait ofBlahop Aibury, Or of Bishop McKeodreaas be B y choose. 3. Thoie who send u 16 rubteribert ani 16 will bo entitled to bjttl portraits. They arc tot I engravings, nine snd three-eights by eleven and i qiurier inches, printed on superfine paper seven teen by twenty four Inches. These superb tng ra tings i 13 in Philadelphia, To avoid inlsluKes of mailing, etc. CXC., we ahoald be pleased to havi the aubacrfptiona befotathe lHh of Jane. W keea tie aeeoaoi i tn work ts to cheap to allow it. Let name ana money coma to gei'ier. Address potl-pnUL . rCHAtLES F. DEEMS. NewbTB,N.C. N. B. Subecrlptlona, with money, may also be senttothe Editor of the Commercial, Wilmington, N. C. April 19-16-tf. FOR SALE. 1 ( HHDS. Sugar, 80 bsgs Coffee j IU 110 bbls. Pork; 100 keg Cat Nails; 100bagr8hot; 2Cbbls Glue; Soap; Sperm Candles) Canal Flour; Gunny Bag; Wrapping Paper ; Loaf Sugar ; Crushed Sugar, dfce., die. ANDERSON A LATIMER. Sept. 27. . 62 MADAME CLEMENT RESPECTFULLY inform the Inhabitant af this tuwit and (he adjoining Counties, thai ahe will be happy to receive a small number Of young Ladies, whose parents might relde at a distance; this would be a desirable home for children deprived of the care of a mother; they would have all the advantages ol a echooj, combined with all the com forts of home. . Terme parable in advance, quarterly. For board and education, per annum 1200 Mu sic mil included. IVilmingfon, Oct 4, 1849. ffr (Chronicle copy if.) TO RENT. iF.VF.flAL Store and Office, on North Water ) Miroet, wiih Warehouses attached, ' ALSO: One of the moat desirable Whams, In W'Umlng- i ion n. Apply to F. J. LORD A C. . Aug. 2d, 1849. 69. A CARD. HAVI.XG detarmlned to laav Wilmington by, the first of October, I take ihi medium of re turning my sincere thanks to rav friends for their liberal paimnage, and many other favor. Dr. W. K. Keseman win continue the practice of Homoiopaihy, In ibe same office, and I solicit for him a continuation of that patronage I have receiv ed. All ihoaa indebted to B. Munsey and Munsey A Freeman, will pleas call and settle with Mr. J. B. Kea, who win be fosnd In th sm office, la th practice af Dentistry; and I tak thl opponuolty lo rrciiiainend him to my fricncUand th public a an able an I skilful Denial, and in every way wor thy of public BARTON MUNSEY. OFot sale, a good Bugf y and Haincaa, and a net of Deo ust Tool. Apply to Mr. J. E. Kea. Sept. IBtb. 78-1m. NEGRO CLOTHS AND BLANKETS. PLANTERS are rcqueated to eall and esaatln our stock of Kerseys and Blanket, aa w think they are equal to any ottering In th market, and for aale low by HOWARD A PEDEN. Sept. 25. 81. LAMP OIL 1 A "i GALLONS beat quality pure 8pem Oil ; I JU 150 do. Sprm do. Fer.aleby HOWARl) ft PEDRN. Kept. 26. 81. DOMESTIC GOODS, Ac A VARIETY of Domeati Good, Print, lar seys, BlsnketL Cheap Olotha, Caalmerrs, Sti nta. Hardware. Hollow Wars, Oroeertas af vari ous kinds, Cotton Bagging. Ae. Ac .which will be said t rsasonsbl prolia. W. 0. JEFFRKY8. Oct. A 65 THAT brgw Brkk Dwelling Haeae, an Marker t.,-tio aealiplad y M r. W t a Foaaeaalea glea ao IM 14 oaf at uctuur nel, V. JUtiil ir. , s Wllmingioir.W C,Wf HIIM. M-tf. M1?ROM Ist.Ocrober mst, in reside nv a r of Mrs. PolMonoa Market Street. For term, apply ftp- - y f "'-""l , i , OEO.DATJJ? Sept. 21 It. FOR RENT, frilt Wharf, tsrd hd War floU.d afpreaVnt 1 occupied by the Mrehanr Stesm dost Cri py. PoMK-ssioa givs on rha first iff Ovtabt-r next Apply ta JAMES J IN KINS- ai F.yetieviJ! Sefii. n. -it. THIS NORTH CAROLINA MITtTAIV life mim mmv KALEIGH, N. C. TrfK above Company haa baeh fit opeiatloa alee the I siol April last ooxUr the- dlfeativti .af Jaa" following Ol&cers, vl i 1t. ChSa. E. Johnson, PresUent, , Wm. D. H.fwood, Vic Predf, ' Jaim a F. Jordan, Saeretarf,- Win. H. Joner, Treasurer, ' Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. CharleE,Johnoj, ) m.-iU, i. Hersmsn, OvnTAgrtU. This Company has tecelved a ebartar giving advantages to ihe Insured aver any atswr Caav psny. The 5th Section give the Husband tMa privilege to insure his own life for rh ol rt of hi" Wife and Children, ru front awy claims af Ike rep resentative of the husband at any af hi creditor-., Organized' on purely muiuof erbteipltty fM tiCe member parttelpste lit iha of Hi profit wblcrr are declared annual!. Beside, la sppti cant for lile, when ibe annuel premium it pver g3 may pay one half In a Not. All ekiliMfor Insurance eainvttsW Cetartjd Wllr be paid within ninety day afir proof af iba ktk vf the party 1 furnished. Slavea are Infuredfbt aha or af years, t fates' which win enaal 111 Slaveholder t aew tkladasg of property sgalnot-saa uncertainly of Ufa. Slav iasuranc presents a new and ltTtlng fesiurtrttt the history Of North Carollnf, which wilt praea nary Important to the Sowtkera Stsr.- Tlralaetfoar rorialiis opera tJtnl af ikia Xampaay' shovM a very Urge aitsvont of lHisinv--)of JkaaV the Director expected lo do the Irat year having already turned more than 200 PdReietv AH Communication on business of th Company should b acdreased to J.3 r . JVBAn, ii Bttnkrf. Raleigh, August 29; 164:. V, CI3TILLERY PRC7E1 RTt f to SALE. 'T'HB uoilrlgnsd la des trans of diaiag f rtta x UMtutery property uiety apatatea ay Mwett a There ara I stills, all in perfect tajuiing order, very thing In and about the pfemlee eowaes.w leaiiy arranged. Th property baa a treat af 230 ft. an lb river, with a rt fid ft. ao each aid i a can. tanl and full aopply of fresh spring wsler tunning; directly into the tubs; tnd indeed1 every iseilUy for conducting the distillery bmnasa to tke greateet possiDie advantage. I bis sstaDiianmrai may, wtta very sllaht expense, be converted' tntwaa exianaiva Lhur Dtotlllry-ior which tiara 1 a4 41 gsaie advantagaattalaaatloa in tke united Sfcfe. M. U. KAB.BL.fcY.. WlUnington, N. C Sept. 11, 1W9. TML 1 ' t r"i ir ii j NEGROES WANTED. . , tiuuuvua vvixavavajjsr. HAVING returned sgain to WBmlngtoni for tb purpose of purchasing a large number of n-J groes, and will remain here permanently fntfl. tke Utter part of next 8priHg, I em- new h market w pay la fcigheM Cash price far Slaves, Mai aa Fe male, from Twelvio thirty yeara of ge. Tkoa having such property tut sale, will gad it to tkrtr advantage location m fret, be lor waling a auk, ss from my fWeilltfe In calling in in ktoafk I esn pay th higheet price, and far geod.aouhd mefekant able property, will not be overbid by say la the besines. .:. rj ' : AIm soMnd Coopera, trlcklyrv Carpeniera and Blacksmith. Apply far ro at th Carolina Hetet ANSLCT DAtS. Aug. 21, 1849. : gg-tL WILMINGTON MISIC SfflOOL- VI a. H. VtUITA ICR'S MUSIC CfiOOU IM iucvnimtocf ara in on lite luta of ta month. at her School Room oppuefr hm EpiacoM) Church an Market St.. when and wtWbaopaa to receive iha im liberal encouragement hsstnAiisi tsoded la her by the Ladle of vVilnttA&ton an) rha surrounding Countle. Her term are 20 pef ffea ion of nv month; on Plane 1 20 forOaltar. On ly 130 win be reodlred wnetei a vanaur Isitr fakva leoaen Piano end Oaitar.- Ua kaaoa wiltb givea to each Scholar evary day. sie bmo aaeps eonsmiy est mm and fat case a large selection of NEW MU8IO, for Piaaa and Guitar, which h recertea (rem New York asotetn- ly- II. WHITAIER. WllnTlngtort, Sept. 4,rBlw. - 77-IT. Jo seph Mayer RESPECTFULLY IntoiinanjalrWnda and fa public, that b has iit received s fmlans ftt suppfy . V rL- Vn' 5- OJDryGjoip Embrseinga erj compklcortinenr, hsxkidjg y READY HADE CLOTHING. ? With a variety of ether eticlet tew aakarreaa to numerate la aa dvrtiasnt. He nisi glvw ki c jaiomara aa good barrels ss tkef can ft at any star lo town. Call end See. Also, a fallaaaortiaeatof 1 1 HATS, CAPS, BQNNBT8tSaOgS( BOOTS wlratnJSS COTLEM-. ' P'Llkrwiae.- tfnw U of OARPRTINfJ, 8. He arlU seppiy PlaaUra and Craaserf Mer chant wlia Cetasv. Blaakata. Haas. Ca Ska. and every (king fhsy may te4aue. Sept. S. 81. SALT, COAL AND BlATTS, 3rA JT Sacks Sslt. !0 Tons Liverpool Con ,VAsJnd W sofa Matt pet BrigTanat fraen BRTANT4 ADAMS. 63. Aug.' 14. REMOVAL . JA. MORRIS reepeetfally laforss hi frienda and tka onbll gntally, tkaike haa taken. tk HAKNaTT HOUSE, , where la 1 1 preparing I accommodate bit trVsnd wTth Ihe beat of eiy thing that iageodt lack OYSTER SUPPsXS, andatkat hie aa sateca mar wish. HW Lie,urs skj af lb vry beet ,aJiy. Segar a'nttKirJp rww BILLIARD TABLKS. which an be atiaaasd la la tke bs4 aaaaaar. nr A free Lsmeh, evsry dsy, at 1 1 . Oct 7. W tl M J-ia- 4