,w,s'Jk -v.;.-,, T1IB uHCOM WERCIAL: v ,, yil,MiNOTON, N, C. TUESDAY OCTOBER Ilk 1849. - CONOltfDED FROM tftlisT fAIS,, v posing chiefs of the different factions du ring thatBtinguinary era would stagger le-' lief. A faint idea of this barbarous state of things may b conceived from the aston idh,iug fact that Arkansas has never to this day had a senator or representative inHhe" councils of the nation, who has not once, if nomorc, periled his hfo on the so-crtUeil field of honor." Uonorablo diuds, howev er, formed scarcely "a tithing- of the combat wamaI . l?inta ntfrnva n iil AfnAv riwin- tres !W chance medley.'wcro of weekly and jiomViimfift ihuW occurrences. Doctor Men- i k k :'' y a w' . t I cfee took a hand In nil, and yet escnped from each 1 without a sear, till lus vrry name grew Jo bo n iliing of terror, at the 6ound of which even brave men trembled. I And thus ho had reached the summit of! his new, false, and at last fatal ambition. As a '-famous tighter," ho was universally acknowledged to be without an equal and without a second, and that, too, in ,a coun try abounding with bold spirits from every quarter of the Union. The Hectors, the Peshas, Wilson, Conway tho most rcdou tnble heroes dreaded him. Fent Noland hirrftclf feared" the glare of his ferocious blue eye. It would have been a curious inquiry to analyze the motives and feelings of Ihe terriblo duellia of this period. He does not seem'to have been actuated by sheer and absolute cruelty. He. did not wield tu bowie-kuifa lor the sake of inflicting riafal1? it was only the sharp instrument with which -he qlcayciytf!! way t(jjiot6rie ty. H fought, not so much to avenge iiu suits m to achieve pejplttlariiy To excel, ;Mceai, culminate, iprfild the goaiof all his thoughts and wishes ; and to do Ihisvin his jesqritpherftut a 'single path-lay open ; the path marked by fire and blood. He lived only in a sort of ecslatac dream of bravery a dream orcrflowmg-tvith the consciousness of .surpassing pbwer the power to make aHeyes"qimil and all henrts tremble - . -4t$lp (jcrisf dytrdiitAry rne&oiia df dis playing nis oBragft andVonleviapt 'of death.; He was knonteafeveral occasions, with out .uttering a word, to approach and spit Jty'tria facef f notorious bullies, with whom flit tail 1w,cauttc ef quarrel, and fycthe 1 feOlend of provoking a fight. One person "'B,Fa!tantagc, hoveveryresnhod from this v ,';'erxicessi vc" deeporatbn. No other physician x conjd be found hardy enough to 'settle in 'obNlFay, wh'crt such a foe reigned, and as BisJAer ol course Alenelce got all trie prac iiceHe even nttendod on his own woun-eJ- -Would cut a man open with his Bowie-knife in the morning, and, if called on, sew hirjMtp with his needle in the evening. Ho reati2ed 'a handsome" fortune by his professional exertions, and deservedly too, lor he was skilful and nttentivedoctor la perilous cases ho was sublime, for his bravery urged him always to take the res ponsibility of a lofty danngn the prompti tude and power of bis remedies. The; proverb says, "There must be an end to everything," and an end came at last to the reign of "The Fighting Doctor," as he was christened in blood throughout Arkansas. He had- a neighbor named Phillips, a peaceful, inoffensive man, who had never previously been engaged in a difficulty; with any human. being, and hence art that region was generally deemed a cow ard. From some cause which neve, pub licly transpired, feelings of hostility urose between the two., and Menefee sought an early opportunity to cowhide the other in the streets of Lewigbnrg, Phillips bore his chastisement without so much as an effort of resistance. Indeed, at the moment he had no other alternative, for he was alto gether unarmed, while his enemy held a Denugcr ocked at his breast. Immediately afterwards, however, Phil lips went and literally loaded himself with murderous weapons, and returned to face his foe on raof equal terms. They en countered blithe public equa're while court was in session, and never did the - sun of ' heaven thine on a more obstinate combat. The first of all 6red two rounds with jis CtoIs, and, at the second, round Phillips was woun4ed in the loins But this, instead of cWclrfng his furious ardor, only tended to inflame and madden him Iha PWro. He unsheathed his knife and bounded upon hit enemy, who received his thrusts with a like deadly Wade.. With clenched teeth, foam on their livid hps, panting chests, and blazing ejes, they (ought like maniacs, till both were bathed in, sweat and blood ' At length Phillips ventured on a desperate manoerre. He dropped bis own knifo, and miring the naked blade of ( his antagonist, snapped it in two by main strength, culling at the tamo time his own fingers to the bone (''J"H tfxjn drew from benoa h his vest another knife, ahdlnadc a fierce plunge at Menefea's heart but Menefee, In 'turn, caught the sharp blade in his hands and orpice otr the point wnen, Jo I , .rhuJips produced a third IJowie-koifc, much larger than the others, and plunged it up to the hilt in his enemy's side, wno fell to rise no more.' "Menefee, as 'he lay 'on the gory ground lob6ed"upin tbe'ticWfe face with a swett smite) and gast&d, iri a dying voice. ii "Phillips, you we King of Conway now you have kdled The Fwatwc Doctou." a Ww -The Philadelphia Inquirer states jlhatja Bt rlu, oauaty, Pa., about 0000 gal loni0ltio are mads per annum. In Hamilton 'iduntv, Ohio, there ire 2000 acres of vineyard lands Mr Ixmgworth, the rentgrajie grower at Cinriimnti, snys Ok "If we want fort- trops, w must go to thi fertile larids of North Carolina,' ; where, from their famous acupcernong, thy make from 2000 to 8000 gallons peri RCr- 1 is truly miracujous. rJ ,,iare ljnown.R bunch of our Catawba gtnpes to have 150 berrios, and weigh 24'o?s. On the sctip pernong the yield is from 2 to 8 berries. The price is in proportion. We add no sugar, and sell our wine from $1,00 to 8.1 , 25 per gallon. They add 3 lbs. of sugar, to the gallon, and, ' strange to tell, make a hock wine (which is a hard, dry wine) and sell it for $1,00 per gallon. THi: FKHIT AT HIGO'S huU.ow. The witness for the prosecution in this . i i i v . . i caso was a lituo snort uuicnuum, ynm n red face, turned up noso and caKQty head; his rest was exceedingly short and so were bis pantaloons at both ends, exhibiting be tween the waistband of one, and the lower 'edfre of the former, a broad streak of red flannel shirt ; his stumpy hands wero stuck in his pockets, and his little eyes which were not red, ran around the court room, and seemed to sny, ' 1 the owner of the said eyes, am the crack witness for the prosecution.' ' Nbwsir,' Bnid tho Distript attorney, ' I want you to tell me all you know about the fight at Bigg's Hullow. ' iT Witness. 'Well, Bir, you see,' I know all about it. Tho .morniu of the fight, when I was in bed. 'you 'sec,' I turns run id to Molly, nfld sdya Molly. Sho says Tom Sajfs 1, Molly, I guess I'll, git up. Snys she', Tom, 1 guess you'd better. So .you see 1 gits up, and Judge. This has nothing to do with the fight.' ' , Witness. 'WeH, Jodge, Imwst tell in my own way and if you interrupt mc 1 can't tdo it' ... Judge. Well, then, go ot.' Witndss.. ''Well, sir, you jee tho moru la of tlMs.figbt, when I wasHnbed, I turns round and Ws Molly, Molly. Says she, Tom- Says. L, Molly, I guesj- I'll -git up. Says she, Tom,. I jruess von had better.' Judge. 1 stop, sir, 1 doff t Want to hear this nonsense : coniine-. yourself to tho finrhl.' Witncs?. ' Well. Judcefif vou internmt me, I can't tell you any tiling about it ; it's a way I've got.' Judge. ' Well, then go on for Heaven's lff nnrl irt llirnnirh' sake, and get through!' Wi Itncss. Well, then, you see, the inormn' of the fight when I was in bod I turns round nnd- says MoHy. Say3 she Tom". Says I, Molly, I'll git up. Says she, Tom, I gness you'd better. So now don't interrupt me Judge. 1 gets up, and lakes my boots from undetthe. stove .' Judge. 1 Slop, witness.' Witness. 'There, now you interrupt me again. I can't tell you anything about it it you interrupt ntc.' . " A HVI9 Ut go, on. Witness. W Veil, sir, you see the morn in' of the fight Judge.,(fn a rage) 'Sheriff! take that man om.' Exit, witness, .wjthjus finger to his nose. ' I guess they dld'nt'thalcfe much oiit of this child.' Sundoicn Torchlight. ,"' ' ; IIISIOUX LANDS, riovcrnor Chambers passed through St. Louis a Ipw days since, on his way to Mincs(ola, where he is to join Governor Ramsey in the treaty arrangements with the Sidtilrjdiaifs, for twenty million acres of .lands owned by the latter, north of the SLlHoters.!. The Government at Washing ton seems tb(have anticipated ihd views of tjovynor liamsey, 01 Minesota, who, in his late message to the Legislature of that Territory, says : " Next in importance towards facilitating the settlement of the Territory, I would rank the purchase, of the Sieux Indian country west of the Mississippi river, from the Iowa line north of tho Watab river, which is the south boundary of the Win nebago country adding as the wesierr. boundary of such a purchase aline down due south, from the lake at the head of Long Prairie river. This extensive, rich and salubrious region would open- new in ducements for the enterprise of our country men j for it is considered equal in soil to any portion of the Mississippi, nnd in hcalthfulness it is probably superior to any pan 01 ie American continent. -It is known to be rich in mineral as in soil ; is sufficiently timbered, being traversed by a hundred milee, on its western border by n hard wood forest some forty miles in width; is watered by some of the finest rivera of the northwest, such as the Minesota or St. Peters, the Blue Earth,' the Osakis.tlie Root river, and others ; and is bespangled with beautiful lakes in everjr direction To the eye of the observer it presents a charming mingling of high rolling prairies and gentle slopes,-wooded hill tops, luxuri ant natural meadows, and an abundance of,lhe purest water ; and I feel a conviction ihat this country once thrown open to set tlement, would be peopled with a rapidity eiceeding any thing in theTiistory of wes tern colonization. 1 would thereto e press strongly upon the Legislative Assembly the expediency of memorializing Congress upon the subject." - . The following anecdote was relaloJ by Professor Meacham, the Whig candidate fur Congress in the 3d District, Vermont, at a mqeting in Burlington " " Said Prof. M. urnir) t6 Jbis Trt.e Dem ocratic fyends who werf pflai ,'Jbim " jou dre all oewiconverts ; pu all lemember the daj and the bonrwhon you vere made free democrats don't jtJul Oh yes, jres Well, said the speaker, I suppose so, and your cose reminds BQ vrv forciMc of an occurrence in one of your common schools. The ttacher, a yottng' lttdy, put the question tohef scholars one morning: 'Who ro sde you? The oldest boy 'could not tell, neither cquldtriei scholars, till she questioned the smallest and. the . youngest urchin in the school - lie answered prompt ly, that God made him The teacher turn ing to the largest boy said, "are you not ashamed not to knowiwbat thia, little fel low knows?" U. la " He. repli'ed tti$Ybi$'' tin." Thun der I should think. he might know ; taint a fortnight since he was made P LAUD, 7MU.S. jiirt received, per Hall Rood, for unle by CaSHWEI.L & BLOSSOM. Sunt. 15. 81. DAILY, EiPECTED. OHJilMI MAVEIl.trtforiiiistl.eLndlLS of Wil li nun,:lon th it tc is In daily cxpclnllon uf eplt n did :.t(irPH, of Silks, Cnhmereii, Hnmlmziner, Al )in:har, French Mnrtnotll color,all kindi of fine DRV GOODS. Pino Kliinmd fur Sapk, Thread Lace, Kdgl.ip, In surling, Shawls, Man.lllug and Snckf, of all cjuull lifs. TheKo liood are all lately imported, and will be found to be of tin very beat quality and cheap A variety of Hosory, om1 rncina Silks. Cnalimerea, Ikrlin nnd l.amba ool, Met Inn, and Cotinn. with a great vuriety uf Gi nUrincn'g Hull Hre All for sale by JOSKl'H MAVEil. Sopi.rj5. 8,- tilR1) rPHK Hitbseriher in now prepaied to me his custo 1 in 'i s and friends at the old tian I on N irlh side Market btinei, next door Mow I. Dawbhk -'o., where he will aerve them up with any kind of a Hat or Cup that rnnv be desired. My si ck is unusually large, and will be sold etr. lowforauh. A cull Irom those wishing to purchase is tespirtfiilly solicited. Prices to mil the times. V. M 1 r.Ka.uaiier. .Sept. 29. . 83. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, PUNTSrt.S.arirjnili'ers'vfsltlng WilminRton to buy coods.ure reqnesttd to Cittl nd-xiunine my stoi-k anil prices for any description of Hats or Caps. My arrnnyenients are ciieh as io b.' able to furnish every description of Hats and Cups ut the regular New Vork wholesale prices. C. MVF.RS, Hatter. Sept. 29. 83. OIL & CANDLES K FiBLP. Lnrd Oil, 50 boxes. Ad itnin ine Can dies ussorted, jual received for sale by DeROSSKT A UROWN. Sept 27. 82-3w. CALL AND SEE, WHAT THEY B. A SPLENDID lot of Bacon ll iran, Sides and Shoulders. Kor sale low for CASH. By GEO. H. KELLY. Sept. 25 'SJ. ADMINISTRATOR S OTICE. LETTERS of administration on the Esm'tcof the late Alfred Bryant, were granted to (he subscri ber at the SerHesiber Term 1849, of die Couit of Pleuaand Qua iter Sessions, of iho County of New Hanover. All persona having accounts apd de mands of any kind or denomination against said in testate are heieby notified to present inesame to tho undersigned within the time prescribed by law ; and all persons Indebted to said tataia, 'are hereby re quired to make payment to the subscriber. J. BALLARD. Sept. 27th, 1849. 1 82-9t. AnUIVKTIMTnR' fill.EI I1V1III11IUII vi M j.mmja 0 the I7ih day of October next, ai 11 o'clock, in front of the Auction Store- I wil) sell ALIi THE PEBSONAL. PROPEHTY belonging to the Estate of itlfred Bryant deed., on a credit ol 6 months. Purchasers plying note, with approved secutity. By order of J. Kallabp, Adm'r. OWEN FENNEL!., Sherifl. JOHN WALKER, Jr. Auct r. Sept27. 82-7t. NAILS. . KEGS Nails. For sale at 100 HOWARD PEDEN'S. 81. Sept. 25. REMOVAL. THE subscribers have removed to (he store lately occupied by Air. t'eo. llarriaH JEFKREYS A lEIfJHTON. Oci. 4, 1819. 85 J. E. ILEA, DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY announce to hlsfriendeand the public, that he If prepared to perform all operation appertaining 10 the Dental Art. on the latest and most approved principles j such ss Clean ting, Plugging, Regulating, and Extracting. Insur ing, Incorruptible Artificial. Teeth on pivots and on cold plate, from one to entire acta Upper aetsin erted on the principle of atmoffiherlc pressure; all of which he warrants to give eniirr satisfaction. Office North side Market at., 6 doors from Front. Sept. 1849. ' 78-2mo. DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS. A A few of the Very best Guns. For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN Oct. 4. 85. NOTICE. , T41E firmoi MOllSKA YUPP.U this day dis X solved bv mutual consent. The buslneaaof the firm will be fettled by C. C. Moaji i he msybe found at S. R. Robbln's Tayler shop, for the pres ent.' Those Indebted to the firm, either by note or 'account, wlh plnse call and ortily without delays those Having claim against tne nrm will hand them In ftr payment. C. C. MOSS. W. JOHN YOPP Journal cop . Oct. 2d, 1849. 84-Jw NOTICE. THK aubsoxlber otlors for sale, hi Sound 1 Place, known aa SHANDY HALL, and several other tracts connected, containing In all 620acrca. 1 will sell auy quantity to suit Dur- .. chascrK I trill oll 600 acre on th Beat side of th Cape Fear, 7 mile below v ilmington. .ALSO, My entire Crop and Stock ol Csitle. Horses, Hog, costs ana seinee, iiousenuta ana Kitchen rural lure. . D. M. BRYANT. Aug. 30th, 1847. . 70-tf. AFRESH cuppli tatoea.by th bbl sals low for cash, by Oct. 2. of Sack Bait, Mercer Irish po Codliah anu Molaaa,. For GEO. H. KELLY. 84. SOAPISOAP!! 1 C BOXES of Colgatea No. I Pale Soap I ) porior article ol QKO. MY EH a su- RS'. epiemrier I. 71. iOCTOK B. A. KENNEDY, 'Hi , hnvTit, amu: r.ov. Graduate of the Baltimore College of D EN T A L 'SU ROE OJ S4 f "'T ' ' S BEOS leave to tender hit profeiwlonal fryf V tenrlces to thecttleiM of Wilmington MTt3J nd pnbllc generallr, on locating felm ellln this place. Ha la prepared to perform all op eration In his profession oo the latest and nost ap proved principle. Incorruptible Artificial Teeth In erted onold plate rom one ionmtir set. i Whole upper sets Inserted m the Annoephoric preeaure prin ciple. Hnvlnif made an Improvement In llhla m'Hle oflnsortlng teeth, he confidently rccommenda ltss nnswerln the pttrpow ot mastlcutloniTheycanbe . , ,i ...ii hMi.lr at i;lAaiirphtf ItiA Mm. hit worn with comfort, and cannot be detected frcm the imturiilleeth. Extruding, cleaulng, .and pluming Ac. dune on ecientltlc nrinclples. All operatio n warranted to give guiisfaclion. an not be surpassed by anyoperaloi in the United Statea. , Irrei'ulnritiee in ci Idrens' teeth corrected. Ludes attended :i thelrresidentes when neccssa- ry OlTice'forinerly occupied by Doct. Waro'e. May 3, H4'J. 21-if. BOOKS OPEN. WILMIVOTOV MARCHES'! ER B. B TMIK subscribers have opened Books for n eeiv iplions of stocH to the Wilmincton arid Muncheatcr Rull Road, at the Commercial Bank. O. G PARSLKY, 1 JOHN A. 'I A YLOR, Com. . '" HENRY NUTT. ) uly3t. B8 tf. MARINE INSURANCE. ri'HE undersigned having received the Agency of X the AUGUSTA INSURANCE AN1 BANKING COMPANY OP AUGUSTA GA, Will Issue Policies on Vessels, Carlos, Freight Ac alas rensonable rates of Premiumi as any other In stitntion of the kind in the Country. The Capitol of thii Company la 8375,0UU. - H. NUTT. Wilininaton, Aug. 19. 1819. 65-ly. TnE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, Continues to Insure lives at aa low rates as any other responsible Office. SURPLUS OVER 8800,000. Apply to CASHWELL & BLOSSOM. July 24, 18-19. 56 STEAM PACKING, HOSE & CELTS. SP. POLLEY, Agent for the Boston Belting Company, will keep constantly on hand, and for sale, various kinds ol Belta, Hose, and Steam Packing . All orders punctually attended to. June 30, 1849. 46 tf BACON. a nrf LBS. Haras, Sides and Shoulders l)KJKJV lyr suleby J. HATHAWAY A SON. Au;;.I6. 04. JUST RECEIVED. 5 YV Superior Principe Cigare, and fur sale ,UUU low, by A. C, bVAINSCt UUUiUbll Sept. 15. EMPTV SPIRIT BARRELS. I A ' iijipty Spirit Barrels, in prime order no I v lauJing nnd lor sale by f BAitRY, BRYANT 4 ADAMS. Aug. 13. ' v 63. " snW ars. 8Dtlf, Outcull'a Scotch SnufTin largo and una Bladde . Best quality, very old Havana Segars wvu utair received, nor sale by tJARttY, BRYANT & ADAMS. 63. Aug. 14. CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! Just Received. Q fill A (JOLDKN L.joa Brand very upe tVyvV. rlor, 3 000 Victoria, 3,060 Franklyn, 4,000 Joato Sana-Principle, '3,000 Lajuventud Brand, 6.000 Llyht Brown very low, I boaScaf.Klatia rurklsh smoking tobacco And for sale low for cash, at O. MYERS'. Sept. 29. 83. NEW. ARRANGEMENT. ... i . 'I'rlK subscriber liavs tnis day entered -wte co L partnenhlp onder the name and firm of O. A CV BRADLEY it Co., and will hereafter carry on (he BOOT A SHOP. Husllicssin all lis branches, at the old eatanlish inent. Their assortnieal will be kept complete at allUmea. GEO. H. BRADLEY. CHAS tfit Af)LKY. WM. F. DASKAM. Juno4rh, 1849. N. B. By the above arrangement it becomes ab solutelr necessary lhat nil accounta due the late firm oiO.A U. H dlst should be aeiued Immediately Juno 5. 1819. Jour, and Chron. copy. 35-tf. PINE OIL. A PURE aitlde can be obtained at the store of iV. S. P. PuLtav, at any time, ani will be deliver ed to customer, by my man. tvery Tuesday, Thurs day. aawlSaiurdin... Warmnted, good or money re tTa4.', - ' A. U VAMBOltKKLEN. LlberaJ discount to thoeo who wib to seJI again Sept 15. 77-lf. TVHT RECEIVED, 12,000 Iba. Bacon Sides, on I . t . A Cm I .. i r i . m cuuBigniiicni, bhu ivi cuc ivi j iuw, lor casti, oy UIM. JHYERS. Sept. 29. 83 BEEF, PORK AND BACON. IN STORE, and for sale by H. P. RUSSELL. Sept. 29. 83. ADMLNLSTRATOR'S NOTICE, THE abacrlbar.ai th last term of th Court Preisand Quarter tfeeaiuiw, beyun and hold for New Hanover County, th Xd Holiday la)4p' tember, 1840, toot out (altera of AdminayUaUoD Doirihe Estate of vViliiam Shsar. All treona Indebted loth EaiatOi are hereby notified to com forward and settle ind all persona bavlna clalma. agalntt the Estate, to present them within the time preecriiMit Of taw or loir notice will be plead ed In bar of recovery. ' TI10S. D. MEARES, AnVr. Sept. 1". 78.tf. FRESH BEAT RICE. JTJST received from Mill, Whole. Half, and Small, of fi no qaality, for sale by ? j 38. LIVERPOOL. SACK SALT; 2'e )T Sack Liverpool Salt,' III hfllf bleach ,UUvJ edaacka, just landed and in store. For tale by 1 BRYANT" 4 ADAMS. -65. HAUjiX, Ang. 13. EL SACRIMENTO TOBACCO. T UST received, a lot of the above Brands, which l la very nne. ror aaie at Sept. It. 76. COAL! COAL!! OHTi T0s r be1 quality red ash schrennd Coal CUU put up emreasly for family use, and for aule by VVM.M. HARRISS Agt. sept. in. i io. NORTH CAROLINA VINE DRESSER AND HORTICUIiTURAIj MODEI PRACTICAL SCHOOL. "Construe the times to their necessities, " 'Tls pride that pull tho country down. THE undersigned principal of suld School la now ready to receive application for pupil, over 14 year old, attended win or without a sis es to learn practically H the manipulations of the Vineyard, the orchard, und hortlcultuie in general. The uupUr will be taught besides all the practical and scientific details of grape and fruit raising f-c. the art of making wine, and ot taking cure ol it at all periods i-f ripening, lhat of drying and preserving, out of teason, the Iresh fruit for the table use; the knowledge of soils and localith-a moat ndvantugeous to each plant; chemistry applied to agriculture In general, und especially to the preparation and coin position of the proper manures best aulted to each Kind ot soil and production. Thev will earn also, during leisure periods, tne common branches of an English education as well I as the French and Italian languages, in which the best treatises, on these subjects, ore to he found A geologicnl nnd mineralogies! cabinet will be formed By the pupils, by bringing specimens from their res pective disi rlctfj, Which will become a subject of stu dy und ot practical knowlcdije and Interest to the pupils. They shall keep a meteorological journal to habituate them to observe the ehVcts of the vicissi tudes of the Atmosphere on vegetation. The principal has on extensive libraiy fertile use of lh pupils, 'r W hen twenty pupils will be porminently secured for the space of three years, which is the time need ful to acquire this business, I shall make the necess ary preparations for their reeepiion on the 1st. of Jiinu.iry 1850 J ia desirable that e.irly application should be rritfde (o enable the principal to muk'i am pie preparationa for the aeconunodailon of the pu pils. TERMS per yean paysble quarterly ia advance. 1. To the pupil's board and washing. 1170. 2. To tuition of the pupil bringing a slave, for all the above branches, and tor the pi ivilege of taking home, Otl th expiration of the 3d. Scholastic year, sioel ot rooted vines and trees raised by the pUOll himself 9100 3d. The pupil, that hna no alaVe at the School shall pay for the above tuition 4e)f ISO 4th. The board of the slave. J. TOONO, Principal. REFERENCES. The Hon. John M. Clayton, " " Jamea M. Mason, " George E. Badger, " " Richard Barton . Virglpla. -David Barton Esq. do Oov. Chirrtea Manly, Ex-Gov. Swain, President of the U. of N. C. Professor Mitchell, Chapel Hill. Gen. MacRea, ) , Dr. Thomas Wright, 'VTilmlngton. Rev. Dr. Dranc. J Wilmington, July 7.1749. 48-tf. CARRIAGE MAKING. Market atreet, about 300 yard above the Episcopal Church. rpHh Subscribcra wou d resjicct JL lully l.iform the inhabitants o ..Wilmington, ana-vicinity, tht they liavi i. ii esiploy XperMHcd worlcmm at the various btanchee, and are therefore enabled to manu facture all kinda of riding Vehicles, In the luteal style and best mauccr, and .would respectfully solic it the a tentionof all person wishing anything done in our line, as wo are determined to give satisfaction. BluckaraUhing of all kinds, also,' all kinds of re pairing doie, In the neatest manner, and at reduced price. N. B. Sign and ornamental Painting done in 4hebest manner and at short notice. j WELLS & CORNWALL. Wilmington. Jan. 20. - 131 HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. W BRANSON ia Agent for the above Wheels In thl place. He will take pleasure In showing the Castings toany paraon who may denire to s them There-arm be found at hie offlcea eupplyol Wheels, -CrankS cr Gudgeon, ai all times for sule inglv or In pairs. ..Dec. 7,, 1948. 113-tf-c. NOTICE. THOSE persona Indebted to the Cape Fear S. S Mfll.bynote oraceouaf eontrnmed durinir th fear 47 or 49. are teqoeated t make iimuediate pay ment to the undersigned) Ihey having on the 31st Dee. last rellngulnhed the Goneml Agency of 4 ha i mill, it become neooaaarV that all her account to lhat date should be immediately Milled- J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. Mirch3, 1319. -OF SUGAR. ry BBLS. Coffee Crushed, good article, jut recel- , ved. ""'-'-J.1TIIAWAYSON Aug.. II 1849. 62. glue; O F the vary beat kind, fOf DJsUJlerause, always on hand, sna lor aaie oy CASHWKI.U BIjOooU.tJ. Julr26. ft- '' TAILORING!! THE subscriber ha resumed bia business In Wil mington, and will carry' on tha TAILORING BUSINESS in all lis varioirt branches. He I la poeaeaalon of all the laieel tiylea. and from hi paM rptrUne Jin the btulnea he fels satisfied thai be mo pie tha taste ol the moat fastidious. 'A frioi aajltoai tv w convince tne most aiepucei. an jruarantee all Work that h doea to At and to te mad in a workman-tike manner. . S. R. ROBBIW.X May IS, 1843. , W-Xt. FOR SALE IT THE OFFICE OF THE COSIEBCUL, RATES OF TRANSPORTATION 0!f THE VflLWNGTOJf RALEIGH RAIL ROAD. RATES OP FREIGHT Betwecu Wilmington Ac Charleston. Revised July 4, 109. Price 25 cents. SADDLE,' DARNESS, AND TRUNK THE aabacriber reepeclfulljr .Inform th public that lie has recently received large addition to h' Stock ofSaddla and Hameae mouniingr, dc, of the latest and roust improved style, ami la constant ly manufacturing, at hla atore on Matkct atreft. for merty occupied by GuyJ4 Hotchklstevcry deirlp. tloa of articles la th above line. From hie experi. ence In the buainraa, he feci confid.nt that be v i be ab eto glvechtlaattsfactlon to hi cuatomers, and all othera who may favof him with a call. II hanowonhand,andwilconatanljy keep, a lure assortment of - . i , -1 i ' ' i Coach, Gig, and mWllrmci,, Whlpa. flllft 'L''f." a-MtlVW0-! Gcntlemcn'a Lady's Baddles.C ?! Tl T Dsadrtlca, Hridle., Walapura,c.,&c, all of which he will warrant to be of the best materi al and workmanship. Hhs also a (orgs aiaort- mentuf . i e !.-.-. Trunks, Valise; Saddle and Carpet Batr. Satchel, fancy Trunk, &c. und nil other articles nauolly kept In such ettablieh menis.oll of which he offers low for CASH, or on smost cbroit to prompt customer. Saddle, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, Ac. Ac. made to order. Repairing of ol kinds done with neatness ami despatch. Old Saddles and Harness taken In part pav for new. JOHN A CONOLKY. N. B. All accounts standing on my book over six month, will be charged with Interest. All per sons Indebted to the subscriber for last year will please cnll and seitlo, as by i. doing ihoy may pre vent what would be disagreeable io them nnd un pleatani to him. as person sometime have todoun plcasaot things in aclf defence. J. J fc March 13, 1S49. fV i63.c. BLANK NEGOTIABLE NOTES. BLANK Negotli'tile Note on the ecvernl Ranks In this placejoatprlnted In u neat form,for aule at The CommeiclalOfllcc. March 27 LIME! LIME if LIME!!! hi H ) u5,t, VnB" Llncolnville Lime daily ejpeclei.. Aodforsfllehv ' W M.M."H A RRI S S, AgtAt. Sept. 1, 1849. LIME! LIME I J LJME!! !- QAn BBLS I-tnoolnvHIt? White Lump; Also, DJJ calcined Plaster, f laalarlng Hair, and Fire Briek'Hydrnulic Cemeni; 1000 bbl. Lime, dc.j for sale by t-m J. C. 4k R. B. WOOD. August 7. - ' ' 60. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, AFRESH supply of very handsome Hillsof Ex change, for sale at Ihe CommercK.Or. SPIRITS TERPENTINE BARRELS s!p. EX;nt.V quality, for sale b v A. H. VAN BOkCkLiN. 78-if. Sipf . 18. 300 BBL3. In ahippln UAKKI Sept 18, a. COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK o9Di SHARES Commercial Bank Stock, for Sale Hep. 6 i-t- 73 BAY WATER, a superior ntticle, lor sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. Sept. 12. 76. COAL! COAL It 5O0 TONS of best quality red Ash schreened Coal, put up exurefsly for lumlly uek on hand and to arrive from Philadelphia. Families can baaapplie) at short notice, on appll- cation 10 4' UKU. HAUlllSS Lord's Wharf. . 66. Aug. X. jGLlE. .If Ai vBBLS. of a very Superior quality, juatRe celved for aule on Consignment by JEFFREYS 4 LE1GHTON. June 12. 38. FOR CALIFORNIA.' nfHR Nautilua, Mutual Life Insurance Company X ol iew ork, will take risks o th live ol per- sons going to 'aliiornia. Apply to V. J L RD & OO. March 10. 152. "it DANA BROWNE. , ; v' pROFESiOit Music and Dealer fjZrlaTlB Piano- Foriatv Ouliara a a) other !fT1l Mo,iol,,,Mtruil,,,u-' ow flsoo -kea in exeimngei Wareroomat Morart Hall. Pro fessor Browne may beaeen utMuvart Hall, oral tha Waahlnglon Hotel, oppodl Cape Fr Bank. Nov. 0. 1848. , ,J. . 30-if tlAII a?i I aT-'ttaV ' ' fUK BILL - 1 ' . iflc PACKAOES good roialtlng Molasses, now ACc tondiflgfromohr. wane uji, oy )AYIS July 19. 49 tr t1 JUST received 5000 bsshadi'CdTtlt ,' ' 500 do. Wheal Braa, Oatsfcss,. . Hav. Meal. Homony. H -re sod Cow feert, f lour, iy. a c. Fortaleby July ELLIS a MITCHELL. ' 1 ' bB. EMWSPIRIT BABULS. iXt lA'tTflne' otder. aaatofe an U afrlve Ap- tJUWplf ta j swx OKU. HARRIS. 'Plf. July 19. e COFFEE. CZr BAGS Rla and Lagblia. Jut received nd JJ for sale by " HATHAWAY 4 SON. Aug 19th. ' 5. -.. . , JUn7lRR.ANGE5IENT. ARRIVALS. The Mail from tha Nrib arrive daily at 12, A. M Dot- o- 'tt do Booth do . J d i do P, A. M. Do. do do FayetlevillevTa Waraaw. arrivea on Monday. Wednesday and Friday, with the North Ira Mill. H -r , . Tha Mall from Fayettevllle via BOtabathtown ar rive on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at BjA. M. The Mall from Long Crek arrlvas every Thura- tbe'MaU from Onslo Cmtt BottM arrives every' XTAnln. a P M - ' - -' DEPAtTUBBaV The Mail for the North I ciooea every tUy 10, P. M , rin h An An santh la da do do do 9, A. M Do do do 'Feyeite'vlll via Warsaw leeloaad on, Mond?, Wednelly and Friday, 1 0 U aH ' Th Mall Tor Fayettevllle via ElhrabetMowa I closed Taed.y, Thorad.y sad BatSrday si A. M. ThaMnforLongCrc.kis elosed fhsrad.y, ip, A' "do do On.low CH. do d 10,