3 THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 1949. . c TO CORRESPONDSNTS, . TtecommDBlcatloB frm Lotif Creek It recelv. i, tod will, probably, be attended to on' TW. READING ROOM CLOSED. Tkt Proprietor regreU to announce that it ha becomt necessary to close ihe Readmg Koom, on Wednesday uni, whlh , niU the subscription year. . , Ihott f tntlemen who are Interested In tho fix tareeojF ihe Beading Roam, are requeued to meet a (he Room, on Monday Evening, ii 8 o'clock, to decide ipoa the disposal of ihem. The P$ fjrittor hope that the attendance will be full, ns it will be necessary to take final action on the euhject, vthe Room will be required for othor purposes on tbt first of November. " Iaeloelnf this concern, ihe Proprietor takes the ibertf f remarking, that he has Continued the Room aft long it duty or a spirit of enterprise required end loafer than Interest warranted. MISSISSIPPI CONTENTION. longitude 14,44 W.. latitude 33 15 N. 8hHi,,lUn A Convention assembled at Jackson, Mlas., on the out 60 days from China, and out of a oomnlimr-nt of l&y men, 14 were aick with violent form of dysen tery) 16 had died on tho passage and 14 were not ejected to live. 7 Capt. Strlbllng.'pf the Ohio, 'or drred the Preble to be taken to the Sandwich Islands. DEMAND FOR WORK, The hUtlliftncer Mrs thore hat been more demand for mechanical labor this year, In Ptttrtburg, thin for many years past. The carpenters especially, bevt been at busy as bees. This is asauredly a good aign of the Improving condition of Jthe town. A great deal has boon dune lathis wajt during the past year, in Wilmington, and though Much depression has been experienced here, that element of prosperity, the operations of the industrloua classes have not been suspended, and n, at present, to bo attaining fresh vigor. OAS LIGHT. The cilliena of Pttereburg are taking measures to imitate their fellow citizens of Norfolk, by lighting up tht business part of the town with gas. Tho en terprise la undertaken on private and not on toicn account, so that there will be no complaint of favor shown to one aection over another. Oral of the present month, foj the purpose of con. aldering thai proper course to be pursued by the South, In the event of the Wlfmot Proviso belng'at. lathed to tho territorial bills. It wets Convention of both parties, and composed of able and distin guished men, The following It in extract from the Address re ported by a Committee, appointed to prepare it i , '!t ia boldly assorted, that Congress p ssesscs an unlimited power of legislation over nil the territories : belonging In common to the people of these Untied States ihai It, cnequentfV. has power to nroniblfli slavery in thseeHerritories-tlisl the rxsrtlse of auchjt power Is expedient snd necessary, Inasmuch is slave. J ry la an evil which mnet be eradicated from the lurid. With a few patriotic and honored exceptions, the people of the Northern Stutes seem deietiiilncd to Idopl the Wllmol Proviso, or the principle it con talrta. F.vcry succeeding year brings forth new ex pedient lor the accomplishment of this object. The press, the pulpit, and the ballot box, have oil become tributary to this fanatical hostility to the South. It I ' Is vain to hone for un abandonment nf this noil,..l design. Submission to our wrongs provokes perse verance on the parte of the aggressors j and it is wise In Slates, as It is In individuals, to resist en croachment. Unfortunately, we have been but loo passive under former encroachments. Our oppo nents exult In the passage of the Oregon Kill, as a full acknowledgement of the principle, and build their hopes of further succeason that, in this, un fortunate controversy there atjt biM two alternatives., the one is submission, the othor is reslsianr0. To lm nnfl L't Miiniil wn unit nA . - i .,.. , vunsciii, ma other, we are reluctant to adopt." Among the Resolutions adopted by the Conven tlon. are the following : ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMER .NIAGARA, 7 DAYS LATER FROM KUROI'i:. j SVKEsvrLLs, N. n., Oct. 17, 8 P. M. ! The Royal mail meatner Nina-am, Captain Stone, , arrived at Halifr.x this morning nhout .me o'clock, and your express arrived here this afternoon I j avail myself of. tho, earliest uppgrtunltyjo forward j you thl Important intrlllgcnco received bv her. ITL . 7. . . . 1 '-e .llagani lilt Liverpool . n Ihe 6ih instant, and h'.s therefore- made the passage to Halifax in about t'-n and a holidays. She brings th- unusually large .number of 119 nnssertgdrs. She will reach New j York on Thursday overling. The European Times publishes reports ve ry unfa- ' j vorablyo llie potato cioa ol" In land, in which it Is ; s;"u euuucn and rapid decay has taken place. i . The commercial advice by this arrival, are, in all 3. That Congress has no power to nasi onv law ' ' lriiciiiars, tlio same as those received by abolishing slavery In the District of Columbia, or to j . . imlfll, ' ' . nron bit thn navn Irm .1 hr.... .u. .it.. . i lllm urun le.niicu. '"bbu niv Svvcrui oiaies, i ...... . or to prohibit ihe Intrududion of slavajr into ihe ! ., territories of ihe tTn-.tn.t !,,. . j . ,ncm- - . , UU1 IUWi woulu nol omy , dis(ricta ihp LC ia liuilirnrni)a lilnli..rt r r 11,. ., .1 ; .. 1 ! . 1 . . ' ..m - - There ha uoru evidence 01 a nxea and deliberate de- genornlly, thero has been no improve- CALIFORNIA CONVENTION. The Convention for the formation of a Constitu tion for the State of California, assembled at the Court House In Monterey, on Saturday, the 1st of Sepltmbtr, pursuant to the proclamation of Gencrsj Rii.it. iAfter a temporary organization, the Con vention adjourned until Monday, the 3d of Scptcm- OREGON. The Legislature of the territory of Oregon, met on the 16th of July last. All the officers 6f the Coancll and Houae of Rcpretentativce are demo. era is, except the Chief Clerk and Door Keeper of the latter. The Legislature adjourned on the 18th July, to meet again on the 3d of Aupust. The ad journment took place that the members might go home and house their wheat. The Legislature did little more than adopt a memorial to Congress upon arloat subjects connected with the Interests of the territory, among which Is mentioned, as the subject of most Importance, the necessity of granting dona tions of land to the Immigrants who, tettled th territory. The report of gold having been discovered in Or egon art without foundation. Destruction of new thlp by Fire. Bos-row, Oct. 17th 12 SI. A large ehip, building by Mr. Win. H. Hood al Somerset, Mass., for a house in your city, snd nearly ready to be launched) was destroyed by fire at 3 o'clock ihla morning. t . . . The pftreaeeit Asaljst Annexation. ' MoKTeBAL, Oct. 16-P. M. The protest aganst annexation to the United Slates, which her been in circulation for severs! dsyt, has received the aignature of several m-mbers of Parliament, and was published for tfie Gist time , in the SKuicrva last evening, and also in the Utrold thuj morning, with the aaiary of each aigner attach ed te their names. sign, on the part of that body to lntetfero with i ho institution of slavery In the Stales. 4. That we would regard the passage by Congress, of the-Wilnioi Proviso," twhich would, in effect, deprive tho citizens of Ihe slave-holding States of on equal participation in the territories acquired equally by their blood and treasure,) as on unjust and j insulting discrimlnolion to which these States can not, without political degradation, submit ; and to which litis Convention, representing the feelings and opinions of the people of Mississippi, solemnly de- ; clare they will not submit. FACING THR MUSIC. Some years ago, In the New Hamshire House of Representatives, one of the members of that body, aa odd stick from South Hampton, whtn the yeas and nays were taken on an Important question did not answer to hit name. After the roll was finished, k rose and addressed the presiding officer In the following language i "I rise to let you know that I did not mean to dodge thla ..question s 1 only mputUd a UUU, in order to take I better view of the whole subject i snd I new say No to that critter." cr larje manufacturing accounts nre fur from satisfactory. s been another arrival from Indin, lrinr- inir Calcutta dues to Auutt 20h. and Bombay to Sept. 1st. The accounts are regarded a altogether satisfactory in n commercial point of view. TITRKRV AND RUSSIA. The English and French journuls are mainly oc cupied in disctstinif the question of tho alarming state of affairs exibtins btlvieen RuP.in and Turkey, and tho possibility and even probability of a war brcakin-out between these two powers. The Ro tnan -difficulty, as well ai all other matters that had before been considered of paramount importance, seem to be wholly lost sii'hl of in the discussion nr . mat. In view of the frequeut and increasing ! this important question. evidence of the determination of.Se people of the The last accounts from Constantinople Mate thai non-slavcholdlng Slut to disregard the guaranties lhc Knvperor of Russia had made a formal demand of tho constitution, and to agitato the subject of for the surrender of Kossuth, Bern, and other Hun slavery, both in and out of Congress, avowedly for garian patriots, who have sou-lit refuse within the the purpose of effecting its abolition in the States ;J dominions of iho Iran. and also in vleuf of the facts set forth in the lute "Ad- j The Turkish Government, with a manliness which drees of the Southern Members of Congress," this ) cannot be loo highly commendd, refuses to be bul Convenlion proclaims the deliberate conviction that j li ed into compliance. The Russian agent, finding the time has arrivod when tho Southern Slates ; hi threatening tone unavailing. 'look an ahrnm ,u" should take counsel together for iheir common safe- ,' pariure from Constantinople. The Minister r h. ty; snd that a convention of the slaveholding States; Czar has closed oil diplomatic intercourse with the should be held at Nashville, Tenn., on the 1st MOX- ; Turkish Government. DAY lN'JUNE N KXT, to devise snd adopt ome K.nulnnd and Franco, through iholr rcnren'a mode of rcslstonce to these aggressions ; und that tlvcs. have prevailed wilh the .Snlian and kept him this convention do appoint twelve delegates ond j firm in his determination not to surrender the rcfu twclve alternates being double the number of our ! gets. 8enatorsand Representatives in Congress-to at- Already in England an I Franco Cabinet Councils tend euch convention, and that tho other slavchold-j have been held to consider ibe. grave circiimsian irg States be Invited to appoint delegates agreeably, fes. Should Russia persist in demanding the sur to Ihe same ratio of representation. . render of thee devoted men, an European war is 10. That we recommend to the Luislalure of this j thought to be inevitable. State, that at its next session, a law be enacted ma- j The Paris Journal des Debats, of Thursday, says king it Ihe duty of the Governor of the State, by J we arc glad to learn that England and France are proclamation, to call a general Convention of the most cordially united in their determination to son. r 1 - Corppow large nddlllonar facilities, so as to ensure the rouj b)r the way , of Panama being the first opened, arid ihe leading communication between the thsiwoieas. W f.- I f 'P"' VERMONT. Tb liglslaiure of Vermont met on the 11th. W C.'TCittJg iWhlgf Wns elected Speaker of thjs Holtenthe first ballot, 'by it majority,, Carloe Oooledji (Whig) was elected Governor by 61, and Robert iierponi Lieutenant Governor by 67 majority.- P. V'crClarke was elected Secretary of the Seriate, ad C. F. Davcy Clerk of the House. Gov. Cooludgejucked only 37 votes of an.clectlon by the pfoftfejfevlng received 2G.393 votea, and 26,434 being necasury for a choice. AN INCIDENT OF THE WAR. A tivorlu orderly was aoppoaed to be dying, after tht capture of Monterey. He sent for Gen. Worth, whs came immediately. " General," said the dying soldier, bury me where we marched Into the breach when yon headed the old Eighth." Worth burst into tears, saying, at the same time, "your time is not yet come, my gallant lad." "Yes it haswlerewell, General" One moment after he had ceased to breaths, He was buried aa requested. FROM CHILI. ValpermUe papers to the 29th August have been received si New York. Tbt CUUla Congress vu suil ia sewion. Save, ral impprtmni bilk bsv. been presented, viz . for af frfdJ! fnel primary Instruction ; for rego Uthaf the declaration of martial law ( for making tbt sesiUng trade free toaUvesseU; andforantw UwV electiona, IntrodutlDg a property Usis, the possession of 3,000, In order to vote. A new baiil, with power to bene notat, was to be established at StBtiauro. T Kan or Cstu The value of the copper pTSttoSe! ttt 1944 was 9,29,89 ; In 1845, 12,603,825; ia IMf, ft,S(3,e0o. Tht tile er mieea, In 1844 proi deeel tMI0M In I94, fM,T7,684i in 'l847, 1107,711. The fold mines. In 4944, 197,097 hi 1846, (W17.9W and la 1847, 301,415. Tbe weepers were erglng the lmportsnce of meatwree to enable Chill to supply California with graia, iasietlng the It eaa be dene from that coun ts i ate, and to issue writs of election based upon the ratio of representation in the Stale Legislature, up on the passage ky Congress, of the VV'ilmot Provi so, or any law obolishing slavery in the District of Columbia, or prohibiting the slave trade beiween the Stales, to lake tnio consideration the act of ag. gression, and (he mode and measure of redress The interest which Ihe proposed Convention may possess, in tha slave-Stales, depends upon the ac tion of Congress at the next session. We do not suppose rnuoh canbe made of this matter, so long ss party politics sustains its present influence. Tho Wilmot Proviso has been ssnclioned by a democratic administration, and tho satpe democracy calls upon the Whige to resist it under the present administra tion Thus " blowing hot and cold" as suits President-malting snd office-seeking. From the N. Y. Courier and linauirer (if the IGth. A MOST MELANCHOLY AFFAIR. At an early hour on Sundoy morning list, while Officer John Brady, of the 13th Ward, was returning to hit home at No. 14 Ridge street, he was utiacked by a gang of rowdiea, one of whom struck him a violent blow on the head with a alung-shut, which knocked him down. While in this defenceless statu be wee kicked and beaten most unmercifully, and brutally, so (hat he could not move a limh. He was eoon after found by aome citizens passing by, whq conveyed him homo, where the most shocking part of this sad tragedy was to occur. Mrs. Brady a very amiable woman, and previously tnjoylDggood (watch wts to overcome by the sudden spectacle presented by the mangl d body of her husband, that she swoon ed and immediately expired. An inquest was held on the body yesterday and a verdict rendered of ''death by disease of the heart, caused by excitement at aeelng Mr. Brady so shockingly mangled.', De ceased was sbout 33 years of age, and left eleven children. The Individual who committed the dia bolical outrage, which resulted ao disastrously, but whose name is not given, haa been arrosted and committed lo the Tombs to await an examination. port their Ambassadors in the advice given by them in regard to the extradition of the Hungarian refugees. the Isthmus under tract. C'oii A Female Seeking Revenge aa a Sailor. A girl, who haa been aome five years disguised as a common sailor, was recently detected on board t ateamer, lying in Cork harbor. She slated that her family connections reside st St. John's, New Bruae wlchi that her motive for thut forsaking her home In faver of a sailor's life, wss in order that she might meet with her seduoer- Captain Bradford and be revenged apon him for forsaking her and her ehild. The try mf cheaply end easily than from any other I her native place (ertttV Tha necessity of UlarnaJ Improv.mente I - Slekncs on noerd Hloop of War Preble, j By a Idler from San Franelaco, tht Philadelphia Bulletin it.,,0, lna, lne s t)oop o( wgr pr6b i was spoken by the Ohio, about the IQtb of July, in tod of ewceeraglng Immigration is also urged. Lu4 m4 see saxrUge (or agricultural production! ia tidies lb greet went of the country. , .VerimW InltUiigetr. Rallroal Across f "a The N. V. Jfiitrn.d Commerce of Thursday says : We are happy to learn that the Panama Rail Road Company have pot under contract (hat portion of their Railroad across the Isthmus which lies be tween tho Clmgrcs river and the bay of Panama, about 21 miles, the whole distance from Panama, to Llmon Bay being 46 miles. The contractors, are Measra. Totten and Trnutwinc, whose propo sals were the most favorable, and who possess the great recommendation of having been employed for the last four or five years In the territories ol New Grenada, in constructing a canal ninety miles long, lo connect two branches of the Mag dalena river. They have at complished this work entirely with native labor, and though al first en countering great difficulty, they have aucceeded in training the natives into expert workmen, and will be able lo carry over with them a large force. Thoroughly acclimated, and with a perfect knowl. edge of the character and habile of the people, they will begin the Ruil Road with the advantage of all ihe experience acqnired in constructing (he Canol. Their bid was the lowest received, which is good evidence that the difficulties are not so great as have been supposed by thoe lessacquain tud with lha oharaotar sod rnouriM ol the ouanirr. They expect to break ground about the 1st of De cember ensuing. Tho construction will be carried on under a new organiution. Col. Uughea, of the old Topograph ical Corps, under .whose skilful dirrection the sur vey snd location of the Road were made, has re signed his place as chief engineer, and returned to the duties of his profession. The able und etBoient manner In which this work was conducted on the Isthmus, and the reports, maps, and drawings prepared aince his return, had given the Company a bigh appreciation of his services, which wss ex pressed by a unanimous restilution of the Board cenveying to him In strong terms their regret at hit withdrawal from the further prosecution of the work. William H. Sldell, Esq. I is principal as sistant on tho Isthmus, has been appointed to sue ceed him. Mr. 8. graduated with distinction a West Point, and immediately afterwards, turning his attention to civil engineering, has been employ ed on some of the most Important public works of ths country, and gsvt up the charge of one of the most difficult section! of the Erie, for tho Panama' Railroad. Under lilt superintend' nrr the enter prise will, we have no doubt, be pushed on lo an early and aaecesi'nl termination. ncinoteira nut tne gov eminent of New Gre- f'rom tht Baltimore S)m. Cmlgratlfi to the Gold Reglot Party eomI ratlons Hoard ofilcalth Father Mathcw Seducloii Homeless Vagrants, &c. " , 1 NwVoik, Oct. 1G 9 A. M. The float n( population of our city will be lessen ed by tho d'ptirtiiro of s hundred in the ajcumehip Empire Cuy and Ohio, the most of. whom aro bound to iheultf region. The Empirn City iroes direct to Chngres villi 200, and the Ohio, with 400, touches at Charlefon, New Orleans and IlaVana, where tier mail noil raseengerat wjji be. Iranelerred ta the Ful con, aid taken on to Chngres. Tlu nominating conventions of ihe two parties made decided progress In iheir work at the meetings heWlast, evening. Thomas Cumley, a man of grem popularity, was nominated for Stieriti' by the Wliis, am Amos F. Hatfield as competitor for the office ny the Democrats. The Board of Health expended $60,000 durihg the cholera Henson and arc askinsr for $10 1 00 turthcr to timet incidental expenses not yet paid. Father Mathew is now enjoying the hospitalities of the Prince of Burnhug, Barnuin, at bis oriental palace olTranistan, near Bridgeport. A young giij, only 15 yoers of ago, was found in miserable cellar, near the Five Points, and restor ed to her ued mother from Albany. She had been enticed away a short time before. One hu died and forty five per oils without Minus were furnishud With huli;ing- in the varioua station usc on Sunday niht. THE NICARAGUA CONTRACT. Ly the conditions ol the charleBjfrantcd by the Government of Nicaragua to un American t'oinpa ny, (seysihe Baltimore American) loconelruct a ca nal between the two oce un, there are to I e no dis tinctions in favor of the ships of any ruitiori that may use the channel of commonicaiion proposed to b opened bclwein the Atlantic and lilt: J'ui ifiv, by way of the river San Juan and (he Nicaragua Lattc. It is to be a highway of commerce open to all uLike. The tolls are to be uniform and moderate.' This liberal feature, contrasting wilh Ihe exefq siveness which marks the lOulish pretension to the right of navigation on the .San Juan, mu!t render that pretension as odious to the commercial world us it ia unfounded irWuct. That the Aun rii uu Government will sustain its eiwzcns in the pojHi:'siu:i of righis lairly aeuned by a co.np.iet witli an i rid . pendent State, we do not per mit oursdvex lor u moment to doubt. But its posi tion is not lliai ol an ambitious Government seeking lo ai-curu special advunlages lor ilse t : it Hands as the representative ol all nalions lliut desire Irueituni of comm. roe. The claim of Fnulaod is lor mono) -oly. V o do nol present a rival claim for a monopo ly on our pari ; but a determined remonstrance u- gainsl monopoly of any kind. The pretext under which (lie British Government has interfered in the affairs ol the State of Nicur a xua, denying the rijiht of that State to tho sove reignty of a portion of in own territory, Is illustra tive o: the grasping policy which prompts the inter vention. The fliiii.siness of the pretext reveals the si ll'nli and usurping character of the policy. But Knl ind, unscrupulous as sho may be in the pursuit of her own aggrandizement, will hardly venlure in the luce of the civilized worlrlo persist in so un lounded und so exclusive an assignation as that which she has put forth in this case, when sh? comes to learti the hlieial conditions upon which the A.'.'ie raan Cooip. my, w ith tho lull sanction of the Go vernment of .Nicaragua, proposes to opi n the desir ed channel of communication between the two great oceans AN IRISIJ REBUKE. A lad from the Green Isle," whjte occupation wot that of blacking stoves, fire-places arid stovo- plpet, bearing upon hit arm 8 pot of 'blacking with bruthes, and other implements of hie trade, addressed a denizen of this city, who was standing nt hit door, " Hat your honor any stoves to polish this morning? I'm tho boy for that business." The person address ed, not being of a courteous manner, gruffly answered 4 Go sbout your business." Pat moved a few iteps off to bo out of the reach of a kick, arid replied with a knowing wink. k"Voiir honor would 'hot be the worse for a littlo polishing yourself, I'm thinking.' Norfolk fieacon. ANARCHY IN HAMILTON CO. Cincinnati, Friday Oct. 12, 1319. la thla County (amifqn) the VVhiga voted nc cortlinj' to the Apportionment I.rw of 1813, which m ikes the first eight Wards of Cincinnati a gepa ru'e Difiiot entitled lo a Senator ond two Repre sent, iiivcB, leaving a Senator and three Rcprea.tn- to'hcs to the l.oltmro of ihe Co.: the Loco-Focos (a.j last year) defied and disregarded It us unconsti tutional. Of course, thero aro conflicting returrm, und the whole matter is in comusion. Tho excitement here is very great. Tho Judges of Election in five WardJ of the city could not agree aa to. their returns; The 'CoAQty Retar,flng Offi cers huve returned the whole Loco-FocO ticket (a Senator and five Representatives) aa elected by Gen eral Ticket. ' It is believed tills will be reversed by the Legislature. ; BENTON' IN MISSOURI;1 The City of Jelli rson Metropolitan compiles a number -ol uiiertniitig tnii-tics, shedding light on the prospect In Missouri. It shows thnt tiot less than niiuty prominent gentlemen, members of me last Legislature, and saa'tefed over the Suite, nre out aains Benton, and have so avow d themselves. Si.ctcm of ri.e Judires are against Benton ami not one of the remainingour i known to lie ,o :,ini. Oi Ihe members of Congress, rnvtnr Atchison anil Mrsrs. Green uqd II. dl, arc dead against Benton while liowlin and II ay so fur pursue the mum io. icy and Phelps alone U f.i H, nin. O; th. 1), o,o cra'le p.ipers in the Stale eleven are against Benton sir for him and one neutral. Tho M, roiolitan' says: "Tin-pipers opposed tJ Benton, are conducted j wilh much L'teater spirit and ability, than thos,' in this support, and of course, exert a mure extensive I nail wide spread inlliiencv ! "Next come our letters from every part ot the State, of whieh we eniiiiot speak pnrticiilai ly. It j "-t sufliee to say that they are from our lu st men, I and askure uthul llenlon will h iiverihrnwn nml that the iruih will prevail "Next eome tlx; country meetings, in the great nvijoriry ol which, the demonstrations niiiinst lien ton h ive been overwhelming and deceive. Th. le is noiljing like cer' limy, that ho can o'.t tin majority of the rotes nf nni one county in the State" WlIaLESALC PRICES CURRENT. N A VAli STORES, 1 Vellow Dtp. V bbl. of 230 Ibt. N. Virgla Did "; , t ,f ? j . Sph its Turpontlne- . V gal. Tur p,ieh ,.,.. Rosin No. I, Jc. a 1 per lb. grosj. " tie. i. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.I!!! Varnish T1MB12K. Inferior Fair Qunlity.... LU.HHKK, STEAM MILL. Wide boards, plank and scantling Floor lloatds- Floor Boards Wide lioufda. Scantling WICK. Rough Ck-uncd STAVES. VV. O. llhd. roiiih.-nono " " dressed . " " bmrel R. 0. Hhd. rough R uu " " dressed SIIINGI.DS. CJoiiniioii Contiuct pi; as UK. Peas'. . i'en Nuta-- SUGAR.' New Oi loans i'orto lllco (OI'KIOE. St. Ooiningi). . . Itio '.. Java ' ' ' ' 1 J' ' v o 2 75 ' 95 1 n0 ' -m u h 1 co a l :o 83 ' A !U IB 1 iJ a 83 20 at -ii 3 OJ a 4 C(J 6 0C 10 00 II to VI 00 t 14 HO I ij . u S 00 3 SO m 4 CO 75 ia Ffi 3 25 a 3 r,0 p bo r (k) i 10 M lb PU " Vti iii t 0t R UU H 6 ill 11 to .... 1 75 m 2 2S 3 oj at 4 t)J 3 all n 4 10 05 70 60 in 75 -3 6i 4i !' 6 18 ra i;uria I'lllii l GLASS ICS. lliW t)i leans Cuba caie,v, none in market no.nin al SALT. iiomiiro Liverpool siiui rs, N. H. Hum .. I'oii'iiion ..in n his:, v" iHf til unity It M O V llao.s, N. C. " c0rii nominal- iles. . C. " w...., . I.,, , ,i ...... Tsiioiildan. N. I .:. " Western I)OM i:s l it y. CoUttn nils t'oln n Dtniibiir.'s 4 C -h.elim; I''l.ttflt. Fiiveli villi 10) 11 -8 HOMICIDE. as conunitled between 11 arid 12 of II iiial TiicCesibal Railroad Seei;BD. -An addi tional subscription of 140,000 to the stofck of this Company was voted by the counties of MusitiniMim and Liclunn on Tuesday last. The aggregate a uioiint now subscribed is about SJSli.OOO, leaving but l.rU,000 to be obt.iUed to complete the amount which, it is estimated, will, with the contemplated loan, build and stock the road from Zmesville lo Columbus. This $150,000 is apportioned, one-third to Licking county and two-thirds to Franklin, and I we anticipate no difficulty in getiing it as soon as wanted. Tho way is now dear lor effective opera tions. The F.nineer will proceed with and com plete his surveys by spring. The road will be imme diately alter put under contract, and in about a twelvemonth altui ihul look out for the locomotive. Xanesrille Courier. A homieulc o'clock yesterday niornin,', at the foot street. Fir-.t Municipality, the victim being ti youth named J"hn Morris, ,iyel utiont seventeen years. M 'rris and nnulhcr hoy about the same ng;, named John Lewis, were In a skill' together, and Morris j.v.as in Ihe net of pulling th s'ifT ashore, by me.ins of a rope. v hirh was made fast to a post, when a mm mimed John O.ispard, who was on the wharf, 1 picked up a slone and ihr. w it it hiin. It missed its mark, however, and fell into the boat, upon i which (iaspard seized another and a i.trger atnim t which lie ihrew und struck llio-boy on the back of I of the head. The blow knocked him over the edtre 1 of ihe boat where he was siltinir, und Lewis, his , companion, was unable lo catch him before he went I down to rise no more. U.ispnrd was iiumcJiaii ly arretted by the persons who witnessed tho unfortu nate affair, snd brought to the Ktiard-hmisc. I-w. ! is made an affidavit before Recorder Oenois, sl it tinu the facta above mentioned, n,d declaring tha- neither himself nor Murria gave the bliliti-st provt ! ocaiion lo the perpetrator of the brutal act. Gas ' parJ .'"',not d my any of tho statements, hut that ! Iei;es as n."1 excuse for his conduct, that Morrio cr. the rope ly wii.v"b one of his skitfs wns made fust to the wharf. The aCFU.t'd was, at the lime of the melancholy occurrence, tr,t!nB,,,l in euttin;' up drift woud which he hauled oik of the river .Morris, is, we' belive, of English birth, at,d In lr some lime past been engaged as n dick buna on uoara ot t river steamboat. He litis no friends in thi city. CKisparJ is In jail awaiting an elimin ation. Tin; tiody o! M irris li n not boon found S. O. lit!,. ('anal f on Men I Co'ion- - K ii i te i Cheese . . Heeswax '' Fe.iih. rs . . I.ird N. C. Lime nominal' IB 20 10 u 1 15 V3 30 . ' hi ti ' in JO V.'9 !! M 10 li iii ... 0 'it 11 '.I (IJ d 3 5 r.j t : ',. i i ; o ?j i; , i j ' ! 'it I u Of it T So !'- lib ii ia 5 15 IV 7 j 20 hi .H fi'i 'it To jj at '., 35 in ) a hi 9b i" (in per Hold Leap lor Liberty. Co ivlct Shot. At the Michigan State penitentiarv, last week, a ncKro named Anderson, confined for murder, alter tfeiim ofi'bis ball and chain with s cold chisel with which he Worked in the yard, ascended a ladder at a new building lo the roof, from whence he made a desperate leap twenty-two frei down on the rool ,,i the uunrd house; the uard was in ths guard house ot ihe lime. The negro next bounded on the wall, and In an Instant swung himself ofl' outside from a height of 16 or 13 feet. Tho (jtiard tired, the ball taking effect in the negro's right urm. He kepi on his Course, however, snd the sentinel on the corner of the wall ' hit him again," the ball going clear through his body. This brought him down, Inn he immediately recovered, and swam th,. river He was overtaken, howevsr, and notwithstanding his wounds, showed fight in the most de.per.ite man ner. He finally surrendered to the superiorly of nutnbert. MAKING iNKWJS . c . , PORT OF WILMINGTON, OCTORKR 20 HIGH WATSS AT TIIK BAH. -10,0 from Shallo Me. ork, lo nada haa manifested a determination to give the ed' A BASE IMPOSTF.R. Tht Norlolk Beacon says: "The Hon. Henry Clay was, !t seems, Imposed upon while on Ms return bom-- ftoVn his recent trip, by aome villain claiming to be a brother or Speaker Wlnthrop. Tho villain accompanied Mr. C'Uy to Ashland, wss Introduced aa Mr Wlnthrop to the leading ciiietis, and into re spectable company, on the strength of which he borrowed varioue sujns of money, and then alop- AKKIVF.I). I R. Si hr. ) P V,.,b-iry. Kabon to ( W. I):in wilh Nnvsl Sinr.-. '' Sehr tilenrov, Olazier from U irdinrr. t. W. Dii wi'h Hnv nnd Itrieli 10 Nc' r. Harri o i I'ri' .-. Hr, wn. rn V V ; lv J l.nnerloii, unti Milne, lo ,,,). , ., ,,, I ' Hrig ..,U, Park, Irom Huston,' to Master in j ball .i-l I " Brig Lewis llenn, Nnyea, from H "t m, to Mas ' tT In hllll.tatt " ''" CLF.AftED. Fxports of Schr A J I)eKo-set, cleared lho 15th in-! for N. w VorK : 417 hhls Spirits Turi, . turn. 50 bids Turpentine, 1,010 bbl-. Rosin IE . lir. Ken-inuiorf Foster, for R ctinion I V' by C o. Hariiss, wilh 103 000 ft Lumber 'rum'o ,.' Ion Mill. " Hrij; Montic. ( lifloid, for Ball bv O V Davis with 100.1)00 n. S. S. Lumber, fr, Harrison . S. Mill 19 S.hr. Minerva Wright f,, for Nw Vork, by K. J Liitterloh, wiih 1.500 bbls R0m " Hrl Clinton. Lufkin. for Hsllowell, bv B1,rXy' y"nl 4 Ad""'"' wl,h l m bn Ti.rpcnilni. 20 Brig Amulet Uleason. lor St. Dlmorgo, bv O "' DV.'J TLnS'"01 h 8 H I.umr. from Cane Fear Mill, 300,000 Common Shingles. NEW YORK. 17. Brig Blle, Stan.. BOSTON 15. iing RoanitT, Nichols,- Clsassd -for ihia port. t-'LBAain. -lor this port. Schr. Henry Dunster, Baglcy, rrorrt thla port, for Boston, put Into Norfolk, on the Uih Intl., on ao count of sickness of crew. It 1'. H A IlkS OX ,l A It k . ; i . We have no sal- s 'o report of either Turpentine or Tar, ns tluue luis ivone come into market for two days past. SpisiTs TcapEHTrnr.-A sale of 7B bbls. Spirits Turpentine, c mntry distilled, was made at 21 cts per 'all ni --bbls. inferior K ms.- 125 bbls. common Roiiu were dispo.-ed ol at b.'i els er bbl. IIav 110 bales Hay were sold at 05 rents cw t. Ti mb i: a, -One raft prime Mill Timber, as dis po.. d ot at 85 pur M, measurement. Nr.wl'wHN -A small lot of New Corn, brought bO els. per bushel, cash. I,Aar -Lar l is plenty and dull -3 cents wouU be taken if olfered. m:h vokk mahkut, Oct 17. Cotton firm tales EJ a Vi Flour SalS SI 11.75 fi 25 rmrAnn I.. o,,..lti... , - ... , ... (1,,,,, , . xtra ;enesee, n C 25. Sjles of Corn nt 65 a 6SJ for round yellow ; C3 Ii r mixed western, nnd about CO lorn cargo of southern white. Nav .1 Stores Sales of Turpentine at 12,50 a 2,624 per 2H0 lbs. for old and new dip. Spirits of Turpen tine firmer, the wharves belnr clear, and from smro ;, ;hcr rales demanded ; 32J a 33 cents per gall m is L'enernii',' fl"ked for large parcels sales at 32 a 32f. cent, cash, ano' 34 cts. 4 mos. ; and 33 a 34, ci'h, In l it as wanted. Roslnonlinuet scnrceVuiming ton is held at llO white. II, a 4,50. Stock or Tur small and market dull, at ll,8IJ per bbl. Sales of Rice at 13 a 3,524, oesh ; prime cootinv ttes scarce. run api i.riiiA mahklt Oct. 17. Hut liftlc chance in this market slnre our la. t report. Flour has slightly declined and Cot ton i firmer. Cotton-Sales, 11 a 12ic Corn- Vellow Is hel-1 at (ifi a 67 ; Whl'e, 61 a 63. Flntir-Fxira and fancy Iwsnds si 5f a 5. oiher q a ilnie. nl 15 a 5J. Naval Stores Soirin Turpentine without change. Roin Is scarce: sales 700 bbls. Sunn Itosin ..r. londe nt $1.75 a 4 25, in in qu ihty. Rice is drooping unnll sales in 3, ct. pi r lb. CIHWLKSTON HARK HT. Oct 18. Cotton. -The Uplsnd msrkt contin ues with a good demand, and at full prices. The ' ilcs vesterday footed near 1 100 bsles, nt from Oi a II Including BOO bales sold to arrive al 10J. THR MARKHTS-PEK NIAGARA. Liverpool Cotton Maikit, Oct, 6. The de mnnii lor cotton iluritiL' the past week ha beer moderate, and prices are precisely the same as those per ihs Caledonia, ol Ihe w ek previous. Breadstuff's. The dtmsnd tor breadeluffs Is limi ted, and prices have a declining tendency. The prices of ftuuf are about tht same aa Ihoss of the pre vious w-ek -Western Cna23s. a 23s 6d ; Balti more 24a i Ohio being scarce, commands 25. In ferior new Western ('anal of which the Importa mainly consist, 19 a 11a.) old sour 21s. W heat 4 Od. a 6 9d per bu.hcl. Mixed Corn 2tie fid. a 27s. 6d. ; White 23 a 29s. Provisions. There has been no. material change in Americas provisions. Lard hat tdvtnced from 3d. to 6d. on the cwi. Meials. Thsre has bern a fair inquiry for Metals