A V f t r THE COMMKUCiAU SATURDAYOCTOP- 30,1849. . ,..m FROM FIRST fAGE. i .h. hunters COlIlUH'"tt n.u mm the rock. poinioiow. fin,,v e8CapetJ springing the ler frarn ura WVIV . .1 I lAnnanlnra DV Fur Oct. p. B O all lu H THE WILL OF PETER THE GREAT. A London paper, in connection with the present troubled state of Europe and ihe part that Russia w openly and secretly ta king, republishes this curious document. In this name of most holy and indivisible Trinity, wc, Peter the great, unto all our de cendanu nd successors to the throne and Government of the Russian toalion. The All-Powerful, from whom we hold our life and our Throne, alter navin? re vealed unto us bis wishes and intentions, and after being our support, permits us to look upon Russia as called upon to establish V,.r ruin nvnr all Eurone. This idea is ba- Md upon the fact that all the nations of this portion of the globe are fast approaching to a state of utter decrepitude. From this it results that they can be easily conquered by a new race of people, when tthas attained full powerand strength. V look uDon our invasion ol the West and East as a decree of Divine Providence, which has already Once regenerated me Roman Empire by an invasion of barba rians. i The emigration of men from the north is like the inundation of the Nile, which at certain seasons enriches with its waters the arid plains of Egypt. We found Russia a small rivulet, we leave it an immense riv er; our successors will muke of it an ocean, destined to fertilize the whole of Europe, if they know how to guide its waves. We leave them then the following instructions, which we earnestly recommend to their con stant meditation : I To keep the Russian nation in constant warfare in order always to have good sol diers. Peace mustcnly be permitted to remit the finances. To recruit the army, choose thA'' moment favorable for attack. Thus peace will advance your projects of wnr, and war those of peace, for obtaining the enlargement and prosperity ol Russia. 2. Draw unto you by all possible means fioni the civilized nations of Europe cap tains during war, and learned men during peace, so that Russi taly benefit by the advantages of other nations. ' a. Takr care to mix in the affairs of all Europe ; and in particular of Germany, which, being the nearest nation to you, de serves your chief attention. 4. Divide, Poland by rasine up continual disorders and jealousies wiihin its bosom. Gain over its rulers with gold ; influence and corrupt the Diet, in order to have a TOtci in the election of 4he kings. Mnk paftizaria. and protect them; if neighboring poweirs raise objections and opposition, sur mount the obstacles by stirring up discord within their countries. Wilmington. K Tolrn all irnn fun frnm Su-firlwi: nnd tO ,ip effect this, isolate her from Denmark, and vice versa Be careful to rouse their jealousy. 6. Many Russian Princes with German Priiteeaaes, multiply these family alliances ; unite your interest ; and, by the increase of oar influence, attach Germany to our cause. 7. Seek the alliance with England on account of ourcommere as being the coun try most useful for the development of our navy (merchants, &c.) and tor the ex change of our produce against her gold ; keep up continued communications with her merchants and sailors, so that ours may acquire experience in commerce and na vigation.' 8. Constantly extend yourselves along the shores of the Baltic and the borders of Euxine, 9. Do all in your power to approach closely Constantinople and India, Remember thai he who rules over these countries is the real Sovereign of the world. Kep up continued wars with Turkey and with Persia Establish dockyards in the Black Sea Gradually obtain the com mand of this sea, as well as of the Baltic This is necessary for the entire success of our projects. Hasten the fall of Persia. Open for yourselves a route towards the Per- nan Gulf. Re-establish, as much as post ble, by means of Syria, the ancient com merce of the Levant, and thus advance towards India, Once there, you will not require English gold. 10. Carefully seek the alliance of Austria. Make her believe that you will second her in her projects for dominion over Germany, and secretly aur up toe jealously ot oiner Princes against her, and" manage so that each he disposed to claim the assistance of Russia ; and exercise over each a sort of protection which will lead the way to fu ture dominion over them. II. Make Austria drive the Turks out of Europe, and neutralize her jealousy by of fering to her a portion of your conquests, ) which you will further on uke back. 12. Above all recall around you the schismatic Greeks, who are spread over llui gary and Poland ; become their centre and support, as universal dominion over them, by a kind of Sacredotal rule (auio- tratie skcerdotale,) by this you will have Bauy friends amongst your enemies. 13 Sweden dismembered, Persia con quered, Poland subjugated, Turkey beaieu, ul annies united, the Black and Baltic gea f uarded by our vessels, prepare separ ately and secretly, first the Court of Vi -r-sailles, then that of Vicuna, to share the empire of the universe with Russia, n one accept, flatter her ambition and amour propre, and make use of one to crusn ine other by engaging them in war. m ...i. u j.i.tC.t Russia will be possessed of the whole of the Last, ami ol a great portion oi juiopc. 14. If, which is not probable, both Should refuse the offer of Rsik, rawe n quarrel between them, and one which will ruin them both. Then Russia P'f"V many with the troop which she will have J . i i c a i i Via Riime tune ajoinh ai nfn irifiiiiii. Ju- - noeiuuivu www- . v . . c.n f unlHiers will have the bal un,i th Hlack Sea will advance along the Mediteranean and the ocean, keeping France in check wit" one, and Ger many with the olhtr. And these two countries conquered, the remainder of Eu rope will fall undei our yoke 1 Thus can Europe be subjugated ! TO RENT r"MlOM 1st. October next, ihs resldencs of Mrs. Puliwin on MUrki 1 8 tree t. ForUrras,spplyo Sept. 36. . y 8l' THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LI1E i ti RALEIGH, N. norroR B. A. kenned, DENTAL MJROEON, Graduate of the Btltimore CoUege of DENTAL SURGEONS, nFOS leave to tender hi proleswansl Zl . .h.nlileni ol V ll.ntnilton . ' ' - - " II. 1 klm- 1 knd public generally, on lucnunf C. m,. i oreoHred (o periorm su op si n mis n(1 ,.., r'"!"?'.L irrrsptlbl- ArUftcla. Teelhln. TO RENT, IROM ihii Utor October next, ine very , comiiiodlous nd plessant premise ut ocoupk-d by fl hos. Loring, Esq. orrn., apply o 0. Q. ParMiy. Sept. 13, 1849. "-if FLOUR. 1f( BBLS. frfh ground Flour. Fayetteviile 1 JJ branda, asorted, for sale dv DsROSSET 4 BltOWN. Sept. 27. 82 2w. JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE BBLS. nnd qr. bble.of No. 1 Mackerel, 1-2 bbla. No 1 Salmon, 1 n,ilat,.U nf Codfish. 10 bbls. oi IrUh potatoes, Mercer and Shenango 3 caws preserved Uingcr a nnearucie, lOhmf bbla. of best Cnnal Flour new wlient, 2 firkins best Goulicn Butter. Low for cash, a Jn GEO H.KKLLV'S. Q flhron. coov. ol. fHE above Company hat been In operation fine ilio lulu! April Ui unJer the diruutluu ot the following OtBcurs, vit : , Or. Ch. B. Johnaon, President, Wm D. rty wood, Vice PreHident, Jam a Jord in. Socretary, Wm. H. Joni-i, l retmurer, Purlin Biiiibt-e, Attorney, Dr. Charlea E.luhnson, 1 Mrd ml baard vi. " in. ... r Cunultution. Dr. it. B. Haywood, J J. Hemman. tieu'l Ayent. This Company haa mcelved a clurtor nlinn ..Avn,n, m 1,1 ihrt i, n red over anv oilier ton,- (jany. The 6th Section gives the Husb.md ihe privilege to Insure his own ille lor the aole use ol his Wife and tJhiUren,re from any claims of the rep resentative Ol tha' husband or uny ol his credit- Hi-rTanUarl niV nil rnlu mutual nrinclnles. ihe life nn ml.nr.. participate in th. whole of the profita which are declared annually. B-sides, the ppn cant for lile, when the irinual premium is over n miy pay one hallln a INol-. All i. niiriH (ir iisi riinceuKoini- , be paid within ninety days ufier proof of the death of Ihe party Is furnished. Slaves are insured tor one ur uo jc.,.-, ... which will enable all Slaveholders to secure uu..aB of properly again t the uncertainly ul life. Slave Insurance presenis a iib feature lu thehistoiy ol N.irlli uarouna, m'v,. t..,. prove very important lo tne soumuin oiuica. The last four months opention of this Company showiuvorylugeaiioiinlol bu4ness--niore than the Direciorsexpected lo do the first year -having nlrendy issund more than '200 Policies. All tJoinmunlcatljns on business ol th '''"lJ"J)y should be BLdresaed to JA. F. JOKDAIN, Secretary. Raleigh, August29, 1849. "-U. tell In liilipltine gt-rieu OH r , . ii.n,.anhurli AMtl Whole -r inB teeth, he oonfidrnily recommends itas "sfflh" pui po. ot ma.tlction. Th.iy can be Sul'snd p it aek at U-ureby ihdir resilem-ea wiien necessa- Ware's. 21-H. FRESH BEAT RICE. ... a m . m. .ait tW.tr - . .1 OrMnll I UST received from mi i. w. nois, nan, auu l oi fine quality, lor sale oy June 12. F.J. LORD & Co. 33. "T H .vinVinade an I nprpvomeht in this m de otln nnswerl LwKVt, and earinoi be detected frun .he worn wiiii. lCljn2 . ceaulng, and plus.lng TtTi .nli'cn'rineiple.AI. pra,io . Granted to ,lw afact ;m and n... be surp.sscd by y ;p""1"',' ?. , f .ed. I. idles uteidd I 'rVfioe for nnrly occupied by Dirt May 3 1349. LIVERPOOL SACK SALT. 2erti Sacks Liverpool SaK, in half bleach ,DUU ed sucks, juat landed and In store. FOrMteBAaRV, BRYANT d ADAMS. Aug. 18. 65' BOOKS OPEN. Wn.Mivarov & manciiesier r. h iMc- ...k..iK... ho ,n..npl Rooks for r celv i 'uri iuu.i inn. iiqi. "r In., rlnllnnx nf tOCK 10 th " Wlimill -ion aim Manchester Rail Road, at the Commercial aaiuc. O. fAIWUM, J JOHN A-v .AYLORjCom HERV NUTT. 3 July 31. BFM- OIL k CANDLES . . i n m nnr.s l.nrd Oil. B0 boxes, Aanmwine nn- & dk-s assonedous, -"fillOWN. Sept 27. 82-3w. COAL! COAL 1 l..,Al Prt-J , thtj ,tr k ao t nun ttv reel nan m;iiicuuu vu Z( )U u,.i nn t-spisssly for family use, and lor sale r I a., by Sept. 18. WM. M. HARRIS! Aut. 7S. CARRIAGE MAKING. shout 300 yards auove mc Market street, Episcopal Church. f STIHESulpscrib.TS wou n respect 1. mlly i iform the liiliabltanls o .vllmlngi n. and vicinity, that they .....i. niTli-iiced worK.ium at ihe Triuu. or'aiiclies, and a.e therefore enabled lo .iianu all kinds o. rKlln, Vch c.es In .h , la er .,. ..m! i,.!t inani.er, ami wumu -r , . .n LAMP OIL. BARRELS good Winter Bleached ,juai received dfor sale by xr m Bn. J. MAltlAVVAI bouiv Oct. a. a?- TEA AND MATCUES. TEN Boxes Young Hyson Tea, and BO Oross Matches, just received. For sale oy RUSSELL & KENDR1CK. Cot. 9. 97- WILMINGTON MUSIC SCHOOL MBH H WHITAKER'SMUSICSCHOUL, will commence auain on Hie I81I1 of ihe piesent numih ni hi-r School Room opponite lh.: Kplscoual Wiurch on Markei St., when nnd when -he hope.- to receive the same liberal encourugemeni heretofon ex tended to her by the Ladies of Wilmington ami vhe surrounding Count!, e. Her terms ate 20 per : Ses sion of five months, on Piano j tlO fo- Ouitar. On 1.. in ...111 K r..n.iireH where a vouna lady lakes 1 . j r, . ( . I. . lessons on V ino ann uu.ir. i.iv. n in mien Scholnr evevday. She aNo keeps con-tantly on h m I and fi u,.iilnn of NEW MUSIC, lor Pm o.:i.., u,hioh yh,. rercives from New ' rK UIO..th UUUll, "ii.v.. .... ,. 11. V til I Aivr.iv. Wilmington, Sept. 4, 1849. 72-tf. MARINE INSURANCE. PHK und rsigned havlni! received ihe Agency ol 1 thJ AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY OP AUGUSTA GA, Will issue Policies on Vesntl-, Oaraos, Freight &c at as ro is laable r ites of f remiums as ititutionof th -kind in the Country. of this Company la S.175,000. Wilmington. Aug. 18. 1819. u ' uuiail,ii.tf done it the a tent on ot an persons wioo.H .. -- n our line as we ..n. .leiormioed 10 Kiv sailsiaotion. '"iMacklmithing of all kinds, also .1 U Ji.ds ofre piringdoe,in ihe neaU-st manner, and at reduced SADDLE. HARNESS, AND iUtNR ! g Manufaturary, i rpHE subscriber respoctfu ly Jnfcrms th pnw! ! ii iw nam reieiiuy receivea Isre SdQtlons to his stock of Saddle and Harness mountings. 4e nf the latest and nwsi Improved stylo, md Is constant- ly nunufuciurlnir, at his store on Msrket street, for- ! merly occupied by Guy C. Hotchklw, every descrip tion of articles In the above line. Fr0m his expert- I enne In the huslnrss, he feels confident ihs he wi be nblt 10 Blve er tlsstlsfaction to his'cu-t.niers nnd nil others who mny li vor hln with . oil. H hi irw on hand, and will constat. tly keep s larg assortment of ' Conch, Gig, and r)VlnnrIdles, Whins, Sulky Harness : KitttUTO &c.t Gcntleincn'. Lady's Saddlfs.g. 1,1,1 1 ) Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, Ac, Ac, sllof which he will warrant to be of the best materi al and workmanship. He has also s large assort ment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, , Satchels, fancy Trunks, &c. nnd all other arilclcs usually kept In such esiabllsh ments.nllof which heoflerslow for CASH, or on SHORT CBKDIT (0 prOIIipl CUSlomPtB. Saddles. Ilnrness, Trunks, Mcdlcsl Bags, dec Ac made lo ordor. Repair Im nf si kinds done with neatness sn'f despntrh. Old Saddles and llnrnesr taken in parr pay for new. JOHN J. CONOLF.Y. N. B. All accounts stai dins on my book over six months, will be charecd will, Inteiest. A II per sons indebted to the subscriber for last year wfll please call and settle, as by so doing they mny pre vent whst would be disagreeable to thei nnd un- pleasant to him. as persons sometimes hove to do un , pleasnnt thliia's In self defi nee. J. J C March 13, 1849. 153-o. ii ices. IN. B. lone in Smn and unameiital Y tinting theoe..nann.,..da-l.o7yORNWAU VVllmicigton. Jan. 20. 131 ny oth' r In- I'he Uapitoi H. NITT 05 ly. lesdon will be for sale a mo and THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, Continues to Insure lives at as low raies a- oih. r responsible Office. SURPLUS OVER 800,000. .,..iuo. PASH.WELL 4 BLOSSOM. nyi-ij J :!v H, 1849. HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHRfcL I I r B IA S0N is Apent tot the above Wheels ... VV . This place He will take pleasure In showing the Casiings toany person who may dssln. ... see then. The, e will ..e found st his officea supply o Wheels. Cranks or Gudgeons, a. all tunes for sale "tc.7:!mirB- "3-r- BLANK NEGOTIABLE NOTES. BLA.MK IMegotlat-lr Notes on the severnl Hanks in till' place jus' printed In a m iti form, for Mil' a: The C-oinmerc'la' Oilier, March 27 t, LIME! LIME ! i LIME!!! 600 Sept 1 CASKS Fresh Lin -oh ville l.w r ).ii. expei lei,. And for sile.l y W M. M. H.UtiUs Avtm. , IB49. 71 PHOSK persons NOTICE. Indebted to tl e ip Fenr S. FOR SALE ORRfeNT. TH two stpry Dwelling House, on the east side of Second street, and between Dock ann u...k... ...... i i nivnnt oecunleu by Mr Jinn Kyle. Aspll' Sept. 18. JAS A BRAD LEV. 78-tf. SALT, COAL AND MATTS. r a -s-lti. nlt. '0 Tons Livei pool Cob O,U4.0urid 30 dozen Malts pel Biig Turtai from Liverpool, lor eule by BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. Aug. 14. e3- business C. II. LIPPITT, AVINO REjIOVED to the slore late occupieo bv Messrs. ASUKHSOS ana nu:ii., and known as ihe AN DKitSU.N S 1 Utir., is now receiving a genera I assoriineni of DRY GOODS, HARD WAUli, CUTL.EHY, Ac ' adapted to tlvi wants of the town and country. I C H L respectfully invites his customers to con i r u;iih him hi his new stand, he WOllll i unuu un.-ii ii " V w . , .iJn .,v t.. ihr ciistnimrs or mews v .k.i K .vina nrreefled to tl Stand (They Having (pme out of trad.;) he is del rouaof suoce. din to Itieir business also and b--IHves he c .n olf r inducements for their old custo mers totr.ide wiih him. They aw respeellul y Invi tedtocall and examine hia goods pnd judue lor themselves. N. C. Sept. b. ,J- COPARTNERSUJP NOTICE. THE underaigned has thl day entered into a Copartnership, under the firm of ANDERSON & LATIMER, for the tranaacilon of a Wholesale Grocery and General Coin nissi in Bii4tess. All consignments will beaitended to with p omptnesB and de.-patch. Office In Mr. O. W. Davis" building, us Souih Vaster St JAMES ANOBRSOiV z LATMEh Wilmington N. C. Sept. 28th 18l9. 82-tf. DOMESTIC GOODS, &c. VARIETY of Domestic Good.-, 1'r'ntfs Ker st-vs. Blankets, Cheap Cloths, Casio-ens Sati- . . '. . II ,A.' . nt Wart nui. iinr.iwi.rp. no low iiae1. oiuwiic. w. .u.. Lln.i. f'.i.ium U oMinil. Ac. Ac , which will be gold ul reasonable profiis. W. O Oct. 4. A 56 STEAM PACKING, DOSE & BELTS. i P POLLEY, Aaent for the Boston Bellini . Compmv. will keep constantly on hand, nnn fora.Kvarhus kinds of Belts, Hose, and Meam I'ucking All urders ponctuaiiy auenueu iu. June 30, lft4'J. 4C-tf. BACON. . n,r I.RS Hams. Sides and Shoulders, 4ilUJU for aaleby Aus.16. J. HATHAWAY & sun. b4. I urn k n,.i or aecoU'il Coi trS'li'i d dininu the i i .... , . vear -17 or 48. are toqucsled to muk. n.i.i.co. , c , . , ),c lart re nuul-nea ine unti nr-' , , n.id.i. beeome. necessary that nl her accounts, o thai date should bel Wl settled & i i-ch i. 1349. ' 149 i LIME! LIME!! LIME! ! . llltLS l.li.L-olnvilli VMni, Lump; Aih ' i:aleined I'liicli i, I'hiMiilii Hail, mi i Brick, Ilyilr.mlli inei.i; ll'(ll bbl Lime fur sale by J C. & R B WOOI' August 7. 60 81 H Fir if-c SUGAR. BBLS. Coffee Crushed, good article, jut recrl- I ved Aug. II A HILLS OF EXCHANGE. KKKSH supply of very hundsoine Billsoi Ex change. for sale at the Cummtmui Office. SPIRITS TURi'EN TINE BARRELS. i m ; WU A. tl. Sept. 18. X lM A quaisty, lor sale by VANliOKKELlN. 78-tf. For sale by. 1849. J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. 62. GLUE, JEKFREYS. NEGRO CLOTHS AND BLANKETS PL ANTERS are request, d to call and cxainii ...... - ru ,,f lfHrt.:vB and Blankets, a we ihii thaysre equal to uny oll'ering in th marrt, and lor sallow by HOWARD & PLDK.V U I -JZ p 1 . COUNTRY MERCHANTS, PLANTERS, and others visiting Wilmington to buy eoods.ore requested to csl: andexamine my . 1 . i . Uil..n I' I4ta nr (7miB s'ock ano prices lor any iic!.ii"i"" My ariancenienta are such us to be able to everv ilcsorip.ie i ol Hal6 and Caps at the .New i ork wholesale prices. V. M 1 tM, liauer Sept. 29. JUST RECEIVED. F nrfi SuPL'rior Prin(liPe Cigars, and for sale 0,UUU,ow,by c EVANS & BROTHER. Sept. 15. the very hes. kind, for Distillers use, always on U "..nd,a,nil,rs,,lebVvvKiL & BLOSaoJ July 26. COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK. 1 A SHARKS Commercial Bank Stock, for sal lUsv J. HATHAWAY if- SON. p.6 73 TAILORING ! ! EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. "V A '5 not Spirit Barrels. In prime order no K' Unding aad fir sale by .,0 BARRY, BRYANT A ADAMS Aug. 18. 6' ineos in Wl GUNNY BAGS crr r .rm Klie Gunnv Bays, just received OUUUsnd lor sale by Oct. 9. UUSSELL A KENDRICK. 87. HOOP IRON AND RIVETS. -. r rcifi Hoods and 30 thoutand Rivets, for 1U Spirits Turpentine Barslsfor J Oct. 4. rs. 95 HORSE FOR SALE. A fin Norlhen troke Horse gentle Oci. s. perfectly Snd a fast trotter. Apply to HOWARD A PKDEN. 85. furnish legului 83. A CARD. THE aubscrlber Is now prepared to see his custo mers and Irien.ls nt the old stsnij on N.iri.l Markei street, next d'or nelow I. Dawsos ft C o.. where he will serve them up with any kind of a Hai or Cap that may be desired. My enck Is unusually large, end will be sold terx, lowjor catn. j can irnui those wishluu lo purchase is respectfully solicited Priect te tuit the timet. C. MYERS, Hatter. Sepl. 29. 83. PORK. 1 i BBLS. soft Mess Pork 1V40 SNUFF & SEGARS. and small i- Blili. Outcult's Scotch Snuffinlsrg' O Blndde e. . .twa, v K. t aualltv. very old Havana Sega.s, UUUvJ Uielv received. For sate by iiARRY. BRYAN I A. Aug. 14. ADAMS. 63. City Oct. 11. do. do. For sale by DsROSSET 4 BROWN. 88. REMOVAL THK subscribers have rem occupied by Mr. ieo. . H pied by Oci. 4, 1849. removed to the store lately arris. JEFFREYS LEIGH row. Oil .. . i ik... i. raiim..d lila bus pilh.BDW. rr ,11 II MN.fl 1 n.lnalon, and Will cany on in. u'p la In KUSlNKSa in all lis various branenis. Helsin n,v.aeHion of ah the latest styles, nnd Iron, In. Vat .in the business he feels sati.l ed that he S Please me Ihi.1- ol he most fastidious. A trial .all that he asks to convince me most skeptical. lo Juaraiife. all w.ok thai h does to fit, and to be msdelnawerftmajftt-. manner uoCJ)NS mt ieT I A 26-tT. may 10, icio. COAL! COAL!! JVJU Coal, put up expre'Sly for lamily usr, on TONS of bes1 quality red Ash schrrencd hand and lo aiilve Iroin PhilaOelphla. Families can be supplied al short no lice, on appli cation 10 OKO HARRISS Lord's W hrf. Aug 21. FOR CALIFO.t JA. 1MIK Nautilus, Mutual Lhe laMi.rance Company ol .New York, will take risks o the lives ol per o:is,o:uy iu 'uiiio.-iua. .ippiy 10 AL, FOR SALE it Tin,' iiFPir.K OF HIE I'OSaCBf RATES OF TU ANSPOIM'ATION THE Wll.MlSKJi" " RAIL ROAD. RATES OF FREIGHT Between WllmliiKton & Charleston Revised July 4, 1849. F J. L RD St March 10. CO. IK. ON Price 25 cents. J. E. KEA, DENTIST. T3 ESPECTFULLY ennouncaa.to his friends and .i kiin ik.i h. I. nrenartu 10 y no.... JL f IIIC ifi.i.ii... ... r--' . 1 a operation, spoertslnlns, oth. Denis M im 1 . nai sinnriivKn ui 1 inn w t find Phifririnif . ReaulallnK, and Extracting inu.' I ncorraptible Arilflclal 233 sale by HAMS. DiROSSET f- Oct. 11. quality, for BROWN. 88-iw. WORTHY OF ATTENTION! The Largest and Cheapest Stock of DRV GOODS, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, ever was eflertrf at this place. TS now fnr sile. Wholesale and Retail, by 8. f- D X TELLER. , , in j 1 1 Thoseinwsntofthestwvesrtlcles will do well, by calllna 00 ihs subscribers, neii aoor 10 u.c o., mercisl Bank. . . . Country Merchsnts will do well by calling and ex amining before they purcha- o tkllrRi LADIES are particularly requested to inspect their FANCY GOODS. , . . TK. nl.. I li'iannala Velvet Trimmings, ksss just arrived and ar opened Those In wamti them will pleaM come forward s soon ss possible, as uwy sell v ry last. Oct 4. 1000 Sept. 27. BUSH. Corn In iiiriHo 1 1 CORN. baps, A good quality, 1 1 1 1 1 DsROSSETA BROWN. 82-3w Inscr- Telh on pivots anJ one 1 p Vterirom one .0 en.ir. sets. Upper .-..in-Mried on the prlsKlptasof stroosnherlc p.e-sB.ej all of which he warrants wB.ve eni.,. ,....-.;-... nm,- '.,nh ald Msisei si., o " Sept. 1849. 78-2mo. OT SO' 10 a. & D. T. 86-11. BACON. IT rrr LBS. sides and Shoulders, jui re J,JJJ ceived. per RsU Rod, Sept. 25. CASUAELL & for sals bv BLOSSOM. 61. NOTICE. pbom .nA nrihaftrai January. 1949. no Plight V .111 ka naiutld or dnllvered" frHfcout the rrelghi being paid. " ROB-T. rBNNKR, Trsnspertsdoa Agent, W. R. R. R-po. Dts. 30. IW8. ItirM FOR SALE. HHDS. Sugar, RO bags Coffee ; UObbls Pork 1 100 kegs Cut Nailer I00bags8hot; 2Vbbls Ulue; osp; SpermCsndlesi Csnsl Flour; Gunny Bags; Wrapping Paper; Loaf Suirsr ; Crushed Sugar, dtc. die. ANDERSON 4 LATIMER Sept. 27. !L MADAME CLEMENT RESPECTFULLY Informs ihe Inhabitants of this town and ihe adjoining Counties, thai she will be hBppy to receive a email numoei ol young Ladles, whose parents mlgni reaioc ui a oisianee; hi would be s desirable home tor children deprived of the care of a mother ; Ihey wuld haveaM itw advantages 01 a school, combined with all the com forts of home. Terms paysble In sdvonce, quarterly For board snd sducstlon, per annum-$.'00-Mtt-sic not Included. VNIImlngion, Oct 4, 1849. b5 (Chronicle copy if ) NOTICE. HF. subscriber offers for sale, nis soun. Place, known as SHAUir aim several other trai ts connected, coniaitni.g in all 610 scr. s. 1 will sell sy qusnilty 10 aui. pur chasers, I will sell 500 acres on ttw F.ast fidi ol the Capo Fear, 7 miles below Wilmington A LSO, Mr entire Crop an J Stock oi Cuitle. Hors.-s.Hogs, Boats and Seiuea, Household and Kitchen e urni- ,ure- D. M. BRYANT. Aug. 30th, 1849. -,f NEW ARRANGEMENT. PHI?. Subscribers have thlsday entered Into co I partn.-rship under the name snd firm ol m, i mt Ani.RY & Co., and wl.iheresl.erc.rry on the BOOT SI JOE B'.sl..eMin all It. branch.;, a. .he old e .1.1 ihsh riieir assortment wm oe ap. i r.yr . n d o n u . . CHAM UlADLF.Y. WM. F. OASKAM. IP49. '''' hove arrangement It becomes ao- i 1 ihi ill accounts due lhe lute hi in tHJllllt'lv lie. d" ; , , .. , of (j t :. Bdly h.m'.l b seined i -ime li ,tely June 6. IdlJ. Jour and Cnron. copy. 3a-if. DANA BROWNE. pilOFIi.SMJ laf Music nnd Uealer II in Pmno Fortes, Ouitara ai.d oiher Musical Instriini. nts. Old I'lanus IS- .. ... ..,.11 n . .. ken in eieu.inge. areroon. a. moza. 1 nan. n fessor Browni- uay be sei-n .11 Mozan Hall, or a' lhe Washington Hotel. opposite I. upe rear nana. Xoi, . 1H4S. 130-tf FOR SALE. 1 - PACKAGES good reisilina Molasses, now 1 ZD landing fiuni Schr. W hlte Oak. by July 10. 49 GRAIN STORE. incut all times. June 4th, V. B. By the J UST received 500 buahels Cum ; 500 do. Whe-i. Bran, Oats. Peas, il , Homoiiv. H rse md C w leefl. r nn' Jbr Kir.il UlbV IVL.UICJ q- Li 1 1 vii . ' July 65. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 5i)0 July 19. ply in UKO. HARitlSS. a. PINE OIL. PU nilcle can be o it 1111 il ai th store ui S P Pillsv it 1 n ti lie. mi l will be deliver .d to customers, by my mm evei y Tin sdny, Thurs l.iner .1 discounts lo those wno wi.11 'u . .. LAMP OIL. 1 KnOAL1.0iNSbonaii-.lli I ur Strn I tJJ I .0 do S.pl 16. 77-if. F01 sale by Sept 26. Sperm H0v AKD Oi ; do. P ED F.N. 81. RIO COFFEE. ale by GEO. Sacks Rio C ffee, for sale by GEO. ELLIOT. f Noilh Building, mor n inner i. Oct. ft. M- CALL AND SEE, IVHir TJIEIf B. SPLENDID lot of Bicon II ml', Sldo and Shoulder.. For sale low for CASH G.KO. H. KELLY 81. A I UsIT REClilVED, 12,000 lbs Bawn Sides, on J con,!,..,,,,.,, and for sale Veiw. ,ur cash; by , Sep,. 29. 83 BEEF, PORX AND BACON. . STORK, ana lor aa.e oj Sept. 29 CIGARS! CIGARS ! ! CIGARS!!! Just Received. H P. RUSSELL 83. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, By Sept. 25 TO RENT. SEVERAL Stores snd Offices, on North Wstsr O Street, with Wsrehouses attached, ALSOt One of the moat deslrsble Wharves, in Wilming ton. Apply 10 . F.J. LORD Co. Aug. 2d, 1919. 9. TO RENT. 'pHAT largo B'lrk Dellinir House, on L Markets,., nowoceupled by Mrs. Wans. Poe salon given on the 1st dsy ol October Apply to ' ' 1, iaiim n Df?(I.UV Wilmington, N C, Ju y 24, 1849. 66 if. ffl I., su FOR RENT. I HE Wharf. Yard and Ware H us at present occupied by the M. rchants Steam Boat Com nnnv Posaesslon given on lhe Ural nf Oc tober Seit. Apply 10 JAMES JINKINS. a 1 Fjystievllle Bept. 11. PHE 1 PI- Id HE aubacilber, at the laai term ni ine coui, oeuun anu n I Monday in Sep- ....h.,, lfliy. took out Inters ol AdmLie Oailon mum ihs Ktate of Willi im Shaw. All persons ludibtcd to the Estate, are hereby notified lo coins forward snd settle 1 and ull persona having claims, anainat me Ealale, to present them within the tl.ie prescribed bv law or ...Is notice will be plead ed In bar of recovery. '1 HOS. D MEARES.Admv It TB"tf. Sept. tale low for cash, by Oct. X. . srnEBtt aiienl of Sack Sal., Mercer Irish no A ..inu.b the bbl. Codfiah and Molasses. For " . I J V KELLY. 84. SOAP ! SOAP ! ! 1 C BOXES of Colesies No. I Pale Soap a so 1 il perlorsrilclest GEO. MYERS'. September 1. 3,1 C . GOLDEN Lyon Brand very supe- VV 1 rlor, 3 000 V.ctorls, 3.000 Fmnklyn, 4,fX)0 Juaio San-Principle, 3,000 Liijuvenlud Brand, 6,000 Light Brown - very low, I boxScHl irlnna Turkish smoKlng toliaeeo And for sule low lor cash, at O. MYERS' Sept. 29. 83. MAIL ARRANGEMENT ARRIVAI. The Mail from ihs N rth arrives dally st It, A. H Do. do do do South do do do 9, A.M. Do. do do Fayetteviile vis Wsrssw, arrives, on Monday, Wednesday snd Frldsy, with the North ern Mail. The Mall ftom Fayetlovllle via F.lisahethtown sr. rives on Tuesday, Thursday snd Saturday, at 6. A. V. The Mall from Long Creek arrives every Thurr dsv. 6, P. M. The Mslt from Onslow Court House srrlves every Monday, 6, P. M. DEPARTURES. The Mali for the North la cjosed every dsy st 10, P. M Do do do do South Is do do do do 9, A. M Do do do Fayetteviile vis Warsaw Is closed os Monday. Wednesday snd Frldsy, 10 T. M The Msll for Ksyeitevllle vis F.llssheihiowB Is cl ed Tuesdsy, Thsrsdsy sod f The Mllforlong Creek Is ch sed Thuredsy, lt A. . ,.-.. A Aa IB. - y do as Onslow C.r.H. & do f J v. - J it mm f V