t f". Jii n'i rAiiit civii'ti HA removed hl offic io lb op pled by UiotLD. Nwr. "? street, low door west of in Carolina Hotel. Oct 23d. mTfri wlny .., a.1.1 tV ,.-,. r. ..... . . - fV the beat kind, aipreealy fortiwiiiicr, aiway v n hand, and lor mm r '. . " , . M JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. yj:jSWBp:'lND FOR SALE. Kf"k Sacks Salt; bblj. ot P.irlo Pico 8mjart JJ, prushed and loaf Sogers ; Canal nnd Fay. eltevlllc KICmri bbls. hull RtKl Qr. bbls. 0 Mackerel; bill,. Ofjrlsh Pota.toe Full on Market Beef; bucH of Coftl'e and Shot, ass dried; Hole und Klour bitck ett; Ovent, Spider, Skillet. Pol, Waggon Box en, "Alfcllrona, Jars, Cut Nnlla; Table Salt, cop- Sera, SuLnraius, Ginger, Notmepi Cloven, Spice, nulfin buttle nnd Bladders, Kicej box Cheese, Axe,iTre Chains, Onion, sliiitinga, Osoeburge by Hie Colo,. Bed Cords, Tubs, of various aizt-a, IVasy Candle, Soap, Pickles, .Spun Cotton, and a Vurloiy of. common Crockery low lor cash at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Oct. -23d. , , " 9Jt. NOTICE. D OCT,' KENNEDY" begs to Inform hU Wends 'and the public, that lie will bo absent Iroin Wil mington, One week, from the 28'h October, to fiill loo lust ol hit engagements, mudo ptcviuus to his loctltlnj In this piuoe. lie will be fouud lu hid office until then. Oct. 23. 93 It. SELECT SCHOOL. MR. O. W. GUESS h arrived in town, and will, or the preii'ot, pperr a Sohooion Morula) next, Ijris 22d Inst., in the loom luuiierly oucupiyu by Alt. Walsh. Mr. G. Is an experienceJreaqner. nnd the fuel tint he was tuiued by Mr. vVillljin J. Bingham, of Orange county, und formerly usaiMvd him in bis Select Schoul,i9 u suiricieut guaranty ul hi quulltioaluHiaand ability, . i'lie school re Intended l tte permanent, and wil, be uadoj the best moiul discipline, the liibre I mine, a daily text bonk tor the pupi a. lu Indus have no feure but lhat il will giva-emlre ajiisiucilon io unt p irant wln dealrce Ilia children to be "trained lu ilie way they ehouM go." t erms f ir Session ot live inonllis: First English depui tinent, Second do. Classlcy Incidentals, 26 cents Payment required liulf in ..dvance. Oc.O, 1849. i (0 a ou la IO SALT. 1 WfYk BushcU good Alum Suit. For s i l by Oct. !0. 92 il. NEW Drug And Medicine Store, TIIK suhscriher will npi-n, ntimil tin I5lh ol Nnv. next, nt the .Slort- Iuiim. r ly oecuf led by Altera. I'lcrwm & Kel ly, on the iorih side ol Market, be twoen Frontnnd .SeeunilsiiefN.aconi plrtp nnd frier: assortim nl of di;(;h and mkiik in o, the di luilaol whiulr will In u nfu r im.r.. fuHy appear fri another ailvetiisrim iii. He soliciu tliu piitronatfe ot divi ding and III pnbli.: jn-Tiill). in vile a call from litem hh ell ue lioin Country I'hyaic ana and ollii rs w lnj nuiy require ai tirlea in hlnlioe C. DuPaa Wiliuingt..n, N C , Oct. 20, 1319 9M.n. New Dry Goods Store, rPHK subscribers hove just com uenced the i ) r JL Goods businc sn in llui" town, on Market tirrot. ailjuinlni; ihe Drug store ol the Into Win. Shaw, nnd stcond honso from Front mreet, whete will be found a large seli-ction ot FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, of iate Import. itlon, Whlctt tlioy nrs determlm (I to sell on as good terms, as thev cm be purchased in any eity In the Union. Their pojja having been purchased entirely lor cash, will give ibein an. op portunity of giving good biirains to theircustninura. They a diolt iliote wWihinv to pinch me. iiurlli ular ly the L idles, to call and examine, tlicir stork, vhether thny purchase or not, ns they will tuke ileut . re in waiting on those who favor ns with a call. On ' t the partner, b'jina rnnneciud with s -veral es tahliahmenta he remains conatantlv in the Northern Cities. VVe shill be co'istanlly receiving fresh sup plies during the season' MVKRS A D WIS. Oct. 18. m. ORANGES AND LEMONS 75 Boies Sicily Lemon i 82 " Aloscno Oranvrs. For ssle at , J. WILKINSON A CO 3. Oct. 19. Journal Copy. 90, WniTE BEANS. 50 BUSHF.LS White Retm for sale bv Oct. 16 ;.o. LARD. IV Barrels and Kegs. Korsalehy J. R. HI.OSSOM Uct. 20. 92-tf. SALT, SALT. THF.carBoofBrlBOallender, from 8t Marlins boat 6,000 boshela. Apnlv to GftO. HARRUS, Oct. 16-90-if. 8 N. Water at. FOR FREIGHT' OR CHARTER. THE A T coppered Brit ALRF. MARt. F. L.na.uomarr niater,230 tons burthen, or H3 M n. Lumber. For terms, apply io UKU. HAKK1SS, Oct. 9-87-31. No. 18 No. Water at., up na Ira. NUTS! NUTS!! nnO LBS. different kinds For sale at fJKJUKJ J. WILKINSON b CO 8. Oet. rt5 Journal copy. 90. FLAG STAFF FOR SALE. THE KLAO STAFF at. Kxchanga Corner is of fered for safe. Apply it the office or 7'A C'om Wicrctoi. t u . Wot. 13. B9 tf. , flEW FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS CASH STORE. V H. P1BRSON, Avreut. THIS wesubllthment will t opened baThurs day n..xt. when new and eholee assortment u Fancv and SiudIu Urv Oooda will k. ..IT-...A Aa it is in aetermt nation or the rubaorlbar to adop the CASH syslin,he feels confident that lha pri ces will bo such as toeflnvlreall Who wih .pur quo that it Is to their ad vaaUftt tocail anduxaiuiaM) this sjUiok, which will comprise aillhe lawval aiyleao apriox a ad eJaronur Oooda. HivlngaiaploWd Ifr. E. Moors, an expe'icnoeal . Marahan, from nar Vork.tna establishment will ke anderhis aaperla)des)deAe. - -,.. . .. Vk tW P1EUS0N, Agent." lor Seth Hoard. . AprilS, 1849, 33 ly w.' w . . a . ... w vi.a, w iieady Made"jDfotliing ! III nil' FOR CASH. K ' 7 .. ; . . " FRANK &:CO., ,:;W4. WOULD lespectlully InC-rm (lid public, (hit they have 1 a ken a store- on lha toih aids of Market slrevt, 2 doors West of the Harnet Houae, where they have jtlst oned a large tssortrnenl of READtMADECLOTniXG, fV embracing every article worn by o'gentkmn. Amon;' their articles may be found. Cloaks, wrap pers over ("oats. Druys, Frock and Sack Coats, Pan (al joiiii. Vost, Kitty das. U ider eihirt, Drawers. Hals, Caps, IMots, Shntt,' Handkerchiefs, r-c.,lc. 1 heir stock embraces every thing usually found in n store of (he kind, to all ol which they would in vite attention? lotfllnr. confident that their, oods cann t b sin paswd either in quality or workman--hip. A call is nil llveyask. as they feel satisfied that thev cm sell CllSAPF.R tUiin any other house in the plure. ' " ' U" Don't forget to call two doors West of the Hanicl IIjubc. Oct. Ib 00 lm. iEW YORK IHUMII STORE. NO MONOPOLY Important to Economist, THF. iinrfcrKlfnied having taket. the store VOKTII WATKR STHEET, 4 dooro below the Rorkcpring, ne arly opposite Wer sols' Dock, have opened an extensive stock of DRY GOODS AND READY MADE CLOTHING. which will be found to be ar prices, much lower ihnn ever ohVreil in this place be'urei the proprieties bav- ng cnnneet.on with or e ol the luriremjob IngJVlan ilacinrlc" in Sc l orK. nave tacilltles lor recaving their (ioodc it Win lowest possible prices, the benefit of which, they intend to oiler Io the public. All jrar.rieni" cut and made in ine most woikinan- like and fishionnble style. The following is in pirt a lint d Garments to be found ut thi ircMalili.-ihinenl : 'ine and aupar Dross and r rock Coats, , from 6i0 to 12,50 Super drab Sack PalltoCH a la lUssuth. . r V.. 7,00 14,50 Prnneh Habft und Cash motet Coat a, . " 4,00 " rl.BO Finn Ol Hh clinik" Overcoats, " 9,00 ' 15,00 Pnntsof every dctscription, " 75" 6,00 Vests " " '. 75 " 4,0U Alsoc instantly on "hand, every varictv ol (;Riitlcmen'a Pttf tiiauliie; CJoo.ls. Such n .Shirt, Bosom", Collirs. Scarfs, Cravats, Hosiery, Ok visum. Sunt id if c- L- N. B. Too public ore rcspoclfully Invited local ndjudu'ofor ihemsi Ivi s, North Waler Street, 4 door below the Rock- sptinn. WOLF .6 CO. Oct. Ifi. yu im. SUGARS. 7HHDS. N. Oilcans und Porto Kico. Just re ci ivi il and lor sale by J. HATHAWAi & SON. 0.:t. 18. 91. LARD. C MILS, prime .N . O Lird, just received and for ) ml'- by A NDF.il SON & LAT1MKK. (Jet lii. 90. DL til WHEAT! BlCRWUIlxT!! rtr HAGS llii. kwh. at ; ay J HI Boxes do. M 1 H bids. do. 20 1 1 " do. For sale by Oct. 13 IH9 HOWARD i TEDEN 80. s , JUST RECEIVED, AT MAYER'S CHEAP STORE. Iik I'iKCKS of line superior assorted colors of A V Broad Cloth. C pieces ol firm quality of Oil Cloth. FiOO pair of Blankets, suitable lor .servants. 4IKK) v anls ol double Mill Kersey. 2UU pieces of French, English and American prints ol ( 'alieoc. All ol the above srtlolas will be sold at Ihe lowest cash prices. JOSEPH M Al ER. Oct. IS, 1S49. yi U. FA Y E I'TEV ILLE FLOUR. - 1FTV b amis assorted llrrmds. Forsalo hy ' J HATHAVVAV if- SON. O.l. 13. 91. RIVER FLOORING. (( TT FKKT, vtii f aHd, full 5-4, on 1 UU IVI. wharr. For sale by O. G. PARSLEY. Oct. 21), 15 19. 92-31. DISSOLUTION. rPHE co-piirtneiliip heretofore existing uader the X si In and firm of CAMIIH 'I'.I.I. HI,0SOM, is this day dissolved by dhhu d eonscnl 'rtieall ilrs of the late linn will be seltled by Jo seph 11 lllossom. DAVID CASHWF.LL. JOSEPH K. BLOSSOM. Wilmington, Oct. 20. 1849. 92-tf. HAMS, SIDES AND SHOULDERS. If) MUM Hams; iO.OOU lbs. Sides; 5,000 iui""uIIm Shoidileis; for 's.ilcby HOWARD Sl PEDF.N. Oct. 20. 92-tf. JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE. MHK "ubscnler offers for sale, al his Store on J. North Water Street, the following articles, vn : 50 kegs .Nails ; 8 ions Hoop Iron ; 400 casks Lime ; 800 sacks Sill; 40i)J bushels coarse Sail; 10 qr. casks Malaga Wine; U cask choice French Brandy I barrel old Jamaica Ruin ; 20 pieces Cotton Bagging; 10 hhds. and 10 bids. P. R. Suirnr ; 6 bags old Java Coffee-all of which, will be sold low, by R. H. GRANT. Oct. 20. 92 4t. JUST RECEIVED. 4 8PLF.NDIDaaMnmeniof Ladies BONNETS, XI. consiMini; of Struw, Leghorn and Peaik which we uresulliuij ut cxlre.iiely low pi ices. Also, a most beaiitUuliotofoew style rail Ribbons and loweis. MYBUS A DAVIS. Oct. 20. 92-1 PERyUMERY AND SOAPS. T A&Qiwiaaortmenlof Perfu uery and fancy soaps XJ Juat openU and Tot sale by J. WILKINSON A CO. Ocu20. Jojrnalcopy. 90. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! Il VV I HUSHKLS coaras Alum Salt. LAJUjO0 Slacks Liverpool do.; foi sale lowcy UOvVARD A PKDKN. Oct. 20. 92-tf. HOOP iron.; A FULL astortinenlot laa boat branda. For sale XI. by J. R. BLOSSOM. Oct. 20. 92-tf. TRUSS HOOPS A aF approved martitiaeiura. Fo, aaia by VI' J. U. BLOSSOM. Pel. 20. 92-tf. CINDY I CANDY I! 1 10 LB4 ,afreh article, for a! by box or WW Ul 111 , I b7 i aua kat J. WILKINSON A CO. Oct. 16, .. Journal copy. . . W W i.i U ,i t 'f ' 4 CORDAGE!1; 1' 1 1 ' 1 HO COILS Cordage, assorted, for sale low; by y. HOWARD PKPKN. ' Oct, 16. 68. CLARENDON HORSE GUARDS. ATTENTION I YOU are hereby ordered to op pear at the usual place of pa rade, un Saturday 27th Otober neit. it 9 o'clock A. M. armed and equtp ped as the law directs, with Blank' . i nd 11.1 II CartridL'es. I.y order of ihe Captain. E. L. HALL, O. S. Oct. Ifi. 99, FLOUR &P0RX. RBI, S. extra f.iinily Flour. 30 bhls. Mess Pork, for salehy DaROSSKT BROWN. 10 Sept. 27. LEJ.0NS. 10 BOXES fresh Lemons, for sale hy HOWARD &, I'EDEN. TO THE LADIES. WF, have on hand an assortmenl of L adii-s' Shea from the best Philadiilphia Manufaeioilescon- sistinaof ttrskinTlaaandiaalters. whicli hfl will sell at reduced prices. M VERS & DAVIS. Uct. 1M. - BUTTER AND CHEESE. .JkBoxes No. 1 Cheese ; 99 10 keis DrimeO ishen Btiiteri Just rticcived per Schr. Alaric. and for sale by J. HA I II A VV A I Ot SU.H. Oci. 18. ' 91- TO RENT. rT'HE delightfully siiuuled family rcsi JL denoey Uitely ntcupied by Col. John Macilae. For terms apply to W M. A. UKIKi Al I). Oct. 18 1849. - "l-3t. SERVANTS TO HIRE. 'pWOOOOD COOKS and two HOUSE SER L VANTS, lo hire. Apply lo WM. C. BEI'TENCOURT, or J-CREMIAH NICHOLS. Oci. 18, 1349. , 9l-6t. CHANCE FOil A BARGALN. 'PILE subscriber Is desirous of selling out the i 1 whole of his stock of Ready Made Clothing, Consit'ngof vario'.'s fishioanbic articles. Per sons wishing to purchase, will find this an excellent opportunity to lay in a stock, as he is detetiulncd to sell low and close this branch of his business. JOSEPH MAYF.R. Oct. 18. 9l-tf. TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. ABOUT 1450 Acres, situated In South Carolina, about 14 miles from Conwayboro' and. 4 from GhIIwoiiI Ferry. It Is well imberad and part la good Corn and Colton Land. For further inform i tion, Apply io J. R. BLOSSOM. Oct. 19. 91- APPLES ! APPLES!! BBLS. just received, and In fine order, and forsaleby J. WILKINSON A Co. 100 Oct. 13 1S49. 91. NORTH CAROLINA BACON. JUST received, pei steamer Gov. Graham, 3.000 lbs. Hums. Sides and Sliouldors, of superior quality, and for sulc by WM. M. HARR1SS. Atrl. Ocl.S. - 8I PRINCIPIE CIGARS. BOtin Mfnervo ; - - Ai,j ' , ' 1.. - I 75.000 Common. For Bale st J. WILKINSON 4 CO'S. Oct. 16. Journal copy. 90. APPLES!! APPLES ! ! 1 (f BBLS. Apples For ssle at IVJL J. WILKINSON at CO'S. Oct. 9. 87. A. G. BOWERS k BROTHER, Watch and Clock Makers, Jewellers, ic, &c ' ?. Opposite the Chronicle Office, front atroM. WILMINGTON, N. C. RSSPEOTr ULLV infor-n the cltjiens of Wilmington snd country generally, tliht they lave taken the Store opposite thr Chronicle Office, where theirperaonal attention will be given to the repjirln; of every description oi Vatchcs,t locks, Jewelry, Plated and Oliver Warv All of whiah will be executed in a atyle of workman ship not surpassed by anyot.er establishment, and warranted to give entire aaltsfaoijoa lo ottering our services to the public, we fiel sails fled thtrt a trial la only requisite secure iho good wilt and a continuation of the patronage of all who mar favor us in the foregoing undertaking. N. B. Hvins nude arrangements sl the North w arvrtftabted la kaep for sole, at ua low priors a any other establishment, every deacr (prion ol GOLD and SILVER W A l cH ES, fancy and other Clocks, with a variety of fine J EyVELRi, etc., too numer ous to mentloo. Wltolessle and retail ardera supplied at the shortest uoUce. Oct. 18th, 1849. 91-3tn. CIGARS. V ( Cr ASSORTED Brands of Clffars, OLfVjVjVLAJjuet received at Mayer'a eiaajj rs, IS.am-'a rhaall cash Store, which is olfered ata lower pries than ever uiierca ixaore lu nis piaco. JOSEPH MAYER. Oct. 19 1849 1. JEWELRY, WATCHEsTaNdTaNCY GOOD3. HE aubacribaV bega leave to Inform his friends, and the uupllc antaialiy, mat he tua mat returned from the North, with an elegant assortment of goods In his hae, and ' ettrenivlylow prlcea4 and would be hsppy lo re ceive the calls of all aueh aa are in want of an .uticle uaually kept in aimllar estsbllshmenu. Alt kinds of Watches, Crocks aod Jewelry .ep ilnd In workmanlike wanner, ana warranted to prov. well. ' T. W. BROvvN. Oct. 19. 91-tf. - FIFTY, DOLLARS' REWARD. fv AT,LL PM for tha delivery of try girl $V 'v..,AltlAll. (known about Wilmlngion as Mifrl.ih Slntna) elth ir to me at the to mile post n the Railroad, In Wiyne County, or in Messrs. C ishwell dt Blossom in Wilmington or to any Jail In the Mate. Marlah run away aomeiltne In April last she Is about twenty one year old, and of a right copper color.-1 will eleogWs th abavs reward for avid, nee ufflcienl to convict any whito person of hatbotirlnf hrr. Ail pmanns tire forbid employltif it hartouring her, as the Iaw trill b rlaldly, enlbr eel against any person so dViug. She Is supposed to oe mixing aoo it ilininoron. Oct. 13. PRTERSON, 69 if. FLOUR. 50 BBLT Sup .;rfine Flour, for bv HOWARD PkDEN. 90. Oct. 1G JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE rr SACKS of Liverpool Salt in bleached sacks, Jv IG k-ijs n ids, assoi ted si.e, 3 do. Collins' Axes, Kentucky pattern, . 1 do. Georgia lonehitl, A superior lot of llueon Hams, Sides and Shottldeis and the O orgia swi ct Polalo Low for cash, nt QFO. II KFXLY'?. Oct. 13. Chron. copy. 89. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE. 1 KEG of Ppsoin Salts ; I btil. of best Vinegar t 2J bbls. Mackerel ; I quintal of Codfish lObbla City Mess Pork; 100 bunches Onions bbl of Sounds and Tongues ; 5 lbs. Bologna Sausages ; H bbls. Of Pickles; 41 bbls. best Fnlton Mirkrt Reel ; 9 boxes bi si (,'he S"; and 10 bbls. best Canal Flour ; IS bbls. Fayulicville Flour (new) red brand, Low for cash, nl . GEO. KELLY'S. P. S. All Flour aotdbr the subscriber that proves not guod, can bo n turned and money refunded. Oct. 16. Chron. copy. 90. OFFICE WILMINGTON & RALEIGH R.R.Co. Wilmi-otom. Oct. 16ih, 1849. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the nn 1 1 nual meeting of the Stockholders of the VV1I ininotonA Ralcluh Rail Road Company, will be held in this place on the 2d Thursday, H(h November ! next. JAMES S. (JRERN, AVy: TlrThe ChronlcU, Jourr.al, N. C. Standard, Wfl. don Herald, and Tarboru' Press, will publish the ahoe until mcailiijj. Oct. U. 9t. NOTICE TO CONTRAtTORS. rPlIK Company of Contractors to whom thefol X lowing works were let on the lblh of August last, Having failed to Comply with the terms of the contract, they then entered into in due time: in fur nishing the Bonds required lor ihe faithful perform ance ot the work. 1 lie President and Board of Di rector of the Cape Fear di Deep River Navigation Curnnnnv have, this day. bv Resolution, directed that the same i e advertised lor contract, and accordingly, j- SBAM2D PROPOSALS Will be received, at their office in Plttsborougli, Chatham County. North Caioljna. until the 14th of 1 November next, for the conatruclion of twelve 1 Duma over the Cape Fear River and thirteen Locks, including one guard Lock; akso for the excavation necessary for deepening and widening half d mile of old canal at t.i Bock horn Falls. Ttieee JJmns will vary In length from 400 ft. to 700 It. They are inva riably located upon, lodges ol rock making enlhely across the ilvrr, arid o the depth upon those ledges id about 1 fool, no Cotter Dame will be required. They will be conairueled ol limber hewed to a square of I Zinch'.s, laid in parulUI lines, connect' d by : cnihs ties rnnning al right angles, and forming Ctibs which are lo be well lurid-packed with Hose. 1 The louoduiiona being rock, the dams will be vei il eal on their down stream face, with along upstream siope, cut od at such a distance from the overfall, aa to leave the vertical face at the toe of the dam, on '. trie ap stream side, about one-Ioorth the height of i the dam. Along thU up stream face, trier will be a double courae of vertical sheet piling, and abovethts, and resting to some extern upon the sheeting of the dam, there will placed a heavy bed of gravel. The wholo of ihe framing will be secured by dove tailed joints, bolta and treenails at the creasing of the limbers. The Locks will ben modification of those gener ally ki."n as the ' Composite ;" the walls will be formed of alternate range limbers (2 by 12 inches, connected by cross lien similar tdjno dams -and the cribs well packed with stone. There will be a . double course of sound planking, with waler joint to the Lock Churnber. The whole framing will be firmly bound together by dovetailed jointa, bolts and treenails -as in the dams. The Lock Ch&mber will be 18 ft. in width and 100ft. between thegate. The i limber and lumber has been contracted tor aw Is I now beins; delivered at the sites for the different works. The Proposals wil: iherefoie be madefor the I workmanship and cons'ruction of the Dams and Locks (onh) and for the aione packing, which Is to be lound in abundance at the aites ul the dtlferent works. The Colter Dams necessary for putting in lha Locks, noed not be included in l be bids, us tbose will bo put up by the Nit(aiion Company ; but the Pumps must be funnelled and worked by the con tractor, a: i The Proposal will be lat. For the framing and construction of the L cksand Dams, per 1,000 fi., board tneaeureuieni, f 2d. For all Slone Packing, per cubic yard, 3d. For all Rock Eicavaiion in foundation, per uhlc yard, I 4th. For the Workanship of .ill Plank, per 1,000 ft., board measurement, 9 6th. For.all iron Holla and Slrapa, per pound, f 6lh. For all Spikes and Nails, per hundred, inclu ding driving, t Hh. For all White Oak Treenails 16 by t Inches, per bundled, $ 8th For all Mitre Sill an-1 Holltw Quoin P sti, ncludingr'raminj( and Secutiuia their pro, er po sition, per linpar foot, The Gat. s will be made under a separateenntrset. Plana of the nbrve work w id be exhibited, nnd apeclficalinns for ihe aame delivered lo HieConlrset ora. at the office of th Engineer of I ho Company, in Piitsooroogh, at any time when suited for. After the reci ipt ol the Proposals, time will be taken for the consideration of the same, uolil the 17th of the same month, on which day, Iq case th Pr ip issls should be found ralieXaClorl , the several work will be declared ofT. This work will be paid lor in current bank notes. In addition lo ihe ovual reser vation of '10 per cent, on the monthly est i mules, the Contractors will bereqtilr d K give ample security, satisfactory to the Boerd of Ol eetors, for the eoaa pleiion of ihe work al (he time, and in the nwrrr required by the specifications. For the ittlorroation ol ill. se wishing lo flail Ibe woik, they arairuonm d that they can travel by Rail Road and Steam Boat, io wiihin 30 mileaof lha lioeM improvement. It la believed thai no work can oiler gnaler Inducement t o the Contractor lhD thj. The health of thecoun iry, ine abundance ot provisions, ol all Woe and 1 1 if facility with which slave labor caa be obtained (and this will constitute lite chief force) together with the probable extensiooof the work, lor some 200 miles bevond its present termlnua, all combine to render a position upon thi work, to an enterpr talog Contractor, desirable. W. BEVERHOUT THOMPSON. Chief Engineer C. F. dt D. R. Nav. Co. Plttaboroogh, W, 1849. ' 90-131. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. v THE Bark- RuHe, Jarvla, Master too or -f-r about 2.400 bbla. caoaeity. Brig Calender, Wlnee Maater, tone iboul 120 M feel Lamber capacity. Apply to GEO. HARRI8S, Oct. 0 90-4k. No. 18 N. Water at. - BACON AND URD, tn SHOCLDKRS; 5 bbls Lsrd I kg Oct 19. do For sale by CASH WELL 4 BLOSSOM. 0tt SUNDRIES. n ir.QS RAILS Manga Shot i 20kgaPow. dor bag Ginger, Sploo, Pepper, Nuimega, a. Mala. Oasela, .. io. ora, For sale by Oct. JL ... ... f . .a m . n . M. OIL 5r4f)s. rileachrd rVlntar Strained Lamp OIL S do. BDbleached " - ... ... Juat received and for sal by RUSSELL A KENDRICK. Oct. 9.' 67. - - ASSIGNEE'S SALE IS pursuance of a deed of Assignment made to me by Ji brr K. Ilnwrs boating data 16th of June 144'J. 1 will scD al Atiction al ibe Court House at l i o'clock on Monrfn- 22nd inat. unless sooner die poin d of. A tract of Land in New Hanorer Cumy pnented by John R. Ilawes, 23d February 1846. ae li'UHted nl 600 Acres lying on the esrl side of Black River adjoining the lands lif Law A flnvaga, Daniel lloblnson, Thoa. i. ltea and Vanm wrnoTta. THOS. I). M FARES, Amea. JOHN WALKER. Jr. Ancrr. 67-6. Oct. 9. lfM9. WHISKEY. IO BBLS. prime Whiskey t 10 bbls. Boston Rum ; & - Hwan" Oin. For sale by ALEX. Oct. II. MacRAE, Ja. 85 CROCKERY. A GUOD assortment, for sale at HOWARD 4 PEDEN. And daily eipectcd, a large assortment. nsn. -I ( BBLS. and half bbls. No. I end 2 Mackerel; JLU 15 kiis Salmon and Mackerel; 5 qils. Codfish. For sale by ALEX. MacRAE, Ja. Oct. U. 88 PILOT BREAD AND CRACKERS. I f BBLS. Pilot Bread IV 10 ugar Crackeis; 10 Lemon do. 10 " Butter 10 " Waler 10 " Hoda or sale by October 13 149. do. Pic Nlc do. do. HOWARD PEDKN. 89. FOR RENT. FROM 1st Nov., the hooeo on Jenkins' lot, occupied by Mr. Thaln, opposite the Presbyterian Church ; tnere Is a pump ot water on the lot. Apply on the premtsee to J. Dor by. A. MOilO AN. Oct 13. DISTILLERS AND COOPERS. THE subscriber having removed his Cooper age, to ihe shop lately occupied by Mr. Thaln, offers il xip Iron and rivet of the beat quality, for aule at ihe lowen rales; wholesale and retail, and will leceive the article and return ihe mon-y, If they do not euit ; aud has also ordered truss hoops and drawing knives, of the best quality, which he will sell cheap and warrant, in his absence all bwetnes will be done by hla Foreman, Mr. Dorby. Money receipt ond received a by himself. STAVESL He also wishes lo purchase While Oak bbl. slaves, and headings, for which be will give the hlgheat market price, for aamanyaa 50 thousand, A MORGAN. Oct. 13 89-2m-. NEW GROCERY' OT0RE' 5 THE Sti BSC RISER begs leave to Inform M filends and the public generally, that he haa to ken the stand formerly occupied by Mr. J. H. Kotk e BLL, on th outh aide of Market ptreet, Vomr Door from the comer of Xowth Water Street, where be la now receiving an extensive assortment of GROCEIUES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HARD WARE, dV., to which he invite the attention of CASH CUS TOM EllS particularly Having purchased mostly for cash, he ia prepared lo offer inducements lo per aon dealing In a like commodity. ALEX MacRAEJs. Oct. 12. b8. MRS. S A It AH II. KELLY r5-. HAS just returned from New York 2i '" h EALL SIOCK of MlLLE-5 ts. iVAK V. Her aaaorlmenll from tbekTiesl nnd most fashionable styles In ihe city. She hope, iherel.m. to give satisfaction to her cuatoniera, and will endeavor 10 merit a con'.iqruncc ofiheir pat ronise. She is thankful for ptai favor from ber friend, and wishes a continuance of Ihe same. P. S. Slaw bonnets cleaned and pressed for 60c. press making also, continued. She is also prepared to accommodate five or sfx Boarding in a private family, can be bad by per sons of good moral and monneis. by applying at MRS. MARAH H. KClXeY'8. Next door to ihe Cape Fear Bank. Oct. 9. Cron,oop.1 moryh. 67 TO THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON AND ITS VICINItr. ' MRS. MAXWELL, beg leave reapeei reapeqt-'. d froa4T COlully mrii to announce to the Ladiea of W Has mrton, tbat havlo juat returned froa' New V ork, ah I bow prepared lo exhibit lha acw cat and moat rlcheat styles of Millinery la thi mar ket, (oaetaihif of three coee of Bilk and Betin Shirred Bon Beta, also iwo caaes of Moraiog.do. with Pamela and Straw do. of all ihe various t)le and pfb.. She would also call attention lo her etock of ele gant Brocade Rtbbona, comprieing the richest and1 weweat ykt of the season, akw, French Flowers, Feailiera, Dree Cape, and Head Dresses, with a good aasertraenl of Embroideries, suck aa CeUara, Ukfs, Edging, Inserting, etc., eie., all of which ahe will offer at unprecedented tow prlcea, being de teroil'ied to merit the patronage of all who may fa vor her wihacsll. Mr. M, would further Mate thai b ha engaged a competent Dree Maker, from Row York, and every attention will be paid 10 that branch of tho boslneee. The Bonnets being got ap by the rxosi fashionable Milliner la Near York, need only to be een to be appreciated. Mr, -t . ha- removed her MilBnery Rlabllahniea te. Market street, over Scott, Keen ft Co, and ao licit a eall from the Ladles. All kinds of Booaei oieanod a aauai OcL II, 1849. 8B-lm. FOR BUENOS AYRES AND MONTI YEDI0. ijX . 1 lib u;iim nl""S, . iw." mmy fiff Artitaniine, Captain Frederic Eateb. will jgsatl for the above port between the 20ih or aih of October, for paaaage only, having s po or accommodailona, apply 10 Maater on board, or to aattgaec. POTTER ek KIDDER. Oct. 18. 90-H. . nllX7 i... I 1 it. 1 1. DAMS AND LARD. KBsls. and 20 keg prima North Carolina Lar 1,00) Iba. Hima, reewteed per KaUroad. and Mlc by i- HATUAWAY 80N. Oct 19. A st FlRNIl(JliE-FIJini,,i: 1 1 C rrHH otcr;5ftr r-ic.ll:y' - - VIS X follcti of the pubiiC, an i examinauon of uw , -" - - . ; ' Kew a1 HcaiaCJI iT J -Itnre, now being reeejewl it III eld and well know stand at lha Roet Spring, Th atoc la (b."y r ril i oof rapeiiairieany Hut be hh':.trtb recelvf, la faneo of aiyle, tjeatneeav and aeauty 04 finish. 1 .. prlcea will be lo be propoee w ell fcr ee i. ThefoUewlag arrieie a, ytut MorleepM UiJI Emily and Krancie Jane, tlx . French 80611 Trte.-Tt do. Plain do. . Centre Table j Cad do. Cherry .d. Plie .dv Cane Seal Chalrai Rocking do. Xahonirr Kara Cnslrft Cytdrif' ...atuiav Lrtateadr fji.-f- Plat) da). , " ' 9eererarRn. md Mrwlrtt f do. i SMebewrd. 4t' Complete set for Bedroon, acft af Consflttf ear a French Bedeteae, Dressing BarMaaL TV ash amf Light fitanri, Few Chtlr. alifJrtfalV ao, Mnreral chtas Wardrebe. . . - AlflwIUrtTprf'rrt.? Wilmington, Oc. I, KM n-Li' LhronleM tid JMrwrnal eepy4t. :f , . . .., ,,..;,.,t- DISTILLERY PROPERTY FCIt SALE, ' 1 1. a - TH E amleral gned ia dcdroM of disposing e tf.) Distillery Property lately operated by Jewetf v Co. There ase VetlllsrlrrprtVeremlaf and every rtifng In andabeot ihe pwatiaeacoweesv lentfy arranged. The property bat from of 330 W on the river, with a trei 60 ft. n f arrn rid f a ." isnt and full tiipply of frt spring wanrr rrnmlrrf1 directly Inki Ae mbs; and Indeed every laclUty tot conducting the distillery buslne lo the greatest possible idvantagw. This eatabllshmerit iMry. irith-f very slight expense, be converted UtoaaTMtialvr: I l.lll.. I )( 1 1 1. V fn. M.L.h lh.M I A B m k... advaotageou location In th United f late O. if. rAKSLKT, " Wilmington, N. Cn Bept. 13, IB4. J.t ff"v t'vr NEGROES WANTED. HAf INO returned agent fo WBrnlngfofi, tor i' Darnoae of Dttrehaslna? a brr n amber efW' Cs, and will remain here permaneattly ni th r part of rm SpriNg, 1 9m mow In asarkn pwy in djbi rjaah price for slave, Hal or re male, from Twelvoto thlrtr r of ,m. Tlaaf. having aoch property fjf aale. will WtM( advanug toeaH en bm Brat, before otakiaf a aaJav a from my faclliiie q sllin( la the 8etN!caa) pay the hlgbeet prtee, (rid fee gee.oaerebaM a on properly, wui not M ovevoM tftmy m tnev btislneea. ,, ,, vrt Abo aound Cooper, Bricklayer, CarpenfeY andf Blackamlrha. Appty for MMaM ike CeriMS HommY Aug. 21, 1849. NAILS. 100 Oct. 4. KEGS, aaoti4ee. kf 1 WVO. JEFFRKYar. SHOES. A GOOD aeowtawnt, nlied to-meomtry tjf of good outi ty , and M fair prleeau by the eao. for Ml. By ' W. O; ) jrrftKT8. el. 4. " '' if 'f-tVtsil wiluingtox wrimiii THE sabecrrterav io ieeoralasM with ah wiA of a large and retpeetabJ portUtai a Ih4 dtf. en, having rented Dra rooaa for merry fepprownasa tedtej the fcaU dsaa.traeat . jf th Q4 SchopL propose te aatabliak U Waperr,.( M twgtiaa, nauaanM M .MMalcM t-1 UlfktclMOl, , -- !HOr V!f, In which wUI he taught t he Clcrwenieiy, at i hh English branche, together with th tadte aacs wry for atrmtsefon Into rh lower tireelasee) mt otr Untversliy. They pledge ilasan selves thai the eaa of inMrticiion obaJl as aesajrwi aid thoroagki ac.4 that ther will spate no pain la rendering the echoof ceeptabl m the eftbtfti worthy of taetr pal reweg. - ji The xercie will eaea oa M oada lie tiikat Ocfeberaext. 1 Elementary branehe of -,,'' v m at" :' l';" 8rrlo rfu Higher branehe of Zof . . 1 nan (wiiit sastue- . O'l.vir mellea). -.... JJ n. '(, Latin and Oroek Leff- ! 'JK gnages, 15 Tuition pa yabl oa half lav adraae, Md fast tal anceat tbeexpiratUnef moU)L Iry-wo flC'afl V aTTBiVlfl Ll'CiiH HOLMES, (Journal and Chronics) eepr 3r.) 8epf29. IS49. ' ' . -h,,- .. id-Jaa. 5 HHDS.jaatrMTed per Crania, rot al iy DsROSSET BEOVVfC Oct. n, ...... .,. t,z a,2i LARD .sTai' 11 Km - J received per Schr. Keaelrisfo. foe aala f DiEQSSET al BMOWN. ' Oct. II. 98. Sttf fiATEf QUNLMi .; t JCST received M oance Fan' (irlaln. "aaj lor sare by , 1 ' -'- ; M. V. KTlHf d sTKUTBKJU Sept 27. K-tf. 7BOXE8 C-eendh Tahaecov I . eaek port Wiaev I adW rrift f H. 9. RESELL. 'N No. n No. WairvM 87-af. Oet.,9, A bBtAU hoaat if walfd Lard, reeetvW pe Rail 4 Head 1 1000 MBaeoa Haa For aJo low tot eaah. hy OEO. MTE&ftV 8ept.J9. 83. CIGARS t SIGARSH 1 00,0(X) qtsSfybr aaJa' Yar locus b HOWARD dk rrDEJtV w8f, ; 'Si 4 GROCERIES. IO HHDS.rhrtRknd8t.Catrltaff, lU MtallhImtdJWCaai s' . 10 khea. ClarllW SafaV ' 'w 30 bbla. and baa bhia, beat 6fly Ftoar 90hn4.Irth PtHatoeet . u hawejaprltrjaOoebwa Barter 1 ,v i YaoaeNo.laa4EJtr&oe wMj;, 21 bate Caadlea, atoned. ' r For a. k by ALEX. MaKITJL 'Ow, II. - .. - .. h 'fti . 4 83k? TOBACCO. 1 1 A A BOXES Tobacco. aoned, sal Vf 1 UU UOWAJU db fEDEN.' Ocv U 1849, 93 A-