Tflli C0MMKRCIA1, lln:lishaJcvcry Vw:i Itij.TinrviaijnndaUrd -y, peraamnt, payable madcaps in durante, ,lf THOMAS LOKINC, ', t ' KDiTOR AND PROPRIETOR : 'BKNJAMIN T. IIOWZE, ( CORRRSPONUIN G. EDITOR, coaxaior rmifMP miiii iiuih " .. WILMINGTON, .V. C , , r- ' RITE4 OP ADVERTI9I.VG. - f ' ir." 1 Insertion, 1.50 75 1 Mr. 2 months, 14,00 I 3 8,00 t " . 1 ,1,00 '"I month,' ' ?,5J 10 " . 8,UU 1 " 1 year. 12.00 1 Ten linos or less mike a square. If an Adversise ) . mint exceed ten, lines, the price will be In propop Jlon . V; All idvertfsemonta art payable at tho tltne tf their 5 . -insortloa Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on tho most liberal telroa.?yF'Vv:.V,''p",-'':.-- No transfer of contract! for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change In business, or an unexpected remival 'necessary, a chirgo. according to the published 'terms will be at the option of the contractor, for the time be has ad vertised. :-''''':''"; , , The privilege of Annual Ad vertUera Jsstrictly lim- )lod t thai' w immediate business t and all adver- . jiepiHaiHS rur iuo uaiieiu ui, uiucc persons, as won all advertisements riot Immediately connected with their own business, and all excess of Advertisements, In lengtn or otherwise, beyond tho limits engaged, will bo 'charged at the usual rates. All advertisements Inserted in thetrl-woekly Com- msrcfcf,' are entitled to one Insertion in the Weekly, free of charge. JOB, CARD and PANOV PRINTING, executed in superior style. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW YORK : Messrs. Baowit & DsRosbet. BOSTON t FaDKBicic Kioolta, Esq. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. UOMM ISS ION M ER CHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17. 52 JOHN WALKER, JR. AUCTIONEER COMMISSION ' MERCHAN1V WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17,1849. ' My. F. J. LORD & CO. Rice Factors & Commission Agents. Nov. 25, 1848. 10S-1--. L. MALLETT, AOC5T TOR fHB 8 A LB Of Timber, Lumber, Natal Stores, &c, NutCt Building North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9, 1849. ' 101 JOHN D. LOVE, DEALER IS CABINET FURNITURE, BKDimDS, CHUHS, MITRASSES, it, ROOK 'SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. nee. 14. 1848. DRS. MUNSEtf & FREEMAN, llOMWOPA TIIW PU YSICIAXS, MARKET St., 0 Doors above Front St. Doc. 23, 1848. 120-8 NEUUS MYERS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &o. WILMINGTON, N. C, Market-st. Oct. 17 1848. fl-tf. S. fll. WEST, AUCTIONEER AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Liberal Cish advances mid on all consignments from the North,or on Producs from the Country. " OJlJSi doors on the Wharf, South side of Market Street. April 5. 1819. 9-tf. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER Or DOCK 4 WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dsc. 7th, 1843. ' rAT B. STITH & Com IL'CTIOIEEES AID COllISSIO.t KEECHIMS PayettTlU Street, RALEIGH N. C. Willittsnd to all orders and esmmlsslons In their of business, with punctuality and dispatch. Riraa to 41 . ' ' ' HlsExcolloncyCuAS. Manh, J U. rVATSOJC B-sq-t Mathbw Shaw, Eij.,! !, . Hon. J. R. J. Daniil, . Oso. W. MosoacAi, Esq., .Ma. C. L, Hirrow.' (Weigh, NLVb.22,W. 14S-Um-e, FASHIONABLE TAILORING. U. fi. KBLLY V HAVING disconnected himself (torn V, R. Pna sok, would Inform his friends and the public la t soeral, thai h has take the stors on Front street. I doors from Marksl .street, Immediatalr opposite Dr. Bsuakt's office, whert ha Is prepared to carry 00 lh TAtLORiRoi' buswkss;--V- In all Its braoohas. Baiog la soaaeaslon of the latest Fashions, ha will oot and task gsnt lemon's spparel at Dm shortest notice, la a style ot workmanship and MatoeM of At not to be surpassed by any In the Bute 1 and ha hope to msrll a continuance of the eatroaaio of his former customers and the pubUe, 1 Oct. 6 1849. v . 88. hi I J L: tr i " c VOJi 4 NO 99 RUSSELL & KENDRICK, - i GENERAL Commission Merchants,' WILMINGTON, N. C. V Jos. B. Russell, Jo9. Kb.idbick. Aug, U. ' 63 J. & D, McRAE it Co, General Commission Merchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. JOHJC MACBAB. DONALD HACIAB. wm. quibe. 23-1 y. May M, 1849, GEORGE Si: GILLESPIE TIMBER LUMBER, NAVAL STORES wlll.nake libera I cash advances onaliconsignmenttt of produce. March 17, 1819. 1 GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17 1849. 1 J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10,1318. 87 J. UATBAWAY & SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. Hathawav. J. L. Hathaway. March 3, lb49. U9. JEFFREYS & LEIGnTON. General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Fubruary 13, 1849. 141. HENRY P. RUSSELL. AGENT KOR THE CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict attention j;lven to the faithful execution of all ordjrs for Lumber. Jan. I 1949- J0HN HALL, Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. April i. 12 LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, AND FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFOUD.Conn., oa, i.thB HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Maybe elluctcd by application to DbROSSET, BROWN. March 17, 1819. 109 DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINQTON, N. C. BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YOIllt. GRSERAL COMMISSIOS MERCHANTS. March7, 1849. 1-y. MARINE INSURANCE. r"PHE undersigned havina received the Agency of j. mo AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY OF AUGUSTA GA, Will issue Policies on Vessels, Cargos, Freight Ac. at as rttaeonuble rates of Premioms ss any other In stitution of the kind In the Country. The Cspitol of this Company is SJ75,000. 11. n 1 ti 68-ly. Wilmington, Aug. 19. 1819. BANK CHECKS. CHECKS on the several Hanks in this pises hound in Books, and in sheets, for sals at the Corwmnial Office. SALT. 1 fCC SACKtf Liverpool; 50 sacks fine 1 .UUU Blown, In sre snJ tor sale by J. r U McRAC 4 Co. Aug. 18. 65. REMOVAL. SR. PORO has removed his Mauls Vasdio t Dock street, 'id door from Win. iVetf's. Aug. 16. 64 tf. DAILY EXPECTED. JOSEPH MAYER, Informs the Ladles of Wll mlnjtonthalhelslndslly apecutkn of splen did articles, of Silks, Cashmeres, Uontbaxlnss, Al pachas, French Marino all colora,all kinds of fins Dav goods. Fine Flannel for Sacks. Thread Laee, Edging, In serting, Shawls, Mantillas and Sacks, of all quali ties. These Oooda are all Istely Imported, and will bs found to be of tho Very beat quality and ebssp. - A variety of Hosery, embracing Silks, Cashmeres, Berlin, and Limbs Wool, Merino, and Cotton, with amatvulaty of Qeatlomen's Half Hosa. All for sale by JQSKfH MAYEH. ?ept,21. 8U -yrvk'' 'r-k,': ;;cr( ttv crv " r"v v. "v 1 u 1 v;v; '. TVk TTk ' .' A V""7V ! which i f ,1 w t ; Wl , . . 1 "1 I .AM 1 II I A' I I I III 1 vkM V 1 Xi AW Wjk Published tri-weekly, WILMINGTON, TUESDAY BENJ. BLOSSOM & SON, r General Commission Merchant?, NEW lOOLi. '. - r law. stoidoM. aHA(, w. tloBaoM ' Liberal advances mads upon Consignment t Hei'erencea. . , . J. R.j BlossoiI, J i J. 4 D. McRas. A Co. 5 WilmiHstoii. ! . VV. Davis Esq. July 10, 1849. 49.1 JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM.' General Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. Cash advances made on consignments to me, or to mv friends in Naw VArli. HERON & MARTLN General Commission Merchants, T 1 31 t-t North Wharves PHILADELPHIA, Rtrca to Measrs. Thos. Watsos & Sons ONS, ) Csq., J Jno. C. Dac.uta. K VVm. S. NaiLSOM. Ksa.. t Phil'a. Uobkbt NeiLSo.n, Ksq ., j Messrs. Mosss, Taylob & Co.. v , i. II. Bs.-wr... & Co. Naw York- " J. & D. McltAB. I ... , Geo. IlAamsH.Edg. ( VV mnjtn. April 5, 1849, 9.lf GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attemion jriven to piocurlng Freight and purchaaing Cargous for voseols. Rsrsa to E. P. Hall, Esq., 1 O. Q. Psrsley, Esq., J. A. Taylor, E?q., Wilmington. J. D. Bellamy, Esq., Messrs. Ballard Huntington, J Messrs. Tooker, Smyth & Co., . , " Thompson A Hunter, pew York. Alex'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams &. Butler, u H. V. Baker, Esq.. ( Ch' r.eston, S. C. Jan. 2, 1849. i23-tf. WILLIAM M. HARRISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freights und purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Retisencss: O. G. Parsley, Esq, Col. John McRsb. J Mews. Ballard A Huntington, Wilmington, N. C. win Peck, Esq . Raleigh, N. C. mews. Mall, backetl ot Co., ) , Joseph Utley, V., ' Kayettevllle, N.C. Messrs. James Corner A Sons, Baltimore !' K. A. Souder & Co., Philadelphia. Thompson A Hunter, ) K ., , " Pillsbury & Sondford! New V ork " Hunting & Tufts, Boston. t '' ,i ??A,K- Ti,co"'b. Keunebunk,' Me. July 17th.l8D. ' 5o (f MARTIN & CR0MX AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMD GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 3 1818. 8Stf. D. L, BUTTERFIELD, PA VIL10N HO TEL. Corner of Hazel and Meeting Streets) CHARLESTON, 8. C. Where he will be happy to see all his NORTH CAROLINA FRIENDS July 12, 1349. 50-tf. DEEDS TfOrTiLE; WarsnteeD.'els, an I Du-eJs for Mortgage on land, just printed, in correct form and foraule at the Commercial Office. NEW GROCERY STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to Inform his friends and the public generally, that he has ta ken the stand formerly occupied by Mr. J. H. Rots well, on the South side of Market Street, Four Doors from the corner of South Water Street, where he is now receiving sn ex teoslvs assortment of 0 HOC EMUS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE, 4c, to which he invites thi sitention of CASH CUS TOMKRS parliculaily. Having purchased mostly for cash, lis is prepared tooffar inducements to per sona dealing in a like commodity. ALEX. BIacRAE J. Oct. 12. fc8. LARD. IN Barrels and Kegs. For sain by J. R. DLOSSOM. Oct. 20. 9Mf. HA3IS AND LARD. TC Bbls, and 20 kezs prime North Carolina Lart lv 1,000 lbs. Hams, received per Ssilrosd. and . sale by J. HATHA WAV A SON. SI Oct. 18. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE. j KEQ of Ppsom Salts j 1 bbl. of beat Vinegar; 1 2J bbls. Msckerel 1 1 quintal of Codfish ; 10 bbls. City Moss Pork 100 bunches Onions ; i bkl. ef Sounds aad Tonfuea t 26 lbs. Bologna Sausages 1 1 bbls. of Pickles; 4) bbls. best Kaltoo Market Beef j S boiea best Cheese) snd 10 bbls. best Csnsl Flour t 15 bbls. Fayattevllle Floor (new) red brand, Low for cash, at OKO. KELLY'S. P. S. AU Klsur soldbr the subscriber that proves not good, can be returned and money refunded. Oct. 16. Chron. copy. 90. LARD. 6BBL3. prime K.C.Urd.iosl received smd for by ANDCRSON A LATIMER. Oct Hi. by thomas lorikg. MORNING NOVEMBER 6, ' ANDERSON & LATIMER, dO AIM 1 3 81 0 N M E It C,II A ISj T S, ' ' 450UTH WATER STREET, , iflliMINGtON, N . . I'Sep.W.'tgiS. OT'lye. - JOSEPH II. FLANNER, Gtiinl Canulssloa Merchant V" I V W ILMINGTON, N. .T , Oct. fith, 1849. 87-lyc 1 u i ' i- a -1 . w .1 SHlPIMNti ARTICLES. TTOrf.SALE at The Otmmtrelat Offiet, an ele 17 ffitit edition of hipping Articles, embracing all the laws; cf Codgfess relative to the Merchant's Sertl Nattilit (Mutual Lift) Insuranet Company. TunsnN& hnMincr Policies in this office aronoti- iTfied that Scrip Certificates, for their Sluirt$qf profits in iht bunntJH of the Company are roaoy lor delivery at the Agency office. 2J, Worth wa'er si. F. J. LORD & Co., Agents. Oct. 24. M-l'- GLUE. - ERMANand American Clue, of prime quality for Distillers. For sale by DeROSSET i BROWN. Jan.C. 25- DISTILLERY FOR SALE. THE Turpentine distillery at Faisons Depot, on 1 the Rail Road, lately owned by John Christian, will be sold at a fair price, for further piirticulars sp ulv to JEFFREYS f- LEIGH TON. April 10, 1349. BILLS OF LADING, &c. 1NOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound iu Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheets with variety of mercantile blanks, lor sale at The Com mercial Office. mENiiEimiis JUST received 6 dozen Sands Sarsuparilla ; also. Old and Young Townoends do. 12doz. Swuynes Syrup of Wild Cherry j 12 ' " Verinlluge; 12 " Dead Shot 6 " German Bitters; 4 Epin, Sarsap and Queens delight. For sale at usual prices, by A. C. EVANS & BRO. Also, Bernard's Cholera Rernedy.jttst to hand. July 10. 49. TO TRAVELLERS GOING NORTH. The Great Mail Route from Char leston, S, C. T WAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens st. XJ dally ut i, p, m. after the arrival of the South after the arrival of the South- ern cars, Via WILMINGTON and WKLUON, N. C. PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, WASHI.NO TON, B.A I.TI.MORH nnd PHILADELPHIA. The public is respectfully informed that the steam ers of this line, from Charleston to Wilmington, are in first rato condition, and are navigated by well known aiii! experienced conimandcru, and the lliiil- roadsare in fineorder, thcrnby scenrine both safely nnddiaoatch. A THROUGH TICKKT linvlna al- -j ready but-n in operation is now continuod ns a per manent arrunnenient iroin in;.riesion 10 rnnaaci- Khla. Passengers availing themselves thereof, will ave the option either to continue withont delay through the route orotherwisc, to slop at any of the immediate points, renewing their s.aison the line to suit their convenience. By this route travetlera may reach New York on ihe third day during business hours. Baggage will be ticketed on board the Stumer to Weldon, ss likewise on the change of cars, at tno intermediate points fiom thence to Phll adelohia. Through t ickets to Philadelphia at J'JO each, can alone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of the rV'iiiiiinglon & Raleigh Rail Road Company, st the office of the Company foot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. Kor other information in quirt of L. C. DUNCAN, at tae American Hoiul. Charleston Aug. 2. 5 J DISSOLUTION. THF. Copartnership of Jewell A Co., is this lny dissolved, by uareciutnl of the parties. O. (. Pursley Is hereby fully authorized to ncitle all di' mands agiinst or debts duetofalrl firm. Persons having claims will plesse present iheni at once. R. BRADLKV. S. JKVVtTT. Wilmington IH. C, May 22, 1849 . 76-tf. DISTILLERS AND COOPERS. THF. subscriber having removed his Cooper mi t.i ihp flhnn ImIpIv ocminlAri htf Mr Thuin offers ftjop-Iron snd rivets of tile bent qunlity, for Sale at the lowest rates; wholesale and retail, snd will teceivethe srtioloand return the mom-y, If they do not suit ; and hns also ordered truss hoops and drawing knives, of the best quality, which he will sell chesp snd warrant. In his stisenc all business will be done by his Foreman, Mr. Dorby. Money reccip:ed snd received as by himself. STAVES. Us als.i wishes to purchase WhiteOak bbl. staves, and hesdlngs, for which he will give the Mghr-t market price, for as minyas 50 thousand, A. JIOROAN. Oct. 13. BO-Uuvp. IRISH POTATOES. 2 BARRELS. For snle by J. HATHAWAY SON. 94. Oct. 15. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. "ItTlLL b- psld for the delivery of my girl rV MAKIAH. (Known aooul vuimlsgwn Jy. esMsrinh3lnte) tliher to me st the 70 in lie post on the Railroad, in Wsyne County, er to Messrs. CishwetlA Blossom to Wilmington or to any Jail lo the biate. Marlah ran away sometime In April Isst 1 she Is about twenty one yesra old, aad of a light copper color. I will alsoalsa '.be above reward for evidrMostifficleat to convict arrv white person of harbouring bef. All persons are forbid employing or harboaring her, as the Law will he rigidly enfor ce.! against any person so doing. She Is supposed to bs lurking about Wumlogton. ft- PETERSON, Oct. IJ. 19 tf. 1849. Whole No. 565 TnE GAMING HOUSE, AN ANTB-ROOW TO Tllli GALIi4m. 'Man courts happiness In a thousand differ nf shapes, and the faster he follows It the swifter it Aies from him. Almost everything promistth hap piness to us at distance, but when art core nearer to it, either we fall short of It or it falls short of our expectation S and it 1 hard to say which of ih e is the greatest dlssppointmenl.' TUluUon, lie plays the game of the great enenoj who places temptation in the way of others. If thin conclusion be deemed sound In a general point of view, it has special force when applied to the young. With princi ples scarcely fixed, with great inexperience of life, surrounded by much that is novel and much that is be wildering, . the young ,nwJ&ncerJ HL protected by ev ery restriction ana raieguaririrBicTit&O-J) ranged around them. Comma nd and con trol of monry should sorely be slowly, gradually, and sparingly entrusted to them, only after their bent, disposition, habits, and principles have been carefully ascertained. The contrary course is cruelty. Poor Weston feelingly alludes to this point iu hi touching defence. As lo tile other haunt, to the delirium and excitement to which he mainly ascribes his fall, that may safely be pronounced A scene in which tho Tempter daily and hourly triumphs. Th' gaming hou$f ! How'many hundreds has it swiftly con ducted lo the felon's dock, the crowded transport, and the fntal scaffold I How many heart9 has it broken ! How many despaiiing suicides has it made! How many hearts has it desolated ! What wide spread misery and wretcneaness has u caused ! More, and general, and lusting anguish has it occasioned than any other vice, that monster evil drunkenness alone excepted. The woe it hers brought on many a confi ding parent ! But enough. Let comment give place to facts. On the Uth of April, 1790, two of the officers belonging to Bow street arrived in town, from Liverpool, with Henry Wsston, charged with committing forgeries on the Banks of England to the amount of 17, 000. He had succeeded in reaching Liv erpool, and had shipped his luggage on board the ' Hector,' bound for the Leeward Islands. The vessel had dropped down to a place called the 'Gut,' about seven miles below Liverpool, and was to have sailed the next mominir. The officers found him in bed at Botes' Hotel, with a brace of loaded pistols by 1113 Side. On their Way to town Weston found means to conceal a case i r .1 1 1 own itiroat, dui mmsniT one or me arteries, ili'l not eflict his purpose. On the 14lh of the following month Weston was put on trial at t he Old Bailey, for forging nnd uttering a warrant of attornej-, by means of which he transferred JC5.000, 3 per cent , the proper ly of Generul Tonyn. He had likewise transferred 11,000 of the same stock be longing to the same officer, but was indicted for the former offence only. The fact being fully proved, a letter written by the prisoner lo his employer, Mr. Cowan, on his abscond ing from London, was read in court. It men tioned, among other circumstances, thai he, e prisoner, had lost, by speculating in the funds 17,000, entrusted to his care by Sir Hugh TuUiser W aters, uarl.; teat he afler- wnrd had ventured lmmeiise sums in specu- at Messrs. Mackay and Forbes: and IIIU A111V4 rvlllUKU DUIJ1S 111 DLTClU I continuing bi.ll unlucky, had recourse to the I gaiumg house, where his ill fortune followed him, and he was under the necessity of im posing on the credulity of Mr. Cowan, by forging two powers of attorney in the name of General Tonyn, the one for 1 1,000, the other for 5,000 stock, belonging to that gentleman. That he had paid an immense sum to Mr. C. K., at Forbes', besides lo sing 1 ,000 in the last lottery, and other great losses which he had experienced at , different gaming tables. The letter then 1 alluded to several debts which were owing I to him, and finished by a declaration that ; he was so dreadfully affected by his mis-, conduct that he could live no longer. The concluding worda were. 1 God foririve me ' KiniuhT ins panwioons, an on ennnging 0fjjfe : 'not,' as he himself strange! phra cliaiics at Bat ncf, he rerjueatpd permission to e(j j, .ftbout his own conJucl IDdiriduaKj ; xviilnlmw fora brief space, where hecut his rnr wht ho hml renlixeA h The signature was that of 1 Henry Wes-: The Havana journals have received adrj ton.' . CP8 from Yucatan lo the 5th inst.,Trey The prisonrr being crtHed upon for his i confirm the intclligenccof the atsassmafiotj defence, made none Several rtpectnble ofJcinto iat and ciht other leaders by gentlemen were called to testify to his ' 'heir followers, the Indians. Pat was kill character, the unaullied excellence of j "t l ram-ho of Hochen, near Bacalnrs Tvhich, prior 10 the fatal transaction which i w''''e company with 200 armed, whitea, preceded his ruin, was apparent to the whom he was proceedioa; in order",. o whole court. The judge summed up the ' P'ace himself at tho disposal of tho fovertv evidence, au.l the jury returned a verdict : mcnt an solicit his pardon. It 14 . statetl ' guilty. When it was pronounced, the pris-' oner addressed (he court as follows: I hear i the verdict against mc with a calmness and resignation I arn happy in possessing upon so awful an occasion. I hope the numerous young men who surround me will take example by my fate, and avoid those excises which have brought me to ruin and disgrace ; and that those farther adranced in years will bs cautious of indul ging, with too lax a control, persons arriv ed only at an early period of life. At the time 1 was ushered into life, I possessed that control over property tha vaJue of CO.lU i ,t J'l It! ft-., , . . i from which 1 rkue- iy ' ' ' ! I situation. The justice of, iny tu.u-.. - lion I acknowledge, and shall submit to 1: with patie nee, ttn4 1 hope with fcrtituJe.' Death. ' .'' .. . , So much Ut gaming lo::ss 3 and their victims! And such-hit unw sill exist! ' Training-schools for suicides- nurseries-', for the Evil One. And those who ict quent thern unblushing! show ffieir face . losocieiand ere, to a cert am extent, re- ; eetred and caressed. ..V,,''.1'' ," I recollect well some years, ago, hearing 4 much of -on gamester ;vtnt was a mre , sprcirneo.(of bisc;clas.;iv;: wa, in-1 : ' eredible as it may seem, a successful gar.v b: lived and , died in comparative, pu- ; lence, Mf infbrmorH renpecting him w- ; ; n connectwri who, for mart; months, waj . obliged to keep op constant ; iotrrcouno with the 'play-roan irt wdef ;u condtict ' successfully a matter of bxjsmesi i; ,Th' ; gambler made no concealment at i ht -mode of life. Reference to it waa. frtnje T' more than once by .hinweht 'i liri v play,' was hi avowal The ysc jit l eatjC and trie coat t wear,! won bplajv Plajr furnishes the room lt in, the lier John wearSj and tlie cal wtieh att " hour JheDa" " will take WetoCbiswick Tm not asham-. sV ed of lnyjfalling. 1 live by play 1 An J ' yn'Jarat porMniswiblew re-i'.': ligiout influences lie .auendcJtiiucL -' staidly and unfailingly, crery t?onIaj? X. moming, and kept his Sabbath ngidl up ; io six o'clock. At that hour, according u bis creed, the Sabbath ended. lie bad al ways by him, during the morning' of that.. day, some devotional boop Jleber's ' Hymns, and Jeremy Taylor's ;lrfley werf ; great favorites with htraj and i he bad fead kX again and again 'Konncll's Nanative of tho conversion of. Count ,''fitruerfexJff'4;' to the hour mentioned 6S.jrWJi ftvene to enter upon any topic connectedl ' with business. How the remairKler of tb 5 ; day was spent would be a' tnatter Uf ,pain" ' ful inqulri At church his itemeancr vae rf decorous, and even devout. If the clnima Hi of charity were there brought; before" him i-i he gave, not handsomol and liberally, but v '". largely. Whether ibis wasj tho result of ,';h some generous impulse ; - whether be Tc. garded his alms as a ict-off agaiast hut f criminal mode of lifie j whether, by these, fa 'free-will offering' be hbpe4'(ovproptiiate ihe Divine favor, is test kfiOWtti: . 'to- tbs Searcher of hearts. CertamJy to ro chairsr' table appeal did he give reluctantly ornig gardly ; and in matters of business my con iiectiou found him 'tenacious in the extreme as a proprietor, but liberal and - indulgent as a donor.' In his habits he Was. singtt- f larly temperate ; drunkenness be abhorred as brutal, and had rare command, of tern per. . , r ' . ; : . During an intercourse of tnanr munths and occasionally under trying circumstan ces, my informant told me that he had nev er once seen him ruffled, or tad heard ' art impatient or angry expression issue frorr his hps- soon atter the adjustment of 'the negotiation, his health bcean to fail. and he .nV (nmowhnt rnri.llw imt th. 1 n a-n much denresae.1 toward lbn t " by allowable means. What causes me uneasiness, is the idea thai "tarter :ni nans have been, and may continue lo W, the ruin of many? t'-J-'.-VS ' lie left all be possessed toyo rejatirw, but to a child, for whom, jn his last illness, he had formed a passionals . attachment, but from whom it passed irrevocably ' uf u public charity, whenever il could be proved that the said Philip -.had 'avef ":at'J any period, or under any circumstances,' loti at any me time five sAUtingt ortjntard at a game of chance. v. ; Muy iIju sentence be construed as the gamester's dying protesl against his iniqui tous calling I j. fsv;.-"; But it has still follower Tfce ap- ft ' T nam' U W ,reJlne?1.f 1 n stakes there afe nothing less than human happiness and human souls : a damning re proach to u a nation that such dens of in iquity are permitted 10 exist f Yet so it will be, till sounder feeling take possession of the masses till the requirements of 8cripv ture are recognised as the rules of hunoan conduct till there is less of political econ omy, and more of the Bible ftmonjj ust01 we net, and legislate, und punish, ami ''re ward as a nation of Chri$tian$ t LATER FROM HAVANA By the arrival of the stcatoshlpV Ohio, C;it)taii) Schenck, we have received our hies of Havana papers to the 24lh inst i triat lero were great rejoicinjs. among tha llians upon learniug the death of Jicinto Pat, and that a new government- had been formed under a trumvirate,.j The Yucatan government bad endeavored to .boncfit by the dissensions among the Indiana, by off ering a free pardon and various privilege j to all who would lay down theirawa.- Tha treasury was in a low state, then b ing only 1)1,672 on hand, v , " . ' Ta AuotnrT of California 'jold received at the mint in Philadelphia Is two million eight hundred thousand dollar. 1

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