M ft ' 1 TV ' - v' m .i.i ,. Mini iii.niui: , I jtMlislieJeverv PaetfiaH.Thiiridayti" Saturday, at t KJ ,er (.ifimt, payable1naJIac " advene, BY TROMAS LORfNG, , EDlTO.l AND PROPRIETORi , ... ;coaaBspoMDa (editor. ' oaarae or raonT ! , RATE O? ADVERTISING. 4,00 5,00 8,00 12,00 1 Insertion,. I month, 9.50 TS 1,00 2,50 1 sqr. 2 months, 1 " 3 ? ' I g " I " 1 year, ... ' Ten Uo or lew mike square. If tn AdversUe . nnl sxoeela ten lines, the price will b in propor tion. f, e, ' - A(l advertisements ar payable at the Hum of 4helr Insertion, ytxi , , Contracts with yearly advertiser, win be made on the moat ttbt,foni '', '.'jri" No tranifer of contract! for yearly advertising will M permitted Should circumstance render a change business, or V unexpected removal, tweessary, a trie uubllsheJ terms will be at 'P-s .. ' V-v P;lJa . iThi prlyllejepf Annual Advertisers Is strictly lira, fted i3 their own ImaSedlato business ; and all adver- tisomsnts lornne oeneni oi omur " ' U advertisement not immediately ooanected with .-'- ' f . . r.j . Vast? own Businase, ana an excess ui wauf iisciuuius, In lengtn or therwiso, beyond tho limits engaged, will be charged at tho usual rates. AIT advertisement inserted In the trl-weakly Com mercial, ar entitled to ne insertion in the 'WtMy, free of charge. 'tf , JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed In aaperlor style. ' -- . AGENTS FOR THE C0MERCIAL NEW tOaKf leir.,Bowit & DiRomit. BOSTON r' FttDUicK Kipdbb, Esq. SJP BA1UIV, BRlfAMT ADAMS. COMMISSIO N M ERCHANTS, WILMINarON, N. c. July 17.; 52 OMiYALREIivJ AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION ' , MfiHGHANT - r lly. Maron ir, iotx L. MIL LETT, AQENT rOR THE SAtl OF liju'jer, Lumber, A aval Stores, &c, ' vviL.uaroN, N. , JOU D LQ VE.,, UKALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, .Jii'Qlll).S, CillUS, liilttASM. ic , ROOK SPRINU, WILM1NQTON, N. C. Dili. MUNSEY & FRiiE JAN, (J.lf.t'Oi'H VtllG i6L CIA XS, M l.tA.Kf Jil., (i UJT OOovo Krjiii oil. Dec.,184d. , I-"-' CORNELIUS JlkEib, ill 4 yV i'l O' ' U it E It , A.VU UKALKll IN HAiy, OAi'S, U vld.iii.LAS AMJ WALivl.S.i DA xc. , N. ;., l.iuei-i. ct.i;is. 1 ' "" S. ill. AUCTION t: E II AND COMMISSION Jl E it C il A N T , WlLill.Ml'O.M. N. C. blordl O tit iJi10j ii i n 'ill consijnm. nt frwio tn NortU.or on t'ro.luee from Iho Oouniry. OJi-; i dtMM onuie .Vuarf,8ouih .ideol . daunt Slreei. Anrll. Iftl9. 9-tf. WILLIAM NEFF, jrXJI.ESALE A.XD'RETAIL DEALER IN SillP tilA.SJLEltl, SilIP SMRaiS AND GROCERIES, ;i)a.Ett OK DOCt A WATER STREETS, vViL.viLNarON, n c. Deo. 7h, IW lB. snru & co.T ttcc f i j.t mi m on d ijio)i mciii&Ts .,.;'.' FyettTlU'lltreti...r",i'J:. a 'R ALE I CrU rfi. C. vTIII ittenl to nil irders sad omriiliiton In their lis of buaine, with punctuality and dlipatch. Rsrsa to 1 HIsKaoelleneyCm. Mamlv, i. O. Watsobt. Kq., Mathbw 3raw, Ktq., Hob. J. R. J. Danibl, Oso. Vt. MoaAi, Eiq., Haj. O. L. Hnrro. ItaUigh, N. CnFf. 22,1949. HHim-c. FAiilDNABLE TAILORING. II. S. KELLY rjAVlNOdUconnacted himself from V, R. Pisa CAJ", wjuld inform hi friends and the public In general that he ha taken the tor on Front tiro!. 6 door from Market aireet, immediately opposite Dr. Bsliamt' offioe, where he I prepared loearry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, i a ail its branehM. Ming la posseuton or the latest Paanloa, h will oat tad maks gantleinen' spparel t the aborted notice, la a stylo ot workmanship end neatness af At not to ba urpad by any in the Stat i and he hopes to merit a coniinuinc of the patronage of his lormereaetomers and the public, Oet.flMt. 86. ' , SALT, SALT. THEaaryoofBrlfCa'leoder, from 8t Martin, boui 6.000 buhel. Apply to .-. 0O. HARRISS. Oet. 16-90-tf. 18 N. Waters!. BED BLANKETS. JfB bv lew pair left of tboa suprior Bed V Blanket, which w will aall si the low prlro w ttlWp.lr. MYERS DAVIS Nov. 8. l(w- .. i . VOL 4NO 103 WGTON, THUIIGDAV ; RUSSELL & KENDWCK," GENERAL f Coaiiaiion merchants, W1LMINOTON, N. C. Jos. B. RuasELL, Jos. Kendeibk. Aug. U. 63 J. & D. McRAE & Co. General Cooimission Merchants. WILMINQTON.-N. C. tOH MACIA. - BOSALP MACIAC. '.. Mv 9i Ift44 w. oiaE. il.!'-,11 jsaauuuaaLuJBSB aoent roa tiik rtALs or 1IMDER LUMUEIi, SAVAL STORES c will iiakelluernlcasti advance on all :onijjQinentn of produce. March 17, 1849. GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Iarchl7 1849. 1 J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT. AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10.1848. &7 J. IIATflAVVAY & SON. COMMISSION J. Hathaway. March 3, 1649. MERCHANTS. J. L. Hathaway. 14'J. JEFFREYS & LE1G11T0N. General Commission Merchants, WIL.vlINGrON, N. C. February 13, 1849. 141. HENRY P. RUSSELL. AGENT FOR THE CAPE FEAR Sl'EA.Vl SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. atrict attention fciven io me Uilliful execution of all ordjrs fur Lumber. Jan. I 1849- JOJN HALL, Commission Merchant, Vlu.tUVGrOM. 12. April 12 LIFE INSURANCE IN niE NATIONAL LOAN KUND 60 C11STY, OK LONDON. a AMU FlRij INSURANCE IN TiliS i5TNArI3UilA4CE"l;0.vr: i'ANY, OK HAllTKOUO, Conn., UU, IN THE ih).VAilL lNdo.CA.xOti GO.-IPANV, OK iNlivV ifOilK, May oo eilocieu by jtiicatiou lo aiio.viN. 10d i)i.Li' & BR0tVx. ll,U. & l)Liii).vLi'. jiaici li . to4J. MARINE INSURANCE. . T MIK undersigned having received ths Agency ol X trie ! CO..IlA.VV OK AUGUSTA GA, 1 Willusuo Policies on Voxels, Oargus, Freiglil &c. ! at us .-01 iiaOle rates of fremiuui J as any otner ln- siitution ot in.- Kit! J in (ho oouatry ! of triis Cj.iiany is SJ76,0(jU. I'ne Capitol H. n it r. 66-ly. Wilmington, Aug. Id. 1819. li.L.HA t-it A. 'tlKClCs on in several ilduits in mis poeal J ooand in Ujohs uuU in n.iects, tor saUstihe Lumimrcial iJfict. ItGUOVAU s. Dock ettdet, 20 doorirom rVm iMetl'. Aug. ib. ; 64 tf . HAMS AND LARD. ( Bils, and 2l)Kegprlme North Carolina Lari XKJ 1,000 lbs ILnu, rtcflved per Xallroad. and , sale by Oct. 18. J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. 1 . COTTON YARN. 6 BALES assorted sixes. Forsaleby J. HATHAWAY A SON. Oet. 27. 95. NUTS! NUTS!! 5000 Out. It). LB 3. diriment kinds. For tale at J. WILKINSON & CO S. Journal copy. 90. BLARES INDESTRUCTIBLE FIRE PROOF PATENT PAINT. hereby give notice, that I hive been appointed Agent.tor (tie salo of th-j above singular and tru ly valuable substance. It can be applied by any per son that can use a brush ; and soon, by exposure lo th atmosphere, forms a complete coating of slate or stone. It adhesive propertle are ao great that It never cracks or scales olf fiom the wood. It Is particularly applicable to a southern climate, as the humidity of th atmosphere destroys the beauty of white lead, but cannot effect a change in this Indes tructible Paint. Roof of building coated with It are Fire Proofs It ha bo used on Steamboats and Railroad Car wim success; It 1 much cheaper then tinned Aoof, or even while lead; 100 lb, will cow 1000 superficial feet. Wholesale cents per lb., at retail 6 cent it can be procured at retail at (ha .lore of R H. DRIVER end In barrel, ol ms, ti my office. Terns eah on deliver.. VV. 4. 3WTKR, Geosral Agent . Forwarding and Commission Msrchsni. WUmlnuton. N. C. OsMI. - PtJBLISJIEU .TRT-UC benj. Bwssf trr, General CommLsidsnercL NEW XO$K BMJ. BLO4S0K, chas. w.. r Liberal advance made pon L'onsigdn. , Kelerencea. -vv; V' V;' J. R. Btooiti.'.----hV J. A O. MolU,&CMWllmlnsts 1 ll M i ; - July 10, 1819. w General' CooilWloa ; iCia!:tr ' 3-r. f General Commission -lerchants, 3T l- North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA, Refkr to Messrs Thos. Watsos & Sons, ) Jko. O. Dacobta, Esq., )ph., Wn. S. NeiLSOK. Esq.,jro"a KoaaaT Nsason, Ksq., ) Messrs. Moses, Taylob &, Co., K v . J. H. Bbowee. & Co., New ork " J. &. D. McRa, .v . , Gao. Hasbis, Eq. VV n,,"8,n Aprils, 184!i, 9-tf. GEO. RARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to piocuring Freights and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Kepki to E. P. Hall, Esq., 1 O. G. Parsley, Esq., J. A. Tuyloa, Eq., Wilmington. J. I). Bellamy, Esq., Messrs. Ballard t Huntington, J Mvssrs. Tooker, Smyth A Co., 5 v . " Thompson 4 Hunter, J NewUrk Alex'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia. Messrs. Wtlllnms & Butler, ) n. , . , Q H. F. Baker, Esq., 1 Ch. r eston, S. C. Jan. 2, 1849. 123-tf. WILLIAM M. IIARR1SS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. TKICT attention givon to procuring Freights Oand purchusim; Cargoes for vessels. , . Itsrcacxcisi O. G. i'araloy, Eaq ) Col. John McRae, Wilmington, N C. Messrs. Ballard & Huntington, ) Will Peck, Esq.. RaleighN. C. Meser. Ha Sacked Co., p .,, N r Joeph Utiey, Ksq., ! oyettevlile, W. C. Messrs. James Corner A Sons. HaUlraoiw, KA.ojideroACa.J Thompeon' Hunter. N Votkl PllUburv A Sandford. Hontins A Tufts, Boston. J. A i. P. Titooiub, K.anebunk, Me. lTth.1844. 52 If. July MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION .VlJEllUHANTS, UENERAL" AGENTS. mington.N.C. Oct. 3 1 848. H5tf. II L. BUT TEUFIELD, P A V IL ION HO TEL. Corner of Hazel and Meeting Streets, CHAitliESTON, S. C. Where he will be happy to sec all his OH 1 11 CAKOI,INAFHIE,MS. July 12, 1849. 60-lf. DEEDS FOR SALE. Aaron tee Doeds, ind Dneds for Mortgngeor land, VV just printed, In correct form and lor .ale at the i Cvmmerciul Office. NEW GROCERY STORE. THE .-Slid Si; RISER bugs leave to inform his liiendsand the public general!), that he has ta ken the stand I'ornieily oceupied by Mr. J. H. Rotk w BLL, on the houtli wide of Market Street, Four Doors from the corner of Mouth Water Street, where he is now receiving an extensive assortUMatof QROCEtilliS, FAR MIX Q IMPLEMENTS, HARD M ANE, fc, to which he invims the attention of CASH CUS TOMERS particularly. Haying purchased neatly for cash, he Is prepared to orlr inducement tu per son dealing in ahke commodity. ALEX. MacRAE, J. Oct. 12. k8. LARD. IN Barrel and Kegs. For sale by J. R. BLOSSOM. 92-tf. Oet. 20. New Dry Goods Store, jHS subscribers have just commenced the Dry . Goods businessin thistown, on Market street, adjoining the Drug store of the late Wm. Shaw, and second houae troui ront street, wnere win oe touna. I a large selection oi ! FANCf AND STAPLE GOODS, ol lata Importation, wiucn they are determined to sell on as good terms, aa thev can be purchased in any city In the Union. Their goods having been purchased entirely tor cash, will give them an op 1 portunity of giving good bargains to theircustoroers. They a (lieu those wishing to purchase, particular ly the Ladies, to call and examine their tock, vhether they purchase or not, a they will take pleas- in waiting on those who favor us with a call. One ol ths partner being connected with overal es tablishment, h remain constantly in the Northern Cities. W shall be constantly receiving fresh sup plies during the Maaon- MYERS A DAVIS. Oct. 18. 91. A CARD. THE subscriber I now prepared lo see his custo mers and friends st the old stand on North side Msrkst street, next door below I. Dawsos A Co., where he will serve them up with any kind of s Hat or Cap that mat b desired. My stock I unusually large, and will be sold sera lowor eath. A call from those wlshiug to purchase respectfully solicited. I PrieuUt tHittktUm.. C. MYERS, Hatter. Sept. TJ. J. aA a; qTIlOMAS LOR1NO. OWNING, NOVEMBER 15, u4nbi;rson& latimer, COMMISSLON MERCHANTS, 'M' SPUTU WATER 8TREET, Wl hM I N ii T O N , N . C . ' ep7, laid: 82-ly c. JOSEPH 11. PLANNER, Gzural' ComaUsion Merchant. M J. WILMINGTON, N C. , Ock(lh, 1849. 87-ly-c. rT SHIPPING ARTICLES. T?OR IfALE at The Comvuniat Office. n ele- "'t editioii al htnpint AttlclPI, embracing all i. in, of iUop.. ;m.:! wuths "JTerebBnt'S sit 1 '' ' .' 1 we - ERM AN and American Glue, of prime quality f for DistlUcr. Fof sale by DeROSSET A BROWN. Jan. 0. 125. DISTILLERY FOR SALE. PPH 6 Turpentine distillery at Fatsoii Depot, on i. ths Rail Road, lately owned by John Christian, will be sold st fulr price, for further particular ap ply to JEFFREYS if- LEIGHTON. April 10, 1949. II. BILLS OF LADING, I7HOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound in Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheet with e variety of mercantile blanks, lor Bale at The Com mercial Qlce. LIVERPOOL SALT. i i rn s SACKS Liverpool Salt, In extra Inrire A ) L KJVJ sacks, received direct For Bale b by BARRY Nov. 1. BRYANT ADAMS. 97. EASTERN HAY. QAA BALES superior Eastern Hay, doily ex ijJJ pected : for sale by BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. Nov. IV 97. THOMASTON LIME. A Atf CASKS Thorr.aston Lime, dally expected fxJtvfor ale low from vessel. BARRY, BRYANT A ADAMS. Nov. 1. 97. NEW FRENCH SCHOOL. rPHE subscriber.grateraj for past favors, respect 1 fully Inlsrois the pulilic, thst ho will open a "French Clas, about the 1st of November next, for gentlemen end Indies, and misses and boys, as here- torore. tle nopstto have the pleasure ot meeting malty sr all of blaformer scholars, In Lis school. Th price will be 19 for 12 weeks lessons every day, except Kunday. P. G1AKD. LADIES CURLS. HANDSOME aisortment ol all Colors. For sale at J. WILKINSON CO'H. Oct. 27. Jour. copy. 95. FLOtlt. extra Canal Flour ; do da For sale nt HOWARD 'sV.PEDEN'M. . il'X 20 HBLS. M hull Nov. 6. CANAL FLOIR. 1 C BBLS. Kxtra Genesee Floui new wheat; JJl5hulf Just rccirived per Sclir. Ira Brewster, fur saic bv J HATHAWAY ot SON Nov. 3. " " i DAILY EXPECTED. i 30 HHDS. saleby Prime retailing MOLASSES, fur j J. HATHAWAY A SON. 9J Nov. : SHOES. A GOOD nsnortmcnt, suited tothecountry traile of good (luality. and st fair prices, hy the euse, , for bjI by VV. O. JEFFREYS. Oct 85 DISTILLERS AND COOPERS. ' THE subscriber having removed his Cooper i age, to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Thuin, i offers Hoop-Iron and rivet, uf the best quality, for ' sale at the lowest rates; wholesale anJ retail, ana will lecei ve the articleand roturn tho money, if they do not I lull ; and has also ordered truss hoops and draw ing ' knives, ol the bent quality, whtcn tie will sell cheap and warrant. In his absence all business wUI be j doneby his Foremsn, Mr. Dorby. Money receip:ed snd received as by himself. STAVES. He also wishes to purchase WhlteOak bbl. stave.; snd heailings, for which he will gire the highest market price, for as tinny as 50 thousand, A. MO ROAN. Oct. 13. W-2m-p. x IRISH BARRELS. POTATOES. For sale by J. HATHAWAY a 2.5 SON. 94. Oct. 25 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD .W 'ILL be psldforthe delivery of my girl AH, (known about VVilmlseton MAttI Vb ss Mariah Sfnta) either lo me at the 70 mile posi on the Railroad, In Wayne Cousty, er to Messrs. Cishwelldi KiotMm In Wilmington or to any Jail inthaotate. Mariah ran away sometime in April last; she Is about twenty one years old, and of a light copper color. 1 will also give '.he above reward for evideuco sufficient to convict anv whilo perron of harbouring her. All persons are forbid employing or harbouring her, a th Law will be rigidly enfor ce I against any person bo doing. She I supposed to be lurking about Wilmington. E. PETERSON. Oct. 13. 89 if. LAMP OIL: TO BBLS. Winter bleached Oil. Just received lO and for sals by J. HATHAWAY A SON. Oct. 21. 94 CLUE. O F the bast kind, expressly for distillers, always oo hand, and fur sale by JUSKfH R. BLOSSOM. 93-tf. Oct. 23d. -r;rrrpc.: 1849: Whole No. 5G9 , TnE'FIRST DUTY OF A SOLDIER. NAPOLEAN AND THE STORY. r . , A Thrilling Story '(; , . . . . . - A trench velernn. with one arm, was seated before the door of his ncnt cottne one pleasant evening in Juljr I ft wt syrrountled by aeveral villnjc larfr wl was ho with one voice entreated him tocominence his promised story. The old mitn took hi pipe from his mouth, wiped his lips with the back of his remaining hand, and began thus: VH In mr.lime. bova- Frenchmen wnnU fewyrfa4ghwwi the street as they do now. '- No, no : 'when tr fought, tt wna for the honor of Frnftce, and against her foreign enemies. Well, my story begins on the Gth of November, 1812, a short lime nficr the battle of Winz ma. We were benting a retreat, not before the Russians, for they kept atarcHpeciful distance from our cantonmenls, but before the biting cold of their delestable country, more ternblo to us than Russians, Austri ans, and Bavarians put to gethef. For the last few days, our officers had been telling us that we were approaching Smolensko, where we should be sure of finding food, fire, brandy, and shoes ; but in the mean lime wc weie p'rifdiing in the ice, and per petually harassed by bands of Coasack ri-a tiers. " We had marched for six hours, with out pausing to draw breath, for wo knew that r;posc was certain death. A butef wind hurled snow-flakes against our faces, and now and then we stumbledover the frozen corpses of our comrades. No sing ing or talking ! Even the grumblers coas cd to complain ! and that was a bud sign. I walked behind my captain ; he whs a short mun, strongly built, rugged nnd se vere, but brave and true as his own sword blade. We called him Capt. Positive ; for if once he said a thing, so it was no ap peal ho never changed his mind. He had been wounded at Wiazma, and hie usual red face was now quite pale : while the pieces of an old white handkerchief which he had wrapped round his legs were soaked with blood. I saw jhiffi, first more slowly, then stagger like a drunken man, and at last he fell down like a block. " Morblfu ! captain," said I, bending over him, "you can't lie there." " Y'ou see that I ran, because 1 do, ' he said, pointing to his limbs. " Captain," said I, "you musn't die thus and raising him in my arms, I managed to place him on his feet. He leaned on me and tried to walk ; but in vain ; he fell once more, dragging me with him. " Jobin," sanl he, " 'lis all over here. Just leave me nnd join your column as quickly as you can. Ono word before you go. At Voreppe, near CJreenoble, lives a good woman, eighty two years old, my mother. (Jo to see her, embrace her, and .lll.l. . .hi i ; ten nerinai tnai ten ner wnatever yo ! like, but give her this purse and my cros. i That's all , ' Is that all, captain?" " I said so. (Jood bye, and make haste." u Hoy 1 don't know how it was, but I "tit two tears freezing on my cheeks " iNo, captain," cried I, " I won't leave ; you : either you shall come with me, or ' 1 will stay with you." , I I forbid your staying!" "Captain, you might just as well forbid a woman talking." "If I escape, I'M punish you sererely. " You iny place inc under arrest, then, but just now you must let me 'do as I please" You are an insolent fellow " " Very likely, captain ; but you until come with me." " He bit his lips with anger, but said no more. I raised him, and placed hi Jxidy across my SDOUldera JiKc a Sacil. IOU mny easily imagine that while beannfr i such a burden I could not move as quickly ns m-y comraa,es- Indeed, I soon lost ight i vyi ...it. VUIUUMI, ailU VUUIU pcjicitc UUIlilll .ii rrtmr riiimn nr.. . . . r n .. . nnit,n.. ' but the white silent plain around me. 1 ' moved on, and presently there appeared a band of Cossacks galloping toward me, their lances in rest, and shouting their fien dish war-cry. , " The captain wa by this time in a state of total unconsciousness ; and I resolved, cost what it might, not to abandon nun I laid him on the ground, covered him with snow, and crept under a heap of my dead com rades, leaving, however, my eyes at liberty. Soon the Cossacks reached us, and began striking with their lances right and left, while their horses trampled the bodies Presently one of these rude beasts placed his foot on my left arm and crushed it in pieces. Boys, I did not say a word ; 1 did not move, stive to thrust my right hand in to my mouth to keep down the cry of tor ture; and in a few minutes the Cossacks dispersed u When the Ins; of them had ridden off, I crept out and managed to disinter the Captain. He showed few signs of life; nevertheless 1 contrived with my one hand to drag him towards a rock, which affor ded a sort df shelter, and,, toon lay down next him, wrapping my capote around u. Night was closing in, and the snow contin-j ued to f.tll. 1 he last Ol tne rear guard nad disappeared, and the only sound that broke the aitcnco 'c . r the whistlinj of !;.4tit bulletf, and f. ) rearer bowling; of tLa wot vea, whicji were deronnns th dead bodicf . God know what - thine were passing - ibrough my mind ihat night, which f fw ftusuretk wemM l lay last on earth. IJiilI remembered the prayer m CtOiher ntut taught me long ago when Twit a child by her tide ; and kneeling dotrrr, 1 ai4 it; ttt veniiy. u Kor. ii did me good : and I-sr Jf' member that sincere eaouut prayer wiil iom you gfwd too. I , felt woiiaerfull; cllnii m-hen I rpsurrjed taf place tfext ' lh ca-, tain. Gut time pawed or, and 1: wa; Le coming quite) numbed," when l iav a pan of French eCicer ipproac&tnjp. ..Ikfore.i had time toaddresa them, the, fo$jrjoV:; low sized man,? dctd 'in a .fur peh?i stepped toward me tnyng 44 What are yotl Mt&httofciti.'-tiX'. yoe stay behind your Hegimeot tt :"j ' . "For two good reason," : said it pomu . : ! fiwt to the, captain, and iherW my ; L'.adT ; The marV tpeakt the1 irutfi, j 1' 1U! one or ot loiiqwer. ; " I taw nr f a f '.'" '" a (tare me one of (hoeev lool;iwitietifllstjr himself or an Alpine eagle could givr'-.aJM. aid , , '-,. ,,-..-. u Tis well Yei hare done very wlC" i "Then opening his pelisse, he feokvtho -'5, cross which decorated his inside greet teei, anrf gve it to me. Thai irfomeitf "f XwH ivalopgcr coltl or hungry) and feltoo ijaor, ; pain in my arm jbaftv if that' ;iILitr4 ' J--; beast had never touched Li .j--f I-,, ; ; u Davousi," added the emperor, ere'f iqg the gentleman whohedtkecal,.; ijbis) man nnd. hi captain to be :.i placed ,m p.' one or tne ammunition wagon. V Adieu I , M And warinef hi nantl toward taei bo 11155 behind the eohr'tt (rnrryir ; i'..' on lite $0C$,,.y4yj H,-; ; pamd oi" ; jsgm I feHefeue veteran paused ftna reiurr-Cjl t his pipev: sWkte'VjZWZ- fBut tell u font ttve.enm indi'J becamof Captam I'oaitWe," ; erieti: $ei0t f s alimpprtunai okt:,--, --$p&4&;.s M The ceptairt etilllive, and u now. jr tired GeneraL li(Ui:;bcf'i' uxvf9. that, a toon aa he lecorered be pfeeed.t under arrest for fifteen day, a ponisbWi ment for my breach- of-. fluciplirte 1-3'heV " circumstance reached NapoteftfaMb;'i ahd afur laughing heartily, her troi only re ; leased me, but promoted me to be a sergeant,- V. A Ja the decoration, here i the 'ribbon?, boyt I wear tfiat in mt btilton hol. but ' I tie ct)08 I carrjroext toy heart rv ? ; .''yinu unuuimiiiiig i cwu, " ine .Tcienur nAwAit'hia vmiriir friertile tht nreo'imirt rel. ic-nveloped in a little cat in bajg'. iuspen- ueu nruunsj an ncca. OXE OF TttE; WEDDINGS A COX N UBlAt BKBTCH v A few day ago. tJierdTanivrf,at ilriOteT V in Boston, couple Trorn, Rhode Island, who came' lo get Joined, quietlV io the . tmnos oi matrimony; A soon aa.lney ; were fairly domiciliated, the would-be bridegroom who wa a rough, hut appar ently honest specimen of the country Yan- kee sent for the proprietor of the hotel, who quickly answered hiai eummoii. " h ' Say, lan'knrd,' propcaed the frrutger, pointing to hie modest dulciftea, in the cor net o( the parlor, ' thjs ii m young 'ooman. '. Naow we've cum all tba way from R'wlo ' ? Island, and we want (0 be pliCed- 6end : for a minister, will yet I Want. ii duo np, rite sToitofT" - V'-'- " The landlord . smiled and went cut, and half an hour after ward a licensed minister made his. appearance, and tha obliging host, with onor two waggish friende j wero . called in, aa witnessel to the lceneJt- 'WaowjMr. Iliggin,' aaid the Tanker, 'deo it up braowy. and yurw todneT rea dy j and forth friili lhe revered gtntJepjaitv; commenced by dire tin the) parties to join their handju ,The Yankee stood up to hi WuBhinjiivdy lore, like a aittlr kitten hug-. girfjj a hot brick, seized Her hand, and wa us touch pfeaed a a raccoon iight bo supposed to bd with two tauVn -fA 4jY oi promise, , Mr.A,' aid tilarsor, o take thUweman V 4--" tv Vaas,' said the Yankee, at ooce-' V'4 ' 'Tebe your lawful and wedded wife? l aas-yaas.' V ' - ' That you will, fore and honor her, in all thing.' ' , ' iaaa, ,, ., , . ;fc,v ? , 'That you will cling to her, and her ool, so long a you both shall !te.V ' C I 1 ' l a as, 'ndeed-wtoUna contihied -.h tho Yankee,' in the , moat delighted and r earnest manner;, but here the, rtterend?:. ' clergyman halted, much to the iarprisa'jofJ? all present, and more especially to thaanj ? noyance and discomfiture of the intended v bridegroom. - A. -V. ' Yaa-yaa, I said,' adJeJ AeTankev'' ' One moment, my friend,' responded the minister, slowly, for it suddenly occurred to him that the law of Massachusetts --did y not permit of thia performance, wiihout Uiv ' observance of a publishment etc,' tori ' certain length of lime. VnJJk' ' Wot 'n thuader lite matter, pister t Doe n't stoftr-go on put 'er tbreu. t lSohr m'a split.h Aim nek, 'mister, be yer Just at this moment, my friend, 1 harf thought Jou can't ba majried in Matv' achusett ' v'-irf ? , i. 'Can't I wot'n oatur' tho reason? ' 1 tike kf.Ty she like sac ; wot's to hendcr V ', Yoi1 Iinv'nt ketn tttihlich! eir I ihintr . .'Ilaint a goia Sat be, nutber I Stt'a wot we cum Vr for. ' Oa the sIjf j o. on. gt , on old feller. - ' . I really sir1 said the parson ,C " .s ,v" " i Rail! y I Wat, go. ahead I ,'Tami fai,v you sea, 'taint, 1 a waow "you're a married . t av, and haint teehed her. , Go ' on mT sea romra riuz. fc - . e 1 ' -.1 ... "V ax l e ; a 4