" - t - '.'.,'- ":-. THfcf UOAlMlillUlAL ' I ,i 1 jtlth i Jem ro lj,Hutrday and Saturday, i.wj per inn j ii, piyaoic initicisca m umui-. BY TI10WAS.L0RING, 4 cokkRapdbiN in rditor.- - ; concemf.f. and hca.I-sr.- i ihe strove to t t - and riLliwa . fl a, Vf ... meanof beiran tj c. , PUBLISHER TRIWEEKLY; D7 TIIAS LOI11NO.T ihe was unabfa tcr rr qnired,-arida houi. - 7 wr OIt AtrOMABKBf ST SI ITS, J vi i 1 ct 1 -WITT 1 BBBlSSJBBBSBBjeBf n easn 1 f x. j n,)i .i.:.,..ii. - 1 tottA 13IU,t;T 7j, 1 sqr. raojuhsL: 1 4,00 IV " 3 - " 6,00 if.'l losartlon, t3,S0t'I , v-3 ' V-l 'tnonth,:;.; v,.2,53 ft , 8,00 1 yw, 12,00 Ton linos or lew rriika a sonars. If an Advertise 'taint xceeis ten' lines, ths price Will be in propor tion. .,. -.,.,-, . . ',, All aJvoriuo nait! are pa'rabls at th Urns f heir Insertion. . : Contracts with ysarly advertlssrs, will ba mads on t ho most liberal terms, " J .-,... . No tranifitf$ contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should clrcufosfaacea render a change In business, or an unexpected removal necessary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, forth time he has ad Viaed. .The privilege of AnridoJ Adverllsera is strictly lim ited to their own Immediate business ; and all adver tisements for the benefit of other person, as well aa all advertisements not Immediately connected with j their owa-tmsioeaa, and; all e.tcess of advertisements, will be charged at the usual rates. All advertisements inserted In thetrl-woekly Com mercial, are entitled to ono Insertion In the Wteklg, free of charge. JOB", CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed In superior style. ' AGENTSFOk TOE COM HEUCIAL NJVYORlC Messrs'. Baow.f 4, DsRossit. B()3TOMt'PaBDaicB: Kiddib, Esq. ,' B1RRY, BRYANT & ADAiR COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17. 52 DAVID .CASH WELL, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C Oct. 30, 1849. 99-ly. J0UN D. LOVE, t DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, CBusfKius, cinias, hu'rissks, &c, UOCIC SPRING, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 14. 1848 . DRS. MUNSEV & FREEMAN, IIOM(BOPA THIG M YSWIA SrS, MARKET St., Dec. 23, 1848. C Doorj abjve Front St. 120-S C0RNEUUS MVERS, MAN UFA C T U II 13 It , AMD DEALER IX HATS, CAPS, UMl3ltr.LL.VS AND WALKING 'CANES, Ac. W1LWINQTON, N. C, Market-st. Oot.Kl343. 'Jl-tL S. N. WEST, A UCT I ONE H li ;' AND COMMISSION MERCHANT-. WILMINGTON, N. C. Uboral C ish aJvances mi ls n nil cjneignmi nts from the Nortlt.oron ProJucefrom the 'Joumry. piil.io t d JJH on me V11 irf. South side of tUrket Street. April 8. 1849. 9-tf.c. WILLIAJH NEFF, WHOLESALE ASTD llfiTAtlj".KALKR IN SUIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, : nlNEIl OF.OOUK & VVATER STREETS. WILvIlNir'). N. C. Dec. 7Ui. 1 143 - a. b. srTriT& c FiycttCTlllo tftrect, RAfkEIQH N . Q WiMutea tdall irdsriandcom aUslons In their las ofboslnese.wlth panotuallty and dispatch. RarBa t " ' m HlsKxeeBsacyCMAB. Hault, J. O, Watsoji. Esq., . a Mathbw Shaw, Esq., Hon. J. R. J. PANiat, Oso. vV. Mosbsoai, Esq., Maj. C. L. Hihtoit. rlnoiga, .V. C, P. 331349. U5-l3m-c. . FASHIONABLE TAILORINGS iAVlNGl dicnaacted hlmsalffrom' V,R. Ptt. j .vsjald Infarm his friends and the publld In general, that hs Has taken the stors on: Front street. 6 doors from Market, tuoet,' Immediately opposite Dr. 8aUAf ' offios, where he Is prepared to carry ".sTAtLORINO BU8INK38, In all ItsJbraaohss. Being In possession of ths latest Fashions, Us will eat and make gsntlsmun's apparel at ths shortest aoiloe, In a siyls of workmmship and neaiMss of Bt not to ba surprised by any in ths Stttsiandhshooea ta merit a continuance of ths patronage of bis format eustomsrs and ths public, Oct. 1849. , ; - 80. v' 8alt;sait. rpiIBcargoef fJrlf Callendsrr from St Martins, xaboutuin.,.. -FHA . Dot. 18-&0-tf. ' . . 8 N. Wster if. " . ' RF.D ,RLANKEm? . - . . j, H( -rTt? v..."f aalr kA of -thoss-superior ttsd W Blsnksts. which we WW sell at ths low pf 1 of 45.25 pst pair. -- MYERS e DAVIS T'5,xj MTl generalT, ;.:. Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jos.' B. Russell, Jos. Kejcdhick. Aug. U. 63 J. & D, AleRAE & Co. General Conimisioa Merchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. ;OHS MACIAS. OOSALO MAOBAS. WH. aVISK. M;iy29, 184'J. 23-y. GEORGE S. GILLESPICT1 AOENT FOR THE SALE Or ' TIMBER LUMBER, XAVAL STORESfc. wlll,iiakellber;ilcBsh advancesonall :onttignnicnt of produce. March 1, 1849. I. GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSlOiN MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Vlarchl7 1849. 1 J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GGNIillAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. . 10,1348. 67 J. IIAfflAWAV & SON. COMMISSION J. Hathawav. Marcli i, lb49. MERCHANTS. J. L. Hathaway. 119. JEFFREYS & LE1GUT0N. General Coiuaiihion Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. February 13, 1349. 141. IIENRV P. RUSSELL. AGENT FOR THR CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. strict attention given to tliu faitliful execution of nil orders tor Lumber. Jan. I 1349- JOilN HALL, Commission Merchant, viL,.ii.vt;ro.v. pril 12. u LIFE INSURANCE IN Tliu NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OK LONDON. A.NU FIRE INSURANCE IN T 11 ii .KL'.NA INSURANCE COM l'AN Y, OK IlAllTKOltD, Conn., OB, IM THB IIO.VAHD INSJilA.NOli OO.vIPANY, Muv beelloctcd by application to LKt(.OSSlT March 17, 1349. IUt5 DEK0SSEI' & R0tVN. yVll-tllNUTON, N. C. BROWN & yivitOET. NEW YOIIK. UK SURAL CD MMIcMlOS U U UCUA.NTS. MurcuU, 164'J. 1-y. AfARINE INSURANCE. T'HE undorsigned having received the Agency of X tin; auciusta iksuravcl: and banking COtil'AXY OK AUGUSTA GA, Willmue t'jliciea on Vessel, Curgos, Freight &.c. at us i uj.MUlc rates of Premiums us uny other In slitutiun of irit; kin.l in till) Couutry. I'lio Capitol of this 00. up iny is JJ75,OOU. H. NL'TT. vViliiininton, Aug. 13.1819. '85-ly. LMli;;Ks oil ill' deveul tianKs in Litis pueal u.iiina in Uaoks juJ 111 siieots, lor dului the C'ummiixiul Ojice. REMOVAL. R. FORD has rein.ived nil Mabsls Yabb to D'ick iret, id Joor from Wm. Auif's. Aug. 16. 64- tT. UAMS AND LARD. C 1361s, and 20keg prime North Carolina Larj 1J 1,000 lbs. Hjms, recr led per itallroad. and . sale by J. HATHAWAY SON. Oct. 18. 91 COTfON YARN. 6 BALES assarted sixes.- For sale by J. HATHAWAY 4 SOM. 95. Ost. 27. NUTS ! NUTS!! Hl V LBS. different kinds. For ale nt OUJU J. WILKINSON 4 CO'S. Oct. 1 j. Journal copy. 90. BLAKE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE FIRE PROOF PATENT PAINT. J hereby give notlcs, that I hive been appointed Agnnt.ior inesale of lh-J abveslngul.ir and tru ly valuable substance. It oao be applied by any per son flint can use a brush ; and soon, hy uxpusuro to ths atmosphere, forms a complete coating of slate or Stone. Its adheslva properties are so great irut It nevercracks or scales olffioin ths wood. It Is particularly snplloable to a southern ellmste, ss ths humidity oJ tot atmosphere destroys the beauty of white lead, Out cannot effect a clanga In this indes tructlbls Paint. Roofa of building eoated with It are Fire Proof i it has baeanied on Steamboats and Railroad CaS wll aaoeessilt Is much cheaper than a tinned Roof, er even white lead) 100 Iba. will cover 1000 superficial feet. Wholesale cents per lb., at retail 5 cants Hem bs procured at retail at ths store of R S. DRIVER and la harrsls.of me, st my office. Torms cash, on delivery. rVv A IWTEft, Oensrsl Agent Forwarding and Commtsalon Msrchsnt Wllmlnrton, N. C. Oct. 1 S3 BENJ. BLOSSOM & SON, General Commission Merchants, ' NEW YORK. j. SKJSSOM. CHAS. W. BLOSSOM, Liberal advances made upon Consignments. aeierences. J. R. Dlossom, J. & D. McIUb, X Co. Wilmington. w. r. DAVIS n,sq. July 10, 1849. 49. JOSEPII R, BLOSSOM. General Coininission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. , Cash advances made on consignments to me, or timy friends la New York. 1 Oct. 23. 93.y. UERON & MARTIN General Coaimlsion Merchants, 37 1-2 North Wharves, PH I UAJM JP P II 1 A . KCPEB TO -.T' Messrs Thos. Watsok & Sos, ) r r rw . - 1 ' l J. LTACUBTA, , p..., Wm. 3. Niilsow, t.tq., f Rossbt Nbilson, Esq., ) Messrs. Alosas, Iavlob at Uo., ' M , J, H. B.OWU. A Co. New ork- " J. 4. D. McRab, , . Gbo. Hassibs, Esq. jWllmlngtn. Aprils, 1849, g.tf. GEO. DARRISS, Geueral Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. OTRICT attention given to piocuring Freights O and purchasing Cargoes fur vessels. Rsraa to E. P. Hall, Esq., O. Q. Parsley, Esq. J. A. Taylor, Esq., Wilmington. J. u. Bellumv. Ksi 10.. I aipssrs. Ballard & Huntingion, J messrs. i oouer, smylli & Uo., ) . , " Thompson 4 Hunter, New YoU Alci'r. Harron, Jr., Philadelphia. Messrs. Williams & Butlor, ). . H. F. Baksr. Esq., ' Chi r eston, S. C. Jan, 2, 8. 123.lf. WILLIAM M. HARRIS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. OTR1CT attention given to procuring Freights Oand purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Rsfibbnces: O. G. Parsley, Esq, 5 Col. John AIcRae, ( Wilmington, N C. Mossrs. BullurdA Uuntlngton, S Will Peck, Esq . Rul-igh,N. C. Messrs. Hall, Sackett ci Co., ; p . Joseph Utley, Esq., Faycttcvllle, N. C. Messrs. James Corner & Sons. Baltimore " E. A. Souder &. Co , Philadelphia. Thompson 4k Hunter, K v . " Pillsbury & 8ndford, New York- " Hunting & Tufts, Boston. " J. AO.y. Titcomb, Konnebunk, Me. July 17th. 1840. ' 52 ,f. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 3 1848. ri5if. II. L. BUTTERFIELD, PA V I LION HO TEL. Comer ofllazel and Meeting Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. Where he will be happy to see all his NOKTII CAROLINA FRIENDS. July 12, 1849. 60-lf. DEEDS FOR SALE. I7aranteeDee(is, int Deeds for Mortsnceoi.land v V just printed, in correct form and for ale at the Commercial Vfflce. NEW GROCERY STORE. THE SUUSCRlUEd begs leave to inform his iriendsaml 1 he public generally, that he has ta kes the stind lorineily occupied by Mr. J. H. Rots H(LL,un the feouth side of Market Street, Four Doors from the corner of South Water Street, where he is now receiving an extensive assortment of GROCERIES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE, d., to which ho invites tha atteniion of CASH CUS TOMERS particularly. Haying purchased mostly for cash, he is prepared to offer inducements tu pur sons dealing In s like commodity. ALEX. MacRAE.Jb. Oct. 12. , LARD. N Barrels and Kegs. Oct. 20. Fur sale by J. R. BLOSSOM. 92-tf. New Dry Goods Store, rHE subscribers have juat commenced the Dry Goods business in this town, on Market street, adjoining the Drug store of the Iste Wm. Shaw, und sacood hluse from Front street, where will be found, Urge ssisct Ion ot FANCIf AND STAPLE GOODS, Of laU Importation, wincn they ari determined to nil an SBod terms, ss the can be purchssed in any city la the Uuion. Their goods having ben purchssed entirely lor cssh, will give them so op portunity of giving good bargains to theircustomors. rnay s nclt those wishing to purchase, oartlcular ly the Ladies, to eali and examine their stock, vhethsr they purchase or not, aa they will take pleas ure In waiting on those who favor us with s call. OneoJ the partaer. being connected with several ea tabllshments h rsmalus constantly In the Northern Cities. Ws shall bs constantly receiving fresh sup pdts during the season" MYERS & DAVIS. Oct 18. 91. hi'. A CARD. " THE subscriber Is now prepared to see his custo mers and friends st the old stsndoa North side Marks! MrsM, next deor below I. Dawsok dt Co., where he will serve them up wlih any kind of s Hat orCsp that may bedsslrsJ. My stock la unusually Urge, and will be sold Scr ins for east. A call from those srishlug tat purehasa la respectfully solicited Price to till the limn. q. MYERS, Hatisr. ANIKRS0N & LATIMER, COMRfiSSlDN MERCHANTS, SlUTII WATER STRKET. ? WILMIM UTON. N . C Sep. J7, liia. . ; 8My e. iSEPfl FUMER, Genera Commission Merchant WILMINGTON. N.C Oct. 9iUl849,w? 87-ly-c. RIPPING ARTICLES. X - LB at The Commercial an sle- iitou of ShiDDlna Artklet, cmbrsclns sll of Congress relative to the Mscchsnt's 4; glue: V fof)IsUI0.ii rwaaw or IISTIUERY FOR SALE. rPH Turpentine distillery at FqIsods Depot, on x the tall Koad, lately ownea oy jonn nnsuan, will be sla at a fair price, tor runner particulars ap ply to JEFFREYS if- LE1GHTON. rllW, 1949. IU BILLS OF LADING, &c. ClLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound In Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheets with s vari-nv of mercantile blanks, lor sale at The. tsm- mcrcialOJHc. LIVERPOOL SALT. f SACKS Liverpool Suit, in extra large KJ sacks, received direct, her sale ty BARRY, BRYANT AUAJttB. 97. EASTERN HAY. QAA BILKS superior Eastern Hsy, dally f 0JJ Ditttd : for sale by BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. No. . 97- THOU ASTON LIME. A Ti CASKS Thomaston Lime, daily expects htjK) for sals low from vossel. BARRY, BRYANT 4 ADAMS. Nov. 1. 97. NEW FRENCH SCHOOL. THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, respect fully informs the public, that he will open a French Class, about the 1st of November next, for gentlemen and ladles, and misses and boys, as here tofore. He nopesto nave tns pleasure 01 meeting marly or all of his former scholars, In his school. The price will be 9 for it weeks-lossons every day, cxrept Sundays. P. GIAKU. Uct. iJ, lb4. vj-ii. LADIES CURLS. HANDSOME assortment ot sll Colors. For sale at J. Wl LICKS SON CO'. Oct. 27. Jour. copy. 95. riiVtn. Qf BBLS. extra Canal Flour 1 20 half do do For sals nl HOWARD & PDEN'S. Nov. 6. CANAL FL01R. 1CT BBI.S. Extra Oenesee Flcui new wheal O 15 half Just rcckived per Schr. Irn Brfwiirr, fur saie bv J HATHAWAY & SON Nov. 3. DAILY EXPECTED. OnHHUS. Prime retailing MOLASSES, for fJJ Si sale by J. HATHAWAY" & SON. 93 Nov. 3. SU0ES. GOOD assortment, suited totheeountrv trsde iX of goid quality, and at fair price, by the case. for sak by o. t upraBTo. Oct. 4 85 DISTILLERS AND COOPERS. raiHE sibscriber having removed his Cooper M. sse. to the shop lately occupied by Mr. Tliain, offers IIjoo Iron and riots of the best quality, fur Bale at the lowest rates; wholesale sod retail, snd will leceivsth.srtlcleand return ihe money, If they do not auit; and has also ordered truss hoops snd drawing knives, of the best quality, which hs will sell cheap and warrant. In his absence sll business will bt done by Ns Foreman, Mr. Dorbj. Money reccip;ed nd recti d as Dy nimsen. STATES. lie iU) wishes to purchase WhiteOak bbl. stsves, and headings, for which he will give the hlgbrst market rice, lor aamanyas 50 thousand. A.XORGA.N. Oct. 13. P9-2in-p. IRISH OX BARRELS. POTATOES. tot sals by J. HATHAWAY 6J SON. VI. Oct. 25. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. WILL be paid for ths delivery of my girl MARlAH. (known about Wilmiagtos) Marlah Uinles) either to me at ths 70 mile pui on ths Railroad, In Wayne Couaty, ar to Messrs. Ciabwen&Hlossom In Wilmington or to any Jail la ths state. Marlah ran away sometlms In April lest i she Is about twenty one yesrs old, sad of a light copper color. 1 will slsoglvs the above rewsrd for evidence sufficient to con v let any whllo persoa of harbxjurlng her. All persons Irs forbid employing or harbouring bar, aa tha Law will bs rigidly snfor cs I sgalnatany poreon so doing. She Is supposed to bs lurking about Wilmington. E. PETERSON, Oct. 13. 89 tf. LAMP OIL: TO BBLS. Winter blesched Oil. Jast rscslvsd lO aod fotsala by J- HATHAWAY A SON. Oct, 21. 94. GLUE. OPtWisestkiod,aiprt.ssijrfoi dlsHilWrs, always I on kanJ mni tor aala b i r josepr r. blossom. : I -Oct.- rw. 1 4 170R 54 I1 STsntl the taw SefvkeJ a 1 .IV Nov. l A SID STOW THE OUTCAST , BT Till LATE WILLIS OATLOID CtAIX.4 , A few dart go ai i wa$ taking my ac- cusioroed mornings! walk, in a mild Octo ber morn, ip (he aurburba whereof I anra denft en, 1 found myself, "on a sudden, in the open country. The melancholy land, scape of Autumn stretched around ; and the bright hues which had characterized the season were beginning to disappear. Nothing disturbed my meditation, except the passage of some early market men or women, hieing with their little world- of cares and hens to the market of the town tenement. A few vehicles were drawrr op around it, and seeing a medical friend whom 1 knew, I inquired the catrae of tne flset bly. He informed me that a young irl had committed suicide, and was then lying dead in an upper apartment. Moved Willi sorrowful curiosity, I complied with hie re quest to enter. In one apartment Were several females in teara and distress; in another, the witnesses and members of (be coroner 8 jury. Ascending the staircase, 1 found myself in the presence of the-dead t of one, who beforo Ihe dark day of nothing ness had swept iho lines of beauty from her features, was lying on a pallet of straw pale in dissolution. The sight was mourn ful and solemn. Her face had lingering about it all the features of beauty, its en sign was still floating above the voiceless lip. anl h 'IrPD sen led eye. Heavy mas ses of rich auburn hnir lay on each other snowy temples ; a fuint hue lingered about the checks ; but the foamy and purple lips indicated how violent a death she had died. By the bed-side lay a half eaten apple, aud it large rhomboid of corrosive sublimle Particles of tbie deadly poison were still on the fruit. Thus the life-weary taker had ended her. days. I looked out upon the gloomy waste of country over which she had gazed her last, at Ivriligbl, the evening before, and tried to realise what must have been the depth of agony which possessed her spirit then. How most her bruised heart have throbbed with misery I how dark must have been her soul 1 like that of the Medea of Euripides, wb she prepared the deadly carments fox her rival and dedicated to death the children of bet womb. Thoughts of the cause now egita- -J j- -oJ. -OU kJ fll a4 Wn betrajed. Cruelty and abuse hid been her lot ; but amidst all ho had been con stant nnd devoted. Her band Were clasr. ed as if in prayer; and the potent poison had overcome her system ere she could disunite them. ',X-.. There are moments when the mysteries of eternity throng so rapidly upon pur im agination that wo live years of contempla tion in their litilo round. This was tbe case with me. There lay the prostrate form of one whose only crime had beer that she had "loved, not wisely but too well," one who, stung to the bean by the destroyer of her peace, had now determined to lay down her aching bead and sorrow ful bosom in the rest of the grave. As I stood gazing: at tbe lifeless object before me interrupted only by the pitying or the sobs of those, who were Below-! was requested by the surgeon in attendance as a personal favor, to go in his private car riage to the residence of the father of the deceased, and apprise bim of the fatal oc currence, of which be was still ignorant Receiving ay directions, 1 went I drove up to a handsome dwelling in a distant street, and was ushered by a servant into a beautiful drawing room, where a glowing fire was burning in the grate. Everything around betokened ease and plenty if not opulence. The folding doors of the parlor soon opened, and the warm air from an ad joining elegant apartment came in from an other fire. The father stood before me. He was a respectable looking person, but wore about bim the marks of violent passions, and an indomitable will. f ' It was by slow and painful degress that I communicated to him the horrid death of hie child. When 1 bad unburthened my rdind and Heart, he seemed like a statue of marble for a moment ; and theo sinking upon an ottoman, he gave way to the ago ny of his soul, bis chest heaved with his deep drawn sighs, bit lips faltered, and tears, atern tears, "like the first drops of a thunder shower," came to bis eye. .-. I saw htm stand a few minutes after, by the corpse of his daughter. Words cannot doscribe the scene. The history of hrr sorrows and fate may be briefly told. She was their first bora : was beloved idolised. When brothers and sisters were growing up and around her, she was favored of thein all At last ber mother died. She was just budding into womanhood, when this event look pace. After the funeral ntes, she . . . . . .. t . ,.i . ' found mat sne was acstinea w mi ner mo ther's place, so far as the guardianship and t,wandered,ancor8ci9s. r,ward, hta XX m nrnwaiur tLacsv W discovered that I was," as it' wer'e.'w e WA A Hi Scfulat' ( midst of a crowd, fronting a lew time-worn hH WSh drug nd the gfari) I 'J oTeieetjing ana vu w daughter, perceived to mothers plnce was tilled tti.a u all iu relatione, by A HhtoMtl and u womanv Slit auCered t m sueace : bhished art kef own degradation, tbr the recklessness of her pafenV t t breathed not ft word. ' At fast her t was imputed to iruubordisate t . was tron(mnced ' lncfjni',:Ie, J t t j nam ner miters Bvusf i wioh i ' r Hitherto she had "beta worthy and iV.r.r ? ce At But evil cxaaplee arj a just 7' anger, fired her soul - he sought ih bousa of a friend, a close intimate of herrf.athefi, , where aba lived aa ao assistant in tha VghU.. er and more elegfcntdtttie of a householJ, : 5 By degrees, her beauty attracted lb attn-'- ; -tion of a youth, the son o! bet protectreta. 8he loved she wma beset witb tolemn tows! and ait rnibrcfcen ttaih of tsmpUtioii, tia;j rlnallv. ahei aar betrared . eurf ria.L?ii tb m : 7 4 ' T . "'7. T - ' ' . 7.77. 7- f . Wow, mat for WJIiich I do-somewhat tiattasv adaptation of womenJii tfs.- 1 " tttf condemn till dereliction from duty,' - v without diM.rifflUMtiaA.Iii. a 'case .hi tUorV, present they make no distiaction ; thejr , the bruised fttati sink , into the , dost with, - f ..it- tJi,a ..- . , ... scarcely an expression w "5", nu ncss the report that a sister; epirit had'' rus!.cd . anannointed and nnsnnealed fnfo tha pre. ence of its God, without one throb ol pity. ' i Why tnir wxosu9b Judgment l I psctentl noi W tea .' but if tbeir jfan 1 : W tmsabsence-orfitenuaunjreasotwi 'ny iv it; with Item, that ' ' h . "Eterwos t teir can ctalwi,' & 'X ,i Eicrpt so erring sister shsino. , ; M JA ions are severe; what shall belaid of ihcM fiend in human form, who potsODt the foty ' A' vmm vmf iw ."''!' mUwtm (f"Mr lips breathe tlie black ue, and toe brc!:tn vow Is there punishment'ioo gieafc VT& be inflicted upoh the" villain whoipproa& es tbe fair fabrie of virtutf only lo eavi it ; in roin and desohiioa t 1$ kfl too much. ,v No I To repay the love' which one'.hati himself awakened, wh disgrace alid seora; . V to drive tbe spirit one ha polluted into lhe ' '.t. Eresence of that Creator from whom it camJ r right and unsalliBd;.wbat itilt iianbati: gmttei ia all the annaleof Witaili?; X My heart burns with indignatioti l , j dwell on the theme. . Hoi mejJ;.. ix$fM wretch, among the jouihatof our cities, Taj A.V' dashinv in the beau nondL whoso true place " I is the penitentiary ; trhoeronij feliet fxora , I ks wallsj it the prodigal Um of aorno. .tioby , tea vu gm w no. nits aunereti jong . jui js kind I These art solemn hut almost uje . ,5 dieted uutht."'-" Tliettt'.iiri' boiAr' knovt of ibis detestable . class j, men ,wbe will bow; aod aeotimeBtalize and, flourish at mria and asseroUies. at operas tnd) tbt aires, who bare valiantM spent rear of their worthless and spendrfmthvei iritUlly8 and nightly endeavoia tocompas the hoa or of some lowly and lovely one, whom 'natui made weak, trusting ber defence to man's generosity, whose luppineswa the end and aim of loving . ptieofjrand whose brow bet dishonor bat hud in Xtar tomdt CODFISH AEKTCCaACYrf We are very enstoeraUe here in our good . ly city of Cmcinnatti, . Eiclosivenes b fashionable-cotelies are brined, who lW cy ibey comprise aUth. teste mhJoii and talent existmg. . J daring urtradet ftV- wtth a rebuff which tell hinr that he is looked on. a aa inferior, so matter Whafhie personal worth" end ' ment may be. U ' -a serve jtbe fool riht " What business IW '-,; any one to soppose that sterling charalie'v and cultivated intellect could ; constitute claim to be received into fashionable socio- v ty ? Fashionable faugh I . The chrCatU of cobbleri and twkere'jmtunjjott elrjy- f opeing the manner of foreign, emtocr:tjrj : and claiming to give lobe 'end character to X society ! F ashionable-tlrjthat I Wfiyt " ' tbev still smell of leather end o!dcr ti' A centleman'passenirer.on astcahiboii from New Orleans to Cmcinnatli on trje trip up, was introduced to sfyoujijUdy on board by i genilcmaa relation of bers.--We give si brief descriptumiir tbetwole-. The young lady was charmir.?-joveT, and aimable , in . manner ; tb cent . wis witty) sentimental and amusing, bis man- - bad tete-tvtetes on the guard, prorcens ' i - ners noble, but ngore manly euca4k4r one as would catch itlsdy't eyev 2--fr r Thrown together in each thci's socletyy and mntaally atlracied, it is not to be woa- 4, dered that ibey grew quite familiar,; -TT - rXJ ibe decks arrjaimt me geaUeaun u1!; paring soft poose'nse in the ladyVear. ; passenger pronounced it e case of - lov a ,.' maids always do) wam j vroa n one tl-sjf but; tha bnd, Miserable frpphetw-itc'V -was not fated to be a rnatch.'c - . The boat at length arrived a fcef pL's . of destination, tbe- association 6f the twoAK loving ones ws st an end. and .they ,1 cie obliged . to 'separate. Whispered." sJ.cu?, ' with e soft entreaty frc-1 :ra, were answer ' ed by her thrusting a c -1 into his ban JL,'- -.. , end thn they' parted,. te to her father ' a ' -v ' US TOTtTa'tant i'?-?2Yl: 1 V - , 4 t Sept. VJ. 'I 'A v a - r w 4.1 fV --A- ev1 -. ! a. i a 4 :aw. rv ".TV.