Iff" Our apace a THE COMMERCIAL. 8ATUR0AYt KOYBMBEtt 3. I8 SMALL KiX ISt tfAYETTETl'.LE. a mm of taM vox hin rtwntlf oewrerl In Fsrauevllle, "ffw totpjMhnda of In rpraading, mien, am been a ttt PfT,nt ' lU proper awharmca. jt . Tnc TRIP TO NEW YORK." tltt fir. and ! pof u oocnpvea arid, lha Trla promlee4 In our laet. Many of our tMtof will recognise tha talented Minor, wnoee otrt -plcownlry and fraphlq description, have so often .mused and Urtructed oiir community. Long W.taMmand continued vigor to hi. sagacious Wind, andatrtogth to hli honeai heart 1-fca RcllilWM Uid General Intelligenpcr. A weekly paper under the above titla made its first appearance tn thla town, on Thursday laat. It ia a neat aheat, under tha editorial management of K. . J. McDamicu well ltnown aa a prominent PrMcher In tha Btfrtlet Church. We boliev. tlie U.HNI wilt bt ahktty oww o the interests of that 1- 5 hfcftwUMaik? Mr. McDajubi la well qualified for ' tnett a poaltlon, both by talent and character. THE GOLPSBORO' PATRIOT. Tho taU$borrf Patriot la again under the edito rial charge of Mr. Wiilia RoemeoK, who will be mUted In the publication of hia paper by Mr. Johh RoaixtoM. THE POISONING CASE. W.hav. eonveraed with a gentleman who wn. have no principnl comnmnica", wo reWat .1 Iht time th death of Mr. S.a.r.0 oc so, or cannot be long If w do v. hat "t t . r. l nreeeat . . i eorred, In Fayetlcvllle, and we assure our rentier that we take great pleasure in correcting any stale-j meat made by ua, tho reeult of miBlnformatlon we J have no desire to present, vnaoceesarlly, the darker abadesef the human character. MtV V. 0. Jrra la the gentleman to whom wo allude. He aaya : " that a pcraonal acquaintance with moat of the Phyaiclana who made the post mor teni examination, aa well aa the coroner and gentle anea who compoaed the jury of Inquest, foHy author too. hiss to ssy, that their high character for respec UbIUty and Intelligence, and aa good citizens, for blda the slightest suspicion of any auch collusion to screen the guilty, or recognise ny such distinction ia classes of the community, on which to base their action, as that charged by the informant of the Com- mereta!." He further aaya, " that in hia intercourse with the community of Feyettcvillc, after the trans action, he saw no disposition manifested to charge the Phyeieiane or others with neglect in the dis charge of the duties which devolved upon tliem.' Thla statement will afford no little surprise to those who derived the previous information from the same source with the Editor of th Commercial, and who, with him, conceived it to come in an unquestionable and authentic aliape. The conclusion is inevitable, however, that al though the process of arriving at a decision by the ' fury was alow, there waa no criminal delay oil I heir j part, or on that of any other peraon. Wa assure the readers of the Commercial, that in tho present instance we perform the most pleasant part of our duty In thla painful case -bat they will perceive. In the remarks made by us on Tuesday, the (round we are determined to take in nil cases of this auure rases that we hope may never occur. We may observe, also, that the position we then look relative to (he notions of certain email portions of oeiety, almost everywhere ia this republic, Is not reooaed from. We at ill maintain ita truthfulnsss, aad Mill stand in hostility to its atrocity. . Fair of the South Carolina Inatlfute. TbeCWfofon Akrtury, of Thursday, says the Military Hall was crowded on the previous day, with tho visiters to the Fair of the South Carolina Insti tute. The variety an J perfection of the specimens of aauthero skill in tho different branches of the manu factures aad the art, were in the highest degree creditable, and In many Instances they would coin pare most favorably wiili similar articles fiomany quarter, si home or abroad. Tho same paper aaya there were some specimens of snother art exhibited, not contemplated in the programme of arrangements the art of picking pockets, by which a number of gentlemen were ro- 'Saved of s portion of their surplus funnds. m... i this anneal, the Synod Is not A, A liana lis su-waB, as - to bo understood as approving of tha Order of Odd Fellows, or of any other of ihe 9. Secret Society On tho contrary, It la the deliberate opinion of Ma body, In tlew of tho r.rus reature w ciattona, which are tot In accordance with the ao pel, and which consequently gives offence to many Christian., raar tha peace of tho Church, and tend to Impair the Christian uwfulnesa of auch P0" that the member, of the church tham, .hould prayerfully and deliberately consider thl. whole subject, and separot. themselves from them." rcNTnil. RAIL ROAD. This great enterprise is now out of the reach of a . .. . e.AiU hnna nnd nrcdlct thnt it raituie, ana wo i-irauu.j r Is but .he harbinger to a road from this .ermlrm. io .h. mnmlne. through Ashvlllo, to Knoxville, Ten- wi.nectiobenbletoshowin our next, that such a rood is perfectfully f-aslbie, deairble, ne cesaary, and that auch a one in less than ten years, will bo built, and that if our own ri.lzens do not do that forelgnera will and thai If we do not they ought. ThlB ia an ago of Improvement, and rail romls nrc the jL..t nf movinff every auccessfal enterprise, and giving permanency to the buslnes. Interesu of our whole community wncrcvor ny gigantic anna. We are so confident that North Carolina ought and will at uernejt a charier to the mountains from Salisbury, ihat we are opposed to making one foot of the turnpike iron, this place to Salisbury, forthc reason Ihni if the rail road be built In ten years It will bo that much capi tal wasted on n rood that thereafter will never be travelled enough lo keep It tn repair. We must open u communication by rail road directly from one ex irrmitv of our State to the oilier. If any says wc wo :iy ii is nui we ought. Wllmlneton. If a rail road is run from this point to hor will soon rival many of our flourishing cities - Truo she lies away on one sme ot me omic, um docs not Charleston, Savannah, Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York and Boston 1 Every one ol Uiem. Let us never lie idle (ill we feed her from our every mountain top end luxuriant vulley i then she will be what shs ought and wa what we should have been years ago, a flourishing, Indus trlous and thrifty manufacturing State, what we can and must be. We never Intend to let tlie moss grow on our bah till it rolls from ihe mounuina to tho sea coast, unobstructed by mountains, galea or cause ways. More hereafter.-.Uhtille Mtsienger. "fataT ACCIDENT. We have boen pemlttudto copy (says the Federal r,iUrulni paract from a letter, received by a gentleman now in Milledguvillu. H is anoth- . : r.K..ianirt.r n.imniitlinrr fire er leariul warning ui i """ii-' " arma to children; Tbocvii.ls, Lowndos Co., ov. 1U. An accident occured y.-sieruay, which caBis o gloom over every fuco. Somo of thu neighbors met at tho house of Seaborn Jones (Allon Jonc's broilicr) to go a driving-his son William, a boy perhaps 9 or 10 years old, was fixing to go with ilio company, and was told by his father to see if his gun would fire The boy went out In the yard and attempted to fire the nun. ll was loaded with two buckuliol and some small shot. The gun flashed- he took the gnn from his face ond was about lo put fresh prim ing In the pan, when the Run fire ', and being poin ted In the direction of Seaborne Jones, tho whole um i tniohlm. entsrinn on the right side, allt- ... .l . l.. 4 m hnl MltCTillff the lell (10 0CIOW inc niiiH10. aide of the breast, opposite ihe heart He did not lire five minutes, and never spoke. Thue, by letting his child handle and use a gun, a most worthy citi xen has lost hia life by the hands of his own child ! CURIOUS CMCUMSTANCE. One of the French National Guard, who w.is sup pod to have died from indigestion, produced by drunkenness, was recently buricdln the Department of the Mayenne. He was burled with military hon- ore and, on the firing oltno last vmicy , i ... rnorA from tha coffin which was instant- v taken up and opened, when the supposed dead In rose up. and, on examination, it was found that ,he sergeant had negligently loaded I... piece with a ball cartridge , the ball had passed ihrou.h the high of the man, and thus prevented 1,1. premature Inter ment. The reausltated m.n, who was soon cured -fhl. wound, ha. evinced hi. gratitude by com mencing an action against the scrgeun.,.0 .en damages for the injury I FOREIGN-ITEMS. Sc'.cid. or ! Ammica Mmha.-A fc day. alrce an Inauiet was hia oy ir. u. . W at the Ashby Ca.lK Upper Ashbyatroet, Clerk- enwell. on view 01 ll.s body of Mr Jams. Miller, sued 47- The deceased, who wus po" " -.lderable property, had ofRcea in the city, but fealdcd at 6, Noihamplon square. I wis. bbhvb,- jv-b lady residing In the same house, deposed that abou OA MilMiKia nil ait 1 tv ..lock on Thurtdtiy ftfttrnoona W lUMIUtCel JMwa at w ----- - - . , tho deceased run hia bedroom bell, anj uef her to assist him In oponlng a bottle which he hew In his hand, containing pruasle acid. He then pour ud out half a wine glass of the deadly mixture ana drank ll off, exclaiming, a few moments previously, " The Instant 1 take this I shall ba a dead mail. Witness endeavored lo prevent him, but despite her hn awnllowed the poison and expired In a few minutes. It appeared from the joint evidence of nr ir nflloxton who had formerly ationueu deceased, Mr. Burroughs, and George Harris, clerk In deceased's office, that helhaU sunerca iroin and erysipilus, thouSh when in good health he was a most cheerful and jocular person. He nau com paratively recovered from gout, and hia commission r ..iridB Is attributaUo to a horror ho had of a re- i r ,i.i m ,it The iurv returned the follow- i -vim . " That tho docoascd destroyed himself "a '""v ..f bv takinir Drulc acid whilst in an unsou.m mind." , A novel match took place a few days ago, n ar Hereford, in which a young gentleman undertook for a wager, to lap up a saucnr of milk in less time lhana cat. They both commenced at the S:inio time, but on account of the gen lemun being seized with a violent fit of laughter, which grcaily Impeded hia progress, the cat was enabled to gain a great load ; f b ' . ...,iK hisr nnH however, the gentleman soon came ujy" won by two table spoonfuls. Il is said Ihat Count D'Orsnv Is occasion...., in Paris, amusing himself, ond ihe causo of amuse ment in others. At night he presides ot many fan- uentfs, and is the life and soul of nil ; by day ho re tires to Chauibourcy, near (iernmin, where he is occupied In chiseling with his own hands a magnfl- cent monument to bo erected lo tlie memu.y . Countess of Blesslngton. United Benton, sneering and .coffiing, repcnta-B av. fellow I you ure a brave fellow 1 1 T i ...nltor of una of TOO SMAST TO lioaa.-- h. Sunday schools was lecturing., clus. of little lii0uu ..(,.. nmn n and D OUS in- I rjirls on the innuence oi Vw ---r - . J J' . "1 . . .. J - I.. U .bsl would yoii have been althoul your goou .herandprnusihotl-rrP' ',;-. .i " I suppose s.r," answer - would have bean an orphan. . MAlMNBNliWS. POUT OP WltMXSGTON. NOVEMBER 24. , 1 47. HIQII WATE AT TUB BAU. I . . . ... . r . : ..t Then.' turning to Col. Prleat ne roareo,our, .nation of youthful character have been sked4ut question with, six Wrroiua ' rlinil ,id ho to one of the. class i ni mi ma.' when I did not answer h. ""i'- . nd I shall not answer you sir 1" Toticjilng thla eainu six-barrelled revolver, we no lice that Dr. Lowry, of Fuystie, In a publication on der his own name, dsnie. that he carried any such naughty weapon at th. Benton meeting 1 Fayctta He had, ll la truo, aaingie-Darrei pisioi, oesjgnau u,d aaalnatany person who might attack .htro, but the atory of his haying a alx-barrelled ahootet is condemned a. a ''he. From the Charltaton Courier, PROM BERMUDA. itu ihe Br. ketch Peri, arived yesterday, In U Jays from Bermuda, we received a copy of the Hum ilton JJtrmudian of the 7th itist. The Trinidadian, of 3d ult., contains a detail of a riot that occurred there on the previous Monday,, which resulted in the loss of some lives, it appears that the Legislative Cpuncll introduced into an or dinance, a clause subjecting debtors to the same prison discipline aa criminals, which much excited ihe populace. A meeting ot ine inimu.iu. called, and resolution passed requesting its repeal, . i. i .- ..... i' ..i after which, tho crowd proceouuu " - i Chamber, filling It to inconvenience. Policemen "were required to make room, which was misted by the people. A rumor getting abroad that the Coun cil would not repeal the clause, a shower of stones came through the windows, causing the members to ! D...T,l,lntl ri-nealcd the clause, retreat, mcy nj-mi , W i,i,,i0 and the people were Informed of the lact. N,4, 310 buks Cotton, persons, however, created a riot, tho military were ( In.a. ag ni n. n,l finally orders Elven lo brJ, women and one lad felli the latter nnd one of tho former subsequently died. Through the inter.ert.. of llio Gorernor, the riot was finally quelled. COMMERCIAL. ARRIVED. y Schr. H. D. Lelghiun. Handy, from N. York, to (l.-o. S. Gillespie, in baiinsi. . Schr. Martha B.( Davis, from Shallotte to J. H Blossom with Sp Hits Terpentine and Rosin - Schr. Mary ' Powell. Williams, from Now ork, t0 O W. Davl' with goods for sundry pwaoria. 8chr. Mary, Blount, from Bolon, to G. W. Da via. in ballast. CLEARED. ... r .1. 1,.. t" I Schr. Urania, Myers, lor new , r : I 22 t ..i,.rl,.li. wilh 35 hakscoiton. Tin 1,1,1a koa.n. 12 bbls. Spirits 'inrpeiiline. 1 3 Edwin Johnson, MeCan,,. fo, Boston, bv Uirrv Bryant & Adams. (Exports In our mix ) y.' Schr' Mineiva Wright, Smith, tor N 'il,, u L ll,, wi.h 850 bbls. Rosin, 176 bale. X t 'm,'2U0 bushels Pea Mil.. 30 ton. Cop,r Ot. "Schr G W.Davis, Brlggs, lor New ork, I y n v. Davis, wuii tw uw- ''."' . . 1 hnic VVUX. to miles outui. Island Ceded to ih - H tales. A letter dated Loon de Nicaragua, October 12, lo the Herald, siysi Mr Squier, he United States Chargoto the Cen tral American Republic, having received inlor.na tion of the intention of the English to seize the 1 .nd of Tigre, belonging to Honduras, and com manding the entire Pacific coast, negotiated a trca- .i iff .1 . ,Iia fiirinu nf W hich hive not Willi lionuuiua, ..." - .1 h.it li U nri-rred rorn ue ioiiuwiis v..- y transpire BALLOON ASCENSION. Mons. Vardail made a second ascent Ion in his Balloon, yesterday afternoon, (21st lost.) from Mount Pleasant, which was witnessed by a large concourse of persons, who were drawn together by the novelty of tho scene. The process or inflation having been completed, shortly after four o'clock, tho Balloon with the fearless JEronant, suspended wilh Ins head downwards and a lighted segar in his moinh, grad ually ascended to a great height, moving In a south easterly direction. We learn thnt the Balloon and It, occupant landed safely on Sullivan's Island, in the vicinity of whal isUnownas incvu;.uv B.u- lb. NEW YORK. Sehr. Matilda K. Wells, Giiffin, 1 bule Cliabed. lor tins pol l , Is- Uniled l:imN ALABAMA. t. .h. Akbama Senate, on Tuesday, ihe 13th inst., Mr. Martin offered the following resolutions, mhich were, on motion of Mr. Manning, w .1.. llln . - r .1.- . . n Th.i hnevcx tho tJonarcss oi iuc 1M. rVOBWITO". , .. . . , -.Mi) cular addressed to the various loreign iru.,. .,. . ,v. .. .i, i i vmr.,1 .inpriea. Ihat the United umer uuic.ui., tn --- Stales have received Important concessions from Honduras ; Ligation or the Umtxd Statu' In Cektbal Amebica. Leon de Nicaragua, Sept. 28, 1949. Sis : 1 have the honor lo inform you that lhft Is land of Tiyre, in the Gull of Fenseca, has been ce ded to the United Stales of North America, by ihe Republic of Honduras, lor me time peuu.nB v....--.. , tulional action upon on cxisung convenimn us.-. ;hc two Republics, and that, occordingly, apseuy possession will be taken of the same, upon behall of tho United States. The existing poll and other regulations of the ..,; I , i it 1 1 1 ciiliurvnsc ordered. mil.. ."i""iu-u - , i. ihn hnnr lo add. ihat the the western I amcs na u-u"" nnd coa,ls of Honduras, which will not perm.t her lo look wilh indifference upon any measures which ehall affect ihe present order of things in that quar ter. lam. sir. wilh high consideration, your '. firw.rn E. Geo Two British vessels are daily expected on the coost with the object of seizing tlie above lslana, out ua will probably find it a bootless errand. . I understand that tho Stole ol Uosta tuca, ... B- Ternment of which ha. been entirely un..Kr u,..,,,, Influence, is in a slate of great excitement, in coo .tnuence of the proposed cession of a large portion of Its territories to the English. An arrangemea- i that effect is said to have been made by Its minister in England, and there is little doubt of the facts. It i, .apposed this measure will result in a revolu.u.n In that hitherto comparatively quiet State. Indeed a revolution liau aireaay ..-.. It is also unatr- RAlL ROAD ACCIDENT. We nrc informed by a gentleman who came down in yesterday's train, of passengers cars, that at Kor KOTICE3 TO MARINERS. ! Custom Hoi'bs, Nbw Bkdfosd, Uhli Nhvi-iiiUt. IH4'J. Tho bearings and distances Horn thu Floating JSvSVsiden. siatloned a, , h. I'urs hnvina been corrcciea vy Old Cock RncK, N. by VV 1 v 4 U-iU iniks Dumplin Rock Light, N. E. by S., miles. , ... ... f,, ,i, I,'l,mlini lihsofa mile nortn-casu-i.y ""':,..,.. I i.. ..V,,.. Ili.i'lllil Bil.U Liiai'i'" . . , ,1,.., , , ) .'.nll.lHl Ulltt T Ull IU HU nUIUI-cnnti i ij v METHODIST CDURCH PROPKRTV. There auy be soma misunderstanding la relation to the decision of Judge Scott, inth cae of the Methodist Church property. The property placed ia tha ha nds of trustees bsloozed lo tho larce Meth dUtCaurchlathe Dtstiict of Alexandria, Virg., United States exercise control over the territory ac- obd'l S4UIEB. Molle Turn Out, which is afler tho union ol the Cam den and Columbia passengers train, the two passen ger cars ran oil" the roadi the locomotive having ban detached, passed on without injury. Eortunal.;ly. none of the passengers were injured, although the cars containing ihcm were much broken. The road, aljo, where the aocldcnt occurred, was much torn ..n nn shallcrcd. After a detention of about half an. hour, ond attaching the locornUive ihat had iscap.d , lo two col ton cars Ihat were, opport intly at hand, j the passengers proceeded und arrived in town with - i uulfutllier aceident or delay. o are o.m. n.iu..... j ed by the same gentleman tint thcru is frequently t hck of passenger care ul tho Camden drp.-t, and thai I minywero depilvad of a passage down yesterday on thai nccouiil-tlio Company will dou'nlcs promptly provide Cars. lb FATAL ACCIDENT. On Monday last, when Rev. Elipha White. Pas tor of (lie Presbyterian, Church, on John's Island, was returning from his Plantation to tho Parsonage, ' ,.n hors.buck, tin: horse became unmanageable. Mr. ', White, finding he had no control of the animal, i threw himself oil', and in so dolna fractured his an il,, in a terrible manner. Professional assistance was oblilned, and it was found neccssnry lo ampu tate thu limb. TV Reverend gentleman bore u.c ' operation with much fortitude, but we are pained lo say, expired wilhin a few hours after its completion 1 ..... nr k... ai.. una lr Whim wan n l ie Sim V'-ar ui ...o "is"' much res tie ol frie Brutal Murder of an Orphan Girl. We have heretofore noticed the arrest and com mittal of Mrs. Ann Mehan, al New York, on the . cl nrnhnn rlrl. named AlHlMc- cnarge 01 ucat.ug on ?wl.,p. -trbbLofKOrb.. N. Virgin Ulp " V" SpiiiisTurpcrillnc-.-Vgal---- lut Rosin'N.'l.'ic."u'li 'ptr lb. gross. No. 2. " fo. 3. Vnrni.ih lie was 11. u.c i'.i o sperled by his congregation, and a larecir lends, who will deeply regret bis loss.-"- rumors that such nl... wr rnrrcnl on (he coast .tood that a ve'y earnest correspondence has been ; wlneMe8 1M(ified l0 ,l;lving heard Mrs. Mohan Gowan, 13 years ol ago, in sue. u.u.. , .,. ..f..... p.,mn,it' iurv scver- m rnuse ner oeain. uuuniv....--,- - aad had aa relaUoa ta the property in dispute be- inA by the late trusty wilh Mexico, so far ss the . . . I ' . l...li ia. .nnrprilM. InCV a.aiia 1 .tit ili I . rili Na h mm A Mnfllaa 1-H aI inmffBIlC BUI 11UUU ( v . . nWII IW wwn VHWitiU itwim ati wwu.pm I flUOVilU " have by that act violated the American uonstuuuon, DlaTSlCT Of COLOMBIA-SLAVERY. ..a ilved the Union of the States. Il U Mid Ihat aa attempt will bo mado at the en- oj. Reaolved. That the State of Aiaoama, as u m. auinir icsabn of Cansress to abolish tlaverv in the rr,.,l uid ov Legislative Resolves, is delermin- a 1 iviiif" - , . . . District af Colambla. Such s step, at this time, wUI 4 l0 pur,u a firm and steaay co.....uv.7 W calculated ta oxclta very bitter feoliaga In the ieeMd to any consequences wnicn may now ... Kj.ilh hviuu It will haa moat rralu loua and wan- k .ilvM UDOn me uucsnui. --v.,. taa losak. California has decided the question for 3 Reaolved, That the uoverner o. una o.,0 , It sett Tbs same wiU be ihs case la Now Mexico- reqU.ud t0 forward copies 01 tne wregoing rc.o.u aad a possible reaaon for .Orring the ottoeUou can (lon8 ,0 lh Prealdent oC the United States, to the be given. VY. think the daiy of the South U to treat any pTsaesklsa f lh sort wilh a cool and datcrmiued realsunce. Exclumeni, giving rise to bragging, threau, and other kinds of quattlcbuinary, will but wsakaa the force of thst gravar sentiment that must trlas ia our oidst, .hould slavery be Indeed abolish ed ta lh District. The single set of abolition la (hul respect, wiU do more to sever the cords of th Uaion, lhaa ail ths meeunzs, conventions, sod resolves, thai caa be got ap between this and dooms- oar. Uadtiaaicliaraaal will defeat tho purposes of ihosavba hoaaatlj dosira to vindicate Southern tight d caa only answsr tha temporary purposes of Prettdeot making-tor whlcH, indood, it 1. chlel- 1 ioteOded. ODD FELLOWS AXD PRESBYTERIANS To fulll atatomoal of lb. aotioa of the 8ynod of Cmolaaatl apoa the .ppoal of a member who had Jbaaa nspeaded by tb. Presbytery of Cincinnati fur lOBflof ta the Order of Odd Fellow puts rather a diiSeraat Uco apoa tha Arst roagh report. Ths da- claloa wa. M follows 1 i. That &H appeal be sustained 1 Inasmuch as the Jowar eoart ha. not famished avidanca before this 4i thai tha mere iact 01 noiiing memoaisnip lu lfca 8eciy a Odd Fellows, forms a Scriptural Oovernors of the several Stalea and Territories of the Union, and to esch ol our Senators ana aeprT- j Mutative. In Congress. Steamboat Sunk. Business, eVc. St. Loots, November 20. . .t..mer Sl Psul. wh ch left here fer Now Or- leans, .truck.. n.g neer Ual Ialand, on Sunday Uat, and iminediaiely sunk. At lait accounts tho wster was running over her main aces, t . which wsslargssnd very vsluable, tt la suppoaeo ill be a total loss. BusineM Incur city la brisk, snd the merchants re actively engaged. Our city generally speaklcg U fteaitny. F.wht Jaw. hv. been returned to th. J.maica u t amblT-out of forty-acven Member.- whit. the return of. single Uraotiui to the Bri.l.h House of Commons, of .ll hundred ana n.iy mom bera,ha.cried.ataraaBd plou. aUnn la Ore.t BriiaiD. Doctor," .aid gentlemen who waa notorious for Uxlneslri8'",.,J slovsnlioeM of person in ,i,.,t.r D.-.ior.I hsve tried everything I can think of for the Rhsumaiism, and without tha least ...11 Tha Hoetor sfier hsvlng .urvcyed him for s aaaaa - . . . t tA I moment inquired (Tae M iter Irmi a acan ir , ... . ..t ri opened by our minister with Hie government " ta Rica, on the subject, which will probably come out upon the opcnlr g of Congress. 1 hear, also, Ihat the eame minister has sent lo ih government a detailed memoir upon the practicabih-;-f,i..nr0med canal: which will also probably ll w i" 1 bo placed before Congress. Mr. Benton-A High Scene. From the Missouri Republican of ihe 2d Inst., we i,.. f..n.,vuinir nrruunl of a scene in ex.iuti iiiw b Ihe Missouri Senator figured very largely. At s meeting in Ralls county iho following scone took place i As soon ss he hsd concluded ins specc.., o.... Priest row, snd calling him by name, said thai he had a queation lo ask him. Col. Bcnion seemed not to hesr him, when Senator Priest repealed a hule loudci, "Col. Banion, before you leave the stsnd I have a question to submit 10 you." Col. Benion turning with fire In his eye, and scowl upon his brow, scresmed al ths top of his voice, "Well, air, what ia it 7" CoL Priest ihen remained that he . . . 1 ,.A him nml wniilrl Ilka to know inlgnt noi unutn" whether "he was for or sgslnst the Wilmol provll Col. Benton's fury rising still higher, he roaiod oat in a sneering tone, "Tn. Wilmot Paoviso ! I VVil mot Paoviso I ! I dead and rotten, dead and rotten I .. ..ll hrlni the carcass of a dead dog ,UU -- - (torn off ths commons Into this House ; 11 is me fsrson Proviso! sir! I Hsvsyou heard tno newe 1 Hsve you beard from California 1 They are an wr the J.fferson Proviso." But says Col. Prleet, It mat ure not wbat the people of California are for, we wsnt 10 know whether you are for the Witmoi pro viso! Benton-"The Wllmot provleo egaln ! I tell you , sir, thai II is ths Jefferson provlso-nuoe but a nulll Asr would call ll the Wllmot provlao." A voice from the crowd calLout, Wllmot proviso. Benton, wilh scowl upon bis face, looks round ihe room sod says, "Standout here, sir, where we ,.mn lt UA OU HOOd." The m.n dsliberaiely .tap. oat on the bench, end repeat, in full voice, 'Wllmot previse " limes, in the most violent beat the girl al variou : manner. , , ' Jeremiah Latlirop, Police Juslice, tcsi.l.ed mat ' on the 13th instant, deceased sppeared before him at ' ,he Tombs, and complained that Mrs Mehan had Btruck her with an axe, and also wilh a hammer, al ' .he same time pointing to her head and neck. Hi. ! deceased presented a feeble and pitiful appearance. 1 Witness sent her to iho hospital, where she died the which following night. J. R. Merrill, resident surgeon to the New ork hospital, testified to having made a post mortem ex am.rmtion on iho body ; ho found an eHon.ivo con tusion on the left arm, and one oh ihe left breast, also, number of scratches on ihe neck near the windpipe, a contusion of ihe scslp large enough to admit live Introduction of a finger, was also lound. The back of deceased was found lo contain a quanu lyofextravasatcd blood beneath the Integument.; on cutting tho skin about half a pint of blood, with considerable coagulated blood escaped. The left ahouldor blade exhibited a contusion wilh an exira vatation of blood i undemoa.h ihe scalps laro quantity of exiravasated blood was found 1 iho ecull wis not Irscturod ; the brsin was p .le end ihe mem brans cougesied wilh blood 1 the brain showed no marks ol disease! ihe heart snd stomach was hcsl ihv 1 the liver, Ihe kidneys and Iniestlnos were con gested i the lnjuriee received were from 43 hours Ui 2 days standing ; the Injuries that deceased received . r . i . a ... I . an .r auffle enl 10 account lor ins po imnw... pearanco 1 the injury lo ihe head was InQioied by a blunt Instrument. The testimony here closed snd the case wss given ... ih. .urv. who rendered a vordlct that deceased csmeto ber desth by ill-treatment received at the h.,u nf bur inietrea.. Ann Mehan. Upon the rendition of ibe verdict ihe accused was couiinlucd .0 prison-bail being refussd i box containing 11,000 lo sliver, was stolen from on boa.d tha itsamer Mononghcla. some whore near KLuhanvdls. Ohio, an SattBday IsaL It oeiongea to Mcosrs. Holme. d Co, of Pittsburg Interior vi,le boards, piuiU ami M-.ii.Hi" p'lour Itoaids i,ii.uiBH,iu i;n. pi-ior Itoar.lM- , jda llo.ios Scantling lUCli. it""gh l-'lcaiu d W. O. illid. rotiih mm. " dressed " bai rcl R. O. Ulrd. imi'll " ,lr. .-sc.i Ailto lleadinu, ' tjominin ! I'onun.'t 1 IlLAts's" large IMuAS. H. K. i'eas C. a Nuts Sl'tiAK. New (Me .us l'.,rl'i Uico lOI'l'IMC. St Domingo ilio Java I. aguria Cuba UOliASSKH. ,N'ew O.li iuis tlulia caryo, none in uiarkel r SALT. lionairc Liverpoo , per sack N. K. Rum Common 3ln Vhiek:y Apple llrandy BACON Hams, N. C. " Western nominal Sides, N.C. " Western Shoulders. N.C. " Western DOMESTICS. Coiton Yams Coin n OrnubnriiS 4-4 N. CSIu-elings FLOfTH. Kuveteville Canal a 1 60 u 2 b0 1 10 t 2-1 iU -li ,i 1 M m 1 1j fit 774 Co Ht 20 . 22 3 0.) id i l,U m 5 W ir. ro m 11 to 12 l (J ' U UlJ 8 r .o i,t . . o ( I'll 4 f 7". a 8t) 12 or. 11 1)0 13 .0 11 u w 3 j0 i 50 : UCMAnKS OX MARKET. Tui.iTiNX. Sale, of 945 bbls. Turpi.niino wrr. made .nice '1 liut.doy merntng last ut 81,S3 per bbl. for Dip. and 1,10 fur IIird. 'I .. 653 bbls. Tar were dispossd of ut $1,30 per barrU.' . . . ' Ro.ik.300 bbls. common Rosin mm .old at 63 cent, per bit." 160 do. No. 2, sold al ?e per. bbl, a lot of No. 1, do.' sold at f 1,75 per bbl. 11 lot of No 1, extra quality sold nt $2,25 ptt bid. Spirit. TcarxsTina. -Some GO bbls. Spirits Turpentine brought 24c per gallon, bbls. tlj riot re turnable. . Hat. 230 bale. Hay, were dicposcd of at GJc per hundred weight. Staves. A email lot ofdawd R. O. llhd. staves brought $15 per M. HiADiso 2,000 pieces Ashe Heading were sold at 8D per M 7,000 do. do. do. for which 9j per M. were offered. Timber. 1 ruft ut So and 1 do. al 37 per II mea surement. SnisfiLEs. A sale of ln,000 Common Shingles was uiuleul $2 per. M. Pea Nots. A conniderable qunntiix of Pen .11ia were disposed of yesterday, the b.st qii .liiy brought 9!i els. per but-hil. NF.VV YORK MARKET. Nov. 21. The sluok market to-day is dull, and prices have been drooping. Trearury NoteG'sIHf n Ull. Coupons lljj. Exchange on London 8J a Gj. RI( ni y cty. A fair hnsiiirss has been doinj; in Flour, and iho market raihcr In favor of buyer. Tho s ilos amount to 11,000 bids, nt 34,50 a 4 G3 for common Western and Siaie brands j 5,121 a ao,2" for GurinrSsee ; nnd 5,25 a 5,37 for Southern. Corn Meal 3 . 3,064. Rye flour 2,95. Holders of Wliont nrc asking higher prircn, which prevent large operations. Sales of 2,300 Lush Gen esee ol 1 22 i red 1,01 a 1,03. Corn M In less de inund sales of 1G.O00 bushels nt GlaG2 emits for mixed, nnd G'J a Glc for yellow. Outs 40 h 42c. Rye 00 uG2 cents. Provisions are quiet. Lard is slightly declining, bbls Gjc. Groceries nro steady j sales of 400 hhds. prime N. Oilcans .Sujjnr ut G a 0Jc per II). Molasses iasloady. Rice U rather heavy j small sak-s at a slihi decline. There has been a furtlur declino In Cotton, with a fair business! sales to-day of 2,000 haU-.mil 10J ctr. for fair Upland) and 11 foT fair NVw Orleans show ing lc per lb. decline since yrsicrdiy. Whisky is rather dull, saks of -bbls. at 20 ccntj per gallon. Freights nfc fJcady. Coiton to Liverpool cent per Hi. Naval Stores. There is no change In the market for Tu 1 1 n 1. 1 i in-1 a sale of 5C0 bbls. North County was maue ut 2, .u per u in. ; anu e-au v-touiii Car olina) Virgin dip, on private lernis. Tho sales of Spiriti Turpentine recently, together with about TOO bids, taken wilhin 3 days ot 31 a 32 cents, cash, have materially reduced tho sto k, nnd the market is firmer i;t li i e close. Common Rosin Is In moderate rupiest, with stlis of I G00 libit. Wilmington at tl, delivered. 111 d 200 North County, 80 cents, in y .1 -tl j a small lot Not 2 waa sold HI 11,50 per bbl. UOSTON MAKKI'VT. Nov. 10. Hour ond drain The b maud lor Flour is moderate al prices noted Sal' rday ; sules of (ienineo common brands nl $5 37J a 5 50, Ohio nn I Michigan common brands at Jj 25 n 5 37 ; Ul Lou 18 common at S3 25 11 5 37$, nnd fancy nt 85 50 n 5 75 per bbl 1 extra brands range from 80 a 6 50 per bbl. A good portion of ll 10 receipts are gi in into More Corn continues dull, nnd w u havo only to notice niudptale sales of yellow at 05 a GBc, us to ; mii.! wuii.) iiua ini.e.l al Dae per ousli casli. Oata continue v t ty dull. rroviiiont A moderate demand foi all kinds al the tat. s 1 1 1 1 1 c t d Saturday. lfi 00 lo I'M 1 2 l'!1 13 tO 10 Ou 05 75 5 4J rU 9 101 a, 121 J 11 00 i to 70 61 bl 91 11 13 111 111.I. 95 23 28 30 10 6 7 6 Cl G 14 7 0 0 o 0 a a 0 a a a 30 30 3'2 40 C-rn Meal lion- Hiitter.". Cheese lleoiwax Hay Soup Fenthors - LirdN.C. Lime--- nominal 00 62 on is 7 20 65 41 35 ft fO m a 0 m m A 8 EG I 7 El 1G 71 61 S 50 1 85 a 5 2 9 75 6 10 PHIL DF.LI'H1.V M ARKF.T. Nov. 21 The stock market Issieudy. Treasury note b'a 111( a 112; Pennsylvania B's 69 n 89 . Flour is steady snlen of 700 bids, al $5 for com mon bran.la, and $5 1 2f fur better quality; corn meal und rye (lour t3. .SiileH of about .1 000 bimhcla of wheat at 1 04 a $1 U7 lor ie.1, ami 1 12 a 11 15 for white. Corn is quirt sules of while in 59 a 60 ecnli", mid yellow 02 a G3 cent?; oats 29 n 32 centsj rye 62 cents. A steady business in provisions mess pork 110 75, and prim. 93 75. Lard C( a 71 cents In barrel" and kegs. The grocery ninrket Is steady sele. nf New Or leans sugars ot G a 5 cents pur lb molasses 2G cents ; rice unclianged j Kio cofTre 10 a 10J to 10i tenis per lb. The cotton market is quiet not much disposlilnn 10 opt rnte until furthor news irrlvcs from Europe tho tendency of prices Is lo decline. hii-ky ie selling st 26 J a 27) cents per gallon. There Is a good demand for tobacco. CHARLESTON MARKET. Nov. 22. Cotton Ihe transactions yesterday reach ed 2700 bales, ss follows : 69 bsle. at 0i 1 653 al 16; 166 al 10 I-I61 213 at 10 3-16; 87 at 10 ; 76 st 10 5-16; 428 at I0 1 and 1111 bales at 10o. Prices w ere depressed, and rather In favor of buyer FKEIC.IITH To NEW YORK. Bbls. Turpentine, Tar snd Rosin, " Spirits Turpentine( Rice, perewt... Bales Coiton, " Yarn and Sheeting, To PHILADELPHIA. Bbls. Turpentine, Tsr snd Rosin, " Spirits Turpentine, Rlcs, rer cwi. Lumber, per M., Butos Coiton, " " " Yarn and Sheciing, pir foot, 30 eta. GO " 12 " 11 00 60 " 30 " 50 " 12J h Ili.iS 91. 6 cts. BLANKETS AND NEGRO CLOTHS. rOR.Vl.byfi4fl HOWARD 4 PLDEN. T Nov. 24 1919. ,07- CANTON FIRE CRACKERS. OEV O by Nov. H SEVENTY five boxes, just received snd for sale 4 . niiitinsvK v.-. 107. EAILUSTRAIL A SUPERIOR .'tide for restoring sna uuuu.. fying ih.ht.fr, for sal. bv Nov. 24. - Journal and Aurora cop. 107. ALE! ALE!! BOXES l.le Ale, fo, DaPEDEtf. Nov. 24. '' 50 FEATHERS. . Cif BA03 Faailiera. just wcrtvd,.nd for sale by ZV ANDERSON LATlMfcR. Nov. 21. 107. MULLETS. fc m; "as . . 1 1 Cm mmm ba 1 O uuun- r'x,r' UM Howard pedkn. Nov. 24 1810. 107. Mrxs roRK. 100 "S?- Nov. 2i. rvW4 gf ixclusloo bom me viiurca 01 vnnst VI' t

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