POUR. ,; ' r, I. "l n RBLS. soft Mesa Pork Bi)La."ii.uriiuik, , 40 " Cilir dj. do. Fnranloby .- 7y- b.uossirr & brown. i. w Nor. 24 107. HUSli POTATOES. ; , 5nBBLS,lrUhPo...jeby pv Ne,24. f : LONDON " PORTER. 1 A C4SKS Pints and Quaria best DroWn Stoaf, 1 U for aale by HOWARD 4 P EDF.N. No,v,,24, io. , CIGARS! CIGARS!! 1 A ( i ( ) CHOICE Clirar, for sale a t J- yJ-'$J- J Manufacturers prices by HO YARD A PE.iEN. Nuv. 24. 107. SUNDRIES, RECEIVED Per Mary Powell. CM 0 ICED Bert; Uolouna Sausages i Pickled O Salmon, ,o. I Mnckarel ; Albany Ale; Rchncd Cider; Ciaiifud Sugar ; Cldir Vinegar. Kor sale by CARROLL 4 FENNELL. Nov. 24. 200-lt BACON. BBLS Bacon Siitee, put up in bo Pitiful or- 10.100 Ins. Notih Carolina, assorted ; 26 hlids. Sides and Shoulders, Vctrrn. For mil.-l.y DkUOSSI.T & BHOVN. Nov. 24. ll'7-Hw . PRESERVES, &C. ( R A N 1 1 Kit i t I'.'S, li.e.:rved Peaches; Pr. sirvrd i, j'l.-iirij ; I oinatii Calf up ; Ciuudy IV u in o ; I'.ckl. s, as :o.l' d ; K.-.'lia!i liy ('! . fui tale tv l AltKC'l.l. f- i-f.nm:i I.. Nn 24. IDT It LAUD. "I V"()R TH Caiolina Ltd, in bncla prlmeqiiility, ' IN for a ile ny ANUKil&iON .u l.A'l I.V1 Kit. , Nov. '4. 107. FISH. fV' oxi:s saidincaj UJJ I OU " l.nbrter i I CO" Salmon; For .ilc by HOWARD & 1' EI) F.N. Nov. 21. 107. CANAL FLOUR. 11C Ill'LS. i 'an.il Flour, OBSJitcd, Riippi fine, Alt F.xlrii, anil PrvuiiHiu i SOIiafbbls. do. Just receivid, and lor snleby ANDERSON" & LATIMF.R. Nov. 21. 107. pin vm itT iir-vnr.iT it aij k a m. a. iu m in em DO. frcMl Uooaj' Berries j J 13 ' (in rn Kiwyp G ' ' (Jurr.inte; li " " Rulmrbi 5 " D.iinaons j 6 " " (;heirits 6 " " Blue Betriea; Kora!eby HOWARD & P F.I) F.N. Nov. 24 1 b 11). 107. SUNDRIES. Iryr KF.US Cn Na.la, bi-nqualiiv; I O UK) baiidliot; 15 0I)Ib. Cilue; J ii. Iil'n Sperm t 'and lea ; i I uIi'b Tallow do Colli iii 'x .sonp and (Stnicli i ( "ider Vim g'ir in Imricla ; I. oaf Husur, black Pepper ; I'owdi red hLjiir ; Ten, VVrappinu Paper i Oininy B ik i" Ac. Koraile bv ANDIillSOX i I. i IMF.il. Nv.2l 1-49. HIT. SPIRIT BARRELS, 2 MO 'Rf5K "I(' sl"f'a Turpentine burtels, )J In fi:ie Older, just fi reived, lor sale bv DeKOssf.t t h::du N, Nov. 24. 1 07 - 3 v . CANDY. 3' BOXES l!;iiininie refined Canciit s, mauled. ' jiiit received and lor ?alr, by Di.RUSSliT A F Kf i i N-.V.24 l07-3w. CANDLES. Pl-'KM, Ad linantinc and I'allow (" a idles. nior O led. For mI? by DsROS.SKT A BROWN. Nov. 24. i uT -1 r BUCKWHEAT! BUCKWHEAT BOXES new bulled extra ; 1 1 V '! bill Foi tale by WM NF.FF. lot;. Nov. 22- JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED rpWKI.VK rr.ius, aaoTiid ('roeknv, which I -L oiler l iw at wliolcsjle or rrf.ill l..r c:iU ALEX. AlcKAE Jr. lOli Nov 22 PICKLES. 1 ORT toxn aoi ltd Pick Ire Sntiri r ti for " by ALI'.A. Mc. AK. J i . Nov. -li. 106 GENESEE FLOUR, , HALF bbln. Kstru. le by v M. NKFF. )0ti Nov. ?i. BACON A D BUTTER. 1( M it I LhIS ' B.ICon Side.; JVAJl I.OCOIbi of aQperlor iMieon Ham ; 9 Keaut benl Ireah, (inrhen Uultri Jot rccetvo-t and fm sale low for enh. at OEO. II. KK I. LEV'S Nov. 22d. I0o. NOTICE. 'piIR Subacrlbor olfi'ra tbe balance of bin nork X of Morcbanl Tallora BOoda,Conaiting of r.,iljr mide Olothing, Cloiha, Cuaimera, Veatinya. Trim ming and supurnne ahlrta, wIioIqmIo end retail fur one week; If not disputed of at private aele. he will then otf r thj above artlclea at public accilon Aa ha ta dciunnlned te dltpoae of the whole etuck In thia lino ha particularly call attention to a few piece of euperrine black French Brood Cothe, twilled and plain, black da. Oaaimere, am) Doe aktna, which have been purchased thla (all. which will be oliered 20 per ci leu than can be purchased In the town of W ilmintften. V. R. PIERSON, Ag't. 1 am under the neceatltr of aaylng to ell those indebted to me. by note or book account thai furthe Indulgence can not be gretiied. , V. M.PRiaSO.N. Ag t., Oppoilie Dr. Bellamy a, a few doora baiow .Mar kat airce t. NOTICE. N.TICF. la hereby given, that application will be made to the Preeidcnt, Dlietura and Com peny, of ihe Bank ol Cape Fear, at tb uplmtlon of thro muej'ha from the date hereof, for the Issue of a certifn sts, of two ahaiei of the stock of aald Bank la the nam of, tbe undei signed, In lieu et one oi mora, for thai number nf aliarea luai. . T. GARDNER. Nov. 1$, 1949 10J-Uw.3in. tl lilM HI THEATRE, NOW OPEN THE LARGEST PAIN TING IX THE WORLD. HUTCIIISCS' Grand Classical Pa iorarn4 of theseaatidahoreeoftlio Mediterranean, depicting all the grand, beauiifulund eublim scene ry upon the classical ehoree of lha Old World lor Li-atiy four thousand milt in extent. Thia great herculean work haa been on exhibition in Beaton. Mew fork and Baltimore tor the Inat 14 months, and prunonrircd by the public and press to be by Tar the most truthiul, comprehensive and magnificent Pilo ting vr brought out in those cltie. Adiniaelon Bli cents. Liberal orrangcmcnls made with schools and parlies. )oo a open ntG o'clock. The Panorama will com monco moving at 7 o'clock precisely. Saturday af ternoon exhioitiou at 3 P. II. Nov, 20. 103-3ip. TO STOCKHOLDERS IN THE CAPE FEAR & DEEP RIVER NAV. CO. tp,,m TJi fj president und Director In iho Jfeffifitli aoove Cenipniiy have laid an Inatul ysasgsbi ment of I2f put cent per enure on the subsaipiinnnfihe Stockholders, to ba paid on or In lore ihe I5:h of December next. The underaiuned willbein Wilmington enrlv In Jan unry next, for l ho purpose of accommodating the Slackl.oldcrs in tlru place. B. I. UOWZE. Treas'r C. F. & l H Nov. Co. Nuv. 20. Citron, and Jour, copy 2t. 1031m NEW YORK Furniture Warehouse, JUST RECEIVED, pirffh. A.J. lpllo..t and Alarlc from HW YORK. Ci Fk neh Bed.-io.ids t 6 I Sidel uboard Burtnua ; 6 I'oliwhed Black Walnut Tabic? H In ny 2 M'ilirfj:ii-y do 6 DicuMiiH lluieatia ( 4 Marble Top W.,liBlamlt ; 2 M.ihoony do. j li d iz. HbKk W dnul ( Miairs - new s') W ; 5 ' Fancy Muplu do. J M.ipl' d.i. 1 ' iil i Cr.idb'S ; I) ' Kocvintf t.'lia:i. ; 2 - Wa-li MuniU ; 1 " Hieli Children Chairs ; 4 " Low do. d i. J It irb is I II iil i 1 HUic- do. j U,.ibre!!.i standa 1 - Al.iHras . s j ..(I Bcil-tt ..di. All wli wi-lt l hiiv Furni:iiru of a tuperlvrijunl itu. at I ,w niiees, nr reiu. sb d to jiivc ii" u cull O. it W. A. G'A EK. Nov. 2. ltt5- RICE. nt' SKS piio.r nil ihl). lor fnle 1 V BARitV, BRVAN T d.-'ADAMS. Nov. I'J'i IOi. PORK AND BEEF. r l HHt.S. Mi -m and Pi line I'oi i. ; ')t II) half do. F.iniil) Beef; 5(K) lbs. SejuLid do. 100 Pickled T.'iim ; h.M in eivid and lor s..le by W M. M.FF. Nov '.'.'. JUST RECEIVED, PER SCHOONERS A J Pi lIOSSIM'vt ALAKIC 1) I-1 ! K I N S It. l iiiaiil tJ.islieii Uul.ir ; O I bin.x. iVai , lor pic-ci iny j 2 h id-'. P. ii lii itieu Su!hi, beautiful ; 13 boxes (ileum! Pepper ; 2i On sin iked Saliimn i C. i bli Lii-h I'ol itoea, dC ,ic. Low f r culi nt Ihe ',"elv Oioeery Si ire. (il'.O. A1YERS. Nuv. .0. '05. CROCKERY. IUST received per . hr Alaric.n Inige af f oi m.i ni of 'i ic try, for Family ue, of all d ascriptions. For s il. i.y IlUIVrtULI (K IXUI'..'! !63. Nov 20 BACON AND LARD. HAMS :in.i Sides, pi line quality ; Liul in bble Just n-eeived per Rail Knad and furn.l-hy ANDERSON tLATlMF.U. Nov ;!) I 5 LIGHT! LIGHT!! t() sl'M EHS ol Pine-OH can be lurnished by my V7 mi in. i eiy Tuesday, Thursday and Nalurdny; a'g i, l all limes al ilic torio! S P. Polity and A ( '. Evans und B'oihef. h;iw's corner. A tl VANI OKKFI.IN Nov 20. IOi. FLOUR. Ii BliL.. ol exira Canal Flout; 15 hail i. bis. ' ' " L-.w fur cish, GEO II. KELLI-.VS loti. Nov 22J. PORK. ' P WENT Y b.irr.lscil) Mess Pork, for s.ile by 1 ALEX. Mc.lAE. Jr iOu GROCERIES. 1 kHIIDS Pott,) i leo and St r.ox Suar , SO J- v bais Ulo Laguira and Java Cull, e; lOb u rels Clarlhed Siik ir iO nols. and hah obla. be. I family r'lour; 20 hhls Irish Potatoes; " kegs prim Goshen Uullnij tOh xoa No. 1 and Ktr So .p ; 25 boxes Candles, assoited. ALEX. .ill. A A K. Jr. Nov. II 1949. 100. SALT. IIFTV large sarks Sail, for ssle by ALEX. McllAE, Jr. Not 2.', log. FEATHERS Of BAGS Fealhcrs, jtisl lereived and fn- sale by ' ANDERSON o I.ATIMEH. Niv 20. 105 luYi ! i Q( If HALES suue lot qmlliy Maine (lay dally wcpecled lot ji, by WM.M. HARRIS. Agent. Nov, 20. io5. dpi inilH II ' 1 1 ; ,ij III. W Hit Jll I,' A, C, Evans & Brother, DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. ; Excba!:so Building. '' Wltmli.gtbn, Xo. Cu. i "'. j ; WHOLESALE DEALERS In ; : J Drugs, Helcct Medicines, Paint,1 Olla, vVludovr Glaaa, Dye StuOa, i si ii:niimery, Fancy uood, I'atem ;E Mcdlrlncs, Varulah. Old Llquora mm and Wines, Havana Clgarr, Kc. ReapectfitUy announce to Phyaiciant, is f Wl have commenced an xcliiaive Whole sale busintea In the above articlea, tl -i i j , -I.-,, i. f nieirum slant, wncrc biihii c imnrehenflve stock, oi the best esloc- tionafrom the Norihern JJarkeK. Inquaniiiltssuittd to iho trade. In :hh NEW ENTERPRISE, we r.rc dctcrmlni ! to bestow the mot-t cart ful at- tutiiloii. Bulitvin the lesourci'B of that ponl n ' of tho Slat'?, wli eh, with the proper Induce-"' incniH, m'iglit. wiih n.tiat convenience trade at I thia point, will warrant iheundeT'.akine; on a more1 enlarged scale, ii will our object wilh lln laciliiies we liotaess in liart'lliisf IT I i retain a liberal port ion 1 of this trade in our own Slate. The sfre.itly reduced priced, at which wc shall sell, will . nabie me purchaser In many instances to savu lh) freight and ether chargi 8 from a Northern Mar ket, will; th; ndditlonil advantage of (jelling Ilia Uoofin in a miieli khortct time. We ,ull particular nttention from Conlractora and Builders to our slock of PAINTS ANDOIIS wlilrh will always be large and warranted of iho In si niiliiy We have (he vailoue colcrs gruiir.d ftoin nvjleii ii I under our own supervision. Lin-eid. I. i.ip ( .VI ichim ry Oils, may he had Pure and at low prnas In firth i that we may be fully tmd rslood. we up. pend for the guidance of llioso interested ihe pu s- TTT Refine I Alum, 5 ceni pt r po n " Sallpi tre 9 " " " Copperas - " " " " Kpsom Sulla 4 " " ' " Glauber " 3 " " S.ll iiatlis 7 " " ' Bicari ISod i 10 ' " Flowers Sulphur (i " " " Castor Oil per dor. SI a 81 Blue Pills, i pound jar SI 00 ' " Ent;. Slanders 1 10 lialsoin ( oipaivu, Culi'liiel in bulk. " 1 lb. b .tiles, tiyd. poiaa", per oz. lii d Ihirk opt. Yellow " F.ssences Peppeimini, Ac Oiive Oil.qis., pel iloz ::7 1 7i 1 M fill 1 no P0 :u 4 oo Sands Sarsapni I. la Towneeniia ' S3 per iloz. Smuv nes S in up of U ild Cherry. ) , , Wisiersbilsam " etc, ore. Til above oods are wsnanted lre and ol superior quality or may be relinned at m exprnse. Our tenna urecntiii or .-.liort linn for a, I rovd ci i dit. Nov. 15- 101 FOR SALE. C' I'T Nails, nssorti d j J .Shot, a lull assortment; Packing Yarn fiom Italian Jute nnd .Sunn. Hemp. W. BROWN. 100. For sale by U Nov. !' NOTICE VI. I. person Indebted in ihe lale fnmof G A ('. I'R A DLl-' , by nole' oi account, ale n que. jed lo si llle li e same bctwt n ihis limr i.nd ihe Tnii nf Jiitmuiv. Ira! ii. & C. BRADLEY. N ' v 17, 1 ID. 101 FOR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. '. 'I'lIK MIE A I ropper fastened, and coppered irqne JO.trs A. I A) I.Oil. (.'uinain i-raka Maiuim. will sail for the above port on ihe 2 l II I ii -1 , and c in h in 1 soi i ii I y accommodate 5 P.is senj;er.H, al 42J0 each. Apply on board I" Captain Mabtiw or lo G. W. DAVIS, Consign n. .v.v. 17. i -.::). 101 ()( )0 1 lts u lli,L' Lt;ic1' f"r -hy ...v. 17. 1 ,000 IOi G ALLONS Linseed Oil, lor sale nt W.M. NLFF's. Nov. '.7. 101 Kens and cabha(;k. 1 I'a'ilKK.'es. ilie BEST in Market, 1 JU V) Do. Fresh EGGS. Low for rash al GEO. H. Il EL LEY'S. Nov. 17. 101. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! r ( ) l.incolnville While Lump; Alto, -JC'V ) iMblnetl Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Fire Hrick, Hydraulic Cement; U0U bbla. Lime, if-C; lor sale by J . C . Ac R. II. WOOD. Conlractiiis and Builders. Nov. 17. 1 19. 101. MALAGA f JH APRS 2T! KEGS j list airlvcd. for snle by 9 J. W ll.KINSON, t CO. Nov. 20. Journal, und Aurora, copy. IOi. ELOUlf 1( HIU,-.' (I.inil Flour ) very superior A V 5'lhilf d.) fresh around. For sile by Nov -JO. HOWARD A PEDEN. 105 GRAPES, GRAPES, GRAPES. I KEGS prap- sjusi receiv jd In fine order A 12 tjiises Pi mi. 8 ; 12 do Fig r fiOOIbs Altrronds; 600 " Ilnxd .Nuts ; 500 " Pecan do. And all olhrr vail- tics. For sale by HOWARD 4 PL DIN. Nov. 20 105. C 0 R D A G IT A N D C II A N D L E R V JCSTrec-ivrdpirSehr. Aluilc from New Votk, RutSiu fine Yam Boil Kopu all sites " " ' iSiandin It iging kern 1 (o6inc 20 Rales eitralOakuut. Hand lims, hand b ads, Lanterns. 4c. ,&c. For a Irb) HOWARD A PEDEN . Nov. 20. ICS A CARGO OF SACK SALT. Dally espectedfroni l.lvcrpooi, p?r Schoeucr Jane. ) t YVs -CKS Liverpool Salt ( CAJJ 3')0 fine Blown do. in large half bb ached ark. For sale by J. Jt D. .UcRAE A CO. Wilmington, N. C. No. 13. 102. BRICK. ,)Q jQQSUPERlOil quality, daily expected oiaaliby M ,1AKRHS . Nov. '.0 luj. FEATUERS. (Y LUS. i ack Country Feaihrs, for sale by AJ f-iJQHX C. LA1TA. j Nov. 20. " 105. 125 DOLLARS REWARD: RANAWaY from iho lulsciibtr, uMi'ira t uVcombe county, four mlt. Norih of Tel not De o:, andiibout a quarter of B mile from ih Railroad, on or sboitt the 2nd of Mfp'ernburlasl, Ids negro man named HARRY Maid Ha'ry t about 40 yrare o age; 5 iWt 5 Inshea liiffti, or therouboutHi yellow cumpitxion ; stout built ; liaa a acnr on hl left lejt, from the eui ofn axt haa very thlcli lip; eyra deeo.unk inhiahaadi forehead very square ; tolerably loud voice ; haa lost one or two of hie up per front teeth, and has, a y dark pn oa hla jaw, BppoeMtobamark.' i Harry is n Carpenter by trade, and haa hcn In Ih employment of ihe Railroad Company, in whose eervice be was when he run sway. He la will known along the line of the Kund. It i siippnat d that he haaobuliied, or will endrnvur to obtain, firopr.peis from a free colored man living in oih Comny, by ih name of Moms lUorss, and assume Ma name, in order to make hie way to a free Stale." Tha above n gro wion.?e th.i property of Mrs Copajje, i,f Ederoinhe rouniy j afterwards he fill Into the hands ol Aeicl Farmer, from w hom he was purchiaed by Mr. I! iriies, of said county; fiom whom I purchased him about six years stto HewiM U certain to alter bis uninr ; proGubiy rail bimwdf Hiirry Copnjjo, Fafmer, or Bums He w.ib lisi heard from on the I lib September, ort the Newbirn Road, about a mile and a half from W ilminglon, in quiring the way to pi- Sound. I will (rive the ahivn reward lo any person who willdeliver him i im, or Indite him in any jail In the Slate ; or One II mulled Dollais il lodged in any ' l jailout of Ihe S um, so that 1 can gel him nain All Captuina of Vessels are cautioned against ta king away the above negro under the penally of (he law. GUILFORD HORN. Kdgecoinbc Co., N. C, Nov. 8. 100 3t-w. TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH!!! (Vfj.ntrf, I'luTirtd. HrpiitiUttl, F.xtraclid. and In serted )i JirN ar! Cold I'latc. I ij J. K. Ki:V, ll-hllHl. A V hia operntfne Boom, East ul (,'urolinn Ilnlii, J L Corner of Sei oml and Market Blu ets, w heie he i'. Mies all who have ticca) ed Trill, eturvv, oflci: ive bn utli, odonialjiia, oi any cf the cataloj.ac of l .mi! it , which lheoi(;nn:' of mnsllcalioii art In ii lo. All op. rations w.irranietl to t'e salitfaction, oi ilie money will be relumed. I Nov. 6. itO lyc. ! BUTTER AND CHEESE. fi Boxes No. I Cheese ; -1J' li 10 keea iiri ne O.ishen Butter : Just received per Schr. Alaric. and for s-ilebv I J. HATHA A oi .SON. Oct. 19. f.'l. ALBANY ALE. HALF bMs. forealu, low, by 8 WM. IF. 101 Nov. 17. SALT! SALT!! 2,000 Nov. 17. BL.SIll'I.S Tuik (..le by Island f;aii f' I W.M. .M'.ri'. 101 i t r.( KEG-S as!"H Cut Nail", for WM. Je l,v NLFe. 1"! N.-v. 1 FOR THE LADIES. I IfF. have jun r'ecived icr Schr. Lpeainirc a i V ne a- r' vie of I '. i niii,' I) i esses, Til re a I Li ci , II role Slurla, cxire . sUo of Grass rik'ils, Inland Di eist , a fresh iss ni in nt of colou tl .'lantii ai n du -ed prices ; line K H': lllanketa, Bnnneis, loi'j; .ir.i! i;iiaze Shawls, a frt a I vn r ii I y, wil h a ;:i i u I ma ny uiiii r ai lie leg it.o iiumeious to ! en'ion, S ,v D. TLLLF.R. A qn it ns.ot tnieni o Genisnnd Boy t 'loi ni; ir. nlwav kept on h md, which will be Sold very cheap. 6. &, D. r. Nov. 10. 101. SUNDRIES. ;; m;i; S NAILS ; 50 S i; h.i!! Gmif-r, .Spl i Shot ; 20kr-s P. ", Pepper, iNulme )J d.r Cloves. .Mal, asaiu, ie. , Ac For sale by ALEX. SIacRAE.Jb Oct. II. t? 1 AND PICKLES. 41 II LF I I Is of Kxlia Fulluii .Maikel Ueif; bbN. Mess !h i I ; 3 half bbls. of bi Lew for e ish at N.w. U IbIO. -i Gherkins Pi -1. Irs ; GEO. 11. KELLY'S. lo. FISH! FISH!! 311 LF bbla. A. I. No. 1 Muckt :t : I ijenier I half " ' f nlinon; K.is of Mackerel nnd Salmon ; L-iw for rash at GEO. H. KELLY'S. Nov. 1.1, 151'). 102. . C. II. LIPPITT, HAVING REMOVED to the store lale oerupied i,v Mcbs s. AMlliRSllV mid VOI.M;, und kn iwn as ihe AVDEilSfJ.V SPORE, is now rect iwne a j;enera I nssoiimenr of DIIY (;t)OI)s, HARD H'AIti;, I C'LTLKHY, it. I adapted to th w m's of ilie lown and countrv. I C II I. resp-cifu ly invue his customers lo r n-I ilnue llielr trade wilh iilm al his new atand, he won I , also, say to ih" customeis of Messra. Anderson ft ' Yoiuil'.' that having succeeded to thrir husiocs Slarfl (T-iiev liavi: junc oul of Ir nle) he is d si- 1 rous of miccci ding lo inelr business al), and t-t - t Ib vi's he c .n ofT r inda-cmrnls for ihrir old rn" i mers idt .! lib iiiai Thry are respectfully invi tedtocad and exrnine his cools end j nle lor Ihtmsilves. U llmi U'lon, N. C. Sept. 5. 73. FOR SALE. ! THE HOUSE and Siore on second St. Terms rasy. The Store at present oc- . i pied by J. K Curry. Apply to 111 3SEI.L A Nr. . Ullli K. Nov. 15, 1C49. 102. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner A J IX Rosf l 2Hhds. of best Polo Rico Sugar, ib!)la. " Crushed F..r salent QFA) H. KELI.EVS. Nov. 17. 104. SUNDRIES. 1 2 r Doi. Boxes fre.h Mustard, Claintal. of Codfiih, 6 lbs i ice, ! lto Pipes, 1 Bui. Spetin Oil. Low for cash st OEO. 11 KELLEY'S. Nov. 17. 114. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY, 1)KR ahr. Jonas Smith, 15 bble. good Apples; 10 boxes Pine Apple Cheese; 25 " good Ch"eae, low ; 2 tibia. No. 1 Miosisl; I bhl. Salmon; 3 half and 3 quarter bbl. Msckcral; 15 boxe new Hsisins; Iibbls best brands Canal Flour ; lft half Soup of various kinds; 1 njiii patent fnlnn H aprrm Candles; 2bas Buckwh.:. ir sakatthr lowest r. .'It-le prlcesfor civh. OLO. Ml r.RS, Nov. 8. SAIL MAKING. rpilR SitHvcribne hitvlnj anlrt re-opened his old X ratnbJUIiiiicot coiner ef Water and Princess Si. one Sju ir aCtovc market St.. would inform Maater of Vc.isols In thU port and the public generally, thatv he intends keepin on nan-1 a st,cK ol the mat quality of Scutch Ruasy and Cotion Duck, which he will sell at New York retail price. All woik to hi line done la the ntif action of hi employer or no payment required. Call ami e . KOBERT8.MACOMBr.il X. B. A good aecond hand Foreeail for sale. Nov. 6, 1919. 99-lyc. NEW DRUG AND TIIEaubacribcr will oprn, about the iSih of Nov. rleat nliheN'ore fnrmirlyorci: led by M'.avra PLrr o:i A Kelly, on the North side of Market, between Front and Mccond stir., acninplete arid select assort ment of ' IIRIKJH AND MKMCINFH. the drtnllaof w hich will luin alirr rmrv fully appear in another udver tlseiicnt. IU soli el is the p-itronnge ! I'livlchns und thi. pnhll.: generally, and I iviic a rail fiom l)i ni ns well as from Country i'Vvdi: -una uiiil uiln n h ho may leniiirc urtit it in lib' line. C. DiPRE, W i,iin;Mf.n.N'.C.,Oct. 2, 1S13 llt-liii. LARD. (BBLP prime ) sil. by . Nov. 1-5. N'.(J. Lard, jut 'eceivrt! ami for ANDEuSON LATIMER. 101, SILT! SALT!! SALT!!! 5,000 I'usif I C ir-rs' Si. Martins .SALT, chr. I. un'iitiiie, daily ;X pee ltd per and for 'ale by DAVI.S. iSov. 10. IiH. NOW ON HAND AT THE OLD NORTH STATi; CLOTH DIG STORE. The I.arsist Aasdrtmcnt of Huperlor J Hoiidy Made Clothing i F.vi r ofT. r. tl ihis side of ' Masnn and tixili's. As! brit-t til-n i ion ol thia MAMMOTH STOCK, ! Wi; -.a ire ! i V.-.,is. 'o ih, ihey ai" lb.) I' la i ii ami n'ni iti able Dr. n and Fro k Coats. S.llill ( ar:!'- v w i r, ill pai tir.ular aitt n!ion -ni i vei y b si soul In the lj. Si ,ic , Imsitli a ! I'ancy Silk, CasKimen . Al-n Merino,! IIoiiiIi-jmi c. ,.;.. &e., an c:i.les v ji lelv. I e iMiiii, Il iysanl Voiuh- ,'loili'ni;- A-"i ir!mtnt eomjilt fe. j Our P. mis. -To iliUanlcle we would ask paf'tcular n t ii n i i .ii. lor who lias riol hal jipi e.iurtu lo mid la nil wnii ins i aiior. on nu.-nant ol Oil lilni' t'anls: ! or ye irs did Sco'l. rv III l'aiiaru la u n l ii Co. n y In vain to procure r fails! when al last they did i uectt d and now oikr thai very sjine lo Ilia G.nls of Wi nilnirloii and vieiniiy, and guarantee thehaml somrsl fi'iin.T Pants ever sold in Ihe "Old N. Slate." Ilosi. ry.d'lo'. s, Ciant", Slocks. Silepend-rs, Sus pn.d. laid-, lldul-., Siik Nlijlil Caps, (iinzc. Sha ker an I Meiino S!iirls and Drawers li'dng in the montlilv lecrlpt of tin- .M w York and Parish Fash ions, any improvement in style is adhered to in all amides ol iv, ari.itf Appnrelsold by J-Cnti, Keen ACo. Pb'ei A TaaMs.- OurTerinsnre f'A!SH, and in prices challenge ihe world, in s lllng tho same qirol i'y of Gaods. ".Small Pr.ifils and (iuiek Sales, ' shall be lhe,l)Ulfuo;le;u;llii., SCOIT, KEEN A CO. O;:f.30. 9-.I. I MADAME CLEMENT j ISP1 ;TFL'LL Y Informs the Inhabitant of I 11 V this t iivn Bil l Ihe adlolnlnir Counfir. ilinish will he nappy to iccoivca small iiiimber of youriK I 1. 1 lies, wli ise pir nls mh'ht reside at a dislancr: Ibis wo.il I be a liesiraiile home for cllilJrrn deprived of ihe careofa molher; they w iubl hiveall ihe aJvarilagrsoi a school, combined wiihall inecoin- I jris ol ho ne. rnis :invablefn adv incc. ti i.iricrtv. Fui board andc L'tlucnllon, per annuui- 1200 -SIu-Ej sn: 'o l included Vi,inin.'lun, Oct J, 1 (Cliroab :i9. le copy if.) LAMP OIL, LAMP OIL. I 'O OALLON'S bcsl qunlily pnro sperm Oil. 1 JKJ For sale by HOWARD it PEDEN. Nov. 20. 105. CAgPHINE AT FORTY CENTS. V PL" R KT CA l PII I N K, will I c sold from .il my wtigon an i at llieainrn of J G. Ilitimari at ruKTY CK.VrSPERC.'AIJjN. j c DuPRE. 97 tf Nor 1. NEW RAISINS. 7,-r boxes 'J :) ii.. .r - new crop ; 45 qr. " " " i received anJ for sale by J WILKINSON. Ju. .r- Co. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 'Mln P'WE empty spirit hbls .nownng 0JkJ and for e.le by II 1 !l II V a !l - 1 VT 1. i r M Nov. 3. ultlh 1 I BRYANT it ADAMS. 9J-tf. HUTTEU & CII&ESB. FRF.3H i.fpplv. Jutt rrcc(vd psr Sehr L P Smith, for, UUy Ul) V A Rl) A PEDEN. l 30. 9,. BAY AND BRICK. 25,000?,? .Superior Prick. 150 Balra 5 up. lor II ,y, daily cxpeeleu fioiu ' Wise. ssel Mo. per Schr. -lutun M. Vuting, onUloi 1 ale by No. G. W. DAVIS. 10. 101. SUNDRIES. I rn Shot; 1UU (.'oleates Soip, Surchi Jiidd'.Saerm Candles ; Glue, A'rip.'in Paper . Loaf Sujar, Ciuihed Sugar ; Ujnny Bsga.A.. Ac. Foraaiebv ANDERSON A LAtlMFR. 10. 101. Nov Fisn. 1 A BBL. an I half bbl. No. I and 2 MsekerrI IvS 15 kits Sainton and .Mackerel t 6 qil. Codfikh. For sal. by ALEX. MarRAE.Js. Oct. II. W BACON AND PORK. 1 n HUD j superior Western Side; lJ ' Hmi 60 bbli. of Mesa Tork, in atom and for aile by OEO. HARRISS. Njv. 17, I9l5t, A. GROWERS tt DROinERpr Wafcli- and fCloCik; Makers, Jcwelkn, Affile.:? Oppoilt ihe Clirottlelo OiBce, Front tne, , , WIL3IlNOrOjr, N. S.,; ;i rj. RESPECTFLLLY inform iheclifMr of. 7WX Wiiinlogionand country generally, thai ibey Butt havttakeiith Store oppoalte tha Chrenk li urate, where their personal attention will 6 givsB te -the Mpiiilng ef very dasctJuiou ef , . ! ' ' -: Watches, CldcU, Jetrelry, Plale4 tM . sure We,:';t''l.4,.y'..i-'t ; in oi widen will or cjictuicuiii sijk ui wvrsvis' ship not surpassed by any rt:;r eatatllsLmfitft4' - 't warrant' d to give entire a(i.'actlcn -,.. t, . .. In ufferingonr service to fU public;' w(i e iatlf vi s M'll a ii , til w v(l if t fri w TW mtv r w wri p -i wllland Bcontinnmloaofthe ptfrocase of , may favor us in the foregoing undcrrakirff. jt t . .. 'r ti. U. Having made arrangemente at tHe Jvorlll ? we arornabted t kee? for sale, at eie ptkrf al :x any nth;r.estalllahtnent,everydriipiloOlr GOLD , and SILVER WATCHES, fane andOtliwCleckay wiih arli Af tlnn JKWF.f.RV. Sir . titu naisr' , li.l iL.i . .UI(U aiM Mil A IA .MMM T m aValAil : ,iua to mention. i-$-'ia Whslcaal an i retail oi'dera suBnllce! tlb , shortest (.otlce. 1 . ; c Oct. lath, 1849. tt.tyl -'f NEGROES WANTED. T AVlNOrctnrned agalb to Wilmington, fortl,e 1 X purpose of purchasing a ltro sumber t)( ne grucs, and wiil rmualri here p rmanenily un iff the latter pntt of next Hurl up, tarn n Jn mnrher Nr. , pay the hiybeei Cmli pricafor Via tee, Mile err 't inalr.froni TwiLeto thirty; years of ge. Tbe haying euch properly for Sale, will flnd.tt to tbtlr ndvanit;a to call on me first, before making s tie, asiroui my I'acHiiies in selling In the Soufh J ce pay tlichli;hist price, ard for good OBnd,t'l able prnpsiriy, will not be overbid ly any In Ik bi:sli,e. .. i AlsoiindCofpers, Br'eklnyera, Tarpentera lid Blacksmith. A ci.! lot mc ai (he Carolina Unlet. ' ANSLEY DAVIS Artj.CI, 1319. . JEWELRY, WATCHES, AND FANCY GOODS: , -' -piIE subscrer befc leare to lufoilrt'.hl .L frieiul';, .inti ih puphv. jfeiieiai y, irt( e haa jum rctnrnrd ftom .the North, with an elegant ausort'nent of good In hia. line, end at extremrlylow price, ard wuuld' be happy le re el re i he. eaiis of n'l r'ieh a ore inwaatofny ntilvlu usually kept in imi;r enbllafitrif. AU kind of Watcln s, t lrk and Jtwrlty repaired in a workmanlike mai;r.r. anc -a ananied lo rcv. well. T. W. BROWNri Ojt. 13. notice. . ; r -T'llF. siibtrrller thinks hj fiats given an mfteVfiv X diligence t ' :het in hi dchi a they (.uhtto require. He lias inudr ep bi iniml that a jit motifs due lit in of li"t ant nndir, : lift remain unpaid. January Isi, 1J3J, .:'l be put In the hands of an Of ficer for Collection : ,il!o er that amotlnf, rrmainf)g unpaid, Kebrn.irv let. lW). will be aaedat the M- ! wn tarcn Cr.eri. lie rarmrtly hr-pre Ikat 1 ,n0,r ln '", wi.l not compel him id react! 10 such an una,'i us ml mode of roiirrlion. JOHN DAWROPf. Oct. 25. 91-1., EMBROIDERIES. 'Ji' WE have n reived a large lot of alsnding ti other style-, ot Collar.' A lot Of fine needb wotkt d Infant." Kobes and Frock Hodye Also. a large lot nt Lace Cnpcs, for tiii low price of II. CO and 11,73 each-- hu h will b found al tb New Snare of MYERS DAVIS. Oct. J'J. 96-pr U ASHLVC CLOTHES. IJy a rtT) lien-, Cheap aud speedy Mcthfii ' 1 rp:iK siibi-.-i'i.'r. having purchased lb Rlghtct i JL ihi Siateof N jnh Carolina, of ihla new meth' I od of wishing and cleansing Clothes, are prepared ; lo aril Inllvid ial Kiih's in families, boarding I schools and Hotels. Ills a great aavir.g of labor, as any quantity of Clothes are washed WlUM'Ut j much rifurt, In :i) mi.iutes, an J requiring simply -the ' rinsing usually done in ordinary warhtng, Mr. C Di l'RE u our authorized Agent, lor the I mwn of Wtlmineton and adjscent country; He will always have the ingredient for lb preparation on ! hand at his Diug Store. t r M.C14A O. WADDELL. I Wilmington.N. C, Nov. 3. 1J49. 63-Ins. FLOUR. Ori BBLS. Fiyrttevill,juatreceivedandfof sale ZVJbv WM. M. 1IA&K1SS, Ac't. Nov. 1. 7. UajMi BACON AND LARD. "'J 1 rrr LBS. of Superior Baron Tlama anJfi I Shoulder, 2 bbla.ol Premium I Ard. Low for calh st GEO. II KELL Nov. 13, l-34'J. 102. MESS PORK. , . City Mess Poik, for sale by ADLRitr. 1 LATIMER. 101, 100 Nov. BBLS TO WOOD CONTRACTORS. t 'K MM' I'rin stH will be received ef thiaOflW, O ii . :l a.' ir.t iiay ot Ueeniocr next, for tDectv hve y, at tne S(aii Packet VVharf, in tuapbice, vl IT fi 'c 'ids of goo I Plue Wood, i r cur .-tors indrn ling lodeliy-v wood eut froui dead trees, will please estare in their bid, j J. E. LAWTO.N. Steam Packet Agent. I WilmVr.lon, N.C.Nov. 8, f849. 100-Td. DAILY EXPECTED. . C OTl CASKS Thomastoa Ltme, fottale V flUU BARRY. BRYANT sM Alt A Mi. Nov. 9. - it-8U PAILDEVERE & CO'S' HIGHLY eencentrated Ftsrnces for flavoring r Ci-aina, Paitiy Cowcctwuart Souf . Hash es, anU n.de d-ilicsf i 'cry kind. For sale hw by hO'AABD dk rt:oi:N., Nov. 6. nsn, fish, fish. ; JU-Tr.ceivsdlrom B-'a-on, fresh Mackarrl aed"" Salmon .n i and hslf bftlv . ouvter bila Kite nd2:bJxecs!iH Hei rings t '.5 Quintal tol Fish For sale lowly . IlOWAilD & PEDEN, -. Nov. 0. COFFEE-If 3 haga Rio aad LrfOtr. " . SUaAR-iobh ta. audbbaa, best Petto P.U9 FLOL'tt-Cinal and Southsvsi, owned.-. RICE New Crop, ft sh beat. J POKK-7i b;.ia. Ntw Yoth City Vm. 8 A LT-3,cVH) buahrls Tutka lalen d. BACON -Western, and North CawUea, Powder, Shot, T, Land e, - Nails. t , .. 't sal by ' lsROS SET BROWN. Nov. 9, . xv9

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