THE COMMERCIAL, WILMINGTON, N. .C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1849. ' boNCLIDEJ) FROM riBBTFAGE., overweening fastidiousness, one innocent should tome to scathe and harm." , I took passage in the steamer Richmond fot Albany, and waa 17 hours in porform ina ihe trip, which was then considered a short and quick passage; the fareSdol There were then but 3 steamboats in the United States ; in fact tho world, viz : the Paragon, one of Fulton',s experiment boats, which was lying in ordinary, resem bling a fish coop painted yellow, with perpendicular slab sides. The Richmond, an improvement, butresembled nn ordinary brig with rounded bows. The Chancellor Livingston, the same in structure, and had been but recently launched, not having performed her first trip ; 9 milea an hour waa a fair average of their speed, the sharp cutwaters and long; hulls are more roccnt, and better adapted to speed. There were fcbout300 fellow passengers and it was rto me altogether a novel and interesting Previous to selecfing a berih, we had to enter our names in a book spread open on H table in the cabin. Just above mine I perceived tho name of Anron Burr. I had seen him many years before, as he passed through Fayetteville, on a visit to his daughter in South Carolina, and a dignifi ed, respectable looking man ho then was, dressed in black silk ; his eyes and hair jet black ; keeping himself much aloof at Dc ksyser's tavern, where he staid ; did not mix with company nor eat at the public table; he was the perfect contrast with CoL Washington, who was passing through Fayetteville at the same time ; with portly form and long hair clubbed and dangling down his back, his good natured counte nance beamed upon all ; he greeted nnd was greeted by every one, and when he took his departure next morning, a crowd gathered around him, he shaking them nil cordially by tho hand, and bidding them adieu. Not so wiih Burr, though many eyes were fixed upon him when he depart ed, no one approached him, and he wend ed his way "solitary and alone" tohiscarri- age. I desired a genueman io punu oui iu me Col. Burr among the crowd. He point ed to a little man on deck with his hands full of newspapers, talking with much assumed amenity to several gentlemen who stood around him ; his onco dignified and respectable appearance was gone ; his hair was white as snow, and fell careless ly about his face ; ho had lost his teeth and his eyes their lustre and might have been well mistaken by his grimaces for a FrAnr.h hnrber. "Quantum mutatus nb illo I" Since I saw him last, he had slain Hamilton ; been an exile in foreign coun tries ; a solitary wanderer on the earth ; de spised by, and despising all men; brought w; shame and ruin Blannerhasset's family ; been arraigned for treason ; had felt the pangs of remorse with all its concomitant horrors; high minded and proud as he had been, no wonder time with its scythe and hour glass, had made such inroads on his person. "High minds of native, pride and force "Most deeply feel thy pangs, remorse ! "Fear for the scourge mean villain have ; "Thou art the torturer of the brave " ' Just above Hoboken Ferry, on the Jersey shore, in fall view of the river, stood the Ihe monument of Hamilton, which had been erected on the spot where he had been slain. As the steamboat passed the monument, one of the passengers exclaim cd, there is Hamilton s monument. I was looking Rt the moment in the face of Col. Burr, as he was talking to the gentlemen around ; that moment a cloud seemed to pass over his countenance ; he ceased speaking and hastily retreated to the Cab in. 1 went .to the door (which stood open) to observe him ; he was silting alone in deep nllping on oue of tho settees ; news papers in disorder around him, one of which he held firmly, clonched in his hand rum pled and disordered .There. thought I, sits a living and in- struclive monument of fallen greatness, of misapplied ambition, a miserable melan choly wreck and derelict of gmiu3 ! The scenery of the Hudson has been so often described by abler pens, that 1 would be carrying Coals to Kow Castle to at tempt it Suffice it to say, if there be more beautiful and magnificent scenery m the world, lam ignorant of the fact, that's all. lie who can look with cold indifference on the majestic highlands, the beautiful cities and villages that dot the borders of the lifer as he glides cheerfully along, and not cry all bail ! I to the Catskill moun tains, immortalized by the slumbers of old Rip Van Winkle ; is like one having no soul for music, "fit for treason, strata gems and spoils." When we arrived at Albany we found all classes discussing the merits of the errand canal, which had been projected by Devil Clio ton, for connecting Lake Erie with the Hudson ; the firrt ground of which had been broken a few days before we ar rived, just' above Albany and opposite the city of Troy. This great Statesman and benefactor of his.species was every where then ridiculed for bis supposed wild pro jects ; cannonaded with all the hard names that those infamous projectiles of mud and dirt, a prostituted press, could cast at him , Caricatured in the print shops; posted in .. thi barber shops ; ridiculed in squibs and pi grams ; a stranger to his merits would bars thought him the most egregious fool alive luch is tbo tax in our republic, n man pays for hia eminence, levied and ex acted without mercy ; such the ingratitudo of men towards their friends and benefac tors ; but why should wo . wonder at it, since they nailed to the Crucifix the ba viour of their kind? n . 5 1 set "but in a - stage coach for Uallston Spring. The Sans Souci, and other hotels, were filled to overflowing. y uv.,. comniodations, at what was called a pn- vale bouse, though thero were at the time 70 boarders in the establish mom ; uwumg there a number of Englishmen from Cana da with their families ; and a more disa greeable, impudent set, I never fell among : they occupied every day at meals, the head r ,h tr.lft nnd keut entirely aloof from tho Americans, making within our hearing, ill natured remarks on the Country, and : every thing appertaining to it. It will be recollected it was not long after the last war, in which they had been so dreadfully beaten both by sea and land. A liltleFrench man who was of our Company observed "no wonder Jean Bool so sour, de stripe on he back no heal yet." They appeared by their conversation to have been acquainted with noblemen only, and my lord such a one,andsir such a one was continually on their lips. One day at dinner, a stall-fed florid looking fellow asked another, "And how did you leaye Sir James Yeo when you saw him last." '-In very good health, most excellent health replied the other." "Well," continued the first speaker, "its a pity ho had not taken that old rascal, and granny, Commodore Chauncey." Now it will be recollected that during the war Chauncey commanded tho American fleet on Lake Ontario, and Sir James the Brit ish fleet, and that the latter earned for him self by his tact of running from Chauncey the title and cognomen of "flying fish." and could never be brought to action. An elderly quaker gentleman from Philadel phia, who was sitting with his family to my right, seemed deeply agitated ; eleva ting his head, throwing down his knifn and fork, and looking the Englishman full in the face ; "friend," says he, "I perccivo thee and thy companions are foreigners, partaking the hospitaiity of our land and people ; if thee were gcntlemen,thce would comport thyselves with decency and respect; we have long borne with thy insolence, and borne it in silence, because we did not wish to disturb the crood fellowship of this house. Thy nobility with which fliee seems so in timate. 1 presume are iikc tnee, as a man is known by tho company he keeps ; then permit mo to say, sir, thy breeding seems very defective, and as thee has failed to learn good manners in the primary schools cf thy nobility, we commend thee to our free and charitable institutions which nre accessible to every vajrrant, and where if thee be teachable at all, thy manners may be improved ; I tell the thy insolence shall be borne no longer, and if thee repeat it, 1 shall not be answerable for ihe consequen ces." I lie n.ngusnmaii ai nm looKeu nag gers and ratsbane at the old man, but cast ing a glance down the table and scanning our firm set countenances, and calculating tho odds against them ; looked at each oth er, curled their lips, threw up Iheir noses, and prudently withdrew their forces within their lines. There was every indication that the seed sown by Obedia's essay and lecture on good munners, had not fallen on stony places, as the gentlemen took special tare not to con tinue the mixture, nor give any more off ence during their stay at Ballston Spa. one of their ladies even graciously condes cending to enter into conversation with Mr. Robertson, a memberof congress from Lou isiana: The conversation turned on the late war ; Mr. R. taking occasion to comment rather severely on the cruel policy of England in employing the Indian scalp in knife; " and pray, sir," says the lady, " did not your President employ the Ken- tuckians airaist our people ?" "I plead guil iv maditm savs Mr. R would you like to see a specimen of a Kentuckian l " " No obiection in the world." "What do you think thev are like?" "They are a kind of - j " s avasea, are they not?" " Anthropophagi and men whose heads do crow beneath their shoulders." There sits one now, "pointing to judge Johnston, " a fine specimen of humanity " Why" "says she, you dont tell mchal's a Kentuckian ; he iooks very mucn nice a 0-flnilftman : are the others such V bven so madam, pretty much alike, though thero are much finer looking men among them." " Well, I confess, I had been much misin formed; what o'clock is it? just 12 1 must retire to make husband his glass of toddy," and she tripped away. I remained in this locality about a fort night and moved onward to Saratoga. Here I found a number of my friends and acquaintances from Wilmington; among others Air. O and S. who had coins on by land since my leaving home. who gave mo some intelligence of my fami ly, and maile mo feel quite at home again We returned lo New York about the 1st September ; spent 2 months in tho city, sig'nt seeing ; visited the Theatre, there then beiug but. one, which stood on Chat ham street ; saw the tragedy of " Hamlet" badly perlormea ; vjoopcr nau gone to Eng land, no first rate actor left. Pritchard, Hopkins, Robertson, Simpson, ana Mrs. Barnes, being most prominent; Baw the first representation in this country of the tragedy of u The Apostate;" the cast of character was most fortunate and appropriate PUcara Pritchard ; Hyinea Simpson ; M alec Robertson. It had a triumphant run of many nights in succession ; it was indeed an excellent and most popular performance. Pritchard excelled himself in I'iscara, and fought the Corioli battle of his fame. VIATER. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. L. P. Smith, from New York. rn BEDSTEADS, French and high pout OU 14 doxen Chairs, various kind. For aula by J. D LOVE, at ths Rock Spring. Oct. 30. vo. SOAP. OQ BoxesNo. 1, direct from-Manufactory i ' CO 1 " Extra. Forsaleby h HATHA WAY & SON. Oct. 24. FLOORING BOARDS. 1 0 OOO fFERT i ,nch floorin bonrd8' Nov. 8. 100-tf. CANAL FLOUR. A ( DDLS. Superfine Canal Flour i 4tiV GO do. euro Superfine do. 30 hlf. do do. IS bbls. premium extra do. Far sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. Nov. 10. 101. PERFUMERY AND S0AP& LARGE assortment of Perfu-nury and fancy soaps J UBl opened and foi mile by J. VVll.K'lINSUXN at, L.U. Oct.20. Journoleopy. 98. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. !M FT Y" barrels assorted Brands. Forsnlc by 1 J HATHAWAY 4 SON. Oct. 18. 91. DISSOLUTION. II E co-purinership heretofore existing under tho JL a I lyle and firm of CASH WELL c blossom, is thia day dissolved by mutualconscnt. ihsaltairsofihe lute firm will be sullied by Jo soph R. Blossom. DAVID CASHWKLI.. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Wilmington, Oct. 20, 184. 92-tf. GRAIN STORE. JUST received 5000 bushels Corn ; 600 do. When Bran, Onls. Peas, ll.iy, Meal, llomony, U .rsc nnd C iw feed , Klour 4c. Korsaleby ELLIS (f. MITCHELL. July ba. preservWandTicrles, brandy fruit. Wdoz. Jars PickU-s : 16" " Brandy Peaches; 6 " ' Preserved " 6 " " Apricois presorvtd j b " " Limes j 3 " ' Glnner , Finn loi of Pickles in kegs. For sale at J. WILKINSON & Oct. 25. Jour, copy CO.S. 94. WHISKEY, WHISKEY, WniSKEY. BULS. Whiskey Just n'Coived and for snln by -feU HOWARD fc .1'hUhiM. Nov. 6. 99. FAYETTEVILLE FLOlit. "r" BBLS, up. Flour, for sule by AfJ JOHN C. LATTA. 100 WHISKEY. 10 10 bbls. ltion Rum j 5 ' " .'jwan'' Gin. Forsaleby ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Oct II. 85 FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! f rPHE subscribrr t 1 solicits of the l examination of liii respectfullyi the public, an us New aud licautitul Stock of Furniture, now being received at his old and well known siund at tho Rock Spring. The slock is fully equal if not superior to any th it he has lilthtrto received, in sip ganceof style, neatness, and beauty ol finish. The prices will De low, as no proposes 10 neii lor uumi. The following articles are jusl leceived, per Brigs Emily and r rancia Jane, vli: French Sofas; Mnhocnny Nurso Chairs Tetc-a-Tete do. Children's do. Marble Top Bureaus; Phin do do. Ttilet Tables ; Lifcttt Stands ; Grecian Washstands; Plain do. Plain do. Centre Tables; Caid do. Cherry do. Pino do. Cane Soal Chnirs ; Rockimr do. Secretaries. Sewing do. I Sideboards, Ac. Complcie sets for Bclrooms, each set consisting of a French bedstead, urcssing Bureaus, rvaan mm Light Stands, Four Chairs, a beautiful article Al so, sevorul cheap Wardrobes. JNO. D. LOVE, At the Rock Spring. Wilmington, Oct. 9, 1819. 87-tf. Chronicla and Journal copy 4t. DISTILLERY PROPERTY FOR SALE, rpiIE undersigned is desirous of disposing of the X Distillery Property lalcty operotea ny jeweu Co. There arc 4 stills, all in p-rfect running order, and every thins in and about the premises conven iently arranged. The properly has a front of 330 ft on tho river, with a street C6 ft. on each side ; a con slant and full supply of fresh spring wotcr running directly into the tubs; and indeed every facility for conducting the distillery business to the greatest possible advantage. This establishment may, with very slight exponse, ue convert inio an extensive Lhur Distillery for which, there Is not smote advantageouslocation in the United States. O. Q. PARSLEY. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 13, l49. 76-ti. TEA AND MATCHES. rPF.!Y Boxes Young Hyson Tea, and 60 Gross L Matches, justreceivrd. For sale oy RUSSELL 6 KEiNDRICK. Cct. 9. 97. SOAP, PALE & NO. 1. 1710 Blue, small boxes i wi ndow uiass i English btone Jars, small sites; Mess Pork i Liverpool Sack Salt, ground & Blown, t Virginia Manufactured Tobacco. approved alxes- including dwarf, Bxoa. Forsslaby R. W. BROWN. Nor. 8. I00-Gt. WRAPPING PAPER. PEPPER, 3 Ginger, Small bags. Pimento, ) Coffee, St. Domingo and Marlcaibo. Candles, N. C.TsTlow. Judds' Pslent. Forsaleby 11. W. BROWN. Nor 8. 100 Gt. DOCTOR 15. A. KENNEDY, DENTAL SUIlOEOJr, . . Graduate of the Baltimore College' of DENTIL SURGEONS,- v rut- BEGS leave to tender his professional rf ' services to thcitions of Wilmington ulltYfJ tnd public generaHjr, on locating him- ell in IhJs place. He It preporeu w perionn an wp !Vinn. in hfs profession on tho latest and most ap id Drtnolpfel: Wrruptibla Artlflclul Teethln K Kffite rom one to ancn.lre aet. Whole K flavin made an Improvement In thiam;.de -f1 ninriin teeth, he confidently rccoromenoa Ol Inserting leoiii. " ,..: ,iA Thamnhi by .J . i.h romibrt, and cannot be detected frcm the ZuZ cih . Kr.citag,iclaulBg, and plug.-lng Ac d. neon eclentinc principles. All operations faVranTed 6 gift - jl SuteT 9 by. ny op.r.lo.n tto Up' ,ed & ate. . v LaduBs aitended a. their residences when neccssa- omcoJfoTmnrly occupied by Doct. Ware'a. mar o, niH E subscribers Jiare opened Hooks V ' 1 ina .ubacrintions of stock to the W i rnlngton A Msnchester Rail Road, a. the mmtrcuU nan. n a PARSLEY, muv A 1 A VLOR. Com. HENRY NUTT. ) 58 if. July 31. STEAM PACKING, HOSE & BELTS. Ci P POLLBY, Agent for tho Boston Keltlng .'. , ...iii imm ironstiintlv ort hnnd, nno tilZio kinds oi Belts, Hose, a,l Steam All orders punctually anuuucu i. June 30. 1849. -."IS' ,, JJ . 4G-lf. TO RENT. i&iLrruiAT lnrrn Brick Dwolling House, on I mb.,i nnvunrciinicilbv Mrs. Wade. A. IHUintiD..,"'"- . ' . .' r Possession given on the iai aay o! uewud next. Apply to qb JOHN D. BELLAMY. Wilmington, N C, Ju'y 24, IW. FOR RENT. fTTT17 Wharf. Vnrd nnd Ware llwo at present 1 . .... ... D.,, f,n. occupied by tne ineronanis v... , P,...umn iriven on the first of October pany Possession next Apply to at FayeiteviHe 75. Sept. 11. TO RENT. rMtOM 1st. October noxt. tne residence r of Mrs. Polsson on Market Street. .For terms, apply to GEO. DAVIS 81. Sept. 25 THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL life imnm mn RALEIGH, N. C. THE above Company has been In operation sine the 1st ol April last, under tho direction of the following Officers, vli : Or Chas. E.Johnson, President, Wm D. H.iywood, Vice President, Jam' s V. Jord in, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Ireasurer, Pcnin Buebfe, Attorney, Dr. Charles KJ ohnaon, j AM;M board I),. Win. II. McKec, S VmuUlllionv Dr. R. B. Haywood, J J. Hersman, Gen'l Agent. This Company has leceived a charter giving ndvanlagcs to the lufcured over any oiner uon pany. Tho 5th Section gives the Husband th: privilege to insure Ills own life lor the sole use of his Wife am) Children, ree from any claims of Ihe rep rcsenlatives ol tho husband or any of his creJil- Orgmizcd on purely mutual principles, the life nu mbers participate in th" whole of tho profits which nre declared annually. Besides, the appli cant fir lilc, when the annual premium is over Q'it nny pay one half in o Note. All claimsfor iiisnranceapnlnsl the Company will he paid within ninety days afier proof of tho dunlli of the party is furnished. Slave are insured for one or five years, at rates which will onablc all Slaveholders to secure this clues .if nruiM'rtv n?uint the uncertainty of life. slavd insurance presents a new and Intercslin If. f.-ninrn in the historv of North Carolina, which w prove very important to the Southern Slates. The last four months operation of this Company shows a very irgu amount ol bu-uness more llian the Directors expected to do tho first year having nlro aily Issued more than 200 Policies. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAS. F JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, August29, 1819. 74-tl. WILMINGTON MUSIC SCHOOL. Mrs H. WHITAKErl'S MUSIC SCHOOL, will commence again on the I3lh of the present month. at her School Room opposite the Episconal Church on Market St.. when and where slw hopes to receive the s line liberal encouragement nureioiom ex tended lo her by the Ladies of Wilmington and ihu surrounding Counties. Her terms are 2CI per Ses sion of five months, on Piano ; $20 for Guitar. On ly $30 will be required wlicro a young lady tuki's lessons on Piano and Ouiur. One lesson will be given to each Scholar every day. She aUo Keeps constantly on hinl nnd for sale a large selection of .NEW MUSIC, for Piano and Uuitar, which she receives from New V"rk month ly. It. Will l AKIMt. Wilmington, Sept. 4, 1819. 72-tf. SILT, COAL AND MATTS, 3 A .4C Sacks Salt. '.0 Tons Liverpool Coa ,U't)and 30 dozen Mails per Brig Tartar from Liverpool, for sule by UARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. Aug. 14. 63. DOMESTIC GOODS, &c. A VARIETY of Domestic Ooods, Prints, Ker seys, Hlankon, Cheap Cloths. Cssimervs Sati nets, ilardware, Hollow Ware, Groceries of vari- ous kinds, Cotton Bigging, Sto , Ac , which will be old at reasonable profits. W. O. JEFFREYS. Ocl. 4. 85 COUNTRY MERCHANTS, PLNTERS,and others visiting Wilmington to buy goods, are requested to call andexamins my stock and prices for any description of HaisorCaps. My arrangements are such as to be abls to furnish every descrlpilen of Hats and Caps at ihs regular New York wholesale prices. C. MYERS, Hattor. Sept. 29. 83. BACON AND PORK. Cft BBLS. of Mess Pork, 10 hhds. Sides in stors, Jvapply lo GEO. HARRISS, 18 No. Water Struct. 93-tf Oct. 33. SALT I SALT!! fi iWi BUSHELS of Coarse, Large Lnmp frvAA 8 1. Martins. Apply plf to GEO. HARRISS. Nov. 17, ISiO. 103-31. BOOHS OPEN. J mm HOOP IRON. k FULL asiortmentofthi beslbrsnds. For sale l)i-tf. Oct. iv LIVERPOOL SACK SALT. C Kl f Sacks Liverpool sail, in nan oieucn ,OUU ed sack,just fanded and in atore. For sale by UA RRY, BRYANT f- ADAMS. Aug. 18. : vu. rftiu mil;! ! qAA TONS of best quullty reaasn senrenca joai put up expressly for lamiiy use, ana iot saie fViU if. 11 A IV IV All. Sept. 181. HOTCHKIS'S VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. W BRANSON is Agent for tnoaoovo vvneeis in this place , He will take pleasure In showing thsCasiings toany person who muy uosire lo see them There will betounaatnis omcea suppiyoi Wheels. Cranks or Qudgeona.otall timea fot sale singly or In pairs. UlDec. 7. 1818. 113-lf-c. J f erBBLS. of superkrf Qlue, for sale by ZD RUSSELL & KE. DRICK. Oct. 15. JALT. Bushelagood Alum Salt. Forsalp by J. R. BLOSSOM. 92-lf. L00O Oct. 20. TAILORING!! THK subscriber has resumed his business in Wil minjjton, and will carry on tho TAILORING BUSINESS in all its rarious orancnes. i;iuiii possession of all tho latest styles, and from bit past irperienceln the business he feels satisfied that he can please the tasto ol the most fastidious. A trial la all that he asks to convince tho most skeptical. Hs guarantee all work that h does to fit, ana to oe madein a workman-like manner. !, R. ROBBING lay 15, 1848. FOR SALE 41 TUB urril& vs hid VU.UJII.IIVII1U) RATES OF TRANSPORTATION ON THE WILMINGTON & RALEIGH HAIL KOAI). RATES OF FREIGHT IJotween WllmliiBtou & Charleston. Revised July 4, 1849. Prico 25 cents. NEW ARRANGEMENT. f Mil? Subscribers have this day entered Into co partnership under the name and lirm ol V.. Si C. BRADLEY at (Jo., and will hereafter carry on the BOOT & 8IIOE HusliicsNin all its branches, at the old establish ment Their assortment will be kept complete at ull times. OF.O. H. BRADLEV. Oil AS. BKADLEY. WM. F. DASKAM. June 4th, 184?. N. H. By the above arrangement it becomes ob solutely necessary that all accounts due the late firm of G. A O. Badlsv should be settled Immediately. June 6. 1819. Jour, and Chron. copy. 35-1 f . JUST RECEIVED, AT M AVER'S CHEAP STORE. 1 s PIECES of fine superior assorted colors of V Broad Cloth. 6 pieces of first quality of Oil Cloth. 500 pair of Blankets, suitable for servants. 4000 vards of double Mill Kersey. 200 pieces of French, English and American prints ol Calicoes, All of tho above articles will bo sold at tho lost nsh prices. JOSEPH MAYER. Oct. 19. 1849. yitf. NOTICE, fPHE subscriber offers for sale, his Sound 1 Plao knownua S HANDY HALL, and several other tracts connected, containing in nil G'iOacr-s. I will sell a. iy quantity to suit pur cliaseis. I will sell 500 ucres on the East side of the Capo Fear, 7 miles below Wilmington. ALSO, My entire Crop an. I Stock ol Cultle. Horses, Hogs, ... ,i . ,j , tr,...u I.'. : Is uno aeiiH'B. uuuscuuiu anu iviiciicii ruim- turo. D. M. BRYANT. Aug 30ih,134!). 70-tf.. rIo coffee, T Sacks RioC (lee, forsaleby GEO. ELLIOT. I No, ih B Jildina, Nonh Wotcr St (Jet. 6. 86. ADMINISTRATOR'S N0TICEt 1MIE subscriber, st the last term of the Court o Pl. asmd U.ujrtor Sessions, begun and held fur New I m iver County, the 2d Monday In Sop lumber. 1319, took out In Hers ol Administration upon ih Eilate of Villiim Shaw. All persons Indebted to tho Estate, are heroby notified to corns furwardand settlo; and all persons having claims, ugainst the Estate, to present them within the lime prescribed bv law or l. lis notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. THOS. D. MEARES, Adm'r. Sept. 13. 7B-tf. BACON. A Cl VI !'BS Hams. Sides and Shoulders, 4i,UVjUforsaieby J. II A I iiaway a u.i. Auj.18. 64. REMOVAL. rpiIE subscribers have removed to the store lately J. occupied by Mr, lino. Hsrrlss. JEFFREYS ft LEIOIITON. Oci.4, 1849. 85 SHINGLES. 100,000 Nov. 8. JUMPER Shingles, for sale by JOHN C. LATTA. 400. GROCERIES. HHDS. Porto Rico and St. Croix 8ugar 50 baiis Rio, Lagulra and Java Colfu 10 lObbls.Clariliid sugar; 20 bbls and half bbis. best family Flour) 20 bids. Irish Potatoes ; 6 kegs prime Goshen Uulleri 30 boxes No. I snd Extra Soap; 26 boxes Candles, assorttd. Forsaleby ALEX. MacRAE, Ja. Oct. 11. B8. NAILS. I Sr KEGS, assorted sixes, for snlebr 1 JJ W. O. JEFFREYS. Oct. 4. $5 LIFE INSURANCE. milE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE 1NSU- X RANCH, conilnussw laks Risks on Liver, on fair term. HIJHIHAJ OVER 800,000. JOSEPH II. BL0S8OM, Agsnt. Oct. 23d ' - Mf. SADDLE. HARNESS, AND TRUNK j Maaufactory. g the latest and mosi lmprovid eiyle, ind la rci tant ly manufacturing, at hf. ..ore onJ Market Itniuht. . A'J!? A,!e?be line.'h . Z&l i..Vhu I" M'rDtidm that he Wi nnd a roth. Vh ' cnatomers, I.. !" 'P. m?yrfcor him with a tall. H h.mnn. Tl.-j i V 7'""J-ur mm wttn ata artnVenro'f U""a "'"constantly Utf, a larg Coach, Gig, and Bridles, Whip c; (Jentlemcq's uiay iiartmsi muy Haddlca Willi Ml. J " ?" I'N, IJ allof which he will warrant to be of thebest matcrl nlenof 'anSh'P' Hoh ' C2. Trunks, Vallsej, Saddle and Carpct BagB, Satclicla, fancy Trunks, &cr and tilloiherarilclea usually kept in such establifh mcnis, oil of which hcoirerslow for CASH, p, 0B shobt cbedit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medico I Bags, &c. Ac. nmoe to order. ,... v. . "fV',lnl.ind,(l?n? "h nca.ners anH viu onuuiesano Hornets taken In rnt PBNf0Rneiiu JOHN J. CONOLRY ... ' ?--AI1c.;ount8 8lai ding on my book oer .t ...1 ; " .""8.u my eooi over "",TV"' ciiorgea with interest. AH AHrer- ;Tr " " .7. u " u?BC""cr for last year will vent what would bdisuireri,hl ,n i.L "L . r,l. . L, - " """ v vu... . ,,, ,,crBons soniet rues havf to do un pleasant things In self defence. J jaorun March 13, 1849 lB3o" . . - -m ,v ' w sueii' unu nn- CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about 300 yards above the Episcopal Church. I f n wou d respect- Wllminirlon. nnH vielniiv i... .u. . ...... i.iiiitii nil. nnnn nn,. have in their employ experienced workmen at tho various branches, and are therefore enabled to inanu facturo nil kinds of riding Veh cles, In ihe la.e.t stylo and best, and would respectfully sollt t the n temlonof all persons wishing anything done lnmr ino'.a?,wo arc .letermlned (ogive satisfaction J CjT1,h n.of 0l,klndi' al8 n" kind, of rJl prices 16 noutstman,lur.'n'l at reduced .him done in w . ..M, uuu o n ir nniipn wn . . . VVELLS & CORNWALL. Wilmington. Jan. 20. j3I PINE OIL. A CURn"ic,e canb8 0b"lnedatthe store of 'I S. I'. t'OLltv. at nnv ilm or,.!..,,,,, , ,, , i . . . , " in i,c Ol iver- ed to customers, hy my man.every Tuesday Thurs day, and Saturday Warranted, good or m.mev ,1 ,. ,M A. II VANBOKKELEN. Sept 16. unuumi iu inosc wno wish lo sell again. 77-if. BLANK NEGOTIANT OTO T)LAi KNegotiaDle Notes on the several Hanks UJn this plnee-just printed In u ncai forn, fr ..u at I ue Commercial tittirA ' Itl MrCn 11 LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! Fresh Llncolnville Lime, dail fyJ W.expectet,, And tor sale hy WM. M. HARRISS. Sept. 1, t849. Agent. 71. CIGARS. Of) Don ASSORTED B,, 0f Cigars, JyVWV just received s( Mayer's cheap cash Store, which Is ottered ata lower price than cverofiered before in this place. JOSEPH MAYER. Oct. 19 1819. 8j. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. FRESH supply of very handsome Billsof Ex l- changeforsale atthe Commercial Office. GLUE. " EC BBLS. Superior American Glue, warranted. OK) For sals by HARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. 97. Nov. 1. COMMERCIAL BANK STOCK. 1 f SHARES Commereiiil Hank Stock, for sale lUby J. HATHAW AY f SON. Sep. 6 73 COAL! COAL!! enn TONS of best quality red Ash sc t) tJ Coal, put up exprcfsly for louiily schrcened use, on hand and lo arrive from 1'hiladelphla. Families can besupphed at short notice, on appli cation to GEO HARRISS Lord's W hurf. Aug. 21. 66. GUNNIES. Q An) 2. 24 and 3 bushel Gunny Bogs, in t.WwU store, for sale by BARRY, BR x ANT d ADAMS. Not. 1. truss noops. OF approved manufacture. For sule by J. R. BLOSSOM. Oct.20 OIL. r Bols. fllnachrd Winter Strained Lsmp Oil, O 6 do. uublsachcd ' Jusl received and for sale by RUSSELL 4 KENDRICK. Oct. 9. 87. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS AT THIS PLAtt, ARRIVALS. The moll from the North, by Railroad, arrives dal- l5,The maU Imfa South, by Steamer from Charlss Ofb. '-4f,,y "m"1-!- W.M. I. du. Th UUU UOm rayonuiiMs, . .1, . io uwu hum. MnnX.iL Wadnes- upoo tne arrival oi " v"i " BlM52i5',!dVr,'. -ill. .1. ITllw,tr.ion. Tm mill II om riri"'i by Sulkey, Is duo on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat- " TheM ail'fro'm Onslow Court House, by sulkey, Is dueonMondajra,tB, P.M. The Mail rrom mscs rur vn Creek, by Sulkey, Is due on Thursdays, at 6 P. M. CIAMINO AND DEPARTURE. The mall for Ihe North, by Railroad, closes dally atlOiP.M.; . t . . , . ... The mau for the soum, oy owmiiwi, at 11 M. D.i.......iAI A M The mall for Onelow Court House, by sulkey, clo se on Ttmrsdsj e, at 10, p. M . ' , The mall for Lorut Creek, by Sulkey, closes on Thurdsys, st 10, M. rte., ... , mutes before the time of closing the malls. mm m The null Tor FayetWilUe, ' "r,""i on Tuesdays, Thursday, snd Sundays, st 10, P M. The Mall for Fsyetteville, is Pl07" b Sulksr. chee on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and

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