4& ?:tTHE COMMERCIAL. . -. WILMINGTON, N, C. S THURSbAY, DECEMBER -SO, 1849. Zh rrf :;.'': Christmas ; ' To lh persons connected with Ihis establish ; - niont an opportunity to participate In ths festivities i af Clwlstinas.no Cowiuncial will be Issued on rwt- Oar adVerilslns frlenda will pleaso notica thla, and end those advenlsoments they wish to appear be fore TkMafitn the office on fVWay, thai ' they may appear In Saturdtiy't paper. AUCTIONEERS. I Mr. J. II. Rothwiu and Mr. W. A. Lakodou, were appointed Auctloneera by the Court of Pleaa and Quarter Scaslons, held In thla town loat week. Wilmington' and Mauchoster Rail Road. The communication of F. In another column, la one of the moat Important and interesting papers ev r preaentod to the consideration of the friends of In ternal Improvement, In this community especially. The facta ara weighty and ore front on entirely re aponaibie aource. The author weli underatanda the subject, and makes an appeal calculated to arouse oar citizens to action. We hope the appeal will not be made In vain, and that our frlenda will see that self-preservation and the proaperity of our town, re quire one more ttruggis in favor of this important work. EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. Raiiiom, Dec. 15, 1349. We got 4 additional names In Ruleigh, yestcrduy, to go in aa part ol the 100 in tho Central Rail Road, besides some smaller subscriptions. This makes Raleigh 10 of the 100. Guilford la still two ahead of as; but we shall catch and pass her yet. All that i yet done haa been done in Raleigh, me country bas dona nothing, but I Mill believe Wake will xtake tip and do aomethlng for her Interest and credit. Gen Sabkdbbs made a powerful appeal lo 'hem to come up to the work, but It would eeem there was a studied effort with the wealthy farmers of the coun try to keep out of the way, for fear they would be in duced to take stock. Washington, Dec. 165. 43 P. M. Received in Charleston, Dec. 17-G. 40 P. M. NO ELECTION OP SPEAKER YET. The United States House of Representatives has again adjourned without electing a speaker. Our correspondent Informs us that on the last ballot the .,' vote was as follows :-Wlnthrop 67; Boyd 67 i Hugh White 16; Porter 13; Morehadll; Stephens G; Strong 6. Stanly bus withdrawn from the corneal. "l FOB THB COMMIBCIAt. Ms. Editob : 1 see in the last Commercial, a new Ticket for Commissioners ; I cannot see, for ilia Ufa of me, why our citizens wish to make a change.. I am sure the preecnl Board of Commis sioners have discharged their duties satisfactorily, and I, with many others, eay keep the present Board. You will oblige many of your Fellow-Citizens, by Inserting thla Ticket in your paper : J. T. MILLER, G. W. DAVIS. L. H. MARSTELLER. W. C. HOWARD, JOHN DAWSON, THOS. D. MEARES, J. O. WRIGHT. FIRE IN NEW BEDFORD. Wa learn from Hatch, Grey fc Co's express, thai the large river factory, situated on South Water street, New Bedford, owned and occupied by Messrs. Teber & Co., was burnt at about 3 o'clock this mor ning. The building waa of stone, and with the ex ception of the walls waa entirely destroyed. The cause of the fire we did not learn. liostun Journal, of Vic Zth intt. . DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. The "Willow Bark Mill," situated In Flirnlith township, Lancaster c, Penn., and owned ly Mr. Eliaa Ely, waa destroyed by fire on Monday last. There were about 15,000 bushels of grain stored in IL Low, I12.CO0, of which 12000 is covored by Insurance. IRON WORKERS' CONVENTION. The Convention of lrjn Workers, held at Albany, on Wednesday week, adopted, among others, the following Resolutions : Ruolctd, That thia Convention regard i the pro lectori of American labor os one of the first duties of Government; that the history of the Protective Policy la this country is the history of the rise end growth of eur manufactures and tho triumph of American Industry ; a policy having for its object the just reward of labor and the elevation of the la bornig classes ; a policy which distinguishes justly between American labor and hall paid and half fed labor of foreign countries; w Inch remunerates Ameri can labor without injury to the cot.iumer of Its pro ducts, and upholds all the great interesta of the country by giving well-paid employment to our people, bringing wealth, independence, and happi neea to all. i Jietolred, That vfere not lu favor of an excessive duty oo forelgo Importations, but such a rate of duty ss will enable us to enter Into fair competition with the foreign manufacturer, and audi competi tion can only be secured by a system of specific du ties laid opon foreign products. THE HERMANN. The American ataauiahlp nermann, w hich arriv ed at Hallfai on Tuesday, haa on board about eighty passengers, among whom are Mr. Donalson, late Minister of the United States at Berlin ; Herr Schot burg, astronomer from Berlin, who has been ap pointed loth Observatory lo Washington; and a num ber of Hungarian , ax'Ue. Tha Hermann haa on freight a Urge quantity of merchandise, the estima ted value if which approaches 180,000 sterling, and yields lo the ship a frelgt aft lfi.OOO to 116,000, ex aioelvt of passage money or the mail contract. frmfa FpyetUt ilk IS. Carolinian. THE PLANK ROAD U W now from the cen tra aUwn, tha Market House, lo tha top of Hay . noant, and bain MurchJeou'e, factory about 3 miles :-tkhf way, making peer 4 miles soropleted. .- -. Tha rambling fa carriages an thai part of it In .own, end the solid tramp of hortee feet, will give us y it noUe to gat ased lo.- - j ; V thlak, aa 0191 Other ptorU do, that the struc lara aught W ba continued to the river i but the Dl reetora, voder tho advice of able eounsel, as to their duty, do ftot feel tsthorlied to build It further thiD ilia centra of town (the legal construction being, thai to build aroud from a town to any other point, meant from tht centre of tha two laid points), ; t Under these circutnstancos, we think it probable that the towo may build It to the River hereaftor. At least It ought to be dune, and Increaaa tho taxes on Vohlclca In proportion to tha facilities aflurdcd ihem. . : ... ' ' ' ACCIDENTTO THE REV. MR. MCRAE. Wa understand that the Rev. Cameron V. McRae of Warrenton, who waa here on a visit Inst week, and was on his return home by the way of Fayette villa, mat with an accident there on Thursday nltht which nearly deprived him of life. He was expec ting a horae from thla place on one of the steamers, and on the night mentlond, went on board the Steamer Win. B. Meares, in company wlihoneolhis brothers, to owalt the arrival of tho horae. Coining out of the cabin of the Meares, when It was quite dark, and not being aware that the hatchway was uncovered, he full into tho boat'a hold, which is a deep one. He was taken but insensible, and remain ed ao some tinio. To what extent he win injured, wa have not Icarued, but trust that he wus not to a serious degree. Chronicle. BOARD OF HEALTH. The Committee inform tho public ihst since their report of the 10th Inst., no now cases of the Small Pox hove occurred within' the limi ts of the town. They deem It right, however, to state that four in dividuals who were in the hospital attending to iheir friends have within the last few days sickened of the disease, and ns they oro the only persons connec ted with the hospital who arc liable, to it, the enin mittce entertain the hope that the disease wftl very soon be arrested. A. A. McKKTHAN, JOSEPH A REV, JAMES SUNDV, VVM. McLAURLN. Fayetteville, December 14, 1849. NAVAL ACCIDENT The Annapolis Free Press has thefollowinj: 'Tell from the tni.en topmast hi ad af the United Stales frigate Independence, Daniel Hayes, first class boy, on the morning of the 2"jth of October, 1819. He died instantaneously leaving a mother in Bnllimorc who was supported by his labor. He was buriud at Spezzia." (fob the commercial) Mb. Epitob : The action of tlio Gohlsboro' C'mi vcnlion has dono much towards aecuring the C'linr ter of the Central Hail Road and harmonizing the two sections of the State. The delegates from thia place-deserve the thanks of our citizens, and even of the whole State. But while we are urging upon our citizens the importance of securing the fj Lite's ap propriallon, and the consequent cona'ruclion of that important work, we should not forget that the whole amount (1750,000) necessary to sccuro the subscrip tion of South Carolina to the Manchester Road, him not been raised. It Is known thai the total omot:ni subscribed to the Manchester Road is about $060 000 leaving $70,000 to be raised before the subscription of 1200,000 by South Carolina, ond many of the in dividual subscriptions can be legally called for. This Company was organized about two yeais ago, but no definite action was laken until August, H49, when the Board of Directors, under instructions from :hc Stockholders, determined to locate the Road, and offer the contracts for stock. At this time the total subscription amounted lo 8122 200. Sulisrqnrnt ly tho Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road Company increased the amount $100,000, and since then 1148, 000 has been raised, principally along the iinc of the Road in South Carolina. Contracts have been en tered into for the graduation of 132-miles, and for the timber for superstructure fur about GO miles ; and the work is rapidly progressing. But until wo obtain the $750,000, the Company cannot enter into any contracts for Iron, or put one foot of the Rond in operation ; and the question naturally arises, " vhert and how it I hit amount lo be obtained '" I am satis fied but a small portion of it can be raised in South Carolina. The people on that poi tio:i of tho line have taken most of ihe contracts oli'tred, end, waiv ing the legal right to pay tlic subscription njirc yeart, hove gone to work, and will pay iht- tniibt of it in two years, or has time. Columbus county has al ready subscribed a larger amount, in proportion to her meant, than any people on the face of the Globe have ever done, and, consequently, but little can bo done in this County. In Brunswick county, but lew per sons reside aloni; the line of the Road, mid therefore we cannot expect a great increase in this County. The prcient imbtrri)ilion of the town of Wilmington is short of 1200,009, but ut one time exceeded 1250, 000, and I have no doubt, if it again be raised lo thai amount, the remainder can be raised slonj; the line of the' Road -i.ay, xrould nlm i t pledge myself to guatanlet it. Cannot a Company of one hundred Individuals be found in this town, who will como forward and secure, beyond tho Bliadow of a doubt, the construction ol :1ns work, upon winch dipcnds the succeas of thu Wilmington di Raleigh Rail Road, and the prosperity of the town? li wciuil to obtain that amount, we may ubandun all li.ipe oi ever see ing that work in operation, and the labor I'.ius fur bestowed will all be in vain. Recent advices from the Sou'h Carolina legisla ture leave no hope of a fuvoruUc actum ul tlui body on the application of the Company tu remove the restrictions lo Ihe appropriation; tin re i no pius pact of a successful negotiation for lion fur Mai j,. inK the amount of alock ; and the only .penunve presented, is lo raise the required amount l,y indi vidual subscriptions ; and are the pco.luof Wilming ton not equal lo the lurk 1 4 am swam ilut un m,. presalon has prevailed among some of ihe caa ns of Wilmington, that the only object l!ie fro nds this enterprise, in South Carolina, have in viiw, m ,, construct the work to the Pea Dee River; umi I know, too, that nioro importanco was given to the rumor because it originated with an otlicer ui the Company, whwaa feelingv and interests were ndvi rev lo this town and State; but I am equally certain, from an vUimal aequainlanct with tne people, thai b baser alander wbb never inveoied or promulgated. The people of that State embraced the opportunity you offered them to join In the construction of tin work ; they are acting In good faith, and lie w ho Ihinks otherwise, doea iheiu the grossest Injutiice. They accepted the hand of fellowship you extended lo them to aid lo uniting I wo Slates by aa Iron band, and they are atlll true and acting lo strict accordance with their profeaslont. If the work fails, Ihs bUiue cannot be Lid oo their shoulders. Their intent! leads them to desire the construction of the Eastern equally with tha Weatero end of this Road. Their object la to efL-ct a communication by which then produce cso be transported to a market by the cheap tat way. The cost of transportation on i Rsll Road, niMsmi all things elie being equal, depends upon the dis tance, and the grides, or iho load tliut can bo,c(tn veyed by a given amount of power. ; Appllriff this to the Manchester Road, it will bo seen that th dis tances to Wilmington and Charleston, from Maya's Turnout,' neor tho ceiitro of Sumter District, are equal; but taking into consideration Ihe favorable grades (IS feet per tulle) from the Great Pee Dee River to Wilmington, It may be safely asserted, that the cast of transportation, from th Junction (Man chester) to Wilmington, will bo but little, if any, greater than to Charleston. In connection with this, it should bo recollected ihtit all produce, after lis arrival in Charleston, Is subjected to an additlop al coet of drnyage,' wharroge, Insurance, &c, a i mounting, on tho great staple of the South, cotton, to little less than 50 ccnia per bale, and proportional ally on nil other uilichs. , This lea heavy llpnt, and will be entirely avoided by the Manchester Koad. ;' The merchants of Camden and Columbia will bo en abled to ship to New York, via Wilmington, til a lest, cost than by Charleston ; and it is confidently be lieved that many of ilium will avail themselves of this route. This will afford tho merchants of Witt niington, al least, an opportunity of comptling w hi. J Charleston foi most "of tin- produ'-o of Western South ('uroliiKY, coming by the Grecnvillo and ChajM lotto Rail Ru.ide. Fur the trade nlong the line they can have no successful competition. It said that Wilmington is not a cotton market. 1U TIlriPARKMAN MURDER. Tho Verdict of the Coroner's jury lo the examlna- ; flon at Boston Into the case of tha murder of Dr. urkman haa been promulgated. Tha jury after a eek's examination of witnesses, returned a verdict fiat Dr. Turkman was murdered, and that Professor Vebster should be held fur trlul on tho charge of be fig guilty of the murder. Highway -Robbery aud Stabbiug In Boston. The Boston Traveller, of Thursday, haa tha fol wing Incident. : ' " B 1 -... Richard D. Lucas, a resident of Thetford, Vt.,'cnme thia city recently, on a visit to hit brother. Yes liday afternoon he went lo Charles town to get a t ati'h. On coming back in the evening, he became i wildered and wandered on till he came' to Ann i reet, where ho met with a stranger. Hla new f lend led htn down a narrow street near by, thrust I hand into his pocket and took hia wallet, con fining gold and bills to the amount of $188 62. The t bher was urresicd, und proved lo be John O'Brien, vfll known about the purlieus of Ann street. Y O'Brien was taken lo the watch-house and locked U . Soon after Jeremiah Duley was put Into the fi jm as a lodu'cr. O'Brien immediately got Into a q ancl with Daley, In tho course of which he infiic tt I three slabs In the loft leg of the latter with a poc el knlffl. Tliu wounds were so severe as to make it haS beeh i hrtKol.ta ll,nl nr. ..r mrtt-r, .ltf...rln U'orA JMil Till Thia evil la greatly on tho Increase, and it la diffi cult to know how to meet it, so long aa the other members of the confederacy refuao la acknowledge and carry out Id good faith the aolemn obligations of the lawi of tha lend. . V , V Telegraphedor the BaUimor San and Clipper. ARRIVAL OF THE . . STEAMER IHBEIINIA inoniinif. C Brian uii hriiuVht Un for eramlnat Oil. admitted thut it is not so nt pnserit, bu: it is one of Ani ,n ,he firs, rn,0 w9s boumj ln 2S tSd in the the invariable laws of trade:, that capital will t,'0 j.lt,cr jrjoQ for trial. w hercver It inn obtain the ni"?t profitable Invest- men!; and, therefore, if col ton c:in be thrown into ihe Wilmington market, tit .1 lc.-s r.ilc tl;an lo Charles ton, men of capilal.Jroin oilier p'irts of our country, even Charleston, will commence l u-inc-s lieielni in dialely. A mifHcicnt ann.i.iit of eoti. n can Le thrown inlo this niurkel, nl lcseo'-l than luChailes ton, to create u market. Dinini; :!ie year ending first of Scplcuibur, 16-10, 27,0'JO bas w ere shipped from Chcraw, and Ihe returns tliow ilia! the C.iui di n fJrBneli had reduced the supply li nn ihe pn vi olin year 8,000 bags. It is fair, lie li fore, lo place the amotinl Ihiil would bi1 derived li iii ( 'li uw, w illi a Rail Ruud cuimuuniratiun, al 3.),000 b ii.H. Application lias tcn made foi n i h oiir from the Darlington, on the Manihesttr Koad to lite town of Chcraw, and no doubt is eiileri.iiri'-d th it it will be constriictoOfoon after the M.ineiii ei iln.i.1. 'I he diste.nce from the Junction ol tlii- K a.l with ihe Manchester Road, lo Wilmington, in 110 in! vs, and lo Chailcslon lu'5 miles ; bi in' a ciii l.atrr from Wante l'c More Indian Murders ( iio'.cia Haslng at Chlhuuhiia, &c. St Louib, Dec. 12. Dates from Sante Fo 10 the 30lh October, have been received ut this place, w hich brings further accounts of Indian depredations. The Iroops tinder De- fit- 7 DAYS LATER FROM EUKOPE. St. John, Dec. 17. Tho Slramer llibemla, which Bailed from Liver, pool on ihe 1st Int., arrived at Ilulifax on Saturday morning, but the wires being down the news could not be forwarded to thia oflico until tills afternoon. AUSTRIA AND PRUSSIA. A telegraphic dispatch received from Berlin an nounces that ihe Austrian Cabinet had made a for mojproet ogiilntg, ihe convocailon of the Genu in Parliament o prftirst', and stating that the, Austrian Gfovern'tneni hud inilmiited thoprnbablliiy of uu arm ed interference in ille aH'airs of Germany. .MARINE .NEWS. .. aattBBBMBMBHB PORT OF VILMlXaTON DECEMBER 20. HIOH WATKB AT THB BAB.- -10,59. .:- ;. .ARRIVED. . . 19. Steamer W. B. Meares, Toomer, from Fay. etteville, lo T. C. Worth, ith produce toaundrr persons. . " Steamer Henrietta, Evans, from Fayetteville, to John Banks, with produce lo sundrv persons. Putttnger$ C. S. Deming, H.. s. Harl, Mra. Hooper, M. P. McNeill, Mra. Whitehead, Miss Whitehead. - " Schr. Christlanna, Burns, for Shullotts, by Lelghtun, Chudbourn di Co. CLEARED. ': The Schr. Cnpt. John. McFarland, for Bermuda, cleared In our last by G. W. Davis, ought lo have been by P. K. Dickinson A Co. Exports of barque James Andrew, cleared on tha 18th inst. 100 bbla. Rice, 25 bbls., Spirits Turpen tine, 200 bbls. Tar, 100 bbls. T'iich," and 125,000 ft. Lu nber. 19. Schr. E. 8. Powell, Hudson, for Naw York, by G. W. Davis, wiih 1,040 bbla. Rosin, 200 bbla. Spirits Turpentine, 60 bales Cotton, 3 bbls. Peach Brandy. 2 hbK Potatoes, 46 bales Sheetings, 42 bale Yarn, I hlid. 4 lioxes, 1 Bid., and 1 cask Wax, 6 bales Kcailiuf, 8 bulcs Rags, 1 cusk Copper, 889 bush, 1'cunutrf. " Schr. I'a'mo. ChrHrcas, for Richmond, by E. J. r.ntierli.lt,Vwitii l),0fiu ft, Dres4 Lurobsr, tram' Steiimcr Clo. Graham, Peck, for Fayetteville, leumphic account Mal.'d, tint ihe ' wilh f"r S' H-f " ?""nle' 1 , ' I 1- . Fenih, I'. D. Bruce, W. 1. Home, A. A. MtKeih- The p. nnu l Prussian Government had answered the A'liiiin dispatch by declaring that Prussia would inuiiilain her rights. These accounts have b' en pnrli illv cinfirmed in a Idler lo the Loudon Miming Chnmirle, which an. ami Jlyrover. i'usf ngtrt: -Rev. H. McNulr, Jas. McKelhan, H. C .ilel.ein, l.nly, chil l and servant, G. McDougald, Jas. Melvin. mid Dr. Bond. " .Selir. L. P. Smith. Miller, for New York, bv l)oRHst'i & Blown, wit'i 41 r caska Rice, 25 bags .'as, had taken five Apaches prisoners, who had been , Hav laat Prince Schwalz. embui'' reeenily pointed Hough Kice, J.UUU nusn. Kougn nice, Dales Col- -nt to Ihe Prussian Kovcrnmrnt tho danuera likely I . u"""'r' oil . red in exchungo for Mrs. White nnd daughter. .Mr. Aubry had also ofTered, in addition, the sum of one llionsund dollars. Information had been received, that thirty-six Cali fornia emigrants had recently been killed by the In dian near the Copper mines. The troops stationed at El Passu, had started In pursuit of the enemy, but ai last accounts had not met wilh them. Three Mexicans had been killed ut El Passo on the G h o! October, and several others were reported to have been murdered near Santo Te. The Indians were daily committing fresh deprcda- n nee of 55 ; lions, and had become quite hos'ilu lo Ihe emigrants. nialed lo Prussia, that should iho case require it she to arise from u coiivix alion of iho Germ. in Parlia ment, insisling on tho tevoliilioniiry tendency to which it would uiw rise, and (lie re-action that would be felt not 'only in Auslii.i but in I'rusiia. Subsequently Prussia uylied that the had duly weighed all those considerations and that the most elevated and pressing motives ur;;ed her to pers. vcro. As regarded ihe real dangers she well knew how lo meet them. Austria has even gono n step further, if I am well in formed. I have reason to believe that Austria has inli- nnles in the transportation in favor of llininlort, ' Dates from Chihuahua to the dO.h of September, It is believed thai the Districts of limy, .Marion, i represent the cholera ns raging fearfully at thut place. Daihngton, and that portion ol " Suuiti r which is iW less than 75 io 100 deaths were occurring daily nearer to Wilmington than Chatleston, produces nt j A new fort, called Fort Barkcv, had been estublish present between 40,00) und uU.UUJ bags ; making f ed on Moro river, and Lieut Simpson had selected a 75,000 bays thai can be thrown into this marketor can be linnsporlcd lo il at a le:s eo. t ili.ui to C'liJiles ton und I think will be. builieient to make this a cotton market. I have confined myself lo Collin, because il is an arlii lo rarely seen in this market, and will do much lo swell the commercial import . nc-.: ol Wil mington. It is udiiiiitid that there can be no com petition for the Timber, Tar, Tuipent.ne, ic. wliiih now fin l their way via Lumber and Pit Dte Riveis lo Georgetown ; nor have I alludi d to the bentfii il site for a fort in iho Navajo county. FUGITIVE NEGROES. The following remarks are from the Alexandria correspondent of the Baltimore Sun. A few nights since, about nine o'clock, near Bry unlown, in Piinee George's County, Md.,on OBsaull was made upon a while man by llio name of Hubert lltonks, by a colored man, supposed to be a run away, the proper'y of Mr. Bowling. The negro man was making a noise ond behaving disorderly, I , will be lo the Wihninuton & Raleigh Kuil Road Co; ! when Mr. II. directed him lo be silent, and in return In securing lo it the j;reiit currtnt of through travel, ! he cursed him, whim he made a strike at him with and pluclng the prosperity oflhat much nbus.d en- , a stick, and the negro closed in on him with an open lerprise. on u permanent bases. Il w ill open lo Wil- ' knife, slabbing him in sevaral places very seveily, mlngton n Inrgo nnd rMp!dly inercasing market for 'curling him ihroiuh tllick coats and vest. One of llie sale oi Wtt India produce a market that tluy Hi-- "' '" '' left breast struck ono of lila rihp, lo can never hope to obioin without ilie eonMi uete, a f which circumslunue is attributed Iho saving of his (his w ork. I say rapidly inn-rasing murkd, (or believe that Iho census of South Carolina will l eii me out in the assertion, (hat no poiiion of the South- : crn Country has increased so rapidly in popula'ion i and wealth us ihe Districts in Souih Curolin.i, !,, . which this road runs, adjacent lo Wilmington. I!y reference to ihe consul, it will 1j seen i!ni Horry h is increased since liJ'J. 2 0 0 orCoj pr t Marion " " " l.tGI " 2U " " : Dailinglon 2.5o7 " i2l " ' I Clarcinont ' 402 " 7 " ' That the Districts of 1 lorry, M.iiinn ond D irlinr lon, which are nearer to Wilmington than Chaib i lon, have increased in 10 yeais 3(i pi r ci nt ; that i! e Incr-.'asc of the l)i.itri t tlnouh whieh the ro al i i.ns is 2S per cent of the whole inerease in the Si.:., while the population is but ej percent. Tins h.s been produced by improveini nn ln ihe syste;ii ,y. Agriculture, and is perm. mini nn I progressing. -With ihe Manct'e'tei Road in nperaiioti, and the e. n sequent development of the Agricultural risoiiio - ol . this country, who can I'Sti.nale Hie iuetene in loe enning ten years, or Ihe benefits Wiloungi m will derive from Railway Communication with ti.s Conn I ry, ol which we k no vv us In I lc irjir, as vv e it ol Missi-sippi. 1 think, then-fore, that th'.' prosperity of the ion ; Wilmington is intimately comutli d with, nay, de pendant upon the construction of ihis Road, on.1 tie amount requited to secure th npprqri.iti"ti of S. Carolina, and ill ice the r iiHinieiein of thu R .. lu all this region ot country we are sullering on account of the mad nets of abolitionists. Some how ' or other these fanatics gel among us, find access lo our sl.iv s, inspire them with a discontent for their 1 -iiuation. und by false and highly colored picturts I resettled to them of the advantage they may enjoy in the free States, Induce Ihem to escape from Iheir masters nnd make thur way thither. ' Tho negroes in ihis place are becoming moro and I more disorderly and unmanageable. On Wednes day night, 5th Instant, In tho neighborhood of Mr.. Jesse Skidiuore's, a mosl violent allerculion took place between a party of some 6 or 8. Their ciies ' of murder alarmed the whole neighborhood. Four ol t tic : il were arrested by that indefatigable otlicer' Chipby, und committed to the watch-house. In! the morning, lin y were firi'-d by ihe Mayor, onac- count of not having complied with the law of V.r- j rima, in gelling out a certificate of iheir registry as 1 :e lugroes ; tilt y were committed to jail. In t!ie countiy, ulso, thu negroes have become very troublesome. On account of the frequent outbreaks! among them, ihe early part of this w eek, a patrol was appointed for tho county, who on yesterday ur- ! r. ii. i i number of free negroes who h id come over li 'in Washington in violation ol tne law, nnJ wer. loitering about in the county. They were all com united to jail. O.i last night tho patrol broke in upon a pnrty ol Ire myrocs anJ slaves, upwards of 3d, who were congregated in n tent- -a resistance was made, and 2 1 o inu patiol were very seriously Injured by blowi ' ree ivid from clebs in the posses-don of the n groes .'dr. Uureli, (onu of llie patrol,) rccciviug a blu.v on h.i head, lleing overpowered by ihe negroes, and j sullering from Iho wuuudi received, liiey only ar- ' ns;ed one. In searching this place sod a few oth i rs near by, lliey found Irom 10 lo 12 guns and u ' number of pltol secured, most of which w ere loaduj. 'Iliese they took possession or, and brought to town this morning w th llie negro, who after a hu.iriug belore tha inasialrtli, was commuted to the (iieai I'eo Dee jail. These duvelo.,t,'Mt have produced q .Its an ;! to 1 Ht the o irit- ' excitement here, aud llie wonder in, wliut was In- ilie.int- I bevonil eontiiiney is sin ill -in-i ! ,-jarcd wilh the vast benefits lo be d -rived Irom it. - By securing Ihis amount, tho Company vv II 'have a capital of $030 t'O ubcribcd, and cm proceed during the year to complete the taditir, und put a portion of it In operation. This clfecjid, they can ask iho Legislature of this Slate lo o l by nn endorsement of Bonds, or n direct oppropii ,- lion to purchase the balance of llie Iron, anJ thus j compl: te the work. It is understood that lie' lloaid of Directors have i ordered the contracts bet .v i n ; mver nnu fliancnester to ue com eat moment, sj that, iaiim- li it, !y uftcr obtaining ; tended by so many firo arms being secreted. Being the Slate's appropriation, lin y can purchase Ihe ihe same neighourhood from which a number of Iron and place (hut portion In operation. The tun- i idaus ran iw.iy b few weeks since, loads to the opin ions for adopting ihis policy, are, thai tho conlrscin ion that iho gang detected were preparing their lor grading und siipeisitucture w,i!nn ibis dittimco pl-ins for further absconding, and thu fire arms were are taken and progressing niori i ipidly than ihe cas- , Intended lo enable thorn to make good thnir escape. For tho present they have been defeated, but loo much vigilance cunnot be employed by our ton and country ollicers to prevent any further such acta. Tho Kdiiorbof iho liich.nond li'pub'.icnn remarks os follows ; Scarcely a week passes that we jo not sea ac counts of the escape of slaves, which, nuxl to mur der, street fights, and robberies, forms th great i(!pleofnewspjxr Intelligence It Is evident that seciet tigsnis are al work lo produco disaffection und render Southern property insecure. Tha re mark of the tw.i negroes on bond the "Minerva Wright" showed thai they had bcon consulting with olhe's. liow camo Ihey to knew any thing of Brooklyn, or its relative position lo New York, that they should have mistaken Portsmouth for It 7 They had got their leeson, no doubt, before they started. will not hesitate lo lufve recourse lo an armed inter vention. A Russian Cabinet Council was held the day bo fore yesterday, and tho electoral law of Parliament was adopted. Tho Council was then occupied w ill) the reply lo Ihe Austrian note, and a despatch in re ply to Prince Schw.irtzonburg has been ulready sent to thu Prussian Envoy nt Vienna. Prussia maintains wi:h energy her right to carry out ihe limited federation o right formally guaran tied to ht r. Prussia replies to the Austrian despatch relative to nn armi d intervention that she awaits it. I learn also from Berlin, that the upper Chamber had declined to retain it old constitution. The pro position for a peerage was rejected, ns were ulso va rious amendments proposing o dirocl or indirect elec tion by Ihe highest nuthoi ities. Subsequently the following most cautious proposition was adopted -the constitution of the upper Chamber Is to be fixed by a future low, which must rcceivo the sanction of both Chambers, nnd will then become part and par cel of thr constitution of the country. A ti legraph despatch Irom Berlin lo the Cologne Gazette announces thai ill ' king had signed thu law for llie election of the reprc.si nlaiivcs lo the German I'uillamerit to assemble al Krfursl. f i unci:. The personal quarrels of members of ihe N'alion al Assembly have lerininsied in some half a dozen duels. M. Pierre Bonaparte figured in three or four ol ihese incounleis, none of which terminated fatal ly. Measures for modifying the C institution ore still discussed. It is now suggested to change tho Lcjg islniive Assembly into s constituent body, lo be in vested with the power of electing tho President, and of extending ihe term of his office to such periods us may obviate ihe ucctFSity of inquenl appeal, lo uni versal euffrngu. MOKOCCO. II has hrrn officially announced that the diliicully between the Flench and tin; Emperor of Morocco has been s ilisuiilonly adjusted. AUSTRIA. Austria appears satisfied with what Turkey has done by Irnnspurling llie Hungarian refugees to thu interior. RUSSIA AND TURKEY. Russia demands that the Pohsh rnfugees be rx- ' pelled from iheOiloiuan Empire, nnd the Chiefs iiu- j j prisoned, without even excepting Ihoce who have 1 embracid Mahouiedanism. i The Sultan received these propositions In a man- 1 ner that showed l lir-y would not be acerded to. A Council was about to be convened to take them Inlo , consul' ration. The Vienna correspondent of the Daily News says ihal letters fmm Constantinople mention that fresh subjects of di'putu had arisen bclween Turkey und Russia, in consequence of ilia energy of the united diplomacy of England t.nd Francs. Robin. ' Schr. Lersburg, Boon, for Philadelphia, by Dc Rosset & Brown, with 26 bbla. Spirits Tnr,ientine, 71)7 bVs. Rosin, Ii5 hubs Sheeting, 20 bales Yam, 20 bales Rags, 1G bales Waste, 309 bags Peanut. BOSTON. 14. Schr. Vundulia, Mullen,- i .-- n Clkabbd. - for thia port. WIIOLESALC PHLTES CURRENT. AYAIi STORKS. yellow Dip. W bbl. of 280 lbs. N. Virgin Dip " " prime lla.d Spiilts Turpentine- V gal.-" Jul 1 00 ilosin No. I. ic o 11 per lb. gToss. " fNo.2. No. 3. Varnish . 20 TIM 11 UK. Inferior 3 f) Euir Uuality-"- CO I UMitl llt. siT 15 AM MILL.' Wide hoards, plunk und scanning 10 00 IS 0 o A O 0 A A 1 0 2 05 I 10 20 1 15 1 00 75 22 Kloor l.oittils-"' i,umiu:h,uivi:k. Fluor Bourds ldv Hoard .Scantling KICK. Hough Cleaned S'I'AV li!. VV. O. 1 Hid. rouili..nono-'- " " dressed " " batrel II. O. llhd. -ough . " " dresx d- -nom.- Ashe Heading, -iiiNtoirK'. Common ,'onli act - Hlch's" large ti:s. It. E. I'cus ,'ea X Ills slICAIt. New Oilcans iorto Rico i COKKKK. .-it. Doiiiinijo llio lava I.ntfiiria Cub.; ,OliASSKS. NfaVV OllellllS t;ubn, scatce, i VI, I'. lionairi l.iverpoo , per sack Si'iHWS. . K. Rum Coioinou ;in lltK Appln Uiandy IIACOM linins, N. C. " Western nominal- Sides, N.C. " WiHtern Shoulduts, N. C. " Wostern l)t)M KSIlCSt. Cotton V .ims Com n Otmiburvs 4-4 A. C. .shcolings I'l-tM It. I1' IVelevilio Canal Con Meal Co'ion-..- nominal Iluttcr , . Chceso Hecsvvax Hay Soap Feat here l.ird N. C. I. Imp- 12 00 8 75 5 00 5 OC 11 CO 14 00 75 3 00 11 00 10 00 B UU 16 dO J 00 6 00 4 60 60 3 1?, A 16 00 A A 11 00 A 11 10 A .... sv 10 00 3 60 3 60 1 00 4 OU 4 00 Gi A 70 75 A 95 6 A 6 4i A Qt 9 A 101 A 11 124 13 11 m in .. A A 25 24 A 25 85 A 28 A 30 28 A 30 30 A 32 A 40 10 A 6 A " 7 a 8 6 A et 6i A 7 6 A 6i 14 A IS 7 a 7 6. 7 00 62, 60 15 7 20 05 w 7U r in 9 VV 7 65 67, 62 25 2 9 75 6 'et 76 tern end ; that it pasnes through a more populous sod hmhly cultivated country, and will cuiiSv-qucmly yield a greater revenue ; that it can be put in operation with a less expend lure of cash (the .S. Carolina Company agreeing lo place their Locomotives und cars upon il) and lhal il will inspire confide nee ut home and abroad In the enterprise. The Directors in adopt ing this policy, buvo consulted the bisl interest of tho Company i but I have no doubt, If the 7'ww of Wilmington would dcvlsa Ihe meam for completing (he Koad to the Grral Pee Dvio River, iho policy cuuld be changed, and ihis portlonn put lu opera lion. Is il not worthy ofnn effoti I The foregoing remarks, were written In greol hnsts i but if you deem Ihem worthy of a place in your paper, you havo my permission lo insert therm From the Montgomery AUi. Journal, nf Saturday Intl. ; BURNING OF TUB CAPITOL. ! On yesterday about half past ono o'clock P. M. the i State Houso was discovered to be on fire under the roof, near the Rotunda, and In fw hours Ihe lxau ;iful structure, with the ncepllon of a portion , f iho C0MAIECRIAL. walls, was level w 1th the earth. In reference lo iho origin of the lire, a mystery crisis which we cannot at present fuihom. It Is reported by some to have caught from one of the flues this, however, is hard ly" possible, as the flute huve repeatedly been tested by the building committee, and found In nil respects eorrect. The Stale, we regret lo learn, had uu insit- KUMAItKM OX MARKET. Produce of various kinds still aontinue to srrive fr.uiy Nival Stores 4 further decline In prices i tinea our last report, . Timber yery dull and as yet no sales to report. Staves ara also declining In nrifiii , anlna pmial.lHrntilv ln IhAn mat rhAriM River Lumber i we ara not BDDriscd of anv salrs af this nrilcle. Snles for iwo days past have been aa follows, vis : TcBPBKfint. soma .uuu oois. were d snoa. do i..k..iM!.. Tk. r I , .. I . 1. . i . a. a,. .... . .lu r. rvi- - - 1 A , . a . . a llllllQvn hiv wii,imi. ..w .ww,.,", , , HI tl,HV' IVf i tl uyj,. ,vi IIIU II lUf l,IU )1 II ..,. I ,l...,.,.l. 1 . 1, ... ..... I t, , r... ,U. I...., .... .t. . slon, which will ruquiro sevural days' work on the i made, some yet on market. part of iho clerks, Ac, to put lo rights. There need j Tab. A lot of 335 bbls. was sold at 11,10 par bbl. hi however, no sorloua inlnrruulion to tha business and another lot of 4 13 bbla. waa sold it 1 05 nr bbl of tho session, ns convenient fni udequate rooms ' Inst sale. will this day be placed by Ihu citizens at the disposal j Rosin. - S'o sales lhal ws ara apprised of. of both Houses. The destruction of ihe beautiful I Spirits Ti'spsntikb. No sales, rather waver- Cnpliol Is a great calamity lo our city. Wo nie not : Ing, or looking down s tittle. V , i . . . ji. r.ii- m ba r rs . f s. . a Art . 11 per M i soma 17,000 VV. O. Bbl. Stavea, 110 to II per M , tha lowest figure, was Ihs Inst salt mads Laid. New Laid setting worn varies 7 a per pound. Fbisb Poaa.-Selling it 1 lo fsper lb., tee or Ing to quality, 10 ii. DIED. In Ihis town on Mofftiay last, 17 ih Intt. Ur Dtx: unit Mott, S.r , aged about 76 years.

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