"Live Turkey from 50 to 65o, cleaned it 40" to" 96c "each, and aomo, from 8 to lOo per pound fowl from 10c to 20o. ; Eggs at 20c par doico, quick. - Markcta per the nibernla. r Livtarooi Deo. 4 There la no new feature In ' mercantile affaire, The produce market haa ocen ateady, but not active, .'j 'w' V Cotton la dull, and holdera, fa the absence of de mand, have reduced their prlcee fully id. The ealee of the Week amount to 19,000 bale. The com- mjtleea qaotatlona are aa folloVa Fair Upland and Mobile 6d( Orleans 6d." The Grain trade la very tame, and holdera would Willingly accept reduced tatea. " American Flonr tells at 23s to 24a for bcit Western Canal. Indian Corn Is In very fair requests at 29s to 29s 6d for white, and 26s 9d to 27a for yellow. Console are selling at 951 to 95J. Ruslan Bonds -nave advanced, and are now quoted at 1091 to 110 NORTHERN MARKETS We omit, as. usual, our report of the Northern markets,, lllf the effect of the foreign no ws Is ascer tained. We do not look for any Important change. "Cotton may be somewhat afTec tod. In JVW York there is very little Spirits of Turpen line In msrket, out of distillers' hands. This arti cle Is held at 38 a 40 cents per Kallun. each ond 6 months. In Rosin, No-1, at 13,25 a 3,50 per hbl. ash'end6 mos. In Tar and Pitch the sales have ri kighty eoski now Rico sold at 31, 6 nnna. In Philadelphia, about 350 bbls. Spirits Turpen tine sdld at 38 a 39n per gal. Holders asking more. No change In other articles. NEW ORLEANS MARKKT. Dec. 16. Received in Chnrleston Dec. 1G--8 P. M. On Saturday, barely 1300 bales Cotton sold. Prices are steady. One thousand bngs Rio Cofloe sold piime now brought 12. cents. Whiskey has advanced tu cents ' 1. 0. O F. BROTHERS : YOU nrehereliy notified that n election of Offi cers, for theensulng term of Capo Fenr Lod(u No. 2, will beheld at the Hall, on Monday rvi -nintr. 24ih Inst., at 6 o'clock, by apecinl dispensation. In stead of on Tuesday night, the time of Kecular Mee ting A. PAUL RKPITON, Scr't. Dec. 20. Jour, please copy. 113 2 1. BlSOJilCNOmES. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, NO. 1. BRETHREN : YOU are hereby summoned to assemble nt the Lodge Room on the 27th Inst , si !J o'clock A. M.. for the due celebration of thu Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist. All Masons In good standing are respectfully invi ted to participate. An addreat will be delivered by Brother Robert Strange, Jr., In the Methodist Episcop.il Church, at 11 o'clock. The public are Invited id attend. A. PAUL REPITON.Sec't. Dec. 20th. IH-lt. CHRISTMAS TOYS, &c, WILL be opened on Prldav morning, n fine as sortment of Toya and Fancy ai lie lis, suila die for Christmas presents At J. WILKINSON & CO s. Dec. 20. llfl. M THE Office now oectipiod by E. Dickin son. Possession aiven first January. For mLMZMU further partlulars, Inquire ol WM. NF.FF. Dec. 20. 119 JUST RECEIVED. fZCr ROXES Sardlnoei UVJKJ iObaaketa Olive Oil. At WM. NKFFS. Dee. 30. 118. 1 fTiTi BALES Oakum. J vAaale by Just rerrlved and for WM. NF.FF. Dec. W, 113. AN OVERS WANTED. JJY tne subscriber T. D. MKARES. 118-tf. Dee 20, 1649. BEANS AND PEAS. Qf BUSHELS White Beans i 500 bui-h. Cow &X3 Peas i black and Orev eve ditto In stoie andformleby ELLIS & MITCHELL. Dee 20. 1 18. Adam And Eve, v These two grand moral Paintings, TOE TEMPTATION & EXPULSION. BY ETRANGER. Will be exhibited et the MASONIC HALL, For one week, commencing, laat evening, Monday, et 7 e'clo"!. Hcprs ui oididiiiod irom v a. m ., tin 10 o'clock P. M. Mlnleters of the Gospel end Editors are invited gratis. Ticket 28 cents. ChlMfen lit cent. Dr. CLAYTON WlU deliver an explanatory lec ture every night, eommsncloget 7 o'clock. Theee palntlnge ere allowed by all who vtait then, to be auperior to any Felmlnge ever exhlbiud In hle place. Wilmington, Dee. 18. U8-3i. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! AN elegant assortment juet received which we will sell si ae low prlcee as ny ottier establish ment. Front at opposite the Chronicle evfllce A. tJ. BOWERS A B 110 i ll K R . Dec. 18. m 117. PORK! PORK!! Tj f bbla. New York City Men, just received JLVr perKhr. Olive, tot ealaby M. r RUSSELL, W North Water at reel.' Dee. 18. 117. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS! JUST received from lha Shakera at New Lebanon, N. Yand David Landreih. Philadelphia, a gen eral assortment ef Garden Scede J warranted of the beat quality end must approved kinds, For eale et Wboiaeale or Retail, by 1. C, KVAKS BRO. Dee. II. 117. PLOWS! PLOWS!! AH PLOWS, For eaie by . OU , HOWARD & PEDEN. Dec. 18. I"- ; WfllSKEY. Ofl BBL8. Whiskey. For sate by ' ZD HOWARD PEDEN. Dec. 18.. ,.,.., w.- MOLASSES. BY the Hhd. orBbl. For sale at HOWARD f-PEDEN S. Dec. 18. i ' ' 117' BULK. YITHAT ie the uee of paying ten or twelve cents l A . ..til. ' Kw fnr nnfl vv per quart lor nut, wnen y "j - ahiliing. I am selling for one shilling per quart, and have tuat received aeveral fine cowa, and aha try to aunply the wante of the public. The Kail tioad ateamera can oe auiipitea wim ! than they are paying now or have been alnce the nitna Kucn rfldiircr! I have also aeve'al fine northern heifer cavlt. a for stile W. BLAN. Dec. 18. l7-- CIIEESE. 1 CASKS prime Cfceese, just received and for J U sale by ALEX MacRAK, Jr. Dec. 18. "7. GUNNY BAGS. 41 fi "i NEW 2 bushel Bege. For sale by Ul Ji , HOWARD A PEDEN. Dec. 18, 117. JUST RECEIVED. PER schr Jojibs Smith, ol the now family gro cery und provision stoie, 1 bM. Bnin Oil; 1 ' Lin?ccd ; " fi 1,0x08 Soda Crackers, 0freh, B " Picnics " U " ol those superior English Dairy Cheese ; 50 lbs. superior dried Hoi f, nt 1-6 per lb. 2" " fine Beef Tongtiea at 62J cts. C more of those Irish Potatoe ateamera of di(T ercnt sizes; potaons wishing nnarticle locook Irish Potatoes in, better thnn the common kettle, would do well to get one of the above; all llio above for wile low for cash, at GICO. II. KEl.LEY'S. Dec. 13. Jour. Chron. copy, 1 17- RECEIVED PER LEESBIRG. A" FULL SUPPLY of Perfumery, from:heccl .i,rniort Mnniif.u-tiirnr A Icnoorler I'"il2''ne Rous- arl, ronaiaiinjr of Rose, Ambroiul, Gucrlain's and Tuyloi'sSHAYIXG t'KUAM, Amandine Marsh M.illow. Omnibus nnd other Toilet Soaps, Ox Mar row. Pomnde, Rnppberry and Cold Cream for chap ped lips;- Toilet IowdT, Hears' Oil, Urn Fniinn Colocne Watei.dtc. These Gooda aro of elegant quality. We have alo a few pair Bohemian W ini and Toilet Hollies, (cut in inweraj moio oenutiiui than any seen In this iniiikei. r... nr llllll Tr.fV.TII. SIIAA i: anil NAM BRllSimS, Ih very large and select. (J A LI. and txuluine aluur iwtnii urug onue. A. C. KVANS & BUO. Dec. 16. 1 17. PRESERVES, PRESERVES, PRE SERVES. 2doz. 1-2 pal. jars Preserved Penchcs ; 2 1- " ' " Quince ; 2" 1-2 " " ' Damsons, 2 ' 12 " " " Giecn Uugea ; 2 " Spanish Olives ; 2 '' French Muelnrd ; Lime J o:ce, Tomato Catsups ; Juxt received from W. I'mlcrwiiod & Co., nnd for sale by HOWARD 4 PfcDK.N. Dec. 17. U7. flour" EXTRA Canal, "Hiram Smith." Half bblM. Kxira . N. C F.iyelleville hrands. 25 biigs 1U0 His. each. 'Hull's" family. 20 half bbls., Philadelphia. At It. W. BROWN'S. Dae. 13. 115 CYPRESS SHINGLES. Qf"in l ( BLACK'S large. UJJ)1JVJ IU0,(M) Smalle er bize, also made by Bluck. For sale by K. W . UUUV N. II 5-1 m Dec, 13. PER SCIIRS P ATMOS & L. P. SMITH. UKCKIVKD 5 hhds prime Porto Rico Sugar, 10 boxraand Ubls. lout anil crushed tiiiar, o bags Rio ColToe, 20 bbls. and half bbls. extra canal Hour, 20 bbls. Whiakey, 16 bbls. (new crop) New Orleans Mol -ifsea. A II ol which 1 ulfcr on the most reasonable terms for the money. ALKX. MacRAE. Jr Dec, 13. li; OFFICK WIL. A MANCIIKSTKR K. R CO Marion Court House, S. C.Nov. 2J, 18-19. T'HK Stoekholdera of ihe Wilmington 4 Man- A cheater Kail Rood Company, are hereby not! fied that ihe lortli inotalmeul of live dollura per eliaie is required to be p ilil on or by the 1st day ol Jana ry, 1850. By order of the Hoard ot Directors. JOHN McRAF., Jr.Treaeurtr Dec. 13. 115-tf. PRIVATE BOARDING. '"PHR subscriber la desirous o nccommodatins a X few regular Uourders. nt his residence on Prlncena Street. Murphcy's Building. A few transient boardera can be ulao accommodated. I. KINO. Deo. 11. lU-bt. NEW DRUG AND MEDICINE STORE, THE Subscriber would respect' fully call the attention of the citl tens nnd par licul irly ol the Phy alcians In the town, snd the sur rounding Conlry, to his Stock ol Ditut;w, aii-,mci!vii& CHIOMICAI.H. whirh hs warrants of the beat quality. He has also an extensive assort ment of PAISiTM, COLOKLn PAISfTIt, around and olhcr- wW, OllA, Will T F. LKAI. DYK STUFFS. PAINT and VAKNI9II UUUSIICM, FKR- FU.Ml:RY,Ar. The Pnlnt. Oils and While Lead, ho offers at Tm to Fifteen per cent lower than have ver been off, red in thla Market of a like quality It is quite ateleas lo go Into a general enumcta tion of the articles ofiettd for sale. Suffice it to say, he hnsnlinnal every article in the MKDICALand DOM F.ST1C line, usually kept In Drug Stores, and may be found st his establishment, on the North side of Market Street, a fsw doors above Front, at the Store formtrly occupied by JJsssis. Pelrsoo Ke,,y- - , , Ii Is his Intention to ofler no articles for eale, but such as Is bclHved to be the best of its kind. Hi hasapptopiinted much labor and care In the selec tion of his cenrrnl Stock, and returns hh thanks to those who hive examined and pronounced hla ai wimrntae ver eupprlor In quality. Ilia terina are CASH but almrt Indulgence will be elwaye granted when clrtomstanstances justify. C. DuPRE. Wflmingten, N. C , Dec. J J 3- P '-IIIMa COPARTNESSUIP. '"'HE aubscrlbera having formed X dcr the firm of i connectlonun- LliltiHTON, CIIADBOCRN A Co., for the transaction of a . General f:ommii1nn flualneat. hope ty strict attention and promptness in the ten a- action of all business entrusted to tfieir care, to tier' ll a liberal ahare of outromise. O. P. B. I.RIOHTONI JAS. II.CHADBOURK GKO. HUOPIiR. Dec. 1,1849. llUf. GEO. II. KELLY, 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A. A. Wanner, on North Vate win attend to the sale of all kinds of Countrv duce. such aa Corn. Pens. Mm I P.acon. Lnrd. ro- 4i and will keep constantly on hand a full aupppr of uroccuea.&c. References.' Willca Hull, of Wayne, JohnMcRae, Wilmln rton, u Caraway. Gen. All.. MeKae. E. P. Hah. Wilniineton. Wilev A. Wuiker. Dec. li, 1819. 115-lf JUST LANDED, From achr, Ij. P. Smith, and Fatmok 6 BBLS. prepared Ouano, call and aee it. I d ix. Wheelbarrow; 10 ehesta fresh Peaa, of fine quality and flavor; 1U tn kins Hitter; 50 boxea Cheese; 'lb " Eng.Dulry.do. t pips Cogniao Brandy, usual brand; Wine 6 mskelaof that superior (irio flivcnd Champaign ; 50 bags Buckwheat new hulled ; 25 kegs 20 hall bbls. " 10 bags Rio CotTee ; 10 boxes new Rnlains; 1 bbl Mrs. Q. U. Millor'sbeit scjIc'i SnuiT in bottles, for salo low by HOWARD & rr.DK. Dec. 11. HI. NOTICE. GN the fust aay of January neit in the town c.f Wilmington, will bu rented, for or e a tiact ol hind containing about I luce hundred ei. situated about thirteer. to fouiteen inilcH Irom ii wi, on thu Federal Point Road, adjoining Innd 1 ' Jo seph G. Pickett ; ihereison the laud u cirrmil field of Irom ten to twenty acres, good (irom.d . Innd and from lour lo live thousand Imp ntii e box x. Also at the same liaie will be hied, l' iron:1 ji;.i, I wo negro women, viz: Malone and Ldiu; ii!u mgto woman Dolly nnd I'.cr two Childn n. SAMUEL N. CANNON, Uinr-ian. Dec. 15. llb-7t. TEETII ! TEETH!! TEETH!!! Chanted, Plugged, llegulutcd, Kxlrurltd. iud In tertcd on Pivot avd (lold J'lale, ly 4. IC. Ki:A, Det.tlst. T his opernlfng Room, East of (,'niolina iioiti, XJL Corner of Second and Market streets, w l.i re Ik invites ull who have decayed eth, scurvv. oll' ii sive breath, odontalgia, or any of the catalogue of treubl' s, which the organs of mastication are heir to. All operations wnrrami-d to j;ive satibf.iction, oi rii' money will be returned. Nov 6. 09 lyc. SHIP NEWS. iff THE Subscriber having neafn rc-npened Ills oh! esiubllHliment coiner of Water und Prir.cees Si one Squaro above market St., would Inform Maetcrs of Vesselaln this port and ihe public generally, that ho Intends keeping on hand a stock of the brsi quality of Sc itch Ivussy and Cotton buck, whicli he will sella! New York retail pilces. All work in hw line done to the patrf irtion of hl employers or no payiucni required, ('nil and pee. Having resolnd not lo beK, bui to woik, a!;d to he rnal led to du so. nlfeia and will furni.ili sails of all kin. Is Si pi.r boll, lor making : und the Mull at the follow irig prici s : Scotch Duck, No. 2, Sll.'iO; No. 5. S10.00 ; Cort in do. No. 2, 22 cts. per van!; No. .1, 21 ct. per yird: Twine 25 cts. per lb., all wniranled to he ol the best q i dity. Ship M.itcr6 and Consignees nre rep)eeiUilly invjicd to examine his stock nnd also Ilia irork. Uep iiinir done at low prici s, for cash. A Journeyman Sailuiaker wanted, ai d prices yuar anleed. Please address the subgcribi i by letter. P. S. The gen lemon without o n uric, that wrolc to Win. Harris, Sailmakei, of Washington, N. C, that there was not work for one Loft, in W ilming ton, is very res. ecifullv i-iformed his li tter went safe and h id the desired ejiet thai ol keeping ou. com petition. ROBERT S. MACOMRF.R. Dec. 4. lil if. SUNDRIES. C'OrtX, nflirit from Onslow county, ' 1 1 Kees floshi n Hiilier, 2 kets iiuiuntaiii liutler. Flour Fa)elleville btund s vmieiv For tale by R. W. PROWN. u. . i r i L'i i IM'Sl DTUIiUB tunui r iuur c pet it u. Dec. 9. 113. FOR S1LE. THOSE valuable building lot b between second and Third sireet. well known as the Hooper lots, and comprising the most desirabl sites for dwcl lings in the town. Also two lots in the lower part of town, runniiis from Front Io Serp ) srree', and from Surrey sired to ihe River. Terms verv ac corn moil.li in Apply to CJKO. DAVIS. Dec. 8. 113-31. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. A COOI) lot of assorted brand", just receivd, XX am nd lor sale by J. IIATHAtVAV & SON. 113. Dec. 8. STOP Y01R HORSES. IlDuiid for WOLF ii Co's. N. V. Ilranrli STORK It THIS IS THE. PLACE, Water Streol 4 doors below Rucksprinc. WE have bee a trying all over WUmlnrtnn. to buy Ready Made Clo'lilm, but we find (hen la no place like 1VOLF A Co'a. it purehaw Ho" Coat a, Drrsa and Frock Coats, Scks, Punts nnl Vesta of all kinds, Furnishine Onoda.and in sh n every article to be desired In lb. .hope of wra'tn; apparal for Men, and at prices that cannot fill to give satisfaction. Yoo will also find here the hi assortment of Booe and Khnva. Hsta and Caps, Trunk. Vallate, Carpel Bugs Pmbrellae die. dec. Remember tbe atanil-Wattratrrct opponlte Wo sels Dock. WOLF A CO. Uee. 4. ill 1-rr.. FAYETTEVILLE FLOIU. FArETTKVILLB Floor, aasorlcd. Supernrx Hoe and X,foraali by n a ANPEKSQtf 4 LATIMER : TO FARMERS AND THE PUBLIC. '' TAVW F. McKlNN'L A CO., Wd'tK-f" have eniwed Into epecial - . "ITI ' CtH'AKT F.HstHII', ---ft f.r the pnrpoee of Uatrfarii.g,and for no oifur pnrrxnt whatever. They take ibis op puminiiy io iiirorrn larmcrs gBiiBraiiy. r7 hnv cash fur Hand nlf f. and none ollur i tlicv era fully supplied at present, and would advise those who wish to sell to them ; to coinmnnleaie r y n-tier, ne- fjrethey drive their Sim k to market. They would further inbrin ihe citiatene. that ihav have recently bought Mr. Pett.iway out, under a positive assu rance that we should have hla custom ana parron age. - The Aurora and Chronicle will please give tlii 3 ' Insertions, and pre, nt llielr hill m David F. MeKin- t ne. DAVID F. McKENNK & O. i i Dec. 8. 1 I J-ilil-'.. 111 In. n HilSII POTATOES. 300 BL'KHELS Mrrrri PotaloiK IVr f,-.f , HOWARD it PEDF.X. Nov. 29. 10.1. GlU:T BIKGAINS, IN Cashmeres nnd Mutiiis ; we, have a Inrce lot of the above iiiod, very ri alrablc, ihnt we nie eellina at very low pi ices ; c:i II and see them. MVERS & DAVIS Dec 1. 110. VVII 1 MJl C( RTJSHF.LS Cow Pens. Just received per sJUltallroad. MAU'lh-& CKO.M.Y. peC 1. MO. COTTON VAUN. P. ALUS Cotton VuriLaxort.-l -izea. For sale by J J. 11 A'l'li AW A V A 'SON. Dec. I. HO. NORTH CAROLINA LAUD. tavUUO UUU lilll it. I ru.i. u y J. IIATJIAW AV & SON. Dec. 1. 110. MILLETS. r.flLS. l'lituc N w liivi r Mullets, jiift r J cetveu. .UAVll i- t'ROM.V. Dec. I. 110. mm 10,000 iJi'-;. Nov. 27. ', ve ? r '! fur nlr liv ELI. Ki..Milit.K. 103. STOP VOIR MILES!! ;i!i:.vr Ti:iit'J!,.Tio. among t;ii: DIRII AM) JEWS, ON WATtU SntKET. C1 IIKAPF.ST place in Wiluiinjtnn tabiiy Dry ( juods.iind Slioiv, nt ;0 pr et. h-ss, tlrui can lie h id alany .New Voik lirancll Hoim,-. A call i.iill lh.it is necessary, to coiivin-e ill i-o Uliin to puieliao at rhf.W.ier.Sl .r.-, NjnN it ill iin one Do-.r aboe I .1.1. A Ariiulroii ! Dec. G. , old S'lmd. tii:i(OH KI.MDT. 1 2-t. TAILORING. 'IMIK Sl'liscRUlKit respectfully informa A citizens of iln.iiigton, that ho has n uiovt. i AIl.DitINt; I'.fi rAlit,I.iI VI N, over Mi-ssru. llelTiioy lluirits' Medicine OfiVi, where hu Is preuured to execute uli UindH ol woik in his lino of buntue, a, wnh nenim tn iii.d in the niost i inliioniiblc style. He reiurns hla th. inkH lo his lil nds an. i cuiiiiiners, for past puti oniigc, und hopeu y t.iiin aueniion io nunines, to nu nt a , to nu i it a co iiinu- vo him a lii.l.and ho n u.'l I. is wii.k anee ol tlies ime. Call and a: wj.l yivt jr.m.rtil f-alisluciicn in A. Aii.M)i:r.f. D.c. fi. ll-.'-lin CliOCIiEUV AM) t'UTLEKV. A' i I LL assort mc nt. For sale by ;i.U. ELLIOT. Die.0. 112 jt. LIME AND E.LSTEiiN HAY. : jJIX h in.lied oois. I iiomision l.tiue, flesh from , lit? toe all. (I, .111,1 1);) del lijy, d iny eXjiei le t, pi r i Un ' Joiuili.ui t il, liARRV, I1RVANT &, ADAMS. Die. ii. FOR BOSTON. rpiIF. A. I. Copii-rcd.iind (,'opp. r L,u i: I IU i ! l.OKA, t. ipt. Cob . t oi it'-r.lta In iiil or paa.-.ijje, uppi) to (.'aplaiu mi . .rd ,.r lo . D I Dee. 1. I.I- I i.mj;; j "flfl (,'ASlvS, for ti.i.u Siuir. ij'ply I? I JUU Kl. -yir.l.l. CV KLNDillt I Nov. 27. 1 1 ... ... I FOR (HARTKil 1)1! Hi J(t.ATJ.i. ( U.l.i:. (mw, J ljil Ions iluii) xpi''h d lo .nine. I H.Vltlt V. UilVANT & ADAMS. D' C li. I I-' CIDER. r' IlilLS. prime Jeisey Cider, for s :le l y ALEX. .Ma, . V. Jr. Dec. 1!. I l.i. FREDERICK CLARK'S Superior Cabinet Furniture WARE U00MS. No. IO and I t7 King t. ouJVtcloria rait: rtrnp,nr";VUh1:ST0"X;H - rMlEDEIllC CLAilk. woull rcp-ellullv ac - 1 qiiitint bis irii-nils an I luiuiur cuioiiierin iV i. uuagion una vieiui'y. mat Ile i now cMarcinncd as , . above, in the city ol Ch irl. Bton, ond will bn happyj io utply thos.) lint aro in wmi .il'.nic'i Furniture, ' ; as c moot tie foun I in U'uininmo.i ; nh i.i k h. - j I injr. very eitunsi 'e, and o I yreat v.i'iety, he wi.l miKe a nplo atlowatices to lin Niitii Carolina' i I'nen I s, sothatihe triinsp.nl. ill. hi of the gtjo,l hy the steamers ahull con the.u nullum;. He auliciie ' an culmination ol hi sIock ami pikv, hy a -onahle public, und dobnis noi hut iluy will be met I with g. neral spprov.il. Charleeion 3. C. lKx. 4. ill Int. CHEESE- " j n J. HATHA WAV. &80.T I --. 1 13. i BACON AND Bt ITER. 1 ATjf LHS ofbtal ISuoon Sides; ljWUU I.IWOIbs. ol superior Bacon Hsma( 9 Krasot bsst (resh. Oiheo Butter ; Just received and kir sale low for cash, at - 5E0- KEMEV S. Not. iU. (fi. ('ja)aatBrsi'MEnwrffia AT GEORGE MYERS' . itniiv firoccfv 'id FroTlwioit Piatt; s TiJAY b found the following Artl-l.e, just rtcrlf- j ruava Jelly, Prum-a tn J'ir AfpUt,. Canal H-t Lbb.'a. an.P halve, Buckwheat, baRS and buses, A I- . mondttv Hreiil Nuts. Madeli-e Nu's, hh l Units, Malaaa Orapci, dried Plume, Irish Potatoct, tinner, rino Apple Vliccev shi;if. r . w, .iikji-, li, dunlin I'l. kks. PUklid Onioi e; In fan my embrncea every variety that fan be found In a 0rOcery. Choice V lrvs, i.tquors, tiaa ana cuuee, md at the kweal Drlcea iorcastt. OLO. MiF.RS. Smoked Bocf, Salmon an Tunguca. Aov.za. 10X , , - t TTOODKN & WILLOW WAItlV-A lawo VV .,,.,. iu.t rereived. frraale bv ' mm, .at i ra B J. i lnlV HOWARD & PKDKN Die. 6. Hi. YORK Furniture Warehouse. r.' -.ssawJ Jl'ST KECEIVED, Fcr.-t. li. A. I) 'ItoMsi t nnd Atarlc from M;W noilli. . , V V'1';' h Cl-ica .:.; r .... ' it'i llunii'.s ; 1 N:e I ..lili-i ; (i 1'ah.hul I.I.K k. W.ilnut Tables ; H i in i . y do. 2 M iii.i.'-it y dj. Ii lire :n' t!i:irni:s ; 4 .M;ir!.l, 1'oji W ..Mint.iiidJ ; I 2 M iho-uiiv do. fid i;;.-k V. Iiiul t":i lira new style; r, r.n.ev .o !o. ' i " .'-!,.;, d. 1 ' . iilo'.v t 'r le'n ; ,i '' Kui'itim; ." I : -i 1 r ; 2 ' isri iMaruN ; 1 ' llih tliiiditri C'liniis ; " I,.iw do. do. I " M.itLc-rs L'h lira; 1 " ('Mice do. J : I.'iiiliulia Stands 1- V, .:t,:,.--. ; ! :.u i:..!-:e,!. j .Til win wi-h to tiuv Fitriiltiiro of a n; trior iaf : m !,,.- nri.-i-n. nre ren. tested to fiivo u call. '' G. & W. A. fiWVLIt. N..v. 106. tf;T IHYH VI'!) PV.lt Sl!!!0flNf!R eJCtJA llail IJI I liMJ 1 uvea v w n.. " A. J. I.cIOSSET& ALARIC 1 O ! i:!CI-i fl. si quality (Josfien L'l.tcr; 1 ') .1 d im. i'eai.-, lor pi(i( ivinn ; 2 .i.id '. I'oi t.) lUeo Saar, beautiful ; I ") Ii iv -i jiH'ini'l i'eppi r ; 2 i Pm smoked Salmon ; Cili'i .' -. Irih Potitoes, d'C&c. Liw fr fash nt the l''i niiy Liioceiy Sioiu. UE'J. MYl'.HH Nov. 20. 105. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. fi ll A I N d irrlded to lake my llntiraun'l fiu.tft Lot La k fiom ).et. WM. A. li.iry; i .i'jiL ir lin oll'jr it lor a ile. 'I'he I tt, -r r.iihi"- .it, eO.upr.J ' one i I the Inrei si ln.di' s or pnrccls 1 1 ,To'i.n I fir sale in 111'' town ; b'-ini; il liy 'SM ft , and ironliiM mi tlfen slieels ; on the lots are two tenements, which I will rent at n low rate, ."u'ji ct M a s ile. in any careful p rsons, who will pioteet thi proj erty Ir nn depredations. JOHN AlcKAK. Nov. 27. 10S. TON TiHBEai. R FTS, conip issd ehi lly .if lon Slick.", fiom w Cuino.rlund Cotin'y, for sale t y R. W. BROWN. Nov 2'J. Ib!). FLOORING BOARDS 10,000 FEET one inch il iorln;; LoarJ", for srlu hy JOHN C, LAI TA. 10U-:t". .v. q. SrtX COTTilN'. T wholesale and n tail, lor .t.V hy WOWAEI) i PEDEN. Nov. 27. TO. I'Olt ( 11,11'OitNI ! SELLING OFF AT COST. ' i 'HE subscriber luirg deicimimd to ifll ihe 1 0 )1.11 UEOION.S; will i fi' r Ms splendid ai.d w. ll m leeted STOCK, conM-tlnif 'if French, Swiss, ftcrman, lvirrlisli, Iriili am! American DRY (iOOi)S. At New Vnrk and Philadelphia l'. irr i: And solicits his ohj.f'uvoru.r- 1.,,-alina! ,,t p. i.r,... i I,.. ... .. .i... ,.i upt:y.l,c,irs,ofMurcl, ' ' . " . ' N. li. I would ('ALL the attention nftlii.se in debted, as my Le-irin'i, will r. q nre all lo In uW , ..n l.i llM fc'ir.l ..f !' ..i.r.i in. i. ir u-.u!.l I lime! 1 1 ill", to put any N ol or Aecouiiii., in tin. Ilut.dt of Oflieers, of inv LuMoiiu-rs. I S'l'O.lK lo rent liom Ul ol Karrh. JOHN KVLE. '.10-tl. Dee, ! -LEICIirO.V, tKADSOFRX L CO., , , LVnfr:(l I'll ;il III I si(I II Mrrrll.irK. WIL tll; TON, N. C. a. f. n i.kI'.iiton. jas. ii f mi A!:;oi;tix, C.K t. H');)I'K I . l-c Mi'l. III. NOW LINDLN'J J ,r: 1 1 II L?. n; imo ,c.,niin(r Mobsrss . ALSO' A .., O.anc. nan-inns and Cna Cr-a N'uU. '.isal. r,v J. HATHAWAY & SON. lAceml-rS. IIS. COITON VAlix Jl'ST reciiid an I for saV bv ANUCUSON" 4J.AT1MEIU n.c ?. U3. CROCKERY. A C.FNF.RL assortment of China Gh, ami K irto-nwaie, now open for ntectlon, and lor aah lo fores.., it ALEX-MacaAC',3r. iiasuiuasaii- A G. COWERS & BR0TCE17, ; Jewellera, Lt ; Opmwttti Hie Cliroiilele OJliee, (rteri, WILMINGTON, N Crjt' r RF.3PECTFTJLLTT Jnforwihe e.'tiMB W iliiinj;ionanleettnHy generally, tbal the Ui have lakenihe Stor epposlte th Chroi-li ., Uflii-e, wherftQeirpcracnal auiiin wilibe gma thu repairing of every daaciipilcn ol ' . v fatcUceClocia, iawclry, Waici anal V.; ' " SlUet Ware, V.-' ' Y:f r AH of which will be execute din a etyfeof Deiln-tn ship not surpassed by anyot er eatatllsl.rf set, at4 ; warranted to give entire eatisJeefloaur' 1 v - ln)llerinsnr servieta le lb pwllif,eftsj latie- li- il thut a irinlisonlv rc,iiiit to snare' the" gceif v will nnd a enntlrintttlon ol the" paircr.8c it allwae ' Itiay favor uain the iWrgoiag Makrtalisf . -i N. II. Having made arransciiM-nia at the Kerth p w nrM nabled to keep for sale, at aa Ui0. piJrrs t ,' any othetfs!ablihnin,evtrydferipilor oi 60LI, ami SI LV Kit, ATCHK8, fancy and eihorClotke, with a variety of tine J LWLLB Y , Stc.( too gainer' . ous to mention. ' - "" -i-"- H'holcsale and retail orderaatpplfed a( fit , aiinricai i.oiico. .-.: ,.i tr. .Oa.13ih.l8ii. ' ;; 9Uf9 ' NEGROES :fANtro. ' B A VI NO returned eala to Wl!nlngtoar tit ipurposv of purchasing a large number of -'.irot, and will remain beis pcTri.aecnlly until tbe luiur pari of nam Sprlmf, 1 m now in truuts! tm t. pay the tsigbeai Card prlcis for Mlovee, Maleer V. ' uiale,frm Tweheto thirty yeare of age. Those , lutvli aoch property for sale, will find H to their , ' advrttifMe toiniiot) m fjisi, Ufors making a tale, , ' .is f win my I'nilities in selling in the South lean pay liju lillii it price, and forgw,d.tound mtrchan property, will not be overbid ty any in tbe l)KiPV ' ; t-:'.'.fc e Als' auunil Coopcrr, Bricklayers, Carraaftrr ar 4 iliueltemjtha. Ai rly loi me at th-Carehpa llefel. " AN SLEY DAVIS A 03.21,1815. - , ,. iimmiim RES P KCTFL" LL Y irdbrma tfce fnhabftaau ef tlili town and ihe adjoining Coiintise, taat aba will tw happy lo receive a small number of young Ladies, whole pnrenu might reside ar a distance t tt ihia would bs a liasirntilo home for children deprived f .lilt? enreofa mother t the woald hate all Ihe . nlvant.ic ol a ariiovl, combiiud with all the com . ions of fmrne. --!, ' r ,v" ' , I'eruia psyabte In aSvance!. tjnaMerfyv-r i .iV v For o iurd and Jlucai.'on, per annam I2C0 M a sic iii t included. ; jAt. :?- Vilmingtoti,Uct 4, mO. ;' ' "' 1 (Chrordcfa eopy tf.y i -rf ' - - - tv rrr- ,,r IIONEt. .C... IrO'.lsalebytiiegallin.ar ).?4 HOWARD at ; 9EDE7TS. Pic. 6. t , . i r ... FOR THE LADIESTj; T7"F, have just mcelvci pef Scfi? teesborg, a VV no'.v stylff of E'l-nlnj Dresaet; Tltread Lacee, I rnlo .Skia, extra size of Craesi Skirtey lotakte DrcAne, a l':eh assortment of .colored Flaanele at 'tdii-eJ piici-s; fine Rose Blankets, Donnota, long i r.d cu.'if Shawls, A great variety, with a-gwai ma ny mhi r arilclti 100 nuaterouaro entire. .- v . il. &. I. TELLER. A gre.it nrsortment of Cents and Hove Clothing, i.'hji a kept un hand, which will beteld vers cfeeep.. : ' - . X' w W" . Nov. 10. . a0l. PORll AND BEEF l 1 :( P.KLS. Mea nnd Prime Pork , 'J v lOhalf do. Pamtly Hetfi 5110 lha Smoked do. 110 Pickled Tllnglca Just ri ceiTed and for sule by Nov. 22. WM.NEFF. 106. CRICK. OH PfV SUPKHIOtt quality; oafly expected 4. U j J KAJ for sale by i ' UM.M. HARRlS3,Aftn. Nov. :o. lua. FEATHERS. r.nCi ''CS. lack Country Feetriere, foveeUey )VAJ JOHN.C. LATTA. Nov. 20. LIGHT! LIGUT It : (ton SUM EKS of Pine Oil can be farniahed by my J min.rveiy Tuesday, Thuraday and- Satnrday; nU?. at nil times at the Moresof 9 r. Policy and A. C. Evans and Brother, hhaw'a rnrner, A. U. VANBOaTKELLV. Nov. CO. 105. DISSOLUTION. : , rf1 IiE co pnrrnrrshlp heretofore cilstirj order the t JL a tyle and firm of '. - , ? ( CASH WELL BLOPS OST, - 4- (s this diy diswrlved by mutnalconsenf.' " The all lira of the Ijte firm will be aeltltd. kf Jo seph 11. Illossom. -' DAYJI CASnwKLL. JOSEPH R. BL03SO.V. W.i.nin'ton.Oct.20,1849. 99-tX. TO STOCKHOLDERS IX TAG CAPE FEAR & DEEP RlfEK KAV. CO. i f-f TUB PrealdVol and Directra In the i'",V fl above Comoanvbave laid an Inetal- . muni i f ywm ... Y nutif tc uw si tiscrip ion oi ihe Stoekholdera, to be paid on er I'-re .!.e I3:h.tDeeernberwi. . Ihe u nderslaned will be lo Wilniineton enr?v In Jan- Tl-Tl 7TK?S!?5 Trear C. t. &. D. 8. NaT. Co. v "V' Chron. andaar. copy 2t. IW-lm 4 SALT! SALT !L 'Tt H F. e-uto of Brij Albemirle. from' St JIarrlne, 1 abwi 6,U0UbttatM i8,ll)beeoid low, tn arrive. ' App!) io (, OtO, UARKISS. Nov. 27. , . . 1C9-I0I. j E - .V., ,.. ' SIXDRIES.- -:V mKF.C3 Cor NierbAafsBalliyi -. w li'-ObajaSfcoti . - , n lSbble.Gluci " . ... JhJd'eSrwrmCandrcas " MtttTa Tallow ;dK i '.. ' Co'ffalfc'e Spaja and Starch ; . jr Cider Vlm pr lit banele j ' ; v Loaf 8orav, black Peppe t, . f'owdrd Outsit ' K --Tea, Wrapplt Papog w , ' Gunny Da e Ac. ' ' Par aale br ANOEliSON 4 LATlHf It. Nov. 3 1 1649.1 '.. t ' 1 PER sriIR. CJIASe! MILIAR 10 ROXF.3 b cnefrer; . ..r .1 1 , v. Sea. '.do.-. 1' 19 bona f persst and Adewantlne Ceadt 1 kfis and boxee, aarotfed (ytackeiai " . Sapf i G aUtu ButttT i1" . ' ' " &0 kact Shot V' .-r. v -"' ' '' r 30 c;ra. hslvess and boxea fr'ab IsUias , r ror..U,Ww fcf C.ah by faft K It . 1. Joarnal and Ciroauele W; i it i A i I 4t

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