" " - 11 1 1 1 i. in 1. I,. 1 ., 1 ... 1 I,. , 1 Tin; ' puSlishfttt evory ; ".. t Ij,UJ pomauu.u, pjj . v m.. . , . I ; ,. ) la u . " Y t r i a s lo;:ii;c . '-t , , . ' v'' tents tf rnont and maMT VtiT"i vn ilrii Aim" i i (1 iniertioi;" tO.Rl 1 so. 2 i is' , l,fl '-M T - ' .' 75 i"-3 . " "5,00 , :, : i3 t c j t g . 8,00 lTea Unas oMew'mikeu square.,, JfanA.I -rslse-. ,K ' '" isnttpeJi teallnm. prie will be la proper- r tavartl?c.menU are pap is ai u.u uuiooi mow rv 'Vnscnlon, . ' tho most liberal term. ,J - 4 "'jii .. '" ' , ti i)T tranifer 6T contract for yearly advertising will ' - P permlHott Plwali lrcomiano render hinge ' 4n buslneif r. JinexbocteJi wmovnl .nomarr,4 .. 'mft ' .' 1. .:. 1... -j the option 01 trie contractor, ior me umo at nn aa vortlso4y v Tho prlviloge of Annual Advertisers lsetrlctly Bm. ited to their own Immedlnto business ; and nil ndver tise.nents for tho bnufit of other persons, as well as ; all advertisements not Immediately connected with their own business, and all excess of advertisements n tonjtn or othjrwiss, boyond the limits engaged, will bo charged at tho usual rates. All advertisonionts Inserted in the trl-weekly Com mercial, are entitled 10 one Insertion In the Weekly, free of charge JOB, CARD and FAXCV PRINTING, executed In superior stylo. AGENTS FOit THE C4) I RCIAL NF.W Y01IC t Messrs. BOSTON: FacDBiiicic Ubown A DbRossct. iClDDER. Esq. MARTIN & R0NLY, AUCTION Efl US, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL" AGENTS. Wilmington, N.C.. Oct. 3 1818. 85if. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Oaiu uisshn Merchant, WILMIKUTOM, N. C. Cash advinc ss in i.lmri i:.msirniiiunl to me, or u my Irisnds In New York. Oct. 23. 93-y. HERON & MARTIN General Uojiinission ilerchants, 3T 1-3 North Wharves, V II I L, A O lu L 1 II I A , Rtris to Messrs. Thos. Watson- & Sons, Jno C. Uacosta, J Ph,,,n Wm !i. NsitSJN, KOSSST NtlLSON, KSi., ) Messrs niOSIS, I ATLu IX. vju., w y0J H, Haowca. & J. A, 0. McKai, Geo. Uabbus, Ksq April 5, 19W. j Wllminjin. 9-tf. GEO. IIARRISS, General Couiiuissioa .Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STlllCJT attonilun ifiven lo piocurlng Krolijht and purcnanin (Jjr0'oos fur vussuis. IllFEl TO R. I. II ill, K1 t). G. Parsley, Ksq., i J. . Taylor, K , Wilmington. J. U. Htfllimy, Rh)., I Alusfrs. ItillirdA Kuntingion, J MeMM.Took.r, Suiylli A Co., Sev y k ' Thompson A Uiintrr, ) Alex'r. Merron, Jr., I'liiN li lpinu Musjr. vVMIi.ms A HuUur, ( Ch, g c Jan. .'. IdU. WILLIAM HI. IIARRISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. JTitlCT' alteiliirr ifiv'on' to procuring Freights OjnJ purch isin LVg-je for vmicIs. Kirissircks: O. G. i'arsley, Ksij, Col. John Mcllae, Messrs. Ballard ,4 tlunllngfon YHrrflrrsTorr, N C. J Will Peck, Esi.. Ralulih..V. C. Messrs. lloll, tfacimu St Ca.i t . N r Joseph Utley, Ks-j., 1 ayettcvllfe, N. C. Messrs. James Corner 4 Sons. Ualllmure. " K. A. Soudr & Co , PhiladolphU. " Thompson & Hunter, i N y . " Plllsbury A Ssndford, J INew rork- " lluniing & Tufu, Uoston. M J. G.P. Tltcomb, Kennebunk.M'e. July I7ih. 184'). 62 tf. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Julyl7. . 62 DAVID CASIIWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MBRCIIANT, WlLMINOT-'N, N. C. Oct. 30. 1849. 99 I y. B. L. BUTTERHELD, PA V I LI ON HO TE L. Corner oniaset aad Meeting StreeU, Where he will o happy to see all his SOU Ui CAROL. NAPftI JndS. July 12, 1849. 60.lf, a. b. snra & c., l'aye.tevlllo Street, R A L 12 I Q II N . O . Wjllutsnd toillnaersaadommlnlons Inthstr i business, vith punctuality i.id Jispatch. Usraa to HisKxesllsnoyCiAS. Uault, J. O. Watsoj.. Km , Math sir Shaw, Ksq., Hon. J. R. 1. nltiaL, Uao. W. MoaoscAt.Ksq. Mai. C. L. IIistoh. 4igt,.V. C, Pii. 22.1319. II3-12in-c. r If v t TFIRundirKnod having rgu(vd i Will Issue Pollciel oH Vessels,' Con;o. Fi ' 'ht & A s Huonabla fuus ot Premiuuw usny oi ht In titotluo of the kind In th Couniiy.. Tti t' i J of ihlCompttty4.j,UO. ' ' "- Wllmlngtoo.'Aua. 13.13J3. ' i D3-iyi CIETY, OK LWiUUIN, FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., OB, II THE HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Mayboertccted by applicutionto OmtOET fe March 17, 1849. BROWN. 108 GEORGE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tfarch 17 1849 1 DEROSSEf k BROWN, WILMINGTON, N C. BROWN & DEROSSET. NEW YORK. a i:kii.l CO u.vrsstox muiichaxts March 17. 1349. '-Y- S. M. WEST, A U C T I O N B U R AND COM HISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. ulbcrnl j ish l lvances in i.lo on nil consignmi nte fr.jintli'f Noilh.oron 1'ro.luce from the Country. O.R.'e 1 doors on the Whaif.Soulh sideof Market Street. April 1919. 9-lf.c. CORNELIUS MYERS, M A N UFA C T U It E R, AND DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &c. WILMINGTON, N. C, Market-si. Oct. 17 1343. 91-tf. BENJ. BL0SSDM & SON, General Commission Merchants, NEW YORK. EX1. BLOSSOM. j, CHAS. W. SLOSSOM. Liberal advances mado upon Consignments. Hcl'crcnccs. J. It. riLOBSOM, 5 J. & D. McRae, 4, Co. 5 Wilmington. G. W. Davis Esq. ) July 10, 1S49. 49. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AtiENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10.1349. 67 J. HATHAWAY & SON. COIHIfSII). J. IIathawav. March 3, 1&49. MLMttil yTA. J. L. Hatuawat. 149. JOHN HALL, Commission Merchant, UILiMI.MJTO. April 12. 12 DR. AV. E. FREEMAN, HOMEOPATHIC PH YSWIAN, MARKET SL.G Doors above Front St. Dec. 23. 1948. M 120-6 RUSSELL & KENDRICK, GENERAL Conimhsian Merchants. WILMINGTON, N. C. Jos. B. Aug. U. Rt 'SSELL. Jos. IVENDIIICK. b3 GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. AGENT FOR THE SALE OF 71MUE11 LUMIiKR, SA VAL STORES. will. nuke Hour ai cash ndvaancee oHnHvonfftgnincni of produce. March 17, 1849. JOSEPH U. FLAN NCR, General Co ji nilja Merchant. WILMINGTON, N f. Oct. 9th, 1849. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES . AND GROCERIES, JORNKR OF DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Pec. 7th. 1949. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " SOOTH WATER 9TRKBT. WILMINGTON, N . C. Sp.?7tia4bV 83-ly-c. LEIGH TON, CHAD BOURN & CO., General,' Commission Merchants. ' V . WILMINGTON, Bf. C. Dec. II, 1311. in. I- w6tioN1:er AM .c'o : South WA.en- nwl t; .iLaiiN( ton". tii MtXRVF. L - Certral.C A!:n Mcrd - CAPE FEAR STEAkI SAV- MIUV REFER TO K. P. Hall, Esq., Prea't. Dranch Bank Staie, Wil mington. u...... . r o w m. rA N. L. McObcadv 4 Co., " K. Lincoln A Co., " Hebron f M vbtin. ' William & Butler, IL V. BaWeb, linq. Jan. I, 1950. 1'l.ilad'a. Charleston, S. C. 122-ly GEORGE ELLIOT, 'COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AGENT FOR THE SA Mi OPT I MIH'.R, LU MUCK ic WILMINGTON. N. C. Jan. 1.1S50. 12 i Observer and Carolinian copy 3 times. FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMMERCIAL, RATES OF TRANSPORTATION ON THE WILMINGTON A ItAlKH.II KAIL HO AO. RATES OF FREIGHT Between Wilmington & Charleston. Revised July 4, 1S49. Price 25 cents. JUST RECEIVED, AT MAYER'S CHEAP STORE. 1 f PIECES of fine superior assorted colors of U Brood Cloth. 6 pieces of first quality of Oil Cloth'. 600 pair of Blankets, suitable for servunls. 4000 yurds of double Mill Kersey. 200 pieces ol rencl), lingnsi) ana American prims of Calicoes. All of tho above articles will be sold st the lowest cash prices. JOSEPH MAYER. Oct. ta, law. yr-u. NOTICE. ! OT1 - sov HE subscriber offers tor sale, his Sound "luce, known as SHANDY HALL, and several other tracts connected, containing lo all 620 acri s. 1 wlrl sell a.iy quantity lo sun pur chasers, Iwill sell 500 acres on tlw Eust side of the Cape Feur, 7 miles below Wilmington. J ALSO, My entire Crop and Stock ot Cattle, HorscsJIogs, floats und Seines, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. D. M. BRYANT. Auj. 30th, 1349. 7U-tf. CANDLES. CJPERM, Adamanline and Tallow Candles, assor O ted. Korsuleby DuROSSET 4 BROWN. Nov. 24. 107-if. A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, Watch and Clock Makers, Jewellers, &c, Ac. Opposite the Chronicle Office, Front street, : WILMINGTON, N. C. j RESPECTFULLY Inform th'e cHiiens of j 7V Wiliiiinyton and couniry generally, fhat they ' &jt liave tjkenihc Store opposite thr Chrenicrs i Othce, whi re their personal attention willbegiven tw j the rep.iiiing ol every deseripuon of H atches, t locks. Jewelry, Plated aud I Sliver Ware, All of which will be executed in s slyleof workman-: ship noi surpassed by any ot..er eslablSlunent, and ; warranted to give entire valisfacllon. In orTerinnoiir services to the publle, We feel satis- ' fled that a iri.il is only recjuinile to secure the good, will and a continuation of the patronage of all w he may favor us in the loreoinj; undertaking. ! N. B. Having in idn arrangements at the North we srernnbled Is keep for sale, at ns lo prices a any other esiabllahitient, eery decripl.'bTi ol GOLD i and SILVER WATCHES, fancy and other Clocks, 1 wlih a variety of fine JEW ELK ,&c, too numer- j oils to mcniion. Wholesale ii4 retail ordrrssupplled at the shortest notice. I Oct. 18th, 1349. 91-lyc. PORR AND BEEF. C( BBLS. Mess and Prime Pork ; JU 10 half do. Family Beef i 600 lbs. Smoked do. IIW Kieklad Tongues r Just recelvod and fur sals by Nov. 21. vYtf. NEFF. lO'j. HAY! IIAY!J Q aft BALES superior quality Maine Hay, daily w expected tor sok by WM. M. HARRISS. Agent. Nov. 20. IUj. CAMPHINE AT FORTY CENTS. j T Y PUHUHT CAMPHINE, ill l-e sold from 1X my wagon and at the store of J. O. Haunlart al FORTY CENTS PER GALLON. C. DuPRE. Nov. 1. OJ-tf NEW ARR1NGEMLNT. THE Subscribers have this day entered Into co partnership under the name tod firm of O. C. nRADLEY & Co and will hrrsafler carry 00 the BOOT 8IIOK IIualueNi In all its branches at ihe old establish menu Their aseorunent will be kept eomoleie al all times. .;. GEO. H. BRADLEY. CHAS. UltADLKY. . WM. F. DAAM. Jane 4th. 1849. N. B. By the above arraDgomenl it becomes sb solstelv oecessery jhat ill accouuts due the late firm of O. C. Baolsv should bo seltled l-nincdlsirly. June 3. 1949. Jour, and Chron. copy. 35 if. IpY THOMAS LORING. MORNING, JANUARY 12, GENESEE FLOUR. Cif HALF bbla. Extra &J For sale by 'Nov. WM. NEFF. 109. CIGARS. Qnn nnn assorted Bodi or cigi OUVJjUWVJ juat received at Mayer's ch ars, eap cash 8tore, which Is oflbred ata lower price than ver ottered before In this place. JOSEPn MAYER. Oot,l8 1849. . 91. 1 00,000 CIGARS, Vorlona Brands. for IT W. 1K I . .10 m Tee, -;fT FOR RENT. I JxJi it ; ..... i" THE Offieo now occupied by E. Dickln son. Possesion ftivvn first Junuory. For further pariiulurs, inquire of Dec. 20. H8 AN OVERSEER WANTED. BY the subscriber T. D. M HAKES. 118 If. Dec. 20. 1849. COW PEAS. 1 fCfl BUSHELS Cow Pcis. Just received per 1 OUllailroad. MARTIN &. CRONI.V. Dec. 1. 110. BRICK. SUPERIOR uualily. dully expected for sale by WJI. M. IIARRISS, Agent. lus. " picleS 20,000 Nov. 20. I70RTV boics assorted Piekles Sauces Ai.for JL siilc by Nov. 21. ALEX. McHAE.Jr. 106. TAILORING!! THE subscriber has resumed his business in Wil mington, and will carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in all its various branches. He Is In possession of nil the latest styles, and from his pa irperiencein the business he feels sulisficd Unit lie cun please the tasto ol (he most fastidious. Atrial is all that ho asks lo convince Die most skeptical. He guarantee all work that h does to fit, and to be i made in a worfcmm-IUte manner. is. R. ROBBINS May 15, 1848. 26-tf. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A FRESH supply of very handsome llillsof Ex lV change, for sale at the Comrner'iuMire . GLUE. Cfl BBLS. Superior American Qluo, warranted. JJ For sale by BARRY, BRYANT fc ADAMS. Nov. 7. TRUSS HOOPS, QF approved msnufaciure. ct.29. For tnle bv J. R. BLOSSOM. 92-tr. CARRIAGE MAKING. Market street, about 300 yards above the Lplscopal Church. rsjlll E yubscribers wou'd respect- lully i.iform the inhabitant o liiiinylon, and vkiniiv, thai thev h.ike in iiiiii employ experienced workmen at Hit Various bram-lies, and are therefore enubled lo manu fa el ii re nil kinds of riding Vendee, In the lulmi style ond best inanr.er, and would respectfully solic it the a lenlion ot all persons wishinganyilung dune in our line, as we are ileiermined to give BMislaetion. lai kiniiliing of all kinds, ulso, ull kinds ol re pairing do .c, in the nealvst manner, and at reduced prices. N. B. Sign andornament.il Painting dune in 1 thu best manner aud at shoit nuii- e. ! WELLS 4, CORNWALL, j Wilmington, Jan. 20. Ul FEATHERS. BAGS Feathers, jum received and for mis by ANDERSON I.ATfMEK. 20 Nov. 20 106. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, PL tNTF.RS.and others visiting Wilmington lo buy goods, are requested lo call andexaii.ine my slock and prices lor any description of HatsorCnps. Mv arrangements arr such as lo be able to furnish every desciiptien ol Hats and Caps at the regular New York wholesale prices. I C. MYERS, Hatter. I Sept. 29. bJ. STEAM PACKING, nOSE Sl BELTS. o P. POLLEY, Agent for the Boston Belling 1 -ul lnl IS not the whole which li lo bfc j O. Company, will keep constantly on hand, and I done. Remember that hmc and Hie phos I fori ilo, various kinds ol Bells, Hose, and Sleam ' ,,h,.i ., ,.. I, ,i r..r ,. , ,.l .11 All orders punctually attended to. June 3, 184V. 45-tf. CROCKERY. A GENERAL assortment of China. Glass, and Earthenware, now open for fnfpecilon, n kn sain low for cash, at ALEX. MacRAE S, Jr. Dec. 13. lit FOR SALE. THE HOUSE and Store on second St. Terms easy. The Store si present oc- 1 pled by J . K. Curry. Apply 10 Nov. 16, 1845. KW. FOR SALE. nUT Nails, assorted 1 J Shot. lull assor in to nl in, Italian ( lute Sunn. ( R. Packing Yarn, from Italian Hemp. W. BROWN. 100. and Su For tale by Nov. 9. CIDER. 6 BBLS. prime Joraey Cider, for tale by ALEX. llscRAEJr. Dec. 13. U5. SHOT. For sale by HOWARD APED EN . IK. 50 BAGS Shot. Jan. 1, 1850. VVliolc No. 593. A JOG IN THE FRUIT GARDEN. When winicr cornea, it if worth while to look about n little, and see how you Stand in (he garden anrl orchard. ' Go into your kitchen garden : if rour oiI if poor and worn out and full of insects, this is tho very time of all others j doctor it, and here is my prescription, which I have proved over and over, again. Clear off the plot bf ground tr. .be renovated, and cover it with a good dressing of frtth liable manure, with the litter in it. liegin at one side of tbe plot, and throw tin the soil into rdges,. .digging it boul, eighteen tolhfr d4pKP';iBllb .! thro'. the smUsyou dljTUSi let icwtrm ttr. the utiuosphere and the frost will haven good chiince to Ho their bm in bettering it.o quality of the soil itself; and the essence of the manure will not only be all mken up by the soil, but its coarse ness will bo broken down by the spring, so that your plot will be in the bfsl possible oriler for vegetables when the swallow comes. If you nrc troubled with grubs and in sects in the ground, you must also treat it with a rlose of salt. Scatter nny refuse or coarse ilienp saji over the earth before you begin to rule it up, at the rate of a bushel to the eighth purt of an acre or eight bushels lo the acre. Put on at this season, j it will do no harm to anything vegetable, ami will thoroughly nu you of those en terprising liule gentry that crawl out of the ground in May and June and quietly play ( iuy Faux to the roots and stems of the tcmlcrcst things that the pot boils. In the review of your forces at ibis sea son, before they go into winter quarters, it is ten lo one you will find, staring you in the face possibly not ten paces from your door-steps some excellent old friends, whose acquaintances you begin to be asha med of and ure sorely tempted to cut at once. I mean some good old fruit trees, still very sound and healthy, but utterly refusing, for years past, to bear any good fruit ! The soil is probably pitiably run out ; run out, past the power alone of stable ma nure to bring it up again. It is run out, as the chemists say, in " lime and the phos phates." But it can be renovated, just as surely as there is manure and lime and the phosphates to be had ; and you may set about it now if you please, for this is the best time in (he world to begin. ISow to do tliis well and thoroughly wtji cost from two to three dollars a tree, labor and all included. Supposing we commence with a middle nged pear or apple tree, with a sound con stitution, which has been sulking for some j j time past on half pay. Now it is all very well to say that this tree don't want animal marirjre. Its roots have been in the same place for twenty five or thirty years, with only a little sprinkling ot something stimu lating over the top of thelfdil, which the grass indeed has pretty much taken to it self, or a slight yearly dressing of compost j (if it .'.as stood in the rrardenV which thn veiretubles have devoured, ixjok nl its little, short jointed shoots and unthrifty short jointed shoots and unthrifty growth, and you will see that, first of all, i it wants manure Very well. Now clear away everything in the shape of trees, shrubs, bushes, or vegetables of nil kind that stand within fifteen feet of the trunk of this tree. Next, bring a good two horse wagon load of fresh stable manure, and trench it under as deeply as the roots will let you, and par ticularly beyond where the roots extern. It is as foolish to put manure within fi' gx feel of tb t k f . . ' ve or ould be to pour drink over the back of a thirsty mnn. At the trry outside of the roots trench the soil two feet deep, and mix the manure with it--leave it rough and loose for the winter, for it is there at this outside limit that the roots will get a good 1 these that poor soils rrow poor in. It would not do lo put them in with (he fresh ma nure, since they would not agree well to gether, but would go 10 decomposing one another, instead of making a succession of good dunarj for the feeders'1 thai u to say, the little fibres of the roots. Uut next spring, as early rs the soil is dry, you must apply to each large tree, manured in the full, two bushels of ashes and it peck of plaster or gypeum; and, if it be a pear tree, a half bushel of bone rjusl If it is nn apple tree, you may substitute a peck of air slaked lime for the plaster -Spread this evenly over the soil that was dug and manured Inst autumn, and mix it through il.e whole with a stout three prong ed fork. This will bring the soil to a good condition ogam, and tbe old tree will spee dily commence making new roots selling new fruit buds, and, the next season, begin to bear fine fruit ngain. And this I do not give you from theory, but from actual trial under the most favorable circumstances. I do not tell you to prune your tree, because 1 very touch doubt the wis dom of ii the fust year. I would only see that the bark is clean and smooth, aodtfirs u a lutle more soft soap, if necessary, in that h quarter Alter the tree nas begun lo ex- hibil signs pf feeling tfcf? f 4y j . i -it given it say twenty months hence t'uat yon may, if needful prun? . it moderately. When, indeed, tho tree is portly deCayed or broken or full of lanffled and ciW tix-l. I would be a little sever with it at f ., but i ot otherwise? Vf p . This is the season when a shrewd o!J dig ger should go over ht peneh and , f,Zz trees, scrape away the' earth about the Lot toros of .the trunks; and look for that rascal the peach worm If Mi there, expecting that M there h a good rime com ni," now ttat -Jb U in sociV comfortable winter fiarteM y6n,iftil know by tin guar, by whiclt the tree always shovs-to its natural protector, the presence of its eneory, Whnrtf ef you see this giim, uinr your knife, open the bark, an take out the ' vHe grub. If m stays there a fsw'mtfnili longe, he will completely tirwxta&l'Tzkto the trunk ; and, after be hae been Jcmud the world m this manner, there are no there peaches for yoo. . It hi a matter .of fJte minutes to a tree j Adt1f yon grurl lHai -pains, for rareripes, the gruV will U!tt ve months at iy.ind fetth'r better of yoU If you are vtontin fruit frees" dan's be aprjcois,.rMiCtarms, B,n4 so Liil,i.i ..i,1 sunny places, on (be M09ftiriXtM.' fences and gardehsl Such ire, depend 60 it, the very spots to kill them-betweea the extra heat of mutsumnftf, and, tbe eonsteni 4 freezing and thawings of the trunk in -; winter. You had better choose a west, or, ' if, not too far riorthwanl, even a due north em exposure. The latter iV niuiJli flie best ": in tire Middle State. j? .Never plant a tree with sarall jfooti ittdtJ a Inrge top when the roots hare len Inade. small by the spade in diggingwijhout! ' making the latter small also. There most : bo some ballast in the hoM te earty erfi.r much sail on tbe mast,-as an oMsaK would '. ' say ; and you will gam ili the beaMf ed : size of the tree, three years hence,- by ' shortening back the endi of the'Ionet , limbs (ill you have struck a fait b&renee betweun the part that coWeef teni ami nnrt ihal r.onanmpB if . 52rL"i.'" 1 u-'sr t THE . ? ACCOMJIODAmCJCDCli'f A WESTERS 8T0ET- There is a spirit in the sons' of the far west, fi which we can trace through elf age and almost every chine,- as baring' fitrinfitti those lirinr mid way between garage end ; f civilized life ; and, though their fearless rencounters with death must ranlSfotodejf' the name ef chfralry, tljere xS tfb i'mixture which, in polite society, we woutd Una fe ? Ionics, or mayha tortwMfitf 6ifiief.r A The incongruous compound may7 better be explained by the following anecdote,4 In which I shall consider mvseif in the 61a.ee of a deceased friend fVortf whom I Iw'ardi jfi While on the frontier of Texaf, : rerl years sincr, I stopped at a small town and, . .- put up at & tarern where the luxury of the table more than compensated for smaUuese of the house. My suoDer eras nretMrnl - find 1 seated myself to partake ofit. i bad v hardly done so, when the doofopened? and a huge mass of marr entered)1. (lie head was bound by a check mtndkercbief of cat- 1 ion, tied in a bow knot in front, atrdfronj beA wain us euge oetmut stuck rengh and : bristly mess of jet-black hair. His body 4 was protected from the weather by itigbt; 5 fitting buckskin hunting-ahirl : while Teg- gins and moccasins of the sane material I enveloped his lernrwl rr k.lr nf mm. dressed Jeer-hide hire If U I hrmi Hi. 4r supported two pistols of burhf dh&srjjione. nud from it was susoendedai W(her aefc. bard containing a knife, the handle of which was a f. arfut tofceo of its length. He placed his rifle in a corner, and took off the belts which hung over his brawny shoulders, suspending his shot-pouch end powder-horn which were curiously wrought, and told of Mexiearr artist. Having thus partly unburdened himself, be pulled a stool near the fire, for ihe night ware damp and chilly, and, slapping his muscular bonds on Ins thighs, seemed to peep with his keen eyes into the crackling fire, which roared i u: the wiiie chimtiey. ' j "landlord, gi' me some Iitjuor t tare 1 The landlord glanced, al hlj guest'ajodl hesitftted n moment, but the stranger roW ed- his eyes ; the eflfect wtrs nngiea; in an niatant, the well fill" whiskey-bottle OJcJ tin tumbler were at bis elbow. , , "Landlord, hang that on the rufe ba stop, gi' tne that knife first," and he hand, ed the waist-belt, pistols, and scabbaidj t the host, whilst he thuist the knife into the bosom of hi bunting-shirt. As the . inr keeper was obeying the bidding of hit street ger visiter, tbe latter poured the tumbler full of whiskey and tossed it off at a swallow, i -LAJidlord," lie cned strain. 1 Wnf something to eat I've money for that There was a deep-tone in his voice too. that- listurbed me mysterioukly. ? t The additional plate was laid on (he ta ble, and the stranger seated himself oppo site, to me. He had a face a careless W depenJence on it ; but tbe cautious' man ner in which he asked, "I hope I ain't one too many here, stranger," excited, my uc-" prise. I assured bim that I was pleased rather than otherwise, as I disliked eating alone. ' "Enough said," answered.' he, "there" my fist," and we shook hands over tbe ta ble. Ilia appetite was in proportion lo hie bulk, and we discoursed but tittle entil ,af ter supper, when be continued a cooversa-4 tion in which he evinced a sound mind,' aW! tboozh h- language was rough end full of nrovinciI-m- I During the talk I ingrouaicu myseu in C us rotate fAa- 4. .