4' . t'f ar r-. 't ' f THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON. N. 0 V V ; BATtTRPAY. JANUAKY 12, If 50; THE 100,000 SUBSCRIBED, v tNl (h tubariipUoo required to com plete the amount necessary to eecur ihe approprla. . lion of iho Legislature of South Carolina, hat been y'im4i ap, by the ,1100,000 ttUcribj here whhia a ,'' fow day pail. The building of lite Road Is now iwndcrcertoln.';,.,.;,,, r - . V Cape Fear A lisep River Improvement, i Yft Invite thW attention of our reaierolo tho com . munlcation of OuUhtun, tn the subject of thli enter ' ) prlee, The communication cornea from o source , ; ntitled to great reapect, and from one who under- . Modi tha eu reject In nil It bearings. J- Wa believe our citizens have not lost sisht of this impvfiaoi enterprise vui iho ims iuniiij,fvun around oa have for moment diverted (ha immediate , attention of our people from It. We do believe the . t . li.. .1.- : , importance of this work, to the growth and prosper r , U of Wilmington Is understood and appreciated, md no ""consideration would tempt our citizens to "Y relax In their seal for ita success, or permit them to ':" .v..k i. r .1.,, .,,, ...... ..i f4ieeie of tholr eolicltuda. , " " LADY'S HOOK. i ' Wo acknowledge the receipt of the Portrait of Mr. hi A. Ooobv, Editor of the Lsdyl Dunk, with his '- card. : Mr. GoDcr commenced this nubiicuiiun 20 ,j yaara ago,' and hns kept it in high cliurncter to i tie -preaent day improving It from year to year. ;,4 ,. ARRIVAL OF THE FALCON. ,"' We learn, through tho Courier and Mercury, re ceived by telegraph, that tho alcaniship Falcon arri ved at New Orlenns from Chngres, on tho night of thefilh Inat. with 115 passengers from California, " and iatea to 1st December. Sho reports the arrival or the schooner Sarah Smith at Chagrei, with I he pasactigers of the steamship Crescent City. There were 900 persons on the Isthmus owaiiing (ranspor " latlon. The health of the place was rood. There te no further intelligence as to the result of (he recent election. '';! STOCKHOLDERS MKB TIN 0 OF TIIK WILMINGTON ct M A X CUES T I', fl M. K. Id our advertising columns will be found a notice of the meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilming ton and Manchester Rail Road Company, at Sum ter, S. C. on the 30lh of the present month. Wc are aware that the most determined sentiments and animated feelings control the Stockholders of this Road ; and the late exhibitions of zeal and pub lic epiril in this place as well as In South Carolina, admonish us that they need no stimulus to exertion io their general action in this important cause. But ul thu lime, the time appointed for Ihe Stockholders' meeting, is a full manifestation of interest especially required. Mutters of grave import, claiming the enlightened coaosel of as many f the Stockholders at can possibly assemble, will be brought before then. Now that the scheme has received an im petus that must propel It to a happy consummation, it is necessary that the strong efforts In action should be weH directed, and prudence end discretion I e brought to bear upon this project, which Is of such immense consequence to all concerned. Wc cannot well expreaatho joy we feel at iho re cent manifestation of unanimity and food will, that Universally pervades this community. Every friend of Wilmington ; all who deal re to see her prosperous and the honor of Not th Carolina elevated and sus talned, will not fail to cherish sentiments so crcJ lia ble to our people so fair a development of tho best alnd purest trails of the human character both as it regards our social happiness, and the interest and prosperity of iho public. Especially is this state of . things of importance to all the industrious classes of ' : Our community. Every man who works for a liv inf snd there are few here ho do not - will rcul ... ... ... , .. , . is me rewaru oi nonest laoor una tue iruns 01 not:- i rableenlerpn.se under the blessing of that Provi dence whose favor, we trust, none of us w.ll cease io invoke. TOWN OFFICERS. The following appointments were made al a mcel Ing of the Commissioners of this town, held on Wednesdiy evening last. Maistbatb of Policc. J.imcs T. Miller. Tews Clksk and TaiAsvsas. -Richard Mor lis. PoucB Orricaa. John GalTord. Wood lssriSToa. Dinlol Furgus. Captais or Gvasd. John Stuart. Towji Uuaso. John bneeden, Enoch Farrow, W. Wtggt, James Garrison, Hiram liuiiun, Tliomas Weeks, Jas. H. Smith, Joseph B. Cauady, Lewis Collins, Patrick O. Kalian. Cater EneixtEa Stephen P. Policy. CAfTAiss or Eseiars. John C. W ood, Hiram rolley, Win. Radcliif. Fisa Wabdexs. A. J. DeRossef, Jr., O. (i. Pars jey, II. R. Savage. Edwin A. Anderson, C. D. Ellis. C0MiltE.SSI0.NAL. The Senate, on the Sili, after disposing of a va riety of other business, was engaged with a long dUcuaslon onth; reception of a series of r-.soluiiuns oa the subject of slavery, which had been adopted and forwarded for presentation by the Legislature ot the Stale of Vermont. The consideration ol.Mr. Cass's resolution, directing the Commiltce on For eigo Relations to inquire into the expediency of tiapetuliog diplamatic relations wllh Ausirls, was theft muined. On ibis quiion ihe Senile hid y been addressed, n former days, by Mr. Cass, Mr. IIaIa, and Air. Clay. Yesterday the discukaion wui eontiauedby Mr. Foote, who occupied the flour till the time of adjournment a the House, on the 8th, the dsy was spent in voting for a Clerk of the House several adduiunal votes having been taken without tU'eeim; a choice. Jn Stnalt, on the 9th, an election fur Chaplain took place. Mr. Butler, of the Eplacopsl (.'hutch, and Mr. Slicor of the Methodiet E. Church, each received 30 Votes, and the Vice President gave the Virtlng vols Tor Mi. Butler. 16 Ihe Haut, on Ihe 9th, the time was occupied in abortive effort to elect a Clerk. IXCENDIAIU8M AT NORTH AM PTON rAjti ktraixeriaia, Mass., Jln. 7, '50 . Jwilneendiiry lire occurred at Northampton Ijb4 iveuing, 00 ot which consumed s barn, the praert f fiaml. f. Eq-, and the other (SDftinvsd hre wooden awree, siiusitd in Mar eiunte' How, occupied by Mt. Rich, as s bookstore, tMaw-aaa.aaMi'1 itm c 1 1 ii'imaai Mr. Kellogg, tailor, and Mr. Sackolt, as boot one altoo store. - The buildings wero partly insured. . i ' j MR. lULli-TIIE OBSERVER. It is duo to our friends j It ia due to Ihe public, and h is especially due to those who have been du ped by tho misrepresentation, that wo expose the falsehood of the charge made against us by Mr. Hale, of missing no opportunity of "striking at Fuyelttvillu" which wes reiterated under ihoguUe of a correspondent. The truth is, the reteree of this assumption Is the fact, as all who desire It inny know. Tho files of 77i Commercial will bo ransacked In vuln for uny item to sustain this libellous charge, ond they ore olFcred to Ihe inspection of any man who doubts on litis point. Wc do not believe that any considerable number of (he citizens of Payetlevilleuro willing to Sustain Injustice we would any more, much more in regard to that cominunity,which brth our judgment nnd our feelings prompt. i!ut we must coulees, that having suflcTcd'a grievouswrong from Mr, IIalk, In hi reniaiks on the course wo pursued, and believing he is sustained by some portion of tho citizens in his outrage, our feelings perhaps our pride will not permit us, In the present position of affairs, to s;iy any thing thai might appear of an npolegctlcai'char ncter, or deprccoto resentment whsre we are enti tled lo o dilferent scatijnont. " ' v We will eay, however, that wo havo no fears for Ihn result In it'uyettevllle, w hen public opinion ahull have sotllcd down'under dispassionate inquiry and honest inveligation. It is cei tain that a vast ma- jority will refrain from cooperating in a case, mani- j many million?, now transports (by Iwrt'.-tuit'.m oif festly ruled by iho most deadly peitunal hostility. , cr,) at a cost one-lhird loss than the eeono ni -i d and To those who pretend lo believo (his charge and ; will regulated Rail Roads of Now Engl. mil ; and those who form cliques to sustain each other right or i yet mums lo the treasury of ihul Stale,' oiif million wrong, we simply remark, that they are likely to j annually. h ave the world in but little duubl, as to whether Here, where nature has so hi-jhly fivore! us, we they address themselves chielly to their Futher in ure enabled, by a few Locks ami Dams, and a short Heaven, or their Kallicr elsewhere. ' portage iiail Road, to open a line of (rniMiai lalion We will show, in the progrees of this investiga- I ol great extent ; traversing throughout us entire lion, lliat so far from our ''striking ut Fayeitcville," I ngth a country possessing all the (dement:; of pio we have only spoken when Mr. Hals, in tho OUscr- ! duelivi ness of any other, and where - motive pow- rcr, has struck al ilmington, or her citizens. And ; er will be steam, at un average speed of no: le.vs than wc verily believe, lhat if it had not been for the in- ! 3 to 10 miles per hour; in consequence uf which, we tlucnce exercised by Mr. Hale, the people of Fay- j Bli:.ll be able, at least, to transport as cheaply as upon ellcvillo and Wilmington would this day bo in the ; ihe great canal of New York where ihe Ml and interchange of the most kindly ncntiments, both in ' rr,', upon a barrel of fic.ur, for llie miles, up social mailers and ihose which concern their niutu- I pears, from tho Comptrollers report, lo be 77 cents, al prosperity. j We, therefore, have un ubidtn; laiili in the iiliimate We have not before us the documentary matter re- j returns for the outlay necessary to complete our lin latingto.Mr. IlALt'k attack on Gjn. Dvd'ky. We proveineiil ; knowing that at the cheap rates we shall may obtain this, and refer to the subject hereafter. be able lo liansporl for, we can command ihe trade This was nut un attack on Wilmington, but it was as unerringly as "water seeks its level. '' an assault on one of her most talented and honora- In view of all these facts, Mr. Editor, and w ithout blu citizens, engaged then, as ever, In promoting the j pretending lo any extraordinary fori sight, we are interest ond Welfure of the lown. I ,)ne of lliO'C Ulieving that the scheme of the " Cope Wo notice next, Iho following article which op- j Fear & Deep River black-water Navigation," and peared in tho Obnrttr of the latter pari of Decern- its ultimata extension lo tlio valley of ihe Yadkin, ber, 1S4G. Our Wilmington frieiuls have evidently " stolen n march upon us. The scheme "to get the whole Legislature lo spend "Christmas in thtit lown, is one of the must " hospitable movements (hut was ever de- i; vised to rjat on obyrl ! Who can re "sist the intluence ot the noted hospilnlily 'of lhat town? Unless, indeed, the whole 'thing should nppenr so transparent an at " tempi lo setluce inembct's I'roin the fair ' and legitimate objects of legislation, as " lo produce disgust. " " We learn from other letters than the "one we publish, that a prejudice has been j " instilled into the minds of the members against I'nyelteville. For this wc ;ue "doubtless indebted lo the troops of Lobby "members which Wilmington has had 'in lliileitrh during the session." How w e cntcilained tills scandalous article and llic manner in which wc "struck at Eayeltev lib ," will rmn, .1,. ft.lb.w i n uhirh ii t,r,.:i r.d iii Commercial of Pt,'C. 29 : ' We have rarely during our Editorial carer, been more surprised or pained llian on reading thu above umton und tmirarranerf nil u ': of the Ouscrter on he character of our citizens, hy imputing base and improper moliies to them in exercising the riles of honpliulity ; on imputation alike Insulting to Ihem ,' , rv.i i . , , andlheniembeisof.he Legislature, by whom invitation was accipled. To prove ihe vtttrfaUehood ol llic churire. if oilier proof than llie hiih character " of III i... .. . ,..i t, l ,i,iin.iiniiii 1 ' ' I junvl in llie lucl mat similar invitations haveirequent- ly been extended to the Members of previous Leg- value would be lull destroyed. iU,lurei, snd in ihe further fact, Ih n this invitation- ' P' ' continue my ktaicment : After leaving W :l . , ,,. i-iii, ii. mington we lay for sjniillme wind bound at 5)nuih- been obtained, or so nenily So, thai no poseible doubt i could be enteilained of llair passagr, which was all thai Fayelteville atl.edur, or titclcd of llie Legis- : lature, and Wiluiington had no other measure be- ,aVB9 h'aJ iniormoJ him ihul my male, William I'. f .re thu Legislature lhat w as ol all in doubt, except Stone, had taken her on board my vessel. He pro ihe proposition lur borrowing money on ihe credit uf posed a search ol thu vcsm t, lo which I readily ns- Ihe Town a mailer that did not concern Fayette viilein any way, und on which our ci z ns being divided, the presence of ihe Members uf lUe l.cgislu. lure among them w us calculated to all el tlieai as much ayaiutt as for it." ' Therefore, under every view of ihr m'.cri, the insinuation of the (Mxerter, charging llie ciliiens of Wilmington wllh trying to kribt the I.egl-liiure un- der the guise of hospitality, Ie Uliteral, unirurnv.Ud, nnd utterly JiUse." The remarks made above, in vindication of the rit- ... . , ' ii i lens of ndmmgton. ie what Mr. Hals wou'd call "sinking at Fayelteville," tho himself Is tho only Ihing struck at. .1 , i j . . j ,v,. . a..,., i We have already transcended the space we desired to allot lo this subject this numbsr, and defer fur- (her remarks. , T-niTnri.cuiHPQPnNliltN-rF EDIIOIVa CORftESPON DEN CE. To ihe Editor of the CvmmtrcUU : Dxab isia :-Aro the Influencee which may bsei - . , . , . ,i,. ii r.. peeled to grow out of the opening of the Cape Fcsr dt Deep Klver Slsck-waier Navlgalion," upon the future growth and prosperity of the city of Wil- i r ii i a . ,ii.j h h.r mington, fully undcrs.ood end appreciated by her riliicnsl Have they, with the msp of the Slate before them, Liken i.moeranhir.1 of ths vssl interior It will open up to ihem, and pondered upon the lnflu ence of the mighty trade accumulating throughout this exteoded line, for 403 miles j penetrating ths richest and most productive region of the Slate and considered ths effect upon the lucres of popula tion and wealth, which this trade will necessarily bring with il) Are they acquainted with the elorea of mineral snd agrfcufural wealth new locked up end languishing for some cJiesp mod of conveysnce to a market, all of which are now e dead letter to Wilmington ( the former lying dormant in the soil where nature has deposited it, and yet possessing the elements of an extended and enduring trade 1 ; . Whilst other communities, id other States, ore reaping .harvests of wealth under mttch more1 diffi cult and discounting clrcnmstances,- ilils mine of mlncrol deposit, which a few thousands would lm' part life and vitality to, has been permitted to rest upon lis primitive bed, sinco its discovery some 70 years since. The other forcing its way upon the cumbering wagon, to such markets, without the State, as It can reach, barely returning to the produ cer a pitinnce of the legitimate reward for his lubor and toil. The various modes of inter-ciriunuriication nre too well understood and depreciated in this liberal and enlightened age lo be dwelt upon at this linioj nor do we intend to go into their comparative advanta ges or disadvantages. They are each highly useful in their proper sphere and loculiiy, and we are the advocate of all. It is sufficient for us, however, that wc havo our line of improvement marked oul-nnl we may be permitted to say the mode indicated by on unerring hand. Nature has so unmistukcably im ced this entire route, ami removed the diflicultits from our path, that we have barely enough left us I" do, to show oui'8' lves worthy of thu rich boon held out to us. Constructed al a moiety of tho expenss of any J other Improvement of equal length, we sliill neees- s:nily be enabled lo transmit at n less charge. The Kiie Canal of New Voik, lib'3 miles long, so ;.....,(.. ....,......(.... I.. ..II. ...... I i.. rhr.tn.rli n I llll.ll.l'U3iy Ullll ll I TUIII.'gljT I1U III ILN IU, ....'"j,., Ion.- period of tears, nnd consirueteil at a cost of and through it to Wilksborough, (the survey for which is rendered obligatory upon the Nuvig.ilion Company, bi lore thu nu tting of the next Legisla ture,) is destined lo confer untold wealth and coin meiee upon your ecupoit. CH ATHAM. THE AI5Dt;CTIO.N-CAPr. PINKH.VM. We ore gratified in being able to state, lliut cir cumstances have transpired to render ii certain that Capt. IMshham, ullodod to in uur last, is entirely innocent ol having any conmxion w ith llic girl lie!- re, or in nny way Bluing ner escape, or naviug any knowledge of it. Mr. (J. w. Davis, the :on.lg ie e, produced assures us thai a s tricl investigation bus lliis conclusion : In uddi:ion to this wc give Cnpt. Pinkham's own slattinenl, in the lUtlon I'ost of the "ill inst. which is believed here to be correct, and is satisfactory lo Mr. Davis. To the l-MHor of the Koston Iot. Sir 1 w if li ilir JUgli yo ir ) apei lo make 10 the pub. Hi n wt :i t Piiii-il ( ill f i I r ll .1 1 tin .s n I nnw kmiw lll0ll) ol U5C,,,,(. ot ihe rlave, named Uetsey, or , Uvss.-y, lroui W ilmington lo lii.slon in Ihe bar ! I Hales, of liw.il li ti.i y, .Manet, under my cominari I And btlore entering upon tie statement I wish di.s tmcll and poMhv. !y lo disavow all p.u t icipalion in her escape and all kii"wledu or su-ipieion ih it h!e w..s on board tlio vcmjcI d:u mg the voyage. 1 make Ibis disavowal In cause, however wrum; slavery may be, I do not Hunk il right wbde vismng Houtltein ports professedly l.r commercial purposes, and liiu. : obtaining the i onlideiiee ol llie rl.ive-owm rs und I cets to Ihe slaves, to bciray conbgjnco by aiding llie slaves lo escape. And, lurihcr man Hits, I consider ; i ,loua b groesly Inlsc to th- ch.irjjo on.miii. to IIU. t,y llie owners ol the vessel 1 cominand, li I were, , wiilioul llieir eensent, lo use tlx ir property lor tueb ' . .. 'iM . . .. . u .. i i.i ( i- .. . aiurnose. i ue I he V' s-el coulH not ujernaids 'kit i t u In. r-n rr:i r. -i I 111 ill4fil.ri VI' I c!i could c.i i rv In r wj,ui lumts of ihe slave states, end thus le i villa st Ihe inoulli ul llie river und about Iweniy miles from S llminlon. lilic llicie my eoiis.gi.ee , iMr. Geo. W. Davis, ol Wihuingiou, came on ti.ein! Willi sumo police ollici r, iindsi.iiid thai Ins uvc I',,iu..v h.,,1 ..ii' I ..I il,- .,,),.. seined, lor i leu most uesirous sn.' siioiim uu iouiicI ifahe were on boatd. 'I ho eareh was made, but (tie slave was not found The mil day ihe vess.l was ugam searched, but With no better succesa ihuu U fore. Tlie olliceis ilien smoked ihe vessel wah llie expectation ufdnwng llie w email out if she were cencealcd in a place lo which llic search had not extended, and at ihe same time loudly proclaim ed that if she did not show herself she would be smoldered. Kill all lo no purpose. We sailed un l,.c. on llic Until day u:t, r our tu rival, I learned f'"1" my steward, who hud come on board sinco our ""rival that ihe nnte had ink. n a niullatio woman . out OLAJIO vessel and c.irried her ou shore. Fiom ,iie statement ol ihe men, which I have hud t,u,n , in writing and signed by ihem, u appears probable slie wos brought on board and concealed by ihe mate, and il is made quit j certain bv iheir stats- mt;l 0w bhg waJ b), nn mhi duiing his watch on deck. 1 lie place ul her concealincnl was llie nariuw space in iwi en Ihe cub- 1 in on one side und llie aide ot Hie vessel un llie other ' I Uvi"J Hie .juai ler deck uOove und Ihe muni deck be- ,uw I'lut space runs ihe . mire lengtli ul ihe cabin, 'and Is 2t inches wide by 0 inelrs high, jt j ' iclud by going down the am r or bcuiii, hatch and passing lluouglt ihe More ruuin. I he nu n stale MW ,:, ln;lt0 , nitfl,i carry I.km1 down Z , hnich, and Ireiiuenil; puss down hiuneli ond return j nlier uu ubunct ul Ull an hour or so. Two ol U.e men siale lhat lla olste, while in W ihniiiJion. x- , ((j I boaid Ihe vessil. Anollier stales mm alter iho pilot came on board io toko us Into liosion harbor, ihe linr Viiimm nml ntr vni ul Ihisl.m i n ah. ''sJila ..I mato lold Imu lliero was a woman on l,aid, ui the sauie liniu enjoining upon htm not lo tell iho Lie I lo any one. Alter tlio woinun hud lelt the vessel ths mate's msilrass snd blanket were found In the cup- poacu piuce oi conecjiincni. As 1 carried two lusle I was not ordinarily on deck ot night, snd the facts above LHed in relation to ihs eor.ducl ol ihe mate during hie watch did not eoiue to my knowledge. One ol the men atalea that ha suspected thst all was right, but did not deem It his duty tu Interfere between tha orBceis of ihe vessel Others stale that their suspicious were not aicilsd by the conduct of the mate, probably on account of the seaich si Wilmington. Ii ni think any of iiat'OieisiaissfunassiTtt-'1 Siua Limua iesite.1 ihe crew, except the mate, had any connection with bar escape.' . . , .., -v v;Vf, I consider my mate lias done me and the owners uf the bark a great injury. Nor can hie conduct be justified or palliated py Ihe supposition thnt he hue put himself ae well ns others in peril to aid this wo man to escape from bondage. Facta compel me to believe that othor motjvee than thoae of 4humunity prompted hint to the oourne be Iws tlten. , SiAtHAititb' PwsrrtAsi, Master of thg bark Jlujlea. (H . 'A iinAiivea Last evcnlne. between 6 arid 7 o'clock, B man named Kdward.Rose, ogej about Jreora, a native of Belfast, Ireland, who came as a passenger lit thjj fjr. ship Annie, Copt. Mearns, which vessel "arrived It this port on the 4th Novi' lastfell betiveen the ship end dock, at North Atlnntlo wharlj and. was drowned.. - ;. .,.4.:'!.!" i ' We loafn that Mr.Jloao was Jolngon board tlio vessel, wllh the intention of taking passage in he, when the accident occurred. Wheii' lhu alarm was given, the inate and a soJJorjumBed!ovsrbonrd. and In a few minutes with the aid of thoCaptuIn arid eirw brought out tho body,' but all 'nttempt'a to ro H8cita!e it failed. ' . ' ' : Mr. Rose leaves a distressed niotficr ond' sister here, and we understand has n wife and "children in Ireland. Charlttlon Courier, Jan. 9. - :'i gOldsboro' tontentIon.' ' The proceedings of tho Interntil Improvement Convention, held al Goldsboro' on the 3d of ttie pres ent month, did not reach us till Thursday lust, ihroi gli llie Telegraph of that date. We find room only lor some exiracis of the 1'rocccJings on ihis iiitereslins occasion. Tho convention was organized, on motion of James Griswold, Em., by the uppointinent of Dr. S. A. Andrews, President ; Dr. J R. Justice, Dr. J. O. Watson, Col. J. Iiattlc, A. T. Jakins, 1-1 - I , II. Flan ncr, ICsq , and' Wm. CuraVroy, Esq., Vice Presidents; and Col. W. F. S. Alston, V. C. Clark. Eof. Col. W, S. G. Andrews, and W. I!. Gulick, Esq., Secre taries. Delegates from various counties were present, as follow s : Yl'il.e - Hon. Romulus M. Saunders. Johmon Dr. J. 0. Watson, and D. II. Whit- ey. Edrecotnbe James S. Ualtle. .Yii! Juiucer. U. Flanuer, S. I). Ford. ( Wen -A. T. Jerkins, E. It Stanly, Dr. J. R. Justice, George .S. Stevenson, Thomas C. Hunter. John Charlotte, William C. Whitfield, C. C. ''lark, Henry McLinn, William II. Guliek. Onslow J. li. Saunders. H'liyue All p uts of ihe County represented. The inci ting was addressed bv .Messrs. Stevenson and Saunders. An evening session was held, Cununsiieing at 7 o'clock, ulicu llie meeting was addressed by Messrs Stevenson, Dibble and Lancaster. Resolutions of llianks to Gen. Saunders, for his eloquent an I in structive adJrcs.i ; and lo George S. Stevemon, Esq. for his exertiom in this great cause, wero introduced by James Onswold, Esq , anl paiie l unanimou ly. I-'rom the S. V. Linuig P&t. Arrival of the Steamer Ohio. The sleau-.er Ohio, Cnptai Schenrk, was discov ered ejiinti; o,i ill j bay ihs inoruing about ten u'el.K k, nnd as il was known that she would con ned w'uli the Falcon nt Havana, the city was on llie look out for new s from California. ' Dui unfortunan ly, It was found, when she was bonded by our news reporter lhat the bnlcon hid not reached Havana on Ihe 4th, llic lime the Ohio ! sailed. Those, therelore, who expected letters or fortunes from llie gold region, mutwait. 'I he Oliio nude her appearance oil' the lights last : , svenin:;, hut on account of a ilensc fog whieli hung over I1:- I ind, w ii unalilc lo reach llie harbor. j ('apt Van lcibilt who Bailed in the Crescent City, ' 1 on li.r last trip, lias returned in the Ohio. j 'I he l nited Sial.-s squadron, consisting of the fri- j , gate Raman, I'.ag ship of Commodore Parker; sloop Albany, schoJULr Flirt, and steamer Water Wiieli, ' .in i vi J n t II n ana on ihe '21. The squadron was i lo have s; iied on tlie 7lh instenl ; the Rariton in the ' Windward l:land-lhe rcsl of llie equadron for .Nil ir.ii:gu.i. ! I'ri uhis were scarce, owing to Spanish vessels ar- : riving atid taking iri:fcrctKe to American vessels. 1 ,ii Freiieh und Spanish squadron wero daily e.v- , peeled lo arrive. j i From Uu Ualctgh Standard. HOMICIDE. On Thurs 'ay uighi last George Fowler enme to lirx Tl. uili by wounds Inflicted upon him by Chrislo- j plu i C. iicoii, at a house in tlio eastern part of ihia j City. Fowler, it appears, was stabbed in ihree plie s between ihe.shoulders, in the back, ond j in llie lilit side. He got lo his house, some three! hundred yards from llie placo where ho received the wounds, and died in his yard. Mr. Scott was or- ' listed that night and commuted to jail by the In lendanl ; and on the next day a Jury ol Inquest was called, who found a verdict substantially ns shore. On Satuiday u Cou'il of Ma:' istrates, consisting ol i Messrs. V. Dallas Haywood, William Thompson, and C. H. Root, was called, und the accused w.ii brought up lor an examination into the testimony ol the case. Aflr o full hearing of the testimony, as i well as of his Counsel, Messrs. G. W. H i vw ood and Henry W. Miller, thu Court refused lo bail the acru seJ, und committed him to pilson to Hand his trial al ihs next Superior Court. I STEAMBOAT EXPLOSION. BsioacroaT, Conn.. January 7, l50. The stoamer Niagara running from tint place (o New Voik, III connection wnli the Housjionic Rail road, burst her sleam connecting chamber, this morning, at S o'elack, as she was leaving her dock, doing much damage, and entirely disabling her. No live lost, Sho was loaded with freight. The Roger Wlllisms has just taken hur in tow for New York. MURDER AT PROVIDENCE, R. I. Ps jviuiMsr, Jnn. 8. William Henley has been arreslcJ al Providence. R. I., for the murder of Mary Henley his wife. lloih purties ware given to drunkenness and the man was drunk when ihe-fcllfgcd murder w committed a wis probably th woman also. Tho evldenee gainst Henley appeara lo be circumstantial only. He we committed on the coroner's warrant snd has not yet been examined boiore the magistrals. "OOV. OF MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Jsn 8. The Hon. George N. Drlgge, has been re elected Governor of Masavhusslts, and was to be qualified to-day. InfheHrjM, Brlggi received 167 votes j asn Philip 93, and Boutweli 69. In the Senate, Drlgge received 23 and 3outweI) 12 votes, thcfrcO soil mem ber voting for the Jotter, f V' .rv ""i: ; jt The Woo. John Reed, of Yarmouth Va chosen i Lleittenant Governor.; j'r';'.-':...;: SVAFm&$AN dANADAw- ' ' t - ' " ' ToaosiTO, Cj W. Jan. 8.'' ' The sssUcs under tho altered judicature system opened yesterday. nree.rourderors are to be ar-J rargnod for' tilul. Justice Draper, denounced the penalties of treason against, the annexation nve mn!.' There iavo been f'aome further anneit ntlon dlsmissuf8.' The city elections were conclud ed to-day; ' Four annexatlonlatf hnra been terurpe MAUINE NEWS. I -s?i iws if PORT OF ;WILMNGTOW, J JANUARY 12. Hieu wXTna At s;hba:- - 7.3, a ARRIVED 1Q. Brig Bourdeaux, Yates, from New York, te Geb. Hurries, with iwdse. to sundry persons. Tlie Bourdeaux hue beert'purelwsed by Isaac W ell, 14 lakuacaigo to California., " Sehr Julia, VanGilder, from New York, to Geo. Hal lies, in ballast. Sehr. Matilda E. Wells, Griffin, from N. York, lo E. J. Luiterloh, with mdee. for sundry persons. ' Schr. E. Hinds, Perry, from Boston, lo G. W. Davis, in ballasl. " Schr. John E. Smith, Smith, from Nassau, lo G. W. Duvis, in ballast. II. Brig Ellen Rued, Chapman, from Boslan, lo Poller ci svidder. " Schr. Charles Mills, Francis, from New York, io DeRossei ot Brown, wilh mdse. for sundry per sons. " Br. Schr. Latimer, Evans, from Newport, W ales, lo Deiiossel s Brown, with lion rails, lor Wilming ton &. Raleigh Rail Koad. ' Schr. Timoihy Pharo, Lino, from Chuilcston, S. C, to Goo. Harriss, with 2UU sacks iiall. CLEARED. 8. Schr. Alaric, Pros.-er, for New York, by De Rossel (V Biown, with ZSi bbls. Snirils Turpentine, bUl bbls. Kosin,7(i bales Coiion, 2 bags Feathers MUl bush. Peanuts. 11. Steamer Gov. Graham, Peek, for ! oyettcville, t,y J C. Lalta, with incise, lor H. L. Myrover, B. Rose & Son, K. M. Orrell, l.-l.md Ford .Man. Co, S D. Moore it Son, F. Fries, A. Torrenee, J. F. Chambers, J. R & J. Sloan, C. G. Yates, N. A. Ramsey. , 1'aenger.i :-R. M. Orrell, .Muster Arthur Hill, and John Hill. " Schr. Tioga. Collins, for Porto Kico, by Geo. Ilariiss, wilh Ktl.OUU li. Lumber, 4U.0UU .Shingles. - Schr. Isaue Tunnell, tJorson, lor Philadi lphia, by Geo. Harrns, with 19J bbD. Spirits Tuipeiiiine 1UU libls. Kosin, 5U bbls. Tar, DUO bush. Peanuts, 25, OUO li. Planed Luinbtr. NEW YORK J. Brig David Dullell. Pudge, Cleasid for this poll. Schr. Lucullus. Adams lur ihis poll. BOSTON. Cut ah so 7. Schr. John J. Raynes, lor mm pun. Mill. A I HI. I'll I A. CLIASIlD. 'J. Schr. Leesuurg, Boon, for ihis porl MEMORANDUM. Barque Nashua, Mortimer, (arrlvod at Philadelphia on Die Uth) passed, on the 2d insi., in lal. i'j 37, Ion 71 j, schr. North Carolina, or Waslung on, N. C sleering S- S. E., with loss of foremust head. DISASTER. New Orleans, Jan. 8. The barquo Turo, Horn Hoslon lor New Oilcans, was wrecked on W'oll aZey on Ihe 23 i ult. The ship u total loss-cargo saved, witlt theexeSition of ihe ieo of which purl ol In r cargo was composed. No lives lost. wrtjLEsiLG pities cUitt:a .V Ah SsTOHU. , II'. w Dip. V bbl. of 230 lbs. N. Vi.gin Dip " " prims Hard pli il - Turpentine y gal.- lai I'ltth :'vo.-in No. I, Jc. u U per lb. gross ' No. J. No. 3. ,n nish ii Miit;it. Inb nor hair Uutniiy l.i:.MIti:u, STliAM SIII.E. i hoards, plank and seiiulling Ho. T lio.ilds ide U urds, Edged. Itelus' d, hall pric on ult. i i imi:h. itiv i:it. o 1 ill o . Zi a 'U ! 16 l 10 1 00 m u a kl CO 7U 21 5 Ot II 00 U W M 00 at I'lo .r Hoards 9 60 10 00 6 si 4 Ot Itiv l!e ilds Scantling itu i:. liol.gll ' lean.d S i' A l. . O. Wild. rou,h.. none- " " drcesed " " buircl ' 6 UU 7fi 3 1)0 19 let 3 12' 1G GO U CO 1U 00 IS at Dt a o a io a it. O. Hhd. -ough f 8 00 15 I0 9 00 " " dressed- -scarce- Ashe Heading, MUM. M.S. t'"i:iiii.'il uu act I'.la. k's" large . Vs. I) K. Peas I', a N uts Sl'GAK. Ni w Oilcans IVlto lllc.1 t tiT'i:i:. Ni Domingo Rio Iiiva I.aguila Cuba .moi-as!':. .New Oi leans Cuba, SAM'. Houulro Liveipoo , por sack--" SI I HITS. N. E. Ruin Common Gin W hiskey Apple Brandy IIACON Hams, N. C " Wesiern scarce si tes, N. C. " Western Shoulders. N. C. " Western OM r.eV'ICS. Cotton Yams Cuiun Oxnaburua .... 4 4 N. C. dhectings.. . iroint. Fayeicvillo sup. fine 56 00 uo 3 50 3 60 C5 io 70 75 95 t a 51 4 til I 9 10 ' ui ii ; 121 M 13 ! 11 li I I .. .. : 23 23 ! 17 0 18 j 95 u 28 30 I Wo 30 30 j: 10 ..., 7 a 8 i 6 : H 0 7 10 5( 14 0 l 7 0 7 6 0 6 0 6 15 0 S 00 0 4 7$ 00 0 7 6$ 621 7l GO 0 67 0 15 0 25 i T 0 U JO 64 67 4J t 35 0 T T. 70 7 X Canal C"ro Meal Co'.iun Butler..-. Cheese Haeswsi ' Hey Soap Feathsre Ltrd N. C. Lime -- ecarce- setssi COSIMJERCIUi REMARKS ON MARKET. Naval Stores hare arrived more freely for two dav" pst ariitl still firm at previous quotations i lotrie few Rafts Timber, have' coma Into, market but only one' Raftjreportecl.M oId:Very imre of any other klha' of produce in market.1 4 v.- TbarNfmt.T-Stt!el of 1625-bBlic were made, at 1,90 per bbl for pip! j arid I.flJrjer bb IntBvti! " tTAa.61 1 bbls. Tar at 1110 for bbl. . ". Spiaisra Toerf ma. Somir-175 bbls. Sntrtta rTurpenllne changed, hands at 24c per gallon. ttositt. ,o Mies to report, that we ar apprised .of, , I "4 -. ";?,: ' Tisista. 1 Raft good Mill Timber ot tGJ per M. Rtvr.a LitMiiii.-E-l Raft wide Boards," soMai G per M., and 1 d6. do. a J7 per Uf, 1 Raft of ScaWt. ling at 95 ner M. ';.,, Ash HsWix;Some 3,000 piece Ash Heading,, wero sold ut 9l per M. 1 ' Stavm.--4,000 dressed R. O. Hhd. ataves, were disposed of at 813 per M. 4 ' Hay aso Kodues. A number of bales of Hay, omlFoddcr, raised on Mr. U. W.ueaity's farm, hand- gomely put uf la square bulos, Wero disdoscd of In i,.tn.t -.ts . . .u- r . . loistosnit, ai75 ctsperewt. for the Hay, and 8S els. per cwt., for ihe Fodder. Some 65 Bale Y. Y., Huy, just landed", bat trot yet disposed of. BOSTON MARKET. Jan. 8. Flour The tecelpts nre light, and mar ,ket firm. Sales of Genesee und Michigan common brands ut i5,2s a 5,371 ; fancy and ex I re brands at 6,1)0 a 0,50: Southern at 5,23 a 5.37J per bbl., 4 inos. Corn Meal Sales ore making at 3,12j a 3, 25 per bbl., and the aiticle dull at theso rates. Con market dull. Sales of yellow at 67 a 60c ; whito ttOu per bushel. Oats Western are selling at46 a 47c,. and Southern al 35 u 37c per bushel. NEW YORK MARKET. Jan. 9. Cotton. Tho speculative demand slirf continues pretty active, and pilces have further ad vanced a a cent per lb. witha firm and buoyant maiket, nt II a 13J. NuvufSlores i nerally ore quiet, nnd Ihs snly stiles we hear of, for 3 days, nre 500 bbls. Nortlv County Turpentine at 12.50 per 280 lbs. nt w hlclv holders :ns firm. 100 bbls. Nonh County Common Resin, SI, 10 from yard ; and 600 do. Tar, selected, 11,75 per bbl. Spirits Turpentine is Inactive, and;' enly commands 3G cents, cash, in small lots front store. Rice Sabs hnvo been mnde of 350 tcs. at 92,87 a 1 1,T3, cash, according to qnality. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Jan 9. Flour is quirt. Sales of 500 bbls. at 13 Ice 85,05 1-4 fur common Pa. brands. Corn Meal 12,94, Rye Flour l.',?7 a 412,94. The supply of Wheat Is liuht. Small sales of red al lbO a 101 cents ; while do. 110 a 114 cents. Corn' U quiet. New while 50 a 61 cts ; yellow do. 65 cts ; old yellow 59 a CO els ; Oats 30 a 33 cts ; Rye 62 cts. Provi-i'n are rjuiei. Small sales of Mess Pork at iil,7; Prim.! d... at 3,87. Lard In bbls.6 1- c's; keys (j ; 4 i.Tets. The Colt. in market Is firm, but the transaction limited. Fair L'uland 12 7-8; Orleans do. 13 1-4 cts. per lb. I NEW ORLEANS MARKET, i Jin 9. The cotton market yesterday was oxclted by ihe ncei.iinls from New York, ond th sales niiiuuiitMl to 11.000 Inles, at an advance ofa. ! Middling, 10 ; Fair, 11,. I Arrlv als ol'Tar and Turpentine at Boston du rli g the year 1819. Tor. Turpentine. From. Barrkls. Barrels. W ilmington, N. C- 16,289 8,803 Washington 4,255 26,796 Nephron 1,116 800 Shnllolte, . C 40 Georgetown, S. C. 2,851 175 Norfolk 131 Baltimore, 250 Crondsladl 200 Si. Marys Geo., 1A0O Saltlllo River, Geo. 225 Total barrels 25.102 38,199 " 1918 1 9,660 19.63s " 1847 16,105 66,490 " 1846 16,750 34.779 11 1345 16,597 40,177 " 1R44 14,410 41.679 GOSHEN BUTTER. CPERlOROoshcn Butter, In kegs, just received nd for sale by AINUfcriSU.'v Cf LAILUf-li. Jan. 12. 126 LAUD. AT EW LARD in Kegs; prime qunllty, for sl by A ANDERSON LATIMER. Jan. 12. - " 126 TAKE CHOICE. IArSDUETH'S and New Lebsnon, Shskor Gr jden treds, a full slock in Store, ALSO, 2dorn nsir Hair Flesh Gloves, Lsdiessnd Gn lleini ns' site. Half doienMrs Beits Suonortera . For sale by A. C. EVANS (f- BROTHER. Jon. 12. m JUST RECEIVED, PER HCIIR, CHARLES MILLS. 1DCZ. Pepper Sauce, plnte, I box chocolate. 1 esse Sweet Oil 4 bbls. RsJ Beds. 2 do While Wine Vlnsgar, 4 do Cider do 1 hhd. best Porto Rleo Sugar. 2 bbls brst grsnulsted or powdered eugsr. 6 bags Buck Sbol, 3 doi. Hnoms, 4 ds painted Buckets. 25 more of those fine Beef Tongoee.an low .oi cash at OEO. U. Kk.LLEY'8. Jsn. 12. m ANCHOR. O NE small Anchor and Chain, tot eslebf MurvAju; a riyr.n, 12 Jsn 13. f'i V 'i w.'.i i ."A - - - . . ,

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