Witt' i- SaaWS;,WmaS)aBar the commercial: WILMINGTON, N. C. ;sATtmDAy; January 12, is5o. r. concluded rtuM riser ra. v , ? hit favor, in teturn (br iny politenesi, he re V: '4 'fcounted tnahy deer,wolff ftOil i bear hunt --Vtth' uch pOwcr thai; 1 3 was ddighted.ii I k " The conversation, however, flagged, - as-! 4 fell into a trftirfof musing on the Very ,im ' ' ;tportnnljbu8inea9hich ."had brought me 'in. to thai country v'A gloom gradually "settledj ton the face of the eirahger from which I ji 11 tried in vain to rouse mm. He answered u " me courteously, jo be sure, but very short ; L ,V and every now and Jthen had recourse to f Nnf to the bottle, till itas emptied "'kTjLH!v' 'Landlord, fetch me more liquor,' he "x called authoritively, and he .drank more r - an 1 mora till finally he fell from his stool, -and, as I retired to bed in another corner of J ir l the room, I hearr his snoring ring through - it , the cabin. i t. 'Being much fatigued, having travelled forty miles on horse-bnck during the day, I slept lill I felt a hand grasp my arm "v opening my eyes, I beheld the suu shining through the window and the stranger u vaking me. "Stranger," snid ho, "excuse me, but 1 ,- saV last niaht that you was a whole -smil-t'td fellow, land I want you to go with me." Whereto 1" I asked. "The Magistrates," he replied. ,T Have coi soineiniiig on my miiiil .jff" must but 1 tried liquor last night; hut . ii'M'nt L'in If rlnM'tl I Mint n 1 1 . I m !. 1 1 1 :r . lvuiu III . u ti. .lt.IV 1. 1 aint man no how, and feel like u do Come along with me and be my friend." There was a bold frankness in his man ner that I could not understand. 1 accor dingly arose nnd equipped myself, and wc walked to the house of the magistrate, who sent word that he would be up in a couple of hours. 'But tell him," said my companion to j 1A ttie servant ' I want to see liiti on a 1 matter of hfeaiid death !" "Do's no use o' dat," grinned the slave , "massa don't care 'bout life and death nil he git he sleep out." We left the ho i-e, John Hox, as ho called himself, did not al lude to his pressing1 business uure than t. tny '-when we sec the jude vou 1! know j till." " Werctuined to breakfast, nnd I observed t my companion refused the morning dram j presented lo him by the landlord", mid ate 'sparingly. Something was evidently iney-1 jog on his mind, nnd I anxiously awaited ' ihe hour to hear' it developed. The time, came, and wo were admitted to the presence of the dispenser of justice, j who was a man ol" wealth, good spirits! i und rotundity of person. "We!l," said tac iud''o '-what is the mat ter ?' w Why, you Bee," said Rox. "day be fore yesterday I stayed at 'C all day, and hadn't a confounded cent, and as 1 wouldn't chisel, 1 went without, eating Yesterday morning I started ofl'as hungry as a panther, and as 1 rode along, thinks I what ara I lo do? Tin above cheating any man out ol a dinner, bat dinner 1 must nave. Just then a leitow come-.; ruling along the load. I talked to turn and tried . to borrow, swearing to pay him at such a j place in a week ; but the ci vwr told h: paid his way mil ol his own pucker, a:,d he'd loo little to divide '' "How much have you got .'" .-ay.- I Two, fifty,'' oays lie. i;N'ow," ihmks I. "that h too l.ttlc tudi vide." So. wiiib) he v.-.i linking an.itl.e, way, I slioots him through the Tic. id an. I e,in him as deccnl burial as I could, under a lug, and took the t .vo dollars and a h ill' But it won't do. lay conscience1 nnsi'ivi-a me. I in sorry for n. and wili ihe fellow had his money back, if he co d I mdy he alive but between you and 1 lave for that, I li.iug 1 oul.i t TEe judge called i.is hi n !; as ii s . he ho;, I; ho'.', i i h wi : ai.k'.'. throe i)iies and tobaco. a. id fcdencc. "The;: you really tli'uk you ought to be hung? " Le asl.cd wi.ti hoitu' compassi hi. as be wbiflo.l a cloud of smoke towaulj the ceiling 41 1 do. in fac','' answere 1 John, ri.ntting asiuiilar emokc toward the ce.lmir. The judge smoked ami considered a gam "Well, we'll try to hang you,'' he ad ded Thero wns sratilude in John's eve as he answwed, u Thank jou, that'll case my con cience " The Judge knocked the aslies from hi -pipe and epoke "Well, come here in half an ho ii I'll try to get a jury." Box and uiyscdf, laying oui pipes on the , table, were about leaving, w hen the judge ?v aked us to take a drink, which having "i -done, we bade lum good iiuru.ng. In half an hour we returned, when we found twelve men smoking with the magis trate, awaiting us We wcie politely re quested to sit down. " Now," said Judge T , address- inir himself 10 Rox, "tell these ireutleincn what you have already told me " - "Whereupon, llox mado the bauio i,taic . menu , . .. :M$iov, gentlemeu, continued the hrM speaker, "I with you to say if this gemle intn Mr.t,Rox, your name is eh' well --there's some fh)o old brandy, make your self perfectly at home whether, gentlemen, you fin4 yOrt, Hox guilty ol murder. In addition 10 what ho has said, I Lave ent out AnJ ' fouud the body jukt us nc hut de scribed. ' ' l" The Jury .smoked ; rose up, took a little hrahdyand water, and sifloked again, UH alj ,: M Wharia the ntfitinirig of this inctninof last one ol tliemr'who appeared to be .the'phoser' exclaimed both parents and gucsta foreman, said. v astonihmentYvt; ; I';;. "The case is tolerably ' clear, and we :.',Th httje. girl laughed joyously, and na- rather tliink heVguihy.Vt '- ty!. . . 'There's more;tobacco on the table," mid f, " vd' Aha! ; I'have blackened my hair with l!e judge to Rox, the best' you, caaind , .o'hich ihama' blackens .bcs." anywhero ; you've heard what these gen j,'-; 'f,;11 : -r:r ''.''... : tlemcn have .said well, I don't like to tell v , ' Vm th$ Undo JtuUh Exp$itor. you in my own house ; but-." i- : " SPECIMEN OFc WELCHi -PREACH- ' "Lict there be no mnarance," rcpneu John, lighting his pipe. "Well, then," said the judge, ,lcome here I at twelve o'clock te-inorrow, and I'll huvo . you hung." t ; John looked disconcerted and appeared mprtined at the idea Of asking a favor. "You have been so kind to mo," said ho, i "that I hurdly daro ask you for anythin more." tt -v 44 Not at all," said the judg ; out with it, you are welcome to it before you ask.". "Well," said Rox, . "I will--to-tnorrov is my ague day, and the shakes come on at eleven if you would be so good as to hang me at ten." "With the greatest pleasure," answered the gooddieartcd judge, shaking John's hand, "ten lei ii be." Aceordingly, John returned to the inn paid up his bill and the next morning was hung as the clock struck ten. , , I,C( ilSLATUUE OF OIHO. The question on the disputed seals of the Hamilton County district continues 10 n?- itaie ami excite the Ohio Legislature; and some rich, but highly discreditable, scenes are repnrted as hqviuir occurred in the l-eil.ltc on the '2.1 inst., ol which the lul lowing is a specimen: Afternoon Session of ihe Senate. .Mr. Whitman moved that the roll of the Seiia'.e be called, w hich was agreed to. He then moved to dispense with further proceedings Utah r 1 1 io call The ycus au.l nays were ordered. The Clerk not calling Mr. Broad- well's name name he eal that gentleman usked that his ed. Mr. Whitman I call that man to or der Tin! Speaker either did not hear Mr. Whiim.in or was not di.ipodcd to pay atten tion to bun. Mr. hitman, in a loud key I call that '"an to onler. Mr Uroadwcll ( iddresseil tin; Speakrr) I ftsk iliat tlio Clerk called my name, Tlio Speaker tin; Clerk will call .Mi. Broad well's name. Mr. Intmaii. (with much warmth) I command thn t.'leik nol to call the name of that man. The Speaker I will call it lnvsclf, t''0"- Mr- Whitman I call tlm Speaker to or- drr. i mi (to ivn.'aker) will do your duty, sir, by ordering the Sergein-Al-Arms to put that man (pointing to Mr. lkoadwcll) out of iho Senate Chamber. Tho Speaker ordered A rms to keep order, and the Sergennt-at-ihen called .Mr. Uro id well's name. .Mr Ii voted iu the a lliriiiativc, and the moll. m was lost. However, by consent, further piuci Tilings were di.-.pcused with. Mr l'.iyne took the floor, to m ike. as lie said, sum.- di-closures that would degrade the Sjieaker in liie eyes of all honorable men. 1 If read a paper, (not signed how ever, by the Speaker.) which con'ained a .1 e. (in the evt'ol of the eleeii.i:: id' liie Socakeii th.it Mr .1 )!iii-'iiii. the depute 1 sliould re- .ii e'l.itic Sen itor from iln i.-tri'-t of Ilaiuil'.oii c.j uuiy, l.iiu Ii..-. ;e,it uiitil the i'if s!l,.;i id I, is riolil w a.- : ... h 1 by ll.i: Senile. Mr. 1 nl.-o l"t.'ih-d a. i all. .'d c-mvi I'-a'.ioii io winch the Spe.iker pledged himself to e.o Willi the ih-uioc i'.its ag.iinsl l'eLOgiiiz.ng Air Ijioad- I hr- Sjieaker denied having any knowl edge,) nt" lie' papi-r alia led to Mr I'ayne re.i.-,... ried his change, and (lied r, - i e'u by t i ' i rr that lie would n l". ..'-i li main in 1 i ,,i liiidt r filth a Speak- r Mr IV said f -r i legation. he wedd i :;,-f t,. ' ai.d S 1 1 in-', i ir-! .d..-i- his a! Swill Mr Sw.li nude a tc.neiil biin.lar to lha! ul' Mr Payne ! The Speaker denied u Ml'. Payne beealue ij :.!(. n,,, and beeped epithets on ihe S, e'ak'.i. b..t did not ! leave his seat ! The Sjieaker was repeatedly hissed by ' ttie IvOCofoco Seuiiloi.-.. ; .Mr. L'ciinison k.u 1 that his conn. bun. e m ! the Speaker ai a mm of honor w,u nit i.n I paired in liie least by tho B'.alemeir in ule ' j I'his was followed by ii very 1 . ; i ap plause, m which nil l hs Wr.ig Sen uors united, in the midst of whish were heard home hisses .Mr. D. further n marked that the statements of .Mr Hamtlu w.ae j lo him no proof of truth. Applause and ' confusion ! Mi Whitman retorted. He called the j Speaker a mural festering leper, and other foul names Iii the midst of a scene of great cxuic merit, tli" Senate adjourned. 'I he Senate chamber wns crowded to excess throughout the afternoon, unu much interest in ihe proceedings was evinced h v tlm rnnizani of hoth parties. A report was in circulation thai the Locofoco luein 1 hers intended to withdraw in a body. THE SECRET OUT. it." At this moment Justice himself np- At a large dinner party, given the other j peared, as it were to watch the gale." The dav, by ono of our fashionables, who hns j ungeU inquired of him, " Why will you already passed a certain age, yet still pi-! not let .Mercy in V Justice replied, "my (pies henelf on the boauiy ond abundance ' luw m broken, aud it aiuat be honorotL or her rat-en trtsuess, her little daughter, a Die fA-ry or Jiutico musi I" at this, there unfair-haired, blue-eyed fairy, some six or sov- pnnrcd a. form among tho angelic band, en summers, appeared at tho desert, with like unto the sun of God, who, addressing her golden tresses dyed as black as u ra- himself to Justice, said, " What are thy de ven's wing m.mds?" Justice replied, u My ttirmr ftre a; inl. mw At a meeting of Ministers at Bristol, tho Reverend Mr. -iuvited several of his brethren to bu ; with hirn ; among them was the Minister .officiating' at the Welch meeting-houae hi that city," 'He i waa an eniire etrahser to all the "cbmDanv. anJ silently attentive to the general cqnvertiution of hia brethren. The Bubiect on "winch they, were discoursing wis ftlio '"different strains ofpublic preaching. When several had given their opinion, and had" mention, ed souie'individuaia as'good preachers, and such as were models as to sylo of composi tion, &c. Mr. turned to the Welch RtinnTPi- and solicited :. his ooinion. He ; said he felt it to ho a pricilew to lw silit when such men were discotirsin-: but that iie fell it a dulya coni)ly with this re- quest. ' H it," said he, 'ul I mu.it give my upuiioii, I should say that ye have no good . prea,ehers in England." ! '-A'o?" said Mr. I, i ' No' said he ; -'that is, 1 mean no such preachers as we have in the principality." 'J know, said .Mr. li. "you are i.imous fur miiininir in Wa es. uul that is fiot ow J l C1 t i : ir. I suppose, so much to the strain 01 preaehinir which the people hear. to the ' enthusiasm of their characters " "Indeed," said the Welclnnui. "?. would jump too, if you heard and under stood such preaching." "W'hv." said .Mr. L "do von not think I could make them jump, if 1 were to preach I to them?" I You m ike them jump!" exclaimed the Weichman, "you make them jump ! A ; Welchinuu would set fire to ihe woild, while you Were lighting your mutch. ' The whole company become v ry much interested in this new turn of ihe s.iliject, and unanimously requested the oo.l man to irive tloMii some sneciliicn ol the sty le e.iid manner of preaching m the puncipali-; iy. ! ' -Specimcii," said lie, "I cannot give you; . if J dm Kliiis was here, he would irive you , a specimen inJwl, ( 1, 1 John Khus is a great preachef." I " -Well," said the company, -give us j soinethmr; that you have heard from him. 'Uh no ! ' said he "1 cannot do Justice to it, besides, do you understand the Welch language?1 They said "No. not so as follow a dis- course. '-Then," said lie, "it is impossible lor ye lo understand, if I were to give oii a specimen." "Hut,"' sai l they, ;:eunnot you put it liito Kii'jhsh ?" -Oh !" saiii he, '-your poor meagre lm u tge would spoil it ; it is not capable ul expressing those ideas which a Welchiuin cm conceive ; I cannot ive you a spec; men in h'.iiglish without spoihog it." The interest ol the company was mere ed. and not lung would dohui something "I a specimen, while they piomi. ial to mak cvrrv allow. hi' e for tin' language 'cll.'; said the Wi Ichmaii, 'ul' V" , mu;havea piece. I lilil-,1 ll'", but Idoil! know what to give you a piece ol John l.Iias, In 1 do not rec il.ee i our best pre.iei. er. 1 must think a litile Well ive let l a Piece- ot ' 'hi . ma. 1-iVuns. (.hi. mas l '.va:i i was a good preacher, an Aeail him a little nine a!p. a I an a Mic tion Of .MlllistrH. lie ,i irea( h I llg the depravity cf m ui by .m td hi.; r- e irv bv the ileatli ol Ci.i.st : and he said Brethren, if I werf to i epn ,e:.i 1 1 I I iii a ti uie the condition of man a- a .- ner.aiiil the mean . i in. an 1 1 I I , I er nl'lT V 1 1 C heel ol Jesus ( 'hi i .it . I lo'ild repres .Suppose a I n hiU wal by a large Ult It SOIU'- urge gr.ive I. oldv (;" 11011 g;ite. V'llllt 1.1 tl w.i y. ided iV Vard M'.IIO1.1 eiitr.iiit'e, w I. 1 I whieh !' .''.. Within thrc wall, arc thousand:; and lensul ihousands ff h i . .11 i . t . 1 1 man ijeiiiLfs. ol an aires aim oi an t-i.to.-e.- hy in r jiiilemic, dise'iusc hending to tie: grave--thi; grave yawn; to swallow inem, and they lnost all d.e There is no h.ihn to relieve theui no ihyiLian there they mist perish. Tins i.- ihe tondiiion ol luau as a sinner .ill, all have mined, r.nd the eil l! bill neih, it .-.hall die Winle man was in tins deploiahle slate .l.'ei. ihe darling alllibuie ol Itelty, Clllle down and Mood .it the gale, looked fit the aceue .and went over it, hi 1 tiiat 1 might ' enter: 1 would hind up their wounds 1 w ed I relieve tin ir sorrows- I would save their muiIs '" While .Meiey siood weeping at the irate en embassy of angels, cOirnnis-.-i ined from the !'ourt ol lle.iveti tosomo other world, pissing over, paused at the sight, an I Heaven forgave thai pause : and i-'ecing .Mercy standing there, u(ey cried. "Merev, Merry, can you not icier? Can vou look ilium this scene and mil inty? Cm you pity and nut relieve ?" .Mercy rc phed. ' 1 can see, 'und in lui tears Bhe ail- i tied. I can puv, hui I canuoi relieve. - , Why can you not enter V " f )li !" said 'Mercy, " Justice hna barred tlm gale ; "gainst nie, nnd 1 cannot, musi noi unbar stern and rigid. I mast have sickness for their honlih-r-I must have ignominy ' for their honor- I must have death for lifo.r , Without shedding of blood there i$no re rn'mwit. a Justice," said the Son of God, " accept thy term. On me bo ; this wrong, and let Mercy enter." ; " When," said Jus tice "will you perform this promise?" Je sus 'replied, Four thousund years hence, upon tho hill of Calvery, without the gates of Jerusalem. I will perforin it in my person." The deed was prepared and sign ed in the presenco of the angels of God, Justice was satisfied, and Mercy entered preaching sahation 'm the name of Jesus. The deed Was committed to the patriarchs, by them to the Kings of Israel and the proph ets by them it was preserved till Daniel's se venty weeks were accomplished. Then, at the appointed lime, Justice appeared on the hill of Calvery, and Mercy presented to him the important deed, ' Where, said Justice, "is the Son of God?" Mercy an swered, " Behold him at the bottom of the hill, bearing Irs own cross;" ami then she departed, and stood aloof at the hour of trial. Jesus ascended 'the hill, while- in his train Col lowed his weeping Church. Justice imme- I diately presented hint with the deed, saying, ! ' This is the day when this bond is to be ! executed." When he received it, did he tear il in pieces, and give it to tho winds of 11 ave n? No, he muled it to his cross. exclaiming, " It is finished." Justice called on holy fire to come down and consume the sacrifice. Holy lire descended it swal lowed his humanity, hut whm it touched his deity it expired ! and there was .dark J .i. . ..i l . I I li !U,,. over toe wuoie iiunu'iia. um ""j'j to t iod in the lugliest; on earui peace, good will to men." This," said the Weichman, "this is a specimen of Christmas Evans." 100 TO.S Supi lior Uul Ah 1'p' Ceul, ex ni-clcil per .Clir. Jolin I'oin lihiwii.liuin 1'hiiiidelidii.i, for bale by DeROSSF.T &. BKOWN. I)c .'.'7. i'J. LIME. r.nn CASKS, for tale Itom Store, apply to UUSSKI.L& KlCMJllICK. .Nov. V. KM JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! V.N i Ic int as.nolou rit jiisi received which wo will si II at as low prices ng any ol: er ( ri.ililiah iii. nt. I'ioiu St. opposite llip (Jhroniele oll'ice A. G. liOWKRS &. UROTlll.ll. Dec. IS. 117. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! X( ( I5HL l.incolnville While Lump; Also, fJLM ) ciiieincd I'lasler, 1'laMerinc Hair, and Fin: l!:ick, Hydraulic Cemenlj IUUU bids. Limo i-c . i lui jjIc by J. C. & It. It. WOOD. Contractors and ISuildcra. 11!). lie ti, l.-l'.i. FAVETTEVILLE FLOUR. WKnV.Vll.I.r. riuur, usnoilcd, Superfine, AM)i:ilSO & f.ATIMFIl 11.1 GEO II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. N. vt .for t A. A. Wanni'i'". on North Water si. u ul : i i.-ii'i li liie Mile of .ill l iu Ih of 4 "nil ill I V Pio- i li .n I ' irn. Pi: ij, Mi ul, I!. icon. I. aril, ,4c . in I will k.-i-p c uul inily on hand u full uiUy el l i i.ici ii- -. ..". He Ii rem rs. '-Vi.les Hall. i. f V.i)i.e, John .McRne, Wllu,inj;loi, V Ciiauiiv. (i. n. Alx.. Mcltic. I. IV II ...,'U .I .e:i in. Wiley A. Walker. i , 1 ., I-I.l. 11'-Iv. NOKTII (AliO LIN. A LAUD. N K I! on Is. J. Fur sale bv HATUAV AY SON'. 111). COTTON YAUN. .ui. in Viirn. nf.orled -izi s J. HATHAWAY - i;a; I'nr salt- In .li M'.Y Iln. dl NNY B.KiS. 4,0'. 0 II..C. 1 i. M'.W llUsln l I'nt'S. For Sale b' HOWARD .4 PI'.DIA. 117. VAAWVS IXOESTKl'CTIBLE FIKE riiOOF PATENT PAINT. I ben by jive ii. Hire, lluil I Inve been nppoinli il L n t f ir IU'- sub- ol' Ih above sinful n ami li il ly v;ih.ii.. subiU.incc. 1 1 ciiu be npplleil by iinv " r ..iii ill a e m use .1 brorli ; an 1 ho.hi, by i xpoioni- to tbe .lliilllHplieie, f.lllllS U COIDl'Kt'1 ClKllillf lit rl.lle .ii Hlmie. it" udliefive pruneri il rt ufr fc" p"U ' il 1 1 it never crnekn or Hi iib-n oil fiom tin-' wo.mI. Il is .;ir!b ubirly ipplu'iible lou southein rliiunte. ni ibr hiiniiiliiy ol iiieiilin.iMpli. i. (li('t'".i Ibr beuiiiy ol while b-U'l. Iiu! cjiiuei i.'lieet n ehiiiijjfi' in thi. null 6 trii'iiibb' I'niiil. Itooluul buildinu" ro.il .1 itj it nrn 1'iri' 1'iool'i it has been tin't on St. miiiIhmiI mid llailrond t'n'n wiiii MiereKHj il niui'h ebe.ipi r ili.in n liniieil Itool, "r even wliiie lend ; HM lb-. ul rui -r 100(1 nuperlieiiil fori. V boU'!ale I i eiit p, r lb , at ret iil 5 eent. ; It ran he proeurid nt n i ul d! llm gloro of It, M. PltlVKU nnd in hrim-ln, ul me, ul my olfiiiB. 'I ' rinnrnli. o'l delivery. V. A. jlV YKK, tii'iu'rnl A;-..nt Forwarding and Coniiiii.Mun .Men bruit. Wilmington, N . C. Oct. 23. n LAUD. I N Darrein anil Krp; Eoi aale by J. K. P.l.USSdM. 9-'if. Oct. 20. DISSOLUTION. rJ1HEco pnriiietfliii hcreioforc iximirgunder the X a tylo and firm of caiivi:l.l. fc niiOssoM, lsthliday di"lved by mutualconnrnt. Thealtnira of the late firm will bo settled by Jo seph It- Hloitom. DAVID CASHWF.LL. JOSEPH R. KLOSSOM. Wllmlni'to.Ocl.2U.lB4,J. 92 If. GREAT BARGAINS, i Cnh merit and Mualina wt hive largo kit of the above imodr, veiy desirable, thai we ate cllinaal vert low pilcc ; call and re litem. MYERS 4 DAVIS Dec I. U0- THE NOKTII CAHOLISA MUTUAL , LITE INMilNtli tOMl'M. RALEIGH, N. ; rpilR ahoro Company hn been In operntkr ulno X the tal of April ln.. under ,llio ..direction of tlio fu(lowin Officers. viJ! i l)r. Cil ia. H. Jjhnnon, Presidunt, Win. D. ILij wooil, Vice President, Jain V. Jordan, Sucrotury, VVia. H. Jonen, Treasurer, Penln Bunbi o, Attorney, m t Ur C)m. It. K Johnson, )Mcd!cal boardllf Dr. 11. B. Haywood. ) J. HeiBiiuin, Gen'l Ayent. This Company hna recelvsd a charter giving advaaiama t iho inturcd over nny other Com pany. I'lio 5th Section given tho Husbund Ihe privilege to insure hi own hie lor Iho nolo use of hl.t Wllu mid Children, free from any elaima of the rep ruevntutivcd ol the hubbund or any of his credit ors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life iiieintters pnrticipiilo la tho vhtilc ol the prolils which are declared annually. Besides, Iho appli cant for lite, when Iheannuul premium is over Q'3$ any pay one hall in a Nolo. All flaimsfor insurance iijtnlnst the Company will be paid wiiliin ninety diiya ufier proof of the duutli ol ihe party Is turnitmrd S nvi'M ni-p inmiroil inr nnii nr r,i'i V'i!:irQ nt rnti.u which will enublo all Slave holders to 8"eura litis class of properly a&tin-t tho uncertainty of lifu. i I'" Slave iiicurance presHius a new n-id InferestlnR B. --All accounts standing on my book over feature In thehistoty of N..rtli Carolina, which will 6lx months, will be charged wlih interest, Allppr provo very inipoiianl to the SiMithern Slates. j sons Indebted to the subscriber fur last - year viill The lasl four months operation of this Company j P1'-'190 ca" "nd sriile, as by so doing they muy pre- suua'b a v.Ty I irjje ainouni o: Dullness more man the Diroelors expected lo do the firM year having already Issued more th in 200 Polirit.'s. All Communications on Ouslnesn of the Cotnpnny should be atidresscd lo JAS. K JORDAN, Scirctunj. Raleigh, August29, 1519. 71-lt. BILLS OF LADING, &c. fOLlO POST BILLS UK LA 1)1 Nil bound in Hooks, ami sdicels, also Letter Sh.-els with t ii variety ol men:. iniilc blanks, lor Male at Tho Com men ial Ojlire. , I ERESII GARDEN SEEDS! ; rUST rnceived from ihe Shakers at New Lebanon, J .. V.. and I) ivid Landieih. I'liil otelphi i, a veri er d ass Mini lit ol (lir.len Seeds; warranted of ihn esi ii ilily and mosi approved kinds. For silent vv lion sale or ICetuil, by A. C. LV.WS & HRO. Dec. 13. 117. FOR RENT. piIK Wlurf, Yard und Ware ll-uc nt prcm-nt JL occiiiied by ill ) Atereh inls Sic iin l!o:il ( 'oin ) my. PosHestiiori given on lh" lirwt "I O.lober next. Apply lo JAM t'.S Jl.NKI.NS al r.iyclloville Sept. 11. 75. DOMESTIC MODS. LM)TT. urn, liumlicrM well n?ojted ! ' do. O.-nvitnirgK, henvy nrliele ; do. .Sheeting, 4-4. Just received, for full! K. W. UKOWN. 10'.l. by Nov. 2T. NOTICE, T1! II F.siibscrihci lliinlvH he hie' . Ivcn o much in Iul"ence to llioe in 11 ih detu iih they illnlll to re n i re. 11. Ins made up hi mind that nil niiiuiniiit due him ul sMhi nil I iindi r, Ui.il remain iin..id, J (l 1 1 1 1 1 y Ul, lB'id, il! he ;iut in liie haiuLs ol mi "I tieer I'm e illeeilun ; nil over lluil animint, reiuaiu'. n u n ji.i id, Keliriiuiy 1st , I s.Vl, will lie nued at the l . lowini; March t'oui't. He cani'Mly hoii' thil I lie v in Ins Uelii, will nol compi'l him to result lo JOHN DAWSON. ))MI. Oct. 25. LiOFFF.K nObii:s llio and faiu'iiii a. ' SI t; Ut in lib is. and bids, b. .-1 Poilo 'tieo. I'l.OU II t," ill il and South' rn. assorted. KP'K -New I'm;., IV !l lual. POilK -7i bids, New Yorki'uy M... S.Vl. 1' -3,UH0 liiisln Is Turk I -I 'i d. II JO Western, and North Carolina. I'.iw.l r. Srttit, Tea, Cnnd P., .Nails. ,V r., &c. For sab.- by Pidto.-SF.T .t I!IK). N. Nov. 110 DISTILLEUV I'HOrERTV FOK SALE. Tl Mil-) -II 1 i I f- i I ! .1 I" lb !-il"IIS "f d i Sl. 1.' 1 11 of tl-0 l)l-li:lerv l'l.ii. rlV laleU ull-lal. l by Jewell ,i. Tn a e I moi!'. ail iii p il. el runniiiu' order, and i .i I , thiiej in and .ibmit lie- pi. unset cnivi n unity arianjj. il. The properly ha a honi ol 'SM) II hi lie i iv. i , u uh a si i . 1 1 Ob II. mi ' h Ii sidi ; u cim M.ml iiiid fi.ll supply ol li'-di spiinij w .li r riini.hi .!: i-1 . i mi o ibe nibs ; and iii. le d en i y l.u iluy lor oi lii 'niiK ihe .hstilh'iy bii-ines to tlu great?! po-si'.ie i.iv.iina. . I hints; .bii-luiM'tit may, Willi iv sli. hi xp. um-, I e e, ,iiw in . I lulu an extensive 1. 1. p i. ii HiMiilliiy l.n which, theie is not t moie a I I 't-Olls loe.l'iull III Ihe t'nilrtl lilies O. O. PARSLEY Wiiminclon.N. C, Sept. U, lo IU. ''"Jb-if. GKOIKRIES. mil 1 II S . Potto I' io und St. Cr.'ix Sugnf, "id I.ii2 Itio I.tiiruiru iiml Jnvu ('oll'i-; lOb.ir e U t,l i Hi. d Siiiinr ; .'0 liiih nnd b.ill bbl. bent liiuil) f'bnir ; .'U bbU Irish Poluioeg ; 5 kx print l io.li -n l!iiili. ; M U 'Xua No. 1 mid KxtruSoop ; i't box. s I 'iimlk'S, utsniltd. ALEX. McKAP.. Jr. Nov. '.. 1SI!I. ltJli' AT (iEOKtlE MYEKS' lmllj (iiocery and rrovlnlon Htort; A I AY be I'onnd the Inlluwiim AiiH'li jnn rciv il . d tlii hc, k . nion, C'liiriitil. M ltu.triis,! (liiam J. Hy, Priim-it in Jntf. Apple, t'uiinl Hour bbiK und hnlvr, lluekuhint. biit und boxin, Al iiiiuiils, llrazil ull. Miidi'li.i .ii', SI, ill UnrkP, .Million (impe, dried PIuiiik, Itlt-li Puts loeg. Ilinii r, Pino Ap l L.hf.'f, lluei, 1'irn tvii, Jtllc, Jaiim.Cliciiici; I'li klc, l'iikbd Oniutii, in loci n.y j mock rinbrnro tvery vuiii-u ihtil ciin be found in ; (Irocrry. Choicu Wiiu g. Litinr, Tiae ond Culler, ) and Dl llic lowest price lor cuch. j (I'.O. MYEKS. Smoked Bscf, Salmon nni TouguiB. ! Nov. i'J. I'!1- DEEDS FOR SALE. .yarnntcelVode, and Deed, for M.irtgaCeir land, jii.il printed, in correct lium and lor Sale nl the Commercial Ojflce. REMOVAL. t II. KOUD has rein jved his Massis Tao to O. Dock street, 2d door front Wm. iNelPa. Aug. Hi. Cl " BEANS AND PEAS. me. ItrSHEI.S White Iteann 600 buih. Cow r Peas i block nnd Grrv evedlilrt. In stota and lor ile by ELLIS dt MITCHELL Deo 20. I IB. SHIPPING AUTICLES. 170R SALE al The CurrciW (JJta, an olo aint edition of Shipping Articles, cmbrnclng all the laws of Cungrvss rclativo to (h Mcrcbaut's Hctvlrc. SADDLLV HARNESS, AND TRUNK rxHR iubicnbef repectfilly Inform iho pnbKc X thutho tin recently received laig ndditluci o h's stuck of fuddle and Harneins rnuunlinits, ijc , the latest and musi improvd njle,unrt Ibconttant ly manufacturing, at his store on Aturktl siiett,ot meily occupied by GuyC. tlotehkiw, every deefflip lion of articles In the above line. Fiom his exc rl ence In the businrss, hev eels confidi nt thar le V 1 be able to give enilsatlf ctlon to I is cutomers and nil other who maysffaoi him with B cull. iihs now on nana, and will constantly keep, i force Hs-iijriiiwni of rt b asiortmcntof Coach, C.Is, aud Bridles, Whips Hulky IlarncM JSUTOttt&c.? Oeullemen lady' MadillcR.fJ. J. I TD Saddles, Bridles, .i i"iB, njiuis, oc, etc, nllof which ho will warrant to be of inches' materl aland workuiunship. He has also t large a. ort mentof Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet fags, Sutchcls, fancy Trunks, Ac. and nil other nriicleR usually kcpl In such estnbiish tnents.allof wnich ho offer low for CASH, or on short t'BCeiT to prompt customers. Saddles, llurnois, Trunks, Medical Bags, &c. Ac. made to order. ItepalrliiKof.nl kinds done with neatness and despatch espateh. Old Saddles and Hnrness taken in part uy for new. JOHN J. CONOLKV. N. B. All accounts standlnit on mv book nvnr ' ...... ..,,.11 nuiuu i)u umaurecauie io ineill snd Un- pleasani to hiui.as persona sometimes hsv todonn pleasant things in self defence. . J, J. C March 13, 1849. 163-oC NOWoTlIAiD AT THE OID NORTH statr CLOTHING' STORE. The Largest Assortment of Superior Heady Made Clothing I'.ver uin red this fide o( ''Mason nnd Dixon's, brie I mention of this As ; .1 1 MiHOTII STOCK, , We nnmefauhionuble Dre8 and Krock Conlg. Sniln Vesii.to llna nrliele we call parllcul.r ultenllon-ns they ye the very best sold in lllu U. Si ilea; hceMcs ; Plain nnd Fancy ilk, Ciissimeio. Also Merino, "l'cxicnna. liomliaine, tc.,&c, on endlc.-s vorlely. j ""V ""'I YoniliM l .oihln-AMoriinent coinplelu. Our I'utus. -To ihiaariiele no would uk particular alteniimi. lor who has nol hnd jiimi cuuhb to find fault with Ina Tailor, on account of bud titling Punt Cor i ve.irx did Scott, Keen Co. try in aln d procuie ! the I'ailern ih ii never fails! when at last they did ' miccei d and now oiler Ihat very mmo lo the Gent 1 ol VV. minyion and vicinity, and yuaruntee thehand : t iniest liuiniF I'aniscver nold in the "Old N. Stale." 1 lliwiery. (iloves, CraviU", Storks. Suppendem, Sui- pend. Knd-. Hdkfs..Silk MiihtCnpa, Go. ze. Sha ker tin I .Merino Shirts nnd Drawer Ueing In Ihe ; monthly receipt of Ihe Nt w York und Parish Fash- ions, any iinpinvniieni in slyle is ndhcred lo In ul 1 ; nnielcs of wen ring Apparel sold by Scott, Keen 4 Co. Pmciw A Tbkms. Our Terms are CASH, and in i prices ehallcnfte Ihe world. In idling tho aame qunl I Itv if (i iod. "Smnll Profits sml Quick Snlea,' shall I be the-' nodus onerandi." SCOTT, KEJ7.N A CO O, I. W no ' LI(;IIT! LIGHT!! MIMSCMKliS,,! Pinc(Jilcnn be furnished by my V ) in iii. i . iy Tui'.-day, Thursday und Saliudiijj iiU.i. in nil im rs in ihe Sloicsol S P. Polit y and A. -'. Kv.nn .ire! liioiher, thaw's comer. A. H. VANUOKKF.MN. Nov. an. 05. J1ST RECEIVED, A I.AItGK lot of Rugs, that we nro selling very low. MYlillS it DAVIS. I'e - I. JIO. D0UTOP. R. 1. KEiNiNEDY, i)i: r.i. si;i(;i:on, (.r.uluiitr ul' His ISaltiiuore College of DENTAL SURGEONS, 4iil ''' !S '''',vc ,n tender hl prolc!Uiinnl ,T)r'?C -WA eiui:-H to iln; tilixoiii l V ilmiiijjlon ' Ul.tX nnd public yenriidly, on locnilng him k II in tlii.-1 l ae. lie ii prepu'red to perforin ull op-rrjii.iie- in Iuk piolrMon on tin) liitesl and mom ap lirnvi il pi lie ipli -. Ineorriipllble Arllliclal Ti'i lh In -s. iied o.i -.tld pl.ile nnii ne.e lo nnenllre u l. hole ii; per . n inserted ni ihe A tinoHpheric preure piin i ! le. II ivm.' mi le nn iiiiprnvcnieiil in lliin mode ni eis. iiihl' I. etli, he eonlidenily rci-ommend itai niisweiiny tbe piirpi.e ul in uiiention. 'l'heycunbe iiiken unTund p it iiiiek it i IcaKiin by the wearer, bu Minn wn!i . .inil'.ii i, and cannot be detected fnm ihe n.in.r .1 :. .h. I'.xiriclini!, elenulng, and plucclnj ie.. d.ine on neii mine nrineipki. All opcialloi.a w.inaiiled to yivc nil!.-! n ti'Ui, nnd not bo urpncd bv miiv .) r it t ii l:i the I m1' d Malta. J r r. ii 1 1, iiu c in e i Idle tn1 lei t'l eorrcclcd. I, i !: s iiii.-iiib d i tlu-ir rcKi-lettcrs when necessa ry - i).li.'i! formoily occupied by Docl. Ware's. Muy 3. 1349. Jl-I. 11FTY DOLLARS REWARD. W"11''' b-pald forlhe d.llveryof my gir riS. M A It I A 1 1 . (known about VVilmlagton y nn Mnrluh Sinim) ilttier lo me at the 70 mile puM on tho Halhnad, In Wuyne County, ox to Mefura. i; indwell & HIomsoiii In Wilmington or lo any Jail In tho ..tale. Maiiuh r.nn away aomellme In April I ih! ; ln; la about twenty on year old, and of liyhi cupper color. 1 w ill alao (;lve the above reward lor tvidi ti.-c auflicii'iii lo convict anv whito perron ul limb Hiriiv,' hi r. AH persona arc forbid employing or hnrboiirine; hi r, tin I lie Lnw will bo rigidly enfor ce I n' iiiiM any pemon an doing. She If auppoacd to be liukine about Wilmington. E. PETEKSOIS, Oct. IU. 69 If. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE THE MAILS AT THIS PLACE, 0 1- ARRIVALS. The mail from Iho North, by Railroad, arrlvea dal ly abou: It P. M. The mail from the Soulh, hy .Steamer IromChorlca Ion, arrives daily about 8, A. M. The muil from Fayettcvllle, via Warsaw, Ii du upon Ihe arrlvitl of the car, on Mondays, Wednes- dtiyn, anil r rinayi. Tho M"ail fiom f'nvetWvlllf, vlii F.IIiabslhio ' Sulkcy ig dn on Tuesdays! Thursdays, and Sat- uy. n 9, A. M. I The Mn from Onalow Court House, by sulkey, ii due on Mondays, nl 5, P.M. The Mail from lllack Klr Chapel, via Long Creek, by Sulkey, Is due on Thursdays, at 6 P. M. CL041XU AND DEPARTURE The mail for the Not lh, by Railroad, elosss dally at 10, P. M. Ttio msll forthe South, by Steamboat, tlosea dally at l'i M. The mail for Faysltevllle. U arssw.rlsM on Turadavs, Thuradaya, and Sundays, al 1 10. P. M. Ths Mall for FsyeitsvlH, ! EllisbethiOwn, by Sulkey, cl wi on Tuesdsys, Tharsdsysr tndt Saturdays at 91, A. M. i. The mail for Ooalow Court !uM, by sulksy, slo srsortThMrsdet,illO,P.M. Thsma.ll for Lonf Crsek, by .SulKsf, clcsas ea taT Letters should bs In iba Offict at laasl IS tninulcs bsfors th time of closing ibp BiaJlf. 4 . f 1

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