TUR COMMERCIAL AVII.MINGTONVN. C. Abont ten o'clock, on Tuesday night Inst, i frame ' , table, the east Bid of third street, between Wal ,' ut and Mulberry atreetai the property of A. A. We net, was destroyed by fire. The fire extended no further than the stable, the loss, of which is pot hea- v w'S'f COMMERCIAL' BANK.' 1 1 Vtt learn that the Directors of this Bank hnve do 'clared a dividend of 4 per cent, on the capital stock, for t months, ending on Saturday last. THfe MAR1XK RAILWAYS. ( For the first im, wo witnessed on Tuesday lnt, '. (be passage of i'vessel up the Marine Railway. It v was the brlgaotide Clarendon, built for a packet from this plaeo to Boston, but for sorositlmo bac rtfnning from Charleston, whence she comes to be coppered and otherwise overhauled for a California voyage, n one of Mr. Cabsioit's Railways. There are two wred by this enterprising Eenileman, who first In troduced them here ( one takes up n vcusri of 400 tons and the other from ISO to 200. His works have been In operation 8 or 10 years, and the Com pany's Steam Boats have been saved, during that time the trouble of going to New York to repair. The economy and other tindvantagcs of this mcthed of repair, are loo wcllknown to thecommoicial com- mnnitv to reaulre recommendation from us. VV e arc ntiifled that all the work done ar.his ship yard ha, j given satisfaction, because the demands on its opera Sionssro constantly on the increase. " Welearn that our friends Messrs. S. DekbycV Soxs are putting up a Railway opposite tlio town m other evidunee of the prosperity and onw ard march of Wilmington In industrial enterprisu. SOUTHERN RIGHTS. Wear." gratified in perceiving limt tliu prrs-fca In North Curolina, with very few exception, hnve Uken the ground we have occupied from tbe com mencement ottho discussion of this question, and that no countenance or favor U given to ilia ultra disunionista. It is honorable to the patriotism, and creditable to ! tue intelligence, and worthy of the humanity of our ; , ,r,y McColumi ., ,hal m eiu8 mmvf Butt, people, that they look upon the severance of or 1 u.)los... ..j ,.:ijis n M din.jniaive pony is w Uhaut , band of Union, with all its probable disastrous and ; pi.aK y eilja, a (ivt.lsi,v 0r ent.-riahime.t tloody-conaeii'uences, with no composure of feeling j ll:iS ntvi,r occu ivt,n ,,y any compny ,hnt has prc--and, though hey are determined to require of the j C(;dtd ltm . nm, as i.-l j(1ny is ,le night of the Free States, auc security lor our ngnts under ttie Constitulon, tltey would avoid the last recoi l with n reluctance that no language can express. The South has remonstrated, urgued, iutreated and demanded in vain. They have been met with reckless, causeless, insulting Innovations and tres passes upon their rights, and will submit to them no lonirrr. They desire to live under the Federal Constitution, in its true and correct version, or else J they will recede and form one for themselves, under hlch thy ean enjoy their rights and privileges Tle It tbe true state of pubUc fueling in North lrolina. -Let the North look to It; .Whatever evil 'tliiAiaM.MMn... n.. .hnu,vltl K.-l,.n t i eible In the sijUt of God and mn. 1 , ' , GEN. HOUSTON. Gyn. Houston, the Senator from Texas, made a t-1 Speech in the Senate on Friday last, on the luvi .tuestion. He says, very correctly, that the farmers, mechanics, workingmen, and In fuel all ehsses ex cept a few noisy politicians, arc In favor of ptcser vlng the Union Tne number of those who detsiie a.dlsso!.! ! . i. jr soaih, ii very rumii, ond'qulre insignificant compared to the whol. V. general .'u:!i:ig a. id d.-ir : is for t!u Union ; but the rights of the Sontli fnust be pecuri.l. or liie ppirit ' disunion will spread far end Ide. The Union m..n of the Soqth are conditionally such they live ii 'Wilh.lta rights and principles ; not under the viola tion 0f the Constitution, snd s disregard of the in tercsts. the honor, and pcjec of Southern comm'jai-Ijes- AMERICAN SLAVERY. R may not be uninteresting to our readers to know something of slavery as it existed in the Colonies, before they became independent States. We give it us It appeared In the N. O. Commercial Times, anJ uubsequcntly, wiih additional item.-, In Di.-tutiieli's Almanac for ihe present year : la 1776 the year of the Declaration of Independ ence, the whole number of slaves in the Colonic was eatimated at 500,000; llieue vurc divided a:nong the several States as follow? : New Hampshire Msssschusetti Rhode I4end CoBnectlcut New- York-..-.- Kw Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia Aorilt Carolina uth Carolina Otalgia- ..... . 3,;oo 4 370 5,000 13,000 7.UC0 10,000 9,0iA) 60,000 lfis.ouy ;5,(KiO lio.ooo lli.OOO Total ', 1 14 1b fourteen years from the above period, a ercat change was tflectcd. Maaochuscits had got char of them altogether. She nld them to ihe South, and Mow abuses the South for keeping them. T1:e dlvi. lost amung the Stales of thii p. pnliition, in IT'JO, waetatioiiowsr New Hampshire Vermont attuieachuaetis Island- Coprtficikel,-.--' w Yvjl- iMetr Jersey-. ..' rconsylrunU - Delaware f ' i ... , Maryland " ;Vlrfilnid-...Vi. ......... NortU Carolina , ,'eiitli Carolina -- Cloofrjia-"-' tTttihtiM l'. H'7,U.'4 at 17 11,830 r , Tiiul , w 097X9? Ifora. w, SisteJ la JUitie. v tseWstaUttnetiis rxcmpllfy tbe potiilon of ih epar tUa, norUi and outtif In the present conteit, and jor tow'unjuitty ihe'Soaih U (leali by, , Slavery, wtteUur good or evil, was participated in by all the State of the CjnfeJeraer anS the Con'titutl :i - j formed with .1 eager dealro that Virginia ahould - ARREST OP THE REFORMED, GAMIER, adopt a wi,h U5 000 slave., a, .hot Pennsylvania p J, II Green, the r toed gambler, has been ar shonld do so with 9,000. - Now, at this late day, arter rested at Albany, and brought on to New York and havlnc shared .'the peills of the revolution,' and the committed to await a further hearing, on the charge harden. nl BU,L U .ueceedltiz years, In a com- I of obtaining in 1648, good, and Jony to tho value mon band of brotherhood, fourteen States aro requl red to do vfcot it ou tftluir potter, to gratify a mor bid scnslbllitvl and minister to the cravings of poll ileal ambition represented that he had been sppolnred a secret We extract a few further items connected with this '' United States Martha), employed by the govern Ljkt0 ment for the purposa . of dotocting' countetfultura In "In August 1G20 tiie first slaves ever brought to ' the manufacture of bank bills and coin, and showed this country were landed on James River, in the . a document as his credential, underwhlch he acted, colony of Virginia, Iron, a Dutch sl.lp-of-war. They He ofTered to make the other , one of hH , deputies, were landed snd sold, and very soon thereafter ne- and he believing tho story, consented) he was o groie constituted a wry Important and lucrative epe- be paid 850 per month. ; It wa duang jthis period rle. of merchandise. In tiearlr all tho coroniea.-- They were brought over in large numbers, and wero aoucht after with creat caaerncss by the ocncultu- rulists offlhose primitive times. They continued to 1 be imported to a greater or less extent, until the tide was checked by act of Congresj of 1303. : " prom 1776 to 1790, the slave population of the , United Slates increased about 39 ner cent. Tho census of 1800 eiihihlled a slave population of 693, 041 ; that of 1810, 1,104.304; of 1820, 1,638,904; of 1S30, S,0J9,031 ; and of 1S40. 2,456,355." (COMMV.SICATED ) THF. GRF.ATFST CIRCUS YF.T. Stuns & McCollum's Cdmpany," as organized for the season of eighteen hundred and fifty, Is with out doubt a model troupe. Tno two thousand hup py faces who assembled on their opening night to witness tlu wondrous und'ulmust superhuman work ins' of tliia truly great troupe, were in ecstasies with "l0 arrangement, and many of the first fami lies were eye wjiucseca to tiiu quirks, pranks, and I oddities of that rcat original Dan Ricn, greut as he in at ail limes, glorious as is hia humor, and rieli as arc I his Inimitable (jru'.Hjuc.H upon common Occnbione ; I it Is only upon vuch us lliese th.i' the unclouded sun j of hi genius sliines foilh, iind glorifies tho arena iy j lila my. Dan is the most poetic of jestetp, the I idealized idea of a ctowr:, tiie impersonation of wise fully, t tic very master of Fooling j his imagination .mills beauty to his wit, selling it off like the gold foil on the Inncct, uml gives to liis humor that iudes iri'uuhle lichnecs which makes us laugh inwardly I with u son of mental t-niihlaction, gratifying the in- tellect of tlio scholar us well as tickling the fancy of 1 t)l(. criiwd Tnc (1,c;:,ri.n9 are masicrs, partieu- company this scupon in Wilmington, it isudviaulle for one and a!l to s e thrm. FIRES IN NORFOLK. A boat find on the Corporation Ferry Wharf, Nor folk, was destroyed by fire ut the close of .Sunday last. By this calamity two wot thy young men, boat builders, lost all they had accumulated by tli.'ir in- f dustry -about $1,000 in mateiiul and unfiiiUhe.I work. The shed was rented. It is ascertained that the tire was kindled 1 y an incendiary, for the mere : l ..... r . - . .1. ... . i " u "oiie coUla ue assign- cd- ?nly unc WMk bcforc' tne Carpenter's Shop ot ! Mr- &ilbcrl- on Southgute Street was burned, and atlempts made to hum four other Carpenter's .Shops. I About 0 o'clock of the same evening, a Grocery I Store on Campbell's Wharf was destroyed ey f:re, ' with iis eontents $r,500 Insured. lONGRESSJOm. , In the S'liuir, on Ihe llili, the discussion upon ' 1 1 to question to receive the petition praying the peautiul dissolution ot the Union, was remmed by Mr ( ,n!..ot 1 'it.. :uccpi.oii. j kvs:a. Cass Bull-r, Wcb.':t.r, Mangum, and Da- is, c-f ?IafS . opposed its reception, id the voie beiii' taken tl e molion to leceive was rect-jv i d- -. yeas 3, tiujs 31. Messrs. Ciii.se, Hu'e and Sewur.l j being lliosc vuling ill the iifiiru, alive. The Senate then look u, the resolution of Mr. C::-.S. 1 Mr. Berrien addiesfed the Senate, lie depicted in i ' ; ttron'; culois the anxious feelings entertained at the . South in the social circle an well as in the puhlio gatherings on this cubjee:. He still hoped thai I Bomcthing would be done. He staled ihu consli- tutionul grounds on whicli ilie youth resisted, main I laining the true ground of coiupromiso to be, that neither the Nonh or South should have legislation on ihe subject of slavery in the tcrrilotlcs, but at 1 boih made claims for legi.-'jt.on, that Conyrcs w odd K ave the subject alone-, and let it be tested by I the .Sit;, rome Court. He had not concluded, w hen a motion lo go into I Executive session prevailed, mid shortly uftcrwai'ds ihe .Sentate adjou lud. In the House, on thellih ihe Revenue Collection Bill was under consideration, but no final action was had on it. I MTOi' THAT KNOCKING. ' Tliere has been ! r some li ne inueli su;""rMiiiouj, Interest mid excitement nt Rocheeti-r, N. V., In ' consequence of eirlaiu myi-lerioua " knockiogs" by ' whU'ii, w llh the aid of two half-grown gi.ls, divers revelations were made from the "spirit land," and ! from dcpirted persons to tlttir living frienJs. ' Crowds sweinbled day afir day, through several ' week.", to wiines the wonder, questions would be 1 iikked, and an nllirmativu or negative answer direc ted by such knocks or sounds upon the aousc-fusor, tables, 4-c, a the girls had specified. Tl") slfuir has now, however, exploded, alter many had txen Hijt.uciuel out ol tlieir b-nii?, uno columns upon iUlumn have bc?n writien uud piiblia-ed upun (lie sub; xl. It seem that an invesilgation committee fy spppolnieei to conlsbiitate wun me pnn mm 17 ascertain I lit. 1 r object ami purpose. The tirsl ihing 11 ! ihe inailer-ot-fact commiltve-inon did was to seize 'J the two young ladies, tie their pcllicuats tight touni -,oi- dnir niikks, place them upon a table, and hold -,-J'1 j th:ir led iite mill. Wonderful lo relate, the spir-H.4-3 is were uu disgusted with this rudenens, that lluy 3, '37 i refused tu make uny communication while the ladies i6"" ' were held in durance, and the committee venture lo IU3,030 I rxprcM tho opinion, ihut if a jury of matrons could V03,27 j ,nvt if cmpannelled on the snot, ihe supernatural 100,37V j nppaiatus would have been found concealed on the j ,H.rsun,0f Hie Vestals. Only to think, savs the ven Irrablo Malor Noah, how much mvsterv may bo concealed unicr a pcttleoai. Clever young women I IJ-I.-.. tv- f nuiw. umumurc o un. CHOLERA AT MEMPHIS. . TUa Jlcniphle Enquirer, of the 31st, notlcW tho occurrence of three cases of malignant chokrs In that city on the preceding day, all of which proved final. Thopcrsoni who died of the dlacaso were Msj, Ware ami daughter and a Mr. Hairls. The m .Ii P"x wn alto pr. ;.!liiv th re lo som. txtf m ding. The Mirror aaysi Oreen became acquainted with Spauldlng, and mat me goods ana money were obtained. apuui- uing, after a time, suspected thatll was not tight, and wrote to Mr. Gtllct.-bolteltor to the becreto ry's Department, toknow if what Green tepresen-1 ted was true ; and was Informed that Ire hud provi. ously-represented that he could bo very serviceable to lite government in the detection of counterfeiters of coin, and had been recommended lo the different U. S. Direct Attorneys, for thedetectlon of guillj parlies; but it was soon discovered that ho was humbugging the Government; that what the had represented was false, and he was therefore dismiss ed. On his arrest the officer took from his person ubnd bill for 300 on tlve Philadelphia liank. 4(20 on the Northern Bunk of Kentucky, likewise two cancelled 3'00 Treasury notes. Sl'I'RKME COURT. The Judges of this , Tribunal have commenced delivering Opinions. The following ure the first: By IUtfis, C.J. In States ex rcl. Williams r IiTizeli's Adinr., from Bertie, affirming the judgment. Also, in Kay r. Ray, in Equity, from Orange, remanding the cause. Also, In Hullockr Nelson, in j Equity, from Guilford, dismissing the bill. l!y N'Asir, J. In Millar. Carpenter from Stan ly, .-.r.rining the judgement. Also, in Keel lo use of tV.ipth r. Moore, from Surry, affirming the judge ment. Alio, in Sikru r. Paine, from Tyrrell, nf finning ma judgement Also, in Anderson v. Doak, from Ouiilord, afl'M-ining the Judgement. Also in Wjtere to use of Pool r. iSmaw, from Ileaufuit, of Aiming the judgement. Also in Hamlin o. Mc Neill, from Chatham, reversing the judgement and giving judgement here for the pljimiir. Also, in , llulet. Baker, in Equity, from Cu'i.hciland, direc tion a reference to the Mailer. Iy Pr.AUhu.v, J. Tn Beasly . Downey, from (innvilli , afliriniu:; the judgement below. Also, in McUay v. Simpson, in Equity, Iroin Richmond, directing a decree that the defend int transfer the slocl: and pay the dividends accrued since the con tract, Also, in Hart r. Roper & Uostick, in Eiuity, hum Richmond, overruling the demurrer with cost. Also, in Hailc(v Ingram, in Equity, from An(m; in the oi iginal bill the plaintiffs have a decree for costs the cross-hill is dismifsed with costs. A Is. , in Johnson v. Chinnbcis, from Person, directiii!; a venire tie norn. Also, in Pool and wife r. la:a from I'a.-quotanli, declaring tin', there is error in the decree and dismissing the potiiinn with costs. Al to, in Black c. Easlon from I'aq i it.inU, directing a Ten ire de nwo. 1 The I-inte Vlrc at Han I'rauclsco. J Speaking of this visitation, a letter in the Journal of Commerce eeys. " Al one lime ali hope of savin;; any part of the city was given up by every one. As it burnt gamb ling houses, hotel, restaurants, offices, ftoref, tent", dwelling-house?, bowling-alleys, store-sheds, nnd lumber yards. It rained und blew a yale for three .1;, ,., ,1... e ,1. . . ':':. ! :ilu, . .'. ,i e ii i aui p!. n.i-,l e-.nveiv Tie' ut VI day i: aj . n cotniileiiccd to lain mid '. low. It u .is ory.. :' :!ie niof t rem irkable inst inc e ver wit nes.c.! ol ii;e visiiati n of the Almtglry, swprpiirj lu it did the principal and most notoiious a.s cell ;,3 the f'.r.-t vanillin;; e. -1 ; I 1 i dinicnis, where ni'lit .'.in! de.y, .Sonday and week days, openly un l hiiiMily, and boaistingly, did tin y violate lite laws both of God and man. Many have been ruin ed by the fire, and yet the rebuilding commenced ; ths very morning uftcr ii occurred.'' i - 1'ivm fit C':i::U.i!ii,i Mircuy. I CONGRESS MR. CLAY .S .Si'El'.Cll. Mr. Clay's Po-.-all.el coniprotn:e re?.dutlu-'.? came up for conidcralion on Tuesday lat, wln-n he led oil' l he i!ieu.-sion by a two day's speech, m iiirli nl'opetlicr I'll eighteen colunKH of ilia Natin.inl ln-le-!llgencer. Ofejorsewe can do nothing with it, but refer briefly to its positions. The debate was not conlinued on Thursday, the Se nate having ael journi d e.nly as a mark of n.-pect for the memory of Mr. New in-'iii ol Viriota, a member ol Ihe Hou-e, eho died la.-t summer. Mr. Clay's rc'-dut'eui", already publ:-:hcd, furme I the topics of his speech. They embrace lluse p. Mill? . 1. Thu a.l.i.l-iMon of California into the Union. 2. The tsiabliiliinenl of Territorial G jvernitients in DcBcrct and New Mexico. 3. The determination of the boundaries of Texas. 4. Slavery and the slave trade in thu District of Columbia. 5. The rocovcry of fugiTivo slaves. G. The iraiififi r of slaves from Slate to State. Wc dispose of the two lust briefly. Mr. Clay's remarks upon these tnptcs were in all respects ex cellent, and such us might be expected hum a wise and patriotic Sou ihcrn Senator. In regard lo tho power of Congress over slavery in the Dis-trict of Columbia, we do not understand tho force of much that ho K.iid. The power of Congress lie affirms strangely, on the ground that the Consiimiion con feis Ihe right of "exclusive Icgmliiiion in all cases v. hatsocver" over the Districts. But (hen he ud miu that the solu objucl of the power, was to se cure i he seat of Government from ihe instruction of State authority. Moreover lie admits that such a use ol liie power could never have bem contempla ted by thosu who madj; tho cession ot the District, and thai it would be an net of bad faith lo Maryland. And he should have admitted :iUo, that ii would bs a declaration of hostility on the itarl ol the Federal Covernnunt against liie Institutions of filteen States of the Confederacy. After llleso adlniBdion, ills hard lo see what this pretended power can be made to rest on. But Mr. Clay Insists that the power to bolih slavery In the District must be sontewhore. . . ... ' it is not In the Elates i therefore it mint be In Gon- S'e- Suppose, he says, Virginia and Maryland , werej-J abolish slavery i will It be pretended that i we mast tecp U sp forever bets'?1 And tills seems to have puzzled Mr. Llaf. There Is ne ground for fesr. In the esse Supposed 1 would vanish or Itself, and that clrcunivtance, aoelniple and so certain, Is at; It', t n-i-Cf t all arguments ii. l.u.n .! the power, becnufe there never could 'he an, exigence id which Its exercise would be beneficial or called for., t' i ' i"'t;r;'-''. 3 ,J Dul suppose tla-very abolished In Virginia and Maryland, whirl soft of Femoral Government would Mr. Clay call that, wber a Senator from Kentucky, going to Washington, (o disVlwrge the duties of hlh office, and luklng with him his servant, should be told that ibe laws of Congress," ai the seat of Ills own Govornment, stripped hint of his poisotston of whut the Conaiitwioi of tfio United States recog nises at lawfuf propertyil q - the Stot wbieh sent him there 7 Would the Senator front Kentucky, thus plundered by his own Governmerii, "while dis charging public duties under It, bf satisfied by the assurance that It was all right, 6eaus Congress has the power of "exclusive legislation"' over tho Dig H'ie1 Would he not rather asy, if they have this power, then nobody but Congreas Is responsible lor robbing me, una ot their number, at the seat or my own Gooyerniuont, while I am here in the discharge of my duty aa a Senator. If they have this power, then they huve Indubitably tho power to protect uie in the possession of my property. Why do they uoe it for the purpose of wronging and deiraudirrg me I Some such scenes as this would be likely to occur, if the power contended for by Mr. Cluy should be ex ercised, even in the extreme case of the abolition of slavery in Virginia and Maryland. And they would show most conclusively that then the Federal Gov ernment will huve become the Government of the North, not for the whole. Will- Mr. Clay maintain that such a state ot things can be brought about by Constitutional legislation1') FROM HAVANA. The steamship Iaatel, Capt. Rollin', arrived at this port yesterday afternoon, from Havana, via Key West and Savannah, bringing eighty cabin tuul steerage passengers. The I .i.. I left Havanna on the 6th, and Key West uu liie ihh, and experienced heavy gales from the Noithcast and Northwest du ring the entire i.-soge. Tho mails fur Savannah were landed on the morning of the 11th at 5 a. in. The Isabel saw on the morning of her departure a 8teaner going into Havana, supposed to be the En glish mailrfteamer from Mobile. CltarU.ilon Mercury 12,'i iiutt. MARINE NEWS. Ml PORT Of WILMINGTON, FEU 111.' A HY 11. HlflH WATEH AT TIIE BAH. 9,r,f ARRIVED. 12. Steam r Cver:rrcen, Rush, from Fayetli ville, to John Bunk, with sundry mdse. I 13. Schr. M. K. Wells, Gii.T:n, from New Vmk. to E. J. Lutieiloh, with nidie. tu'imdiy persons. ' " Sehr. Alaric, l'rosees, from Now Votk, lo Do ' Kes.-i t ci Brown, with mdse. to sundiy persons. ' Si l.i. .Monterey, Mtlntyrc, from liristul, Me to G. W Davis, with Hay. CLEARED. Exports of fchr. LeesUurg, cleared in our lust 2'M bids. Spiiils Turpentine, 2J'J libls. Kain, bales Yarn. 75'J bush. Peanuts, 61 bales K:i", it I bales Slieelini;. 21 bales Waste, 1! bales Tobacco, 2 '. boxes Mdse. JJ.'JW ft. Planed Lumber. j 12. Schr. Ira Brewster, Chadwick, lor New York, bv CJ. W. Davis, with lbO bbls. Spirits i'uipen.ine, ytiO bbls. Rosin, 50 bales Yarn, 100 bales Sheeting, 1U bales Cotton, 480 bush. I'eunuts. Ii. liehr. I'eiseveiBnce, Tornty, for Porto Rico, 1 y (J. W. D avis, with bO.OOO ft. Lumber. l !. Stuamei tiov. Graham, Rankin, for F.iyi tie- ille, by T. C. Wonh, wiili goods for Lush & liroih eis, lien. Saiui (iaitlier, 11. L. Sly rover it Co., King e. Ilege, .Scott & .Smith, Win Murphy & Co., J.n. Mclver, J. R. & . Sloan, J. Winceoli & Co., J. F. ( i.ipi!-. i -, Ht -ar-iecV !avi, N. Kendn'l, Ur.i ! Ma.i. 'ii. R.iiil & Co., l-hii.d h'fid M .1,. C ,., .1. I) vi;Im!H'. Jos.Uiley, J M. Williams. J. on.'i, ii. I'jamli'M, 1!. Rose eV Son 15. Sthr. Cherokee. Smith, for Havana, by J. Hathaway ii. Son, Willi 257 casks Rice. NW YORK.- -AaaiviD. 11. Selir. S. C Davis, Davis, hence. " James G. King, Wainwnghl, hence. ,! " l-.l iune, Robinson, hence. " " L 1. Xmiih. Miller, hence. 11 K. S. Powell, l'owell, henee. " " Rough and Ready, Abboll. fiom Wnsh- iuton, N. C. " Luke, Brown, from Fdcnion, N. C. " Edw. Flileli, Crabtree, for Waalnnninii, IN.f. PHILADELPHIA. Clcabeu. 11. Schr. Julia, VanGilder, for this port. DISASTERS. Tho ship Russia, from Nsw Orleans, bound lo San i Francisco, took firu outside the Balii-, and was wholly destroyed. Four of Ihe seamen perished.1 The ship and part of the cargo were insured in ihia ei; y lo the uinouril of 1130,000, Kev West, Feb 8. 1350. ! The English ship Lord Seaton, Capt. Fiizslm- 1 niotis, an iv. . I here on the 27th from Tortu.'as, vl. i. .he had been ashore, and relieved by wreckers. S!u was from New O, leans, bound to Liverpool, with a ; cargo of 2.100 bales Cotton. She is now beiiv,' dt- t barged in order to examine hur bottom, which is ; s ipptisfd lo be much irjured. The ship Abalutn, l-'lliot, master, from Bo-ton. f-.r New Orleans, with a cargo of Ice, rBn on the Anie lican shore on the 5th, and was gotlon oil' next d y by thu wreckers who threw ovcrbaard a tii.inliiy of l argo. It Is believed shcis not much Injured, niili coilseiiucntly will not dise!iarge,but proC' ed on l.cr vovngo so sOtin as the salrago is settled. j En"lisli bri Wanderer from Jamaica, with Log-: wood, bound to a port in England, arrived on ihe first. She has been ashore on' Carysfort Reef, and was nssistcd bv wreckers, who, Hot bem,' able lo get alongside with ihelr vessels, In consequence of the aeverity of thu weather, and fen rimer die would soon go co pieces, forced her e ver ;!. r-ef into deep water. Her bottom has, no rtoubi. received mueli dwiiago. She is now being discharged. The schooner Charles S. Gagor, from Jackson vide, Fls. with Lumber, for Texas, nut into this port on-tho 2S ill leaking badly. She lias been sub sequently condemned as unseawurihy. and sold v. itli her cargo. A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, 1VATCH AM) CLOCK MAKICH-t, JKW'KI.MillK Ac. OPPOSITE THE CIIB05ULE OlKICP., TSONT SHEET. WllMINOToN, N. ('. A. G. U. having just reilumedlroui tho North, with a new nock. of i I'.kEiit Jewelry, Vvatchcs, Clocks, Musical iioxeo, 1'iatea ami sil ver Yre. Hesrwctfully Invito the Ladles and Genilnnen of Wilmington, and country generally, to examine our siock before making a purcnase clMwhtre, aa we flj l tci ourselves that we enn sell goods at as tow pricea aa any othsr M'abliehment South. This lock is ths third one we havo received within Ihe last five months which Is a pioof that a quick Sale and small profit, Is the beat and only way to secure the good will and patronage of lliucltlzciu generally. N. II. Every description or Wnichis, Cltcka. Jewelry. Musical lloxes, plated snd Silvor , Were, personally rcpnlre I, and in a wuikinanlike manner, nol be surpassed by any other csiaMlfhmrnl, and warranted for one v.-nr. F.b ii. HI. WHOLESALE I'UlvES, C UUUENT. v JiAVAL STORES, r yellow, Dip. & bbbof 2S01bs. J 1 85 . 1 90 1 n Hard.'- VZ7 ' Vv.l npkiti( Turpentine, 4 g.' ? ,, ; fur "ty,pi'?si iiich ,,'.-' - Uosin No. I, J'c. a 1 pe lb. gross. ' XSo, 3. ....,, Varnioh i'f-.t ' nMutziu&0.-U'-V,' Itrlerior y ' Fair Ciuality- ! f ' l I r M 11 l-.lf . MT I ' AM MII.fi. 25 a .1 12 a .1 UU lit i hi 1)5 ki JO lU 1 1i .-, 70' 22 :hi 8 50 . 7'tU "1 2 00 IB 00 0 50 Widu louida, plank und scantling 11 00 t-'lor Moulds-........ 14 00 Wide Hoards, Edged.- :.!'' 14 CO Refused, hull rirleu on oil.. hUMlSUU.UlYUlt. Kloor Boards-.. 9 00 A Ida Roalds " ieunvtllng U1CU. . UouBll 76 10 00 7 0; 6 00 ( leaned 3 00 3 12 V. O. HUd. roujh-.nonc rt 16 00 " " drused a barrel 15 CO li. O. llhd. "ough " " dressed- Ashe Heading,- 11 00 13 UU 13 CO -scarce- !J,00 10 00 a 1 SC 3 GO m 4 00 3 50 a 4 10 05 ta 70 75 i !)4 5 a 5J 4i m j y 10 16 a 17 1G at n 16 is 17 m - to 19 10 a 17 U0 o n m 30 2H fa in 30 nt 32 AS 19 l) its - .. 7 it 3 0 m 1 1 ht 7 5 nt b II n Hi 7 'j 'i ti 9 l - K 5 '-5 at 5 00 ia .17") 7 00 m 7 33 M m (iU C'-' ir t. 15 m 7 1 i 20 6 03 ia 1 1 let 5 33 a 7 ii 71 7u m 75 slllNGl.Li"). Uomnion Contract Black's" lurge i't:.H. H. E. t'cas I'ea Nn is New Orleans i'ot to Rico St. Domingo Rio Java .. Lagurm Cuba M()I,ASSES. Now Oilcans Cul-n, tonuirc Llverpoo , per sack---SlJKH. N. E. Rum ('omiiion Gin hiskey Apple Brandy HACON llama, N. C. " Western scarce Udes, N.C. " Westurn Shoulders, N.C. " Western mMIT(:s. Cotton Viiins Cotir n Ozrinburiis 4-4 N. C. cilietiinL's-. I'Eoiri:. Fayeteville sup. ' fine X Canal C"rn Meal ' otton- flutter-. I hcese liceswax Hay. .. . scarce- j Lva.i, ooan IS I. ird N. C. l.ime--. - -- i I'TtKioirrw. : To NEW YORK BMs Turpentine, Tar and Rosin, 33 under and 30 on deck. " Spirits Turpentine, Rice, per ewt. gross Bales Cotion, Cotton t'oods and Vnrn, per bule, io i'ljli.ADELI'Hl.A. Bik Tiii p. ntin.-, i'ur nnri Rosin, 35 iiinlci and on deck. " Spirits Turpi ntine, Rice, per cwt. (,-ross Cottn goods anil Yarns, per foot, Lumber To BOSTON. cts 50 14 $1 aO " 11 15 0 cts. Bbls. Turpentine, Tar and Rosin, 45' under and 37j on deck. " Spirits Turpentine, Rice per cwt gross Lumber, per M., fcljj 55 15 COMMERCIAL. RCMAUKS ON MAIIKDT. Wu have bnt lilllo to remark. Arrivals of produce have been light for two days, past, couettquenily bu! lew sales have been efl'ucied. Tea pes tins. Some 5 lo GOO bol. Turpentine have been disposed ol'at $1,90 per bid. for Dip, and 81,10 per bbl. for Hard. i ak. A small lot of Tar wos sold at 11,1.1 per bbl. Si'iniTs TcartNTiSE Some 53 bbls. .Spiiiis I'lirpentine were sold at 25J tte. pergallon, bbls. H, 7 j not returnable!. TiMur.a Several rafts Mill Timber, ware sol. I at these prices, viz: 84,25, 4,00, 5,00 5,25 and 15 per M. measurement ; prices varying according to quality. lUcoN. Somo 0,000 lbs. old Bacon, Sides and Shoulders, (N. C ) sold al $G per cwt. Rives. Lumsei. Some half dozen Rafts in mar ket, but no sales, that we are apprised of. FaEiciiT on Ton Timber, to Pliilsdeldhia, New York, and llosiuu, is said to bi from $3 to t'J per M. fi ct, but as there Is no Inquiry for Timber to be ta ken on Freight at present, nothing dc final j can be said. NEW U)RK MARKET. Feb. 11. The loiters by the steamer Europa were not assorted and perused until after business hours, consequently but little was dono, The Stock market Is nioro buoyant and prices have an upward tendency,- but ne actual change to nyllce from tho quotations of Saturday. Tbe mo ney Market Is gradually becoming easier, and good paper can bo negotiated - on the street at a 7 per cent. Flour Is steady-Sales of 4500 bbhv at 1 1,9-1 a 5 for common, Western and State brands, and 5,44 a 6.50 for pur Qeneseei Southern 15,25 a 5,37; Rye Hour unchanged; Corn meal firmer.. - Wheat la dull No sales reported Corif is more active, and prices Improved Salus of 40,000 bushels 61 a 62c for mixed, and 00 ft 61c for new yellow t Oats 38 a 46c t Rye 63e. ' ' ., v I'fotlslooseredull. Saka oi new mesa Pork at 1 10, 75 and prime at t9 e 9,121. Lard ia firm and advau clnf. Bales of 300 bblal at6Vtc, per lb. ''- Groceries ure not generally ee frnsi CorTeo Is heavy an ! ptice; litidin; t'' dccliii'.. No salts re ported. (Sugars quiet, Mulusscs steady. Rice t n changed, yi 'fy''JO f'fX,-:l ''.'' The Cotton market la dull and droopinjr.. The eales to-day were J,0C0 balci at 111 for middling' New Orleane, ahowlog a dcclmo of Je; pe'lh. v f : WWey,. .dull. ; Sales at 23 a 23Jc, per gallon. , ( Tobacco Is firm and prlcbajehdjng up word. "; -. Naval Storca have Wit. rather-(luiettind the salce of the week embraced only 00 barrels Wilmington Common Rosin, rfi , IL17 ' . ICQQ North; County, at SIM . 1,06 i m Newbern at 1, 121, delivered , 600 whlia at 82.60 a S.75 'pcf'O Hia-and 3 a 400 bbls. Spirits Turpemi.ntv 33. a ,31 cis, ciiah, and 34 J & 35, 4 tnoa. North County Turpemlue held at $2,75 per 280 lbs. v r S;'' Rice-prlctfs fiimlf mnlnialneis-siiea 61 thit welek abuut 91)0 iiurces,.at 3 121 'a 3.56f.w-s. "- . . .. . ' - '' -.7 7. :t PHILADELPHIA MARBfT. S-' 7. Feb. II. The Stock market is siendf, arid price have an upward tendency. Pa, B' 89d 90 Tha' Money market is becoming still more easy and mo-' ney abundant. . ' The market for DrcadstufTs is sfeady but not ic' tive. Sales of 600 bbls at $4,8 1 L Soma Hn not' willing to take less thun 4j,87 for good: common bronds, Whcsl is steady. Sales of red at 101 a 107 c; white do. 110a I ! 5c. Corn Is firmer. SalesatB'i n 57c. per bushel for yellow. Oats 31 n 36c. Kyo 62c. The Provision market Is quiet. Small sales mess Pork at $11,81 for new. Lard 61 a 7c. In bbls. and kegs. The Grocery market Is rn their quiet. Cofico is heavier since Ihe Steamer's news no stiles reported. Sugars and Molasses quiet. Rico Is unchanged. Whiskey is dull al 23 a 24e. per,.gafloii. Sales of Spirits Turpentine during ihe week ai' 31 a 35 cts. cush and lime now held higher, Tar, Pitch and Rosin arc inactive, at previous quotations. Ricu Steady sales at 3j a 31 cts. dash. . RALTIMORF. MARKET. Feb. 12. This morning there were sales of COO bbls. Howard street flour, straight brands, at 3 4 6 1 . and 200 barrels at i 75. No sales City Mills. No thing doing' in wheat none in tnaiket. Sales while and yellow corn at 52 a 53 cents. Nothing in oats. Sales 15,090 pounds new shoulders bacon ut 51 a 5) cents, Cish. He.cf cattle tho offerings to day at the scales reach 750 head, of w hich CO wero driven to Philadelphia, balance taken by city bu'.cli v i at $2 75 u 83 75 on the hoof, equal lo 35 50 a 57 2a i ct. and average 83 23. There were 3 extra ca: ilei s d.l ai $5. Hogs hut few In the market; pu ces 73 a Ii. CHAR LKSTOX MARKET. Fi'1 12. Cotton The Europa's accounts havo untie, il the market. The few buyers In attend am o yestn y demanded a reduction, lo whitli holdi r were in. willing to submit. One lot, howeyer, of It 0 bales Mucily fair, changed hands, for which the sel ler ii'-ci pled l'Jj). This transaction, of course, can not be considered as a criterion of the market. AUGUSTA MARKET. Feb 0. Cotton -Tho wenlhcr to-day Ins been very unfavorable lo out door operations. We hae no new feature to notice In ilia mark!. The Eu ropa's intelligence was received from Charleston by telegraph this afternoon. Tho advance given was j !, which v as below ihu expectations of holdi rs, w ho were looking for at least J'd. We heard of no trans actions nA or tiie receipt of her advices. MOBILE MARKET. Feb. G. f'olton. -The market remain very qele holders .-iw.-ihing the next st miter's accounts, ami offering lightly. The kales to-day ore 12 a 1500 talcs, and prices art- unchanged. Ordinary, 10 a 10 j middling. 11 a 11; good middling, II; a II fair, nominal. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Feb. 9 . ' On ihe 7ih, 4,500 bales of Col ton were sold. Prices easier, without any positive decline. Prime Molasses, 21. Rio Coll'ue, 14. Dn the 8ih, 1,000 bahrt were srld, and prices tinchenged ; ilid rtrmril. Sales of ihe week reached 18,000 bale. e HAVAtfA MA'RfcET. Feb. 7. (Received In Charleston.) "Wo beg ro fer?nce m our Report of 21st January. Since then the supplies of Sugar.Jiuvc somewhat increased, iilihoii 'h they arc still quite moderate. The demand has become more active from Spain and other parts of Europe, and prices are rather higher. Plantera seem very confident in their expectations, and it ap pears more likely that wo shall have a further ad vance than a speedy decline. Wc place our quota tions as follows i Whites, 9 a 10 rials i Yellows, G a " rials ; Browns, 5 a 51 rials) Cucuruchos, 4 a 5 rials. Sales of Muscovados havo been made in this market at 4 a 5 rials for Inferior to good. "Ths weaiher has been unfavorable latterly where by grinding has been Impeded, and ll Is feared the crops will not yield so much as was at first antici pated. "Molasses ia supported ot 2 rials. "CofTeo Is very acarco, andlias beertr sold at $12 a 13 for good to prime. f ' . "The soles of Rice comprise 1100 ooske Coralina at ?, 9, 0t for. goad end -9 rlvls for- inferior, and 210 baits Valencia at 8, 8 and 8! rial TJwro aro 300 casks of Carolina In first hands. "Excllongd on ' Condon 10 per ce nt, prrnihim ;, New' York and Boston 1 a 1 per cent premium." The Naval Force or Ulipland. The following la a statement of ih naval foircs nfloat of litis country, In ships, guns and men, ati the present motntnti Stolons. Ships. Guns. Men. Portsmouth 10 178 2,267 Dovosrport.-... 8 .": 163 1,C12 Falmouth packets' ---7 ' 41 264 Sluerncss 6 , 108 039 Woolwich - -- 8 01' 630 Depfortl 1 , 1 ' W" Chatham ,.--2 U 302 Pembroko --'..'.".. -2 ' 12 44 Queeslown----M.8 HI 1,164 Lisbon .'irt.'iV'tD 315- 3,09J Mediterranean ..V.28 600 ' 1222 ' WcsHndiea...'.--.l3- . 200 . ..' .tt4 PaclHo 12 2,343 Coato(Af.lca...... 25 -'j J05; '2,162 South B. coast of ; ' - Amsnla .U , 152 l.iWI fspcof (id Hepe "6 t p2'