5tMr-i ,-namt: DjpcovCTjrjjtiurv ', ;'' ;. vcylnj 21 ' 80 Store &;i roop ti 1 p ' ' 4 "!" ""!;' ;' 20 , AdmlraltyckeMl2;;,f''.f f$ 18 1.213 .372 211 Tvud.4WnlM-k'--MH. 23 217 ThUelviVa total of 109 iliipe, 2,718 guns, and 19,217 offlcers'jnd men. There are, howeser, about 1,000 supernumeraries not Included ; mid this num ber U exclusive of murines ushore tit llieir . respec tive division. V. Gazette. i r The Whiskey Tradcl ; Utti few persons have a correct view of tho nmount 6f Whiskey annually consumed in this ciiy In manu facture of Domestic Liquors, Alcohol, Burning FluiuV &c. tc. There arc four Distilleries in the Immediate -ilcinlly of this city, which consume abont 300,000 bushels of Corn ond Rye yearly, und produce 1,050, 6.00 taXtoim.tft WJiikeyttlta at ir&.WO. These works ao rilj driven by cietrh," and consume 3,000 ions of Cowl annually. Tbejr eniploy from seventy fo elgluy, work inen, ond the arnoutit of capital In- ' tested cannot, bs less than half a million of dol fari..&e8ldet this amount thero was received last year by the Columbia Railroad , gulloiise find by the PelcWare Canal 1,432,815 gallons, which nddid to the. amount ninnafctnred by the city distilleries makes 3,0 15,6-10 gallons, equal to about 101, B21 barrels. To this we most add a considera ble miiount rrce'veci orrntiatTy by tlio Schuylkill and Tidewater Canal, and Now Yoik j which would swell the total amount to 123 a 130,000 barrels. Vhil. Com. Lixl. NOTICE. WHEREAS, the undereipnrd Intruded on the tit sit day of January 184!),to enter into Co partnership, for the purpose of conducting buMness In this pluoe, and the samo was commenced under said Intention, by one of tho undersigned, but for private reasons, said Copartnership, was never folly Carried Into cfiectj this Is to give public notice, trial there is not, and was not legally nny Copnit ncrshlp, . M. A. StlLUVAN. J. H. PETERS. Feb, 14. 151-lt-p. COMMKKCIAli nr.uli of lVI,.MIN;TOX, Feb. 12, IboO. A DIVIDEND of four per. rent, on the Cup tal Stock of this l)an', for tlio I ihI six months, will be raid to tho Stockholders, or their leil represen tativts, on und nfter Monday, the ISth inet. lly order of tho Hoard of Directors. T. SAVAGE, Cash. Feb. M. 14i-?t. RICE. - Jtf CASKS fresh beat Riee. For sale by JLlf'O' HOWARD & PEDE.V. Feb. H. Jour, at: (I Au. WHISKEY in. 1 ,T Utiles. l tu.-key. l-or sale "y 1 1 U V A K D & i i : i i : v. in. Feb. 14. Jour, and A u. FLO I R. (,) HI! LS C.-irul Flour ; I j half 'li . do. 25 bbls. Fault' vilV Flour. For i-nb I y HOWARD I'EDK.V Feb. M. 141. BITTER, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TFOUK, Ac. Families. Bakers, Uetallois, titu! 1 Tavern Keepers, fart supply lliiuisilvis with! any ol llic above nuiii' d urtlclcs, ni v iy lew ia;i. by ca.liu on the uiiili ibii'iicd; w ho kc p constniit I ly on h mil, the largest und I est ununited nv k. tic, ' in this umiuil. HOW Alt J tt PEDF-.N Feb. 14. Jour, und Au 111. j DOMESTIC GOODS. r n.VLIvS 4 4 Sheeting ; t Cotton Yarn, approvid numbi is. At. R. W. IIKliWX'V. j Feb II. M I-1 iii. SUNDRIES. TS in h.ifls Pi mot) ,utiiu it 1 11 North ( ' j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u . 0 M inuuietured Tubueco, fruui Hi'diiuond, Vir , I I'.ui, Canal, .North Carolina, in battels, Half barrels and bags ; I'lime Siii.'ar 100 Ualea Hay. For sale by R. V. BROWN. Feb. 14. ,.lll-4t. St. DOMINGO COFFEE. LANDING from Schr. Alarft. For salu by R. Y. BKOVN N. Feb. 14. Ill 3(. TO FARMERS AND THE PUBLIC. D' iAVID F. McKINNE A CO., IS. R. l'ott,-r ct E. D. Hull) have entered Into u special COPAKTN'KKSIIIP, fur the purpose of lliiichcrlng, and for nu otter purpote whatever. They take Ihis op portunity to inform burners generally, that they will pay cash for Hood UuJ and none other ; they tile fully supplied at present, and would advise those w ho wish to sell to them ; to coir muiilcuiu t y letter, be fore they drive their Stuck to market. They would further inform the citizens, that they havu recently bought Mr. Pettaway out, under a positive ussu rancetliat we should nave his custom and pa'.ron ut. The Aurora ond Chronicle win please give this 3 insertions, and prosent their bill io David F. McKin im DAVID P.'McKENNK & CO. Feb. 8. ll3;im-:c. PfflUDELPHI r. (HERON'S LINE.) THB Packet'. Schooner WM. 11 ART 'GiSDT. Mastnr. wilt hnvo milxlr H... I natch for ihe above oort. For light freight or passage. Apply fo" GEO. IlAURISS. Eob. 12, UO-31. DISTILLERY AT AUCTION. THE Distillery with th stills, building and fix ture of every kind, lately occupied by .! r. W. O. Jeffreys, will be offered for sale at public Auctiou, on Saturday, 23d February, at Exchange corner. Terms liberal und rnado Known at sale. , . . R. M. ULACKVVELL A Co. Feb. 7, 1850.' . .. i i jj.3t. CIGARS.' QQ M. HAVANA CIGARS, old am hlnh fla J vorcd. Fur ssl hy ANDERSON 4. LATIMER. Vo.9. . 139.. BACON AND LARD. PRIME New Usoon, Hog round v ' " Lard In Keg and Ubt. For al by ANDErWON A LATIMER. Feb. V m. BUTTER jlND BUTTER, : ; 4 KEGS of gxtrs Ooahsa, (Just Rcceircd,) ; 6 Tubs" . ' , h AU low foi cash, i "(JEQ. II. KLLLKY'f'. Ftb'9- . .. 13-J. ttf f SOMETHING W Wrxx TIIESubeciluer having added to his assortment, a eliolco seleutloo oiSiewart' best Louf Sugar Confectioneries, solicits a Trlsl, assuring that a fresh sunpiy wltl always be kept, il encouraged by the liberality of Wilmington, and ft ih towest Cash price OEO.MYER&, Fsruty (irorer, ' " ,-, t. - Front Street. Feb. 9. 139. JUST RECEIVED. i SUPPLY of Sarsaparilln Coiiirh Candy, that A Jx will be f.iuild superior to nil tlio old Remedies for Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Two if, and till aflt'4 ttons of the Dreast, at ' :g; GEO. IStER1'. A lull assortment of Chol.e, and frt vh, Groceries may be found at the Wholesale and Ueisil Funiily Grocery Store of GEO. MYERS. At the lowest prioes for Cath. ' Feb 9. 139. ; NOTICE. ((( Bushel? lluil Uoad Bladen and Rocky 0,)A) Point Corn; 1.1)0) bushels Cow and Black eye Peas ( 8i) " S.i.jd O.j.18 and Ryo ; 3a " YYtiile Beans. ALSO, Buckwheat, belt Cannl and Fayotteville Flna Fr.'Hh !j ''iurid. Vie il, Homony, Horse it Cow Fec und Iliiy. In storo and for sale by ELLIS if. MITCHELL Jan. 29. 131 JUST RECEIVED. fcC BHL.S. gilt edge Planting Potatoes, a superior ivVy niliele for sale ; 0 bbls Whiskey; t0 casks prime Retailing Cheese ; 30 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles. For sale by ALKX. MapcHAK, Jr. Feb. &. Journal & Chronic! : copy, 137. 'FRESII FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR." 1 BBLS. of McNeill's Red brsnd supeifine Flour 10 4 half " - 20 bbls." Fayettevillc Super and Fine. All low foi euuli at GEO. II. KELLEYS. Feb. 5. 137. J. E. T00MER, CO MM1SS1 0 N M K R C If A NT, A N JJ (1 E S E H A L A G E iY T. NORTH wviKR SIl'.F.LT, WIL.MlXtiTON, . t. Eeb. 7, 1S50. 137-ly. (iosHEN 1)111 Li?. A PRIME article, in ki ts, iiist received, for sale, -Vby J. lLl'lHAW AY & fcO,. Jan. 2G. IX). TALLOW WANTED. IM'I.Y to A Jan.17. WM. M. Jl.UlRIS Agent. i-w. FEATHERS. aek Country l' ai jour AfV"l LI'S. .mk Country l' atlf-rs, for shir by hJ JOHN C. LA'I"!'A. 21). 105. RL't'liWIIEAT. 1 ll P.A(' KAGES lor ale virv low. of heat fjnal l)f ity. i y HOW.v.'tO or, PLUE.N Jan I. 122. NEW LARD. .i Hlif.S. Mai", rior New I.uul. For Sale by C 110 WARD & PEDES. Jan. 1. r.'2. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! ,rr U V Kl'SHi:LS of superior salt. Irom Cock aroor, E.t ' iicos in etoiv, and lor nai by J;:n. 2'J. GEO. I1AUK1SS. 134. FOR SALE. ",alu jble I.ot on .Si euud St. wilhi ;i fine l lilt Dwi ilir..; Cm roollj and ail neci'ssuiy out j iiuiMiiisjK, now ... cupit d by Mr. W. II. Lippitt. -I'or ti nil.-. I. ich wili Li made iit i oin lutnto i in up I plv t. MARTEN &. CRONLY. F. !-. r.. Ij7.lt. t'ORN I ft Store and tor s..le bv L AN i ERSON & LATIM Ell. Feb S. 137. , MESS PORK. 4 I DHLS. Mess Pork Cn liupoetion. fef sale -.HKS b Eeb. fj. ANDERiON & LATIMER. 137. PORT WINE. 1 , RIU.S. Pott Wine, Impoihd via New York, i. V il.i. l.e LI.du Cb.-lell Li I II- Il l I li) tu iow bv DeuOSaET 4- liKOWN. Feb. 7. 137. U00P IRON. TO.s Hr.idley's Hoop suitable lor Spirit VI' l'i.-,f, jiJul r'tipeiior qitalitv expected per AluiJ, loi sale low by DeROSoLT Sc UROWN. Feb.. H7. WANTED. V(,:)OD Steady man to tako charge of n Giiss Mill, for intormathiii apply to Er.Lin u; Mi re hell W. D. SilIl'H. Feb. 7. 133-4 t-c. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES. ) Hhds. New Crop Cuba MoUsaes, a supsiior CJJ article now Inndin,' tout Urlg Vineennes. r'orsuleby UARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. Feb. 1. m. LOOKING CLASSES. JUS"' RE' E1VKD nl ihe New York Furniture' Wnrehnuae a hrgc and Complete Assotlii.i nrof , 'rim t.-'i ni iuuiv ItilbEil UUAdulW. G. & W. A. GW YER. 138. Feb. 7. NEW BUTTER. 1 1 KEGS fine Qoshcn. per Schr. A.J. DuRos 1 I set. R. V. BROWN. Feb. 2. 130-31. NEW LAUD, T N Kegs, good quality, for sale by ANDERSON A LATIMER. Feb.. I. 137. CARDENAS NEW CROP MOLASSES. Cint HHDS Cardenas, new croiJ Molasses CjJ of superior quality, now landing, lor sale 1 by HARRY, UK i ANT A ADAMS. , Feb. 130 I EXECUTORS' NOTICE. AT th December Term, 1849, of ihe Court of ; Plea aud Uuirter Sessions of New Hanover County, the subscribers duly unallrled as Exccutois Io th last Will snd Testament of Ssrah WlUlford, ! duoMi,tnd hereby notify ill persons Indebted to ; said estate to como forward and settle the Mine without dstny and thoo having claims will present thsro.xWlT atmstrd, wlthlft th tlm prescribed by Liw.or this Notice will be plead In bar of thrlr re covery. . w--:T4 F.Wi FANNING. ' v ; V ;. i. A. PARKER. ' ''" Executor. WitojnijioB, Jax2eth K'.O. 134.lt law. TURPENTINE LAND FOR SUE. 8l)l)ottKO()aACRKs:o iTumentine Lsnd for ante, ivrnfr mi the roud liom Raleigh to Foyetlevllle with gaoi dmn dwelling house unc. convenient out houses; good stand for a store and Distillery terms good, apply , to the Editor of 77is Commercial. . - ',.-,... Jan 17. 129.- JUST RECEIVED PER SC1IR JO NAS SMITH. W, IITUD. of sifierfor biown Surr 5 "" 100 tls extre Hij ltW . -1 do, bake Spid-rs with lid t' 1 forgo "Is.- Pots j ill low I'm cash at GEO. 11. KELLF.TS. Jan. 31. 135. niOSPECTUS OF The Granville Whig. - A Weekly Paper, devoted to Po.ltlcs, News, Internal Itninqvctuciit and Southern Manufactures. E.Utcd by CEO. WORTIIAM. APAPEll bearfngtho abofe titlowlll belu-d In the town :f Oxford, ft. C, on Wednesday the I Jilt oi f eoruary nexi. ! Whi e tin Oranvillo Whltf will advocate the men , suresof that Great Conservative Party, it will pursue . a lair and c.mdid course towards the Opposition, be- mowing censure on whitover is censurable, and evi l buttling for truth, regardless ol the source whence it cinantitrs. A correct compendium of foreign and domestic ' news, tfrawn from a number of well (elected t j ,' Changes, Will be Kven weekly In its columns, to- pettier with statistics und general information on ! live engrossing subjects of In RTe.AL 1mpkov.n 7 und .Southern Manufactures. ; A portion of Its columns will be devoted to rcli s liiouS intelligence and matters ofgenur.il irtterest, and a few choice litorary selections will also bd fmnid ! HinoriL' itscontcnts. In short, it will be the ol.j.d : sl its Editor to make it a good Whig Paper, co-obi-1 nlng amusarnent with valuable Information, j Tim Granville Whiy will be public weekly wit li i clear Type, im food paper of muud size, at ih ! exceedingly low rates of 1 S'J.OO per annum : Or 8.00if not paid in six months from subscrip tion. Adc'ress the UJhor(post paid,) Qxford, N. C. I Jan. Ih60. yvi-lk. PROSPECTUS oi R I C H A R D S' WEEKLY GAZETTE. 1)1'.I.G anew and much elarped series of tin. ) Southern Literary Gazette,1' the only v. nk 1y Journal, South ol the Potomac, devotrd to l.it ciaturi and the Arts in General acd designed for the. family Circle. Thcl'io .riutor bes leave t7 announce that on S ituiday, the 5th of .ila . lie issu. d llie. liir-i iiain bcr. fir Ihe second year, of this popular and Wei! is liibliahed paper, the name anil form of whicli l.e hr.s changed, to enlarge the s .ope of its observation, and l i otherwise i tie reuse its atti actions. LtiS exclusively devoted, Ulan heretofore, t4 liitcraturc, the Arti, and Sciences, it wi.i ba tlv; aim of its Proprictoi to make it in ev ery respect. as clreup as ihe i-Weapeet, nnJ as oiud as tlia oe.-t !'' l.'tlorly dise.irliii the notion that u Sju.,in:i Journal Cvinnut touipetu wim ihe North ern weeklies, in cheapness aiid Interest, RICHARDS' WEEKLY GAZETTE. , qliuil be equal, in mpchanicle exi cution, to e.r.y of ! them, and, in the variety, freshness tan.l value ol ' its coiitriilK, B.eond to none. Its liild will be the world, and it will contain, In its ample folds Every Species of Popular information,' E special attention will be paid to the subject of Numerous articles, orlginalsnd selected, fiom the best souici s, will bo published weekly only und these deoai -intents, as, indeed, all others, will be frequent ly Illustrated with IVoo.l Cuts J Evety number will contain careful andeopioris sum maries o! til.' latest. l'ol'c'l.'ii II id in Comuii rei il, Civil, Domestic News ! Political, and Eecb 'slastical Ali'lii.i. At the ut ui'' time, 1 here .hall be notion.' In its foWiuin.i (but can be considered either Puiii , 111 01 S, , ; 111 m. Tlia IoI'ihn in :i-lin :u;s!icd waiters w ill contri bute to the Jo, anal: '.e.nlcs miuiy utliers, whose naiucdaic- highly es'.eciiicd in the ' World ol Let ters. ' TERMS : Sinjjle copies, a year, 91 00, stiii tly in advance Cl.l'IiS : Of three supplied fa So 00 Of five foi 8 00 Often f.r 15 00 Of fifteen for 20 00 Of twenty for 25 00 Of fifiy to- KU t'O .tr A!; or !. is must 'ic uce inp inie I with liic Cash, and should 0-- addivs.'d. p.iat-p.iid. to RICH'ARDS d- WALKER, Charlcsl 11. S C. N. P. - Editors w ho will ropy, or notice fully, this Fio-ipeclUB, s tall reetive the Gazette regularly, and also u beautiful J uvcuile Magazine, cnlitltd " The Schoolfellow-1' Jan. 17. 129. A LOT OF SUPERIOR B.U0N. I t l l EMS. Hams ; I ,JKJkJ 1,0'JJ lbs. Midi's and Shoulders Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLY'S 13 J. Jan. Jtj DRIED APPLES J Q BULS. For sab. by Dec. 22. WM. NEFF. Ill) PLANTING POTATOES. fcC", BBLS. Irish planting Potatoes, a handsome tv-' articlo, just received and fur sale b) i. H.Vl'HAWAY A S )N. Jan. 23: 131 GLUE. Gl ERM AN and American luc, of prime n,uall'y ' forDistlllois. For sale bv DeROSSET A BROWN. Jan. 6. US. ALMANACS FOR 1850: flURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA AL- ! si JBL MANACS, (or sale at , THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. Jan. 25. 1T1. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. FRESH supply of Bill wf Kxchange, nn I- gint Impression, which-will be sold in eln et or entires, or bound in Books, to order, just reeeivep ami for sate at THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. Jan. i!6. 133. FRESII FLOUR. 1 f RBLS. of Est', brand Canal i J W 8 hair " Low for Cash, at Gg-). H. KELLEY S. Feb. 9. 133 TOBACCO. 6P.OXES Kemp's ra'-Lomh Tobacco lby ANDERSON A LATIM For LATIM E R. NEW DRCC JXD . MEDICINE STORIE S THE subscriber Would respect fully Call the attention of thu In habitant of Wilmington. iir1 the surrounding country, to his Urge and carefully select, d Sto k of IiUUC, MEUIC!NKH, PaliiU.OIU, Putty; DyeStufJV Vtlndow Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, PnUtnt Med icines, Ac, etc J eoiifrUtlnu In pait of the lullowtng, tngwthtr WilUakltol mall V ui lie ics UOI mo stly kept lu Drug Slorej : 3 Csks Epsom Salts Eng.; 17 doz. Hair Brushes a J I " Sup Csrb.Soda; 1 sorted: h Cream Tartar ; : Paint Brushes a large ca- 1 " CarborSal Soda ; soniiiint ; I Cask Cast. Oil i i White Wish brushes ; 12 bxs. Ellens Plasters ; ' Portrait 6 India Rubber " I Tooth, 'Nsll and Flosh 12" Fahnestocls Verml-I Urushes; "; fuge; j 6 dot. atay Rum ; " Pecry's Dead Shot ; Maichees peifi.mtd ; & 11 Gel. Cough Drops Prtosphorus ; 6 " Sands' Sarsanarilla;! Phosuhate Ammonia ; . Brutols' " (Uu.ninc, rarr a anu uo Townsonds' " seneartcn's i 6 ' Burls' ' " Sulphite Morphine, 4 Oerman Cologne j ! Acetate 1 " French " j Iidineresublimcd 4 Cs. Cnlut'rIS Licorice j ludide Potasalnnt, F.nj; Spungcfor Surgical pur- lish and FruiiCh ; poses " Iron l " coarse Bahama ; " Lead; 6 dozen Cod Liver Oil " Mercury r Rushtons ; Calomel. Enylii-h ) " Rlcimo Toniquo foi; Cilrateol Iron&Uuluine; the hair ; i ',' " . " Solable ; 2" Hardy's Elixir for Oil of Ercnt Dyspepsia ; I " " Neroli ; Lunar Caustic pure; 1 " " Cedrul j Denarcotized Opium i , Kreosole; Citric Acid t ' I gioss SeidlctS Powdcts; I c. P'ul. Rhubarb, Easi i ' Soua India ( Mestard, English and A- " Turkey ;' nieri janf Copaiva Cupsulcs; ; Pro. toCaib Iron; Pills SugarCoated ; i 2!0 lbs. Spanish Brown Thompson's Eye Water ; ' dry; ALSO. 700 ' " "In oil 3000 lbs. pr'e White Lead;! 100 " pr'e Verdigris In oil 2BI)0lbs extra " 60 " Chrome Green " 2.000 " No. 1 " ' : 10 ' ' Yellow" ' lli'O ' Venetian red in oil; 5 " Paris Green ; !00 '' " dry ) 1 patent Black ; Prussian Blue Lamp Iljack t , A - Turkey Umber ; A MPHINf! AND 2.5 gallons l.ln?ced Oil. IIUKNIJiG TLUIP Fayettevillc ; bciit quality. . u " His terms are CASH ; but slurt Induljjcnco will be alwjys giunted when circumstances justify. C. DuFRE. Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Wilfninyton, N.C., Jan. 31. NOTICE. of the Board of Dirt rtors of the A T a ineetrng Wilmington it Manchester Rail Road ut Sum- tervllle, Jan. 31st. It Wns Ordered.' That the Engineer advertise for Pro posals for the graduation, timber for supcrsu uction and trestle work, laying down and cotitliuiilng the same between Wilmington und Fair Bluff, and if proposals be received ejliafactOiy to the Kiulitieei. they be accepted. In pursuance of the above ordet1 proposals will be 'cceived, addressid to tho iindcrwjmd ut W il mington, until the IHlh Eebt uary, for the gradua tion, limber for superstrueiion and trt slle wo.k, lay ing dow.i and eonstruc ir g (he ssine between Wil mington und Fair Lilull, a distaucu of uixly three miles. Separato ptopoials wrll be received for the whole graduatien, tiinbtr, or laying anil consiroclkm, oi in detached piccr to suit contractu, s L. J FLEMING, Res t En?. VVHmington & Manchester R. R. (Journal copy.) W iliumgiun, Feb. 7, l' ol 13!)-)t. PICKLES. 1,50") PICKLES, by the j;a Ion or hundred; j i; ,1 1 01 gallon. II KELLY'S. m. Jar.-, 1 qt., i;;:o, Low lor ea Jan. 2fi. ii at DISSOLUTION. 11 IE t.'op 1 r 1 11 rsliii 11 er tof ire exUtini; t:ni!r :!p' firm o: 1'. .1. I.')l(l ii Co.. is tins lav dissol ved hv in itn il iii.i 'iit .Mr. Lotd liavioj ithdrawn ! Irom bo.iiii' -s. Tin. afT. .is ui tin' coiueni u.l be : sctili-il bv Mr. J G. Ilurr, w lio wili in I .'.lire ie fjiiiij I ut the olil. e ol Messrs. Dellosset & l'.iou n. F. J. LORD, I J, G. LURK, j Jat.. '-'6, 1 '0 Ul-tf. i EMPTY SPIRIT "BARRELS. "1 "h EMPTY Spirit of superior quality ; just landed. For sale liy U A Rill , BR YAM' & ADAMS. I J.-.n. ROSIN AND TAR. 1000!! Hiil.S. T.ir and 10J0 barrels common osin for tale by IARRV, URYANT .f- ADAVfl. i:i. Dee. 29. MACKEREL. 1 J', BUCKETS siiporiorjS'o 1 Mackerel, put up cxpresslv lor famiiy use, just reeeiw.d ond fir sale by RCSSELL et KENOR1CK. 24. l. LARD AND BACON I DUES and half bbls of best Lard, and at retail U '.'.WO lbs. ot superior dels low for ctsh at Jan. 31. Hams. Muii s and Slioul GEO. H. KELLEYS. 135. GOSREN BUTTER. VGOOD urliclu In Kegs, for sale bv ANDERSON Si LATIMER. Feb. 5. 137. MOLASSES. i Of VA HHDS prime retailing Molieso-, daily ex- , UvVavcted pet brig I sola, Iroiu uua, will be sold tow, by POTT ER tft KIDDER Feb. 6. I37-5C NEW BACON AND LARD rj LUS. of superior Hams; VW3bbl. - Lard. Low for csh GEO II. KELLEYS. I'vb. 4. 137. MOLASSES, 1 Q HHDS. and 21 tierces new crojr Cuba 1 1 cf Milisses, io strong und hindsome packa ,1,., gcs. ForsaJe by J. HATHAWAT f SON. Jan. ii. ui. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! 000 Bushels Coarse St. Marlins SA"LT, O JJkJ dully expected per Schr. Lamsrhne, andfoby O W. DAVIS. Nov. 30. 101. SUGARS I SUGARS!!., BnLS. of extra Crushed Sugart J" ' " Clobber -, Portorlco and N,0. clarified i A II low fjr cash, at Jan. SI. nJEO.H, KELLEYS. FRESH FRUITS. rV DRUMS SMYRNA FIOS, ,s 47U 20.bil OrMR (SWIy. v .. .' 3r '''';'' 10 FralTs Almond, v ' ' ; ' t . "3bbl. Cranberries, .For sflleb il WILK1M&ON & Co. Ian. 19. A. & J.ccpy. 1-0 shot. BAGS Shot. Jan. 1. For wils by , HOWARD 4 PKDEN. tT!. BACON & PORK llhds Western irnei.nt 10 bids. SIes Pork, just rereived, and for sale by JOSEPH R. P.LOSSOM. NEW YORK Furniture Warehouse, . .-none x kav ooisji;s r received. fiKOFAS , 4 Divans ; 2 Mahogany Hat Racks ; 4 Black W alnut diniru Tables: 6 Ch rry " ' 7 Cheap Bureaus ; -' lili.k Walnut Cfibs j 11 drnten Wood salt Chairs 12 ili:;lt Vol Sacking Bedsteads hi,'' - Slat do. il ' " Cord do. G. & W. A. GWYF.R. 2- 133. Jan TI1K BEST AND CIJEAPETS JUVENILE MAGAZINE I.N THE UNITED STATES. ON the r;h of January, 1850, will be published st Ciiai'eslnn. S. C., the first number of the Sec ond Annual Volume of THE SCHOOLFELLOW, which has been pronounced by some of the ablest presses and best judges, "The best and cheapest Ju venile .Magazine in tha United Stutes." The suc cetB of tnis b Mutiful little woik during Its first year lias been so flittering that the publishers have ro solved t i eon mue il am! mike It permanent, and they thi-i'i tare call upon parents, teacheis, and all lnUic.-.!eiJ in the rising geneiatlon to old (Iiliii in their i lfir'H io ii'ilio tit : sciioeLrntow all that its most fhitcnriL' judges have pronounced it. It will be ptilillhlied in thu same form as hereto fore, am! u 1 1 r I Ik same cultural cate ; and will contain el.b'tly original articles from tne pens of Mis. C aiooiu liiiuiati, Mrs. Joseph C. Neal, Mrs W. C. RkI, uds, Mrs. C. W. Du dose, Miss Tulhili, Caroline IIos ml, Miss C. VV. Hurber, Clara More ion, M H ia I'eseau, Jennie Elder, the Edl'or, and many oitu r v.- il known writers. 1 IS l'KJIORlAL EMBELLISHMENTS wi I be io-ui iniii. iou unu beautiful than belot'.' ; It will be priu'ed ;i.ii Oner paper, and no rutins will be spaied to make it a most charming companion for all good it Im .Hid boys. It will be puthsliid on the I5lli of Bcli month, and will make a volume ol about 100 i i;os and l!XI engruvinrs. Kive eopu.-i will be soul to one uddrc.as for 51,00; Eleven n.j.j. s In ",bc); Tweiity-ilnee copies for 13,0'). aie. Tliiitv-rwi. eopVs for 20 ?1'0 ! THE IT.t.'il' VOLUME, beautifully bn;md in gilt muiiin, wnl be fui i.ihhed in ennnec ion vrith the second yeai.t u Two Do lars. To clubs it wi!) be supplied at Ore- li'dljr fur er.ch copy. All old. n i ii 1. 1 1 be ujcompanitd with the cash if by mail, pont paid. Club.. s,li ju'.d be nntAe CD as eatly a practicable; and thoie wishing volumo Aral, should apply iinmu dlatelv, to -i" RICHARDS & WALKER, Charleston, S. C Jan. 20, L-.B9. r,4-3w. Premium Daguerreotypes MOZART HALL. MI. A. U'li.l.'iIW won! I r.:iet'i!'lv n- n .ur.ee to Hie Jy.VDIlj.S I) CC.N I t,t Ml'lN of Vi'ihi.i.mton arni vit.iiiitt , that iiin Gnllery ( it the above place.) i now open for thu reception ol vit-iteM lie uivites nil who w;s!i necuiate and beautiful Mitiiaturi s of tliemwlvun or friends to call Kijii', as hu stay iilmi'.Ii'd. Ilia Pictures are fiu I ,i!o d alu r ilii m.I si i 1 1 1 ( ' i i v t d rtyle. i Please call and examine lor youisvltes. I.ikm--i es taken in a'l wruilu i. from y to 1 u'c!ck. Ir.sfruc ; tion'giV' n. Apparatus furnijh .d un modercle terms, j Jan 21. IJ.'-'.m. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I III". M ll-MvitlHEHS Having enga-gja. g "d ill business whicli oeeuplos I'.n it'f lime a til iiltt ntion : Oil. r lor mile - ;e ii valuable l'i nbei an I Turpt r.t r.c Land In llrunswlck County ; consisting of fiom five to six thoi.sand acics. On which there arc ein i.i-ks ol Turpentine boxes cut, two of which sre new i be s;di;8 tho pine Und of good quality, 'flier I about 10 stch of swamp bind (Sorwhieb is alicody clear ed) goorf lor 53 bush -Is ol Corn per acre. There are two situnions or setili ments ; ore lon.iists of a Irani'" building ; Neuro houses, fcsrn, itablis, Wsg gon shfds, Ilbicksmllti shop. Ac. i a good well of water, and a healthy situation, us any In the lower Country. The other Is a good dwelling hourt und fixtures, snti equally nealihy. , Stock of Cattle und llogi l2s ; nnd em in the A " i-er w.. nn the bed rang-j for them li-lf... Mate; B Mules, 3 Tim dim sod arls ol an descriptions! ih tinm! on i:u plantntion, if wanted can remain till the first of Jan uaiv 1331. The lundliesln 13 mile of Wilmington, In two mill s of ihe Wilmington and Manchester JKcil Kotnl and in 5 miles of good navignblo wat1 r.r...1 a go.xl Cre. k running through the land in which duiln? freshets oil kind of produce can be brought with great facility. Terms ear v. SAMUEL BLllRY & SON. Jan. 24. 13Mm. TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS. THE New and Improvd' Puudn tn ( ' The Lodi Manufacturing Co..e 'is otfered for sale the present season ut th (ol!owini rais, vu I bairtl, HtJO, 3 barrels, Jj t'O, un l at ilie rate of 81.50 prr bbl., lor any qaintlty over 0 burets. Delivered free fromlturgi! for barrels, cartage, or other ex perts, onboard, of vessel in 'Its eiiy olN. York. IV Thisuitie1l(.tiiads from nighrsoil. Into a light dry und in idoroi.1 powder is tile crrt?apt and most powerful in mare in llu world for corn Or WbacYo. Two barrels, (ii worth ) will manure an acre of corn in the bill, and will bring a rt.-avler ctop than can be obtained in sny uthcr wsy. A pa.nphletcoiitnir.lng fnt'uctitn for nsr.eertfj eates fro.n "nu i of the. tiril A trleultiirllsts knihe Unite I St ites. snd much voluble Information wij U sent gn'ii. tiauvoai applying, (put paid If by lot tor.) to ic .iiafintictuTing to.r w uey etreet, New York. Jan. 15. 123-Cw. CANAL FLOUR. lOOIf Feb. 5. Canal Flour. hcM bran Is. for silo ANDEUSON A LATIMER. 137. SUNDRIES. Jl'DD'S Sperm Candles i Hull's Tslluw, do'. Colgstrs Soup f Glue : fcltol I I.oif Su-ai i Gunny Bags. c. Fotasale b ANDERSON A LATIMF.r?. Feb. 5. 137. CUT NAILS. i 100 KKGS Cut Nails, assorted r-ica, for til by AN'DESSO.V 4 L ATIMER. SHIP NEWS. frjn THE ffurtscriber hnvlnnf )n!n reovnri hitM estjbllslMilcnf earner of Wstrrsntf Prlm on hqn.-irs above market wnnUl iniorm Xis ("() of Vels In this pert and the smbHs feiwMUy, Hist he Intend ksepin on hand tK of the test quality of Scotch ttossy tnrf Cotton Dck, which lie w ui Hat New York rotsll prices. All woik In his Un 4on to tho roti'faf lion f hi , : niplnyr or no psymenf required. C'uUn4 es. " Having resolved eotto br, bl U wotk.aM t be nailed to do to, offcH and will furclsft f-.Ji.f all kinds $J jier bJlr, for Nitng i Slut th !t9st the fi l!owr prices t ' ,,- i Scotch Doc, No. J, mS9f Ko. K. tl0,t0t Co'ton do. No. 2, 22 ets. per yatrtiNo. 3, 21 ct. pu yird; Twino?3ct ih.T , Akirsbimi i H t thi best q uihty. Ship Msitetsandt'onslgiuyssr, reaptctluily invited :o cxamln his stock Ssdslstf hit uork. Repalilng done t low prices, for irtl.', A Jourm ymsn Ssllmakor wanted.sttd prices guai-. anfed. Pleas sddress the subscriber by letter. ' ' "' P. S. The jten lemari without s mm, that wrfr to Win. Harris, Sollmsker, ol Wsshingwny N. C. that there was not work for on lift, in Wilming ton, la vary repeil11y (nfurmeel hi letter ww sal and had the desired eVcftbat oi Iweplxtg eat eom petltton. ' ." "' ;. ''':;:" ' ROfeEaT S. 3IACOMBKR, Doe. 4. " i Ill it '". NOTICE IOFFEa for sale my Plantation, known as Weal Hall situated on the North sld of Kcwbern Maui Road.one mlla snd s half from fli town Of Wil mington. Containing 1090 seres, of whit sbont 3( 0 are leored and now ready fa tultlvsiiotvfth 4' Theio is upon the plantation torjesnd convenient Two Story Dwelling, with a Welt of esfstlear wa ter, and all rtecKsary onthosses and fijmrsstoiUlg uous thereto. ., . . .. . , I have likewise Sri other trscisriloInlnR th sbors, upon the East, containing about 400 seres, f VUtb 30 or 49 are clrarrd. The lands si srcll limbsr ed, and a portion of theiO of the first ulity lr Sg ; rlcultuial purpoK) they dcrfy sddltioOsi TSlo from their projlmliy io town, and thtlr beirg Inv mealln rdy sdjacqnt to k bokl Cfeek, BoWlnjt tmtt thd Cape Fear. The place I wU adapted to (tut eoltl-' ' vailon of Orchards snd Vineyards, th production of vegetables, making brick. A., snd to one who could devotu to It his attentlo. would bt rfptof-' lihbte iiivealnient. -'. - To any wishing to purchase, 1 will gist I bsrgals. For further ParticUlsre, spply W - ' .. P. HALLi Jn.8. K'S-iA ASSIGNEE'S SALE 5' IN pursuance of a deed o( Assignment Riadttto fb' by John R. lluwcs, bearing dnt 16ih June, '49, 1 will sell at auction, at the Court House, st 12 o'clock, on Monday of county Court Weelt, tn Msrch nest. tract of land in New Hanover Cotnty patSDMd by John R. llawes, 2U Fclxuprt, 1849. fsttmsled at 00 acre;, Tying on tlw east sld Of JJtnk River, HdjoinliiL' thu lands of Law srrd Hafnge, DlUlkfK bcion, 1'hoj. J.Sike and Lkm!tl' WlioBS.' - TUOS. IX. MKAfiESf AMlirne Jan. I.' 10. Jour, till sale.',' I2t-2m. JUST RECEIVED, ( ; A KiiEiSlI and full supply of Gardes Seeds, of V every description, right from th best Seed ltoues In New York, and Phllsdolpbla j forml In' lot to suit putchsser. Call and examine befOio purchasing elsewhere, at -. j SHAW'S DRIC STORE; Third door Korth oT Messrs. lfart A Policy's Strict attention given, m the selection of then Seeds, so that they are ull warranted to give sa tie faction or mar be returned. To Clerk and those in Counting Houe O you wsnt W bettted from confu. uniion 7 Yea, you do I Wei, call and one of tlioae in Choice artirles of SUPPORTERS',' " P the mnnt astonishing' I srrumint In tmV' world, for all alilciion of iha-apini, and wcakneaef 'he La. k. Admiiabiy suited for the ticic) -so.well "Hspted for Clerk or tho In Connllsg Hoii ; they bare been approved of by Ik' bst Physical, ol the Northcro Cilie, snd proaond oy ilium, a certain preventative from Consumption. Call ar.d rxsiiilntr, vott can irv them, with pk-ssure at SH AW'S DRUG STORE. Recollect 3d doer North ol Hart 4- Polity', A beautiful nicl of lsir.pa?i IliiAidan und American, much chboptt t)iD any oil, er house In town. ' - SHAW A BROTnEiU HL Jan JIST RECEIVED. I FURTHER supply of :t Gallon Ru.hton, Clark A CoU Liver Oil. doz. bottle, do. 5 gall, pslo brown do. 3 pilr Medlciae Saddle Bags, (ory prsttv.) m 1 cask Crrain Tartar. ' ;' 5 1 do Roll Salpbar. , i dp r kur .do 3 half cask Salt Peiro. ' 300 lb. Sal Emtn. - '' .Siflplt. Quinine, Opium, Cakimel Jsfsp, Ipctsc, Pink Root, dc, for sale low l wholassle b A. C. EVA.N3 4BR0THKR. Jan. 12. " ' & ;!MJ SOMETHING INTERESTING TO FARMERS.:',? rH A E just received a large and varied , itsorf uient of farming Implements, t which. I lavti tne attention of farmer, sfid country ihCrihonr, generslly.. Thet my alwey depend pow finillrul a l-'o-I t w k on bind, and at prk!6 per rent less than tin v were ever sold In this uurkei bcorw, . My mutton small prufit, snd quick Sale. TMc fol loumg is a ilstofs msofthcsrilclc wb.th I ffcr 'rNo.' II, II. 13, U, and 13, Doughs . ' - legend SO. UI Points j lUgleO, A, B.andCj r. v No. Land 2, doubt dmuU Board :y ' -'" 1 and 2 self sHarpener f . -" O.and D. R, Sob Soil i ' ' " A, 1, A, 2. and 2, B Cutters ;-'..-. 4 patterns f Harrows . ? - . CUlilVjtors, wltU snd wlthoof berj '' " Com SheBers, , audi wheel f - -Straw CBtf,ts8,acd W, kolvef . ComMUUi - , Tanning Millr Sej Ihe Blades, Svcllel f ' - ' s Hon, JtUkeSy Shovel, SJ. Manor ttd Hay, Fork, e.. together wiihsll lb pari 4 fh abos nsmed, ?Woi(h exit. . ALEX. MACR4K, Jr.." South side of Matket strecl fust doer sroM corner of South Mater street. " Jan. 19. Jour. Chron. eopy, "139: " tTyetteville FLorn. " j SUPERFINE, Flr. and Cm., fof sUb ! ' ., ANDERSol A LATIMER." Feb. If. . t , c, 1 1 131. $25 REWARD. I X JV W ILL b glren for the icllffrf fo w H irw Brunwlck eoonty ,or la the jail of Nw H'w iJA over county of my ntgrei woman C'ALISTKK fcltoT medium suiac, cty black evwidoloa, neii nd tidy In hsr dr, (tnd nwdl!l SfrpM at (Wort"'"' be ha been oweed by Owe) HoIJe, H. Nutt, endJamcsF McR of "A Hilisse) she m probably lurking sboul WilmlagtiHi. Koeil Toipi, oi Lemfl Criek Uildg. wher her Nbod fatX- The hw will b roM rlgWIy eeiowd, way on known to haibecr her. I RlNK.i Jan . l. 'V Feb. 3. I.r? 135. V K r. UT. '

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