' " THE COMMKUCIAL 2 publUheJ erery Tjy, TUmrtia anJ SuTur. Aft eJlS.OO par annum, ptbl laallaJ iaao vane. ,.' ' ' -v BT THOMAS LO RING, . editor and paopiuETOfti;. . oexaa ff awd HAiiiT mini, ?' v WUiJtlXQTQX, .Y. C. 4 n.iras OK ADVEftTHIVQ. I eqt. 1 Insertion, I3,"i) 1 aqr, 2 month, 11,00 I 75 1 . 3 .. 6,00 I " 3 " 1,00 1 1 V 6 " 8,00 .1 " 1 month, 2,50 1 1 " 1 yav 12,00 Tri Unas Or1 loss miles a square. If is AdvriM neat excaeJj ten lines, tho price ill be In propor tion. ( All adTortlsme;its are payable at the time of ihoir thsortlun. CjQtrncts with ytiarly advertisers, will be mado on (ho most liberal terms. tt transfer of contracts fur yearly advertising will be pennlued. . Should cirouinataaoes render a change la business, or an tinexpooted removal necessary, a charge aco rding to the published, terms will be at the" option of the contractor, fur the time he has ad ' , vertleed ; . . ... TKk nvtvtldrvA nf 1 nmml lrlwArltanrfl taatrlf-llu Km. tiaementa for the benefit gTotffsf persons, a well if 4 all advertisements not (mVpedUtely eonnected with their own business, and all exefa of advertisements In length or otherwise, beyond the limits engaged, will be chargod at the usual rates. All advertisement inserted in thetrl-woekly Com mtrcial, are entitled to ono Insertion In tho Wtekl;, tree of charge. JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed in superior style. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW YOItK: Messrs. Baows & DaaossiT. BOSTON: FaaoaatcK Kidoir, Esq. MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL." AGENTS. kVllmlnRton,N.C..Oct.3 1318. 5tf. JOSEPH R, BLOSSOM. General Cooiiuisslon Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. Gash advanoo m i la un o nsii;niiiont to me, or to my friend In New Vorlc. Ortt. 23. 93-y. 0. L. BUTTERFIELD, PA VILION HOTEL. Comer ofllaael and Meeting Htroctn, CIIAKLGSTON, It. C. Where hr will be happy to mm all hi NOHTU CAKOLINA I RIIiNDS. luly 12, 1849. 50-if. " J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND Uli.NblUAL. AGENT. WILMINGTON, N.C. h)ci. 10.1948. M j7llATIIAVAY & SON. COMMISSION M MUCH AN TH, J. HATMAW4T J. L, tlATMAWAV. M .roii 1. IH9. U9. JOtl.N HALL, to:u:uiiou Merchant, tpni 12 mi W. . ! :iee:,ian, ! homlEui'ai '-i.-.1 i o'.i.v, i MA.ut:r si., o Do .in .-.I. Uuu. ;.i. Ij-ij. l."-'I , UtSSiliii aij- ULiN.tAL ' . i i .i i 1 1 j .i A e r c ii a ii I s , j ,n. ii .i ro.N, v c. , Jj. .1 liuaUBLL, Jo. IVKNlJltlCK. Auj. 14. "3 ' Ai.ii.H r Kuii K ai.k or Tl tillkH t.UMUKH, VA I'A L 6 l'UHK& 4'C ,fl.l il Uellooruitiaah uiivuiicon.ill : j.nlgniiiouii. oi iiroduui'. vlarch i, 1840. ' JOSEPH U. FLANNER, h a j i ddrciiint. WILMINUTON, N. C. Oct. 9th, 1849. B7-ly-o. WILLIAM NEFF, W30LKSALI AND E IT AIL DlCALEtt IN U1P CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND UR0CER1ES, 0 )!l.VBR OF DOCK A WATER STREETS, W1LMINOTO.N, N. C. D4o.7ih.1948. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . -. SOUTH WATER STREET. WILMIKO TON, M . C. p.a7,ll4l.' 8My- XEIGHrON, CHAD80URN & CO., iieneral Coaialsslon Merchants. WILMIMOTON, V. C. Da, ll.ttf. . 114. GEORGE. ELLIOT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AGENT FOB TDESALEOPTIMOER, LUMBER Aa WILMINGTON, tt. C. Jan. 1,1880. Hi BILLS OF EXCHANGE AFRESH sapply Bill f Eachania, aa IM lot Imprasaioa, which will W okT la ht. raulr, or sound lit Book,td rdf,Jot rrlrp nforMlstTKE COMMERCIAL OTFICK. v VOL. 4-NO 146 - WILMINGTON TUESDAY MOANING, FEBRUARY 20, MARINE INSURANCE. rJHB undersigned having received the Agency of AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING ;7 COMPANY OP AUGUSTA GA, Will issue Policies on Vessels, Caruo. Freight 0Y0 at a rjisj'iubltf nim of Premium a uny other In stitution of th.) kin.l in the Country. The Capitol of this Oofrnpuny Is J75,000. u. nu t. Wilmington, Aug. 19. 1819. , G6-ly. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CLE'tT, OF LONDON, ; FIRE liVSliR AAIC E f -t '.'wviaw ijx inert. PAN V, OP HARTFOHD, Comm.; on, IM TH ilO.V.VjiU NSJitANCE OOvlPANV, OK NEW YORK. Maybcadoctud by applicution to Ji IJ34KT Jt BllOWN. March 17, 1849. 108 UEOlltiU V. DAVIS. COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ylarch 1? 1849 1 DEROSSfiT & BROWN. WILMINGTON. N c. BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YOIIK. OKSEIIAL COMMISSION MKUCHAXTS. Mnrci. 17. 1349. Uy. s. ti. wEsr, a u c r i u ,v ; ; AND COM MISSION MERCHANT WlLvlINGTON, N. O. -lboru 1 J ili i W.mcu m i la on nil consignnn nts fru in ttiv Niii th, .iron Produce from the Ununtry. O.H 'e .' I jji on thj Vimf, South ldoof Unrket SlienU -x V ;i ri 1 i. H49. 9-lf.c. nunri iifw ivrn Elt MA N U FA C T U 11 E It, AM) DKAMCll I.N HATd, CAl'S, UMlMlOLLAS and WALKING OA.N'S, iic. WILtfl.N'UTO.S, N. 0 MarUut-i. Out. IT 1348. l-U. BENJ. BL0SSJ.H & SON, General Coiiuuhslou tleiclMUts, MJW VUilK. BSKJ. II.'mOM. UMAa. W. SLOIIOM I.lhiT.il udviiiiRCM Hindu upon Uoimigiiiiiuiils. Itotereaccn J. It. HlOMOM, ) i. A U. HoiUa, A Co. VVll,nlnlon. (I. vv. Davis Ki. ) July 10. 1619. 49. GEO. UARRISS, Geaeml Couiiiihlou Merchant, WILMIMITU.N, N. C. 'IMI'"r ittomt'in nivnn In itnourlng Frolglu O mil ,i.iro.i.iiu4 O.ir'im lor voi. iUthb to 1'. il ill, K.(., ) O, Il I'.ii Kluy, i ;.., I j . . r i)i H, iis i , 'v i , .ii . io a . J, i) Duil uny, Ki j , Mi mm lliiliiiil A iliiiliiit:oii, J .Vli..r. l'o.iK.:r, .Siiiyih . (Jo., ; N .. . " i'llomuaoiiA lluilUT, '9W ''jr" Alux r. lliTruii, Jr., I'lilla lelplilu II...... IV III,..,.. L H, 1 II. K. II.1K01, ICai)., Jun. i, 19U. '" "'i i h. a ii IJJ-tf. WILLIAM M. UARRISS, UKNLHAL COW fllSSliH fl E il C il A N T WILMINGTON, N. U. jTitlOT iiltnnllon ijlvun to pr tcurhig Prolgliii Ojnd purchtslnif Cargoes for vessels. UsrsssMcssi O. O. I'ar.l.y, Ktq, Col. John Melius. (in, ( Wilmington, N C Mossrs. Hullnrda lliintinuio will l'ook, Ksa.. Hnluluh, V. Msssrs. I lull, Haokeil i Co., Ka vo tt ev Ulo ' r Joseph Ulley, Ksq., h ayettvuio, A . C. Musrt. James Corner A Sons, llitlllmore. 11 K. A. Souder A Cn.,lhlladlphla. ' Thompson) Huntsr I v Vnrb " Plllsbury A Sundford, r ' Homing & Tufts, Ho.ion. J. AO.P, i'Uuoinb.lCsnnebunk, Ms. July 17th. 184?. ii if. I1DR0N d MARTIN General Commhslon Merchants, 3T 1-9 North Wharvea, P II 1 L A U B L l II I A , Sana to Messrs, Thos. Watsox dfc Sows, Wat. H. NaiuoM, Ksq., 1 1 h" ' RnsaaT Naiwoa, Ksq., ( Msssrs, Mosaa, Taviob A Co., NmW Vnft J, II. Baowaa. A Co..(N,w Yo,t Qao. lUaaiss.sq. Wllmlngin. AprllB, 184V. 9-lf. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS, COMMI88ION MERCHANTS, WILMIKOTON, ti. O. July 17. 62 DAVID CASH WELL, GENERAL COMMISSION AND . FORWARDING) MKROHANT, WILMlJfOTOJf, N. C. 30. 1910. Oct 99 Itr PUBLISHED TRI-YV EEKLY BY THOMAS LOR1NQ. rr-r7 r-.-jr.-tl. -rfrf-r ' rrrr.-sszsx GEO. IL KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT : Nrtt d or t j A. A. Wannst', o North WaMf M. win uttund to the .tie of all kind of Countr Fn' """'i u na, ra, MnUf Bacon, Laru, ana win kap constantly on hand a fuU supply f Uroctiies.Ae. . References. .. Wllloi Httll.of Wyae, John MoR WUmUigMtt, W Caraway, Oun. Al.. IoRe. E. P. U iU, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker, . D.c. 13; 1849. ilHy. i ; J, H. R0THWELL AUCTJOMEER AND COMMISSION ;. MEKCHANT, - ., NORTIl WATSK arRSET, ?A 4. V. VTUIUU J Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, S. C. Fb. 19. U3-I2 m J. E. T00MER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERALAGENT. NORTH WATER SIREET, WILMINGTON, N.C. Fob. 7, 1830. 137-Iy. CHARLB D. CLUS. HBNaV t, BUSICtL. ELLIS k RUSSELL, General Commission Merchants. AND AGENTS FOR CAPE FEAU STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO- K. P.Halu, Esq., Pres't. Branoh Bank Stale, Wil mington. Mussis. A. C. Rossis 4, Co., ) ... " N.L.MgCAOv4Co., (Nowiork. " K. Lincoln A Co.. i n. ., Hihiun o M vbtin. Pr.Had'a. .'MIMA BOTLM, in... 0 H. K. IIakis, Enq. r viiuiigiiuU) O . y , Jun. 1, 1850. M-ly FOR SALE IT Tilii OFFICE OF TUIt IMMRCIAL, IUTES OF TUANSI'ORTATION U. WILMINGTON At UALIC1G1I HAIL HOAD. RATES UF FUEIUHT Uetwecu Wilmington H Charleston. Rev I nod July 4, IS IU. Price 23 oenta. JUST RECEIVED, AT MAYER'S CHEAP STORE. ii IMl'K'KS of flua superior assorted oolors of AW llroud t;loth. u iii:i:vi of lint quality of Oil Cloth, SJi) pulr of lllunknig. sultnbls for sarvums. 4UU0 yards ol double Mill Hernvy. 'W I'lucunoT Frgnuli, Ungllsli and Amsrloon prints Ul (yUllL'OOS. All ol tliu obovo articles will lie sold at tho Inwest cai.li price.. JDSlil'lI MAYKK. Uct. IS, IB49. 91. if. NOTICE. . ill': jinurlLur ofliirs lor sal, hi Sound1 4M 1 i'mc, known as sIlANOY HALL, und ! i kcvji il oiliur tructs conni'diid, containing in ; uli lii'Ju.T . i will uil u.iy quantity to suit pur cmii.uii, 1 will ami 50J ucrs on the Kan siaof' iliu Ojjio l''o.ir, 7 miles below Wilmington. 1 ALSO, I My imiiri' DropsnJ Stock ol Cottle, Horses, Hogs, Hull .mil .luines, iiousoiioiu snu ikitonen r urtil' turn. D. M. BUY ANT. Auk .Mill, H4!. 70-tf. F011 SALE. T1IK HOl'iK and Si or on isoOod St. T I'urms misy. Til Htor at presant 00- mudbrJ kC. 1 ; drr v. Apuly to itt'dKLL i KKNDltlClC. Nuv. IS, 1843. 102. STEAM PACKING, ROSE & BEITS. , I' I'Ul.LICV, Aent for tho Boston Ueltlng Cj.iv uiy, will Keep constantly on hand, and fur iio, vj.Ijus Kinds ol Belts, Hose, and atam Putting AH urders nunotually atttodsd to. Juiu JU, 131J, 46-tf. Jhi a.tiii, LHKCKb on the suvsr.il Banks in till pos bound la Bowks, and In shavti, for sslaal th OmmtraUi OJUi. MX AXD DIlICIl. j)t CCi Bupsrlor Brlok. UU Uals Sup. ZOJJU erlor Hay, dally axpsoied from WUoissst Ms. prohr U0 M. Young, and fur Hi by NoV. 10. 0. W. &AV19. 101. GLIE. OF th bt kind, eipressly for dlstllU rs, always on hand, and for tal by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Oot. 23d. ati-if- 1 fVTl GALLONS Linseed Oil, for Ml st 1UVU WM. NKKF'H. Nov.17. 10 TO LET. A I HALL Dwalllni Hou, sltuitsd Dfr Li: to Dry Pond. Apply 10 Jan. 32, Ul. PORK! PORK I! 1 PI BARUBt Nw York Cur Me, la and forl by nor ELLI1 4 RU8IKLL. No.JJLord'slulldloifc Jan 1 CIGARS. Oflf innn ASSORTED Brand of Olsar V1 VJ V mil rnallt ( Mmvmr nh,.n caah e iora. which U onVsd at a kiwl,prlo than yvr(bri befor la UiUptaw. " i' A JOSEPH MAYER. Oat. 19 1849. 1 Yfl Hon ClOrARS, Vrlu randitr I'll I .11 ' -I IFOR RENT, JU THEOaiDav:.ooopIavr ftDlckln- J I aou. PiMsesslo altan ftrst January. For 1 J further parUulat,ln4iul of . , .-i.. 'Xli'1'''' v '".-WilNEPF. . 118 ! r,js - .-.l iM-.i , ': 4 HWtlMtvii, u " . wii turn BU81NKSS in all Its varloo branch.' Ulsln welon of all the latest atyk-a, and from Mt'patt nsnsneain th business lie ftl aatisHed that he 'can ileaai th taste ol the must fastidious. A trial is all mat neaati w convince me most sitepijuai. U guarantee all wm k ttmt h dooa to fit, and to b mtaelnitMrtan-U manner. i S. 11. IIOBBINS May 1, 1848. 2C-W. 7""truss iioopsT 4F afproved munufuctur. t ui sale b ay J. it. BLOSSOM. OK-tf. Oct.iO. 1 ASSIGNEE'S SALE. IN pursuance of a dusd of Asalgnmsnt made to me by lohn It. tiewes, bearing date 16ih June, '40, I will sell at suction, it the Court House, at l'i o'clock, on M4n lay of county Court Wruk, In March next, a traol of land In INrw llunorer County potentud by John H. llawes, 3d Febiuarv, 1840, eitlmsted at S00 icrea, lying on the east side ol Blank River, adjoining the lands of Law and Savage, Daniel Uo borsoO, Tho. J. SUs and U it nisi Weltona, TUOS. O. MKAUES, Assignee. JarfIS, 1SEQ. Jour, tilt sale. !27-2ni. ; COUNTRY MERCHANTS, pLlNTERS.and others visiting Wilmington to ST kuv floods, are reauesttd to cull and examine my (tool end prices for any description of HaiaorCaps. My arrangainent ore such as to bo able to furnish evefy descrlplien ofHats ond Caps at Ilia regular INev York wnoiosaia pricis. C. MYE113, Hatter, ept. 29. B J. CROCKERY. AOCXKllAL asiortment ol China. Glass, and Uurliiunwais, now open for Insprctlon, and lor sale low lor cash, at ALUX. MacltAG'S, Jr. Dec. IJ. lis NEGRO BONDS. Kiocuttd on fins paper and beuuiiful nsw Scrip Type, fur sal el tho office of Tns Cetnmtrtial. D.. Ul. 121. DISSOLUTION. 1 rPlIK copartnership lierulnlor rxl'tina under the I X (Uui ol tVulls 1 Cornwall, 1 this Jay dissol ved ly mutual content. Alt persons Indebted to ths abuvv (lrui, aru ruqiaslod to suttls tinintdlatoly, will) eliliur ul tho suuicribers. ISAAC WKLLS. WM. J. COiliNVVALL. Jan. 8 128. NOTICE ALL person Indebted to the lots Arm of O. oV C. ItKAULKV, by not or aoouunl, are rtquiid to acltle III eamo betwueu this time and tlin l)th of January. IbSO. O. A C. UltAULKY. .Nov. 17, 1849. 104 SERVANTS FOR UIRE. ...... 1 ri. w.shurnnd "ron.r. . , , "tndg00i - hou One Middled aged wunisn, s trusty nurso seamstress. Three Ulrls 15 to 16 years of age kultabl satvunts. Juqulre ui A. II. VANUOKKELIV. Jsn.22. MOLASSES. 1 in HMDS, and 21 tierces nsw crop Cuba 1 1 ) M ilMSe, In siring- ana hsndsuiii pactfa- ((ui. Kur sale by Jan. 20. HA MIA W A V 4- su.N. U4. PTSSOLL'TION. I MIF.Copnrinur.hlp neftofor. Xl.riD ,.n.r .ha -i'-irj D? ,Co;; ti'll'-Ltt- i ibuslness. Thesffalrsol Hi uoncern wi,l be; edbylr.J.Q.Hurr,vhowll.l..futurUefun4 ce of Msssrs. Uallwssvt A Brown. K. J. LOAD, J. 0. bl Hit. Jan. 28, 1130. m-tf. CMPH SPIRIT BARRELS. 140 fum.flrte5or u,u,y BAftttr, HUTAiYi m AUAH, Jen. 24. 1 34. FRESK FRUITS. rnDttuMs imyuna rios, UU -iO bote Orii, (Bldlly.) 10 Kralls Almoods, Ibbla. Uraabeirisl. For tela bv J. WILKINSON A Co. Jso. 19. A. AJ.sopy. iiO NOT POft CALIFORNIA) 11UT lo msk ohangt in oat eaaintM, end an - . .1 JU alteration In the sior, wawlll sell our wheie, toek of DRY ooods sod UBAUY llAUfi 1 CL0T111.NCI al rdtied prlo, Furohiaer will do w.U by ealUn, en .be .uU.b,,. P. I.-Dr and ttae Oomi yea will and par- luiariy bp. ue.i;. no ALMANACS FOR 1850. rrVRXGHt NOITII CAftOLiXA AL. A MAN AC". (if l i Tin coiiMEiciAL orricR. Jn.W. U. 1850; Whole No. C12 . ,t Ven th Saturday OwlU, TUE POOtt .DEJBOR." "Thn is oas ttonast mitk b fhs world, I am happj io iay remarked ' itclicir chant, namsd Potroa, to n friunJ, vbobtp fcueu to oau id upon Dtuv c "It there, tndaed I 1 aragUftto fiadyou havs made a diacovery of ih fact j, Wb me mdmanai wwie to tbr honorablt Ustf notion 1 " ' t '"Yiu knov Moats.'tht uiloi V 'Yag. Poor follow I he'a been uffdsf His weaiaerw a ion nm " 1 r - J 4r VHAIW It a laa 1 ; ! 'Tli, 'l.iU :' kANiAi trln?M In WliqaAS TOtM rbwa. a. H, ttf tVT,-;,,; ffff,i Big; ,iwVl. man as tmbreatbsd, lllr. Pitwowiv "I nafe reason to know that be iaf IJut I onco had my doubu. When he wai bro ken up in business, tomfe yean ago, he owed sin a Hide bill, -wnich I tried to gel out of him at hard ne any one ever did tf for hit own. But I duar.eJ and dunned him until I got weary, and then giving him up aa a bud enso, pnaeett ihe trifle that he owed mo 10 aooount of profit, nnd lo. Ha ha crossed my path a few times since; but, us 1 didn't fenl toward him as I could wiali 10 feel toward all men, I treated him with grout coldneie. I tun lorry for hav ing dune so, fur it now appear thru I jud ged him too severely. Thii morning he callod 111 of hie own free will, nnd paid me down :he old account. He didn't any any thing about interost, nor did 1, though I am entitled to, and ought to have received it But, aa long at he crime forward of bit own account and sell Lad hi bill, after I had given up all hope of ever roceiving it, 1 thought I might afford to be a little gener ous und not any any thing ubout the inter est) and to 1 gave him a receipt in full. Didn't 1 do right?" 'In whut reipcct?" aeked the friend. 'In forgiving him tho interest, which I might have cluimed aa woll aa not, and which ho would, no doubt, have paid me down, or brought tno at eamo future time." "Oh, yci You were right to forgive the interest," relumed the friend, but in a lone and with a manner thai atruck the mer chant aa rather lingular. "No man ehould over lake interest on money duo from an unfortunate debtor." "Indeed I Why not V Mr. Petrbn look od aurpriaod. "Is not money always worth it intorest I" "So il is laid. But the poor deblor baa no money upon whioh to make au interest, lie begins the world again with nothing but his ability to work; and, if saddled with an old debt prinoipnl and iuiereet hi case i hopelcii. Suppose he oweiten thousand dollar, and for three or four year thai will enable hitn to pay off a ihou.and dollar a year. There la some chance for him 10 ire 1 out of debt in ten year, But euppo.e intere.t hae beon accumulating at tha Vato of ome Ave hundred dollar, a year. I Hi debl,in.tead of being lea thousand ,1 ... . ' h will nuve mcrenseii to twriv inousnml by th tim. he i. in a condition to bgin to ply olf anything; and then, mateud Sf be - . Ll. ... ..J.,.. .k .l1 , dollar, a year, he will havo lo let five hu-.. j dred go for Ihi annual .ntere.t of the orig- ! 1I1U Ll. Four year, more would have fo , ,Tura ,, vm.r h will hnvn to lt fiv hn-.. i elapae before, under ihu ey.iem, he would eel hu debt down lo where il wai when he wae broken up in buainese. Thus, at ihe end of eight years' hard (Haggling, he j would not, really, Dave advanced a aiep out of hit diffloultiee. A debt of ten thou sand dollars' would etill bo lmnjin over hirr. Ai..f nrrnrine. t.. ihr. mui. hm -ould go on'p ymg th.-i regu,rly und MdUClOg th. principal O.ne W.Uty vo Lh ' r.?.a J ,b.'!1"1,on,' " f "r . , ni,' u.-., ,i,,i ,r l. 1 . 1. 1 .1 . . i""- - iiuiuiieei dictate, of hu the intereeLM ! . . 1. . . ...I . ......I.. ..1 ... I dictate, of humanity, voluntarily r.loa.ed iitii . i - ..;-.. eu. A.., f m,i.t -That ii a new v.r w o th ; ootifeu-al lea.t new to me, ..id Mr Pe-, Iffrtrt at i ''11 ii ihe h'l.Tnne View of the caei But, looking to inlere.t alone, it ti the boat view for every creditor to take Many a man who, with a little cfLrt, might have cancelled, in time, ta principal of a debt unfortunately (landing eg run him, be. come diiheanened at eeeing il daily grow ing larger througn the accumulation of in terett, and give up in despair. The desire lo be fr from dbt, epure many a man Into effort. But make th difficulty in hi way o large a to appear insurmountable, and he will fold nu nana, in neipieie inactivity. .... ,.. ,,r jniu, -r loat vrv vur in TT ' r ," coniequenee of ereiuor gra.pmg a fur too much, and breaking down the hop and f o( lh dblor, "i'ernnpe you nr rignt, ' eam Mr. ret ron. "That view of th cam never prn ted itielf to my mind. I don't euppoee, however, th Inureit on fifty dollar would have broken dowd Moale." There i oo telling, It U the lait pound ou know, iht trki tn camere back. ve ''fur nv pavs? uy of miefortunt. Fifteen dollar-',.:....., therefore' dui. ; I iavo iny d3u: j could have paid you auty v dollar r. , Iudd, I am aura hi coulJ not. An J t thooghi of thai aa ft rssv debt, f.r v, 1 had received no benc La': . ..-, v j mora than probaWt tars u : conngea iiaie or mind, nn.1 r. .;j I olra noi to pay yott any tfcirj at .:.. 'But that wouldn't bavo tsea I laid the merchant "Parhapi not, atrictfy ipeakte . , Uwhcneit fa Irora A lot purpow to dcf. x. to take from another what belongs to l; , or icj wlihholrj from tnotiei. xlcn lV exieti lo py what is jttitly his'du:. i V. would hardly bare; pUcdTLaI irl of theia poauioo, i4 trom tht fhsrvt f ciniioDitancet iarfottndinitlT f poor man and in dclt, t bad fa : 1 U ftctl7, LiuBtrtraa mai na'' WtmU cdeni: Livt Itm A. a c apt to fe?afc too c:ch tf tit t;:: and to ban too ttz;s.ty:l Ul )hf top of fcSprsViiij y a y r ct : tfoft-ivblch Ii thi oab-i.-rir. tf t buainew operUon-U takn awpy.'t ineao, Humeri m oniywio C::.t off old deLU throufh rroat. labor ar.I dcnihlahal muai eominut 7or reur-. a iraagino teVrtatly you1 woutJ , i!.!r. i8 fel to What yoj i a nnvf. V. '." r. C't t4 3H fW4t .U aattar-aawwaaa 4. v , who aro in th anjoyiaant of .. U ahd comfbrt thdy couM d3iirWht! 5. , go on paying them what yoa o by mz;s , exertion and ite denial to yo'uraelfand fnv -1 ily of all ihote IiUle 'luturiai and recraa: '' lioni whioh both ao much heed, and then ay how deeply dyed would bo that diihon ' elty Whioh would cause yoaria a tubman4 ; of darker anil dt-epar dieoourag eraent. than uiual. to throw ihe craahfnff waizbt froni your ehoulder, and reaolvo to' bear it no , longer ? You muet leave a man foul hop r" lira if you would Keep him activV n4 ' . Jutrioue in hieiphere." 'sVlt i) Mr. Petron eaid nothing In reply to this j but he looked 1 jber, Hi friend iOOJl aftel 'l left ' - . , t. The merehant, aa the reader mat infer ' from bit own acknowledgement, wai ona : of those men who tendency to regard J only tneir own laureate haa become ao con- ' firmed a habit, that they can aea nothing beyond the narrow circle of telf. Upoa debtora he had never looked with a partid of ayrapaiby; and had, in all caeea,aXA0 ted hie own aa rigidly aa if bia debtor had not been a creature of human want 'and feeling. What had Juet beonaald.howef. er, awakened a new thought in bia mind j and, he reflected upon the aubjeet, b law; that there wai eome reason in what had boen aaid, and fell half aihameJ of hi ' luiion to the intoreet of th tailor fifty dollar debt. : Not long after a penon earn Into hi (tore, aud from earn oau mauono4 h name of Moale. ? 'He an honeet manthat I am ready to iny of him," remarked Mr. Petron. J "Iloneei, but very poor," waa replidvr. i UIU' doing very well, now, I believe ,J eaid the merohmt. '"T J "He's managing to keep eoul and Wy ; together, and hardly thai." " .'j 'He'e paying off all hia old debtcV ' 1 "I know he u : hot 1 blam him for 'iny. ftr atruggUng hard ;lunnf h Hh and wronging bl. family,, . Mtaintoa mA100 ? j f S'HS SllSt twsb isw tap . W 1lVUftMI HtJjl iWIllir dollnrion an old debt yeaurday, but; I ' wuu,uu -SrTi -T on a""!.Vl S. W wouiuu i toucn w. , ma miaioriune naa ,V .i ,V, son re. I hnnhl Uks lha braml out at th ,' . . . Z "u JltlJL' u ' "J" ? " ! " "W?'' "ul K"' UU IVUUMU Kk Illltm IMSiM. 1 . Hs h" ebUdrn.l0 d, , " "ttT n ' "AM T d f tt unaMll bor' ' B huii -b'io r... k". "iVJl .! !FF " A l' "V"TCl and only by pinchiftff himaelf ni family, ami depriving both of netrly every comfort, ha. he been able to reduco (he old Clim that have been Handing tgtioii him. " Cut he ha .horteneJ hie own hf lin ytar l,..k n,l k.a lMJ V.I. ' J.fciM. 0 -"' u. . imisv , ., H W , , , fa J Jj rf f character, bat Alnk th-t b. htl carri Ai UMi Of BOflMly 100 fr. UOd gAT Unit .1 V!li ' 1 . i . . . I T . . . ' iiicio couui.n, ana loejr nit smim odoji thc0 cbilJrin. and ther liaV Oluim . f A.Mm VI I--- -tA , mmij VUllllUtM WOBMIIK i . f . .... . . , .. bk .s uii Ka .4l I ajJ aiai m A iVaet uum nui p(vvu& tint Wt.rB Mrll M mu0h fof ,h chaiiMfflint tf ho-t . w f lfa fof tI. ha lot b him, ii thiy wire for hi own, . u i(bcauttily.liU ffjiUMt xt. tlon was not iufioiot to proviJa mors Ihiaa ontinary comTort for th famity Hill tipA dent upon him, hi firt duty wa to Umt it iy did not wnt,', If hi could- pot f ay , bii old debt without injury V) tit hiaithV or wrong to hi family, h ,w uador oo obligation to pay thim ; for it I clear, that j no ohiim upon u r o injpf tmW j to require ue to wrong other In odor to talk-: fy them." s : . - Her wa another new doctrine for th an of the merchant dootrin uring, a well new. He d id noi feel quit eo con' foruble aa before about th rcorrJ dcl of fifty dolUe. Th money itilt lay opoo' . hit dik. lie had not yit entered Utipoo t bli cnh book, and ha felt oow leu intlm1 v (o do o than ever. Thi claimi of human ity, in the abainctf proiied thooaielei upon him for consideration and hi law that they wr not W U lightly thruit wide. " In order pay th' fifty dotJrl which ; had bn long due to the merchaotyMr. Moa! hid, at alleged, denied hlrnidf ant! ri rit . - -A