theatre; THKpuVIc are respectfully Informed,- that Mr. PRESTON, former Manager of the Principal Southern Theatre, lut recently arrived from th old Country, -will entettein the people pf Wilming ton, with Drariiatlb Entertainments not Inferior to many of tha larger establishment of the country avoiding eveiythlng offensive to morals and good tana, and wishing to obtain the ipprubution of the moat fastidious, 1 dealrlout of meeting respect and upport. TIII9 EVENING TUESDAY THE 80tu. will be preaented, tha Rey Mr. Maturln'a Tragedy of BERTRAM, o thi CASTLE OF ST. ALDOBRAND. Bertram, the Outcait, Mr. Preaton t Prior of St. Alselm Mr. Newton; lmoylne the Lady of Lord Aldobrand, Mra. Preetun i for other character see small bills After which Mr. Powell will Dance a HIGHLAND FLING, IN COSTUME, The entertainment to conclude with the truly laugh able Vaudlville,entitled the IRISH HAYMAKER. COMPRESSED FOR THE OCCASION. Grace Gaylove. M r. Preston ; Mr, Deputy Bull, a retired Merchant, Mr. Newton. An officer will attend to praswve order. The Rand will play several favorite airs. , Admission, Parquet le and lower boxes 60 cents; Gallery 25 cents i Children accompanied by their trenis half price. Doors open at auarter to 7. eurtain rises precisely half past 7 o'elock. Seats may be secured tlur ng the day, Tickets ob tnlncd at ihepilnclpul Hutch-, or usual places. - Feb. 29. 1S6. NE?G00DS ! NEW GOODS ! ! ATS. & D. TELLER'S, WF. Have just recrived, and ore constantly re ceiving, a very Hni ilsome Stock of Spring Goo Is, (onsiciinu of DRV, GOODS ani rendy made CLOTHING, which will be sold at Whole s ilu and Retail, very cheap. Coll and judge for your selves, and you shall not go away dissatisfied S. & D. TELLER. Feb. 26. 146. ARRIVALS OF NEW STOCK, AT T1IB N YORK I'URNITURE WAREHOUSE. 12 BUREAUS, various patterns 6 Counting H.uso Desks, low price ; Small centre Tables i Mahogany Wushelands; " " Muibletop; Mahogany Sideboards ; u Sucretailcs & Book case : 20 dozen Windsor Chairs, cheap ; 1 " double Colts ; Mnpleand black Walnut Parlor Chairs; Curled Hair Mattresses, best quality ; Cotton and Straw " Cheap; Boston Rocker ; Call and examine our stock, we are determined to of!" r inducements to purrhnsers, superior to any tii;il can heobtnlned in any Southern market. Ootid workin inship, superb tii ih. and low pi ices dois the buaine. G. & W A. UWVKIl. Feb. 26. Uli. rTOTRSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (FOBMBBLV BxTTYHOOVER's) lend of Light near Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. LIIK increased patronage of thlf long established and popular Hotel, under the management of Its (iirsent Proprietor, has Inspired him with further fin-ruy ii nd determination, and no expense, ur alti n lion ol hi or that of his Assistants will bo spared, o maintain with the patrons of the, ' Fountain" the reputation it luid all over the counuy, in its " p iliuleat days" of Uttlyhootrr'i conduetoishlp. To increase llrt fonm-r uitnictiuna and comiorts, during the past season, the Hotel has undergone, ma ny changra, the ProprlnJur having mnde hoavy out lays in introducing some ol the best and latest im provements which, together with its central posi tion, being located in the very heart of the business' portion of the elty, and nenr. the centre of Balti more .Strict, and within a few minutes walk of all llie Di p. ha and Steam Boat Landings, it invites the Merchant, tho Farmer, t he Artitan, ns well as the Man of Pltaturc to make the Fountain Hutm. his home duiini; his sojourn in Baltimore. THE LAIHIOH' DEPARTMENT, Containing Private Parlors, Saloons Reception Rooms, ordinary and i xtrnsive suits of large and airy Chambers, fitted up in a stylo ond elrranre that cannot fail to give satisfaction and comfort. Portish are attached to the " Fountain," who may be rccognlzeJ bv the Badges on their Hata, and are always in attendance tt the rtifTorent Depots and Si, -a in hoot Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of the Baggage and convey It to the Hotel. PH1NEA5 THURSTON, Proprietor. Fob. 23, 1863. U5 A cTRD. rTMIE undersigned being engaged, and holding a I position that brings his services In immediate connection with the Guests of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a further Inducement to hia numerous friends and acquaintances of the "Old North Stale," when they visit Baltimore, to atop at the " Foun tain," where he assures thorn they wili be received and entertained in a manner that shall strengthen his acquaintance and secure for its Proprietor their good-will and patronage. W. STRINGER. Laic of Wilmington. N. C. Feb. 23, 1850. 145 3m. I -Raleigh Register copy. JUStTRECEIVED, PER SCHOONER L. P. SMITH. 1 HHD. of Extra Clarified Sugar ; 1 2 doi. Bale Buoketi 10 bbl. Mesa Pork sew city mess ! 1 " of fine Pickles, bjlholOO or gallon; 3 " crushed Sugar i 6 doz. painted Water Bucket! 60 lbs. Race Ginger; 2 qr. boxet best Mack Tea , ft boxes Colgates extra Pais Soap ; 5 " " No. I ; 29 kegs of Ns lis from 4d to 20d i 2 dot. Ovens, bake and Turkey or oval. All low for rash at GEO. H. KELLY'S. Feb 26. Chon. Jour. 4 Int. UG. " houses and lot for sale" THE subscriber will diepore of a houae and lot lu Texas, 100 yards from the Rail Road. formerly occupied by John Butcher. There la a dwelling house and atora below also, two other small houses with kitchens, Ac. II not sold at private sale, It will be offered at auc tion on Tuesday of next County Coin t week, being the 2th of March. JOSEPH MAYER. Feb. V8. 146-7t. CHINA, GLASS AND EARTDENWARE. ffT 20 PACKAGES, juat received and epeood, ra m wotcn males my assortment complete. Xjf ALEX. MacRAE, Ja. Feb. 26 146. JUST RECEIVED? C)C DOZ. Ames A Rowland's Shivela & Spadesi &J 6 ' Long handle Shovels , r " Garden Rake 80 " Hoes of various sixes and qualitlea. . ALSO, 4 doxeo Ladlet Garden Hoee, with medicated handlea. aald to be a celebrated cur for Dyspepsia and vartons other complaints resulting ftom want of exercise. It la believed that If judlcioaa tee Is made of them, they will also cute extreme esses of poverty. Fur a Jo by ALEX MacRAE, Jr. Fib. 26. 146. GUITAR AND GUITAR STRINGS, JUST received and for sale at Mi. Whitaker Mu alo Room, opposite the Episcopal Church ; also. Piano Music and instruction Books, for Pisno and Guitar. By t MRS. H. YVtUTAKER. Feb. 26. . , , ' H6-lm p. ' 1 1. . , ' ,' A, ' SWEET POTATOES. 20 BUSHELS otlho fine Spanish. Low for cash, at GEO, H. KELLY'S. Feb. 26. C.J. and I. 146. FRESn FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. OA BBLS. of McMillsand other brandaf C- ' -U6half bbla.of McMilla ..up. red brand. All low for cnh( at GEO. II. KELKY'S. Feb. 26. Chron. Jour, and Int. . 146. BACON AND LARD. 1 000 ul)erior Hania and no mis- l?000 lbs. Sides snd Shoulders ( 3 bbls of fine Lard. All low for cash, at GEO. H. KELLY'S. Feb. 26. Jour. Chron. and Int. 146. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A VALUABLE building Lot or Lota fronting 200 feet on Orange and 90 feet on Boundary St., S. E. corner, apply to DANIEL FURQU8, ) THOS. F. GAUSE, Committee. SAML'P.GAUSE, Feb. 23. 115 if. TRUST SALE. IS' pursuance Of the provisions of a deed of trust made to the subscribers, bv James McGary, a, his late residence, on Atasonboro' Sound, will be sold at public Auction, on Saturday the twenty tblrdday of March m xt, the place on which he resided, containing about seventy-five acres of land, with all the appurtenances. Also, oil the hou-ehold nnd kitchen furniture and farming utensila, 8 head uf Cattle, 23 Hogs, ' Mule. 2 Horses, 1 Cart, I Woggon, and one Bugy ana harness. Sole to commence at 11 o'clock, A M. 1 Terms at Stile. JOHN McRAE, F.DW. KIDDER, i). McMillan, JOHN D. LOVE, Wilmington Ftb. 23. 150. Trustees 145. HARDWARE. 6 DOZ. Axrp, assorted j 2 11 Broud Axes; 1.000 lbs. (looks and Hinges; 60 doz Weeding Hoes, all sizes ; 20 ' Spdes, assorted ; Chains, Locks, Hatchets, Saws, Pad Plate Locks, Sieves Coflee Mills, Ac. Ac, for sale by HOWARD 4 PEDEN. Feb. 23. A. & J. copy. 145. FoFcALWRm rrHK fine Barque NANCY TREAT. Lit , I tlefield. master, will sail for an Fran cisco, about the 20lli of March. For Pass age, apply to ELLIS .V RUSSELL. No. II North Water St Feb. 23. 1850. 145. BACON! BACON!! 3HIIDS. Western Sides, for sale low by ELLIS f- RUSSELL. F.h n. hd. CAITON $50 REW iRDT WHEREAS, infill inutiun lias heen received that, persons are in tlio pruclice of purchasing old Rail Road Iron from ncuroes and others along the line of the Wilmington A R . R Road: This is to tiivc notice, that no one is authorised to dispose, of the same, nnd that those selling or purchasing will be subjected to llie penally of the law. A Reward of 350 will be paid for such proof as will lead Ion (onvieiiun of any person purchasing or selling said lion ALEX. MacKAE. Ptcsid.nt W. A R. R. R. Cn. Feb. 23. 4ft. SITPPERX0NG WINE X BBLS bu pcrior Scuppi-rnong Wine, for snl by 't ANDKIt.SO V r.A'I'TMFlf Feb. 19. 143. CHEESE. If) "OXF.S old Enclish Dairy Cheese; 1 y 10 " whiie Eor silc by HOWARD A PEDEN. Feb. 2J. U5. FORlSEW X0M. (DESPATCH LINE.) HIIi: Packet Schr. THOMAS B. SMITH, 1 I). II, Santos I,, Muster, will have quirk despatch for ubovc pori. For liulil freight or passage, upply to GEO. HARRISS. Feb. 23. 145-3t. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 ,000 SECOND Hand Spirit Barrels, of prime qunlilv, for sale by DeROSSET. BROWN. 141 If. Feb. 21. MEAL. A CONSTANT Supply of fresh ground Corn Meal, in bans of 2 husheis each, fur sale by DsliOSSET A BROWN Feb. 21. H4.f. COFFEE. QO BAGS Coffee, for sale by HOWARD A PEDEN. Feb. 23. U5. ATWO STORY ROUSE AND LOT FOR $600 FULL LOT. THE houa and lot, corner of Red Crosa kiln snil h il'lh atrri,ta inmv hu ht f..r .kn .1 JAMES F. MeREK. Feb. 19. 143. FOR PHILADELPRL1. (HERON'S LINE.) TUB A. I. ffew Mat astlinx rcguMr rack. et Schoon r CHARLES H. ROGERS, A. Stbslmam Master, will have Quick des- atch for the above port For light freight or pa assge, having euperioi State Room accommodations, apply to master on board or to GEO. HARRISS. Feb. 21, 144-3t. FURNITURE MANUFACTORY. 'I'Mtt uhacrlber would re f X apeetfullv announce to the Hi eltlxena of Wilmington, and publie generally, thai ha hai employed experienced workmen, for the purpose of establishing a manu aetory of Cabinet Furniture, In connection with hla Furniture Ware Rooma,atih Rock Spring. All articlea of Furniture made in the beat atyle, repair ed In the neateat manner at shortest notice - On the arrival of the Schooner Charlea Milla from New Yoik, and Brig Emblem from Boalon, will be re ceived at hia Ware Rooinit Hldeboarda, Bureaus, Sofas. Centre, Tea. Card, and' Grecian Work Ta blet, Washstanda, French and other Bedsteads, Mahoiany Rockers and Nurse Chslrs, com. Nurse. Mspla and Black Walnut Rockers, Office Dining, Windsor, and Children'a Tibia Chairs, Looking GUssea Ac. J. D LOVE. At the Rock Spring. N. B. Well lessoned Black Walnut, Poplar Red Cedar, Cher. and Maple Lumber will bo uken in exchange for Furniture. ,eb in. Premium, Daguerreotypes . ?.. T at -'' : ' MOZART HALL. WSl. A. WILLMAN would reepectfuliy an nouncetothe LADIES ASDGEMTLIJ MKM of WllmlngrOD and vicinity, that hla Gallery (at tha above place,) is now open for the reception of visiters. He Invites all who wish accurate and beautiful Miniatures of themselves or friend to call soon, aa his stay Is limited. Hit Pictures are" fin ished after the luteal Improved atyle. ,i ,? Plense call and examine for yourselves. Likenees ea taken in all weather, from 9 to 4 o'clock, ir.struo tion given. Apparatus furnished on moderate terms. Jan 24. , 132.1m. CIGARS. M. HAVANA CIGARS, old and high fla vored. For sale bv 23 t ANDERSON LATIMER. Feb. 9. 139. JUST RECEIVED. " Cf BBLS. gilt edge Planting Potatoes, a superior OO article for sale; 20 bbls Whiskey; ' 10 casks prime Retailing Cheese i 30 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles. Foraaleby ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Feb. 5. Journal 4 Chronicle copy, 137. FRESn FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 1 n BBLS of McNeill's Red brsnd superfine Flour 104 half " 20 bbls." Fuyetleville Super and Fine. All low foi cash at GEO. H. KELLEYS. , 137. Feb. 8. FLOUR. 25 BBLS Canal Flour; 15 half bbls. do. Mils lVvnf tuvlll Flour For snle hv HOWARD & PEDEN. Feb. 14. 141. HOOP IRON. TONS Bradley's Hoop .suitably for Spirit Zl) Casks, andof superior quality expected per Alaric, for sale low by DeROSiiET & BROWN. Fjb . . 137. SUGARS! SUGARS 7i BBLS ol extra Crushed Sugar; Clabber " " Portorlcoond N.O.clarifiid; All low fr cosh, at GEO. H. KELLEYS. Jan. 31. 135. DOMESTIC GOODS. , C BALES 4-4 Sheeting; ' Cotton Yarn, opproved nu mbera. At. R. W. BROWN'S. Feb. 14. 141-lm. LOOKING GLASSES. JUST RE El VED at the New York Furniture Warehouse a large and Complete Assortn cnt of TOILET GLASSES. G. & W. A. GWYER. Feb. 7. SH. SOMETHING NEW. THE Subscriber hnving added to his assortment, a choice selection of Stewart's best Loaf Confretionnries, solicits a Trial, assuring that a fresh h u i 1 1 ! y will always be kept, If encouraged by the ntierumv ol v ilmington, and at ihe loweBl tath prices. (1KO MYERS, Family Grocer, Front Street. Feb. 9. 139. JUST RECEIVED. SUPPLY of Sarsnparilla Cough Candy, thnt AY will be found superior to all the old Remedies for Colds. Honrsonoas, Sor Throat, anrl all ofW-. lions of the Breast, at GEO. MYERS'. A lull assortment of Choli-e, nnd fresh, Grncerlea :nny be found ut tlio Wholesale and Reiall Family Grocery Store of GEO. MYERS. At the lowest prices for Cash. Feb i. 139. JUST RECEIVED, OH flOXES Oranges; .Ul0- Lemons; 20 " RaUinh; 20 drums Figs ; 5 ooxes Anchovies ; 5 doz. assorted Catsups ; 10 bbls. Apples; For sale cheap, at F. M. PAOLI'S, Confectionary and Fruit Store, corner of Front St., next door to Or. flurris' office. Feb. 19. 143 Gr. SUGAR. 1 A HHDS. prime Sugar, just received and for 1U sale ch tieap, by ANDERSON f- LATIMER. Feb. 19. 143. B1C0N AND LARD. i ( nnn l BS aew N-c- B,c, ' aoned l VfUUU 23 bills, and kegs newLard, re ceived per Roll Road, for sale by DkROSSETA browpt. Feb- 21. 144-3w. JUST RECEIVED. 20 LBS Fresh Colvcrt (Collard) Seed, for aale bv A. C.EVANS BROTHER. Feb. 21. 141. WUISKEY. OP BBLS. Whiskey. Foraaleby ZJ HOWARD & PEDEN. Feb. 14. Jour, and Au. 141. NOTICE. THE undersigned in tha name and on behalf of Lafayetta Division No. 2, of the Sons ot Tem perance, will give 925,00 for the best Original Essay on. ihe . .. Evlla of Intemperance and the Kecaedj.. ThlaEasay moat bo written by a North Carolinian or a resident In tha Siaia i mull not exceed thirty pagea duodecimo, and muat b forwarded free of j charge, on or before tha 6th of Jane next, to Rev.R. I T. Heflln, 8. W. Whiting and C. C. RobaUau,, Esqrt., Raleigh, N. Cn who have klodly consented I to act aa adjudicators. The manuscript muat be I accompanied with a sealed letter containing the ad-; dress ef the writer. I he award III be adjudged on ; the kstdsy or August. C. P. JO.NES. ! Feb. 16. 141 2w-f. BACON. Oil AO LBS. Hama oldea and Shoulders, ZKJKJkJ Foraaleby HOWARD A PEDEN. Feb. 19 A. and J. 143 ALE. 20 DOZ Pale Ale Pints. For aale by HOWARD A PkDF.N. Feb. 19. A. dk J. 143 WHISKEY, BBLS. N. O. Rectified Whlakey 10 - Superior old UononaaheU do. 25 5" Cider Brandy. For isle by HOWARD f- PEDEN. Feb. IP. A.aadJ, 143 . TO FARMERS AND THE PUBLIC. " TVAViD F. McKINNE A CO , P V Is- ' K- D. Hall) I 1 hate entered into special lC"ll COPARTNEU9HIP, Iftasin forth prurpoM of Butchering, and lor no ottar purpoti whatever. Tha take itila op portunity to Inform fartnera gsneraJIy, that the will pay cash for Good Dtrf, and von other j they ire fully supplied at present, and wonld advise (hose who wUh to sell to them ; to corr.munlcate t letter, b fjre thev drive their Stock to market. They wouli further iiform the cliliena, that they hive recently bought Mr. Pettnway out, under a poaltlv assu rance thai we should have hia custom and patron- The Atrora and Chronicle will please glv this 3 loaertlom,and present their bill to David F. MeKln ne . DAVID F. McKENNF. & CO. Feb, 8. 113-lnve, VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBERS having enga- ged In businesa which occupies thelrfJ time and attention : Offer for snU JL valuable Timber and Turoentlne Land In wick County; co ualatlng of from five to six md acres. On which there are seven taiki of T rpentlne boxei cut, two of which are new t be aldet the pine land of good quality. There ia about 40 aorea of awainp land. (9 or which la already clear ed) od for 50 bushels of Corn per acre. There are two iltuations or settlementa; one tonalate of a fram building ; Negro houses, barn, stablta, Wag gon mods, Blacksmith ahop. 4n. t a good wdl of wateryand a healthy situation, us any in the lower Country. The other ia a good dwelling house aod fixiurea.end eo. nelly healthy. Stocg ot uattie ana nogs ; ana the best ranjB for them In the a, 3 Timber Wag una nd Carta ol all descnotiona t innnnu. plantntion.lf wanted can remain till the first of Jan uary85l. " ' Th land Ues in 13 miles of Wilmington, in two miles of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road, nnd In 5 miVea of good navigable water, and a good Creek ru,nnng through the land In which during freshets all kinds of produce can be brought with great facility. Tcrmaeasy. SAMUEL BEERY SON. Jan. 24. f 132-lm. NEW DRUG AND MEpICINE STORE THE subscriber would respect fully call the attention of the in habitant of W ilmington. end the surrounding country, to tils large and carefully selected Stock of DKUGsj, MEDICINE, Paints, Oils, Putty, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Perfumery, Fancy Articlea, Patent Med icines, Ac., etc.; consisting in part uf the following, together with a great many articlea not usu ally kept in Drug Stores : 2 Csks Epsom Salts Eng.' 12 doz Hair Brushes si- 1 Sup. Uuo. Soda ; I sorted: : Puint Brushes a large as I sonniint; I White Wash brushes ; i Portrait i Tooth, Nail end Flesh i " CreamTartar ; 1 " Carb or Sal. Soda I Cask Cast. Oil; 12 bxs. Enons Plasters ; 0 12 ' India Rubber Fahneatock Vermi Brushes ; 6 dot. Kny Rum ; fuge; Peery's Dead Shot ; Matchcea peifnmed ; Ger. Cough Drops ; Phosphorus ; Sands' Sarsuparillo; Phosphate Ammonia ; liristols' " i Uuininc, Fnrr's and Ro Townscnds' " I Bengaricn's ; Bulls' " Sulph.ite Morphine , German Colovne ; Acetate " French Iodine resuulimcd ; Iodide Potaisliuii, Eng IihIi and Fr'ich ; " Iron; " Leud; 4 Cs. Calabria Licorice ; Spunsje for Surgical pur-' poses ; " coarse Bahama ; G dozen Cod Liver Oil1 Metcury ; Rushtons ; Calomel, English ; ) " Ricimo Toniiiuo for; Citrate of, Iron 6V Quinine; the hair ; I " " " Soluble ; Hardy's tUXlr .jor Ui Of F.rtot Dyspepsia ; " Ncroll; Lunar Caustic pure; Oennrcotized Opium ; Citric Arid ; I cs. Pul. Rhubarb, East India ; " " Turkey ; Copoiva Cupsules ; Pills Suar 'onied ; Thompson's Eve VSotcr ; ALSO. 3000 lbs. pr e White Lead; 2,fi00lbs extra " 2,000 " No. I " " 300 ' Venetian rcdin oil; " " Cedrai ; Kreosote ; I groB Sciilletr Powders; i ' Soda " Muiturd, English and, A- nierican; Pro. to Carb Iron t 250 lbs. Spanish Brown dry ; 700 " " "In oil 100 " pr'e Verdlgrlalnoll 50 " Chrome Oroen "' 10 ' - Yellow " 75 " Paris Green ; Patent Black) Lamp Black f CAMIMIINE AND BURHIXO FLUID beat qaailty. S00 " " t! t y Prussian Blue ; Turkey Umber : 2V6 gallons Linseed Olli Fayctteville His terms arc CASH ; but short Indulgence will be always gianted when circumstances justify. C. DnPRE. Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Wilmington, N.C., Jan. 31. 135. NOTICE. C (fl Bushels Rail R VaVUU Point Corn ; oad Bladen and Rocky 1.000 bushels Cow snd Blaek eye Pess ; BOO " Seed Oats and Rye ; . 30 " While Beans, ALSO, Buckwheat, be it ('unal and Fayettcville Flour Fresh ground Meal, Haunony, Horse dt, Cow Fee l and Hay. In store and for sale by ELLIS f- MITCHELL Jan. 29. Id SALT ! SALT !! SALT !!! 5.000 aod for bv Nov. 30. Bushels Coarse St. Martins SALT, dally expectedper Sehr. Lamartlnc, G W. DAVIS. m. A. G. BOWERS Si BROTHER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS, JEWELXERkJ, c. orrosiTB tsjb cubohiclb orrica, raoirj aTaciT. hi hf.Q. B. having just returned from the North, wtth a new stock of Kietnt Jewelry, tVaUhea, Clocks, musical ttoxeo, i-iaiea and mil ver Ware, Respectfully Invite the Ladles and Oentkmen of Wilmington, and country generally, to examine oar stock before making a purchase elsewhere, aa we flit let ourselves thai we can aell goods at aa low prlcea as any other ee'abllahment South. Thla stock Is the third one we have received within the last five months which lo a proof that a e,ulek aale a nd small profit, la the beet and only way lo aeeure the good will and patronage of the clUienj generally. N. B. Every description or Watchee, Clocka, Jewelry, Musical Boiea, plated and Sllvor Ware, personally repaired, aod in a workmanlike manner, not be surpassed by any other, establishment, and wirnnted for one year. Feb. 14. 141. RICE. 10O CASES freah beat Rice. For aale by Feb. 14. oor. and Au. 141. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. 1 fy EMPTY Spirit Barrels, just landed from iJO the packet John P. Brown, for aale by 8ARRV, BRYANT 4 ADAMS. Feb. 18. . 141. FEATHERS. Vl LBS. tick Country Featfcara, for sal by OVJU JOHN C-LATTA. : Mof.20. :-Vr 1 . 10. . BUCKWflEAT. 1 PACKAGE towUwylow.of best qaal- r r"iui rv ari u wai 10 & PEDEiX Jan.l. 127. SALT I SALT I ! SALT! II rrvVk BUSHELS of superior aalr. from Cock tJVAA bmn Haroor, East Cnleos. la store, and for sola by GEO. HARRIES. Jan. 29. 134. NEW LARD. 2 BBLS. auperlor New Lard, For oeleby HOWA&D 4 PfJjEN, Jao. 1, ,V; ." ""'.' NOTICE. AT a meeting of the Board of Director of the Wilmington Ok Manchester Kail Road at Sam tervllle, Jan. 31st, U was s Ordered i That the Engineer advertise for Pro pos dsfor the graduation, timber for auperatractlon and trestle work, laying down and constructing the same between Wilmington and Fair Bluff, and li proposals be recclvud satisfactory to the Engineer. they be accepted. In pursuance of the above order proposals will be received, addressed to the undersigned stWll. inington. until the 18lh February, for the gradua tion, limber for nuperitructlon and trestle work, lay. ing dow.i and constructing the same between Wit-mingtc-n ond Fair Bluff, a dlaiance of alxty three m lies. )rrt nrn-in.ilm Will b recetveo. for the Wbole t srraduutfi n, timber, or laving and construction, vt' in actacuea piecis to sun coniracio.a L.J FLF.Vl.tO, Res't Eng. Wilmington A Manchester R. R. (Journal copy.) , Wilmington, Feb. 7, 1850. 139 01. BACON & PORK. Hhde Western Bacon; 10 bbls. MersPotk, just received, and for sale by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 4 SULKEY AND BUGGY. I LIGHT handsome Sulkey, 1 " ' Top Biieav. For rate by & PEDEN . 143 HOWARD Feb, 19. A. it J. copy WHISKEY! WHISKEY ! ! 1 DO IUiI-3-"0,d Monongahela rectified," dal 1 vU lv oxpected to arrive per achr. Corinthian, from Baltimore. For sale by GEO. HARRISS. Feb. 19. MJ-tf. BACON Sl PORK ! ! 251 HHDS. Western Sides i 50 bbls. mess Pork, city Inspection, for sale by GEO. HAIt 1113. 143-tf. Feb. 19. LIQUORS TWINES. QfV BBLS. rectified Whiakeyi CU 5 " domestic Brandy ; 6 " Oin. A go id stock of finn Liquors and Wines at re tail. CARROLL FENNELL. Feb. 19. 143. SUiNORIES. R ECEIVED per Mary Powell, W i boxen llalslns : lUv drums Figs ; I crate Onions; 6 bbls. Beta 5 1 " Fulton maiket Beef. CARROLL & FENNELL. Feb. 19. 143. GOSHEN BITTER. A PRIME article, in kegs, just received, for sale, -X.oy j, jiaiiiavai & Mn Jan. 26. 133. CORN N Store and for aale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. Feb. S. 137. I MESS PORK. BBLS. Mess Pork, Cit Imped ion. for sale bv A.NDFR.SON A f.ATIMRR. 40 Feb. 5. 137. PORT WINE. I n BBLS. Port Wlne.imported via New Vork, lv and now under Custom House lock, lor aale low by DoROS SET if- BROWN. Feb. 7. 137. NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES. Q Cf Hhds. New Cnp Cuba Molasses, a superior -OsJW article now landing from Brig Vinci-nnee. For sale by BARRV, BRYANT ADAMS. Feb. 7. . 138. BRICK k SPARS. vulval w u 1 r Yn HARD Esslei XUtKAJyj ot Spruce spa ale by BARRY BR1 Eastern Brick, and a lot re lost lecelvrd, for YANT 4 ADAMS. F ib. 19 143. BUTTER, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, LI'OUR, Ac. Famille. Bakera, Retailers, sn,l Tavern Keeper, can aupply thcmselvn with any ol the above named articlea, at veiy low rates by calling on the undersigned; who keep comfnt ly on hand, tlio largest and heal assorted mock, Ac., in thiamarket. HOWARD St PEDJ..N Feb. 14. Jour. indAu. 141. PLANTING POTATOES. flA hLIa til freah. law for cash, at ZVJ GEO. II. KELLEY S Feb. Itf. 14 IIK1ED BEEP. 100 lb, of extra good, low for rash, at GEO. H. KELLKV'S. Feb. Id. 1. FLOUR Sl BUTTER. Qf bhle. of Fayettevllle, aud Canal Flour t vjU 4 kegs of extra Butter ; 6 tubs, low for caih, it GEO. H. EELLEY'S. Feb. Id. H2. LARD. 1 Q BBLS. Lard i lO 10 Keis do. juit received per Rail Rosd, and foraaleby ANDERSON A LATIMER. Feb Id Ml. WAYNE COUNTY BACON. 1 r yv LBS. Bacon from Wayne Coanty, 1 0JUJ just received aod for sale In Iota t uit purchaser!, by ANDERSON d LATIMER. Feb. 18. . HI. LEMON SYRUP. BOXES LemoO t?ympn For tale bv HOWARD PEDEN. 20 Fib. 19 'i l J snip NEWS. ... . .... ,,, I , THE Subscriber basing agtla re-or en. d b Isold eetabilshinM eotaet of Water ana I'rire? it Hi, one Sqnare above market St., woeldiolorm J.nnre of Vessels In thla port and the prtbliegeneraiiytlior ; he intends keeplne en band a slorlt of the best quality of Scotch Kntsy and Cotton Dark, he will aell at New York retail aeleejr-&.v w AH woik In hie line done w the etifnc(lon of bit employer or no payment required. CuUandsee. Having rtanUed not h beg, but t woik, aud f ' f; be enabled lo do o, otitis and will faritlsb tail cf . all kinds t2 per bolt, for miking i and the itvfl i the following price r ' r J - Scott h ifuelt. No. ?, :1lJ60rrT t. 10X0 , Cotton do. No. 2, Vt ft, per yard; No. 3, 21 eta. pet . fri i Twine 25 cte. per lb ell wainnied ht et Ihe beat quality, Skip Master and Consigner are respectfully Invited lo examine hia etoek and also " . . l,ln ,0T lot nh., A Journeyman Heilmeker wanted, and prices guar anteed. Flea addreee the obarrber by fciter. ' P. S- 111 fflfl'ltlUa totlllAhl lUhl. MAIA I to Win. Ilarrlasl Sallmsker, of Waslilogten, N.C., ' Ltbat there ws not work for one Ixaft, lo Wilmlng- ' ton, l very respeetrnliy informed bla Miter went a;e ' and had Ihe deal red tfici that ol keeping em eorn- petition, ' ROBERT 8. MACOMPEaL . Bee. 4. . . , ,U . S. i ' lil t. . NOTICE ii,K. I OFFER for sole my Plantation, known atWact ". 1 m II, situated on the North aide et Newberw ' ' Main Roadne mile tod a half from tU town of W 11. minglon. Containing 1C0O acre, of a hick abeal 1 3f0 are cleared and now ready for cukfvallon. -1 Lj i iwn i mv'u mm yiauiauvn mrgoana rosrvnuenx Tm Gkit DwvIUmb. wltk.a.auJI nTfOilUnr .i " '" at, ami mil neevaaary ombaoeo oad tximnm tohiiit tf T" 1 bave likewise another tract arljoinlnf the store, ' , upon the East, containing about 410 acre, e'whtrh " 30 or 40 are cleared." These land are well ifmber t d, and a portion of them of the first quality tor f - f ' ricultmal purposes r tbey derive addltlcnal value from tbtir proximity to low Mind lelrg m '", mediately adjacent to a bold Creek, flowln' into the -1 Cape Ftar.t The dice t wcU adsnted to the raiti-1 , vatlon of Orchard ind Vineyard, the producikn of. v vegetable, making brick, and to on whof could devote to It hi attention, would bet moot pto&- linbla investment, j.,,- . ij , i To any wiehing lo purchase,! wlUfiive I largain. ' 1 For further particular, simply to ' , Jan. 8., 125-tf. a . m 1 M JUST RECEIVED, . r'$.rf i'vVi FURTHER ropplref ;t Gallon Rush ion. ( ton. Clark A Co. Cod Liver pu, 6 dot. bettlea, do. i A, 6 sail, pale brown do. . r , 3 pair Medicine Saddle Bag, (very f 1 cask Cream Tartar, 1 , do Roll 8ulphur. v '. - 1 . do Floor - ao ' 3halessk SiltPstre. w f. 200 lh M.I V.ntnm 1 - V . 4i Sr. Sninh. Quinine, Opium. CalomeL Jalao. Irae.. Pink Root, Ae., fof sale low at whobmlebv . m A. C. EVANS A BROTHER. J Jan. 11. .-U2fL SOMETHING INTERESTING TO FARMERS, '. I If AVE just received e large and varied assort-' tnent of farming Implement, to which, 1 Invite the attention of farmers, and country merehanta,' gsncrally. They may alwoya depend open finding; r - a c m4 stock on hind, and at prlcea 25 per cent w than they were ever sold In thla market before, i M motto la small profits, and quick Helea. The fot-' : lowing la a list of a roe of the article which 1 for sale : No. 10, II, 13, 14, and 15, Ploughs, " (0, and 80, ttrel Points " EnglcO.A, B.andCi , " No. I,and 2, double mould Board j - Land 2 self shorpeneri , " O. and D. R, Sob 8oll: " A, 1 ,A,2, and 2, B Cutter; M efler i pattern or Harrow ; Cultivator, with and withoat wheeler ' Corn Shelters, I, and 2, wheels t . Straw Cuttera,C,8, and 10, knives; " . Com MUla; - - Fanning UfU V k Scythe Blades, Syeklea lioes. Rake, B hovel. Soeds. Manure ana - NEW YORK -X Furniture .WareiioSe.Sf MOB E Bf EVT GOODSU-4TJ8T RECElTEDf 9 SOFAS l 4 Divanai 2 Mahogany Hat Rack i 4 BUck Walnat dlnJagTiblca, o n-rrr . . 7 Cheap Bureaus r "" wr- 2 Black Walnut Crihe 6 doxen Wood seat Cbaiist I? Hl'h Post Sackinff Bedstcaddi ' ' r 19 " " Slst do. I II " " Cord d. . ,.4' nay, r orta, aw. togetMr witk all the parte , of ; the above named, Plonahe etna. ; j ' 'Z ALEX. MACR4R. Jr.. i South aide of Market etreet, bar door from . the ' 1 corner of South Water street. '. . - i. "iv T j Jan. 19. Jour. Chron. copy, ; e; 1 130, f , y J 1 in. ' .V. O. St W. A. CWTRR.1 ''-(r TOBACCO. r BOXES O sale by Feb. 9. 1 Kemp's 8" - Lamp Tobacco. Fel W , ANDERSON A LATLMER. mrivMini'ii n m Aim iir.i ir.iii.i.i si s in ic . SUPERFINE, Fine and Croee, for eaJe by Feb. S. 137. WILL be given for the delivery to me In ' " Branawick eooaiv.or la the ieJlof New lUw. Tf ever county of my negro weiuinCALISTEM; ; of mediant Statue, verv black eomolexlon." neal and tidy la her dreee, and modesf ia berfpaer-' al dewortistent aha has beem owned bv Owen Boimee, H. Natt, and Jaanea F MeRae of W llming tons she a probably lurking about Wilmington. Rocky Point or Long Creek Bridge, where ber baeband Haa. Tke taw will be most rigidly enforced, again any one koowa to harbour her. L. FRINK. Jao.. . ' . i 131-tf. CANAL" FLOUR. 1 (C BBLS. Canal Floor, beet brands, foe sal ' 1 Ji by ANDERSON e LATIJBER, Feb.. . 137.' . .a SUNDRIES, r. JUODn Sperm Candle j HuB'a Tallow, do. ,A . ColgateaSoapt . ' UlueiSlMtf ; ,v Loaf Sugars ' -Gunnv Have. At. ririaUU''1 " ,' - ' J - ANDERSON A LATIJIf P. J v. I i -O ' 4 i t-

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