f 1 1 . THE COMMERCIAL. VrIIJllNUTON, N. 0. I'UESUAY' FEBraJAttY 28,: 1S50. ". ; ' .,. OMU taon wm ftmilj at every ' pomt and over- worked himself io . degree lerious! Iry urioui to lua bedth. ; But hia hurt fU lighter after , the ten of Ahatioti. t twattred.-- A i . Then, vii HtUtt at home, however tdl t DUi&ia tic&eetiai W WHa,ot lee- V t lin? M w biff domeetio. vii worn down i 4 ' With the cart atid labor of bet largo family, The cbildraa were, at a necesaai eonso ': quence, neglected both in minds' and bod. iw: AJaiJ there wi no sunshine in the . poof "mart's dwelling. - '. "Well; Alices aaid Mr. Moalev aa hit -. wife eatne and itood by the bonrd upon ; I which he tat at work, holding; her babe in: ' ; her anna. l havs paid off another debt If? thank Heaven !"'.$( .$f rWhott n. ;., ,W. r, . V Petnms! He believed me a rogue and treated me ai tujh; I hope he thinki tlitv ; Kferentljr oow. ,,. ': - i I with all men were at honett tn their pat tirwwttoaa aa jaa art..? - - r j-7;8odo I, Aic. The world would be a . much better one than it it, I am thinking.' ; '4Ah4 yet, WUiianV; aaid hia wife, 1 aomeiimet think we do wrong to aacrifice to much to t but of debt. Our children ;& Alice P apokeup the tailor quickly, 'I would almoet aoll my body into slavery to get fire from debt. When I think of what Ulill Owe, 1 foal at if I would auffooate.' l know how badly jrou feel ''about it William; but your heart is honest, and ahould not that reflection bear you up.' vVhaiian bonnet heart without an hon eat hand, Aljce F replied the tailor, betiding- etill to hia work. . The boneat heart ie the main thing, Wil liam. God look at that. Man judgea on 1 of the action, but God aees the heart and iu purpoate.', dutwhat i the purpose without the actf .. ' , 'It it all that it required, when no abili ty to act is given. William I God does not demand of any one impossibilities.' Though man often does,' laid the tailor, bitterly. There waa a pause, broken at length, by the wife, who aaid 'And you are really determined to but John and Henry out to trades f They are so young.' . '1 know they are, Alice, too young to leave home. But' The tailor's voice became unsteady. He broke off in the middle of a sentence. Necessity requires it to be done," he laid, recovering ' himself. tt And it is of no avail to give way to unmanly weakness. But for the old debt, we might have been comfortable enough, and able to keep out children around ua until they were of a more fitting age to go from tbeir parents' roof. Ohl what a curse is debt I" There is more, yet, to pay t " i'A u Yes. Several hundreds of dollars, b ut 1 ' u I tail as I have for a year past, 1 will .... break down before 1 get through. ' "Let us think of our family, William. ,'They have the first claim Upon ua Those to whom money it owed are better off than wt are. They stand in do need of iu" But ia it not justly due, Alice," inquir ed the tailor, in a rebuking voice. - Wo more justly due than ia food, and rai ment, and Aem to our children I1 replied the tailor's wife, with more (ban her usual decision of ton. , u God ha given ua these children, and ha will require an account or the aouls committed to our charge, Is not a human soul of more importance then dol lars I A few years, and it will be out of our power to do our children good. They , will grow up and bear forever the marks of J neglect and wrong " , , wAjcs Alice I For heaven's sake do ' not talk ia . this way I" exclamed the uilor, I "much disturbed . ' 4 44 William I" said the wife, I am a another, and a mother's heart can feel right; nature telle me that it is wrong for us to , - thrust out our children before they are old anough to go into toe world. Let us keep them noma longer. "We cannot and pay off thia debt." Than let the debt go unpaid for the present. Those to wnom it is owed can w MAtifi nA harm iVrtm fawsitiif tint nu e)WWVW V MM M UVUI VSSMM i vwi t VMS ;; cbildraa will i ,m y -, MJuatthea a man brought ia a letter ' and handing uto-thetaihr,- wiUiUreTrr 7 OnbraaJtmg tba set), Mr. Moale found Ahalit contained fifty dollars, and asfol- low1;-- -j - -1 (t5if:-ypoi tcfiacUon, I feel that I . ought not to receive from' you money that waa due tome when you became unfortu nate, tome yeare ago. 1 an deraund that you have a iargt family, that your health ia not very food, and that you art depriving the one of comfort, and injuring the other in endeavoring to pay on your Old debts To . . . cancel, thee obligation would be all right- t C'jMy, your duty-if you could do to without V. neglecting higher and plainer dutie But you cannot do th, and 1 cannot rvoetve the ? money , you paid ma this morning. Take it back, and let it be axDanaea in makin your, family mora comrohabl I have v enough, and mora than enough for all my V: ' was ta, and I will cot dipdra you of a turn - that must be important to you, while to me , "f- it will ba of iiule conaaquenca aiihar aa s ; " ftiatd or loat m ; V ; : ' , Tba letter dropped from the tailor's hand ' . H u overcome with emotion. His ; wife, whan "aha unJeratJod iu purpoit, ltnxm into tatxv , , , x ' ' The merchant'a sleep waa sweeter thaj night than it had been for aome time, and so wee' the sleep of the poor debtor. " And the next day Mr. Moale called to see Mr.; PetrOn, to" whom, at the instance of the latter, he gavo a full detaU of his actual circumstances. The merchant was touched by hia story, and prompted by true bene volence to aid him it hia atruggles.. He saw moat of tba tailor'a oM creditors, and induced those who bad not beed paid in full, to voluntarily relinquish their claim, nd soma of those who had received mo ney aicca the ' poor man'a misfortune, to ; restore it aa belonging of right to hie fami ly. , : There, was not one of those creditors whd did not feel . happier , by their act of generosity j and no one can doubt that both the tailor and bis family were also happier, . John and Henry were not compelled to leave their home until they were older and belter prepared to endure the privations that usally attend the boy's first entrance into the world : and help for the mother in herarduoua duties could now, be anoraea. . No one doubts' that the creditor, whose inoner ia Daid to him. has riflrhta. -Buttoo few think of the righta.of the poor debtor, who ainka into obscurity, afid often priva- uoaa, white hia heart ia oppressed, with a atisfl of obligations ulterfy "beyond his power to canceL - From On Spirit tf At Time. NLVE CHEERS FOR OLD ZLU s" ' OR -v- ;' Breaking down the Sjsiem, In a remote county of Pennsylvania the scene is laid. The time was the year 1842, when party spirit rose to 102 degrees in the shade, m every hamlet tne length and breadth of Uncle Sam's glorious domain. Tbe respective political parties met in con vention at Bugsburg, (the county seal,) and made their nominations for county officers. As there were many aspirants for the nom inations, it follows aa a matter of course there were some disappointments to no one more so than toldZim,' who was con fident of getting a nomination for Sheriff. Zimmerman, or old Lun; aa he waa fa miliarly called, waa a miserly old codger, who was well lodo in the world, yet he had an almighty thirst for office, and he was up at every convention for a nomination for something, from 'time whereof the memo ry of man runneth not to the contrary.' He was reputed wealthythat is, he owned a farm, and had money, but honevershow ed the color of it, except he unfortunately got on a spree, then he would sow it broad- oast but that was only a biennial occur rence. A few evenings after the nominations a bove noted, a knot of the dissatisfied and disaffected were congregated at the Black Horse Tavern, discussing the merits and de merits of the fortunate candidates. 'Geaileuaen,' said old Zim, 'merit and long service to the party is no recommenda tion in this country. Tbe wire-workers and schemers have it all their own way. 'Aye,' responded one of the bar room loafers, 'they does the pickin' out, and they expects us to do the wotin'.' 'But, gentlemen,' continued Zim, 'they will fetch up against a snag or a aawyer one of these days. Yes, gentlemen, by the eternal, I'll upset their apple cart and spill their peaches. I'll see w hetber it's the peo ple, or a set of broken down political hacks as makes the county nominations. By Ju das, I'll break down the system. I'll run as a volunteer candidate for sheriff, and if I don't lay 'em out, then my name ain't Zimmeiman, that's alL' This determination was received with favor by the crowd, and Zim sealed by sending a 'half for red eve. Full soon he wosln the field, announced through a oard in both papers to hit fellow citizens, pledging himself to discharge the duties of the office with impartiality CAM ki VMt tltCltd. Right lustily did old Zim go to work, and things appeared to go on swimmingly. He canvassed the county, and the people were profuse in their promises of doing their best for him. In one of hia peregrin ations he met Wattles, the nominee of Zim's party, who wet alto on an electioneering tour. Ha, Wattles,' said be, 'my fine fellow, I'm sorry to see you allow yourself to be the tool of the unholy and corrupt cabal , I aay I am tony to aee you sacrificed, but vour'e botmd to be beau I'll show them that tha freeman of this county will not bear diotation. ao, my friend, if you wish to save I 1 ajataaii Aha aiagrace oi a defeat, you had better reeixn ia my uvor. in m at (AVnV T Wattles expressed hia conviction that he should feel very much used up in such an event but at tha aame time he had made un hia mind to aland tbe baiard of tha die. Election day at length cams, and my worthy (Hand, armed with a hai fjU of tick, eta, stationed himself oa tha ground of hia own preoinot, and coamancea dialing out bis ticket, and urging nil ouuna in ma atrontfait kind of a wsv t miser aa ha waa ha made hia friendi twlm la Monongahela long before the polla wart oloaai' - Tha aliotion over, evening cams on apace and tha eager axpaotanui gtthartd la tha barrooms to await tha counting of tha votes, and tha reiurna to coma tn from tha different townahipa. Old Zim .waa flour ishing about, treating tha crowd, expressing hia full confidence la the people,- and tha euooeaa "f hia afforta Ho trtak down tha ayatam. '' Saatad la a tamota corner war a number of wage, la low but earnest conversation, and any one who might have . chanced to aaa thata would at onca have' concluded that aomathtng waa to follow.- -' Tha eon lultationiooa broke up, tnddhi (lot biaa in about fifteen minutea to develope itself. The clatter of horse's boofs were he4d on the frozen ground a solitary borsjiman rode up to the door, and hinging the reins over a post, rushed into ths bur-room, where he waa soon raised on a table and slence commanded. 'Here paid he", drawing a slip of taper from bis pocket, 'are tne returns JromLow- er Buffalo township Wattles fiO, . Tfbbett 40, Zimmerman lot; I majority lor Zim merman. 110 p. . . .,' , : 'Nine cheers for Old Zim.' ; 'Hurra i hurra I hurra I' -r 'Gentlemen,' said old Zim. taking Off his hat 'I'm obliged to you for this expression of your that is tO say, let US take a horn lui ,umidity of the atmoapher destroys the beauty of round P ' ' j white lead, but cannot effect a change in thle indoa- 'ZTZZ. "' .. ' , ' ' i'i:Jfrii,!ilblii Paint. Roofs of buikiinK coated with it course tne crpwa ncquiescea in proposition, and the Welkin rang with leud Thuzzaa. But hark I acarcely 4iad the a-1 . . i. L get Crowd imbibed befora another hO86' man came p-alloping Up tO the inn. ', for Zimmerman O ' w - Nine cheers for Old Zim?' Hip. hip, hurrah 1' . ',' ' Again did old Zim attempt to speak, but his feelings overcame him and be Wided by inviting the entire company w juat cajl tofwhat tney wanted. Again the glasses jingled as the excited multitude wedded themselves towards the bar and again was heard the clatter of a horse's hoof 'Dublin township, one hundred and thir ty majority for Zimmerman r 'Fine cheers for old Zim !' 'Hip, hip. hurrah 1' Tbe excited candidate was wild with joy and excitement, and he again lsvned the party up to drink. Another horseman came ; another, and siill another, each one bringing un over whelming majority for old Zun from the township he represented. Alas! that it should be the same horse, who performed the feat of a quarter race every nour that night, and t nt it should be the stme mad wag under various disguises that orougnt old Zim the glorious news. Thi column, as it fooled up, gave Zim a cool thousand minority. Didn't he rave and pitch ? Well he did I Didn't he spend a cool thirty r the landlords till groaned under the weight of old Zim's depositee Gentlemen.' said old Zim, 'ray heart is full (his head wasn't anvihing else,) and 1 can only say that the glory of this contest belopgstoyou; but I feel a (brick in my hat said a wag,) pride that I have been the humble instrument in breaking down the system." Nine cheers.J I hus malten progressed until those who were completely 'sowed up' were laid out. and the remainder found their way home ; J some charitable friends of the Sheriff elect j loung him on a shutter to his domicil. Early in the morning, the village wags, with throbbing temples, met al the tavern to take Ma hair from the dog that bit mem." as well as to laugh ove tbe "saw" played on old Zim ; but scarcely had they com menced worship before in stalks the old gentleman, still under the delusion ihtti be had carried the day nay, more, he insisted on spending a. V, by way of a morning whet. The wgs were dtermind to keep it up as long as possible, and again drank and congratulated htm on bis sue cess. In the midst of the '-noise and con fusion," in bounded an inky printer's devil, whodeposied an extra on the table, con taining tbe returns- Eagerly did old Zim seize it, and lower over it but a mi'iuie. The conclusion of it is all sufficient for the reader. It read as follows: w By the above it will be seen ihui be mocracy has again triumphed, as Wattles' (Dem) majority over Tibbits (Whig) is one hundied and titty, .immerman volunteer. had three voles in Beegutn, two in Dublin, one in Lower Buffalo, aid one in this borough, (supposed to be cast by MmttlJ.) rooking & total of seven votes" The extra dropped from Zim's nana ; he raised up his hands, moved towards the door, then looking around full al the gaping crowd, he said leisurely "Gentloraan, you m.y all gU A l!" and rushing from the bar room, he was never again heard of in Bugtbury. M1SSIS3PPI. The following ia an extract from a let ter dated "Jackson (Miss ) Jan. $6, 1850. " Tbe report of the Committee on State and Federal Relations la now before the Senate, ie which it ia recommended to place Two Hwtdrtd tni Fifty Thottand uouart at tne disposal or the Governor to be la ha useu lum -Mi her reserved righu in the North and the oouta on tne great alavery question, A very animated discussion in now going on ia tha Senate oa tha adoption of the rtnort. and X am plaaied to tea that it doea not assumed a party east. Judge Quion. one of tha moat prominent whlga in tha State, la tha author of the report. Miistisppi was tha first 8tate to move tn'mam on th!i rraat Quisuon, and aiihouch I sincerely hope, as a lover of our glorious Union, It may not ba nicaaaary for tha Governor to use the amount proposed to be placed at hia diipoaaL yet I am of opinion that wa should as an earnest of what we have here tofora declared, hold ourselves in rsadineia to meet "any emergency." TALLOW W1NTED. PFLT to : WM. K. &A&A1I Asat. V FRES3 FLOUR 1 ( llLI.aftsirasr.ns Canal, I LI I half a M M M tee" 010. H. KILLBrS. LIUE! UmU HUE! II rjfBBLa. LlncolnvUIe Whlta Lampi Also H)JJ ealolnod Plotr, Plaiiering Hair, and Fir Brick, Hydraull Comnt 1000 bbls. Lime fMforsataby ; a4a.BiW00D; Contractors and Bulhtort. 4 Dm. 22, 1849.- , ,, , 119. BLAKE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE FIRE ' PROOF PATENT .JPAINIV 1 hereby sivs notice, that I have ben appointed Agent. l.r the sal of tha ao? singular and tru ly valuable aubataneo. It can b epplfad by any per ton that can see a brush and soon, bf esposura io thatinophara, forms a complete coating or alata or ttone. Ita adhesive properties arc so great that It never crock or ecalMorriom tbe woud. It is 1 . I . . .ll..kl. I.. AA.lll.MM "Hill... A itim i ;re pire proof , , hot been used on Stcamboata and ! aailrood Care with tuccetaj it i much cheaper than . unnad ni"!;,! 1000 auoernoial wet. , Wnoieai centa per id., at reWi 5 Cenw 1 it can ba procured at retail at the mora of U, S. DKJVElt and In banela,ol me, at W. A. 3WYBK. Oaneral Agent Forwarding and Comaiiaaion Merchant. Wllmingioo, N C. Oct. 23. 93 CROCKERY AND CUTLERY. A FULL aasurtmeDt. For eats by GfcO. ELLIOT. , Dec. 0. 112-31. FRUIT TREES ON HAND. NOW it the lim j to grow fine Oicharde, an we hare a fine aeaorlmunt ol Trees ef choicest Fruit. For said bv J. WILKINSON & Co. Jan. 19, A. and J. copy. 139 POP! PORK!! BBLS. New York City Mm i " Prime. Just recuired, and for aala by WM. ISTiFF. Dec. 29. Ul LIFE INSURANCE, THIS MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSU RANCE, continue to teko itialct oa Liver on fair farm t. SURPLUS OVER 800,000. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Airenr. saenr. 9 J if. Oct 23d. MOLASSES. I QH HHDS. Prime nnwCrop, I Ols Alao. 30 tiercel MoUssa, now landing, and foraale by J. HATHA WAV 3t SON. Jan. 1. Vti HOOP IRON. A FULL aaiortmentof tha beat bmnda. For anle by J R. BLO.is.OM. Oct. 20. y i-tf. FOR SALE. 6,000 KUSHEL3 Rough RU-a. D. U. BAKKR. 121-il. Jan. 6. TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH!!! (Utantd, Plugged, Jtegulated, Extracted, and In $ertcd un Hitot and GofU flat by J. B. KHX, Deiitlal. AThiaoperalfng Room, Raat of Carolina Hole Corner of So. ond and Market alreeu, wlu he invites all who tue decuyed T tth, scurvy, offen bive breath, odontalgia, or any of the catalogue of troubl' a, which the organs of maalicalion are heir to. All upcrationa vr.irrumed to give ealiaficttun, or the ni'iney will be returned. Nov C. W lye GUNNY BAGS. TWO bushel prime Ounny Hags. For sale tv 1000 LKIGHTON. CH ADBOURN A Co. 112 Jiin. 1. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. :; II. 8. Kl.l.LY U.AV1.NG difoiinecied hlma. lf from V, R. Pis tun, would inlonu hia friendi and Ilia .utlK- lit grnecil, ;ual lie haa taken the eloK on Krotit ain i i Sdoorafruin Market airael, luiinadiutcly uioalii' Dr. BauAMT'a office, wi.eru lieia prepared to curry oa the TAILORING BUSINIiSS, Iu all ita tranche. Boiou In poaaeaaion of tiu lutMt Faahlooa, ha will out and make iranihru n a tiort i at tha ahortaat noilo,ln aiylaol woikmam-iiip and naatnassoffllBot to ba aurpawad by any In the State i end he bopee W merit a contiouiir.ee ot tu patrooaia of htaiormercuatoiueraand the puMic, Oct. 0 WJ. - PORK. 1 i v BBLS. toft Maa Pork. 1U City do. do. Forealah" uaaossK r a uko Not. 4. COTTON YARN. 0 LBiauTUM,caADUoCiius;a f nit re mmiiUm ivr h v bo. in JUL. , FOR SALE i I rn WOhoalradbrjIa. PlanUnf Potatoes, note Ian. .uaaii. ttiftifroin BrtLlramMtjL '-Jan. sT ROSIN AND TAR. l XXJ B La) .Tar end 1000 harrtJe eatamoa nvaiai iwr mm ay. , . JIAiUtV, staTA NT a ADAM I. ivy1' u.ut. Dactt. CUT NAILS. 1 fll "a Ut Nells, a.irt4 alsa. for sale JL JJtj AilUSKVON A LATIMKlt. Fb.l, nr. ft Ct LB, Whl1 Leid Mis by OaUyU WM, nVf. Nov. 17. 104 PLANTINQ POTATOES. BULK, Irish planting Potatoes, s haodiore rUule,Jst rtoalwd and fur aala b) . J. Hatha wav a b.in. 5C Jaa.a ' ui GLUE. CI ERM AN and Amerteaa Olae, el arlffle asaUty HforDlaUIUrs. ferula by - Dt&OaSXT 4 fiROWN. Jan. S. TUEMOBTn CAROLINA ItUTUAIy life iimiMi mm. q :v & BALEIQII, N. C. .y-C- TUB soots Company has been In operation sine tha latol April laaL under ih diractioa of the following Offiawa, ls ; , , .. ... .-IH. Cbaa. B. Johnaoa, Kraalijent, ' . ,, ". - 4 Was. D. Huywood, Vioa Praaidcnt, , . , ?ttnv t, Jardao. Bacretarjr," t r 4-f i- -fV Wm.H. mae. Treamirert .1" !v: 'S Porrio floabee, Attorney, . . , ,j '. J. Uaraman, Oen'l Agent, . Thla Company bss lecaired a charter giving advantugie to tha Inaurad ovar any other Com pany. i'he 6th Section glvce tha Huahund the privilege to Inaura bis own ilia for (ha sola uae of hia VVUa and Children,,rM front aoy claims of tha rep resentative of tha httaband or any of hia eradii ora. ..'.. iri 'N;.. ' . Organlied on purely mutual prioclplea, tha Ufa member participate in lha vhoU of tha profit Which are dcolared annually. Beeldea, tha appli cant for Ufa, when tha annual premium lr over Q 'it may pay one half in a Note, v ' ' . All claitnefor insurance aralnat the Company will be paid within ninety days after proof of tha death of the party ia furnished. Slnvea are inaurad for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholder to eucuru thla claaa of property against the uncertainty of life. Slave, tasurxnefl preaenta a new and interesting feature in the hlttory of North Carolina, which wiU prove vary Important to the Southern Statea. Thaiaat four month operation of thla Company ahoa very large amount of business more than the Director expected to do tha first year having aire ady iaaued mora than 200 Policies. 7 , All Communication on business of the Company should be aodreased to JAS. F JORDAN, Secretary. V Raleigh , Auguat29, 1649. 74-U. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK Manufactory g rpHE auba rtber respectfully inlonu the public X that hu hue recently received large auditions to hi aiock of Saddle and Harmaa u.oui.uiija, c, the luteal and inuat improvtd atylv, and iaconaiam ly manufacturing, at hia atort un Aiik 1 atift lot niorly occupied by GuyC. Uotchkiaa, every dcacrlp tlon of article in the above line. Flow Ilia Uptll ence in the bualnaaa, he reoUuonfidmi that ha will ba able to give entireaatiaiaction to hia cuetoutera, and all other who may favor him with a call Ua haa now on hand, and will conetamiy keep, a large aadortnieoioi Coach. CIc. and id T mm Brldlea, Whips, Sulky llarueas t Ladv'a Waddlea Ullt c.; VrOlltlCOlCU JLDSaddlee, Brldlea, Whine, suura.oic. Ac. all of which he will warrant to be of tht beat materi al und workmanship. He ha alto a laige aort- meni ui Trunks, Valtaca, Maddla and Carpel Data. Katchola, laticy Truuka. Ac. and all oiher article usually kept in auvh tobllah nicnia.nllof w.iivh lieoti'urklow fur CASH, or on SHoar casotr to prompt customer. saddle, tiurne, 1 runka, Medical Baga, cVc. 4c made to order. Kenairllir of al kinds donn lih n.lr... nH despatch. Old Saddles and Hurnesa taken in part pay for new. JOHN J. CONOLKY. N. B. All account eta ding on my book over sixmontha, will be charged with interest. All per sons inaeoteo to tne subscriber for last year will please call and aettlo, aa by doing liny may pre vent what would be disagreeable to the... and un pleasant to him. as persons oineti me liuvr lodo un pleasant thing in cif defence. J J C March 13, 1849. v 153.C DRIED APPLES. I ( BKLS. Foraafoby J U WM. Nmv Dec. 22. 119 BILLS OF LADING, &c. IOLJO POST BILLS UK LAU1NO bound in Books, and ahec'ts, also Letter Sneeta with a variuiy ul iiiurcjnlilo blank, lor ule ut The Coin menial Office. FOR RENT. iMit: Wlurf, Vord nni Wnre U u-e at prcsmt ji.'cii,ihJ by tin Morclt'tnts Stenni Bnai Coin p iny. Possession plvcn on ili fiit of O. lob. r next Apply to JAMES JINKIN-S ul Kiycllevillu S'-pt. II. ;s DEKDS FOR SALE. i7rnntefl.'.l, m'l l)'e I for .MotiyMgi .' Inn. I. V jiiii prinlud, in correct lorm and lor uli al l lie Cumm.rctal ( Office. REMOVAL. R. KOrtD ha removed hi Mxana Vabd to O. Dok attest, 2d door from Wni. iNefPa, Aug. itt. 04-U. LIME. fin CASKS, for sala Irons Store, apply te OUU RUSSELL & KENv&ICK. Nov. 27. 103 COTTON YARN. ; c BALES Cotton Yarn, ieeorted lia. Foraalsby tl t UAToAWAT eun. Dre. 1, 110. SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASKS. SpnoKnioA aiaMiaiCarrjMitlnf Caaka, svara. glng ovar 40 gaUoo. and haavify be4 wlta, the kaat Iron, made sod for sals b; JOS. tt, BLOSSOM. aatsoT Jaa. 14,1550. 129-if. -' :' LIXCOLNVILLE LIME. 600 WffH$if Jsa.lt. -. A.iaaJ.eopy, , t J0 STOP YOUR MULES II CHEAT TIUUILATIO A HO.t 0 TUB: DUTCH AND JEWS, tey ,,0N WATER STREET. V .y CIIRAFC3T plsoe In WUmlaitoa te buy Dry GrcfdMnd Ihooetet 10 pr et. leaa than can be had Stan? New York Branch House, A sail la all that is ntceaMry, to convince those wlahlng te purchase at ths Corner Stere, iNait'e Building, one Door above Hall dk Arinitroni'i eld Biand. - ' - OKOROt ILLIOT. DH.6. . i UMl, GOSHEN BUTTER. Aoooq aruota in ar, nr sale av ANDSRSON da LATXMKR. Fib I ur. AOVY ON HAND AT THE OLD NORTII STATES - avl 4B "A a . a a "' WW. r. - r . . The Lajxest AssoTtmetit of Snperlof rReadyMadeClo If IlTSTATFS tifTAfiir vJLM'.n,hlo1'?1 DreM mad Ft0 toata. Satltv ,KiUtUcJe w' c?" Pibr atteniton-aa ui L .e V',rjrkeii1!f)4,tlB W-Steaf bealdear PlalB and fancy Silk, Caaslmara. Alao Marine, "Tasianna, Bombasine. 4e&o,an endless rli.t- Boy 1 and IfoathaClothlngAaaMrlment compfct; Our Pania. To thisartlcia wa would ask partKuUr. attention, for who baa not had just cause to find fault' with bisTailor, on aocount of bad Biting Pant? Kor years did Scott, Keen A Co. try in vain to procdi ths Pattern that never fail I when at last they did. succeed snd now offer thai vary same to th Quota of Wilmington and vicinity, and guarantee thehandi aonleat fining Pants aver awM ia the "Old N. State. ' Hoaiery, Gloves, Cravnta, Storks. 8 uapendera. Sua' pond. Ends, Hdkfi., Silk Night Capa, Ga.te. Sha ker an I Merino Shirts and Drawers Being .In- the -monthly receipt of the New York snd Parian Paah iona, any Improvement In style Is adhered to In sir articka of wearing Apparel aold by Scott, Keen A Co. Paioca A Taaaia. Our Term are CASH, and In pricee challenge the world, In selling the aame qual ity of Gooda. VSmall Profita and Quick SaV a,' ahalL ba thaWfuaowraiMfi." SC01T, KEEN A CO Oct. SO w. - 99. r . 11 M iaVlllllSBaTBiaal !. L U DISTILLERY PROPERTY- FOR sale. 'PHE underalgned la desiroua of dlaposing of ttie A. Dlatillar PraiMriw l.bl.ir,.MiJi,. . Co. Tbara are 4 ail I la, aU in prft)ct running order, and averv thin In nt hnm ih.nh.nu. Jr wntly arranged. :Tha properly ha a front of 330 ft. on th iIm. Ml.k . -.- ce r. . . - . ......., tIUI v iimi w 11, uu racu aiae ( a con stant and full supply of fraah spring water running dlrectlv Into i),h mh., .nH iaa ......1:... r conducting the diaUllary busineea to tha greatest 11 !. aaiaonsnmeni may, with vary slight expense, be converted into an extensive tieuiwry ior wnicn. mere ia not a moro advantageous location in the United i tales. W llralngton, N. C, 8ept. 13, 1643. ifj-tf. LIGHT! LIMIT!! CONSUMERS of Plna Oil can ba furnlahed by toy man, every Tuesduy, Thursday snd Saturda); alao, at all tlmea al Iho MtoreaotS P. Pollay nd A. C Evans and Brother, Shaw's corner. A.B.YANBOKKELIN. Nov. 20. 105. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rPIIK underalgned have thla day formed a Copuri 1 ncuhip uudr tha Arm of ELLIS & KUSSELL. for the tranaaotlonof tha GENKKAL '.'OM MIS SION BUSINESS, and hop.., by atrlct attention, and prompinH 10 merits a)int of public patron age. LHAKLho 1). KI.I.IS UENRY P. ULSbKLl. IU it ian. 1, 1350. DOCTOR B. A. KENNEDY, DENTAL SCRUliON, Graduate of the Baltimore College of DENTAL SURGEONS, BROS leave to tender his proleslwnitl ervicas losclilaona ol V Uiiilniiiim nd pubhc aeneiallv. on lucuiinu him- dl la till place. He U prepared lo perform ull op eration in hi profepeion un the lateal and moat aj proved principles. Incorruptible Artificial Tr th li aarted oaitoid plate torn one lu aneniln- et. W lili upper aeta inmrtid n the Aimosphriic irt.urr iin ciple. HaVini! iimde an iiiiinovciiu ni In tliia 111 of inaurtlng tvelli, he ronfidmily rci mnme ndi- il n anaWurlng the purpum ni in.ittlt..iun Tln j imi 1 1 taken out and put back nt lenmin by the weon r I worn with comfort, and rannm It- di lined Ii. n I naiural teeth. Kxtracting, clenuing, and j. I n.. . 1 1 t Ac. dune nn svientiiic mim iple. All trpt i:,ii ; warruntcd to give aatiafm li.rii. ond ait t bi su: iuim i by uny up. rulo. In jhe Unit. d Slulvs. Irn-iiularltir in c.t.ldren' taulh corrven d l.idie uilunJcd n their rew lonit wlu n nci'i.vu ry- Oiriro fiinnerly occupied by Dorl. War'a. May 3 1949. ;'l 11 IIKANS AND PEAS. . MU.SIlKl.N Uhli Hwan &U0 bu.h. t ow W , H I til .11. 111 II liie eUIM lu nuiL ULI Jt MITOHKl.i. lib. ami lor nli' iy Dec itO SHIPPING AIM III. US. 1 OK SAi.E at Ih Cammtfcfaf (tftct, an ei 1 gnni edition of Shipping ArUotaM-mbiaeing nil the Taw of Cungrvaa rulativ te th MiRliunr Scrvlct. MACKEREL 1 1 BUCKETS suporlorNo. I Mackerel, put 1 JKJ up etpreealy lor family uw, iuat received endforaaleby KUSSELL dt KbNORlUK. Jan. 24. Ui LARD AND BACON. BBLS. ind half bbls. of btsl Lard, and at rnnU tMO lbs. of superior Hams. Sldsa and Bhoul d.ra, low for cash st UEO, H KELLRYS. Jan. SI. '35 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS AT THI) PLACE ARRIVALS. The mall from ths Nwrth, by Railroad, arrives dak Ths mslf frornth South, by Staamar from Charlas TOKiu Wsraew .. du. . spea ths arrival ef tbe oara, on Monday sl Wadnas hs'MsUftomVaysttevUle, vis EJIssbathtowt kt Solkay. I du onrtutadaya, Thursday a, and Sat urdays. al A. U. ,. TBS nail irom unatow voun noma, oy ui7. itt en Mondays, at k P. M. . , 11 .11 auw uu. niiaMl. via Lona Crk, by 8ulky, Is tfus on Thursdays, at B P. M.. . CLOSINQ AND DCPARTUREi. : Thamall fbr ths North, ly Railroad, oloidall) Ths maU Write loatMy Stssmboat, aloaaadally MThaILBl. Ibr' i,y,nrL:r"7o en Tusidaye, Thursdays, end ifj I The Mall for niWW":: Vy Solkay, ei MS en Tosaaaj., -...(T Mfi.CoertneeM.bys.lk.y eln. n7Li!Maf illat. lrmer Tbndye. at f(M.;;. .k. ia... 11 iBHtSf BIO? tBI tlttlS ' etoamg 'n n..u.