depression In tho matkct.foi ttmcy stocks. The money murkcl exhjblte ho change Exchange on London quiet no change to notice. , The transactions In flour have bocn only to a moderate extent. " The demand is mostly fur the west odA horns ue i no shipping Inquiry. The suits reach only 3,500 Ibis., st 4,87 a $5 for common Western nnd State brands j prime Genesee 45,30; Southern is dull small sales of Baltimore at 85, and Gcoe town and Petersburg 5,12i a S3, 1 -3 ; Cam Jinn 4.81 a f 4,f 7. Rye flour ti, and cum meal 2,87 per bbl. Corn is ateady nnd active. The jnlcs titnou nt to CO. COO bushels, at 57 a 58 cents for mixed and yellow. Oats 35 u 40 cents. (Sales of lye at 60 tents. Nothing new to noiiee in provisions. There lias been an improvement in rice, with an Active business. Tlie gales to-day amount to 710 bids, at 3 to 3 5-16 cents per lb. for Carolina. The eolton market is steady at 3 a I cent per lb., decline since the arrival of the Mcamnr. S alt s lo tluy of 1500 bull p of middling upland for export at 12, cents, for uplands VS and Orleans l'.i q 13J cts. 1 cr lb. Tito market closed rather in favor ot'liol lli is. Naval stores continue in good demand. Crude Tnrpintine $2 75 pet tarul, and tulcs ol nirit.s ut S3 a :i 4 urns per gallon. Mil LADELr 11 J A MA It K ET. Feb. 27. Wo hare a delightful day-tlio weather warn) and spring like. The stork market in linn, and government seeuri lirs have uili iineed. I'cniisy Ivunia 5's !)UJ. No thing new to notice intho money market. Flour quiet sales otO'i barrels at 5,75 n c5 i I for ctilifiicti ot.d choice brunt!., l!c Flour tin i iinngcd-not Much in niji.n.i. Small fairs of Corn Meal at 2,05 u S2,63. TI.e tupply of grinn is nit I iri;e. Sali s of red Wheat to tlio amuunl of'.'UUll bm-hds, at 1,01 a SEOle white do. 1,12 a Si 13. I 'orn is sleaily -Mill :i of ') cetitfi for yellow ; liiie and O ils .ii a Ij.'i cents. Rye 01 a 5,00, bushels at 54 a ini.icd 52 a 53 cents. (;4 Cents ier bushel. Provisions sdeady- sales of Mess Pork at 11 u $11,-l'-i ; I'liuie liiichaiiyi d. I.ard in bauilOi ccntx, ! i;s 7 ci nls. tiroci ties ate steady. Cofli held liinily, but no snh s. Kii e ol, a 3 'J l(i i ruts ci ll. Nilgais raime lii'in lo i"l lor Oiliiiim, i s luipialily i7J cents per guilon for Oil- ans. Tho Tobacco tnaiKetis linn. Wool is in steady request, w idi sales of w :.bln J at 30 to '16 cents per lh., iih in ipi ihtv. Cotton still reioains quiet- s des of 2l)(l halt s at J ii 3 ei nls declining sinn the news. N hitky is quiet - talis at U4 a 'J5 rents per gal lon. Naval Sloirs. Small sales Spirits Turpi mine are making at 35 els. no other reports. Tliero is no change lo notice in ntl'.i r artiehs usually spoken of in the iii uliet. FOitEION MARKET. it, Feb. H. The salis of Turpi niine since the '..'olh lilt, reach '2,(10 Idds. at 7s Cd p, i cwt, w ith little remaining in fust hands. A lew retail sales of Rosin havo been madu at 3s 4d a 3 5 I jirr evtt. Kirc. 100 tierces Carolina have been sold at 19s fid a 'ZOi. East India descriptions are dull of sale. We quote Bengal white. 9 a I la 6d , Cargu 7 G a Bs J ; M i Iras 7 G a 3s Gd ; Java 7 a l2i Gd. nAI.TIMORE MARKET. Feb. 27. Tho flour market to-day 'fs Very quiet. No sales. Nothing doing in wheat. Small solus of corn at 47a 46 cents, for white, '.and 43 a 49 for yellow ; whiskey 2.'J cents. Stocks more active. Sales of 3,000 U. S. G's of 1867. at U2-and advance j also 5 000 Md. G's at 10'2 a 102 ; sales 1GC tlurcs llultiinore and Ohio Railroad at 511 a 54). RAEEHHI MARK It T. Feb. 27. llaron Hams, 7a7J cts. Sides and Shoulders 7. Co:ion 12 ct. Com oU cts. Meal 15 a 50 cts. per bushel. Flour SoJ a So. Feaihers 2a a 30. Hides, green 4 do. dry 8 a 10 cts. Oats 30 cts. Wheat 80. Fodder 73 ii 80 Hutlrr 13 a '.'0. Salt, Liverpool sack $2 a 2 10, do. Hi own S2.-I0 a '.'. .r)0. Coflee, Rio, 17 Cts. do. Lagnira 20, do. Java 1 ;. .Sugar, 8 a Id Molasses, 33 a 40 cts. per (,'allon Iron, -Cwcaes, 6 cts., do extra sizeg 7, Knglish do. 5. Whiskey, 'H a 40 cts. Uramly, "3 to $1 per gal. COLE MB I A MARKET. j Feb 25. Thla mornini; we received the Livi rpoo j '' S -advices by the America to the 9th inst., but ns the,,.) 'do' news aha brirgs did not nim-i tint expectations of buvers out market under their inlluenre open' d dull anil languid, and nt the close of bu- iness il w as found prices had receded J a c. on rates current nt the close of last week. 104 bales Were sold ul 10 a l'J cunts. CHARLESTON MARKET. Feb. 28. Cotton-There was but a very moderate d.-mand yesterday for the article, and the operation-i confined to a few buyers and one house only ; the ale comisliiig of 411 bales at I1J, and 279 bales at 12 ; a dcthiiu of a cent on Saturday's prices. NEW ORLE A N S M A RKE T. Feb. 2S. Tho salea of Cotton yesterday amount ed to but barely 600 bales. Dcalcis wcrodisappoint ed in not receiving the occounts hy the America. Tho receipts ire 1 10,000 bales behind those at the one time Inst rear. CHINA, GLASS AND ElRTIINWARi:. Ppr 20 PACKAGES, ju received and opened, MK which makes my assottment complutii. 3siff ALEX. MacKAK. Ja. ruu. 25. lib. FRESH FAYETTE ILLE I LOI R. Ql RULS.of McMilla nnd other brands ; VJ1 6 half bbis. of McAlilla up nil brut brand Ali low lor csn,'t tiKO. H F eb. 28. L'hron. Jour. and T. Kl.LK VS. lib SEAMEN'S CLOTflINi n I H),. lit lie firm rants; )Q ' "denim do. 6 " Raw ns Duck do. 3 " it tfd twilled Flannel Drawers 6 "Hhirni :i " Blue " " do. 12 " striped Colten do. assorted j 2 Heavy gurnaey Frecksi U "Jumpttra '"' ' " Hogtb Waators j 2'J " Oil Clolhlnif, assorted iiies an u Paitcrnit Sb,atbs, Belts, Palms, Knives &.C'. dte. (or N bv HOWARD A PEDEN. FuU2d. . t M7. FOR SAX FRANCISCO. TIIK fine fast sailing, newly Coppered and Copper faa'ened A. 1. tfrig MURK A, Wiumm Mostun. Master, will sail about thoHiti of March. . ' ' " This vessel has excellent accommodations for twelve passengers, and otfersa rare opportunity fur persons wishing to visit the gold regions ol Califor nia, in a safe and expeditious manner. And no pains will be spared on the part of tho connnandvr to make (lie voyage agreeable und pleasant for the passengers. . ' For I'.i.-isngc only, apply to the Msster onboard, Ivint: lit MifHis. Woodier, Anderson A Co's. Su-aiu Saw' Alill, or to V Ii.LIAM NEFF. Corner Dock ui.d Water Street. Fcb.ifl. 1P50. UGtf. FOR CALIFORNIA. ,.-r-. TIIK A. 1. COI'PEREU and Copper fas JVT tened Hark "EM PRESS " C. C. Scott. Xz, ma.-ier, will sii about the 1st of March, fur Hi: III lieijihlui puisue, having tplendid Slute Room accommodations. Apply to GEO. W. DAVIS. Feb. 20. Mli. TO THE CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON. WE HAVE 30 very fine stall fed Heaves JT''ri;Ki on hw.d, nnd regular enonnc-mcnta to the 'fc Jr7 n 1 f t ! v of April, noil would liko to luinhh i. ii on.. us it'. Corned Beef, If they will furnish ki's. H e will have ihe Reef put up lit 81-3 einu ptr poiin I, and it' it should not denso after they try jl, they in ly return ii without oll'iincc l. F. MeKl.SNE f- CO. Feb. 23. Jour copy 3r. 1-17 ot. (JUTAR AND (til ITAR STRINGS, .1 EST un ii d and for sale at Mis. Whituker's Mu- I'iurio Mu.'i t : nitar. I: Feb. M. : uni! ins 1 1 l.i-1 1 1 it llnoks, lor Plane and AiilS. 11. W II I'I'A Kl .lt. i-i'i-lin p. RI-DMNIi STOCK, 1 EINC5 very desirous of reducing our Slock oil 13 Inn.l, previous to ree irin' our Spriny Sup- piles, we will ti il COAT, PVV'fS AM) V1TS, nt asi.iii.!iin!ly low tales for CASH. Call soon at i SCO IT, KEEN &. CMS j Nort:i Slate Ulolliing Depot . I Feb. 'A 1 17. Ti) RENT. a...T DWI'.I.I.IMi IIUL'SK, situ ill d mi the f-";?3 em ner of Ann and Seeund sheets. Apt I) ..e'l'itL i LEW A. 1 1 AIM'. I'll). .3. 1 l.-2aw. R.:.L ESTATE FOR SALE. t . I A 1'. 1. 1-'. beildii'L' Lot or Lots Ironliuq '.!!' U i t on Ot .itier ;:nd 90 leei on Kouiid.iiy M , S. i;. miner, apply in I AM F.I. FUR CCS, ) 'IIIOS. SA.ML' t.AL'si:, . C.VI.SE, r ( 'oininiili e. or Feh. );3 ii. IIOCSLS AND LOT FOR SALE. m 1 THE. ii'el' will lli.-l'O- e ui a leillse and h-i ii. Ti-.. is, I O'J yards lioin the Kail K,.ad. Ioiiiu liv oeeuiiled bv John Hulelu i. 'I'iii.i i-a ilHelliug liuiisc and store In-low -alo, two oiii r i n, all Iihiisi s. w ill) kitchens, Ac. II not M at private sale, it w ill be uth-red at nue liun on I'a - I : v of ni XI Count y Com t week, hi iiiL' I the '2ihol .Maieh. JOSEPH JEW Ell. Feb. VC. l l'i 7t. CIliARS. )") M. 1 1 VAN A CKiAllS, old and high fla fJ vuinl. Kir sale t'V A.NUERSON if- LATIMF.ll. Fell 0. 133. TRl'ST SALE. i f the piovislonaof a deed of tmsi sitbsciiiiors, by James McGaiy. a. r N puisi: :r,ei 1 in id io tho his late n si li ie-e, on Alssonboro' Hound, will be sold nt public Aurtion, on Saturdny tho twrntv- tMid d iv of Match ii, vt, the place on which In. ii si. I d. i o: t ioi:i;- aboi.t seventy -five acres of land, i w i; Ii all liie iiiiiuirti nances. Al.-o, a.'.ile hou-i hold and kitchen furniture and faiiiiin;.' un n.-ils, B head of Cattle, 23 Hogs, ' Mule, 2 Hois, s, 1 Cart, 1 Waggon, and Olio Buggy und h.irnSK. Snlt lo r minienee at 11 o'clock, A. M. Terms al Sale. JOHN MrKAE, 1 MJV . KIIUM.K )-Trustei h. i. McMillan, r JOHN D. LO E, J Wiliuiu-toii Fell. 23. l-Til). Mo SIGAKSISIGARS!! Cni'lii d S nroi r ; I do. Coll'eo Su 4) in i P.IW.I o " Clarified ;ir. P'or sale WJ1. NEFF low Fi b. i i; lAM N'TIN i: CANIM.HM.2.-i boxes l i V s,, by WM. NEFF. 117 Feb. J;!. PORK, PORK. New, .New York Cite Mens Poik ; do. do . do. do i i i mo do . or sale by M . NEFF. F'! -,J. U7. ARRIVALS OF NEW STOCK, AT TUB N.WOKK I", ;!MTIflll". HAlt 1 CIHM S ! :. 1.' BEKEAl'S, various patterns ; ti Cuuntini House l)i sks, low price ; Sni ill centre Tallies j M ill i my Washstands ; " Marble top ; Mahogany Sideboarda ; ' Seen turics ii Book case j 20 iloien Windsor Chaiis, cluap ; 1 ' double (,'otls ; M i pie and black W a Inn I I'a i lor Cliaii s ; Coiled Hair .Miiitiessis, Li l iUatny ; Cotton and Straw " Cheap; Boston Rockers ; ('all ond examine our stork, wo are determined to oiler inducements lo putchasus, superior to any Unit can boobluincd inany Southern market, (jooil workmanship, superb linlsh, and low puces does the business. II. A W A. (JW YE 11. Feb. 2ti. I lt. "potatoes, potatoes. 1 fV"i "I!ES. CanRO Irish Potatoes; 1 VJL" 15(1 " I'lantin' 10 (lulnlals cxtia Codfish. For sale st W M. NEFF'S. Feb. 2t5. I Hi. f)00 Feb. li.VLl.ONS piiui Kiruincd Winter Sperm Oil. Forsuluby WM. NEFF. - 157. TOBACCO. ,)f i BOXES. Tobacco, best quality, usual brand, wv; lor by HOWARD if PEDEN. Feb. 147 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AT the December Term of the Court of Pleas nnd (Quarter Sessions tor the Couniy of New Han over, ihe subse iber obtained Letters of Adminis traliort on the Estate ol liuore Sieinlers, deceased Allpeisoni ludebted lo said estate are requested to mnku payment to mo, lorthwilh, and all having claims iiguinst the sime, ai required to prem ni the n wuhln the time prescribed bv law, or tiny wid be hatrnl of recovery. li. rillliUF., Arlm r. De-. IJ. 117 lw- Jin. ' -. . TIIIRSTO.VS FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (Fotaiv Bt-fTfiroovei's) ' " '; 's Head of Light near niltlroore Street, BALTIMORE. :- Till' Increased psttcnageof 'hi ,irrj established atu! pnpuhir Hotel; under the management of Its present Proprietor, lias Inspired him with further energy nnd dctcrtuluatlcn, and no expense or atten tion ol h! or tint of rns Assistant will be spared, o maintain with tho pa Iron of the ' Fountain" th.- rcpttation it held all over the country, In its "pallidum tU)'1 of Jhtlylioorer'a ennductotship. To ineivdse its former attractions and comforts, ilurin the past season, the Hotel has un lerjjone ma ny changi s, the Proprietor having made heavy out- lays in introducing some ot tho bi-si and latent JiTi- pro vi incius whieii, logcllur will) its central poll-, j ilon, t .g located in the very hen it of the business Ipoiti.inut the city, and near, the centre of Haiti ! moie .S ii ret. ami will in a few minutes walk of nil the Depot and Steam limit Landings, it invites the McrclhDit. the i'armcr, the Artisan, as well as the .U.ui of J'!i.uurc to make the Fountain HoTr.t. his lionii ! nt in ; his sojourn in Baltimore. Till: 1,11)11' DliP.VKTMEXT, Coit iininir Private Parlors, Saloons, Reception Room i, y and ixlinsivu suits of Inite and ni y e'li imheis. titled up in a style and elegance that r.ii.noi i ni in yivi; saiit-fjction and comfort. Pirn r:n aic allaehed to the " hninUiin.'' who may he iceognied bv the liadgt-s on their Hals, ami arc always in uttcnihince at the ililieier.t I'epnts and Sti'ituiboat Landings, who will receive Chcek.-i. take ehuigcot ihe Hauautla ond oonv-v ii lolhe Hotel. pniNEAS THUltSTO.X, '. rirlur. Fi b. 23, 153. Il' A CARD. rPIIE nni'ersijrnrtl being enpatred 1 pm-iiion that I'lioijn hiaseivii eonnei'lion ith tho Cuesls ui' liie a and h in , . i .(IV II. ti tfts, oli'.os ii l"u rttn r iiv.lueenieiii to his friends and acquaintances of the "t'l.t .Nnrrd win n they viitt lial'.imoie. to iuo; nt ilie ' t un," where he assures th 'iii they wili Ik-rec nnd cnt -rtained in n manner thai shall s'lenc his acquaintance and srcuie for it Proprietor .ruy'l-wih and latronage. W. STKI.NCKU. I,i! t'f Wilmxu.'l ii. V. lien Feb. 23,1330. . FOR CALJIo.'iMA. n ii v. i fine Barque NANCV TP, ' iWfi $ 1 1111 iri.o, iiianU r. w ill sail lor an i 'm- i77a eisi ilioul the 2liih of M ne!i. Fur I'.. -ELLIS ,V It t'SSI'LL. .u. 22 Not lh Water St ie, apply to F. b. 23. 1- 30. 113. BACON! BACON! ! Western Sides, for sale low bv ELLIS if- RI SSELI. IIHUS ' Feb.. FOR iNEW V0RK. DF.siwTcn i.ixs:. THE V.V Kl.T I'.IIJt; I)A II) I I" FELL. John Phi-ckb, ii a -r-r. will h , ipueli de quit lo i'ii'. For li.'dn In i ! tii.c ii.i(i;is. ir fi i.ssage, apply I l FOR PHILADELPAIA. iii;iio's i,im:. THE Packet S,hr. IE WESCOTT. Fo V TF.B. master, will lie desnulclltil s above iSEa, For light freight or piiSMige, nppiy to GEO. HAtlULSS. Fch. 26. l lG-3t. ECIGS! EGGS!! 2QO DOZEN EGOS, just rec-ivid pi r n.i.v, am! warranteil 1'2J emu mriln zen. Korsilcliy CAIlllOLL A l EN.M'LL Feb. 2C. un. BAC0 AND LARD. 1 rVn E IIS. of mi j trior I la n.s 1 sA 'v take : and no inis- 1 I.UU0 iii" . Sides and Should) rs : i tioia ol line I, aid. All low lor ''.ash. nt GEO. H. KELLY'S. Feb. 2fi. Jour. I'hron. and T. 1IG. FRESil FLOUR. . uf F..tra brand ("anal : 10 BBL Low- lor ( '.isli Fi h. i. CEO. IE KELLF.Y'S. 31 NOTICE. ' I i II I', u n h i siunul, in the name and on behalf of In visum, No. i, ul the Sons uf Tem JL E.lav perance, will (jive St 45,00 lor tho best Original , Essay on the i ' ! l A its of Intemperance and liie IUincilj. This Essay must be w ritten by a North Carolinian j or n ri sidi nt in ihe State ; must not cxcceil thiity ! panes duodecimo, and must be forwarded free of eliai;;e, on or bi Imu the full of June next, to llev.,11. ! T. Ilellin. S. W . Wlii'.itu and C. C. : Esiiis., Kal, it'll, N. C, w ho have kindly consented to act as adjudicators. The manuscript must be d w nil a scab d letter contoining the ad iiresB ol tin wnuT. 1 he award u ill ha adjudged on the list day ul Ainsusl. C. P. JON F.S Feb. lo 141 2w-f. JlsT RECEIVED. Fie.-Ii Colw-rl (Oollard) Seed, for sale! A. C. EVANS i BilOTHEK. 141. 20 LBS bv Feb. :l. NEW LARD. O HUES. Jan. I. shim nor Now Lurd. Fi r sale bv HOWARD & FEUEN. Ml. DOMESTIC CiOODS. Z HALES 14 ShectinB ; J Cotton irn, approved numbers. At. 11. W. BROWN S. lll-lui. Feb. 11. ALE DOZ Pule Ale Pints. For sale by HOWARD A PEDEN. Feb. 19. A. & J. 141 WHISKEY, QTBBLS. N. O. Ilenilied Whiskey -VU 10 " Superior old Mononcahela do. 5 " Cider Brandy. For -ale hv HOWARD .( 'I'F.Dl Feb. IP. A.andJ, II! WHISKEY. BBLS. Whiskey. For sale by HOW ARD &. PEDEN. Feb. IL Jour, and Au. 1 11. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. AT the December Term, 1349, of the Conn Pleas and Quarter Sessions of New Hsnovcr I 'ounly, the subscribers duly qualified is Exceu'oi . lo the last Will and Testament of Sarah W illiford. leee.ised, and hereby notify all persons indctoed to aid rslato tocotnu forward and settle the s.nn without delay i and tho so having claims w ill preseni ihem, dulr attested, within the limo prescribed hy Law, or thii Noilce will be plead In bar of tin tr r covi-ry. P. W. FANNING. J. A. PARKER. ICiscutors Vii,iiin?t,)n, Jm :ith itjO ni it i tv TO FARMERS AND TUb'PDBLRV' . .: .L. TiAVID F. MeKINNE 4 CO., vyjMsi. XJ is- R VMXtt K u i,bu V"i 'c. Jw orlrruil (nlos sncelnl CnPAHTNEHMIIII1, f r'h nurtioMi of HutchiwiitL'.and tor no other purple whatever. Tnejr taue tnts op portunity to inform farmers generally, that they will pay cash for UmU awl, nan otkfr thry nr fully supplied nl pniM'tn, and would advise ihoss m ho wish to sell to Hum ; to eorr.municaie t y letter, br fjre they tirive their Slock to market. They Woul I further i iform thf riii.ns, that thuy have recently bjivht Mr. I' t iieay out, under a poulvu tisiu rnnee that we siiouM nive his eustoin and pvrun ffire. The An Ipst i iutiH, no. Feb. ?. r nd f'tirofticie will p'rars five (Id i u.d ; i. i ni tin ir tiill io Pavid F. Mi K in DAVID F. .MckEiN'.NE iV i O. 113-lui c. M1W DRl'U AND MKD1C1NK STORE. -, THE ru' seiKo i would respret- V"' - f.liiV r.i!l j tl Mtplllllill uf itii; ill- ' I hii! I'atif ol Vi i!n ti gton, nrnl ll;t rl1, sin: ontidiiia country, to histnu C.L. ami ran fully seleetut Slin k ol " 1W ''alnt"!."!!. rutty. If tiitr-. $Zi l'ar.ey ArtlcUs l.iCciit .1lci ' fci?i lelnrs, Ac., Ac: consUlint; in I if22wRS f" "'" l"ll"vvin''. I'elhcr I ill. a ;r. at many articles not usti- j ally kept in Dru;: Smn s i i 2 Csk? Epsom, .S.ih-i I'.uo ndoz. Hair Rrushea as- 1 1 ' Sup '.Curb- Soda ; ' sorted : ' J " CreamTartitr; faint I'.rui hes a larije n- I " I nrborSul. S sol tin lit ; Weil, Wa-h brush.. s ; :. frail Tool!', Nail nnd Fleiii III 'il,i H ; u -.!, t. Un) i" nm ; L. tehees pi il' ; I'liu -phoins -, r;,,., i,,iii; Aiuiiiuiii'i i Uiniiiiie, Fan's and Ko- s' liUMiicrrs ; Sul li..le .Morphine , Aei tali; ' Iodine ii-fliil'linied ; Iodide Potassium, Eng lish and Fie'.eh ; " Iron; " Lead; " Merrin y ; I Cask Cast. Oil : 12 bxs Enrns I'lisii i- ; 11 " India li uli In r " 12 " Falinestork Venui fuge ; 1 " Pecry s Dead Slnt H " (ifl. Coni'h l)iui li " Sands' j..(;ar,;i.i I " HrlMols' G " TownsenJs' " ii " Bulla' 4 ' (Sermnn Cologne ; I " French 4 Cs. Calabria I.ieoiiee ; Siiinge for Hui:rieal pur ; " coarse li.iha tea ; 0 d,,""n Cod . Oi V no,. Ks ions i t.'alonn I. English , i ' it late ol 1 1 on A. Cuini i,i ; , " " Soluble ; ) " Riclm 1 .que the hair ; '.' " Hardy's Elivir for ,'v. of ErRot ; ' Ncroli ; " CeJrut ,' Krrosote ; I gloss Si idlr!- l-i.'.vdi is; ' Soda .Mustard, Eniili.-h und A- iitrrican ; Pro. io t Vnlj Irun ; 230 lbs. .Spanish Brown dry ; 7n0 " "in oil H)') " pi'e Verdigris In oil 3'! " Chrome Crei n ' ' 10 ' Yillow 1 3 " Paris Grti n ; Patent Blvk : Dyspepsi i ; Lunar Caustn---;.irr ; Demrcotlzcd Opium ; Citric Acid ; I cs. Pul. Ilhuh.iib, Fast India ; " " Turkey ; Copalva Cupsulrs ; Pills Sijiinr 'onted ; Thompson's ICvc W ater ; ALSO. 3000 l,s. pr'e White Lead; '..'.rvill Ids exlia " '.' (KJ0 " No. 1 -jeO ' Venetian red in oil; .'00 diy ; Prussian Blue j 'I'm key Enilier ; 3.5 I'dloiis Linsiul Oii. Lamp Block ; .'. M I'll IN I: AX 1) i. HI'KMMCi I I, I II) best quality. Fuyt Itevillc i His terms are I' SII ; hut shirt indulgence will be always giauled when circuinslarccs jnftily. C. DuPRE. Druouist nnJ Pharmaceutist. W iiininj;ton, N.C., Jan. 31. i:r,. ! NOTICE. K B,,slielsR.illRodr!la.lenond Rorkv Oyl)V Point Coin ; i 1 .Ol0 bushels Cow and Black eye IV as ; I 500 " Se,.d Oats and Uyu ; 1 30 " White Ilrnns, I ALSO, I Buckwheat. l.cM C anal and FayclreTilte Floor r refli ground .Meal, iloniony, HorsoA, Cow Fie I and Hay. In store anil fur sale by ELLIS tf- MITCHELL Jan. 23. iNEW YORK Furniture Warehouse. Moui: n coons jvst fl SOFAS ; 4 Divans j '.' Mahueuny Hat Racks ; I Black Walnut dining Tulilis; fi Clirrry " 7 t;in ap Iturp.ius : - Black Walnut Crib- ; li doxi n Wood t hai i s ; 1- iliL'h Post Sucking Bedsteads; Iri " ' S;,, do. II '' " Coil ,l. &. . a. fin fi; Jan. 2i ii: TALLOW WANTED. I'PI.V i A Jan. WM. M. HARRIS A ' n1, n. SILT! SALT!! SALT!!! (inn HoslielsCnnmeSi. Matins SII.T tiU'vu daily cxpi peeled pel Si hr. I ..a in .. t ' nit , W . DA I v ll'i. und lor bv Nov. :,u (i PORT WINE. 10 BliLS. Port Wine, imported via New ,i;k. nnd new undi I Cisioni)lnirr lu f . ler snli low by UeKOSsET .f- BROWN. Feb. 1. SUNDRIES. RECEIVED per Mary Powell, 20 J boxes Roiains i lUa drums Fis ; 1 era to Onions; ft bbis. !!.-( in 5J " Flllloll inatllet Beef. CARROLL A FENNEL!.. Feb. 10. u FEATHERS back Countrv I-'e-iihrrs, for sale by JOHN C. LA I TA. 1 05. f)(X) LBS. miKWHEAT. I ( PACKAGES forsalflvt-rv low.ofbeatquaW l JJ tiy, by HOWARD dc PEDF.ft Jan I. 122. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! 'f i BL;i,lr-''S of superior aa It. from Cock- JVvV." bum Haroor. East Cuiros. in store, and (or saio by CEO. llAKKMS. Jan. I'J. Jl ST RECEIVED. l BBLS. pllt edge Plunting Potatoes, a superior A" nilicla for sale; 20 bbis Whiskey; 10 casks prima Retailing Cheese i-) boxes Spenn and Adani.intlne Candles. For sale by A LEX . M cll A E, Jr. I". b 'i. Journal il Clminli Ic copy, 137. BACON .& PORK. Ilhd Western Bsen 10 bbla.M era Pork, just 'ii teceitce', and for sale by M : BACON; & FORK!) Qr IIH0S. Western Sides j CO h0 bbis. rnest Votk, city Inepeetlon, for sale by ,- UEO. ll.UUU Feb. io. M3ir. M010RS L WINES. r)f P.r.LH. recilficd WMkeV i wU It " diirurstle Hrandy ; h Oill. .i a i el siott of fl u'nri m I Win"at. re mi!. CRRUI.E.t FI.NNEI.I. F.-t. )9. ' M3. A TWO MiS6tfJiE AND LOT FOR $600 IT'LL LOT. i i, nous dim lot, corner n nit i;rn .'(4 Filth atn-ets, may b had fur llio nbov.. M Mini, oy upplicstion to J.VME.1! F. McREE. It!. SIUIU'ERNONG WINE. .r BBLS. musnor Hcnppi ri.oiic Win. sileby ' ANUEllsu.N V LAI lilEil. f-ib.r). m. C U T10N $.0 REWAUl). WH F.REAN, Information has been received that, persons are hi the racite nf pnrcn-isinjf old lt.ii: iio-ul Ironfiom nefjroes and others riluiijjf the tim ol the ' ilniiiiiiloii .r. ft. II II. ro! i Tins U in five notice, 111 it no II" is nh irised to dUri.'se of i ii-tsiiiie, .n,d tb i! tin, so si Ihn z or puitliaoiiig M ; i oi -ii. j i ie . i.i lie- p n. i.i) o! Hie law. .i i.t v.-.ii.: ui j.iu hi !,c paid lor i -;err 'n.i wi'Hcad to i roiiucth n id anv pe(oo plrehasil ot m ...ii,; mi; : Inn AI.KX. M v.-ltAE. Pn ;,!int W . d R. IL Co. Fil..-;:. iv FOR NEW Y0RU. l '!.-- I . I I, ! I.I.N K. I I -, rj,III.P.ii ki Schr. THOMAS B.S ?' -L D .11, .-. M- .ni., Master, uid hav itt2feti spntrh for above por'. For li'.'ht (I'ESI'ATUi LINF..V SMITH. ' qiiii K In l-;til I,S..,"I 'I', Ml.l'ly IO li EO. llAllliLS.s. I eb '.'I. Ilj Jt M'IKIT BARRELS. 1 ( )l ( i sl co" ";i"d tpliit Barrels.of J V ) f pin,, e qiniiiy, (or sale by-4r DcKOSJKT& BROWN. Ei. -..-4v; ,;mi tr v MEAL CONSTANT Supply of fresh ground Corn CON in bns i, I boHhels enen, for sale t,y DeltOSSET A BROU N Fi !t. i ll-il. coffee. 20 n ViS Cull , for s-'h- by HO.VARfJ & PEDEN. 115. F. h. 2.1. Jl ST RECEIVED. QH '!Xi:S Oianins , l.ruioni ; 2U " Rahul. ; '.:D .I i ii in I i-.'K ; fi runes Aiu hovies ; fi doz. assorted Catsups ; 1U I.I.N. Apples; For sale ehiup. at F. M. PAOLI'S, Confeetionarv and Fruit Store, corner of Front St. nest door to Dr. Harris' office. Feb. 19. 143-fct. JLST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Sarsiparillo Cough Candy, thol will b found superior to nil the old Remedies for Colds, HoarseneiH, Soro Throat, and all otl'ec tions of Ihe Breusl, nt OF.O. M VERS'. A full assortment of Choi, and fresh, Orrueries may be found al the V holesale and Retail Family (Jrocery Store of CEO. .MYERS. At the lowest pric s for Cash. Feb f. 139. A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, WATCH AN I) CLOCK MAKER!, JKVi:i,l,EHM, &r. opposite tiik ciibo.nicle orricr, raotT STS FFT. VY'lLMINOTOV, N C. A. fi. R havin;just relumed from the North, v ith a new siocK of I'.liKrflit Jewc'ry, Watchi'x, Clncl.s, ,lii-.ieat lloxcs, I'latiit aim Mi rer Vure Resprctfully invite the Ludies and titnllemen of N ilinlngloii, an I country (;enerull', to cuiuninc our "lock before muking a purchase elsewhere, as we ll.iilei ourselve s thai we can sell goods at as low I i c'i's as any other cs'.iblis'imeni Bouth. This " in k is th! third oni we have received within the i I--I fiv months which i n pi nr,f that a quick sale a ml small profit, is the best and only way to secure tnc guod will und palrunaire of the ci'i2'.n. generally. N. B. Every description or utchi, v:i.cks, leit, dry. Musical Boxes, plated and Silver Ware, p r innlly ri paired, and in a workmanlike manner, not be surpassed by any other eklabluliiiienl, and warrant) d for one year. Feb. II. HE BACON. .i Cf LBS. Hams tides and Sin .Mi -vVjva; ko or sale by HOWARD .i. I'KDEN. A. und I. 'Hi Feb. 19 JIST RECEIVED. )C DO. Ames 4 Rowland'' 5h irtlsX Spades) iJ 6 '- Long handle febovelst 5 " 60 Garden KakcSf- . , - - Hots of various sizes and qualities. - : AUOU. 4 doscn Ladies Harden Hoes, with tncdlcated handles, wild to be a celebrated cure for Dyspepsia, and varions other complaints resaltlne from want of exorcise. It i l.i lu ved Uut if jmilclotis mo Is iniido of thi'in. lin y will also cuie et n Bie casta ofpoveily. For Kuie by ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Feb. 20. 140. FIR MIT RE MANUFACTORY. 'I'lll. iiicribir would rt-- 1 "in ctfiilly nnnounec to the riuj-nn of Vilmlni'ton, alidnr public eeneraKy. taut he has employed experienced workmen, lor the purpose of establishing a manu actory of Ca'uini l urniiure, in connection with his Furniture Warn Rooms, at the Rock Spring. All articles of Furniture made In the best style, repair ed In the neatest utanmr nt shortest notice-On the arrival of the Sehoonrr Charles Milla from New York, and Iiri. Emblem from Boston, will be re ceived si hW Warn Rooms j Sideboards, Bnreaue, Sofas, Centre, Tes, Card, and Orecion Work Te blee. Wtshsiands, French and other Ucdstrada, llahocanv Rock' rs snd .Nurae Chalra, eotu. Nurs Mspls and Blaik Walnut KocScrs, Office Dlnlnf, Windsor, and Children's Table Chairs, Looking OLisres Ac. , J. D. LOVK. At the Rock tprlog. N B. Well HFinnc Black Wilnul, Poplar Urd Cedar, Cliery anJ .Maple Loinber will te Uken lo ex-ll,mee foi F'.lllitUre. F-'i U3. I smi mtivs. - THE Subscriber iuilnjrM r-rtf r.ti satabii'diincrii eoinrr of is mat rrr's fc one Sonars above mnrhet Ut woald inform Mar Mrs of VtaseUiH uiis poitand lh prklUrgertarallr, he Intends keeplnj on hand a stoelt tt ilia bs ftBatll j ijf Scotch Kst y trwt CiMton IBCkj' wWtlr h riti Mil at Nw 'York tctH lca.''"" ' ".. AH work In bt ftn ion io lha tsusfse tlmi tl his employnn or no M?"fien rer,irtrrit. Cull utii iifi : Hsiinit icfolvja not to lor, but to woit.sud tr beennt M lodo Utt, r!Tet snd will fwhish -fslls ll kinds 12 per bolt, .lor making i'i4 lh atifl ( tie.-jolliwlnprie: : "-. ' ?1K -aO-v j fleoteh . fixrk, Nrt. 2t $1IJJ0 ft ; )U.OO CoMun Co. No- ?, 22 et. per oft tts, per y id i J wine 25 els. per lb., til tanftUraif liti the beat inaltty Whip Mastnf M CW"Hi.lrT respectfully invited toexnn.ii his tt'ifc , Am vork. Kcp"lrln(r done at tow (triers, (ot oh, A Journey ins n Xniimakr-r K;mtt,srid pifcetgUnr-ant-ied. 1 Please sddrt.ts th enbsrrltor bj teMr,i,4' .i P. H. 1 he gen h-wttn wiliWt a re, Mia wrofe toWrn. Harriss, Sallmainjr,.i)f yVasblnatorf, ft. C, thit iliere waa not work for one Lofi, in IV liming- i ton, 1 vary rei ecifuUf inforrrh d his Ictiar want std and Ind tlieiieslred crr that pi keeping out com peti'ion. : - ROBERT S. JIACOMRKlt; Dec. 4 ,. IH tL . NOTICE, JOFFF.a for sale my PInntntiort; Ifto-wn a West t 1 1 all, situated on Ihe North aide ot Ntwlrrn - Mnln Koadjnne mile and s half from the, own of Wtt- i" minton. Contnlnlng 1000 acres, ef -wftlcjk, abetl Tt'O are "leered and now ready for eulifvalion,; , ' ' Tliere la upon the plantation a bren4 tonvenient '. I wo Story Dwelling, with a Well of rirellent wa- i ier. ana a;i necrsjry ournouaea amr BiiVilf tnmw- u m ih'rr. y:-4&& . I lmv. tiki'Wlse nnmlir fri nt..intn4 tt.X'AfiAl. ' i :i,(, i ittn f'l infili.ininty ..l.njk ill,A.b jM.htAk' '. lit) or 10 are tlesrrd. Tl'.eie lands are Well timber i ed, and a portion of tin m of tho Hist qenllty tot if ' Tkultuial purpoi-cs ; tin y lUilve aiidluoi.aFfaltiu "' from Ih.Jr proximity to icmn, nnd thilr lelrfj; Inv, J mediately ndjaei nt to a bold Crerltj flmwliiiif ntf ;i Cape Fi ar. The place Is eU aehirrre to fhi cehj vation of Urrhard nud Vineyaids, ihe prodectt' itofT vegetables, making brick. Ac, br.d-w ope e?h V could devote lo tt his uttcpt lyn would te ineit prof. liable Ineesirnenf.. . -,",,' .),'' i 'V fr To any wiehint tpu?iiliie,f wBgfM nTHt."' For further pstticulnrf, apply rt; ( w tie Jan. 9. K"KS-if. "I" W''l-- JUST RECEIVED; ffo ; t;erther sripfirT of '-i' r :i) Oa lions Rir-hion, Clark Co'sT Cod Liver MW'M 1:1"Vf "-'V 6 do, bolths.tlo. - -f ;llf. pale jrmn itfr r :.-? 4 ; V' J polr VUdlcthe Saddle Bal(ry 4i erellv 1 i casa t,rearrriariar. jjIh ; 1 do Boll Sulphur."1" v1 .f i rtrr s lour do m ml '-i ! ' vi UavjiVV I J A hulfeasks Saltpetre. m lbs. Sal Eratus. n i i r . . - f... I- . i. f . A. v. tTAT3 BKOTHErf. Jan. I.'. lid JV TOBACCO vJ it K.'tnp's 8i Iytimp Tohace . i.T F?t 1 iv - .'I v ' O sale by Feb. 9. , I 1TIVM. K. V'-- a. - . t. - a ,r.. J ttiTtm-i. vtri & VlMin .0- itERFTIlK Fine and Cross, i-J safe by 4 - ANDERSON aUJTIMER; Feb. i. '.-J ,: IVIIXbe fires for the deUsery i fn Branswick in ihe jail f New Hs- oeer county of my ncr weman CA LISTER j i of mcdluirs statue, very bbiek-'e-imoleiion. neat a no tidy in het dress, snd modest In her feixr a I deportment she has been owned by OweHulins, II. Nutt, nnd Jumea F McRae of nlimlrtfrtoni she s probably lurking about Wilmington. Rocky Point oi Long Creek Bridge, where her fcswbaad irtea.- The law will be most rigidly enforced, afahwt any one known to harbour her. ,- ,L.' FRINC. Jan. 22. 181-tf.1 CANAL FLOIR.;- l do e; BBLS. Canal nnr. beat bra nda, for sale ANDERSON 4 137. Feb. . SUNDRIES. TI DD'T Sperm Candies; J 1 Hull's Tallow, do. Colonics Honp Olui;iihot; LoufiiUK'ir; Gunny llag. Ae. For sale hv ' ANDERSON A L ATI HEP. Feb. 5. , v lil,. NEW CROP CI BA MOUSSES. O (rf Hhda. New CXip Cuba-IInle--sfi snpoiloT' COJ article now bndlng frwrw Brlj tlnerSaefc For sale by HARRY, BKYAJST 4 AUMS1 Feb. 7. ' 13a BRICK k SPARS. .. , - ' ami a lot 1 K fVlHHARD Eastern Brick, 1 J,JVJt of Spruce f Spruce spars usl lecelved, fur UAKltY BRYANT A ADAMS. - ale by b. 19. - .c ,. LARD. ! 1 Q RBLS. Lsrd 1 "f 1 O 10 iCess do. tut I received per Hal Roatl, and hr sole bf .. A-NDEttSiON A LATlilElL, ' Feb IS . i HI. -'"-WAYNE COUNTY BACQ3X..4 ; 1 K LBS. Bacon from Wiyeie Coonly, ' 1 elVAU jiiet received and for tale in kite W ef suit purchaser i, by ' 'j.' ANDERSON rf-LATIMKR..r . Feb. 1. rnenrv ni rrrB uv.lllJiS uj a a sje. -. A FR1HE article, in kecsj-is reeeivel, lot Mle t n kecs, list rcceivea, toe eat i n itii Away m son. ."by Jan. 26. ' . ,t-l33.'V' : CORN . . v IN Store end for sale by ANDERSON' A LATUIER.-W Feb. S. 1 -'i31iv: mss pork?' 40 !f i BBLS. Meta Pork. Otir tnspeelion. W saf 1 be ANDERSOM A LATIMER., Feb. 5. .I3J 1 WniSHEY! WHISKEY f? r, 1 CT RBLS. "Okl Monenahe.a racHfle-l.eJaK lA Ir tirxcteU ta arrive per sehr. CoriDtniary from Bd.lmo.e. Ftsr Frb .19. wif.!i I ' Lr.j. ) i - - w - -'

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