SxiIK 'CQMM'BttCIALt-: sati;r1av,' march s, isso. from Ms LouUtUte Literary Mtntngtt tTHE FOREST MURDERER. ; A TALE OF INDIANA. I ' Tbs incidents which I am about lo relate re nut drawn frorn imagination, but fact., They form n net of (no never ending Jrnma of human villainy. . tThis is indeed a wild night,' said Chas. Gray to hi wifr, ns they sat before the blazing hearth ol an .Indian log cabin whilst the winds, wailetl around the roof andfvent sounding through the forest. 'Wilder than t ever knew,' observed his wife, -Charles how thankful we should bo to our Maker that he gives us this warm 6re and close cabin to protect us from the rude elements.' 'Thankful,' and Charles Gray assumed a scowl, which of itself spoken the demon ,; in his heart, 'lhankful,' wife you mock me. What is this cabin to the luxurious comfort of the town folks ,;jwhom we used to see m .New York, roIlmr through the streets in their cushioned carriages, or re clining on silk sofas and laughing at the rarged beggars that claimod their charily. Thankful!' Marv did not reply. She feared him l v hen in these moods, and was loojudi I ciom to lrnutc him even by word3, though ?:. . .II J".... l I . II i 11 oreauieu nuw n serapn luie, or syiiaoen ed by angel's hps, to ono whose soul has become absorbed in the unacquuiutcd love of wealth. Charles Gray was a native of New York, and hud been left a Ifandsome for- tune but promted oj avarice, and too impatient to continue in tho safe business which he begun, joined others of an equal ly rapacious disposition in speculation which at first proved promising, but cnthe- ly failed, and left many an ardent dreamer i ft ruined man. Charles in this mad rtf- fair had embarked his all. He was left wilhmit hoURA nr fl ienrls fur frioiulw nf nf. ten bound with golden chains alone. " Ho determined, with his wife, to emigrate to Indiana., fuT whose fertile soil, broad ' stream, genial cliunte a i l noble foa-ats o much was said. ,' With a biller spirit he bade farwell to 0me.and with a small amount of money, ' raised by the sale of bin wife's jewels, sought the almost untrodd en wilds of the west. With ft smalfr amount of cash, he J-purchased a few acres of ground on the )hi6 river, where the beautiful town of ? isnow standing. For a short pe riod he Inbofed ass duously on his small faun, and cheered by the smiles of a lovely and devoted wife, seemed' to forget his mis fortunes. A short time before our narra tive opened, Charles visited L: as a humj on a flat boat, tho only species of water craft then used to convey goods and produce down the river. Whilst he was there he met several of those .who had failed in the same speculation, which had ruined himself. But whilst he had re mained poor, they by some means had revived ; their fortunes and settled on the Ohjo, where they were carrying on a brisk business. Charles returned home an altered roan. For whole days he would sit idle and descontented. His sleep was dis turbed by dreams of gold ; in vain did the beautiful and uncomplaining wife endeav or to frighten the fiend from his bosom It was like one solitary star trying to dis sipate the darkness of the storm tossed ocean. Wilder yet rolled the storm through the cracking woods, and Charles wus still brooding over imaginary wrongs, when a 'hollo,' was heard outside the little en closure which surrounded the cabin Mary sprang to the door and after scru tinising the traveller, for such the intruder was, by the light of a bark torch which , she held over her head, invited him into i her rustic home. In a moment a gentleman of rather slight ta'.ure, bearing a portniantua ia his hand olered and gave the usual salutation. II tii i- --Sisry cancel lor tier liusbnml to attend the lriveJler,but neither by word or gesture did he exibit signs of having heard her, until the stranger's poitniuntiui touched the floor, spoke to his sordid soul of gold -The demon was aroused, but he woreasniil ing fuee. 'Welcome stranger, welcome,' exclaimed Grey in so hurried and strange a manner thdl the traveller started back a few paces in surprise, but quickly recovering himself, exchanged salutations and seated himself a rude chair, already placed for his con venience: before the tiro. ' Conversat'ou soon commenced, nor was H interrupted until the night had far ad Vaoced towards the dawn imree Som .-, ..MB VM AIOO. lift SHirf n nalieo ,f V..... Y' 1. , j and ffoia the neighborhood in which f'his. VGray Lad lived He informed f;ry i,t ,,e ..6ll his property at the tast and Kmigra y ted to 'ElDorrxlo,' to speculate in lands -vtaviog with him a large amount of money IPf-.thjui purpose. f AVhut they nil retired to rest The trav-'!!-to 'sleep Gray to brood over the wealth' of hi guest. What fearful thoughts pasted through the brain of the wretch, lhatalgbt Alow often did his eye wan! 'dirlo lk hunting knife. Once he was a bout Imving the Ud, when a light motion of hfiife-in her dumber deterred him from ht murderous intent Who but the ,T peocilof Ihetlernon could paint tho fears the hope4hi dark resolves ol the wretcli . 'M Graft while jlie, wearied guest slept but T 4 few pacet from him, in that peuco which .virtue and weariness alone can give. The morning came and glowin- from his ocean couch, arose the sun, gilding the distant bluffs -and surrounding forests with colors drawn alone from tho pallet of heav en. His beams shown down upon the cot tage yet unstained with blood, ami arous ed the sleepers. Did tbc evil spirit slum- uer in uray's bosom I he simple breakfast was soon over, and Somers asked Gray to set him on tho nearest way to M . With the uliiinJ- ness worthy the days when he stood a res pectable merchant behind a city desk, he informed Somers thai he would accompa ny him par' of his journey, and under pretence of killing some game, shouldered his rifle and led the way. For some time they walked together, whilst renewing boy hood remembrances remembrance which called to mind many a spot hallowed by childhood sports and parental affection. They had thus proceeded about three miles, and arriving among those beautiful bluffs on the Ohio, since rendered celebra ted by a deed which has given a name to a small crystal stream which dashed over a precipice some hundred feet deep. A bird swept over their heads, and wheeling on Us light wing, lighted on a bough, of n majestic oak which bears the name of many an ardent lover of nature. Gray asked the traveller to move o:i while he at tempted to bring down his game. Somer.s Complied, and unsuspecting left Gray he hind. A sharp rifle-crack ran through t lie woods and a shriek mingled with its echoes. The host was a murderer for mouev. Blood may be shed for revenge, and our sympathies may bo excited for tho assas sin. But who can (ind u chord in his heart from which pity may draw a note ol feel ing lor linn, who with blood stained fin gers holds the glittering coin before his eyes ? Gray soon disposed of ;hc body by hurl ing it over the precipice. As it went lum bering through the scrubble and jagged rocksihat lined the chasm he perhaps felt remorse but it was only for a moment. With eager hands he opened the portinan tau, and rolling out the shiningcpin upon the leaves for some minutes ho gloated over his wealth .; for the country wus nhnost un habitcd. and his demon spirit could rejoice over Ins riches undisturbed. hi returning home, lie deposited his ill gotton gold in the chest. I lis wife heard fhe ringing of the coin and her quick mind told her that Charles iray, her husband, j he in whom her heart had confided, Wis a murderer. .She fainted. This wretch hec- clcd her not, but gloomily seated himself before the lire. From the floor on which she had fallen, Mary rose an altered wo-; man The rose fled from her check and a ; grave in tho forest marked by a single stone, ; tells you where lies the broken hearted wife. Peace to her memory ! She is gone j where the blue streams are never crimson- ed with blood where the dagger never j flashes over the head of the devoted way- i farcr. Charles Gray became a rich man. His lands, broad and fertile, bore luxuriant har vests. A tall mansion rose amone these old woods to shelter the murderer's head. Strange to tell he lived unsuspected. No one cared for the emigrant in the country (roin winch he came Years rolled away. Villages arose on the ruins of that mighty forest. The steam er was heard with its perpetual thunder njiLniiiiaociiuiiig iiiu vuiu , luwiy seem uisposeu to accoru in ttic one grMt residences, iike gems, summoned up by the 1 principle, that the people of the Terrifm;;, enchanter's wand from the earth's bosom ! have the exclusive right lo decide on to--studded the banks of the silver river The ; admission or reiection of slavery within susptcious niiiid of (ira v, (for tho wicked nre nl ways suspicions) rundereJ lntn fearful of discovery, us emigrants were crowding into the State, and entered the Linda in the most frequented spots. The bones of Somers were still exposed ; if they wen; found by any one rambling through the bluff?, tha dark uffair might be investigated and lie meet with Ins just deserts. Sullying forth one evening, he sought the wild precipice nil, I ,1 J I U.. .1 . I r . ' .... . ""wiiutu uy me aia oi ropes to tne spot where hud his victim. The moon burned in the midnight with the lustre she only wears on a winter lught when the snow reflects its brightness, and e irlli seem ed to wear the pearly iob-s of angels One by one the stars had up;,. ;Ue. Cihroi"h the inch above, and around t,e lull., swept the river, for nature: i sl,n l)V,.u though for a few inoni.nt.- her l.fauiil'nl form may bear the record ol rnmes there placed by man. A young g. ml. imui na med Wilson, who was returning (rom a vis it to hii 'lady-love,' passed by the. precipice and observing llic ropes attached n a tree which stood , by Hb path, endeavored to trace the epot where they ended. A ftor a narrow search he found them hanging a gainst the roctt that formed tho basis of a chasm round w hich the waters swept their crystal current. In rt few moments tho young man per ceived the form of one who lie immediately recognized as CJray, by Ins tall muscular figure. Ho was gathering up some white I substance in a bag. At Inst he seemed to j Imve completed his task, and throwing the I bag over his shoulder, attached tho string., ... i . . i. i i i i i .i uj uia nee unu Doay no commcnccn me ascent, liy grasping tho rocks with his hands whenever they afforded a sufficient proluding surface nnd planting his foot firmly in the fissures, Gray had succeoded in climbing half way up the chasm, when stopping to rest, the shelvy rock crumbled undej hii feet. The murderer made n violent struggle to sustain his position, but losing his balance he plunged into the gulf One wild shriek told that the wretch had gone to judgement Retribution had peal ed forth from the throne of God, and the spirit of (Jray stood before its maker. ' I go through my work," as the needle said to the idle boy B'it not till you're hard" pushed," as thd idlo boy said to tho needle. .-, " . ' - From the Baltimore Clmptr, Tlin SOUTHERN CONVENTION ' Apparently slight causes someiimes pro duce tremendous effects. The , monarchy of England was over thrown, and Charles the First probably lost his life, by his re fusaljto permit tho celebrated Hampden, Ol iver Cromwell, and others, to emigrate to the then Colonies of America. The imno sitionsofthe British , . , r io Lolonics in comparatively small matters, originated this great and rrlorious Kcmib - licfand we sliild be carSful that thV hb- erties which it has secured bo not snrrili- r oA K if irnlioii-liml . 1. : I r.. u1,,,u,, or lwln Wliat may appear to be inadequate causes. It IS nronoscd to hold a Kmiih.n. ,.,.,., wlini lion: and thesn whnnrr. ,,..,;., ft...!.. measure avow fervent attachment tn tho , - - w w HlUOl UV 11 I U 1111 I Union; but it is a movement which wo consider full of danger. Tho combination of any one section of tho Union may pro- Juce counteracting associations in other sections, and thus snlit the country ul into sectional factions, intent upon their own purposes, and regardless of the general welfare. It may be thought lhat the con templated Southern Convention, if held, would proceed no farther ijian to pass some harmless resolutions, and then dis solve. But we are unwilling tn trust io the moderation of those who might com pose it. Its proceedings might he control- led by passion or by individual ambition, and consequences fatal to ilie Union might be the result. Wc consider such a con vention useless for the protection of South ern rights, and had rather trust their de- leiice to tlic constituted authorities of the country and to the justice of the American people, than resort to the proposed conven tion. The nation is in a critical position at present, and an imprudent muvrnnuit might jeopard the existence of the Union. The Southern States are by no means unanimous in favor of the convention, and we doubt whether more than one hall' of hem would be represented in it if held It is not likely that either Delaware, Mar- 1 viand. Virginia, Kentucky, Tcniie.--see, ; Louisiana or .Missouri, will be fully reprc-; sented. Some of these States will not send ' a single delegate, and condemn the whole , proceeding, ll has been denounced by j Tennessee, and tho people of Man land l are decidedly opposed toil: nor an we think t it will he approved by the Wes-. tern section of Virginia. In faci, the Suuih will not enter Jicartily into the measure us . it is considered uncalled for and danger ous. Politicians may urge its propriety, but the masses will not he induced to grat ify thein at the hazard of the Union ; the dissolulien of which they would consider' the greatest curse which could befall the nation. In Xcw York and Philadelphia the pro ceedings of abolitionists have been con demned the Wiluiot Proviso has been dropped by common consent in Congress ; and there seems to be a fair prospect that all the compromises and guarantees of the constitution will be observed and enforced there is, then, no occasion for any spe ciul movement at the South for the protec tion of her rights, and we therefore hop': that the project ol holding a Southern Con vention will be abandoned. All parties their limits. If tins bo recognised as the governing principle in the legislation of tue country, there can be no occasion the indulgence of sectional feeling, or controversies on the slave question. for for IviK TO VOIR IVncttatiov A drunk nt a lth of July celebration tort. w.i given as follows : " Woman without her, man would he a savage." The Boston I'ost think the punctuation erroneous, and .should he corrected thus ' Woman, inthwt wr man, would be a savage." Yii.t.Aivir? At -r-. A . correspondent ol the Cincinnati Centra! Herald says, thatm a certain village m the Stale o( Indiana, on the Ohio river, there is a Society for the j purpose of taking and returning to their masters, runaway slaves. It is said, that they have agents in Kentucky lo persuade the slaves to run away, and who give them such directions us to their course af-' cr leaving the river, as will certainly lead lo their being apprehended. Some of there sia e ,i nave it is believed, bei en sold Hi' ir caploi.r and ietit to the South. BACON AND LIRI). .1 0,000 K w N. (.'. li.iror., nusorted i libls. i ...I ..... n .ii i, , . . " ' ntia kf i. i .ard , io- ..... r. i udii ivoau, lor sale hv w llltOWN. I 11 JW, (;lssi;s JLST RI'.'.-KIVED n.tbeNVw yfK KlltIlil,r,, Feb. 7. W iW Y IR. lis. LEMON SYRl P ,)l I bUXf.S Lrmon Syrup, For sale by J iiiuviun ... i.r-..i-. Ftb. 19. A. and J. r,,ml ve I ,iir.,H. RICE. 1 OO rASKS frr" b, Ri--. For salo by 1 mi? . "WARI) k PKDKN jour, ana Au. 141. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. l()IM:MPTy.r,,J!,,''l,-lu" 'nded from I'" "i Jinn r. firown, lor sile hv HARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS Ftb In 111 LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! 500 "B.L.? White .LunWAlso Fir. Brick, Hydraulic Cemontj 1000 bbli. Lima f-c. fursule by . - - t, i ... ' J. C! & It. B. WOOD. - .., Contractors and Builders. Dee. 22, 1949. - , - BLAKE'S INDESTRUCTIBLE FIRE PROOF PATENT PAINT. hereby give notice, thiit I have been nppointod ,J,t"i&Vn'" ,y .oiuuuiu uoBianco. ic canoe applied by anvoor- ron lhnl Cl" brhj and eoon.hy exposure to 1 ,l,9a,l,""'P1horoi',fns complete coaling ofslnte UcrF Z ft particularly applicable toa southern cllmntn. n. ih- ni;""u,"y,1" moalmospbure destroys the beauty ol utmclrij, but cannot 'effoct n chanw n ihU Inde. tn.-.iblo I'alnt. Roofs of b "llJinSf ciaS are I'irc l'roof : it hu hftnn n.l Hatlroud Curs with 8ucc!S8: it Ih much cheantr than II: I., .f . . l 1 . I inn.. . a tinned Itouf, or even white lead; 100 lbs. will cover! lOtHJsuperliululfoet. Wholesale 4 Renin ....P ik retail Scents: Itcan be procured at roml! n,',!,,. store of It S. urn! in banels.ol mo, ut my olllco. Terms canh, on delivery. W. A. 3WYKR, General A pent Forwarding and Commiwion Merchant Wilmington, N. (I. Oct. 23. 9j CROCKERY AND CUTLERY. assortment. For side hv KI.I.IOT. I IJ-Jr. Dec. G. FRUIT TREES ON H IND. "V"OW is the tim; to grow line Orchards, as we i. " h ive a fiili! niH'in nt nf Tii i... f ,-)i,,ii...i. h runs For s.i le by J. WILKINSON & Ci. and J. copy. IJ'J J.m. IP, LIFE INSURANCE. rpiIR MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFF. 1NSTJ X KW'CK, continues io take Risks on Live? on lair lernin. Sl.'HPLrs OVER NOO.OOO. JOSEPH R. ULOSSOM, .A cent. Oct. 23d. yj. if. MOLASSES. I 0 ,I'IIS- 1'rimenuwCrop, Ov .Also, 30 tierces Molaste, now landing, and for sale hy J. HATHAWAY ifeSUN. Jan. I . HOOP IRON. FULL asfortinenlof the best brands. For sale by j n. m.ossoM. A Oct. 20. u.'-tf. FOR SALK. (),O()0 ,!LSRoug.,m,i, I5AKF.R. Vll-lf. Jan. 5. TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH!!! Cleansed, I'luggtd, Heguliitcd, Extracted, and In serted on I'icott and Gu)d Plate by J. i:. KI'.A, Dentist. AT hisoperalfng Room, Fast of Carolina Hole Corner of Second and Market streets, wlu.i he invites all who have, decayed 'IVeih, gcurvv, ollun sive breath, odontalgia, or any of the catalogue of troubles', which theorgans of riiasticaiion are heir to. All operations warranied to give satisfaction, or the money will be returned. Nov. C. J9 lye. GUNNY BAGS J QQ0 TWO btiahcl prime Gunny I!a: L EI GHTON, CHADBOL" UN .i Co. Jan. 1. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. II. s. ki:ixy HAVlNfi rlisconnecled himself from V, R. Pikr n'v, would niloriii Ins friends ami the public in lieinml, that be lin.i taken the store on Front otreet. j door from .Market street, immediately oppooili I'r. Hkllamy'ii ollice, where he is prepared to carry on ili) TAILORING Hl.'SINF. S S , in nil its branches. Heing In posension nf the Intent i Fashions, he will cut and make gentlemen's npparel I nl the shortest notice, In a style ol workmanship and I ni allies of lit not to be surpnased by any in lie Stale ; and he hopes lo merit a continuance of the patronage of hu lormer customers und the publie, Oi l. (i bii. I PORK. 1 H B.BLS.noflMrss Pork. J J 40 " City do. DeROS.SF.T i HKOWN. Nov. 24. 107. COTTON YARN. DAI.f'.S nssortrd sizes. Fnruleby LF.KJIITO.N, CIUD150(;ilN",i Co. Jan. I. FOR SALE. rPVVO bundled bbls. Planting Potatoes, i. dlnn from lliig Tremoiit. liy WJI Jan. now la ii. mi r i ii. ROSIN AND TAR. J JJJ Rosin for sale by is common JIARRV , BRYANT Dec. -'9. f- ADA M.S. 121. K If )f ''HJS- " "ito Lead, for sale by W.M. NLFF. Nov. 17. 101 PLANTING POTATOES. j( DHLS. Irish planting Potatoes, a yv ariKlc, jusi received and tor sale l i. HATHAWAY dt S-N Jan. 12. m CJLUK. CJERMANsndAmorlesnGlue, of prime quality I for Distillers. For sal bv 1 7 DcROSSET A DROWN. US. Jan. G. SOMETHING NEW. rpHE Subscriber having added lo his as.ortmfnl, 1. a ehoics selection of Stewart's best Loaf tfugar Confectionsries, solicits s Trial, sssurlng that s fresh supply wlllnlwiys be kept, if encouraged by the liberslily of Wilmington snd si ihe lowest essh prices. OEO. MYERS, Family Grocer, , Front Street. rib it. THEXOHTII CAHOLIVA MUTUAJtj LIFE I.SlliJ.iE tOlllMM'. ; RALEIGH, N. C. T1IR above Company has been in operation sine the Istol April last, under the direction of the followins Officers, viz t t)r. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Win. ii. Haytvouil, Vice President, Jaim-s V. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasurer, Penin Busbco, Attorney, Dr. Charles K.. Johnson, ) .. ,, . , Dr. W in. H. McKee, h ( cd:cal board of Dr. It. B. Haywood, $ Cuiiullatwn. J. Hoismnn, Gcn'l Accnt. This Company has received a charter giving advantages to I lie Insured over any other Com pany. The 5th Section gives the Husbnnd tho' privilege lo insure his own life for the sole use of Ills vili amt uliililren, Jrce trom any claims of iho rep- nuiuvcui inu nusoana or any ot nis credit- O"- on pmvy mutual principles, the life ,m'!",H'r3 participate in the whole of tho profits .1 which are declared annually. Besides, the iinoll cant for tile, when the annual t I premium is ovur n'liS uiiiy I'iiy one iiiiu in u inuie. All elaimsfor insurnnceafjainst the Company will be paid within ninety days ufier proof of the death of the party Is furnished. Slaves are insured for one or Svo years, nt rates which will enable oil Slaveholders to secure this class of proporty aguinst the uncertainty of life. Slave Insurance presents a new and Interesting feature in thehistory of Worth Carolina, which wiS prove very Important to the SouthernSlntes. The last four months operation of this Company shows a very largo amount of business more than the Directors expected to do tho first year having already issued more than '200 Policies. All Communication on business of (he Company should be addressed lo JAS. F. JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, August 29, 1819. 7-1-tl. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK 'lulh subscriber respectfully miorms rlu mitilt.- J- that he lias reeeiilly reeeh'i d laiye additions to mis s iock ol fiuuule Hiiu llarncbs n.ui. n I int-. & the latest and most improvi d l) e, umi is eoiisiiini' ly manufacturing, nt his stme i e lli(,i ki t htm t. K, r merly occiipie'd by GuyC. HotcliLis.i-vcrv .IimlIi,. i tion of articles in l lie above line. Fiom liis eineii- encein the business, he feels eonliili nt that he will be able to give enliresiitisfuciion to Ins customers, and all others who may lavor himwnli uiall. Ik has now on hand, and will constantly ku e, a lurae assortment of Coach, Gig, h, Gig, and OTTTJHrldlcs, Wili s, y llamcsK JHtt-rMK Ac;' ; r ..:iUs Wt'r'Vl I I'Nti-l-Mi . Hridlcs, nlky allof which he will warrant to be of tin Im M man ri al and wurkmunship. He bus ulso a ,u ;.s.oit lit of Trunks, Valises, Waddlo and Carpet Hiii;k Satchels, fancy Trunks, Ac. and all other articles usually kept in surh pstablish- M.tii,B,,.oi which lie otters low for I'AMII, ol on .uir iu prunijo eiisromers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Ba.'s, & made to order. ite. itepairii.g ot ol kinds done with neatness and despatch. Old Saddles and Harness taken in nan pay lor new. JOHN J. CONOLKY. N. H. All accounts star diiig on my JOok over six months, will be charged with iiitei.M. Allntr sons indebted to tho subscriber for List year will plensocall ami seltlc,as by o doing they may pre vent what would be disagreeable m then, 0i..l nn plcasunl to him. us persons h-m,,, tiit s lluvr to do un pleasant tliinKs in c.f defence. j. .( iuaitu u, ItiVJ. 153- CUT MAILS. I ) It vu i.nin,, HB.iorted siz' s, 'by ANDERSON &. LATI.MEli 137. ti.r u . I.. Feb 6. BILLS OF LADING. Ac. JOLIO POST BILLS UF LADING I, - " l!'ok,and sheela, also Letter .Slirets- o ii rid variety ol nierc.inule blanks, lor tule m with nnrcial OJJicc. The FOR REM. rpiIF. Wlnrf, Vard and Wnro Houe nt prnsent X occupied by ths .Merchants Steam llonl Uoin pany. Possession given on the first of () tober next. Apply to JA.MF.S JINKINS. at K.iyellevllln Sepl. 11. 75 DEEDS FOR SALE. f anintee Deeds, and Deeds for Mortyngeoi. Innd, ' just printed, in correct iorm and iorsale at the ('i)Hiinirrial Hlfli-e. REMOVAL. O It. FORD has relieved bis Mahdi It i AII 10 i.Jt IJoek stioel, Jd doorfioui Win. Nell Aii''. iC. CI ti. LIME. i ()() 'JA-SKS, for sale trom Store, apply to ! uuw RUSSELL A KKNDRICK. ov. 'J7. COTTON YARN. ,T I! A LK.S Cotton Vnrn, assorted sizes. For sale hy 'f J. HATHAWAY A NO.. Dec. 1. 11U. SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASKS. OPUPKRIOR Spirits Turpentine Casks, avera KJ King ovor 40 gallons, and heavily bound with tha best Iron, mac 10 snd lor sale by JOS. It. BLOSSOM. I'-D-lf. Jan. 14, mO LINCOLNVILLE LIME 5(X) BULS in good order. For sale noply to J. WILKINSON A Lo. A. and J. copy. 130 Jan. 10 STOP V0UR MULES!! ;hi:at tkiiuMjAtiov tiii: DITCH AND JEWS, ON WATKIl STREKT. CHEAPEST plseo In Wilmington to buy Dry VyiJoods.nnil 8 hoes, at lOnr ct. less, thnn ran b had atuny New York Kronen Hons. A esll Is all trwl is necessary, to convince ihoso wishing to purchase si tha Corner .Store, Mutt's Uulldtnjf.ono Door sboe lljll A Armstrong's old Stand. UEORGE ELLIOT. De. C. Ui-u. GOSHEN BUTTER. A GOOD srtlele In Kegs, for le by ANDERSON t LATIMER. UT. Fib 3. ; OW ON HAND AT THE OLD NOItTIf STATE CLOTJIhNG STORE. The l,arjscst Aisortmcut of Superior , Ready Made Clothiiig MAMMOTH STOCK, We name faMilonable Dress and Frock Coats. Satin V ests, to his article we call particular atlentior,-us ..; ui .,iu ,i;ijr uesi soil! in me U.Btltes- hrnili-il Main and Fancy Silk, Cassiri.ero. Also Merino, "lexicnna, Bombazine. 4c.,&c, an endless variety Hoys and ouths Clothing-Aseortment complete ' Our Tanis. I'o this ui title we would ask particular attention, for who has not had just cause to find fnult with hisTnilor, on account of bad titling Pants? For years did Scott, Keen A Co. try in ,-u!n lo procuro the I auern that never tails ! when ut last they diJ succeed and now oiler that very some to the Gem of Wilmington and vicinity, and guarantee the hand somest lilting Pants ever sold in the "Old N. State "' Hosiery, Gloves, Cravats, Slot ks. Suspenders, Hdkfc. Silk Night Caps, Oa. ?e. Sha ker on.l Merino Shirta and Drawer. Being in the monthly receipt of the New York and Parish Fusli ions, any Improvement in style is adhun d lo In all articles of weuring Apparel sold by Scott. Keen A Co Pbices A Tekms. Our Terms are CASH, and In prices chaUcngo the selling the aumc quel. Ity of Good.. Small Profits and Quick Sal, s.'.fc U. bc the 'nuxlut operandi," fiCOVl', KEEN S CO OCt. iO. ' . yy DISTILLERY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 'PHF. undersigned is desirous of disposing of tlur . ,,h" llo,y ''fperty lately operated by Jewell & Co. I here are -1 stills, all in perfect running order unci every thin in mid about the premises conven iently arranged. The property has a front of 31)0 ft on the river, with a Mrcct U(i ft. on each side j a con! slant and lull supply of soring water directly into tliu tubs; and indeed every fudlilv fur conducting the distillery business to tho greatest possible advantage. 'I his establishment may with very slight expense, be converted into an exleusivc iuui uisinieiy or winch, there Is not auvaniageouslocalion n the United $ i u inuie 1 tati-K. Ci l i u v I l.-v Wilmington,N. C, Sept. 13, 1849. 7(j'.C. LIGHT! LIGHT!! ( ONSr JI F.KS ol Pin, Oil can be furnished Ly my V7 man, every Tuesday, Thursday and Satuidu) also, at nil limes at the Morosol S P. l'olley mid a! C. Evans and lliothcr. Mmw's coiner. a. ii. vam;okki:i,in. 103. iuv. L'O. COPARTNERSHIP N0TICI ryV. unler.,in, d have this dayformed a Copait 1 neibli.p nihil r the tii in of Kl. 1,IS & IM'SSMLI, i f.,r the Iransiielioii of ihe (iMN KltAI. riiMlitu SION llli.1INK.SS, u, hope, by mid atHMion. an I promptness lo merit a slpiie uf publie niitrou-"f;- CHARLES l). Ki.LI.S HENRY P. RLssEI.'l. Jan. 1, lbf0. 122 DOCTOR B, A. KENNEDY, ULXTAlsriKillox, Ciiaditatcoi" the Maltimore Collie of DENTAL SURGEONS, IILdS leave to tender his professional services to tho citizens ol tiliiaiitton and Dllblic irenemllv nn , sell In thliplac. Hv is Dreninsd in iierlurm nil erationsln his profession on the latest and most au- , nini(iir, inuuri iipooii' arunelal leelliin ! wrted ongoid plate roin one to nnentlrr set. Whole ! upper silH inserted on the Atinosplieric pressure prin I i.lple. Ilnvitii; mude un iiiiproveiiieni in this mode ' ol insertlnteeth, he eonlidenlly reroniim-nds It us I answering the purpose ol tuasliention. Thcvrnnbe Cora- taken out and put hnek nl i Iciisureby the wearer, be w"r" iih comfort, ami catinol be delected lntn tin I naiiiral teeth, lixtr.irlin, cleaning, nnd plaiii" Ac. done' on seientine orineinli s ,111 n,...r0.,t warranted to give siiiisfni'iion, und not be siiriiassed by nnyoperaloi In the t'nited JStutes. Irreculariuts In cri.ldreiK,' i. eth corrected. Ladies attended a their residences when necessa ry Office formerly occupied by Pod. May 3, ISI'J. Wart's. 21 II. BEANS AND I'EAS. HL'.slIFLS White l! mis ; 500 bush. Cow r VF Peas j bluck und tiiey eye ditto, lrr stole and lor sale by LLLIS & MITCHELL. Dec 20. uy. SHIPPING ARTICLES. IjOR SALK nt The Commercial OJlct, an cb -cant edition of .Shipping Articles, einbiscinir all Ihe ii laws of Congress relative to tho Merchant's Service. MACKEREL. I Of) BUCKETS itiporiorNo. I Mackerel, put 1 V-V ut) expressly lor family use, just rrreived and for sale by RUSSELL Sc KL.NUKIC'K. Jan. 2.. i j SUCJAR. Sugar, just 1 ( HHDS. primn received nnd for sale cheap, by ANDERSON f- LATIMER. Feb. 19. UJ. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS AT THIS PLACE AKItlYAI.H. Tho mail from lbs North, by Railroad, arrives dul ly nbou: U P. M. Tho mall from the South, by Steamer from Charlti ton, arrives daily sbout 6, A. M. The mall from Ksyetteville, via Warsaw, Is dm upon the arrival of tho cars, on Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays. ThoMsll fro.n Fnyottevllle, vln Elliabethtown, by Sulkcy, Is duo on Tuesdays, Tliursdsys, snd Mat. urdays, at 9, A. M. Tho Mall from Onslow Court House, by sulkry. rt duo on Mondays, at 6, P. M. Tho Mall from Black River Chapel, via Long Creek, by Sulkcy, Is duo on Thursdays, nl 5 P. M. ( LOSING AND III'.PAItlTHi:. Tho mail for the North, by Railroad, closes dailj at 10, 1'. M. The mail forlho .South, by Stcninbost, tlosrs dally at UM. Tho mail for Fsyetteville, vis Wsrssw, rloses on Tuesdays, Thursdays, snd fUnHs, si 10. IV M. Tho Mail for Ksyetteville, via Kllsahslhtown. by Sulkcy, closes on Tussdsys, Tlmrsduys, and, Saturdays nt 9, A. M. Tho mall fof Onslow Court House, by sulkcy, clo. ses on Thitrsdsvs, st 10, Y. M. The mail for Long Creek, by Sullisy, closes ou Thursrttys, st 10. P. M. iy Letters shoulJ be in the QUics si lonti 15 inlirutt before th'time of closing iho nni!.