, , , ill E COMMERCIAL f published 'every tuudvj,' Tkuriday an Situr. y, at $5,0J par annum, piyabl in all casci in a.I- B L T H 0 U A S L 0 R I N G , - ; KDlTCKt AND PROPRI ETOR: B ENJ A MINT" 1 10 WZ B, COAICESPO.VUIVI RDITOK. eoaxsa or rot aid ma skit itiiiti, WILMISQTOV, S". C. RVIMM OK ADVERTISING. 1 tqr. t Insertion, SD0 1 1 ur. 2 month, I ' 2 " 75 1 ' 3 " I " 3 " 1,00 1 1 " 6 " 1 month, 2,53 1 I " 1 year, 31,00 6,00 8,0) 12,00 Ten lino or less mike u squ ire, If an Adversisc arjt w3od tent lirres, the prioe will be in propor tion. All advertise nents are pivable at the time of their Insertion. OmtruoU with yearly adfertiw, will bo muduon th'o iriost liberal terms. f trjnfurof e ut.ractj f ir ye irly advertising wit vja ar uiued Shauld circuiiweancw w lar achiingif " In niisfnSss; or in unexpected'" removal nices-wry, 1 chira acc irding to the published lernts will bent tho option of tho contractor, for the time he Uas ad vertised. The privilege of Annual Advoriisers isstrictly lim ited to their own Immediate business ; and all adver tisements for the benefit' oT other persoin, as well ns all advertisements not Immediately connected with their own business, and alt excess of advertisements in length or otherwise, beyond the limits engaged, will be charged at tho usual rates.. All ndvortlsdWnts inserted in the tri-weekly Com mercial, are entitlod to ono insertion in the Weekly rec of charge. JOIJ, CARD and FANCV PRINTING, executed in superior style. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL' WK.V YORK: Messrs. Ltaow & DeRubbet. IJ )SrO.V: PaEDBBtcK Kidder. Esu,. MARTIN & CRONLY. AUCTIONEERS, COM.VIIKJSION MlSltCH ANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N.C.. Oct. 3 1848. 83if. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Coaiuission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. C. Cash .idv uicjs m i.iu on ej.isijrnnients to me , or to my friends in New York. Oct. 23. 93 y. n. L. BUTTEKFIELD, PA V ILION HO Ti: L . Comer of Hazal and Meeting Streets, ClIAKLLNroM, S. V. Where he will be happy to ee all liU NORTH CAROLINA FRIi:DS. July 12, 1849. 50-tf. J. Ci LATTA. MERCHANT, i i AND UliNliRAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.lO,lS18. b7 J. HATHAWAY & SOY. COMMISSION J. Hathawav. March 3. Ibl9. M KUCH A N TS. J. L. IIatuawav. 149. JOHN HALL, Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. inl 12. 12 DR. W. E. FREEMAN, irQMiEOl'ATlUC I'll YHW IAN, MARtCKT St , U Uooio above Kront St. pec. 23. I84S. 120-ti RLSSELL KENDRItK, GENERAL t a .i .1 i i a it I o r c It a u l s , V iLtfl MjI'JN, s. c. Jos. IVENURU.'K. o3 S. liliJ.li w'l.i. ma ti Aub.t IK",, i ii I i till I: J, I. IM.l l.; Vi I I I I .1 II I 'I M .1 H . I, IV. HI. I Ol ,11', III I.I' I llttch I, l-lj JOSEPH H. PLANNER, (Lieneral Comniission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N C. Oct. 9th, 1849. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STOKES AND GROCERIES, : I.IVER OK DOCK & WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec 7th. 1843. ANOERSJN &, LATiHEil, G O M M I S S I O N MERC H A N T S, .SOUTH WATER 8 TREK 1'. WILMINGTON, N. C. Sea. 27, U48. 82-ly c. LEIGUrON, CHAD80URN & CO., general Cuauibsba Merchants. WILMINGTON, x. c. ec. 11. 849. ju. GEORGE ELLIOT. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AGENT fOR THE SA LB OPTIMIZER, LUMBER 4c WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 1,1860. 12i BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AFRESH supply of Bill f bichanse, an etas I girit Impression, which will t sold in sheet- i or quirts, or bound In Hooks, to order, just rerelvrp 1 IS-.. , . . ... r r .r. ....... a. . . V. imiurmiii int. VUAnkKUI.lL Ul 7 UK, ' Jan. 26. 133. I .... -f , . r ,y -,-(- - . , v , - VOL. 4 NO 150 MARINE INSURANCE. THE undersigned having received the Agency o 1 th-i ' - AUGUSTA- INSURANCE AND BANKING COM'tftXY UP AUGUSTA OA Will Isjuo Policies on Vessels, Cnr-jos, Freight Ac it is i j is niabla rates of Premiums a any oth r In stitution, of ihiltfiit inline Oqqrrtry'. The Capitol q. ni,3 ja.iinany is Sj79;0d0. '.ViUliijftonWUg. 19. I84i. , , 65-ty. fir .-1, .1.. ' . INSURANCE IN TUB NATIONAL LOAN KUNU 550 C'rETY, OF LONDON. AND FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY', OF HAUTFOKD, Co.nn., OO, 1HTHI .IJ.VAHI) IVSJ.IA.MJE OOVllANV, OF NEW YoitK. MayboelTeclbd by application to Oj.IJSSET &, BROWN. March 17. 1849. 10R CiEORdrE W. DAVIS. COMMISSION M EROHAiN T, WILMINGTON, N.C. tlarch 17 1849 I MM0SSET & BROiV.N. WILMINOTON, N. C. BROWN & DEft0SSEf Nr:w vottK. GKWKHAL CD il MISSION,' MVtlCllA.TS Marel, 17. IB49. 1-y. S. M. WEST, a ucrro .vj er AND COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. uibernlC iHh nlvances itr i lu on all c tuiiu nts from th; .North, or on Produce from the Country. O.fi.'e i d ) rs on tlie Wlmrf, South fide ol .Market Street. Vnril 3. 1349. 9-tf.c. CORNELIUS MYERS, MA N UFA O T U R E R, AND DKALER IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND WALKING CANES, &c. WIL tf INQTO.N, N. C; W"11"-''- Oct. l? mi. "i-tf. BENJ. BL0SSDM & SON, General Commission Merchants, NEW YORK. BEJ. BLOSSOM. CH AS. W. BLOSSOM. I,ll-r:il advances made upon Consignmenia, Itel'crences. J. R. Hlobsom, ) J. & O. .VIcRak, A. Co. Wilmington. U. W. Davis i-Uq. ) July 10, 1SI9. 49. GEO. HARRISS, General Comiuision Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. OTlirCT ntleniion given to pigeuriiig reljjln lO and purcliasing Cargoes lor vesseis. RePRa to E. P Hall, Esq., O. G Paisley, Esii., I Wilmington. J. A. l aylor, KS'l., J. I) Bell unv, Kso., I Mi'ssrs. Hull. ml ,4 li untlngton, J Mmsrs. Tookrr.TSmytrt'iiCo., ( . v . ' Thiniips.in.it Hunter, J-ewiorit. Alex'r Htrr.in, Jr., Pliila lelphiu Vli-m . WiHi.ims .i ti tiller, ) , ., . .. u ... .. Cli. r eston, S. C. Jan. $p. 123-tf. WILLIAM M. HARRISS, GENERAL I J 1 1 1 1 1 .) I ; AC A i A T .VILMINiil'O.S, N. C. 'TRICr ilteiitl in ,41 vimi ,j pr M-uri ij Freiylu Ojn.i purchasing Cargoes lor vessels. KirtstNtBS: O. O. .'arslty, Esq, , Col. John McRua, Wilmington, N ij. Messrs. l);i'lurd,t Huniingtifn, ) Will Puck, Esq . Raleigh. N. C. Messrs. James Corner A Sons. Hnlilmurc. ' K. A. Souder A, Co .Plilladelphia. ' Thompson 4 Hunter .. . " Plllsbury A Sandlord, ew 1 " Hunting ft Tufts, iloston. " J. s J. P. rueo.iio.lCiMiiiebunk.Mc. July 1 7 it . 19U. 52 if. HERON & MAR r IN General I'Oinnii.ssiou derchants, 3T I -'J North Wharves, It A 1) li L l II I A Pll I Riraa to Messrs. Thos. Vatso A Sons, t Jwo. C. Dacosta, K.. ( p.. 1 Phil' M. s. NaitsoN. Kso , Rosibt Ncilson, Esq , Messrs. Moses, Tavlob & Co.. ' y k J. tl. IIr.iwkb. A Co., S J. ic D McRas, Geo. Habbus, Esq. Aprils, 1849. Wilmingtn. 9-tf. BARRY, BRYANT k ADAMS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17. (2 DAVID CASH WELL, GENERAL COMMISSION Alt) FORWARDING .MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, Oct. 30, 1819. N. C. 99-1 y. PUBLISHED TRl-VVEBK MINGTOtf -if liURSOAtMOhNING, MARCH 7, 1850. SAVAGE & SIEARES, J. GROCERS COMMISSION merchant's; south-water street, 'iZ'&' (Third door below Market Street,) WILMINGTON, N.Jpj EDWABD SAVAOE. OA8TO JUDisM kl L I ..,, . - . .. uan n t, innu f , fft iiLfSti t Onfc- -JB f-,: COMMISSION MERCHANT. N xt door to A. A. Wannat's, on North vV.iter at. will attend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro duce, such as Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon. Lard,' Ac, and will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, ic. References. VVillos llall.of Wayne, John McRae, Wiliriington, W Caraway, ' Gen. Alx.. MeRie. " K. P. Hill, Wilmington, Wiley A. Wulker, " Dec. 13, 1849. 113-ly. J. ft RQTIIVVELLj AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH WATEIt 8TUEET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 3, 18)50. j 3 tr. T. C. WORTH : Commission and Forwarding M3HUUANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 19. 143-12 m. I E. TOOMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, mXNt) GENERAL A GENT. NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 7, 1850. 137-ly. CHABLE8 D. ELLIS. HBVRY P. BCSSELL. ELLIS & RUSSELL, General Conimksion Merchants, AND AGENTS FOR CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO K. P. Hall, Esq., Prcs't. Branch Bant Statt, Wll mington. .JJiomta, A. O. Roasnrt A Co.. ) s' N.L.McCADrt?0 New York. E. Lincoln &, Co.. i ' Hereon d M vbtin. Williams Sl Butleb, II Uakcb, Esq. H3C. I IM.ilad'a. Charleston, S. C. U2-ly Jan. 1 FOR SALE AT TilK IIFI'll'li OP THE CO.llllliliCIAL, RATKS ( F TRANSPORTATION N TIIIJ WILMINGTON & HALIOIGII It AIL UO AO. RATES OF FREIGHT IJetweeu WllmliiRton b Charleston. Revised July 4, 1349. Price 25 cents. JUST RECEIVED, AT MAYER'S CHEAP STORE. 1 C PIECES of fine superior assorted colors of 1 W Broad Cloth. 6 pieces of tirst quality of Oil Cloth. 600 pair of Blankets, suitable for servants. 4000 yards of double Mill Kersey. 200 pieces of French, English and American prints of Calicoes. All ol (lie above articles will be sold at the lowest cash prices. JOSEPH MAYER. Oct. Id. 1949. at-tf. FOR SALE. PIIK HOUsE ind Siore on second St. i 1 fijiuis easy. Tne Store at uresent oe- pied by J t. ourrv. Apply tu RUa.SELL i fclENDRICK. 102. Nov. 15, I64J. STE.1.U PACKING. HOSE & BELTS. P. I'OLLKV, Ai;enl fr the Bostun .,, j Heltinj I KJ Oo:il.) inv. will Keep constaally on hand, and for s lie, v im ma kinds ol Belts, Hose, and Steam Packing. All orders punctually attended to. Juno JO, my, if. L' HECKS on the several Banks in tlii pee a feiunrT In H-io'a and in shet ts, for sakat the lwihiiitui Office. j GLUE. ! OF the best kind, expressly for distillers, alv.ays I on hand, and for sale by ! JOrfEPH Oct. 23d. R. BLOSSOM. .'J-if. TO LET. A SMALL Dwslllni Houj1. siluited ncr til, I Dr. I.,n.l 1 ....l ... iltSL- ' V. ,! NEFF. Jan. ii. ni. PORK! PORK!! 1 O b ar&El.S New York City Mess, in toro VF and for sale by ELLIS fc RUSSKI.L, No. 22 Lord's Buildings. Jan. 1. u BACON-AND LARD. I i C f)r LBS.ajewNVO. Bacon, assorted 1 vvf 25 bblt. and kegs new Lsrd, re ceived per Rill Road, for tale by DsROSSET BROWN. Frb- 2t. 144 3w. LOOKING GLASSES. UST RE ElVED at tbt New York Furniture J W i rehouse a Urge and Com plats Assortment of TOILET GLASSES. O. A W.A. OWYKR Feb. 7. 133. T r i BY THOMAS L0R1NG CIGARS OfV) ASSORTED Brnds of Cigars, tJJJif.lvJ just rpcelved at Mayer's cheap oath Store, which Is offered ota lower pries thun rit oflered before In this place. '4 JOSEPH MAYER. , Oct. 19 1849. 91. .-It TAILORING!! E snbscrlber hat resumed hit business in Wil- . k yrr- c L BlTn"TOn. alia Will MITT.-n !! - 1 A 1 UJ ( lt U itUaMiiiW l'y-,"HMira"aa it in 4'posaesim vf all the latest styles, and fmrn titfpast S txpmtnct tit tne business n leeis sunstiuo inni lie Can please ine insie ui ine moni lasuuious. a iriui isalUhat ho asks to cjnviuee the most skeptical. Ho guarantee all w.-ik tnal h duo to fit, and to be miidti in a workman-lil.e manner. , H. R. ROBBINS May IB, 1848. 26-tf. TRUSS HOOPS. OP approved minul'acnic. Fiji s.ile by J. R. BLOSSOM. Oct. 20. 92-tf. ASSIGNEE S SALE. IN pursuance of a deed of Assignment made to me bj John It. Hawes, beiring d.iir Hiih Jun', '49, 1 will sell at auction, BttheCuuil House, at 1'.' o'clock, on Non.luy of county Court Week, In Mareh next, a tract of land In New Hanover County patented by Juhn It. Hawea, 23J Febiuar , 18lC, estlmnied ut E00 seres, lyfrig on tha east b.du ol Ulank Riyer. udjoiiiin the lands of Law and Savage, Daniel Ho beis.ni, I'lios. J Sikes and Daniel Weltoiis. THOS. D. ME ARKS, As-lgnre. Jaa. 15, 1850. Jour, till sale. ' l2Z-2m. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, PL NTF.RS,and others visiting Wilmington to luy goods, tire requested to call tindexainine my stock and prices for any description of HattorCapa. My arrangements arc such as to be able to furnish every detcrlpilen of Hals and Caps at (he regular New York wholesale prices. C. MYERS, Hatter. Sept. 29. 63. DISSOLUTION. 'plIE copartnership hsretoiore Misting unrler thi J. firm of Wells Sl Cornwall, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. All persons iudebled to the above firm, are requested to settle immediately, with cither ol the subscribers. ISAAC WELLS. WM. J. CORNWALL. Jan. 8 123. SERVANTS FOR HIRE. rNE middle sued woman is an excell nt Cook, washer and Ironer. One Middled aged woman.a truaty nurse and good I seanitireaa. Three Olrls 15 to 18 years of age tultable for house! servants. Inquire ot H. VANBOKKELIN. 132. Jan. 22. MOLASSES. 1 1 Q HHDS. and 21 tierces new crop Cuba 1 1 x) M il isses, in strong and handsome packa ges. For sale bv J. HATHAWAY f SON. Jan. 2'J. ni. DISSOLUTION. 'l'MIE Copartnership Heretofore existing unJer tho 1 firm ol F. J. LORD & Co.. is this day dissol ved by in jtuil consent. Mr. Lord having itlidrawn I ro in business. The litems ol the cmn-eni wi l be settled by Mr. J . O. Burr, who will In future be found ' at the office of Messrs. DeRossst A Brown. F. J. LORD, J. O. BIRR. Jan. 26, H.'.O. 133-tf. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS 1 A( EMPTY Spirit of superior quality lust landed. For sale by BARRY, BRYANT ft ADASIS. 152. Jan. 24. ALMANACS FOR 1850. T URNi;R'M NORTH CAROLINA AL- MAN ACS, (or sale at THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. Jan. 29. IJ1. Something interesting to FARMERS. i HAVE just reeoivedn large snd varied airt ment ol firming Implements, to which. I Invite the .liteniion f farmers, and coumry merch.inis, generully.. ! n. y may always oepenn ujion tiniling a it'io.l stO' K on n inu, ana ji prices ;j per rent n ss t(lnn Wl.ft, ecr .jIj n marie befurn. My motto is small profits, and quick Salt s. I he lul lowing is a list of s ine of the articles which I ulli.r for sal. : No. 10, 11. 13, 14, and 15, Ploughs': GO, and 60, steel Points Eagle O. A. B. and C ; o. I. and -. double mould Board ; " l.anli self sharpertnr j ' " O. and D. It, Sub Soili " A, 1 , A, 2. and 2, B Cutter; 4 patterns of Harrows j Cultivators, with and without wheels; Cor.i Shelters, I, and 2, wheels ; Straw Cullers, 6, 8, and 10, knives; Com Mlllsi Fanning Mills; Scythe Blades, Sycktrs; Hoes, Rakes, Shovels. Sosds, Manure snd',1., . (tn.mcl, ,i,,rlc snr!dlplh idea ii Hay, Forks, Ac. together with sll the parts oi , trie above named, rlouittia extra. ALEX. MAt'R E, Jr.. South slda of Market street, four doors trum ihi corner of South Vatar atreot. I Jan. 19. Jour. Chron. copy, 130. NOTICE . LL person Indebted to tha la;a firm of O. A C. 7A, HRAIH.KY, by note or account, are requeued to aetrie the table between this time and the 14th of January, I860. o. a c. BRADLEY. i Nov. 17, 1349. 104 COFFEE. BAOS Coffee, for salt by HOWARD !20 PEDKN. US. Feb. 23. JUST RECEIVED. SUPPLY of Strtaparilla Cough Candy, that will be found superior to all the old Remedies for Colds, Hoerteneat, 8ore Tnrost, and all aSee ilona of the Breast, at OKO. MYERS'. A full assort f t of Choi -e, and fresh, Oineeriet msy be found at the Wholestle and Retail Family Grocery Store of GEO. MYERS. At the lowest prices for Cash. F. P. 11? Wliole No. GIG. HEART TREASURES. A maides sat plying hsr needlo In a cotuge remote from the crowd t All was still as the slip of a beetle, Save tho wind hoarse with raging to loud. All will,. nit appeared ohill and unseemly, AJJ wl(hln, teo, was silent and lone, Save tlto (ire that illumined the hearth-stone, And the clock with itt thrill, hurried lone. rlfan thor fitKhtan ytp wuyMlau m v .., l ; ...u s. Oh ! uladly the world would have listener Had ilii.e cadences found a true tongue, For love-though sublime hath not ottered Thrne blest spirit tones which oft roll Through the heart when all outward is gfoorty. Sublime as the song of the soul. Though pensive that brow, and half-shaded The light or those love-waking eyes, There was juy in the deeps of that being That absorb! rviry sonso In surprise. Fair F.mry had laid out the Future To the dieuies of flipo and of Love, An I it f. eincd, r it gleamed In bltst beauty, That the nw-!"'i had dropped from above. As I g-ixcd on the faco of that maiden, I thought of the millions that roam In quest of tho honey called pleasure, Far away from themsalret and from home i But Ms not in the air we And trauurtt Of jewel, of gems, and ofgoM, Nor In the wide world And wtpleasura LlKe those which trie heart doth enfold. From lh Augutta (Oat ) Widely Republic. J. J. HOOPER, Esq Tim ALib.ima Journal is responsible for brinjinT in:o a tangible shapo n description of tho f t v f.ur.ril nnihorof "Simon Stifrgs," "Thp Ride with Kit Kunker," "Tho Ugly Man,"&c As Mr Hooper ia an Editor, one of the craft, we feel more interest than would otherwise bn the case in the matter. Although Joiik says he has seen "the pic lur" below, and acknowledge the corn, still we hope, lor the soke of humanity in gen eral, that he will drive his "gray goose quill" in defence of his outward man, and permit neither an "especial ally" nor any i . . j.. . ,t.. ., i;u. ..,; u;. ""J"C lu "" """" lB physiognomy or corporosity. ro person should with "mtilice alorehought" talk thus abou. our peculiar features.. You most speak out, friend Jonce. We shalf give you one month to show cause why you are not ns thus represented, and, if in this time you do not pfend'"Not Otiirty," wc sluill spihI tho description to PHrnum. "The Philistines" will then be upon you ; with the Put Girl and lio; Constrictor in the American Museum, you with create a huge amount of laughter and astonishment nmoll" the I'.fltlVCS JOHNSON J. HOOPER, Esq. 1 Solicitor ot the Seventh, Editor of the Cham bers Tribune, author of "Simon Suggs," el quibusdein ulhis. A kiln-dried specimen of humanity, about 5 feet 10 inches in height ; a cross be tween an Egyptian mummy and a shriv I cilcd pumpkin, conveys lo the mind a fuint idea of Johnse. The world demands, and is entitled lo a full description, and, with fairs ns to our success, we will try u pen- ; cil. And oltl silk which 1ms honestly worn, ami boldly wears the title of " a shocking bad hat," covers a small bullet aha pod hend ; asuckcoiitof grey tweeds covers while it displays to perfection, a hump which , would excito the envy of an Eastern drom edary, or Parisian belle ; "a striped vest buttoned closely to the throat, hides a shirt I with which the washerwoman has but a slight acquaintance ; breeches, whose orig inal color is -questiu vexata." encase a i pair of legs formed in humble imitation of : ine Jack of diamonds below the termina tion of the breeches are a pair of pigeontocd . feet, covered with yarn socks, ono of which ' is always worn wrong side outwards, and apnirofkip brogans, as uncotibcious of blacking, as their owner's face of soap. I Hooper's face can ''belter be imagined . than described " la ullempiing to take , his Daguwrreotype, l'ark has broken two cameras ! Mr .Morrisette called it a iaro- J . ,' ll, k.,. i- . ..,. rorxI ns fur ns it irocs. Ills hair IS a sun burnt brown, seldom combed, never oiled ; his forehead is bold and intellectual, it is the sole mark by which you recognize his faceashumnn; his eyes are foxy, caused doubtless ty an early and continued devo tion to study or blue head ; bis lips, full and sensual show little firmness, but much ambia ; his nose a counterpart of those we dailv see attached to the flenizens of that portion of Montgomery known as Je rusalem ; his cheeK bones are strongly ae fined, and his cheeks sunken, while over his enure countenance is drawn a skin which involuntarily causes the exclama tion, "What a fine specimen of mill-dewed parchment !" a chin sharp enough for a tooth pick, is covered witn a "rough and ! red-dy" goatee--lucky cbin, bow the otb ! er features mutt envy you your covering I j Hooper is ugly theoretically, practical 1?, decidedly ugly. This misfortune made him solicitor of the seventh In hie recent Canvass hefore tho Legislature, his Jnenrfg reueJ thai to much vgV.rxz fortified bj bifl of indicrmenl utidi writs 6( cpai, would drive oil effe riders from ih circuit, and deter the rising generation from eiiote and misdemeanors; v'l'bc rgiimerilVflJ heli food, anf Hooper was elected. , y. One fuc in relation to ibis dress we bad forgotten. He wears a neck cloth, and wtj are assured that bis style of difes in this patticulaf dales- ortljr from bis erjtta,ir tnnco with oar present Secretary of State,; a gentlexnan whom Xohnse Vainljr auempts to tmi:te ; in the. on I-point- rbicbjb has succeeded, he baa surpassed Jbw. alod f el he is even dirtier. 1, c,V ' Hooper is ugly simply because be 'can't help it. From self-evi leoce, he hi tftkt valed a bold and original style, with line' . appreciotionof the ridiculous. Witbiead dy grasp, he ft izel on this ti4Uin eterjnuij and with; a master hand, he gife U lifj-: As bieowo.coacf etiprte tare i(u.?!crot 16 j not o jadge'ssman simp! Vv bi looks. : as we are arawmg ft truflficture, and not writing a satire, we will pass to the rith tice of those qualities whtcb Make tile man. Ask us to point oat whoI80oiVd fellow, devoted to his friends; liberal to bfe views, generous to a fault, and we Will show you Hooper. But we roust tay that '. be pursues his foes with as mnch jteal as he serves hisTriendS, be the injury groat Of small, the punishment is in full., lit never forgHd an offence, find nevV forgive one. ' DIG UGLY, I , DOyCMNG THE CAPE A jolly good naltired dog of ar toyager to El Dorada gives the following aeoouoif of his experience in doubling Cape- Horn It is the richest thing we have read for a week. Those who are comferqplalirjg $t, voyage to the gold diggings wonlji do well tOive toaperaaaL Yank Blade., ?; ft it tmpoatible to describe the scenery la che vicioitj of Capo ffom. It U all it Is cracked op to ke. The efentents were la suoh an incessant turmod, that we bat) tct fash everything' on deoi And below, bat sometimes we would be itruck by a 'soctf dolager,' which woold knock our calcula tions into fits. Chairs, chests, trunks and boxes woold 'fetch away pell moll to the leeward, and when the vessel righted, they would tumble back again in the most ad mirable cemfttsion. We osed to lie in ou bunks and call off cotillions for tbem to dance ; first four forwar d. balance three. partners all hinds round great grand right and left promenade yoor seats. No one could walk on deck without clinging lo sorfietb jng-.and sometimes we would be struck uimwarttby a heavy sea, ar4 suddenly find ourselves crawling out of the lee scuppers, rubbing our shins I Thus we were d tudled about by the perpetual tur moil of the elements I until we arrived at Talcahuana. Of the untiring, unaccoun table and unspeakable 'savagerous' rum puses ever kicked up in human nature, C. Horn takes the banner. I have sailed boats, in the Delaware and Merrimack, a raft on the 'raging Canawl,' have been fishing and wrecked on Long Pond, among the fero cious horn pouts, and did think I was some pumpKins, dui tape Horn can takes toy ! hat Behold! bow Great a Fire a Little Spark Klndleth. ,: Mrs. Smith," said Mrs. Brown to her next door neighbor, yesterday, "your 8a makers a common practice of tbrowin' her slops right down in front of my door, and I don't like it." " Well, Mr. Brown, since roit have'. Bpoke about it, I must say that yoor Bjl does more than that ; be chucks dirty wa-' tor in my Sal's face, and even lore her dress a few days ago." " Well, dear knows, Mrs. 8mitb, you needn't sny nothin' about my Bill, for your Sal is the wust child in the neigh borhood; all the neighbors says so, and what all says must bo so." ' All the neighbors says so, does they? and what does they say about youtSak I'd like 'ro know? Take care, Mrs. Brown tloti't put me in a passion, or I may say n.ore than you d like to hear. I'eople that lives in glass houses oughtn't to throw stones." " Say what you please, Mrs, Smith, but take care nnd don't violate the law, or, ITV put you where the dogs won't bite you." "Ah! you will, will you? you dirty huzzy I you put a decent woman in prison,, ri!l you better lake caro you doul get there yourself; it's wbere you ought to h ue been, long ago, if what ererybodys says is true.'1 u There, I'll make you prove that I'lf make you prove that yes, I wi.l. Sal get my bonnet and shawL 111 see if there's no justice for me;" and Mrs Smith hasten ed off lo a magistrate, to get a warrant for Mrs. Brown. The magistrate and the constable were the only persons who made anything by the operation. These scenes are of every day occur rence. Scotch Catechisx. Pedagogue j WU was Uoliah f Boy: The muckle giant whom David slew with a sling and a stoni. f , : ' Pedagogue: Wha was David I, Boy : The son of Jesse. . i Pedagogue : Thai's a bra, man t ' .And noo, wha was Jesse f . Bov: The flowsr'of Durjibjanef " ' -. ' v;'jrj s Be neither lavish nor niggardly ; of tbt two, avoid the latter. A mean man junf tversall despised, but public favor ia a ul : ..-.. in nrr fetrmsnt t K a rsa frvseB IFppnig'alUlIU IV ayt v sve ee s , IUVIVIVI (fpnornus rot'linr' should be cuIl.T&ted.