TAYLOU SONG. .... . . ... . r .,.,.,, .. . - , ' 45 By a Lady Quaker of Pennsylvania. J " Zach, the bravethe honest-hearted V These our rallying words shall be ; . ; See the doubting truth has started, j j From the mountains to the sea. t . r' I. Unfurl oar banners to the breeze ; 'Tis like the Hero's story ; Its'azure hue an emblem true, Its star bright as his glory. Come gather, then, ye noble men, From every; State and station ; ' ' , Reward our chief, and, faction-free We'll prove a happy-nation- ; ; ' V, i ' . Unfurl our banner. &c. Then swell the songs; in triumph , For Columbia's noble son ; - -x - , -. The battle 'now -we'll wage for him ' - - ;,Till victory' bewoiu - J ; 'r ' ' '.. i , viUnlurl oufbarijier, &c. rj r-i ' ' ' ' ' w,. . 3Tis not JLa Patina's well-fought day ;o Nor Buena Vista nobly won, Nor bolder feats at Monterey.' ' r That warm us td Virginia's son. ' f uniurrour oanner, cec CI 'Tis more : he fearless acts his part, ' -I And thus his worth we prize ; We love the goodness of his heart, lite deeds without disguise, ''- J; f ! J , ' Unfurl our banner, dec. ; Come gallant Whigs- a noble.band ! With purppse, true and : steady; v N Record your votes, and then, hurrah For Fillmore, " Rough and Readv !" t l Xhen fling their banner to the breeze: m I j i m ' a ueir uecuB win live in story ; ! i - Its azure hue their emblem true, ! , Its stars bright as their glory. ;' A. L. B. GENERAL TAYLOR: is Moral, Intellectual and Peofes- .... SIONAL ClIAfcACTER. General Taylor's character as drawn' ly the Hon. John M. Clayton, Senator of the U. 8. from Delaware. t i The Hon. Gentleman, (Mr. Senator Foot, of Mississippi,) also attacks General Tay lor on the "ground that he lacks qualifica tions. In justice, however, to his own no ble heart, the Senator admits that General - Taylor is a pure, ; honorable, high-minded, and patriotic manv. But he finds fault with General Taylor on 'account of what he supposes to evince a want of e-reat learn ing. He reasons from a General f Ta ylor's uuiucaaiuti ma t ue was not a - politician, ' that he is not cdmpeterit for the Presidency. . That is, I think,1 his chief objection.-a The rgentleman did also find much fault with one- or two of Gen: Taylor's letter; , I shall not deny that his letters, like those of other - greatj military commanders, ; written in the hurry of a camp, and on a barrel, a box, or a, .drum-head, have r.ot the beauty of finish and the rotundity of period which the gen tleman so well knows how to give his own letters: But for strong sense and appropri ate language to convey it, no man can ex cel these, letters of Taylor, in which he found it important to attend to the manner as yell as the matter of his composition We laugh at the story that he cannot write his letters." That from his enemies is a new tribute to their excellence ! Gen. Cass, is, we. admit, a knowing and : learned man ; but General Taylor is a wise man." . I agree with the poet, that ; ;. "Knowledge and wisdom far from being one, ! Have olt times no connection. Knowing dwells In heads replete with thoughts of other men Wisdom iii minds attentive to their own." 4 Gen. Cass has great erudition,- and has written books. But in the great essential qualities of wisdom, justice, integrity, hu manity, and moral as well as physical courage, Taylor,. approaches nearer to the character of Washington ithah any man who has occupied the-Presidential chair since his day. : And - with regard to the champion of the gentleman from Connect! cut.7Mr. NilesA whn h Jn,,! in a sly fling at Gen: Taylor, I will give my op.mon with equal frankness. Mi. Val. ' h A:-"Y -irrrr" ' liuren is a cunning man, and it has - often been observed, that no cunning man was ; ever yet a wises one. Exception is taken to Taylor's qualifications, because he has been compelled, in his country's service", to pay "more attention to the cartridge than the ballot box; and in his letters has mod estly expressed his own difidence t of-his ability to discharge the d of the United States. But let me call the attention of the Senate to what f?Pn Wnh mgton said of himself in his inaue-ural ad- ! lress. He says to Congress: I tfi.lO . 4The magnitude and difficulty of the trust to which . the voice of my country caaen me, Demg sumcient to awaken in the wisest and irost experienced of her citizens a distrustnirscxutmy into his qualifications COUid TlOt but Overwhelm wifW Jl" I . ugauuuuencv I on a " .-.VnC ' f ; T I J uuci ""j njuciiwiig lumnor endowments """f "ttfc,lre. R."u ""Pracusea in the duties ot civil aammistraUon, DUffht to be 'ni;. I r j 1 ;---vUM . ary conscious onmz own deficiencies:" i C Towln io k -r -i - . ' 1 " "loaem times who nas nvaiied tnis admirable modesstv." a nA m w. ii -. - . . ms menasso iar-lromrearrlino. it a r ' i - - .'-'J I from ri effardmfl it as . lauivyiewjn, as. one ot the brightest among tetures whh adorn hi . ; -'J ' h - : general laytors character as drawn by the - Hon. John SerirMM nf Th HAJli: sx". I .. Q, J fMUUUjntu, , i To be able at such a neri ' ent to place in the highest office of our Gov- ,t tft ni9ofl ttiA uiSrn- J , - fl prnmpnt n n nan nihnoA ..t- i : . . . I his being of the 0 ' th;:aii LFXZL. menH we do honor, must be reirarded bUTH Hlrt6-11161110 favor to bur country. True to the Coniti- r tuUon, faithful Sw sc XXioLLutlTn : -- j . ' wiin a neart too pure tdbe seduced. and too brar tn saenncea. ueneral Taylor will be th Pro. ident contemplated bv theiitoio whTn Xi they. .created thai Kzl i Constitution forhis -guide and ? the whole interests pf the natibn for the objects oi' ire, usurping no authonty which does not ;long to him, and declining , none jt is ' fit he should exercise," with a calm, steady, and fearless slep, he will follow the course ofrduty, according to the platform of the oonsutution, witn tne Dest ngnts upon .u afforded by past or present times. lUfHse are the assurances rriven by - all his cor duct and character through along, and ac tive, and honorable life, spent in the. pres ence of his countrymen, and in sight of the world, In very arduous service, without re proach or censure nay; with uniform and universal praise. -. " ..- ; ; y - ; v, Getieral Taylor's Charcot cr as drawn by the Hon. Truman Smith of Connecticut. - I ileclarejjoy .iitihost confidence in Gen. Taylor. ,5I feel that 1 luiye a thorough, in sight? into hisfrprincipies arid his character. As he is'an honest man. I confiile in him : as4 he is a moderatenanjT respect him as he is a humane man, I admire him ; as he is a' man of unsupassed bravery, I honor him ; as he is distinguished for good sense and sound discretion, I think , he will make a safe President as a high sense of justice nas ever cnaraciensea ms conduct, l am willing to trust-him'with the rightsand in terests of all parts of the country,.and par ucuiariy tnosCr or trm iictr. o tales ; as ne has ever been remarkable for firmness and decision of character- "asks ho favors and fears no responsibility rl. believe he will, with a steady hand j guide the country safe ly through all the perils which may envi ron it :,as he possesses .tne utmost purity and excellence of character. I - shall take pleasure in seeing him at the head 'of pub lic affairs ; as he is truly republican in his naoits ana manners, Deing one ot tne ''po- ple, and sympathisingwthoroughly" with the masses, I think there is ,a fitness in making him ,.the . chiet magistrate "ot those se masses of whom the humblest can exclaim with truth, "he is one of us 1" and as he is a good, sound,' conservative and reliable Whig, abominating ;war and r contemning meanness, fraud, chicanern and trickery, who witl put far from him allevil-doors, po- liticai or otnerwise, l am lor nim trom the beginning to the ' end ""of the ''chapter. consecrate my hand and, my ;heart to the good old cause as represented by Zachary lay lor, and will do all in the range of my teeble abilities to make mm the next lJresi denrof the United States. ' General Taylor's character as drawn by the .Honorable .Jlr. looms, of Georgia. r It were well to stop for'a moment ' to in-; quire what manner of man is this Zachary Taylor, and how has he won this popular affection. His military genius and success undoubtedly first-attracted tojhimself pub lic attention, but it aVtfie Wame ? time sub jected, him to . popular -scrutiny. . The re sult" df that scrutiny disclosed in hfni moral and" intellectual qualities for which the people grappled him to their hearts, as it were with hooks of steeL . They admired the soldier, but they loved and trusted the man.' They loved .him, not because he was without fear,"- but because "he was without reproach." They found him a man of spotless purity and integrity mod est, 'truthlul, honest, great, and wise. Mod est in his estimate of his own greatness ; truthful and honest in all things ; great in action, in moulding events : wise in his Knowledge ana juagmeni oi men, ana in his conception of - practical truth, in his adaptation of, the et 'means to the accom plishment of useful and noble ends. He is not a man of words, but of thoughts and deeds ; his great and noble deeds; have filled the civilized world vith hisT own and his country's fame. ' 1 ' ' ' ' General Taylor's character as drawn by the Honorable Caleb B. Smith of Indiana: The mind of Zachary Taylor is cast in no common mould. His firmness was the tower of strength upon which' our little ar my in Mexico reposed while ; the clearness uuia m xuajuugmeui; nave Deen vindicated in his .every .action. His des Zes toU e War Department and other X ; -7 5 have no superiors of their class. They are all distinguished by disciplined thought, masterly common sense, remarkable 'force and elegance of diction, and by a dig-nified submission to the civil , power under the l n , otto greatest .personal pro vocations-r-while an extreme and winning modesty is the very soul oi mem an. General Taylor's character, as drawn by the --.Honorable Jiobert C'bchencfc of Ohio. T frankly submit that since his n omnia tionjand since I have set myself cooly; and calmly to consider,runde'r the best lights afforded to us, his character j and position, my estimation ot mm nas gjeatly increased, I-believe that he is a? strong-minded, sinle- hearted, true manias honest as he is bmve ftnd'ithrit iihlAr thinV w''WrM Viot cS vuau uuvq a saie. J 1 TTT1 - l . . . i ' .17 pure, ana souna. vvmg aammistration of the government. e is a soldier, but regards I "war" he savs. '"at all times and unrlpr'nii T . . w ... . i circumstances, as a national calamity and 1. , .1 t ... J .7. I ue aisuncuy protests ms opposition to the TJOlicv which would' subiup-atft nthnr 'n5- i . . ...... Hons . nnrl H smprnkr nthpr ennntnoo u . - J O conquest. 1 . . VUUUUeSL. : . i ? r ; J& J?' ith1aUading lJem. o . general Taylor's- military exploits are not the Causes of- his nonularitv tfAv ra I t , , rT rfT J J ' j,-V j I occasions for the display of sound juagmem, energy, pi cnaracter ilofty and pure, sense, of justice,: and incorruptible MUAU UliOO V71 I UC y J 0lnest-- u. W aS uch reputation fbf he bas -written, as for what he has done, becauBe even where the composition "1 ?a: coPosmo r ' "'e senume",s ouves. and I LLJi h ri'yaJlo" - - ofhiS owchnra;,or. l have never heard of an v on?: bnwAv corrupt of base himself, that after five min- 1 - .nIUr XT i r , . i HM e.n' layl0Trs AJ0JT0P or even hint atany thing if dishonest or nig an.1 j !And no intercourse in ordinary events of common life can give the true idea of the loftiness of his charac ter. I reinember you asked me at the time he was pit in command at Corpus Christi, whether he was equal to the circumstances. I told yoti of his sound judgment and inex haustible Jenergy as I had learned them in Florida, but I did not then estimate proper ly the other and higher points of his char acter . In the campaign on the Rio Grande, 1 saw him tried under all circumstances, and lie always came out pure gold. - " MS. SC&rGGIXtf ADTICE TO A YOUNG WIDOW. " You can't think, my dear Mrs. Jones," said Mrs. Scruggins the other day to a fel low boarder, "how dreadful afilicted I was to hear of the dyin' of poor, dear husband, Mr. Wiljiam Jones. I felt like one of our family had gone ; such" a honest, lovin', affectionate, good-natured soul, he was. too 1 1 allays took a great fancy to him, arter you. told me that he never failed giv in' you money when you wanted it, which misfortunately, isn't a failin' with the lords in gineral, exceptin' when they marry rich teminmes, ana tnen tney . nave to be re minded fof the sarcumstance pretty often My dear gone ivir. ocruggins was - very partie'lar about given' me money, and nev I er would refuse meceptin' on some partie 'lar 'occasions when he hadn t it. for in stance, and then I couldn't blame him much, you know. . Well, as I was a say in'.- your nusoana is rone, ana it's no knowing when you'll git anuther, for I've found, by dredful experience, that the lords are excessive 'Iraid of the widders, 'cept in indeed they're rich, and you know youaint partic lar troubled that 4ere way. Don' think I want to maice you teel bad, : my dear there's no tellin' what'll , happen, and you maj'.be blessed with anuther lord some o risrht : : tnese aays, n you set your cap and that's what I want to give you some advice about.; j "Ferhinines that hasn't been married, and widders that has, are sitivated oppositely to eacn otner m matters rijverentaii to mat ermony ; the lords don't-look at 'em in the same ay, and the widders I has to mind their hints, or else they don't, get married very sdon agin, and I am a livin' example of the act. I've been a .widder jist two years nd seven months this day, ,and a dreadful long tiroes it seems, too. But I don't tell Mr. Skinkle.so. Widders orter be 'ceedin' careful, how they talk .about h ir husbands that is gone ; either too much or too little said about 'era isn't right. You sbould't be allays a talkin' about his virtues, and what a good husband he was, and hovv desperate unconsol'd you are. and al ays 'are a goin' to be r- It discoura ges them as are sittinr-up to you, and afore you know ehnythipg, they fly the track, and then you can't do nothin' with ern. -Lovye rs are like mules they git along very well in the traces until arter. you be gin driivin' fast, and then t hoy git stubborn, and the more "you want em to be quiet, and try to coax, 'em to go a head, the more they s op and kick up. i Afore you use the whip see that they're geared up tight, and every ;hing fixed so they can't run away. If you'do talk about your deceased lord; do it in a quiet way, like you was very sorry at what jiouldn't be helped ; but jist hint that there ijuight be even better men than he wasand that you didn't find matermony very qnagreeable. If your lovyer is like what kou husband was, you can say that you'll 'never marry until arter you find jist sich a one as he was, and if he aint like he was at all, why. y'ou can jist talk a roundlin a. quiet kindiof a way about vari ety bem' the species of life, and so on.. "I've often heard 4 on dashin' widders, and ijve observated that them there makes the- Bnpst show,- is allays tho t pnes that ! is most disable to afford it. This is very an- prenensible : but aa yon "amt pqrtic'lar wen to ao m tne woria, tne best way ,to git long is 'to t&lli very mystified like a bout the sitivation of things in gineral, and oyonr professions in goops, dimes, and chatlrs in purtie'larj ., . f "I recollect how I lost a good chance, jist after I was made a widder, by tellin' ii . ' 1 . v 4 w ' i .- vw.vfvi uu w ao it. octiiu up iu I me stionsr. all alao-it inv Mrcnmstflnrpa While 1 was a tellini him, I noticed . his' .. .-' :;. . : , face got amazin ' long ; and he looked won derful disapinted. Artar that, instead of comirj' every day, as he did a fore, he drop ped offto wunst a week, and then to wunst a mohth, and, to- wind up, he didn't come no more." i; . ;' .; At this affectinar. confession Mrs. Sr.mo-- gins Was compelled to wipe her spectacles 5? . . ' - ! 1 . i I -j ' 1 o . -1 . l "tney was so excessive dim." Ned. Beautiful Daguerreotypes. i - . , . . .""v. nuui new urn, uave me from New York, have the rr'A'.V'i" "nsoi vvumington mat i nicy .wye cou-oiisuea xvooras ior.tne rraeticcor this 1 beautiful art, in the bmldingloccupied i W DrTw7 am Wake, Froct-st, 4 doors abom rnf mey nave esieo Erht "S ugl .comoined, we are enabled to furnmh nnrtmit i in the highest stylo of the art and at the IowVk. . " -'w.uB.u. .n. A large assortment of Gold and. Giitwirpi. uieaa - wiaDtiyon nana, at lnm 3toSiain, .,; . . ciuaiag tne picture, xvo sitter required to take a niclnre iinfps nprfVft!i eaticfia Oct 24. , rf xiuH 94-lmP. BRLS. Winter Whale OiL , iust received per fJ brisr Samuel Small and for mi hv brig Samuel Small and for sale by Oct U'4 C ; - : : a & DRAKE. si. ; '-- -: --. - - - - -- Qd.tr EMPTY BARRELS. A - SMALL lot, empty Spirit barrels, for sale by , HARR1SS & DRAK I . ' ": ' A 1 " " " NORTH CAROLINA HAMS Offon.H i Oc., ! IIARIUSS & DRAKE. T , ., . ' a4-tf. FAYETTEVIIJ.R FT.OTTT? T'Af mviuux tLUUK. V brand6ale t&liL J "? 0 HARRISS A Oct; 24. :t-. PRAZE. W-tf. 4 , .,. .... .).-,. CRAB CIDER. TN Casks, or by the dozen, very, superior, put up. JL expressly lor family use. r r orsaJe by, J'. d W. L. McGAKY. Oct. 24. 94-tf. SACK SALT. Sacks hourly expected. For sale by 200 ; Oct. 21. ' VV. Li. SMITH . 3- - 93-It. TT1SSES and BOYS Patent Leather Belts, a large 1XL assortment, for sale by j; c: MYERS. Oct 26. " "I. 95-tf. I PRIVATE BOARDING. T?OUR Gentlemen can be furnished with genteel L boarding, in a private family, near market street Apply a I this office. : - ' ' Oct. 19. 92-6t. C. li. LIPP1TT, WILL be open in a few days at his late stand, Inext door to Mr. Polley's- in Front street, the store having been fitted up handsomely, since the fire. THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DMY GOOIDS, eter offered In the town of Wilmington, j - C. H. L. Is now and has been for several weeks divoting his whole attention to making Selections in New jYork and Boston, with the view of offering the la i test and most aDnroved styles.of SILKS, SATINS ard dress GOODS, of FRENCH manufacture, of which notwitstanding thef scarcity of French fab rics, throoffh the aid of a few friends,-he hopes to comDlete his selections from some fresh arrivals ex pected in a few days, and display an assortment of taese truly oeajutmrt -: English, Scotch, Irish, German and AMERICAN GOODS. His stock will be very large, and in consequence of the extraordinrry low prices of these goods conse quent on oyer production and the. extreme scarcity of money, he has been able, with CASH, to make his purchases at prices So low as to be himself aston ished, and he will offer them at prices that will aston ish others. ? H i N B. C. H. L. is Jiavihg manufactured, LA DIES and MISSES, blacil Silk VIZITES, richly trimmed and of the newest PARISIAN patterns. Also a few for ladies in mourning. By having them made under his own superintendence none but the best materials are, used. he s also a enabled to make quite a saving in their cost and will sell them cor respondingly low. . ' J v " I COUNTRY MERCHANTS r . ! p v ; Can supply themselves frjam this stock Wi th Cash, at prices as low as tney can in iew yorK. I I j C. H. LIPPITT. Wilmington, Oct. 10, M V i 88. ODD PELLOVVSr SCHOOL. THE. Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Monday, the 16th of October. - - . : English Male department under thei direction of Mr. MEG1NNEY.. :.j . I; -, - Principal of the Female department Mrs. PAR KER, Teacher in the Baltimore Female! high school. - Freneh will be taught ib y. a compeientprofessor of the Language. j M r i The Trustees in openinghis Sehool for the ensu ing year, feeling that it is an important institution to the Town, are determined jto spare no jexertions, to make it worthy of the pairohage of the public. TICK RTS, per Session. 84 00 ; to be had at the othce ot Uolonel JOHiN jVltRAE. Oct. 3. T 85-tf. ! NEW YORE Furniture Warehouse, FRONT S TREETiNEAR MARKET FREDERICK CLARK, res pectfully informs thef public, and particularly those about ; - !..!..... . .-... .... buying Furniture, that he pias been receiving during uie jast ten aays, ann nas now in msr ware-rooms, some of the best Cabinet Furniture, Sever sen in this or any other southern market, which, together with the whole of his extensive stock, he will offer at prices equally as low, as the same articles can be oought lorinlVew York j i , ;-,, f. Among his assortment ' now on hand, may be tound the following : . . Marble, and Mahogany lop Bureaus ; f Egyptian, and white maj-bje.top Centre Tables ; iuaroietop asnsianas j f Rich Mahogany and plains Wardrobes . Aiaroie top v asnstands ; - j ' Mahogany and plain Sideboards ; Sofas, Divans, and Conchep latest style ; French Bedsteads Mahogany arid Wajnut ; Book cases, writing Des.iS j Card Tables, dressing TabpesV 7 J Single Mahogany, and plain Washstands ; tiign and low post Bedstead s i Windlass and Trundle Bedsteads ; Mahogany and Walnut Stuffed Rockers Ladies Work Tables j k j Ladies sewing Chairs plain and fancy MahoganyDming and Tea Tables ; Cummnn Walnut anA Phofnr HT'oKTr,, Common Walnut and Chefry Tables ; gin vauiucii) auu Biros KjiiailB : - Portable Writing Desks: " Ladieswork Boxes and' Limp stands ; Cribs. Cradles, and Childrens Chairs ; Butlers Trays, and Towel Racks ; oane and wood seat Settees ; Office Chairs and Cushion ; " ' J-c.; Loolkiriff Glasses. Hnf t s jT .min tr Fine Hair Mattre-TVnWhpm Moss Mattresses, m w..i"-i 1 r , " . n do. do. M ALSO. t " ....,.? m' - - ; , rj v"f"i, Cottage Chairs : - I - - uu'. . :iao- - . m.fl.iiHw. ...91 ra . . Plain Maple Chairs: Painted and Gilt back chairs ; rvusn 00110m ; dol Cane seat ' Windbor chairs, with scroll backs : lv;-- ur ii ; Bamboodoi and futtM' - Se wi ng and nursing chairs j . - r - Large and small cane rockers j J Laree wood bottom rocker 1 Chrildrens sittin? and 1 -;u .. . t r r o x v-uuarens- amine cnairs : wmp stools, Gee, &c . W s Pi Furniture safely packed CLARK. in boxes, or Matts, for transportation. " ' 93. yarn; Lui II Q p D wiarpa, assorted bombers, for sale by Oct: 24.- - O. LATTA. COFFEE, MpLASSESj &cT ZrtBis St. Domini rinfr. bbls. Glue, OutcelSnjiGonn w dow. wue, uuiceite' 5ntff, Gunny Bags For sale by Ac. Oct. 24. 04ttttlrtJKyANT.4Co. R EG I M EN T AIL O RDERS. ORDERS -NO. 11. . . , Head Quarters, 30th Regiment. n Wilmington 10th Oct. 1848. y i THE 30th Regiment of North Carolina Militia, are hereby ordered to appear at Wilmington, on Tnesday,21st November next, for review. i The commissioned and non eon-commissioned of ficers, nnd musicians are hereby ordered to meet for drill, on Monday 20th November. Line formed at II o'clock, A. M. . -; Officers drill at 18 o'clock. A. ? Commissiuned officers are requested to meet on the 20tn Nov. at 3 o c ock, P. M. to hold an Electiori for Major General, to 11 the vacancy caused by the resig nation of Major General Alexander'McRae. Gene ral Court martial, on Tneaday 21st. I : c -- By Order of the Brig. General, j; f ROBERT. G, RANKIN, Col. Com. 30th Regiment. J. Ji HEDRICK, Adj. 30 Reg't. Oct. 24. . ! . - i - 94-10tt. 94. Houses for Sale or Rent. TO RENT. THE Iloomon second floor above, Mr. Ei lers 'Store on the corner of Market and Wa- 111 i .ter Streets. It is a large commodious room, will be rented on good terms. Amiy . B.1..HOWZE, or Oct. 14. 90-t. For rent from 1st October next. rpHE building at present occupied by Mr. X C. Erahrdt. next door to tne commer cial Office. The hitldign is adapted for two stores and. dwen.nS. EEplTON.; j Oct 12th. ;i , r. , - con. ; v . 89-tr; FOR RENT. THB. Store andpffice.No.22, North Water etreet. from the 1st. October, applyto , .... jArtrtlso S Ruooiiiiii. Oct. 3. 85-tf. ';FOR'RENT.'---!H-i:'' THE Store -NiV 26, Jn Lord's Building, North Water Street, at present occupied by myself.. .... Vi Sept TO RENT. F A HOUSE to rent on Orangfti street, front. ingJas. Anderson's, Esq., from tne tsi kjc .tober next. Apply to ? ' ;UUWt ' Sept. 26. 82"tf- TO RENT, , FROM the 1st of October, a new and com fortable two 6tory Dwelling House, sitda. ted on Third St., South of "Oraage. Apply J. & W. L. McGAtLY. 21 ' 80-tf. TO RENT. A house in Texas, one year old, containing two separate tenements. " - GEO. FERGUSON. Sept. 14. '- ' j 77. FOR SALE OR RENT, V THE Subscriber offers for sale his dwelling House in the Town of Wilmington, and also a moiety of lot on which the House recently 'occu pied by Mr. Luciarti near the Rail Road stand The terms will be accommodating. My dwelling if not sold by th'; middle of November, will be for rent In my absence apply to my Son, C. H. Dndlev. E. B. DUDLEY. Au. 15. - . 64-tmN.' his recent" summer house in SmithviHe and TO RENT A new two story house for one year, from 1st October next rent $225. D.wr WOOD. 14.. . II. bub Sept. FOR SALE OR RENT. A Comfortable Dwelling Hoasc on Third Street, would besold on very accommo dating terms, or rented until the 1st of October next. Apply to . " J. & W. L. McGARY. June 20. ' 42-tf. TO RENT. ' THE store corner of red cross and front streets lately occupied by Messrs. G. P & R. H. Grant , O. G. PARSLEY, Guar. Sept. 12. -!' 76-tf. Stores and Wharves for Rent. SEVERAL desirable Stores, Warehouses, and Wharves, maybe rented from 1st October next. ' . Apply to DuitOSSET, BROWN & Co. Sep. 7, 1847. " 74 :jsugar. Landing-from Brig W. L. Jones. 1 Q HHDS. St. Croix Sugar. JL0 5hhds. Porto Rico Sugar. For sale by DeROS SET, BROWN d Co. Aug. 30. .. r, ;, ,. . 69 DRESS MIKING & MILLINERY. , MRS. SARAH H. KELLY embraces this method of informing her. Town and- Country friends, that she has returned from the North, with a well selected stock of Millinery, con sisting of Ladies and Childrens Bonnets. Feathers. Flowers, Head dresses, Collars. Cuffs. Edffinsrs. (cot ton tnread.) Ribbons, with a variety of other articles. all of the latest style, and will be sold as low as can be bought in the place. She has brought on an ac complished Milliner and dress maker: .-?.---.;. ' : ; ohe returns her sincere thanks for past patronage," auu uuuiuiy usua a wuuuuanre oi me same. Oct. 7. . . L87-lm. . S.II. K. ,.i PRESERVES &c, &c. ' 1 dozen preserved Ginger ; ' , ; ; t ; ,1 . do. Guava Jelly ; do Rasberry Jam : -1 1 2 .2 do. do. do. -do. Anchovies'; " Tomato Catsup;" preserved Salmon; ; do. Lobsters. For sal by . -CARROLL & PENNELL. . i OT . i , ii. . . . ,,t - ' t". ' i -A i-. ' . o Oct. 7. iffton Musio School. TirRc? V WHTAKER, has removed her Music -"-- .School to the House ocminfoH Liat ngrKv opposite the Episcopal Church, acd adjoin ing Mrs. London where she hopes by her strict at tention, and long experience as a Music Teacher, to receive a lame Share of nnfrnnatrn frnm lha X.Ai J"mington, She feels thankful for the Very lib eral encouragement, she has received during the Summer, and all she asks of the Ladies of Wilming ton, to become convinced of her aualifitinn.. , 7n I call and see for themselves: she also Ir porta l.rn I 1 I C . I i , . ' I uaiiu, ana lur saie, a wen selected assortment I ot M usic, both for Piano and Guitar. , Wilmington, Oct. 5.: 86-4 w. -NOTICE v IS hereby given that application will be made at the ensuing Session of the LefiisTatumf N7trK r - i: i- t . r v. i -m.f "v.mivoiw Independent Order of Rechabites. Z FRESH ARRIVALS OP finnns J UST: Received, per schr. David Bkle; from' York : Bleached shirting . Tx; !in. L .1 e.w do.. Canton flannels, CrashCambri irish'lSen Bleached jeans Apron checks. Bed tick : BknkSS ' Plaid Linsey, Ginghams, Turkey red rn Jti .uanas, snawls. Alaoaera: Ho .-.-TV. 'A ored table cloths, Flannels (red and whitl 1 5U tinets, Cadet mixture, KemuSpfJa patterns,) Carolina strioes. shir Plaid ieana. Rln tAn ." ' wrlaKei.c9mo Umbrellas, 'aBVSS Cotton handkerchiefs, Cashmret f -dl l2S" JI ' Cloths, Chene plaids7&c- "Fortd Oct. 14. E. BERNARD. - ' 9o-tf. ' , '.:.' lard, TO BBL?' Superior leaf Lard, for sale by t LiiilL to'3 Sept; MEM. fesssra ii ii ii a, McQARY.. Tested by Thousands, Q o M f ft OCARCELY has ten short vrnr B-.J.. . O humble attempt was made to combinein a Z ole medical preparation, a few of the herbs of the it M&ian. Alt was dark at the time as to th roanit 1 most that could be estimated was, that the viinr t adopted as the basis to build upon, were sound ? much reliance was placed upon calomel and the hir cet, and the ill success of the experiment would h tended to confirm that reliance, while ii shook k purpose of the projector. ' c in'. ISow, however, all doubt and difficulty are at an Everv where. thi9 mprfiri fn6 . v--4 icviea the most sratifvin? sucrrsn l Vrrtn ci.ui . " -iwi.- viwj ttmcc uusiia use uc tin aundd 5 fa kaIpq nr nnw rnnni1 K MITT mvo . '." ' held in higher estimation at the present 'time whn it was oriwinallc intrAn thru CURE FOR FEVER AND AGUE. . RcssKtviLLE, Putnam Co., r"la ) : ' . ; ' ' . Ju'y 17, '49. Dr. Wright Some lime since, you scent U ft m, aPP.'y of your Indian Vegetahle Pills. have fouu said Pills to be in great demand lately, for the'eureT Fever and Ague. Mr. James Boyd has a pnn' ' k has been laid up with fever'and ague, and had tr vail. 1 TI J i Pills, and bj udcuuim-u in iry your Indian Vet 1 by using one box, he is now no r. i. fcpei uroves a son. nn iir i 'horino rv;Kv, -..u . . . ii r his family were down at the same time with ftv and ague, and had also tried the various other rem! dies without effect. Your Indian Vegetable p i soon restored them to perfect health. I can am you, frtfm what I have seen, your Indian Vtpftat Pills may be relied on for a permanent curl? of ftve and ague.' Yours, respectfully, JACOB DURHAM. P.M. Also, an acting Justice of the Peace. This is to certify that I was entirely cured of th Chills and Fever, of several months standing, bv th use of four doses of four pills each, ol "Wright' hi an Vegetable Pills, and after taking medi ine from regular physician for some time, and have had n symptoms of it since, which has been iibout on year ago. 4 J.W.SPENCER. . Texas, Champaign county, Ohio. This is to certify that I was cured of the Chill? v Fever by the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill, after having had three attacks of it. , . , DAVID BEERY.' Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co, O. Nov. 1,'4G. The Genuine Is for sale by GEO, R FRENH Market Street, sole agent for Wilmington : D. TUf NER, Raleigh, and by agents in a Jl ' parts of tf State. ...... jjr Beware of counterfeits and imitations I member that the original and only genuine Jndi Vegetable Pills, have the. written signature of If. tiarrt Wright, on the top labelof each box. Offices devoted exclusively to thesa.'e of W'rielt Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale andi retail." It Race street Philadelphia, 238 Greenwich street !y York, and 198 Tremont street, Boston. Sept. 21st. 1843. " - fO-lr1 I m li ll II I. ...!.; II l .1 r.- i . ir t K . To the Ladies and Genllemen of Wilmington and its Vicinity. C GR1MME, . would respectfully, inform th Community, that he has just return JVf,r the North, and opened aeain his Chenn R) GOODS, Fancy Cutlery and Crockery ,i. rt. e Market street, where he is prepared to pive ero.u bargains than any other Store can even ot,Vr; i stock consists in a general assortment of te I lowing: ' . r DRESS SILK, Silk striped, Mode Colored, and Black Alpaca, O shmeres. Muslin de Lane, Wool, Muslin, Fr.rj: Ginghams, English, French and Atneiiran Calif Jaconet and Swiss muslins, Irish linen, French v English Merino, Shawls, Cravats, Luce, Uibbo't: Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Cambrics, Bleached a: Brown Cottons from to 114 yard wide, Checi . BROAD CLOTHS, French Cassimeres, Doeskins. Coating, Tweadsfvi;; vest patterns, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders Gltv; . " Caps, Comforts, &c., &c. - - CUTLERY, GUNS & PISTOLS. Knives and F-orks of the best manufactoriesPJii knives, of all descriptions, Scissors, Razors oft finest kind, Guns and Pistols of various qualitki CROCKERY, A full assortment , of both fine and common, a very cheap. ; JEWELERY, " GOLD and Silver Lever and Anker Watch Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens in silver es' Gold-Ear rings, Finger rings, Breast pin?. studs, Silver thimbles. Metal Combs arid Chain?. FANCY ARTICLES, In the Fancy line, an endless variety of artic Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Harps,, Accordions Banjoes, Steel Beads, Purses, Wpllets, Con' Brushes, Buttons, Thread, Needles, Pins, Flow? Vases,. Spoons, Scissors. Knives. 'Flask?, IW'- Percussion caps, Perfumed soaps, Genuine colo Hair oil -, Ac. . fS-ALL of which Is respectfully offered toiljer ' lie at the very lowest CASH nrfre. Mvi motw v "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shillfc' ; r. : ; CHR. GK1MME. At the house former!? occupied bv 3Ir. ote, iuantei square. , LOct. IV. r . ,r . ' -CL't -es-tf. , COFFEE AND LARD. Ckf BAGS mim Rin nnfTce. liri " i ., .. , V o 1 'Java 2Q Kegs No. 1 Leaf Lard. For sale by 7 ' CARROLL & FEKAELL. . Oct. 14. i ' ' - - - N.';X' iTLtRNITURE WAREHOL (?!-, THE subscriber has just received if IQiSchr. Mary Powell : the following via 1 I 8'Mahoanv bureaus different sizes b mahogany and walnut dining and tea w i t 1 1 . ( 1 . .1 4 Cherrv do. do.- do. ; I.arirfl f n fieri rorkrs i I 6 Ladies. work tables walnut and mahogacr 3 Sofas, a Very pretty article ; s 24 Mahogany parlour chairs new style; r, 24Curledmaple -do "v.- do; . " 12 Fine hair cushions ; 1 nestof pantry safes ; - T N ! -4 Fine hair mattresses; ' t s ' 1 24 Looking gl isses some large sizes; 8" -which will be offered at the most reasonable prices. . Oct, 17. 91. , . F. CLARK. 1 ' . ' Front St. rear markei- I tA VFTTF.VIT.T.P. vr HTTR 1 Ol Barrels Sanerfine and Cross. For Je f X)J , J. C. LATTA1 Oct. 24. i : PORTER AND ALE. 6 CASKS, Boyd's superior Porter in Bottles; . B ' -" Cream Ale in qtjart'and pint w Ues, for said at i - - . ; A W. L McGARY f - MJJ INDIAN . Mil PILLS WW t'i -: J 4-tf. ;