i 1A ;.'l'7i t, lH'tJl r .- i .... . U3 i.J no bo mGOIFBIBAYM'ARGHf 6, 1849.- - Hi J r ADVERTISEMENTS,! 7 o.Ta limiteJ extent, will be-inserted in tHc Weekly Commercial, iat Xhe ibl IduJnj? hit d aquifJ, i insertion, 0 5U u-j. 2 do. 0 75 J I d. 3 do. I 001 I d.' I ro-mth, - 1 23 I 1 I square, 2 moiuhft, 82 00. do.i,.3,. do. o ao. I year, - 'do. do. 2 50 4 00 6 0 Torelveiline of Ie?a, make a equure.i ; li i advertisement exceed twelve, linens, ta priCcwill be in proportion.;. . . ; v All adv-crtieraentaare payable atjUic tinie Of their insert on. tCp" All advertisements inserted in the Wit'dii .Co inn; retail are entitled to one irt nartioa in the Tri-lVeekly free of charge ; 1 j r t luxury: not to be got, "lor love or money ; - it is now nexi 10 looa, sneitcr and raiment uie mosi.inuia- . . .. . 1 1 f pensablc article in our domestic economy. Last summer, a perturbation was created In our commu nity n conscqucnce,of an apprehended scarcity of ice, almost equal to tuat procacca ny,ine aavem ui an epidemic. ''' W.e can scarcely : coricefvel;criiny greater ImpditttenV tooaf comfort an1! !coiivnlencVtJ -WEEKLY COMMERCIAL :;FRlpJLY? MARCH :1G; 1 849. ; , ( THE CABINET. The foilowitg Cabinet .appointments have been confirmed by the Sena'e.' ..' " , .Secretary of the Sta e$ J j.ik 31. CtAYTos, of DcU awarei .Secretary of the Treasury, William Meredith, of Pcnn. i : ' r Secretary of War,; G . W. Cu AtrroiiD, of Georgia. Sfcretary of the Navy, Wtii II. Peestox, of Vir. Secretary of the Home Department, Tiios. Ew ijfWj of Ohio. - ' It Master General, Vacob Collameh, of Ver mont: ;Attorney General, Revehdt Johxbox,' of Mary land. TI PRESIDENT. . It appears that the President has already given to meddling politicians a "touch of ttis quality" -that firmness and independence of character .which' we have attributed to him,from the time of his nomination. It seems that the Congressional Delegation ' Trom Pennsylvania waited on him,' and objected to lhe appointment of Mr. Meredith as Secretary of the Treasury. The President informed them that his tiilnd teas viadup on the subject 'a very significant hint from a man like Gen. TayIor.' ; I - I that could be produced by any privation,-trrati pa m- city of lee ai we enmmerjimonths; iVicwio gr.it another aniiTnore Important li?ht, as fehygeian sure, it has bCEomcindespensfciWe" Jafa.? t,r?,tfu!4 & not get along jvithou'ti :it.iri;Tbec Ataji?Ucs, thereiret relatingr to.it, axe a;tnatter pfvintrcjstQ iuhcii "The ice iradojwMcmeftocfrilje ftyj of los 'ton, in the year 1805, by- on enterprising merchant by the nm&htJftfvAJ. iSaoTrtf tSiIiie to tho: West Indies, 54ost 45001, tjiir pext hlraorrts vere to Cubaavanmhami Gharlestfrfi, fron which J hr realized a nrofit n-rr 1P33 hfihnatle aslinmfni in 1 Calcutnt, and afterwards1 extended hisjopritions io Madras and Bombay.'- In' thetroet3il.oridoinndi the provincial f ownsV the ; "rfoidfes df MAfhii1ten? jed mt v - i i irt-j:j-i t-tj,? h f zfi-EMhi JJnfB'HS1 iiSf-jiil': i -k J Itf TI?T I? CTrCII- FT? AM rf?I A r, for sale" arc everywhere to be seen; ' n 91 f 5i1 n ' i jDufrngthVyca Boston tgt. Southern pprjs in fnc'" TynlidtatesU 51,832 " tons "to forcjgnpgrtssiipOl tonsi'Tbtal' . ' . . ... ... .f. ,, t.i .riiji ;?? 4i THE RAL.E1GH 3IEETI.XG. ; Our readers will observe, in another column! an account of the spirited proceedings of our fellow citi zens in Haleighf on the subject of Internal Improver Vnents. This matter having been taken up in the Capital, by the right sort of men, we may , look for the right; sort of doings among them. We anticipate happy results from the proposed . meeting , in April, and are confident that the present movement will add vigor and effect to the labors of. the friends of the glorious system of internal improvement, all along tke line of the Road, where the interest is so immediate, as well as on those in more remote sec- tions. In fact, no portion of our State will be unalfec ed by the success of this great scheme and we, there fore hope none of our people will hesitate to encour--aje it. - :.. ,:. . : GOVERN3I EXT OF CALIFORNIA. The whol country will regret the omission of Congresa to provide for the government of Califor nia. The Civil and Diplomatic Bill contained the ecessary provision, and was passed by the House ; but 'fhe Senate adjourned without acting upon it. At the last moment a bill was passed extending the Revenue Laws over that Territory and that is "all 'that has been done. The peculiar state of the coun try ; the diversified character of its population, and the vast influx of the immoral and licentious, demand the most stringent application of law. - We . agree with many who think that the President will be obliged to call an extra session of Congress to meet the emergency. . r- : i o 74.497 tons. , 353 vessels wcre-cmnloved.'rinfi iha'to 651. 1 :T!ie retail pfice . abroad vriasArin , , IJavana, where it is a monopoly, it geljs ntoi;cntafl pound j in Calcutta it is sold. :at about J ceius a ppuoF, 4nd in Now Orleans it varies in jirice froiti 3 ents down ff to half a cent a pounds Upwards oi'23,003 tons Txtd, Annually consumed In this city;i ; -i .,: W!'M,.u ri - ,i "Massacbusetts is the' principal if ndt the exclu siv6tplaco of e:port"of icefj Shc endys a monopoly of the ice trade'.'.'. Of a stefijc soil.' this l;hpble State? is1 h in enterprise and indomitable energy eVenlir , ponds, lakes, and rivers, axe sources of wealth'.'1 lis one; of her ablest sonsjewarks, j'.'graalte is?liprbcyt mineral, andJce the -only , pearl jo jjefound in iier'i - ?'Frm tle! very many sourccs.i iniMessachuseUsyj whence ice is furnished for ihomc and fortiign eor sumption, "Silver Lake,' in the vicinity iof Boston; is the pfbfnincnt one'The sapptjls inexKaUsiiUe. The lake Is as pretty p ih6c of ' water; as Cth'e eyf I wo'u kl wish .to look u poi. j 't'hV wal eV p u reJ drid TTm'-" p id the; banks shelving, ' and '.of "siiver feand." Tf S we cannot manufacturelec at home, bat HaV6 to'deif pena upon tue irozen iorin lor ,ine arucie, lei us i have it irotn veLie, , ; t r x " ' iTheAts telath. THElNEWSJ ! kn it ' Fer and Deep Rh ver Irmproverhenland : Kt$W New; Dccapy- alniost ourntirt! spae it: s cijAVerarjc cqpiI dent our feadersWil! ;-ro vo tLe arrangement, by 'which'ihe principles of iu rcat schctpe Hrptlaid t-Ibre-'incnratione 4eivgBs s- an vi Aa j FORiTHErB A LiH iI.Q-RiE;.; ,&UJK J. J , nxtion of the island of Cuba.,. The rjeply was that; noprop'siiioaudbeerf made, and that no ministry composed of Spaniards would ever' listen fc such a profjoslrand that they phouid nefer cede the island of Cuba to" the United States, j , Irt4he Senate also, Gen. aravaes confirmed the ft hot ; ari added that the rumors of a eession were ntirely;.anfounded tbaf the island of Cuba woald tlway.s remain" as no wj a part of the4 monarchy of 7- tit I?;.; ! T DISSOLUTION OF. THE ASSEMBLY ; ;1 -laodificatioiL eff JiOglUh iKaliciiLawSi 8T.1 t - L.. i wiiBEPUBLJCa E&TABLl&IlEDlNJlWIEi! ; 10 Err Ixotcctiou cf tli :1t lope Guarantied ' ' . lixnt of Uie gVaiid iute oiSaxt)iy, u 1 ,tHE CUOIiGBA. ami tli? GOLD FEVER, ; Thc? Senate : of tlic thi'rty-first Congress, 5 'which will.be in session to-day, on U19 Cabinet nominations, . lcomposea as luno's.ria4. jimcricau.. --f"! i L President Millard FiLtiouk, 4 , 4 Whigsin Italics Natives in-Small Capita.; Dero octatsin Rdmari Those marked F.'4. arc Frc'Soil, . ' .,hj ; Term f-'. ' " j Expires.. - . Alabama Benj. Fitzpatriek.,, 1853 Uncertain . 'r 1B35 ' Arkansas ' 1 W.! Kt Sebastian R 1853! Solon Borland Vomiec R. S. Baldici Travian Smith Delarrare John Wales Presley Spruance : ;f Fmridaj David L. Yulee Jac'cson Morion Georgia ' John .17. IJerrien '" JJ'ni. C". airo' j Indiana Jesse D. Bright J. Whitcomb, F. S Illinois. S. A. Douglass : James Shields : . . . j itU 'Term ,' Slicliigaa Lewis. Cass' i r 1S51 Alphcus Felcli. ' -':185'3l 1 ' - ' Jvi tssourui 1 v j, i ; j; iThomas H:-Benton 1851. D. It. Atchison . ... : 1855 :tic ut . ,i- ,u .New. tlampshirc. in.-: : -1851 J. P. Hale,F: Sr ' 1355 itn::' 1855 i'Moses' Norri;;Jrrir1835 1851 '; ' : l1 .1851, ' 1S55; 1K53 .1855 1851 1355 INTERNAL I31PROVE3IENTS. , We sec that large and enthusiastic meetings . arc being held in nearly every town and Village in the interior of the State, in order that the people, may consult' together, and try to devise ihe ways, and means of accomplishing the dillcrent improvements authorised by the last Legislature. Will not Wilmington respond to this newly awa kened spirit, and to these fresh, but warm efforts to 'regenerate the State ? H inf ' was.. Practicaily speaking, it is but justice to say," that she has heretofore, kept pace with, if not in", advance' of, any other community on these subjects 5 and will she now, when, others are catching her spirit of en terprise, drop behind the impulse, which her exam ple has sotrrahcontributed to inspire ? Wc hope not. and webellevesot. Let her at all eventsl exoress her ardtnt sympathicsVith them and offer a word of "encouragement if she can do no more. , ., We are informed that 3Iessrs. A. J . DeRosset, W. C. Bettencourt, John 3IcRae, 3IilesCostin.and B. I. Howze have been appointed Commissioners to pen Books in this place for -subscriptions, to-the Cape Fear and Deep River improvement, and nhat they design inviting their fellow citizens in a. few, days to meet them in consultation about Uds matter, p vl, The people in the p country are", making; strenu ous exertions, and liberal subscriptions. totbis pro iject, and Wilmington ought at all events to respond to"ihese exertions by an enthusiastic meeting, and a warm expression of her sy mpathies.' s i ' ":: . . Due noUce, will be given of the time arid place of meeting, and the friends of the work and of our town,' . -should all attend, as they may hear aomc facts in re- iiat"nrt this.nvKter, and some bearings and aspects of J itrwhKhmay be entirely new totthem 11 o- . ... , : , THE ICE TRADE.' ;" 'The following from the Corninircia Bulleiin Qt 'the -28th uu. presents some very , interesting ' matter t ifelative to the Ice trade. This is an ardcle now so tmuch used by Southern people, that it is important to inquire where the best and purest Ice can be had If it be from Sircr Lake, wby'det lis have it from ithence: . , -..."'.',,"" ''; ",'"' lJlr?'---"It seems wonderful, that what k now regaraedas1 o essential to our comfort, and hr this Southern lat itude, almost to our existence.', not many , years ago' was dispensed wirh. altogether. .It is within the memory of the old (and not very old at thai,) inhab itants nf 1 Jill -"V ; '--' -L 5 v. m3 vij , iuu a giass oi ice w ater was Iowa. A, C. Dodse. Kentu'cliy J R. Under icood.1'1 1853 llenrij Clay -' ' Louisiana S. U. Downs . 4 1853 Pierre Soule 1 1855" Hannibal Hamlin 4 11851 J. W. Bradbury ,;? 1853 1 s . lassachusetts. ., Daniel Webster '' 1S51 John Davis - '1853 "SfeAVYorte D. S. Dickinson 1851 IFwi. HtSeirarcly .1855 . , .. Ne v"J ei-s ey. ' ' . , Wm. L. DaUloh ":" 1851 X IF.-3iittefiSW?K't853; ; ' North Carolina. ? Willie P: MfTKguiit 1853 Georsre LI. Uadacr" 1355 .. .Ohio. , "j iVio'mas i-irin "'1851 4 o- r' f flics' ' 1 n-f o. 1 . vwaae. . .0. -looo ' I'cnnsyivatilai : 1853 4Danietturge?n -i A 1851 1S55 James Cooper 1355 liiioac isla hi. mi '1853- Geo! JoriesS 165M Ar & Orctno, vt . a f r-j 10-" r 1 rr t'lK. v 1355 John Cf Calhoun 1855 -t A. IV Butler, -. i, Teiinessae John II. Clh'rke' South Carbllu'a. J , 1353 a 1855 Hopkins L'. Turney' 1351 Vohi-BcU-- 1853 T: J: Rusk. . -, ) 1851 'ft , f:? --u:St; Joirx,.!?. B. Narc 8?1Q 1 M.t: r . 'i ne tioyai man srsamcr Ainenea npi. nannon, ai rived at HaJitax fronvLiverpooLi at a ; quarter pf 3 this morning, whence she sailed :oai the 24th ult., 'and consequenUy brings 11 days later intelligenee. ! Our express arrived ot'digbyr1 lO'rnfnnte 6fore 12. in elilit liours and 40 mEnuies from Holifo.t, cross- in the Bay-of Pundy inix hojurs. lia,vini been de- lOinea two uuurs uy xeu 111 uie uiiy. , , r 3Ir. Labouchere has again brought forward a Gov ernment proposition for the modification of th:mr' igation laws. 3Ir. Baiicio.(0rtmlrii3tpr. st-je ,tlf;rt to. whatever exten,tbe liberality of t,lie Rritisli Pa;Wi aincnt may be disposed to Jeglslats' in '"this matter, that i.e. is readyto sign M Convention to-iiioriow, based upon 'Complete repipfocity, upon.Jhe .ppenkig of the entire oaAting tradeofLlie vOf countries to tha vessels of both. By, t ho proposed' iaV" i t will ''be; qoaiiprteur for ah1 iAmeri'ed :vessel'(b 'copie to iver nool fri?m.t1id United itatfsljlaten-WUh,;tobaceo and cotton rstt ' .w.ittj ie permitted t,o discharge .all or. part. JieVpargiTn llil Mersey", ake'iff Manchester poods', or troalt of pirsserigers,''and carry : theld " :-fo? ' G tus"ro w' or;IoiidDnintrani andierldar out! with -t perliaps a frcsii .cargo fraia the nnal portx. lr .dif;eiargc, t Tii3 Cholera. : ; , : .. c j ThejChpleraeportfUia , swelled ,;to 12,395, of which 5,546 havc:lied ; 3,783 liave recovered," and 3, 164 continuo undcir medical. treatment,, f wnich result is not stated. -.Ui. -.t . 1 , i .The reports from Californiu? dontincod to excite greyt interc.-t.. The incitement extends to. all .clas- ses;;; ':''" ; ' , ' ;'-' ThcT French Government have "despafcheda Frettchengineer to Cidiforniai witlt the. object of sufj v eying the taikeU jpi dcovenes.; ... j . , ;. i . i f.ir; szai.v. iiauct.; .-LhI i" ''t ; The- state of trade -in the; nianufactonngf; districts. On ifre, whole is saUsfactory. . Jvmployment is plen tiful and activity prevails throughout.. . " 1 Stock M ab ket.' There con tin u es a good demand for'ArnvricanP securities in London I; ' y- ..;.'iV.' 7 j The reported payment of Pepsylvania interests in one half rplief notes wafe receiyed jvith considerable disfavor.""; ..?;V" ;'u ; ( -United -Stated 6'per cents.-ebntintte in good ut piand on the continent, and orders for,the, stock havQ. been executed at 106. r ( i ' r 7 . ; 'Money Ciihtinues to 'get more abundant, and the rate of interest rules low. -' - '' . r ' ; . . ; -The English funds have receded; . Consols at Lon dori,on the i.3d were. held at 925 a P3i- . " S Josepli Uunaparte wilt procepdto iS'pain as'Ambas sador. He insists-' on' remaining in ' Parisr, howcyer until after the election, lor which he is preparing so. as to consolidate the power of his relative ut thehcad of the Republic " 1 ': 'aii!: t-!:litxi,,-'J 'Jii i t The continuance of tranquility! may iincreasoi thet good; disposition which, now prevails. .,;t..i. . ..s- i ne lunas nave aovaneeu very consiueruuiy . ; Vermont.. Wnu' UpkaxV i '1-18531 -The repnbJicn lenng nosJ reac.oevine .iiignest til. 1111 itiu tdLcuuiv win 111 1 1 itc;, Fivj per cents are quoted at 8'4f. - 60 c. ; threes range at hboutfipfi-v trn-A ir.it I -irq i'.t-tS lrsbrpt, : Tnd Grand Duke t)f Tusrfanyhas ; fled from Ver bna.with; his family and ; taken refu ge at ' Pprt'-San Stephano. ...f t i...4, Z,tiu. 1 ..,,,-.,..... , ..1.. .... xj.t,;j.,,., ..ti. 1 I- Q j -o!-i'c;i?J t ui ily- rr?h . . i t; i provisional government has been declared by the excited people in part' of Italy and inT the. Roman ! - aiarvlahdr - ''i' vi ? Vlrkiuia a J H point oi excuemeni, anu uiu. exueuuve cuwiiuuee.i Bcrcrly Jofmsbiiii 1351i James Jl;Masoi;s 1851 nas usurpeu uc --i , -vs.y."" JafPcrfC,-: al353L R.M.T. Hunter ;Q53 f-" The Popei. deposed, and a Repubhees- . ,-f iSlississippi.r J,... Wisconsin.'-' - k- tablislied xrmi whi nas f: ji hqq.- Jeflerson Davis. 1851 Henry Dodge 185V ' :v. Eomes;, . ,.? . i:,,r. Henry s. l oote iooj Isaac r. n umwj ; , Whigs Democrats ; " 5 Free Soilers ii 1 -Uncertain THE RECAPITULATION. . .:; ;)'-' t.. , 1 oiai.nuraoer.oi .ueniueis i'4 ,v 25 ji;q3Mr If. ;rf '.3. ,f rum tuq, t r ciu.i11. : - The Seaboard and the Roanoke Rail. Rpid Com- pany, have united and tormea tnemseive3, inio one uorporauon unaer me line ui owuuam.uuu uuuu oe Jtail Road Company,? and thertprscnt ofgani- s 1 ilslKl till- 'Directors.' km v-i 'ji t: a 1 - WM1WARD. Esq.? President.'. ' 1 Da. WM. COLLINS; Vice-President. f Cot," ANDHEv'JcnrjtB;- ?i7 ol.l SamiJel M.'i V ilsos.-Es'I., m tt . .!' t I Ch ir. Harbis. Esq. - S ; Eaiiuoxd jWiuTKEr Esq., Treasurer. 1 ' , The President, Mrl Ward, xauW ou t'4 t'q ?oar 'place on Saturday last, and isstiltin the neighbor hdod.- He appears to be quite a gentleman polire and -engaging in manners, and 'speaks ; of the re-cbnstruc- tlAM Vt- A. initK Wltllf AAftfilonAO ... j i V - iYa team. hat. three, cargoes fs I ion e have arriv?d, or will very soon arrive, at Portsmouth, for' the re-, laying oi met roaa, ana .tnat operations, -win -wp mence on he lower end of the read' irnmediatelyi 4- a 10 tm.-jitiO; t "Old Rio Van Winkle'ii woke tin' some time in J an 1 - . . . . . ... 1 . uarv last, dunnsr the session ol tne L.esisiature ; no savs that hereafter he intends to mend his tea vs. May he teep Ms. word, eyeinCtbouh;U:inakeSf bim puff" and Mow. I "v"-. ' .-f nVfi "I know irell tnouehJ said a fellow. 'Sphere fresh fish come from, but where ther cafch, thsc TCTy salt fisHl'llbehansedif icatf tell ? ivi -J.to 'Jul Zh Ci'lA We have from Rome important intelligence of the deDosition of the Pope, ana trie estaoiisnment 01 a Th Itw mccssary a owpnt mnk- n aee on 1 10 vntoi ireonarvi-' to , - . ... . r" - - r -.. . m - -- nrnveimnor tnfal t . f . as vot g that be 'sha 1 enjoy all the guaranties ww" t,,v,. LV , ;r Ti. . . 1 1 at 11 . . . 1 nyn rnirn rr-i rirtir I dma - - --------f i .w... oe. I i .v ?lit ' i - . Sardinia. J '' - f , f V This 4 CTuritrV remains quiet.' The : Kin 'eeems confidenbthat he has .not the confidence of the ltar lians. r ? Accordingly,his object seems.to.bs connnqd to the maintenance of his own Vo wet 1 within ' " I I 'ttomlJieJortr. qflCom " rRAW TUP'' INTIMITIS " ARRIVAIi OliliXJUESCEXT CI.,;- 3 iThe Crescent City, Capt.' Studdard, from Cha- i4fui,1imu iiuvauu jp tu. i.u,? arrives,, neij; yesterday moxningL Slie 'went Out to Chagres ipnipe dtyst- fehlrifisl eovne' fUrtner inlolliieW eifiam iOJt'tUnbtttoihiafiatefiato4 : Thfr Crescent The steamshm California, and the &h!tf Th1!adel- T)hm,iieft'Pananta for anl Ftanejsco iFeb'.f 2d-the r . 'frt' . i .1 i ... r. .. I iuriuer;TJui vo, auuuiu iiier, w ltn ou nasscogers. 1 i aii;w;uwiujj I a,ui ainyeu,,ai vnagies on me i 14th u! t.',' wit h 317 pa ssengcr, and left' on' the ' 18th Febrtrary.'; -She1 arrived at Havana 32dFefcraarV. lour aayeworq nagrestorje day after, the dit&ceni X2ity..frbe had 'two passengers on board. She'was jto leave soon fi?r Tie w Orlearfs." The bark4 Marietta and the Eudira also reached Chagres Ton the 14th, with 100 passengers.? fhe following i vessels? were at Chagres,.when the Crescent City left; schr.'Raw sori, from New Y9rk; the brig Marion from 5Phil delphja hh'e brig.Ann and Julia, "Troth Cohasset wlrich Iavter .vessel had been condemned andold r The;barkTen?pJe,tonJei't Chagres for sNew York n'ihe'Hth bf Tebruary. " :ij ,Ur 1 ; When the Crescent City left Chagres therVAvasno sickness of,any kind in that place, and otr onelialf -of the. passengers had left for Panama.; k , . - : The steamboat Urns started up the river Cruccs. from Chagrj's,1 with part of the .passenger by, the Falcon, and theimost active measures were bwngta-; .ken to. forward all the piissengers'to Panama before ,the 20thof February.1 j 4 ';V; 1 ;, ;'Uirt ' .- Therewas no sickness at f Panama., arid travellers 'were; able to obtain accommodations ait the rate of 2 aday.,, -.. . : f .: . . ... .... I.' ;.. -. The U. S.. sojc ship Lexington left San 'Francis color Valparaiso on the 4 th bf December, ? with S'500.000 in gold dust. 'At .Valparaiso the amount is to be cast into bax-an.ihen .shipped by, the, .En-J glish 'stqamer to P'anamhV.and' from'thncc' to6 the United States by first 'steam er f ronV Chagres. j Further. advices.lVqmCapt. Spring, under . date pf :Sari'Frahepfcp 5th Deer., confirm the report' of the salof liis 6hip; aridstate that he was then a. passen ger ia-the, "Iunjreos,'?. with about $200. 000, in Gold Dust on oardf Capt. jnring hoped to rind the L'ex-t ington at ValpaToisb, ard ship his funds by her,rrc turmng"1r.msfelf via Papama.o.'His son and youpg Dov aei oinpaniedhim-to Valparaiso. Every one but triies.iwo and. JMr. Nprtbn,t his first officer, had left him.' ' The command' of th'crHuntress had' been given to Mr.-Norten)J.-i '0 j j.-,; t. 1 ' tCorresppn,dence of t.i c. Journal of Commerce. " : 1 Chagbes. Feb. 14' 1849:' I We arrived hereby the Crescent City ' this day about S o'clock, Pi 'M.-S days Irom "New" Ybrk. ado j aicun arxveu iuis aiiernoon isiere ai- sjf he Isthmnsis perfectly healthy,-iand so iaCi.a- gres. une br, one DiirK, and two steamers in ail arhere nowiJ,':i-' h"'i:::"'a." ,ti'.''.''' v ; There arc here now 7J .persona waiting passage. rx .Panama; ;4 also eyerai sajung vessels. . i herelore $ne ! anticipate no delay at that pointl We: had a pleasant voyage out,' only 24' hours rdiigli'weather. 'f rir''ibHAGfifisVi5th:'Feb.; 1359; ' I'find the prices of transportation across the Isth mus high, and very variable.; The mule establish ment is upon. tha basis of, mere necessities, and quite unequal to the dispatch at fair" prices, of -present business. Over 700p-i!sengers have arrived here within the past 43 - hours, :and . are being landed by the 4,Orus,'' and by canoes. ' The. past; business has averaged, I learn, about 300 passengers 'a month. The present influx must cause some delay, and en hance prices of transit.'; The range yesterday varied for the transportation:. icross, from 15? to $30 the native canoemen carrying at the ; lowest rate, and the.' heavier" forwatdersj the - highest. 1 Tlie . steamer Orus charges $15 for; passage, with 15Q lbs. baggage, 37Ac per foot for extra baggage. Air. Zackrissbn, of the house of Zackrisson Nel son &-.CO., of Panama, Jwas over yesterday. . I learn ed by him that the last vessel at Panama proceeded jap. the coast yesterday, with "a, full complement of passengers, leaving none waning ai ranaiaa. ju English vesselis expected from Caliao, to leave there about the 23d inst. This vessel the English Consul has returned over to Mesr3. -ZackrissQiV; Nelson & C64 for passengers td California. The Bremen bark AlexVon Humboldt,-under charter to Howland & AspinwaJl, with coal and return cargo of guano, Is expected to arrive at an early day; Mr, Zackrisson expects instructions to change the plan of her, voy age, andsend her : to- San Francisco. w;th passen gers. 'Mh Z. informs me, that' the 'price of passage MrouTPanama to Sah Fraricieco is $200 for cabin, and 100 for steerage passengers, ?Tne last informa tion fpoih San Fxanciscp brings prices corresponding to' the highest' by previous account "1 ' ' ' ' Chagres has deficient harbor securities; No pilots are to be obtained.ht Every vessel, attempting an en trance, w-ithottt towagq has gone ashore, Five., ves sels have lately been bached." The price of to wag C is $40. The Falcert'slearneF 'difecharged a' riortion Of ber passengers last evening a? Navy r. Bay, some rmies down the coast, t,he swell.being so hevy that it was impossible for the Orus fo lay with any feafctv alongside. The ''Crescent City," the Falcon," steamers, the barto "Manet-a' and brig "Winthrop," are lying off, the mouth of Chagres harbor this morn-1 mg. discnarging passengers oy-cano?5? ine r aicononner' lormer-voyagOf -orougiii' t corgona ana ined ,?to the natives. has how fortunately en tiriely disappfar ed. 1 . ;i-i-n.:j which her. inherent vlemcnts of greatness entitle her. Wh reasthe' lights of science and rxperlenre hav demenstrated -Uibi pracficabllity of providing ;an artificial, substitute for mtural, rha nneU, at , once cheap, certain and e,vpetiiliou?;-and thenterprlst' energy and success of many of the Sttjtc?, In this mode of Improvement,': farnisli cxanifica worthy oj imitation : And whereas a crisis hnsairivcd 4when North Carolina, as a , Siate must fyUu w" iTus hoU example, or "be left in an' iminesiurwble'diytwnvi' behind her enlightnctV prosperous, uinl fioartslnnj sisters spccuclOi which- no true-hearted citizen can even contemplate without t,hc most painful cinof-' 'Hons : 'Ritdted therefor. iU 'i1 -'-t.1 U.iiL-ls-I. That he subject of Intern J; Irapcon'rncnis i: at this time -of , more vital imporjance to.Nortii Carolina than any otlier,f arid demands Uie',' united vuunst;is, energies', ai:u means wali. iici-uu?- 2-v Thai wo.jJiaH .withipridc and;extdiqtion tho union of. our faithfulprescriiatives, Of IitnT'po litical parties. In the fast8 Legisl intrt, on' thUial! obsorbkitr subji-ci ; and as the Tesoh of their patriot ic and enlightened labors, ?thej enlarged and Utccl system of iir.provcnients adoptetl by that' body especially that branch of it' providing for, thedni' ttrnction of a Central Rail Rondbringinn togethvr, and, uniting instronger, bonds of .broihcihoodand interest the people ot our two great sections the 13a?t and jthe. West ; rendering our' owtt mnrkof towns accessible tour ownl citizens,'; and to bo so luid olTna to jive a "d'roct and. personal jiutcrtst in Its construction," to "the proprietors of 'twothirds in value of our entire rf':tl estate,'' while it wirf vlred a benign inrlaenee upon the population of the. whoJe; .State. - , . . , ... , ; .. . 3. That whiie a? citjsens'of Raleigh, wc" feel that we have a di-tp'intertsf in the success of I this work',' and iMy wiiElaiidUo zeal .labor to -profecnte that interest, we ttjctst v;u arc' mpyed by. lusher motives than .liicseof inrre, sectional consideration?,' in pleogin to OHr feirowicit.Xt'ns' in other twi tlens of the State as we' ri)w Itkf, a hearty and n'ccivt; co- operation, to tlu1 extent ot pur,auuity, m the ac complisfunent of this, great enterprise. f 4. That we srrongly suggest to our fellow-citizens of Wake nnd the? public generally, the urgent neces sity of activcr prompt, and,. energetic, measures to secuie the liberal charter grained by the late' Legis lature 5 and that a'general meeting of the citizens of this and :the adjoining Com ties .bet iuvited to bo holden in this Citv. on 'rhhu-sdau Uu. P.Vi dm of April next, for the purpose of adopiihg ti c i; eessary j ' .1 . . - 1 - . . . - . u . . . . k. ' r 1 iiieaurus iur procunnfr s7ur)seririHrH n ir.v mck 01 "the North Carolina Central Rail Road Company. ;i 1 5s-: That a. Committee of threopersons be appoint ed by , the Chairman, to. make arrangements for hold-1 , s 6.- That a Committee of tlirec .4Q eppdiated -by1 .in-il'i the Chairman,-for theurpose of j-jin voting fuchl ; Y'n'i genyemen; as incy may ininit pcoper, w auuress said McCtnig orf thcrsubject of internal ' Improvet inniJi 7 ti 1"'''. .'.-J. Afi- f;.-r riv I , -f f The Resolut addressed th the very si'nvhrott uito the llrt, ftnd ,ur tfcr,uf ; too, and 'that. tvonid 'u ptud7 Tjf il K)Ui J Cranch Hvhalv yenr--n ml T expect Uti pritW -' ler nei?d? iho hiuiiey nabiul tasr naX folks. ITherc's hTpoivcr l wononiy.'ia' ueh ; l titr. rthr, wiiat U"o.ild;At hry inow.'.if.it ft'nMt'1 ' lontJtC C-nrhodlnoXvv, when tbrcV a t groat floctioii cotxi;iirf?awi,a botlyf wants to 1 KnoivJiQiv, tor.voic, ... j its a rrcat pity thc dotif ir "f hcy'd rrvolti- Mionrze ine nnriiT nni lutve .vprovioonnrv , 1 ' J " - - - ' , V btaihcyjj makc.'lhttJUYjHjieir J qqs, tn'iid yervy-Axi, nutf7hvg 'prir.terf .and !f lhV. carrifvc g.tt1iotifJiidthfn fV.'ln&i thry'n-' t h er fitf era j h nr-t? Sir Tt'd tV.ncc' tV the!: v. ze' To r ' , th e pecrj)! e otvfl tn'-jretve w fr.it fti;tfrc a $t I of Ihethelti, ficonUnirj' ji: tltc'ibot I6l tliexr :knovi0(iraied tbolicf.; AnaUltr ll.iii.ir. iilr shouiUn!ktil(iaidcr ifiyou ,ilrtpiK;L-ihc, iniprr -Jihd neJir paid tor it,, jud lyvm you'Jl get put'-. ; jslivd jln tho bJack- Ji.t ar.d yottr wilc repu ia tipn bo ruiucd aad your chUJr'etVV to tt: tcrc slid jSrdft'u orlVlbf 'Jones ivnW fulccn ! ' ' ::"JSrVUt t' Gov EauJatXT 5 Fc rxi s n tyo v )v.i7-i Pt rpi s uAi.iroMvNs. tun ine lafi.niiii 01 tup esMun 01 Congress $50000 was apnroprfitted for att 'taddft!5innl-' pufchnse from the inventor of (o!Cs i('if.r6vl rut ini pistobv'Kndi joint resolution was O.loptidiu- ; strtieting tbo ieervtary of War ;o furnish tliexe juui. . to tnigruriff Vuln-j. Ip'Califonda, aV tlte Governtm nr' 1 cost imces.cThey tire thus aivuntn'ireouely supplied on a written applicatwu. tojliu' War,DcpatuKiitvn, ' , f ' ''rtTr- iit: 1:, .;- , ." . . '? -i ' t t, .' ; Infempcranco produces 'discato, stupifics , the uir 1 ! PcdVs OnTck Step istho only fa?hKivdder inurio ' ct pie v into jiou5J tircso any.- . ; J 21' if) ' ! 1 r FI'llTIIERSx-'i O0 'IlA's' hve GctMTcMhers.Jfionsitiin iior of.j 0w,t:ie S lite; where the-cowd hitidu.is muiurrd.J , i .i h r...,.f,u1j cv.'l t 4 : . i . Naples. ! 'This country lias not advahced a step "towards the' settlement briiier dispute with Sicily,1 and it is sup posed that matters will remain in .statu, -quoiiumil some proeresa can be made in .the .negotiations pfthe Several powers how assembling at Brussels for the adidstrnent'bf Italian affairsi'" '' t M Someredo haa amvedidiLondon from Yienn h With a view of settling with Lord Palmeston the, preliminaries of the Brussels convention. j pairing of Holland bpened:jhe Chambers the 14th,! With continued manifestations of atuehment All: from therpepplew or tnoJw iJis 1 Prussia. j In Prussia rth6 'elections have' caused universal; in terest! The, popularity of the tmnistry . has omevrhat improved. ,i,,a vrs If ,C.ud h'. I In Austria'and Hungary affafrs have dgain taken ari btifavorable term- t -'" 'tW5 ' 1 t The Imperialists have certainly been1 beaten in-er vera! encounters with, the Ha ngarians, and BfrpQ is likely iiye;them rfgeat deortroubiej ; ., paiU ' Vf 1 Spain at the sessi?n6C :Congres held aMad-' rfd-dn the 3 fs'iWJau ttorra call was wade for the cxnTespoildcjicegaid.tp hawpassed relat-c;to die an-j 1 S10RMNC OK;; EVENlXd: lALCf " lutions haying, been read .Mr. Lemay l? ! U:i ' ' acmrcised tjie .Ueetins at lengtli. . ins jemarss were r ; - ; , - - - cluifafclcrizcd by such clearness and 'good sensed nnd4iv' -H'A,, O.M.-'Pi tA-'r lffif rf '!. 1 ' his demonstrations of the ad vantages of tuo proposed woiks, no doubt had their effect upon the large and intelligent assemblage la attendance: "Hef was for-' lowed, by Geo; W. Hayrvicd. Eq.y G6V. . lred ljr 3Iaj. Nixon, and Mr. Wcllcr all of whom r nJerlaifl ed the Meeting by the spirit as. weil as by the per tinency, of tbeir remarks". ' ' ' '" . On motidn'- of 'Mr.' Holden,' tlie PrcamWe'hnd Resolutions were unanimously adopted, and directed to be published in the papers of this City . 'f, r The.Chajrman appointed the following gentlomt il the Committee under the fifth Resolution i Benj.B SmitliVJerehiiah Nixon, and Thos. J. Lcmay. ;And undr the sixth Resolution the '. following : Charles L.. Hintoh, William W. Holden, and GeoxgC W. Haywood.?-'0''" r - 'u -"" ':')f- " On motion of George W Haywood,. Esq., Messrs. Hinton and Leniay were requested by the -Meeting to furnish the. valuabLv statistical information pm braced inHhcir remarks, for publication iivthe news papers, n .i::- -v !" j3n::i -ifil n; ry:-s':.' On motion, the Meeting adjourned. . ! " '. " ' . . W. DALLAS HAYWOOD, CVnS William W: Holdex, .SVe'. ; - EST.M'.Ll H ICS tbefci, that Uie chcopvst Cloth- u, iuii m.Wilmini-tonfoj (RRNTS,' I'CHrTHH at!d;CltIIiIRI., nretO bclound at, thUUKstab-TT ilisltMfcir'iiiLate' arrivali' Hivt ;,rcplenish.i alitir, : assorlhitnorlit prices jrll'i id 25 .pir ieiit'affdir ti' "there'nmvfofrerirife"'thl9,s(fH, which tbnslst s part - lydt DvetcoaiHCoiu-.s !ixd Coats; every do scription--Dicss, froclanil'.Businc.cs .. ; I?CT.OfairtlaJs: irt(liidin2'lhickand lair- Vcy-SitfAdvctte. .-:t uv !!'?ftf- :' I VliJH'J,l'(iH-..Sikf nd tMti.rr4t4 y4tiiou3 .and,:. I superb pat ferns-. While. Cur fin; rK . . . I .GtkiVltti-KM.&ltk'; Cassinfere, 'ofall iors v ,Slofcs-iid,CravtHOfihQ latest style.- CJiUdreiOs Ciothin.--rIn fcaTVai letbf quail-' tvand pattern. - ' Fe6.1$i-142. v.- If- if r 2t) T)RU.S ''fresiiTtukr'y Fi' For f.deat' . .1:':::. ni yi.C-lIOVARD.& PEDKNvs. Jan C i4 -. 121. EvEMNG LECTtRK OF HETTY J0.CS,, CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS ... 1 Well. Jonesy you are a pretty felloWf here you've come liome again us drunk as a blind owl, and you don't know yourself from four dollars and a half. The children are crying for bread-'p their clotlies v6rn out. and here I have to ! slave slave slave L he wltule ble?srd day,lil! I have not a whole rag -to my bark, and what there -is, sticks us tiglit to me a the skin does to lite Model Artists old Mrs Smith te.lls about. - ! ' We must.rctrench ! Retrench,, indeed I'-rrJ I'd like to see. what you'd retrench about ihi house, except vituals and clothes', and I'm sure we've hone to. 'spare in them respects. Yon wouldn't want your own flsii and blood' to go najced arid "hungry, would 'you ? - YouVe too much of ti man, if -yon be' an :oldbrite. Jonesfor that.i If you'd keep to your worl(, and mind your own busiaesss, bepteauy,, and stop your drinking all day .andspreeing nil BUTTER I cUL7PrEU 11 1 jPl KEOS Goshtm Huiter. jiist received f-cx .Seer; -J G. W- Davis and for ule by ...1. -. -..... , " 1 ' ,':' "; ' 141 Feb. 13 5 MELLINCi OFF AT ( 0ST. Wi: liavo concluded to chnnge bur; b'i!inr. and are now selling' off ou.-.'ijtoCk of Dry GooJ Hard ware.. Iron, die, at A'tiP YorkmztA: W have'al so on hand h supply of lioicc Vincs, f,Iqooi?,-T a and otlier Grocerlt,s-which ' will be mld at reduced'' prices. Ail persons wishing to purchase, will find it . to their ad vantage to call at oi;r Store, as the Stock is large and was bought cheat. ' -'- . , . . : - . 'A.Di .itSON i& YOUNG., v Febvl3, lS40. J Ql i,.Kitq. . cdU,'tl. - .- ' 1 . . '. .1 1 - . . .. 2 , - LARD! LARD! K BBLS first qnahty J.iard juM Received nt . .T?f ,.-.... i.ut. i..f. .Uk.VJl,l-A.. ?. FebVunry 3i ' - - v- i'J7. 7 V i - s . r From the Raleigh Register qfl Wednesday. , INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT MEETING. . j In pursuance of public ' notice,' a ' large numbeV bf the citizens of Raleigh and'tvicinity aisemblcd at the Town Hall, on. Saturday. last, for;the purpose of Conferring together in relation to the proposed Cen tral Rail" Road, and generally, to respond to the liberal and enlighted -action- of the fate Legislature on the subject of Internl Improvements, "y oJ '.- , '! .On motioni.W Dallas Haywood. Esq. was. called to preside, qnd ' William W. HoWcn" was appointed Secretary. H . i On motion of Thomas Ji Lemay,- Esq. a Commit tee of three was appointed to present Resolutions.for the consideration oL the Meeting; The Chairman announced the following gentlemen as this Com mittee, to wit ; Messrs Thonias J. Leinay, ; Wesley Jones, and EiP. Guion..' I , nj, . L , . s During the ' absence ' of. the Committee, Major Charles LFHinton,' beins Ioudlr called for; rose and addressed the Meeting at some length, and in a most effective and able manner,: . , , ': . - i , . . .. i lUr. Lemay.from the Cormmittee appointed for the purpose, jreported the following Preamble J and Reso iation3sK I i-v? hUa ::Ui:,vr ' ; . ' nuv. ! Whereas, The State of North Carolina 'power ful in intellectual, moral, and physical resources the land of our ires and the homepfour affections" has ever labored under, the disadyantag :s, arising I irom-the wiit o convenient enanneisoi cwiiimunica tion 4 between different sections' within her own borders, and with the markets of. the world j in con Vequence of whkhher agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing interests'; have languished heavy drains; by emigration, have been r perpetually? made from her wealtii and population and the has. failed .to attain to the .rauk'ia the, , scale of.the Uniot) lo niglitjlimes would, 0e a neap ucuer jor lis. , -1 IJBl.ppBrandr, forpale by t Yjoauintthe man. Jones! you wiis wlien l! 1 -LjVV, A'P KT & BltOVfN, gave you my, virgin aflectrons ; you? don't Feb.27,-;1 ffatV n .1W. come mtd the tiouse. and lift off your hat; and , ' I' ' t',:: 1 r' :'; ' say good Evening, Miss Hetty and draw you.-' " J -IlAttD 3W4UE;xf V' -r- f''t DZ:CoTn H6es; assorfecf Wi0 to 4I mf hand ami kind ttMonnd i"ca bitch up a 'little cwsepar.d--7s.'. u nun at :n.t t i Don't make & I00I oti yoursejf Alllt! aY going t6 Jones, , but itv sort r a t does my, old heart ood ;to call up .these, remissnessoSj, apd wish it had always bceiv. so. But you're as tendeV-heafted as a! turtle dove and'' just ae; sensible when4 tod Irnfe any?5 sensed, aany body: 1 Set dowri'-Joheg; aiid tell me' all1 the news'flyin1 30 .'rtnr, --i '-)?no: ' - You've flopped the paper ! You iie. Jonea yo kho w-yoo 1 &j you'd 1 ptop..; youri yjad first youkl Btopplg the children's brcadr-: yon'd a r n-.lt tv.? r-.'i.r -a.--.- Lr' ;rt-, You couldrj't aiTord it! ,,Atht(ydu: got no, conscience, Jone.-. xd let on so ? . TTlie paper costs you lour cents a week,1 ,and . here- iV ts Saturday hirrht. and Ftl like to 'know how much' money you've throwa away thw week ni cbunt it up 111 giVeyod H bleesintr before I"get through.? It atct pftinn I ketch. tti athomejand when 1 tio.you?l ta,ke it for better or ibr worse, as the living is..jThcre inch. r 1 ir" c V xloa Steel Garden I lews av ' donRic f dolcmW. &t''fol Draw'ngCKtilve lli-li ond 13 li j-ncj- IoManuie Jerks lonii hanthed.; , . i ,,1-, do do do short do. . . G? da 5 'Frying Pan! iofd;: tIvjt ! I Dfli;rrta: A job, ImtcaKtaoft M.Utr9 .-ii i ; , jr 4tfda Curry Conni, , 1 ,......,.., f ! -'sOpoir-brl-fht- Traces." V fI'3u' f I "FilesSWs-Lockn, cnwii, Hinges am) all - varl- etIs,ior sale low, at , t HOWAKD PEDEN',s itH is a gallon el whiskey on .Mpnaav, eveunig. costs 37 cenu there's a hal" gauon ofTbecr on Tuesday? costs 18 pence--r there's a 'shil- . Feb.' 22. UST RECEiyED.i V- Jly thet!tTiJraiiai liYotu Now aork lUiw: Foac & Field. Bedstead, i j ln A lino- tb treat "that old nutnixwithv that come along and &aid he knowd yoq When' yduHvarj a'hoy the Lord only khowshow-ra'tich you'vei spent to-day ir must haw took heap&.ol chanre? for TOO aint languid. spongeJoriesi yoa dont't 1 get Idriink ;on anybody's. TOoney 1 bat your orrnr-and.I; reckoriit must' a, lxokl at least a 1 QUttierxp rnawe ,0, man j, arums pnoiiirli to Eton him 'naber 1 reU. now? Til' so and, count it altup --three shillings ahd?l nonrW -and onf. khillinT nnd a onarteri makes nmrtv-four cent, mvonmion. as trood ' I .Jt&i2&0 hxllo U3if vitu; :.t r i icFLOUR &7WII1SIIEV. ; ? 7 : n?l BARREIJS New Orleans.whisVey. ? : cii43.;JVJ Fay;ttjvUk Supe. Flo wt, just received fur, Sale on consignment ly " ' ' ' 1 f?... JEFFREV8& LEIGIITON; J ! -Feb-IS, IS40';.;- vf.i ivi ri ?j'V ") i.4i.,r;:: BUT'rEPvaad CIIEP.'dE, aptime ai.t:c4e; just rC and for sale by. GEORGE' 31VERH. Feb 10. ' 1 ''?- nioif.2A-"-w 130. XTOU RAf IT.-50 Bexes mperlor Smoaked. Her- X.i'rinssJTo lioaea Mowhl Candle-,, H A R RIS & p 11 A X I :. 4. OVuntiles Coair. For Sale hy f i v . ....... rvr: . 4 l-.t j -i- J.D,' LOVE;'! rr eacii LL Treesln i i.UJI CII TRKEJ, A onsicnuient of 500 Peach ;esln tmaordcFor saleby 1 1' - ' u j j i, ! 1J o " fl 't GEO. II ARRI HS.-; q :q , lo- h? lad yiiorrnoa' strl? r.-.i ;-'; I 7 , .

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