0 0 THOMAS LORING, Editor and Proprietor : TWO DOLLARS Per Annum, invaria ably inTAdvance-PuMLsher of the Orders, Resolutions audits ef Congress. VOL. 6. ill Li VI iiiiUUl U U UUAJ lil LI j l3 published every FRIDAV, at $2 per, year a. r mW newspaper, containing the ; state of the Skct on the preceding Thursday, ' ' . . WRMS OF ADVERTISING :'-'' 1 sqr is nionuis, & w 1 " 3 " .--.'-. 2 50 WILMINGTON, FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 24 , 18o3, NO 19 d in 1 sqr 1 insertion, S i 2 " . - . 1" 3 " - . tn i month, 7o 00 " . 6, "12- 4 00 6 00 ,;, r,r Ipss make a sauare. If an adver tisement tXJecd ten fine, the price will be in pro p0Jll advertisements are payable at the time of theiripsertion. . V . - -, .- ,rM mmercial, are entitled to one insertion in. the Co Wctkly, free of charge. an rd r rohtrhCPPmpf to poison tnev rise, tueyruu iucui : - . . . .. i i r the G(t trf p at the same not only the whole air carried to me iuuS, uour mm u. - i - u.,"ii, wtf Kwa i compel no lutea WllH linsilime auuicesm r..Vv-.- , ""''"V""'''"""!-'.' -. . s . .-t. , uio;n.c r hP.ivM noon foul secretion in the raouth.V Let parents iook eaiiiDg iuu .u- " -'l .hV, to these things, and when, they see their themselvesand their families J andthuprac children arUe Yn the morning with a pale tice is prescribed in their most ancient book. countenance," head ache, darting pains in of law and dmnuy. are Ae bad taste in the rnoutu ana;wo; umsauiuur, u.ai , -- ell to the condition ot I teeth ot any people in uie worm , ' ' s. .t I - - " hmr odmmIp thpir tP.Rth the mouth; for irt nine cases, out ot ten me cause is more reuiduau.c, - f 7 . . . ; 1 .. :.u cin o ennn no ih second set are per- is Ttere : and while tney, nave ueeu lutmu u i "'i " - " . - - " !.ftn Fmm the abscesses tect v lormeu ; iuus uuuS yrx . - ins anus mccp ..-,--- ,; . . - , 4 nr ,u hPPn min-linr itself with the life blood, objection tnai many uaw - that is.carried But we have, already made thU article human Doay. V. vm -9 . nfrpr thnn we anticipated. Thereare many untiUheenemyArempved. vve Knowinai 1 things that might be said and 'some of r,l0 i.BtftHr-'fA little attention upon their Lom.erui"iV 11 -. . - ' v .v -w- T.. - ; - r- -wew!l gpeakoi nereaner.. xw children in these imngs? a.m wuuM.w - hat have is that any man may entertain any fonsti- without lorieu- I have mnnv who already know .ve'of- J ten. shown aeionoiues oi: u cu-. a..-- - - , :r.i.roii hnmfitPd hv these lilCUlj auu 11 iin-jr ciiuii j . carW o! meir , u. ; fnr Knch these lines are not as to what they really need., VVe have oi- --- - . . - - knQW nd di3-4 Fcuu" " :.:(". ' , t eased conditions of the mouth of children to their parents, who never them until pointed out. Uuery thiofrs in some favorites "of .he brute creation 1 Dr. E. Parm- m -mpto Jangag e. "Prnm the are Ololr, V MTtirvlar. a den- ' ' . ' . TfOR THE COMMERCIAL. Jl olA. v f w j w j . - I ' - w v .- - - e. v tist should be censnlted irora three. to tour THE LA 115 HiljiiiO i tuix. . times a year : and at a later period once or You desire me .tn give you my views res ' i " , . . ' FOR THE COMMERCIAL. THE TEETH:. . ; ftcir'striicture, importance and means ofpre&crvalion, - BT DR. W. if. SHEHWOOD, DENTiST, ; . . , Ir. Lorino": Permit me- through your ..inmntn make some remarks, upon the Teeth, their - formation, - time of appearing number, duration", and some of the errors in remrd to dentition ; hoping ihese few-lines may be ol some service to those who are or should be deeply interested. At a very early period, of foetal life, we find several small mucous-popillav situated in a groove, lined with the mucous membrane of the mouth, and ranging along the alveolar ridge of each jaw. This groove becomes di vided by the formation of transverse septa into separate and distinct, compartments or folliclcsonc for each tooth ; they gradually augment until they attain the. shape and cIt-p nf the crowns of the several classes of teeth they are respectively destined to pro duce. "At this point of their prmatioii they begin to ossify ; first upon the, cutting edges of the incisors, the points of the cuspidati and bicuspides and tops of the molares ; then the whole surface of their crowns, until they are completely invested in a layer of bone ; lnvp.r after laver is deposited, one withiri the other, until the process of ossification is com pleted. : '. . . This deposite of bone takes place from the circumference to the 'centre and is secreted from a pulp : and, to use the comparison of Dr. J. Hunter, it bears the same relation to the tooth that a snail dops to its shell. While this process is coing on, Uie cna'mel nnA rAnto ni Kp tpptli hpffin to form. - This f..ca tn Ipt ihp nponle know. Trom motives Our give t;,rht tn imnart knowledge., though clothed - . , . . w . simple languag Ilacemyferous r had seen or noticed hints; our object will be accompltshed. U Query: TTfould object is not to invite cntic.sm but to twice a year ytor, tue purpose or e - "r flrt:M of our moral of such causes as may prod uce disease, ma(urej amidst the cares' and claims of pro tntional view upon nr anv other simiar subject :- i,iins!tinn' in the whl? pa"ty. not time now to putsue.tnis suojm iuiua . and establish this position by close argument, j.:. :..,-. tv.;-! tn Tvft thp. character ol me wo parties the eftect ot the recenv ei..u s apparent. All siaes aumu ui.i. v ----- of General Scott was occasionea uy ihu,.- reasonable conviction that ne . was ioo matety associated with W. H; Seward. The fact that tne aeieai oi otuu cuuvw- plevaiion of Pierce seems liot to have enter ed the minds of .the. unsatisfied. Ihose pro- pincr to be Whigs who -voieu mr ncrtc, ,vPrP indififerent to the great measures upon W liiph the Whisr par y was fouidcd , an d by their own admission reduced th e issu e l o a mere sectional one, thus in the hrst. move ment adopting the characteristic of the loco Tmrtv- Now being a strong wlng and .nniun nana nnnone ii w - u- v-v i rp.rrpt that ail tne evus onuuuuu have been brought upon tne pany uy -iuu whora I have always regarded as conserva- . ; -,;a-co nr li nv tneir iici uie live hi : men ,iv..-, -r -j -f t,r Kai! hp disorr-anized then tne reor JranizaUon will be completed upon a laction- ri i,:. nfi thn ihp. conservative: innuence t,M.0rtrv PTPrPlRP.rt DV'llie- V uin v -v be lost to 'he country, just at a time when it :, mnet inUTipnsable.' If the strong-cords of principle, which have heretofore brought and kept the party together could; not-prevent faction, it. would be unreasonable tobelieve .i , lor. nnt p tn its sumrression. The fac- t;m,nl nnpstion has however been raised, up on a case entirely hypothelxaHt-is true , yc iho pbr- novverlul in us euai. V.I W . w w any misclnrwlifch is likely tfi occur." It i fssional' engagements, will afford yoursel .. , T.;.u,;n,iPo,;,!,n,il ihp onv rrrn tifip.at ion. thev are gladly given, bn tne practice The les said or done respecting their, publi- larger cities of Europe, to have the principal 0Prder To realize pre- Academiesana noaraing huiiuuis aucimu j wisely where we have ttoatea ouring, uie re rinnf;.tW Crx r i k p . mi mnsfi o f exa mi ni n a and I or.t ctnrm ; li-t na fiance at our course. 5s. tb 1CHII910, v x- . t . I v-i.. I V u . ."j- , , . . . ' f I - r u oo ttP-o mnv r- inSilrt nr at least within the past lew years, l,c,,u . . TT,,t. rotr nt p. lpiidp.r. Henrv Clay, we t hp.sp - ororans. . in i l"luw v ' r " . r - - n auire : and in respect . to point of beauty, the people of Europe far surpass the Americans, How , much this beauty of the teeth may be referred, to the care that is taken of them in yottlh, hundreds r- .: : From the Journal of Commerce. nVANA, December 8, 1S52 .-The steamer Fill t ipft for Washington on ttie i um., fa" in' us timo for the advices. " . - Capt. Gray, his son, and crew, o uie j Snffolfe,-are at large, uapi. uruy m until the cause terminates, under personal securi ty The crew are ordered aboard of vessels wue re they have been' shipped, and not permitted to come on shore. . All rejoice, I believe, in tfce lermiimuujv Crescent City disturbances, of which the Kano dd fair version ill. the edition oi una none of dentists iri this country can testify.- In nressintr this subject upon the attention the mental magnets around which vrerejueea of paU f bi acedof hav . SSaSl eve to our own interest ; yet, it parents and seciions at times. Thus protection to - i if r ? . find the Whig party gradually acquiring strength with age, and it needs not the deep penetration of genius, to discover the ele fnonta of that hpafthv ftrowth. The Internal firp which electrified the body, the heart that rkrpiirh interests, are triumphant and nnimofoii't xxTtt a t h f. v 1 1 a 1 nower o f P n ne ip J cs j 5-4 u a sTi rn i Bsi o na above 'alluded ' to.'".- the as eternal as their essence-truth. - 1 hey were The ,nni nil. nth pr Rp.ntt. wn 55 evil IS now UMluaiijr ;.yvv T V - obnoxious to the charges made against' him, thf thpv wtrwthe invention of the astute ,iltnr nfilrR Herald. The question has been W, TT. Seward has been defeated say these "stupid WhigsV without reflecting tin t .h.ir rartv follows his condition and he rna dpfpated bv the opponents of -Utg " And thus whilst locolocos are crow Inrr nvPT the defeat of the Whig party these quondam whigs are equally joyous. , ' The Whio- party is iri mourningv and r W H Seward shares in their fortunes. Free trade, territorial aggression, anu-improy- c t-.a nf Australian Gold Arrived SCVCfl , Englaud. : On November 23d, three- vessels arrived in the river Thames, f.W Australia, with the extraordi nary quantity of upwards of seven tons of go.d on board. One of the ships, the . Eagle, was freighted with the largest amount of the precious metal ever Y,novn to arrive ia one vessel, viz: 150,000 ounces, (upwards of six tuns:) and of the value of Kioro Mhau XCOO 000. - The other ships are the Sapphire, from' Sydney, with 14.CGS ounc e's on board, and the Pelham, from Sydney, with 27,762 ounces. The Waitland also arrived a day ': . . " BAn..r .tvtt'h 14 Sfi ounces. or two since hum pvviivj, x Atari na has a , . ....... . . Wuww - - r j - .tr The effect upon our business prospects however; as W been the wealth brought is decidedly "gor; -A' r - over by the Eagle,' the ship Dido is expected m There is no alteration in our markets since my f da wii1 far snass it, having on last advices. Exchange ana ireiguis iu Of the first? but small transactions tbe last, more Aressels and offers forbusiness appearing. .. Tfv renorts will be closed st .the enU ot tne week, for any American steamer that may offer. Northern produce, in good order, wouiu oii; remunerating prices. . Lumber" is paying, and none in first hands. --v.-o rnwV vfit in1 the: 'cisterns, and a board ESO.000 ounces or about tea tuns aud a half of tTio precious mi-tftl.'r, Tiro Neptune, with ii.ix.u ounces; the Andromache, 42,0ol ounces, ana oiu er ships with as'ialuable freigh'a, are nearly due nsvn thp admissions above alluded to. Seward faction alone have suffered defeat in their scccess. In other words, the Whigs left are "Seward men.'' I need go no farther to conduct, you to the conclnsion;1 you may find it wiihnnt assistance. Instead of, remaining o-uardiaus would pay more attention ' to this Amer;can industry seemed sectional in its in the partyt and by their power in that pos; rnhipri the services of the dentist would be effect; simply because-iVewEngland had tion overcomirvg faction, we ri30 the-oppb-u-' -'. .v j rnu- mnrftind.istrv to protect them than any other npnt9nf wB. Seward: attempting to anfii- less irequentty requireu. - r,, . y- -rinciD,e wa, general in Hts "the Whiff party to fiect his destruc- fornished witir light: upon this subject, yet aim: Under it Charleston might equal Low- ,i0D the efTect of which is, that the friends' of e to Jet the people Know, wi,..vc ell in the pride oi ner creaiive unicipiicc wn,cr measures are iouuu uamiua flgam" "'c of self interest deserve nothing neur.r .uau us aesign anu cucw iyuv. .i'v-. u,u..u-u enemies or oewai u, i .uu.u ,u .; - nch I against ioreigi, uui nuiiuciuftgoiuot "uu." . tempt lo anvB iuch oui ui a j wciov v. , -" ern interests. So witn. river ana naroor-jui-J principles, is"liere,iauniuy uiuiraieu.. a b nmvpments thev might seem to be section-1 'ha'pnr.tp.ristic of meft composing such a par- n tl Tlf fli St I ir.ni K ncKp. throuirh life, b U y V O y-s-1 mmt w T knowledge l a.T)osi"tivo good j and jthose ing it in possession are bound to make it aj but are in reality'hational; To our ; nation ty is not a periodical union known if thev would lay claim to being , pW- belonsr those highways of commerce, -there- povver'but; an,; idefitity''of for the sake of sentiment. The in this or other thins iore,io our - ,nauu .: 6 ."r-: man wno opposes MiB.y t"tpw ... .wv.,. -"M-.t t- mrnund (hem:The Mississippi rolls past hPnr.P vorf berceiVe the absurdity of is concerned. man v States, and its snags impoverish.' or its auemntinff tode'iach the individual by leav- ition of our children and improVements enrich the farmer, of Ohio, ,or, jno liind' the only prominent advocate ot us Parents the planter of Louisiana without any immc-! . -. Tit !J : 5. O 4 .. I .v I diafp pMftctnnon ourisrapire oiaie. aci x A II - 1 - M n. v it s- Oi-k measures.- as wen aneiupt u wunuci v" pn-pmv bv placins in his hands your-own ar tillery j my conclusion then is that in any ovvnt ; W. H. Seward is iust wnere nis op nVvnonte'chnnld'-nnt wish him to be. - He - has ii ii v ii - - ' . . . . pulp i3 the mould for the teeth,; for the tooth always assumes its precise shape and form. This pulp waVcrf vascuhrr - body ;and be comes visible about the fourth nionth of fcetal jile. The enamel is secreted in nearly the same way as the bone, arid is the hardest hanthropists ; whether substace in the human body. JJetwcen this t wnen the pubjic good and the . bony part of the tooth . there is a The physical cond very delicate membrane, which often ren: youih is almost wholly overlooked dcrs the teeth very senwuve auu tender upT eraploy etlicient teacners io UCvciuF .uU. ;;rm1(1-f that nobh3 stream, as if from on the slightest decay.', . minds, to form their manners and often hedge earijestrboVhood I had listened to its rustling Th(ir jmiMi-rtRce usuallv takes place in thpm nrmmd with the very best lessons of wnfPrH. . ' '" ' the following manner: The two Jroni teeth moraiity and virtue. The avenues to the The great piauorra upoii. wiiium .?'.. the aid oi his own peculiar auu,wu. i! 'j .ni.'in.. . thpir . ',a nfik n,;(K.Uo,niinoli party stooa ana wnere "success , F"'u become tne ; leaser or au iat, ineuciijaw aits w,.vu f . r'm near :are yua. ueu v.w.n ard was lhe 7nrcansystf-m and Whirra from principle. Sectional questions cutting 'eb.apei and.; make 'their- appeara nee. cf a ; tender conscience and a lively apprecia- wniIst it yielded. to no sectionaT. teriSptan?; are temporary; but whig principles are endu- . . . -. . i - m . i -i -- t i. i "i. - . t . i.j i - r l i r - . from the 6th to the .Bin montn ine iwo tlon ofriffht and wrongj wnne me avenue me re-adoption, oi jne jjonsmuuoii ouiu ;nrr; , Opposition lounaea . upon jacuon- wm -M- rn-r'7,- inpitfti.R fwrn ihp 7i li to .K- htret.ai'hpini la n mass o disease, de- have been a burlesque upon lis roouo. uu i Knnnort based upon principle win grow ... , o.u - 'ttk t'ms.7rt.- r rJnr1- L .... -1 j s mnlrP nni.k- respect to sjavery or mere sectional interests - 5tre,,sth. : W- HrSeward Could have been wo xuiu r..r": jormuy uuu uFu.j,, . k:nfiwfi thought no 'nafionar party 1 Tho atfemnt to extinguish him en to behold the sight. How can the trame . ,r. - rfere; We obiected to the war with r him a star of the first magnitude, and vvnrl : ihp bones i the muscles, the nerves, the I MptIpo because in U we saw the elements of rea.'that however ffreat may be my person- l i .1 .' ..nni.i oni thp ihnnsand difFereriti epjonai'fiUrife.: thus 'avoidins even the possi- svi.ipp.i'ions to him.- 1 must oppose, Whig U1UUU . vcoori v v..v. j.. , .ww . j T -. ui U.-IVV.- -- - , '-,'. i v . . . ' 'J- noKfn! h 1 bib occasion of danger.. We saw; Locofoco- -m,--.: mv only eround for party ac nnptc wnien HDIT nOSB llltS WWCU umviijut. sv l , --- . . ... .. . .1 - . " r . t nii.f itcoit s nnp t imp. wiiii one - brc-.liuii. second.molarsrQm the 24th to 'the 28 th month. ansj continue healthy vyhUe the very ports to another time with another simply io obtain Thpsp. teeth are twenty in number, and arei this Rmnonam oi Heaven-'s noDiesi worn, is nower. Bui whilst its waves rose and ien - - - i x i . i r .... . . r called the milk or deciduous teeth, froQ tpeir conslantlv filled' wlh disease and diseased whether overturned bjr inetr transieni lorce. being lostaOera eertain tiWe,he, are nour- tobstans: ished by arteries which carries the blood into parts of our subject. our country. During all this time the Whig them through a small aperture at ine point j pere is one thing.in particular ,mai-i wwu party was neither a slavery nor an .auu &ia- ATJCIt FH03I TURK'S ISLAND. ' Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. - 0 rand Tcrk Turk's Islands, Nov. 30, 18o2. Shipwreck-Supply of ' Salt-Desperate 'Mutiny on prost cct of it opening at'an extremely high price, ' the' American brig Sophia Ydhw Ftrcr for the Crst cargo, 2j to 2' reals. r dtdLigU and ' Export Charges- Scarcity in the - The Cherokee reached her anchorage at past . , Markets, i ' l . v ? 0, and leaves for New Orleans at 12 T. to-day. ' The Br. Wig Orion, of St. John, N. B., Captam We have no mails by her, which has set the Ex- j7urnace; wa"s wrecked on tho eastt-ru side of, Salt change and other business wheels very much out Kt.y 0n thnight of the 27h . inst., and became , of "geary and to'sbmo'it will prove a very; serious a total ; loss. ' She had loaded with salt at ; Fast, injury: ' All well all quiet. , ' B. V.'. " Harbor,' twenty miles from this port, and was on Arrest and Secure of Cou.Ttei felt Money. her way back to Grand Turkto cair off for advi On Saturday'cvening last chief pblico Morgan. cesr when she s't.uck the reef where sho now lies, with five officers; made a descent upon a house in . Not less than 280,000 bwlielsof salt rernam n West Troy (N.Y.) . long suspected of being- the sold at theso islands-12o,000 here, 100 000 at heac JlrLs of a botodous counterfeiter and his Salt Key, and about 50 or 00,000 at East Harbor,, accomplices,' and, after a desperate struggle, ar- The price, ranges from II to 12 cents per bushel. , rested Robert Morrison, proprietor of the house The mMjri.gb! Smalir sails toJ TTnon his nersoh were found 1,256 in counterfeit . Ihe American uu0 ooi ma, v F ' n't" alio, hroe lunterfctt half .Ma,,. oiSi.t day for AtexamUia Uh a J""-. no ; , , , . .-.-nnVv It is has two of his men in irons they having been qnarw.-eaaic,,,! S114 f;- , ' rar . ft mulioy ,,.c flrst day ul lr, lar- sapposca Mornson, ."--"i. -.". s .i.f.rtattemptins the life of the. S50,000,to S bttW eomplete charge of the vessel. The mat. , tnroogn; .... -v driven over the bow and kept there until the . Stain-came on deeW and fought Ida av to. the; eS. There IS no UUUUt Ul I . tL ' - .I' i.s.-.....n.n nr,rl nnnmiri. rr- federates ver mnA of 5eV, has emanaieu, auu me aiicoi. io w-1 o---- . ... rate struggle. . , . ; : The yellow fever has now disappeared from a mong us,' with tho exception of a single case at this Time in my own family which is mild. Num bers have died with th dreadful scourge ; but they were mostly strangers, who had not; been long in the colony. My own attack was most vi olentaTid at one stage of it reeovery doubtful , The deep salivation will not soon ceaso its effects, I fear, with myself and 'others thus afflicted by it recently. :;i-- '-.:?Jrt'" ''T -':''-' ' ' '" The new light house here is declared to bo a most excellent one by all shiivmasters who sge it. It can be seen from aloft in clear weather, at least 30 miles. Vessels' pay 6 centt per ton light mo-. in circulation sidered one of the most important made hi a long time. Commercial Advertiser. "' ' ' ' " '- New York, Dec. 14, 1852. James Brady residing at ManbattaiiviUe, was billed oh Sunday night last, in an affray at a port er-house, in the 12thrward of this ibity,: A large party pi men were pit-ocui, ...vs- .r..r Pi-ady' received .a Inumbeiof stabs by some, of the party fana died shortly after! Patrick ;i"itzpat. rick one of bis companions, nau c,is icu tinu uat- tured, and received a dangerous 6tau m iue.&mc. ITp was taken- to" the hospital. Thomas Lee, an other of the patty,' received two scalp wounds and 'other injuries, and Charles iitzpatriCK was oirai- . i. - ; j, j mii"' 1- r, l,s 'Kt.sl Tnnrrlpr in larly wounaea. xxii - h j Bot heavy. - - this city within two days, all - ot wnicn.onay . , - e flrgt of January nest the cxpovt duty traced to rum in teeth are four in number j the two eye j and two stomach teeth, or, Canine teeth, from their resemblance to the teeth of the dog," are seen from the 18th to the 20th month, and the parly-:, action nr ndnr.t W. II. Seward. If I have leisure, 'andyou desire it, I may fpr m this subject iiereaitcr. tnis mut'h will suffice to put you to sleep now. of,the root. This aperture also forms nj to'calfthe attention of parents to j.and that very party it w composed oi indmrtaais' 'T " .. :'F , .. -.. ti I antorfaininrf onnosilft VIEWS UDOn lh"13' and itsap ... . J " - " " ft -'i- . . i ,is there expinded and receives me name pi ance 6ac& of all the others bdoui ine age vi Upon measures v . - From the Sumpter Banner, of Dec. li. Wilmington' and Manchester: R..R. Company From a recent report of tie affairs of-this Company which was laid beiore.ttie ljegisia- we - ure tsuppueu as to the pro s. . I . . . I. gress opemngfor the passage ol the neie. wnicn i3 the first molars ol the permanent set. rtthpr anhipp. is which could not be made "the ture by its able' President we - may be regarded as the life of the tooth, and ig the arge jaw tooth which makes its appearr Df membership with any national party. I' with much valuable information tout the affe OI n.. wvaoctwoo intrsvl,-1s.H .ntn Cnnoresa ' in 1 trress ot the work. O IIJ I III II IU&aOUI VvO lUWWWWVvw . " I 1-1 . ... 1 K - .. . . . ! . . 1 ITT ' - - tffc.M .nrtfl I V.n fm dental polp-or in tnore ;mraon . language: Ueven years; and parents thinking w.I. whiclv were not the nerve of.theoth.: It is the exposure oi be followed by a new tooth like the -joiners ; !; "adoot any .ide without track, running from the Camden Pranch to this nerve bytdecay oi the tooth and its con- give it no attention and often it is suuerea io i uestron t0 his orthodoxy, thi tjonant ,-.! mmatmn that nrndncetS the Well I t'l tUn V,,)5 unlh thp. i-ithP.rs. 1 here ! .,vKQr. nrrn rflppfinrr thai '. l . . . . . , . s w.. I J -,- i. . . .: I. , . i . ;,Tsn. T-.-.re.' .mtvn I a , iha timhop Holjvprpfl finn the. bridre con Known sensation oi foom ow. - .x .uo .. f is a Dlvine:wisaom aispiayeu m uie uabCU ur4 ..v.w -r -7--"- - oll - , . l(lM(linws for thp track, whic - 1 . - - -- - . h. ' m. t n r 1 nrwf n firn iii ri v nun 11 uuu ali ikiiiii. a.i u axv.a iii aw m rsv t .vaion of these teeth up to the time that tia- ance of this t00th at this, particular . ume, JV, fiihting in their would have been long since completed but lure has fixed upon for their disappearance, wnen the oilier teeth are of very little use in apkg---andra,raQre-moi for the want of the iron. .-which ...has .been in should be a matter of solicitude with;. every.. Wrindinn- the food, and fast disappearing. seen than that recently united .upon "ohe'ob- Charleston, awaiting transportation for some parent and guardian ; and they should, be Thege teeth, four in number, are. the most ject, namely, to obtain ppwer. . vve unu montns. .rue 5; erv-of !: . . ; jr? ... I,r ! V- v 'Wk5 i: 1 n Ti ' Vivl'is.' s. s,r .k0,sv PAote and Fletcher,an Buren and Venable I Company had oouiracted for the delivery o! ireatea in au rpec a v a jajportant, lyr mey ure u. .a,ak - brolheriv embrace, striving fbr what ?To the rron but have not delivered any to tne lust as we would treat the teem 01 aauus iur jars:are C0Vered with a thicker layer 01 ena- . nm. Rt - n(rest in thv o-eneral Government; iroad since the Congaree bridge was swept ARRIVAL 0E STEAMER ARCTIC. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. on salt will be reduced -from. 'one -cent, to' half a cent per bushel,- which will canse the port charges on vessels .taking salt to be less than ever, t withstandingthe light dues. .a, ' : ; tct vsvo c- Tir. 14 n p M. The. American Our market 13 almost oare ui uu , rnail steamer Arctic has just reached her wharf, lard, hams, pilot breadcheese, &c.; and of all de-brin-ins dates from Liverpool to the 1st of De- 6C, iptions of -vegetables. Rice' is also as scarce cember and from London to the yuth ot iovem- and as high as tne ouicrumuwutvuu. ber. ? She brings 71 passengers., xne Aieuvs Va. sed a steamer, supposed to be the Baltic,' on Sfon- dav, in lat. 43 03, long. CG 5G. The steamer Afri ca arrived out on the night of the 29th. KMIIjAJNU. - - - - The Earl of Derby has announced formally in Parliament the determination of the government , to adhere to the principles of free trade - Parliament intended to adjourn on the 10th inst;, for a recess of nine 'weeks. rv - . - - The ladies Of England convened in meeting at ; the mansion of the ; Duchess of Southerland, on Yours, &c, B. E. 8. DARING ROBBERY AT BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Dec. 14. Mr. Hooper 0. Hicks, the , Collector of Ltho Customs at Vienna, in Dorchester county, Maryland,-whilst passing along' Lombard street, near South, at half past -five o'clock this evening, had a rope thrown around his neck, and was dragged into an alley by three men, and rob bed of three thousand dollars-five hundred in gold, twelve hundred in Baltimore notes, and a draft for fourteen hundred on New York, and his watch. At the instant he was assaulted a hand ful of lime was thrown into Id mouth and eyes, the 20th, to adopt a memorial to the ladies of the thp aholition cf slaves u-owlca SUTV "7 V. t YnAhA hlindinPhim. The robbers esca- rv It was attended by many or tne nignosiramt 7," " " A . , V "l d - .s- ped before he could recover and give an alarm. n lalonsequenee of the extraordinary , activity His pockets were all cut open and the flesh grazed ;,. thp Fi Pnrh Navv Yards, eovernraent lias re- with the knire. their preservaitonjand to this end every child mej ahd are so placed in the mouth that we. And why 1 "Because each has a sectional away by the August freshet. ofthe age oTVee years should be accustom- canWind the food with less effort' of the jaws and none rational end, and the party hay. The. trestle tvork ZL Vd to the use of the toothbrush, and it should ny 0nd WitH these ofenest com- ing 00 lll be a daily visitant in their mouths, to the end mence3 the destruction or the teeth. It is a d mat he Whig party is composed of equ- across the Pee Dee, which will be construct- 6f their life.' 'As another means of their pre-! y common thing to Pnd these teeth so de- aiy inconornious' materials, : but it has ho- ed upon cast iron piles, -will soon be begun. ; m me eastern. euu w iuc iua.u, mu ..vi,.v servntion we should plug them. ..What, says one in as lonUhm en t : '-Plug the teeUV'ofchil 'dreri V? To this question I say, by all means I O . - .!--. . . m t - ' f -'"-L.-i..Ui,. r. ihn s,so rr I Tna Ts f t Krt few f ra ncii Tinrtir e ! em en B. lnerc caved asip require -p.uS.ua V":- rt(T , thPir at. h-,a ,AVA -with erjualor sreater rapidity. II nOl UUlV WICU.-IUJ I 1 I I., U nonnKlo I TT"i. iho TlTIl m Tn rrt sviv tprmimia thlrtV-PIlT ll .sv y nTQF I I I M I I II III 1 Hr V I s I I I W IX I ILWIllflU I II I dill lIlll WliUAl.Jv CUBA VVs Ju X. v 1 - urn - - - I fir 1 --'' - ,.. . , I '- I 1 A . I s-. .-t .4 x- - 'I itr lull AfQ. nine or ten years ; and and preserved, they, from contact, injure after make their ap- plug them. - We have tested this practice in new teeth, which soon 4ie teeth of children in our own family, -and 1 pearancc. - '- ' lso in that of others, and besides preventing I These teeth should be carefully watched solved to call for an Additional 5,000 men for the British navy. ' - ' ' . ' "' ' 4 Disastr'bus floods have again occurred in vari ous parts of England, doing great'damage There had also been great loss'ofl the coast of Scotland, among the shipping,-in Consequence of violent galea.- More Consular Difficulties at Acapulco. A late San Francisco paper says : ; " Thei e was quite an excitement at AcapuTco when the steam er Winfield Scott left, caused by conflicting claims to tne TJ. S .Consulate. Mr. Rico holds the seal, and Mr.' Foster, the newly appointed Consul, is in Dpsspssion of the Has: and tho books of the oPJce. -. 'i hp tripnas 01 toe uruuuovu uuuuuh, uhviiuu. r - - - ... , . 1Be iriruu30luf y Thp tPftmers7infleld Scott and Independence re- and North American steam Bcrew:ouip vsoiupaujf --- . . , ... ... .. . . i IUSCd 10 recognise en 11 er ujr ui:i.u.iuj imrii i'.i- tJ .nni,.i tn fSmrfirrmpnt. in its favor.; AaZZ 7m :Barmah announce the capture of ! pers ; Mr. Rico rbrbid either of the steamers from Prume withbut little loss on either side.: leaving without having first deposited these pa- r..,m Pi, Rtat that negotiations are Prs with him, ..This the steamers refused to do H.tPd between England and France hen he applied to the authorities at Acapulco to iJOVt IJ VVM-Js."- 4 -f for Uie modiflcation of thctariffi of the two countries.-- ' . '--' ;- ''.,'""-;' Wv-v.. :'' -: '.--- -' : A select committee has been appointed in the House of Commons to investigate the charge of iwtiiA'si thp Derbv elections, in which the Sac- detain them. This the authorities refused to do, and the steamers left without complying with Mr. Rice's demands." - - . ' - . t . -1 r 11 t ntpra.t thpm. . mi es are already completed ana in iuii ope bVsT VVlllv.l . . ; . . m - . . . . f - I ! The nationality of the whig party is so ration making the aggregate eigniy-iive mites j venerable and withall so powerful that lac- of road completed. -:,! . tion shrinks from its presence. Hence what- The Company have been losers to a sen- ever may be the opinions ot such men asjous extenrny tne 'remissness wuu which nun d il found Qjyvnd -geward,' upon Slavery, they ; for the track has been delivered, by the South ily means jiave neVfer crivetf less Whig principles, nor Carolina Railroad Company. - Indeed this detached themselves trom the wnig pany, latter company are eii and formed one upon single sectional ideas.- ed by freight or else ai Thus you perceive that however diverse the menus oi transport mff ho .iht: cntimpnti? of individuals com- cotton has been allow nosino- the vhi" "party, they admit none but d various sections and many of the planters of x cs - i .1 . . . . . - t 1 " . 1 r t . . . . . rt . . ieir cunuii 111 wag laat troublesome complaint of tooth ache, so 1 an(j 0ften examined by a dentist, and if found . . . . - j 1 . . . ... . ' . . . . common amoriir ctv dron. we nave Dreserveu 1 i.oT7nft 6hmiM hp. mured as tne on the teeth to them as orn-ans of mastication. of their preservation Neglect them j they detached themselves from the whig party, latter Company are either sadly overburden- -. .. - - , . - ... --. . j:' nnH fnrmpl one unon sincre sectional laeas. ed dv irewoi qj- eise mc ;reduy ucuueut . up wine ume woe a. ..nature , replaces uieu. become diseased, anti tuey ui iu, ui tXu with a lar?er and more nermanent set. a others ' ' , . v.- xmnimpnit! inrtividnals com-1 pntton hna been allowed "to accumulate at il is uie opinion 01 many cniinen.t vuj :une siciwy ucctu.vM . 1 posi .1,-.. il f; . f i.iL.. it,. ...stil - Anrl nnSanna flTI lh PfiSL. ' :. . ... ' Jnati u.'issis uiai uic .uiBibciui iceui are uie vti-i ; .-vs , , ,....w.v r. . . t - ..J.. H , . . . r -4r,.,. r, - .let inter- Parents cannot be too particular in urging, at least such has oeen meir pasx . iiteiurv. h ons e?guiy mes w uwuc sfu .u-A inier I . .. rurcuib yainiMi r.. ... 1 . j ; . 1 ri.-. .i .tvsv.'-nst ron' fin,i nonpflH v to t nn th s nw mnwmpnts nf the South Car- ence'is. that if the "first teeth are sickly and and, if needs be.- compelling, their children toA destrov the general 'party at any olina Rail Road Company. ' iseased, the second' set will beartheir image.: habits of cleaniiiess --wan tneiri-ieeui.-;:. . cor-thc purposa ofsecuring-vSiugle'. sec-1 . : , ' v , Durins; the present year the ."receipts of the American Board of Commissioners' for Fereign Missions amonoted to '209,703. "... Some of the evils arising from the: decay of practised while young the Aaciw win soon ue. tiemal'ends. forming parties oi every vane y ihempraryUtthiiB thus summed up by Jbrmed, andHhey w.ll early prize the luxury upon 1 an cminentXriter upon this subject ""By of a clean, svveet mouth,; too highly to W ,We are told b v Mr. Joseph Murphy, in his i'ettng whatever locality. 'Tt rhay contain 'ileca'v of Hie temporary teeth; ilslininrrinem- take their morning repast without this c.ean-i fnat..ne characteristic ofthe whig "Ura nCtnn ovnrto'ofl f n (T in nnapftnpnpp I cinrr r maz? . '. r- il'frin rtv iq nnnflSltlOf. tO a.11 SeCllOn34 JaoUca, tXl- U UliLf Ul I Wii V-iOVvVl U-tA Vsl SAW&V.V4WfWUWWC4U 1 w o j . . t, J I'wi r - "If . . 1 rt 1 ' - ' ' ? - " . " J .becomes inhameu : giving rise 10 pain, anu eiien nines to aiveoiar uobcess-.. nu ueoeusis and exioiiaiion 01 .tne aiveuiar process, uuu sometimes to considerable portions of the jaw bone.' TliC writer. has "often seen these ab- natural history of the human teeth, thai the men obnoxiouson account ol their conspicu tWp0 nrfTL-Lvtons d'nd-the Bramins in par- ons advocacy of unpopular measures at par- ,.wt..v.w vs. s..-.vvktw, - i;.l.Tilma hilt Bf IOnrr 3 inOSB lUCUSUlcs DEATH OF FANNY WRIGHT. , Francis Wright1 Daresnaont, better known as Fanny Wright, died ia Cincinnati on Monday week. She had , been confined to her room for many months, having never recovered from a severe fall ticulaf, are extremely delicate in every point I nt np.'i;,r to either Darlv such advo relfit'ing'tb the'teeth. "Eyer'y morning when caCy j3 n0 heresay. My conclusion therefore I which occurred to her U;t winter. t7 Bounty Tands and the Old Soldiers. - The soldiers of tho war t 1S12 residir ia retaryof War, Lord Beresford, is implicated. ? phiiadelohia. hare" adopted " resolutions ur-ir-r Ttrpaciirp" have been taken by' ffovernracn.t toi n,a n or-t f ?nt?pp tn sa 1 put the naval depots at Jamaica, Augusta, &c. in a state of defence. , . ' ' The Bank of England is now selling American eagles at 70s. 7d. , -: '-.'- f IvAINUXi. ' The Empire was to bo formally proclaimed on the 2d of December; On the next day the beK- Congress as an act of justice, to so modify tic present bounty land law as to grant one huoJrc 1 and sixty acres of land, in every instance; ard ia case of tho death of the widow, the benefit cf tho law should extend to the children generally ; an I where any unmarried person was in tho service, and is now dead,, his parents, and in case of their 3 ' T ' . X. aU . .1 .1. , ...., V ate will be convoked to settle the cmll rf of the ' ... -i-sv-.t- - tmiinr i,rt.w r. . V tV HW I mmvj w , WW's l J ) V'l . . l . m fir.- . tne uartmoor anu lripou prisoners, ana their Emperor- and the salaries of the members of the Imperial family. Some of the legitimists had resigned in the de-1 partments, in compliance with the manifesto of. Henry yr. ' ' '!r:''' :-' : " ' " ' The report is confirmed that Henry V. is about to issue a manifesto to all the Princes of Europe, protesting against the usurpation of Bonaparte. ' The Municipal Council of Straushurg has voted to present the : Emperor with the Castle of that city for the Imperial residence, v . 1 V. ' families y and the same provision for sailors r,s is granted by the present law to the marines. , Wreck of the fichr. Argo and Fio-s cf ri! Boston, Dec. 14. The schooner Aro, NI: son,',of, Provinceton, bound from Jacnul f,.-r ton, capsized at Euajn ft- squall, Novell - r Ut. Sl:, lull.' 71. Mrs. Nickcrson, t'..3 c.i; wife, and the cook were drowned. T!. - c s ' with the mate and four seamen, were ravel. SEAMEN IN THE NAVY. Xjatsr froci riexico Iiarge . -' - ' . Iju.uJs. New Orleans. Dec. I t. TI.e I'".; Nearly all the Government naval operations are j ceived later advices from Mesi. o. pmharrassed bv the want of seamen. Naval ' ves- pronounced against Arista. Ti e 2l3 at New York, ' which the interests' of the ser- s JviJ- (, rice require should be dispatched immediately, dollars' worth cf tho city ti j ; : are detained by this cause. are considered full and sitUractory, r ?v