V ' >" ?'" . r - ^ ~ , ^ Home Nation O Of Slain < * The Nation observed the . 0 Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Wednesday January 15. Rallies were held throughout the country and in the state. A rally was held in Raleigh commemorating the great civil rights leaders' birthday. i- - Dr. King's non-violent approach' to the black man's civil rights was disliked by a few, but admired by all. He suffered countless numbers of i-1_ !*,..+ abuses during nis mcuinc, uui always kept on struggling for the rights of black people. Teacher I "Unman Miss Naoimi C. McLean was cited recently as an important and valuable "Human Resource of the^United jfl " * ^u^KxSuI Wktefe:? ^ Jm JM I' ?yfl p Naomi C. McLean States of America" by the American Bicenntennial Research Institute, Inc. ' .. ^ ^ 1 11 . nllflA/i 3nc au lumui icauv ^udnn^u and was selected for inclusion as a reference source in the Library of Human Resources of the United States of America. The award states in part: a "In recognition of professional and civic attainments [Patron \ /VINST js For "N # bserves Bir Civil Rights His efforts brought worldwide acclaim in 1964 when he won the Nobel Peace Prize. His faith in mankind is reflected in part by his accepting statement: "1 refuse to accept the idea that man ismere flotsam and jetsam in - the- river of life which -surrounds him. "I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality." s Selected Resource"^ within the community ol American Man. Accordingly, the individual so honored is therefore to be dully recognized by the citizenry of the Nation and entitled to all due honor and respect accorded to outstanding contributors to nrmi;th a?H Hpi/Alnnmpnt rtf fi V ?? Ill HIIU V* V T VIV^/IIIVIII \r this American,. Republic." The American Bicentennial Research Institute, Inc. was organized for the purpose of , conducting research in the field of the human resources of tfie U.S. existing at the close of the first bicentennium, 1776 to 1976. "An effort is made^ to identify and classify, systematically, persons and segments of the population as a whole who are believed by us to have made particular contributions in fields significant to the development of our Nation," reads a statement from the Institute. Miss McLean is listed in Who's Who of American Women - 1974-75, (8th edition). She has won numbers of honors V v/ M vvyw - - ? ? ? 0 and awards. See related storv on Page 7. iize Equal ON-Sj -m-, ~*r ."J-" -??^. ^ ??3TT Eldei thday . j Leader - i Jartin Luther King v..i\... :_u.v7-u. ' ~ * ^^1 ^?r i^H ^pp^BKCrV 1929-1968 Alcoholism Week Set Citing the need for North Carolinians to be aware of the problems and prevalence of alcoholism in the state. Governor Jim Holshouser has proclaimed the week of January 19-26, 1975, as Alcoholism Awareness Week in North Carolina. At present, there arc an estimated nine million alcoholics in the United States, with between 180,000 and 200,000 of them in North Carolina. Nationally, it is estimated that the cost of the alcohol problem (in-lost wages, expenses to families, cost of liquor, etc.) tops $25 billion annually. Recent studies show that alcohol usage is not limited to - ? ??. ?1_ t i r the adult population, wun nan of all high school-agc youths having used alcohol at one time or another and 25 percent using alcohol on a regular basis. I Opportu MEM rly R The G.W. Holland Homes. Inc.. has 62 units ready for the elderly. The $1.3 million project is financed by the Fnrteml Government. The First Baptist Church's Board of Trustees initiated the project by forming a non-profit corporation, theG.W. Holland Homes, Inc., and submitted an application to the federal housing program. The church nor the' corporation is_ Financially obligated to this ? ?' _ ^ ? project. If the homes can not meet its financial obligations then the federal government . /ill rncoll nnccShlv 111 .'111 VY 111 I VOV II ? v ? - investment company, according to David Thompkins, ol the W-S Housing Authority. To be eligible to rent a unit a person must be 62 years ot age or older; a resident ol Forsyth County; and an annual income up to$5,000 fot one person, and $7,000 for tw< persons. Pastor To With Sem: The General Executive Board of the Presbyterian Church in the United States is sponsoring an A To Z Seminar to Africa January 9-30, 1975. The Rev. Conncll Osborne, -5: Pastor of Dcllabrook Prcsby tcrian Church (Winston Salem) and vice chairman ol Region IV of the Blacl Presbyterian Leadership Can cus of the PCUS is among the participant* Some of the features of the Seminar will include: I. Participation in the life ol the new nations of Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Zaire. In announcing the procla mation, Governor Holshousc if i , i ' rv canca on inc Liepariment < Human Resources to t4mak extra effort in that week t cause the public to becom nity Adv ) 1 -?u J jfwygrsag" I ,M'V. .rfJ... ' ""' ' * *??23 / eady Applications are being accepted at the Housing Authority's Central office at 901 Cleveland Avenue, or-call Mrs. Faye Carter at 724? 1973. The first part of the project has been completed and is ready for occupancy. The 62 completed units are located at Mt. Zion and File Streets. The second part 52 units will be ready by February!, and will be located at Highland Avenue. The total project will consist of 114 units, fourty-six of which will be for the lower-income tenant whose rent will be subsidized by the federal government. Sixtyeight units will be for the average or low-income tenant. Twenty-Five percent of the lowest income applications (average $100-$150 per i month) will be charged rent on this income and the federal i government will subsidize the balance. Visit Africa inar Group 2. A chance to meet and talk to Africans about our opportunities to work together as Christians. * 3. A visit to Church world iro nw\ir?r?tc in GViino LV v f aw ^/l >-'J V V 111 111 V? IlilMlli 4. The dedication of Good Shepherd Hospital in Zaire. 5. Time in the Kenya Parks r to sec the animals. c Re^ ertisCTs"j