iiBiwiii? HUM?m^^M^wiwinnni TOT^m,- ,i 9m.. K.O.P. Goodwin M< >! WM*U? IA..4C A %i ???? n " " * 1' ?w*^ ^?|V1 9th * FBe Streets,- N.E. Nnr TMtjr Bap flat CWA Rev. Jokn Bristow *- Pastor Momiag Worship 1249 E. 22nd Street lev. Heary S. Lewis. Jr, Moraiag Worship 1731 Kisaberty Rood N.W. Dr. Qulaoey A. CskhreU Moraiag Worship II a.ai 900 Free Street Gelsr Mosasdsl AME Bm Clath Rev; James L. Hunt Moraiag Worship 11 a.m. 630 N. Patterson Ave. The Doctor Sa> Worldwi by Dr. J.P. Hlghtower In what has long been considered a backward country, China has made some remarkable advances in medicine which has aroused the interest of other nations. For the past two decades, Red China has been paying .ax?i!? ? * apcciiii ?WV4 1|/VIVI1U Wll IWIlllllg VA* tracts from 30 medicinal plants. RUSSIA SEEKS CHINESE HERB SECRETS In Russia the use of herbal remedies is increasine with 0 leaps and bounds. At the end of last year it was reported that all remedies prescribed for prevention and treatment of Heart and Vascular diseases were 77% herbal. Herbal expectorants ac ?11 PSI PHI MEETING it Psi Phi chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. will meet on Wednesday, October 8th, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Brother Lemuel L. Johnson, 2828 Bon Air Avenue. The chapter recently elected Brother Randy Mills to serve as Keeper of Finance, replacing Brother William S..Crews who had to resign the job to devote sufficient time to studying school in connection with his employment. In Herbs counted for 73% of the prescriptions for bronchitis and coughs; herbal remedies for liver and digestive conditions amounted to 73% r _ f? ? oi ail medicaments given; and herbs were given for 80% of all women's ailments. One of the most remarkable Oriental Herbs is one known as Ginseng. It is known by many synonyms. For example Life-Root, Wonder Root, Man-Plant Long Life Root, Flower of Life, Seed of the Earth, Wonder of the World, Root of Man, Man's Health, and Spirit of the Ground. EMBARRASSING, BURNING Itching? ZEMO relieves itching fast because its special 'anti-itch' medication soothes inflamed surface tissues. Get relief with the first application of soothing, medicated ZEMO?Oint- JVAfYlft ment or Liquid. HSH ~~ - ' gftg D&ily % The love of God will suffice us all, through the trials suffering and pain. It envelopes us so, won't let go, til we've come in out of the ?rain. The rain of sin is falling today, heavily, open and unashamed; let it not be said among you saints, no, never let it be named. But the time is now, to come safely in and get out of the terrible storm, for the day of ATT1 A CHI THIS S\ Guys And 1 Gamma Chapter of Guys and Dolls, Inc. held it's 1 opening meeting of the Fall 1 recently with 17 families represented. Hosts for the meeting were Guys and Dolls Nathaniel Rumph, Robert A. Scales and James Shaw. ' The following members ol Gamma Chapter were elected to national offices: Doll ! Martha Young (second term), i treasurer; Guy Clifton O. ( 11. - lvmiuiews, editor-in-chief; . i Guy Walter Farabee, auditor, ] Doll Valerie Douglas, treasur- t er for the Torches (teen < group); and Doll Beverly t Matthews, co-program chair- 1 man of Torches. t Several members were 5 mentioned in the chapters *! newsletter for outstanding s work and involvement in the c community. S Included were: Doll Martha r S\ I * the Lord is now at hand, come ye, and be reborn-....PSALMS 11 CHAPTER. Dear hearts, Praise the Lord! Oh how sweet to walk the- path of the Lord. I'm rejoicing more than ever now because Cod has saved two ~ more of my children. Praise the Lord! His love is so great, He wants the children to come in as well as the grown ups. "Come now, let us reason together saith the Lord" ... '...(Isaish 1:18) The rain of sin is coming steady now and your only hope is in Christ Jesus. There's still room at the cross. Won't you Ati KAaflwl vwuiv vu V\HMU 1/VlUIC II S IUU . late? JESUS loves you and wants you to be saved from your sins now. Love Him and accept Him for your sake. May God keep your mind til next time. END JRCH UNDA Y J oils Meet Young, who was recently made Acting Executive Director of the Winston-Salem Y.W.C.A.; Guy Alfred Sudler's picture and a statement was recently published in the Winston-Salem Chronicle for the "Man On The Street" A % /I ? "" arucie; uuy waiter harabee, director of the Goodwill Rehabilitation Center was recently interviewed during a local radio program concerning the program at Goodwill; Guy Benjamin Warren, principal of Walkertown Junior High School was reappointed :o the Recreation and Parks Commission for a second ;erm, expiring in 1978; Doll Severly Matthews will serve is co-chief of the Paisley High ichool cheering squad; Doll vfichelle Ward was a guest speaker in a Fashion Merthandise class at East Forsyth enior High School before eturning to college. V