' Page 6 ! s* ?I mil, ?M -1 % i mar w i IVJl onv / nfi /l/>n 0. AAI * iyioi iy oiyit?d ex | EXT I 1 SUPER 1 I SPEC A 1,%1 If :|T?iiow, ween, | 1 Gold, Bone, I 1, Navy, Tan. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^e Wto?ton-Sai?m Chronl jyT | \?: , v/ STORES * IV* .y .. * uowniowm too rarfcvt** in Win?ton-Satfr> pjJir* M?gh Point Mall BPjj*M Downtown Parkview ors to select from RA T shoe :ial s A % $790 2 PAIR f f | 5 jgj* ! M / Ps i . I >4 frira. Wg>lf*dhwng>* Vmi t* ^^ r * v There used to be a time when the only visitors to Africa from : North America were whites. In the minds of many Africans jn .those days; only white people lived in North America. Many in-^ parts of Africa have heard of Negro Americans, but have never 1 seen them. As a place to go on vacation, Africa was out for many black Americans for obvious reasons. Add to this the fact that . many blacks in those days would rather go to Europe than to travel to Africa, the net result becomes total lack of blacks from | the USA visiting Africa. f Today things have changed. Many black Americans now visit. 2 Africa in numbers far more greater than it has ever been before. There are many reasons for this sudden change in the pattern of black going to Africa. Black Power movement in the Sixties created what many consider a desire in the minds of black i Americans to regard themselves as linked by blood and history 1 to Africa. Also the generations of blacks who marched in the 2 Civil Rights movements later become the blacks who can afford to travel and complete the circle of blackness by visiting Africa. The movement envoked a new image to Africa and those who A ??? ?' ? * * * A - * fmvuiuiwu mui uic iiiuvciucin were no lunger asnameo 10 oe called 'black'. Not only did black become very beautiful: Africa | also became a place to go and be proud of it. Africa held for | many the ultimate goal in the realization of black awareness. | Events taking place in parts of Africa were helpful, too. Many African nations became self governing, have flags, currency Z and seats at the United Nations. The more African countries gained their self rule and established embasseyes in | Washington, the more Africans came to the USA and the more I extended. There is something magical about Africa in the minds of some black folks in this country. An American black woman on a recent visit to an African country pointed at her skin to an 2 airport official when asked to show her passport. To the delights i of other tourists, the airport official kissed her on the hand but 9 quietly asked her to produce her passport. And she did. | There are other reasons why many more blacks from the USA now visit Africa more. The blacks, like other groups are now* 2 beginning to take advantage of group tours and the low rate prices that go with them. Black doctors, and other professionals now plan annual meetings not only in Mexico but also in parts of Africa. Also many black fraternities are planning to hold conferences in African countries. Educational foundations are I providing funds for capable blacks to travel to Africa for either I field experience or research. 1 All blacks are not professionals. There are still a lot of us who probably think that we cannot afford to go because of what | many consider the high cost of African travel. This reasoning probable make sense when one realizes that the cost of a round 2 trip to Africa could be anything from $400.00 to $1200.00. Yet this not withstanding, anybody who really want to go to Africa t can generally make it with adjustments in personal luxury here and there. The U.S. holds special attraction for many people in Africa. It || _ | ft _ * _ . a A t ? ? . A - J is generally oeiievea in many parts ot Airica tnat America Mas been fair to her black population. Many point to black role in i industry and commerce and say that only in America can this kind of thing happen. America has never been a colonial power i and thus, unlike England, Spain, France or Portugal, has no colony to give up. All the African students who studied in the jj U.S. in the early 30's went home and became leaders of their | country. And many in Africa believe that it was the American (contact that inspired these men and women to seek freedom. It is probably on account of these facts that U.S. tourists are: Kinlilv tual/v\?mail A Cmma A JJ aL- ' ?A ttvivvuiwu in runui. AUU IU 11115 U1C IftCl Ulftl SOIT1C America tourists are considered by many as big spenders who r ask for first class hotel, first class meal and first class I everything else, the overall result is a tourist group very * welcomed in Africa. r *! Ndubisi Egemonye %