*-? - ^ TTTnTU? Arrest Made In MurderRohherv Case Warrents have been signed * by Winston-Salem police charging Willie Lee Woods, alias Ajabba X, with the murder of Paul D. Tony and the robbery of the Minute Market at 2851 South Main Street. On December 20, 1974 the store was robbed by four males, according to police reports received here. During the commission of the crime, Paul D. Tony, a fireman with the City of Winston-Salem, was robbed, shot and killed. Detective T.S. Worsham pursued the investigation for the past 11 months. Recent developments carried Detective Worsham to Orlando,. Florida, where he worked closely with the Orlando Police Department. According to the police report, Willie Lee Woods made a statement concerning ^ the robbery. On Friiday (Nov. See Murder page 2 WSSU Theme: ISMlfll Spirit Of '78 In its role as a National Bicentennial Campus and as a participant in the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Bicentennial Programs WinstonSalem State University has adopted the 4 * Soulful Spirit of |f76" as the theme of its Homecoming '75. In announcing the plans for this year's homecoming activities, Mr. Joseph Daniels Chairman of the WSSU Homecoming Committee, said that the highlights of the festivities will he the narAHp igame, and Hail of Fame Banquet. These events will be See WSSU page 2 Patron r WINS1 WlNSTOlTsSS^rNx"*" \ '%&?:: . ' " . -rV> / ' ?4#r v r.:.. ? &? B*k ' VI BP j^flNI Mm >4P^3bl JflPtiM^P^Hyi^K ** ijfl JIMHr "Doctors" senior medical instruments daring meet the Gray School of Medicine. t Tots Exan The Nature Science Park and the Bowman Gray School of Medicine will again be cooperating throughout the week of November 10-14 to produce "Meet the Doctor", a highly successful educational program now in its fourth year. Kindergarteners from all over Forsyth County have an opportunity to spend half an Major E a ; * i t i j f\ major eannquaxe couia strike the WilmingtonSou thport area within the next 10 years, according to a geologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 44 We're long overdue for an earthquake in the East/' Dr. David M. Stewart told several hundred scientists gatnered ize Equal c# roN-s ~ 20* ^ "" fy ' V. > *' *: , > ' . v^V y ' ' , . v ???* > i * -'' - ' v /*. F a * '' "* jlteiao '' v' V |^L . "' >i'N ^ W. A WOSm ET ! A,. I students familiarize kinderga i doctor, co-sponsored by Nature S 'Meet The Doctor" nine Surgi hour with medical students and Dhvsicians' assistant & * students in informal sessions. During this time the children become familiar with a variety of surgical and medical equipment and try out crutches or look in each other's ears. While the youngsters have fun with the "doctors" and Geologist Says arthquake To last week for the 44th annual meeting of the Seismological Society of America (SSA) at their eastern section meeting in St. Louis. Mo. 4 4It could hit anywhere from Maine to Florida and register up to seven on the Richter Scale" he said. 4'Such an event would be 10 times as Opportiu ALEM Y K ft -s* g ' I K. ? c J^H ^M H^Jn rteners with a variety of Icience Park and Bowman cal Tools equipment, some of the mystique is removed from the experience of visiting the doctor. Fears are reduced, and the real doctor's visits become less traumatic. Ovpr 1400 rhilHfpn arp expected to participate in the program, which takes place from 9:30 to 1:00 p.m. each day. Hit N.C. J A a! _ i 1 r-1 . . aesiracuve in tne nast as in the West." There is evidence that the next major eastern earthquake would center in the Wilminffton-Southnort area, he said. Although the most severe effects would center in that area it could do damage for more than 500 See N.C. page 2 nity Adve ft L Et ?turd?y November 15, 1975 State Gets? SI .6 Million For Poor Governor Jim Holshouser has announced that grants totaling more than $1.6 million. have been tr? State to implement energy conservation and weatherization programs for the poor. The funds, which will be administered by the North Carolina State Economic Opportunity Office, will be utilized to