SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, M Our Readers s # America's black people (slaves) have a long, bumpy road to travel before they can call themselves free American citizens. In fact, the American black slave has a longer road to travel to freedom than we t _i i_. a : _ ? . ? A ? ? nave aireaay iraveiea. Ana it there are those of us who think they are free American citizens, let me enlighten you on a few major incidents that have occured -recently that should change your mind but that I doubt will because of the way we (America's black slaves) have been systematically conditioned to think. First, I would like to mention that the Baptist Ministers Conference and Associates of Winston-Salem said when they invited the city = aldermen and other officials to discuss city hiring practices and charges of racial discrimtnafinn Now, if you don't know about it. the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina has been charged by the United States Justice Department with discrimination in its employment practices. This charge against the. city was made because of a study by the Southern Regional Council of Discrimination in Southern Cities' use of federal revenuesharing money. A high official, Wayne A. Clark of the Southern Regional Council, goes so far as to say that another high official of the Justice Department told him that Winston-Salem has one of the worst records of hiring discrimination in the country. He also said "The fact of the matter is that the Justice Department isn't enforcing the law that prohibits discrimination in any program financed with federal money." Even the city officials here have admitted to this charge of discrimination against Winston-Salem's black people. But. all the Baptist Ministers Conference and Associates had to say . was, "Being alarmed and greatly concerned about the recent newspaper report which stated that our city is the most segregated city in our nation in regards to discrimination in employment, we are inviting you to come to our meeting for the purpose of informing us as to how we can help change this unfortunate report about our city." It puzzled me how the members of the Baptist Ministers Conference and Associates can state anything about our city or our nation when in fact our city government is bringing wholesale discrimination against our black people (slaves) and our % 176 Are... PEAKING federal government is letting it happen. The only way there's going to be a change is that we black people (slaves) have got to start thinking us and not our. 1 say not ours because realistically. how can black people (slaves) say that word when any moment someone can come and fire us from a job. arrest us. kill us. lay us off. get us fighting each other for "really no reason. Whetr 1 say us I mean the blacks that have and the blacks that don't have got to stop being segregated from each other and instead of the Baptist Ministers- and Associates inviting the city officials of Winston-Salem to our meeting for the purpose of =. informing us as to how we can help our city, they need to invite the entire black populous (slaves) of WinstonSalem to a meeting to discuss Stec flia < > ^ l hBUY NO' lm ANE |gv || jAUGM I ?4? NORTH I I 48?S COUN1 I HIGH POINT ? 306 S THE WINSTON-SALEM CHROI OUT what us as a group can do to make a change. And in conclusion 1 would like to bring up one last thing. During the 60's when the civil, rights struggle was at a high point, you could count the number of blacks that smoked marijuana. That was when everyone was going natural. 1 know that we as a group are going to have to kick the habit and go natural again if we are going to duplicate and exceed what happened in the 60's. David A. Campbell EMBARRASSING, BURNING Itching? ZEMO relieves itching fast because its special 'anti-itch* mcdi*? cation soothes inflamed surface tissues. Get relief with the first application of soothing, medicated ZEMO?Oint- {VpttlA ment or Liquid. JjWJUaw A Radiol Oonorql Dua i * ? | mi Pisgrt 8178x13 WHITI ^F178-14 WWTI 1178-14 WWTi 178x15 WIMTI 1178x15 WWTI 1178x15 WWTI PU?78?I5 [ WIPt Wl ' M.T. t2.11 ssa: iisho IHBlli 11 HEAVY m 1?C (IMITY Ma IHSTALLCP CHIRRY ? Op?i miiif 1 RY CLUB RD. ? Opea . Elm ? Open Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:3( * flCLE PAGE 19 HI on your next Prescription II if you're 60 or older! | il Senior Citizens Discount I Prescription Plan I Pick up your application blank H at your nearest Eckerd's for II?;?r membership in the Senior Citizens' It Discount Prescription Plan. W THE pfftlNlbM OF YOUR LIFE aCOWISAMMTPUeilOWOM... tckbffp'i j ah iquju, ufpuwiunhi wuihiu mam wm mmm mm wmmm i wmm imm mmmtwmmamm mmau mumtwrnm tm vtmi ft m iwmm mm nwmnrn wmmm w Blem Offer | I 9teei II KCKUCH ; VggfTI i tnra -^ < > i > i2QQQ^3CS^^b^mEEHSIK^QQZ3BESS| OVSNI TKAWSHM5SIOHI sQ'5\\m^r\is\ ^k < ? FrUav 7t30-St3? - Mnm 723-1037 1 ml-M. 7*6-5x30, Sol. 7:30-12 - FImm 7U-1770 | ) Sal 7:30-12 ? Phone 882-2596 |