w Vol, II, Wo. 37 ? % Patters <* I >* W'? *.,.! -> , .'; * 'AV>*- ' ' * ' ? . * Patterson Ave. YMCA to n membership concept to encoui Traffic D* RALEIGH -A significant decline in traffic deaths in N.C. occurred in March, Edward L. Powell, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, -?Mazie Woo Commission by James Smith Staff Writer With the belief that good gpvernment must be responsive to the needs of the people, Mrs. Mazie S. Woodruff announced Tuesday that she will seek election for one of five seats on the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners. A resident of WinstonSalem for 49 years, she has an artiup nartirinflnt in i/VVIl UtI UV 11 T V J^/Wl VI V (|/M V V 1 the processes that created growth and development in the city and county for the past *20 years. At her press conference, which was well attended and held at Union Chapel Baptist Church (of which she is a member), she pledged to work towards: Improved employment opportunities. 2. Extension of city-county *> INST< iiJIR WINSTO $200A on Ave. ? ? w ? * *>..>'}x> ' ' " ' *. \ '- *V ' ' ' - ? v *' ' ' ' '" ' - < V, & >'' ,%'$& t .^?rw- ,^S:v?i;: A- ? ' v? ' >" p^;-: ' pfe - :V i& >;. ,-.?x >x:. :*- -: ??> ;>*/ >,yt.? *. ; ' . lake renovations and charge rage family participation. eaths Down . announced recently. During March of this year 103 persons lost their lives compared to 121 traffic deaths during the same period last year, representing a decrease of druff Eyes ter's Seat cooperation. 3. Improved preventive medical services. 4. Reduction of crime throughout the county. "I intend to work for all the citizens of Forsyth County and to try and bring businesses in the county which will help change our economic status," she said. To date, Mrs. Woodruff is not-cnn fn run in 11 1V- lllll U pvi JUIl IV I u ii III ?.aaw democratic primary. Of the five-member board, there are three seats which will be filled this year. Each incumbent has expressed their desire not to run again. A frequent face in most political meetings, Mrs. Woodruff hopes to help update the antiquated houses in the county. "Too many of our people live in substandard housing/' she once stated. See WOODRUFF, Page 2 ? N-SALEM, N.C. * i )00 Qost Estim PICA! by James Smith Staff Writer After nearly two decades with no major capital improvements, the Patterson Avenue YMCA is taking on a new look at the tune of nearly $200,000. Marty Penn, spokesman and a member of the Board of Managemenfsaichar feasibilitystudy which is concerned with the future of the YMCA, showed that the board of management wanted to improve theYMCA and try andchange its concept. Presently, the building is undergoing a complete renovation. The gymnasium has, new fluorescent vapor bulb lighting and a new floor with a In N.C. 14.9%. For the three months ending March 1976 there were 301 fatalities compared to 314 persons killed during the same period last year, a decrease of 4.1%, Powell released the statistics in the Highway Accident Perspective publish^" ed by Christine E. Bunn, Director ot lranic Kecoras ot the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. Powell said these statistics were encouraging when compared with the February report which showed an increase of 1 % in traffic fatalities. The number of injuries and accidents continued to rise although at a much smaller rate than in February. Person injured were up 2.6% and accidents increased by 2% in March. In February injuries were up 16% and accidents were up 6.5%. "We feel that our intensified highway safety efforts are once again having a positive impact. The cooperation of our citizens in the awareness of the needs of better driving habits is to be commended. The distressing statistics for February have been reversed, but nothing less than our best efforts will cause a continued lowering of the death and injury rate. Highway safety is the way for life in North Carolina/1 Powell concluded. - aw s ate o Reno1 capital improvement cost of 1 iKP AAA nearly ao,uuu. The lobby has been completely renovated including new carpet and drapes. The conference room has also been renovated and pine paneled walls have?been? idded. Also, the YMCA has a $20,000 membership drive uTFderway for I97&] Of that money, $8,000 of it will be used to renovate downstairs where a new cardio-vascular preventive system correlates with the new health club. That $8,000 will be matched by an additional $8,000 grant. o Although there have been improvements made on the YMCA since its 52 year-old existence, the improvements this year will be the biggest ever. In changing the concept of the YMCA, Penn said the YMCA would like to become more family oriented. 44We want the people to know it's for the family." Some programs for families Black Worn Topic Of Sp by James Smith Staff Writer 44In the black woman, we see her as she suffers while being captured from her native Africa. She survives the humiliation inflicted upon her i . _ _ _ _ ? i aunng passage on slave snips i which were no more than crates filled with human flesh bound for sale to the highest bidder/' says Mrs. J.D. Ashley. Mrs. Ashley was the keynote speaker Sunday during the 11 a.m. worship service at St. Paul United Methodist Church. In her topic,. "The Black Woman of Yesterday and Today," she talked about the suffering and achievements which have all fallen on the black woman. "Christianity is credited with elevating the woman. It has given her a nobleness and t 1 I SATURDAY, MAY IS, 1976 I vate _ include a remedial program; voter registration, hypertension clinic, a juvenile delinquency intervention program and NYPUMB (National Young Program Using MiniBikes). Recently^,?the executive director of the Forsyth County YMCA has given the local branches a metropolitan concept. There are presently four YMCA's in Forsyth County. They include Central, Kernersville, Walkertown and Patterson Avenue. Penn said the Patterson Avenue branch has suffered some setbacks which were primarily due to the fact that they could not serve all the people in the community. Another factor has been school integration. It is the feeling of most of the community that it would 1 be better if the YMCA could be re-located. That may happen within the next five years, Penn said. Of all the capital improvement, the YMCA is presently See YMCA, Page 2 .. ...& en Are wech - IBfo/. ?. Mrs. J.D. Ashley a tenderness," states Mrs. Ashley. "It was a woman who was the last (or among the last) to leave the cross; the first at the sepulchre, the first to greet the resurrected Savior, and it 4 was to a woman that the Savior gave a message for the disciples to meet Him at Galilee/' Although black women have come a long way, Mrs. Ashley cited a recent story which said See BLACK, Page 2