SATUBDAY JULY 31. 197* 4 '^i ww '' *^ 1# jfl *^L^ ' ^|!&yj^l^L>^ James Homes "Seme people are bHad intilly and ipUtaly. . We need to be mote intellectual." Chronicle Profile Blind Man Says \ " Why See It " James A. Home is blind but he is not handicapped. He is, in his words, an amateur philosopher, historian, poet and world analyst. He reads from 20 to 40 books per month. His pen name is Flavius Totellus Antianinus and he is a very colorful man. Home moves around in his dark environment with a great deal of ease. He can do this, he said, because of facial vision. "This is a blind man's way of telling how far away or close he is to something," he said. It comes naturally but must be developed. "You develop it as you go along." Home reads braille but most of his reading is done by means of talking books. "It's like a long playing record," he said. "Someone reads to us and we have everything from Mickey Spillane to the Bible." His real love is ancient history. That's how he picked up his pen name. His favorite people were the ancient Romans. The name comes from three historical persons. Flavius was a general who fought at the battle of Massada in Judea. Totellus was governor of Judea in A.D. 62 and Antianinus was Marcus Aurelius Antianinus, emperor of truth, Horne explained. From studying such philosophers as Socrates, Plato and Plutarch, he developed his philosophies. One of which is "Seek ye first that which is intellectual and you will be able to enjoy other things better." He uses as an example love and lust. "Love is devoting one's heart & mind to another," he said quite emphatically. "While lust is simply looking at the flesh...looking with the eyes and not the mind." Horne likens America's lifestyle to .that of the ancient Romans. "Our government, from federal to local, has been contaminated by the disease of lust." He cites the recent sex scandals on capitol hill and the current alleged activities of the local police department as supporting evidence. "It's a serious problem," Horne warns. "Unless we change a ? * _ a? V? J* J 1 a.1 a we are going to destroy ourselves use uie Romans aia. in uiai day as in this one, pleasure is foremost in our minds." The answer? "Go back to God." Although this 34-year-old native of Winston-Salem is blind he says it is not difficult to see what is really happening in the world today. He claims to be a world analyst. "1 can analize and interpret all world happenings," he claims rather assuredly. "Take the Olympic games for example. "The African nations pulled out. This means that the Third World nations are going to buck. They're saying that they're J Ji hAu sm AAinn Ia Kurlr tvtfh th#?ir lircu UI UClIl^ purlieu AlUUIJU. * UWJ MV I(VIII^ ?v " .M. M.VH natural resoutces sucli as gultl, diauionds and oil. The darker worlds are coming to the forefront and there is going to be a battle for these resources." Home argues that some people are blind physically like himself, but there are some who are blind mentally. "They are iMwiyimt?Mp?" h* aaid. "I Mf with mgmiindX eye " In addition ?he says he really does'ffili WNH'W'WlIt Bit world from a physical standpoint. > "1 hear of the cruelty, hate, degradation and violence...Why see it?" i I ; I? p .Wu THE WINSTON-SALEM CI Try Jh Dear Liz, I am sixteen years of age and 1 have lived the life of a thirty year old lady. I have done everything and now 1 feel as if I have nothing to look forward to in my life. How can I get a new hold on life? Help Needed Dear Needed, never lived before, your age. You might enjoy it. Dear Liz, 1 lead a double life. I am one FR This monument, 18 miles south of Wilmington on U. S 421, marks the site of Fort Fisher, which fell before the Union attack on January 15, 1865. and marked the editing of the Souths last line of communication by sea with the outside world.. The fall of Fort Fisher cut off supplies that Confederate armies had been obtaining through the Port of Wilmington with its railroad con necuons wnn ine interior. and General Lee's surrender followed within months. I The fort was named I for Colonel Charles F. Fisher. C.S.A.. of Salisbury. who was billed at the first battle of Manassas. It was the site of the largest land-sea bottle in history until World war I. H j Modern I 7% f* Wig I it Coloring I Manicures r>.? | Call for i > 1 HRON1CLE ist Being Yc way in the presence of one Rirl and another in the presence of my lover. 1 am tired of this type of life. How can 1 change it? Disgusted Dear Disgusted, Try just being yourself. r\ * i_ s uear mm, 1 am pregnant for the tenth (10th) time and I have never been married. 1 hate birth _ ASTRO-i ARIES Great things < Mar. SI - Apr. 19 when it comes TAURUS You'll be noti _ Apr. SO - May 20 best foot forw< GEMINI You're in nes May SI - Jane 20 be of help, y CANCER Moke the mos June 21 - Juiv 22 wonted to; set LEO The time has < July 23 - Aug. 22 life. A clean VIRGO Yo? deserve J Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 a wa,k oroun< LIBRA It's pretty mi Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 even* SCORPIO estate tn Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 you thinking i SAGITTARIUS Always doin Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 sention amon A i _ . I A 900a 000 CAPRICORN plom. A era Use. 22 Jan. It be required. AQUARIUS 1* y<* hove H Jam. St - Pet. It excellent Ha PISCES 'tlj po??ible I M. M Mar. M utAnO", infljy. ??%? A* Ways Te 600 N. Pattmon Ave. p Total Beauty ^V /^^ SH ^- - -4H Appointment " PAGE 11 mrself L? *? r control pills because they make me sick but 1 love sex. How do 1 get the will power to stop having sex. Frustrated Dear Frustrated, Check with your doctor about some other method of birth control. You might even consider a hysterectomy since you have had enough children for four (4) families. DESTINY ' ran be done. Don't be overly cautious t to voicing your opinion. ced by those who matter. Keep your ard, and you can go far. d of advice this week. Older folks will ou have to give f-em o chance. t of this week.Reod that book you hove i that movie, but don't vegetate. rome to clean up the loose ends in your i sweep can do wonders. tome time to yourself, even if it's only i the block. Clear the cobwebs. .i .1 I . jcn or rne same ming mis weeK.iNO un, but that in itself is a relief. onsoctions seem a bit heavy now. Are about a new location? g things your way can bring about disg fellow workers. Don't insist on it. I of thought should go inks your future esrood is coming up and a decision wil be time ond the money, St would be on e to get away for o short trip. hot you hove caused team hordfeelings Don't hesitate to make amends. >Beauty I Ser 1 irSkinCare | * Jewelry 1 722-0562 J \ *