* ? H ??r? ? Vol. in. Nn 9U ??........ &' ' - " ?' *A- \ ?nv /' /' t-~- ' - ? . : ' V ^ ?, * *>*/ * mm, *i?y.' rflWf x < ' JV-; ^ Picketers bare the frigid weathei restaurant. Their signs tell the Black Bin Calls Ft by Rudy Anderson Staff jReporter The president of the Black < Business Action League here said Tuesday that recent - events happening in the black community and to aspiring black leaders "have clear racial overtones." Johnny X ^-Williamson, president of the league, said that in light of these events the black community, especially the black business \ community should now more than ever before be prepared to stand behind its leaders and support its black businesses. He pointed out some areas that his organization is trying to emphasize to secure what he called "power" in Winston-Salem. They were * politics, economics, improving i.1 -t_i i- ir - - mc oiacK sen-image, tne ? development of black leadership and the mobilization of the black consumer. c 7 \ Of the boycott at Northside, he said the business 'coinmun ity will try to close dowi Northside "until we ge justice" in this matter. "The only blacks in the shopping center will be those that work there," he said. V o * fINST 4 WINSTON-SALEM. N.C v - . . _L ' , ^ j 6* r # ' Ml Lr * niiMi F V r at entrance of Northside near story. i iinessman *? >r Unity? Williamson said he was sure the boycott would keep Wisemai^ in the shopping center. His optimistic view however was not shared by some . employees at various stores in the center who said that they believed the position See Black, Pace 2 Q To Rei Urban Arts , The Arts Council announced . today the appointment of Dorothy C. Graham as the new Urban Arts Administrator Ms. Graham, a native of WinstonSalem, comes to the Arts Council with outstanding credentials. She has been very active in Arts Council activities, having served as a Trustee and Secretary of the p rvirH r\ f Tfiict^oo \Ac uvai u ui i i u o ivwo . ITI 3 . Graham, therefore, is familiar with all component^ of the Arts Council programs and ' member groups. < Educated at A&T State 1 University and Winston-Salem ; State, Ms. Graham has also > received certificates of train- 1 ing from Emory, Brown / University and the Babcock < <4 f~- " * warn, mm i Saturday Je Blacks u : 4 by Rudy Anderson Staff Reporter Blacks, angered over the prospect of losing the only black operated business in Northside Shopping Center, implemented Tuesday morning a boycott of the center. The boycott was called for by leaders^ of a group calling itself the Black Concerned Citizens Committee in ^a meeting at Shiloh Baptist Church last Thursday to discuss the plight of black citizens in the community whom they felt?had been treated unjustly. More than 150 blacks attended that meeting arid heard the stories of black citrzens who said they'weren't given a fair deal by the press, the justice system, or the business- community. Nathaniel Wiseman pror* tA prietor of Staley's Northside Restaurant sincer4973, told his story to the groujy: * Wiseman has b*?fcn refused a new lease and told to vacate by the end of January by Mrs. Gail Citron, president of the Nybor Corporation which runs the shopping center.^ Her reason for not giving ilave Coleman Fret A dmini&tra School of Management. Ms. Graham lias had a great leal of rarorr trainino in & ... Urban agencies.. She has served in the past as an \ssociate Director with the Forsyth County Anti-Poverty \geney. Urban Coalition, and riti7cns Coalition. Most. * n % > ? inuary J(Z, 1977 Boycott Wiseman a new lease was that he could not pay the $1,000.00 a month rent. She said he owed several thousand dollars . in back renU at-4east $6,000.. Wiseman contends that he r* had the money and the reason for her not giving him a lease was because he was black and about-to do a very profitable business particularly when the new corporate headquarters for Reynolds opens up later in the year6. n* 1 ricKeters were out early Tuesday morning asking f 1 Neal Urges And Probe Washington -- Fifth District Rep. Steve Neal and 12 other merhbers of Congress are urging House Democrats not to* permit Rep. Robert L.F. Sikes, D-Fla., to keep his^ chairmanship of a military construction subcommittee because of financial misconduct. Neal and the others criticized Sikes in^a letter being circulate4Jn advance of a Democratic caucus*, wiiich ? 9m/>n m m m tor Named recently, she has served as * Executive -Director for the Forsyth County Early Childhood Development Planning Association. Ms. Graham's business and civic activities have been many and varied. She has participated in the North Carolina Association for Education of Young Children, ^ Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Bicentennial Commission, Manpower Council, and Council for Status of Women. In addition, Ms. Graham has served as an officer in the ?r^rsyth County Mental Health Association, National Council of Negro Women, Business and Professional Women's _ ? See Graham, Page 2 % c '' 4. A ? c *9 ? . Single Copy 20c Center = perspective customers, particularly blacks? not to patronize any of the stores in Northside except the restaurant ?until - Wiseman is gtven a lease. Most store managers said that it was too early to tell whether the-^ boycott would have any real effect. They said the cold weather and the fact that it was a slow time of the year accounted for sparse crowds at the . center. Few ventured to make any ~ A _ I- -* aiaicmcnis nowcver on what See Northside, Page 2 Unseating Of Sikes would h^ve to approve Sikes' /eappointment as chairman of the Appropriations Committee subcom mittee. *' j Last year, the House of Representatives voted to reprimand Sikes for violating the House ethics code. He was accused of failing to disclose personal financial information, as required by House rules, and of sponsoring legislation to enhance the value of his property in -Florida. ^ Neal said he. thinks Sikes should be denied the subcommittee chairmanship "because the subcommittee has great power and prestige. Congressman Sikes has abused that power, in my opinion, and in order to maintain public confidence, I believe we should not entrust the chairmanship to him." Specifically, Neal and the others were critical of Sikes for using his official position to establish a bank at the Pensacola Nav&l Air Station in Sikes' congressional district. After the bank was established, Sikes became its third largest shareholder, owning ~2?500 shares. He also failed to report ownership of 1,000 shares of stock in Fairchild Industries, a major * defense contractor""affected fry. House appropriations legislation. ~ 4 V V