Page 16 - The Chronicle - Satordi J? ftcfe I 7 9~ V^B Rollin' Along T"~ ~ ~ SAVE $3.0? on These Wavy / "~~Sote Oxfords for Women f Suede-like uppers. Reg. $8.97 J IC90/I Knee Hi's j ^ Reg. $1.49 ' - J<||| "V '. . *: .jM SAVE $5.07 on Men s Genuine Suede f|QA '-7? Style. Reg. $1697^1 ; Prices Good thru Saturd Open Evenings Use Your MASTERCHAI __ Open Evenings Except Dow I N. Liberty at 28th St. 4.51 2.15 Waughtown St. * * 3. Oldtown Shopping Center " 5 41 . Get to know us; yoi ?i^n?h?M<8 N. Ulxny Stg^lljjl nil like us.? f juverb v-/n ler you lov fhe Chronic * Valentine is For Lovers Only! j ;rs Message to Your I 1 her/him... Iways Known To Care So, Now I'm more it Official. goes a - Sweet T'. O 25 WORDS $5 WE'LL HELP ^ NE 723-9863 TO PLACE YOUR( IECK WITH THE ORDER BLANK P IN AT SUITE 603 PEPPER BLI DLINE: FEBRUARY 8 (Ti e Note to My Swec ' ??? , yTi ,ni nj " ^ ; M Dm left to right standing: Safe >bertson, Angela Gain! and Ii filer: seated left to right: Sara ( "he Nation Writes / Students * ** * * by Azzie Wagner Social Editor In perfect timing with the ly! * .X- . ? ~? $3 _ t '0 .over In Print... %! T IAVA ?vai? + * AWTV J VU > as each day ?H > by. Be mine. g| Leon || OU WRITE IT. I )RDER OR MAIL | BELOW- OR )G. H lesday) M *theart~I|?- | - I HBHJ * < ^k Wttf irina Robinson, Jamie Glider, Stn ?e Thomas Adjacent picture stam Dabanlss, Mark Pegram, Edith Cla ^ Constitution' Show Uniqn recent Inaugural activities ot Washington, D.C. the Social Studies classes of Mrs. Nancy, Repetto and Mri Dorofhy Murphy really hatk a lot 44 histor icate^1?to?sm^re ?last week as they culminated a unit on "The Nation Writes A Constitution." Boasting everything from an authenic looking 4 'Preamble" To The Constitution" to the White House.- and Capitol of the U.S., students shared rtheir projects and explained the construction of each. There were scores of projects displayed including a three dimensional White House constructed by Jamie Giler who did such an excellent jnh that it really seemed like the President of the U.Sr might-open a door"" any minute and stroll down" the sTeps! Vincent Ryan took a tin can, a candle, and soldering iron and tin shears to create a "pewter" look old time candleholder that looked so authentic. The branches of government (T.epislativp TnHioial v _ , v I ?/ W IV 1 ?* 1 f and Executive) were beautifully displayed on a chart by Alesia Robinson while Joe Thomas' poster of George Washington and Thomas / / Professional S< \ ^ ) Trans \ 'Wig Im| ( Northside Sho J J I \ aj x- - ' - : 1 * iart Hills; seatedt AJesia ling left to right: Courtney rk, and Vincent Ryan. ie Projects ? Jefferson and Stuart Hills' White House was breathtaking. Focusing on the U.S. Capitol Then and Now was ^Cou^tney Miller who riade a poster so colossal that it took two to hold it. (See picture). The overwhelming artistic ability of Sabrina Robinson showed vividly as she did a very detailed drawing line for line of the U.S. Capitol. Sara Cabaniss and Edith Clark puT xheir talent into the serious business of doll makng and produced striking resemblances of Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson ffom hair to wire framed glasses! Vying for originality and creativity plus were the * projects of Angela Goard and Mark Pegram. -Angela^s?MDld 1800's^mp -'was made from a saucer, "Cool Whip'1 container, a dish, a 4'Jiffy" peanut butter jar and an old jar lid. After painting it a flat lai^rp black color, adding a purchased glass globe and a candle, -it looked so real that it was amazing! < Mark Pegram's "Preamble To the Constitution'' got manv oohs and aahs for originality. Pegram took a sheet of plain See Students, Page 18 ane wig. get 2nd \ at Half Price - J 14 and up / west Styles to Choose From .1 ;ylist in Shop at All Times. I I 11*11 ' ^ \ jmSSByiBB ) iworld / porters ) pping Center +4