1 WW i I WI ?1^ ^ Vol. Ill, No. 36 W' ' Society's Unfoi by Sharyn,Bratcher j Staff Reporter j The House of Mercy is ] nestled among rolling green pastures and wooded hills, i down a dirt road flanked by 1 stone lions, and looking exactly like what it is: a t sanctuary for those who v can't cope with the world. f Its inhabitants are men Y with nnwhfire else to cro. I Released mental patients o irom John Umstead Hospital n former convicts and mentally e retarded persons whose Students fill out applications wit of getting a summer job in th ?-woau irraa Male Nursii - - ' hill d> GUbert Hill ...1st Male Nursing Grad. -<*?%. . House Of Men l\oH * viifini# AilO A \ ~ WINSTON-SA Leaguel *< jBBflHfc M 1?1? jnE w w. IIwKfr*-th*t - < * if ^ ^ *^|' -s-^. ,*-; ^ ;K.jp%s" h the Urban League in hopes e Federal Jobs Program* ? uates 1st ^ nonths, and now serves leven men, both black and See HOUSE, page 32 lg Student Gilbert Hill, a senior from New Bern, North Carolina, will be the first male student to receive the bachelor of science degree from the School of Nursing at Winston-Salem State University. Hill, a member of the School's twentieth graduating class, will receive his degree with approximately forty-seven other nursing See NURSING, page 5 zy Shelters 1 < 4 rtunate families do not want them ire given a home at the House of Mercy. The program was started ibout eight years ago by Reverend Moses Small as a halfway-house' to rehabiliate alcoholics, former con- / acts, drug addicts, and ^ ormer mental patients. It * las been in its present ocation ? Rev. Small's farm >n Highway 65 ? for three Hf-SJ ??lj?? LEM, N.G. SATU1 A ids In x JL -ML. m ms The Winston-Salem Urban League will co-ordinate the intake process of the federal summer " jobs program, announced League president George Hill in a Thursday tpress^onfprpnrp^mlH in U-c summer job headquarter,s a a building at 512 N. Trade St., donated to the program by Wachovia Bank. The U.S. Department of Labor has allotted a budget of $444,211 provide 550 summer jobs for youngsters who qualify within the family income guidelines. Ms. Nellie Jones, director of the Human Services Department for the city of W inston-Salem, explained that the program will be operated by three agencies: tha^Urban League will screen -onrvltAonf o 1 ap^u^aiito 1UI Cll^iUllll^ <11111 assess the needs of each youngster; the WinstonSalem/ Forsyth County School System will offer a tt skills training program and an opportunity for "work experience; and the Experiment in Self-Reliance will handle a program of work experience and labor market orientation. Summer jobs within nonprofit agencies, such as the government and the school system, will be provided for youths between the ages of v * . .-irl-- -A ^ *3 s - **C i / - - -* -? - ? TT 1 J naroia uiayton [Znd froi former convicts, mental .?PJ .? - klilalV R.DAY MAY 7, 1977 Jobs Vi 14 and 21,. whose family income falls below a certain level. Hill stated that the^ hope to find jobs inprivate industry for those who family incomes are too high to qualify otherwise. Already the Urban League ?4ias screen zz306^pmspf?rTivg~ workers, and only 32 have Dr. Williams ' After 16 Yrs. After 16 years of guiding Winston-Salem State University from an institution that offered only two degree granting programs to one that today offers 19 such programs, Dr. Kenneth R. iliiamst Chancellor of the University has made known his intention to leave his post as Chancellor effective June ~30.^= Williams, 64, was made acting President of then Winston-Salem State Teacher's College in 1961, after the resignation of Dr. Francis Atkins. A Winston-Salem native, Williams was educated in the city public schools. He then rprpivpH Kio ? ? - w v/ a v/ va i&io li 11v4 c1 ^ I d * duate training at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Ga., where he obtained an A.B. degree. He later entered %4 ./ $"" ^rM-1 tF#-*Ss : . ? :x v :'^T. * - V ' * *$ rfr '. < * ... V ' > > > * < ' Rev, Moms Smalt [right] and 4 m left] of the "House of Mercy patients. * f v y .jh i_ ' ff.3vt^y-m^^^^^W^^^^^=====...^,M?..r- -T '1 ^ ^TKS^S ^ ^^^ ^ ^ *S** ?Bust of Dr. Williams Boston University and received a M.A. (S.T.B.Bachelor of Sacred Theolnirvl Qn/^ o DU r\ /O?-'ii wjjj f uiiu a x li. U. (oocmi Ethics). ^ . He returned to WinstonSalem State Teacher's College in 1936 as a history instructor and taught for a year. His next stop was Palmer Institut in Sedalia, SeeDR.WILLIAMS,page 28 % ; W <*fc Recapstkmal Therapist . " work to rehabilitate t n ^ ' Single Copy 20c failed to qualify. Students U A'l ? * *- - - uttvt? unui May 16*9 to submit applications for \ the program. Work will start June 1st, with the number of weeks' employment based on the program assigned to the worker. . Several public and private . groups are participating in See URBAN, page 19 To Retire At WSSU