jO 0 W1 Vol. Ill No. 37 ^ NAACP .. ?--->? v .. * 1'^^m ^ ^^T!> mm F. Williard Air, Director of the Gre MgfcHghta the ?nnn?l affair. I w ? mfl v H JIU^IF j9 *f*; S ^Mk-.:y,'^jd^B ^fc^^BBs^rajWcMg J I Ik ?r y,M. .wNH^Mftj^H MB 1m ? (titLu.. I Ifc yfr V Jjf* H J?>'j^fS^^lPv^" ~ ~~ " ? flRv ^^^Kl'T Goler Tenants Committee, he motorcade to Greensboro's H complex. Motorcade Goes l o Goler Ten an A committee representing co the tenants of Goler tic \ Metropolitan Apartments organized a motorcade, M Wednesday to the HUD of office in Greensboro to tic HSTl Vinston-Salem, N.C. Freedc mm MMV^^^K^IAW^ i*39HHHMI ater Miami Urban League ~~ I ^1 H , I aded by Melinda Pace [2nd fi UD Office to protest conditio! SE l^reensboro ts Complaii mplain of housing condi- j >ns at Goler. < A statement released by j s. Melinda Pace, president i the Tenants' Organiza>n, lists the residents' 1 + >N-SA ^ 11)1 ? ?. . Wi- I. . mi - . III SATURDAY, MAY 14, imJiarn The NAACP held its innual Freedom Fund Banquet last week but instead of learing the usual words of praise the more than 2,000 ittendants were told of the ack of progress the black jommuftity^-has-made^ ?r T. Willard Fair, Director )f the greater Miami Urban XtQCniO 11 carl r?rv iir?rtA?^ni? JVU^UV) UJV/U AAV/ UUUUlbaXH erms in describing the jrocess by which 4diggers'\ lave moved through 4'the colored" era, the Negro era, o the black era.'' We have lot progressed... we have etrogressod, Fair said. 4 4 The black community of Winston-Safam?j not nade any substantial propose in the la3t 40 yeais," ?air charged, He_cited the )olice force as one example. - When 20 percent of the x>Uce force is^ black and :8G ? Percent of the people going Vft i * ; Wff .1<*? ? * * * <*'* * * --S gip x*? ?.< . *** .,>v" **- !?> g f i :.?**? * . g i* Hi '* If - ' *^2XhMg|^ Mjl om left] begins their is at their apartment ti To HUD grievances as: 1) Conditions of Apartments; 2) Unfair Lease Provisions ? The tenants want a one year loaoo nf f V>a f Kirfw ivuov ucoi^au ui vii^ wm wj See Goler, Page 2 1 1977 * quetA i. to jail are black; that^ ain't progress." "Until we change the flow of money/V. Fair warned, 4 4we ain't about nothing.'' In addition, he said there are some blacks here who have made it. But, *'There are no new niggers with new money in this town. Progress will occur_ when some more people get_ some of 4he money. "The only way you can measure race progress is to compare present self with former self. We still have^ more unemployed niggers in? the town than ever. Progress has not been for black folks but for individual blacks." Fair warned that_ blacks will have to penetrate two areas in order to make progress. These areas being politics and economics^ He urged blacks to take control of local politics and vote. Not just out of anger and hate, he said, but because and awareness of the political Mrs. Jones Goes to Washingt White House Conference on 1 Mary Sloat Goes To Was Mrs. Mary Sloan Jones of Winston-Salem will be a delegate at the first White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals May 23-27 in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Jones, whom former a % ^ ' * tingle Copy 20c, Success , process is essential^ l__ 'Money is needed in the community to build schools and reads and that's done through the county commissioners." In addition r14 We must create an economic I !? xl 11* i. uase in me oiacK community, We must become employer^ instead of employees." ?? Creating air economic base? in the cornmimity would mean that money would stay in the community a little longer. The annual selection of the Mother of the Year was also held.?Mrs. Bonnie?Young? was named for 1977. Runnerup in the contest was . Mrs. Sally Savage, Mrs. Bertha?Parks,?Mrs. Ida Pauling, Ms. Ricky Wilson and Ms. Delores Wall. Patrick Hairston, President ?of ?the?N AACP. presented Mrs. Laura B. Smalls, Dr. J.T. McMillan, f * George Reddy, Dr. Kenneth R. Williams, Mrs. Helen Falls and Charles McLean with awards. s t . . . " v. \ ^ K, on -- as delegate to the first Handicapped. i Jones ' * \hington mayor M.C. Benton used to call the "Ninth Alderman", is well-known for her civic work on behalf of the handicapped and the elderly. She is an organizer and See Jones, Page 2