* 4 Wiiji Vol. V, No. 29 2( HUD Fii ill l\CIUt By Sharyn Bratcher Staff Writer People who have been relocated by the city community development Department are living in houses which violate local housing codes, according to a report on 13 cases investigated by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The report, summarized in a letter to city manager Orville Powell from HUD area office manager Mr. Betsy Stafford, was the result of a relocation monitoring visit by HUD officials from Greensboro and Washington," DrC. on NovemF ber 27, 1978. Because of the investigation conducted by HUD officials, all the relocation cases handled by the community development Department are being reviewed, and there is a chance that some persons may receive higher relocation payments. tu- thp a 11 #? o ja tinn ? m r 40 L^ mm iLatJi TypiciUm ridera wait for a maaa trmit h elderly and blacks. If the proposed rate I this group of people will be the ones mos proposed. Blacks, Wh Whites Dis< By Sharyn Bratcher Staff Writer Most of Winston-Salem's white leaders belie last week's Klan exhibit and the disturban< accompanied it will have very little effect on th race relations as a whole. Attorney Lawrence Davis, a former legislato mented: "I don't think it will have much effect. f most people view this as attention-getting. Most would just take this with a grain of salt." "I consider the whole event to be atypical of w majority of people think or feel," said Northwes Alderman Jon DeVries^ "I feel that we were obliged to provide permission for the exhibit. Ik ?A ?, " , -*?W ? - - V MMkV ' MRftL./ m Nelson Malloy demonstrates the use of his hand left Immobile by paralysis, as he chats with 1 j > ton-Si y "The NEWSpap nds Vio last June by a coalition of community organizations. The Winston-Salem branch of the NAACP, the League of Women Voters, the East Win&ton Neighborhood Restoration Association, and the Watkins Street Improvement Association filed complaint with HUD, charging that the city community development program does not help minorities or low income persons. The 13 cases cited came from a list of 45 who i i .iT! J > - rri rs - * - = = ? nau ainaavns witn tne Legal Aid Society. HUD also picked 25 other cases at random. A future report will ^iscuss^he^latter ^sses. . "ttUD declined to review two additional tegal Aid cases because one was a business and one was not completed. Of the remaining thirteen "all dwelling units had one or more deficiencies which according to local codes would be a violation," stated the letter. The conditions cited ranged from damaged window screens to major structural violations.! Ben Erlitz. Legal Aid attornev who handled the mm fcfiS ~ *wi. ]?^ WKKtKM' " HflHKfl^^MB^^^^^^9^BH*Kt>^ ilarl L - ^^^^^pHTk\|| *>' / ' ' ?M| wc* * * *~ Increase by the Transit Authority Is passed It hard hit. A rate Increase of five cents Is ites Voice count Klan Eflect concerned about the lack of fire exits." Because of the construction going on library there is no access to the street fr ve that At Devries' suggestion, the fire mars! :e that building and has closed the auditoriun e city's weeks while construction continues. Sheriff Manly Lancaster also doubtec r, com- would have much effect. "1 think th I think people involved," he said. people "It's a kind of fragmented thing i Itterman, director of the Greater Downt 'hat the "The intelligent people on both sides it Ward one per cent out spouting off their poisi legally I was See Page 5 Nelson Ex-Black Panthe By John W. Templeton Staff Writer r Nelson Malloy, his body shatter received in a Nevada desert, has foughl depression to begin to put the pieces together * . -ifDuring his personal struggle, he several moving spiritual events ai . committment to fight for the disadvant* ' uOQy a15o\^l vmc- ~aist atia~ nasg&UX ^ enough to move from his parents'^*. * of his own. x Malloy was shot twice and left for de; just outside Los Vegas, Nev. in Noveml much of the following seven months t, oncc there and in Winston-Salem, he wasiv't visitor*- live, Malloy said in a Chronicle inte ilem C er Winston's Been Waiting For" jations - case, said no improvements have been made in the houses since the November visit. It was also noted that the replacement housing payments had not been computed correctly in these cases, because the city had failed to include the cost of utilities in determining the The report questioned the "quality and appropriateness" of the referrals made by the Community Development staff, noting that the majority of complaints in the affidavits concerned a lack of assistance in housing referrals and in otherhelp needed in relocation. ~ Gary Brown, director of the city's Community Development Program, says that the city is waiting for HUD to send the required corrections before taking any action regarding the report. In the mpantimp coiH ?? ? .....w, nv jmvj, niv, wivjr la icvicwing .ail complaint cases for' ai\y additional services ^needed, and alt relocation payment claims are being recomputed. i Bus Hiki By Yvette McCuilough Suff Writer ? s Poor and black riders will be the ^ groups hit the hardest by the recomA mendation of the Winston-Salem Tranm sit Authority to raise its bus fare from 35 ^ to 40 cents. ? ????? " The transit authority has recommended raising its bus fares for two years in a row to prevent cutbacks in services, however the majority of the people who have had to foot the bill are I poor and black. ^ ^ Bruce Abel, WSTA marketing director, told the Chronicle that 79 per cent of the transit riders are black and that -?- tw-k Ws- cfK Ov*4p^j 1 uivi% . , pav for Malloy's flight from N ad in a desert area ? T ~ . I used to say in Las Vega ^eTf ' i unn? prayers all the way from V of Jiospttilization d ^ # ^ ? M ^ sure he wanted to . .c , , , . c but they are for real. I could f rview at his new ' See Paj fty^oriicle f J 44 Pages This Week Saturday, March 10, 1979 J?~jii__~77ii_^_^. L': '',!^te: tfi ^Hl ~ At; B?WvT~r^rtr JBMPPIIWPPBWI^h^^-* ** these two can wonnd up going In the wrong direction alter an accident at approximately 1 p.m. Monday at the corner of 4th Street and Patterson Avenoe. Police declined to release details due to a continuing investigation into the wreck. However, one person was injured In the accident. es To+I urt Poor yr {y .minority area, because we recognize time raising the fares to 50 cents to meet that there are th'e frequent -riders,V!_ the rising cost^offeul prices but decided Abel said. "Those areas also have the against-it., -However, as part of its increased services. Whereas a bus may recommendatiorf'; the authority voted to . run every hour in the western part of the review the fare rates as again in six city, two or three buses an hour may run 1 months due to the uncertainty over the in minority areas." cost of feul. At that time, if found The present bus fare is 35 cents and necessary, the board could vote to now pays for 38 per cent of the cost of further increase the fares. operating the system. The remainder of Mrs. J.D. Ashley, a member of the > the cost is financed by local and federal transit authority said that she agreed subsidies. with the decision of the authority Harold D. Simons, chakman of the because, "that's about the only thing transit authority said that the recom- we can do. Some cities already have 50 mended increase will produce $100,000. cent fares." "If feul skyrockets, the authority will - "We have had to take into consideraneed approximately $150,000 more to tion that the ridership is made up of the operate next year without reducing poor^but with inflation and the rising The-authority had;considered at one See Page IS ) I * - f Cohcerns On Race ks See Backward Trend has stemmed from the re- Walter Farabee, director field seeking blacks are not suit of court action, and the of economic development out in the field now," recent reversal decisions believes that progress has Farabee continued. Nave come because whites been made, but that it can't Richard Glover, execufeel they have lost a lot of stop now. tive director of the Patterground." "As a nation and a race, 1 son Avenue YMCA be"However blacks have don't thmk we can stop lieves progress has been gone backwards, because making progress at this made. here are masses of blacks time,"* Farabee said. "Laws have been more vho are still not enjoying "These numerous reversal beneficial in making things ill that is offered," Newell cases will have an effect on happen," Glover said. :ontinued. "We should the blacks on the educa- "We should be doine md could have gone much tional campuses/' ' things because it is morally urther in race relations "The recruiters who hanwehave." used to be j*it out in the See Page 2 KM' LJjg; n Bl Life he there 1 w the Whitaker ^ jp saw kg|, ipe than ^ for U ( Wtht - ^ ^u *4> -? * jr ' -^ir , J? -* - xrrtX:i- -^gj -_ , ' . " . ? <" ' ' -*. railed. "It's an intangible, . . . . . ,, / Lifts his set of barbells, part of his rehabilitation eel the spirit. / . ^ ,rtherapy. He said he can do op to 50 repetitions at a je 5 time with the weights. > ^