1 . fSmmBIUmi\ Spring is a glorious season 2 12-Oz. packages rice verdi I of the year! The return of the (rice with bell peppers " 1 robins, buds bursting forth and and parsley) frozen in the sign of the first jonquils the stay-perfect pouch peeking through, all inspire us 6 tablespoons butter to take long walks, splurge on 1/3 cup flour a new wardrobe and clean 2 cups milk every corner of our home. It's Vi teaspoon salt \ a marvelous time to entertain 1/4 teaspoon white pepper and socialize with old friends Vfe teaspoon dill weed and new neighbors. This Sher- j cup shredded cheddar nea salmon Newburg is for cheese ^ any special occasion. Festive .1 16-oz. can salmon, ' as the season, it contrasts pas- drained and coarsely tel pink salmon with garden flaked , green little baby early peas, y4 cup chopped ripe olives succulent whole mushrooms y4 cup diced roasted , in butter sauce and the accent almonds of ripe olives. All are bathed in 3 tablespoons sherry * a sherried cheddar cheese sauce. Your guests will rave ^ . , about the newtwg when you Coofe peas, mushrooms and serve it over rice verdi. Or, for rice according 10 phwkagc Ji- F variety, spoon the newburg rections. Melt butter in a .over pattv -shells or toast ed,u s?uc?pan;, B,e"d r pojn(s flour. Gradually add milk and s stir constantly until thickened, a SHERRIED Add salt, pepper, dill weed and - s cheese; stir until cheese is J aALmUN NtwoUHu melted. Add peas, inushiooirrc-^ , and remaining ingredients ex- c 10-oz. package little cept rice; cover and simmer 10 c baby early peas frozen lo minutes. Serve with rice \ in butter sauce that clings verdi. Pour rice into a serving s 6-^Z. package frozen hnu/1 anrl fluff with -a fnrk c mushrooms in' ? butter sauce Serves 4 to 6. Tpap mam yv Turkey is the most American of all food birds! In fact. Ben Franklin said that the turkey, not the eagle, should represent our country as "the turkey is a much more respectable bird." ? If vou're in need of a way to _ '' recycfe^fie" tnevttftfrte -hur ~ . .. ' H = "respectable?turkey leftovers, try Ginger Turkey! Juicy bites of turkey are surrounded by crisp celery, thin onion slices, tender sweet peas and ^ ^ mushroom slices in a rich broth lightly seasoned with ginger. Served with fluffy rice pilaf, which comes frozen in its stay-perfect pouch, you'll have a main course which says 1 "anytime is turkey tiroe^* _ . . II GINGER TURKEY 1 12-oz. package rice pilaf (rice with mushrooms and onions) frozen in the stayperfect pouch 2 lOVi-oz. cans chicken broth \Vi teaspoons salt Va teaspoon ground ginger 1 Vi cups sliced celery - I " _ 1 cup thinly sliced onion 2 cups cut-up cooked turkey Vz teaspoon kitchen v hnnniiet 3 to 4 tblsp. cornstarch | 1 2Vi-oz. jar sliced "mushrooms, drained . . 1 8Vi-oz. can sweet peas, drained ? Prepare rice according to m a _ package directions. In a large I LJ L | skillet, bring broth, salt and | | | ' ginger to a boil. Add celery, onion and turkey. Cover and simmer until celery is tender. yet crisp. Add kitchen bouquet and cornstarch; stir until thic- \A/o h ' kened. Add mushrooms and V V tT I I C peas; heat through and serve with rice. Turn rice into serving dish and fluff with a fork. I I t*Q Serxes 4. IkJLmLKZ IMPORTANT NEWS FOR BACKACHE SUFFERERS! Inforoct MOMENTUM* Tablets are ' 111ICICSl 50% stronger than Doan's. Before you take Doan's Pills for muscular backache remember this j MOMENTUM Tablets are 50% stronger than Doans That means MOMENTUM ( ? \ gives you 50% more pain reliever per , * dose to relieve backache ^ To reduce pam. soothe inflammation . freely in minifies' There's no ^Tronqer ** "j| backache medication you can buy without a prescription than MOMENTUM Tablets Take only as directed 4 t f ^^jBP ^ ** ^sl' ^ pfl I! t^H ^BrfrV ORANGE _ FONDUE RITES OF SPRING CITRUS PUNCH i tablespoons sugar _ I tablespoons cornstarch cans (6 oz.) frozen con/4 teaspoon salt centrated orange juice I cups reconstituted ^ can (6 oz.) frozen concen frozen concentrated trated grapefruit juice orange juice CUP grenadine syrup ! ^whole cloves ~1 28-oz. bottle (3Vi cups) _ I' tablespoon butter ginger ale or margarine Reconstitute orange juic< I tablespoon grated concentrate in large pitchei orange rind with 2 cans of water each. Re^ teaspoon lime juice constitute grapefruit juice concentrate with 3 cans water. Add grenadine syrup; mix Mix sugar, cornstarch and well. Add ginger ale and pour alt in a saucepan or fondue over stawberry ice cubes* in >ot. Stir in orange juice and glasses. If desired, garnish idd cloves. . Cook over with mint sprigs. nedium heat, stirring con- Yieldr3 quarts. 24 H-cup servtantly, until mixture thickens ^ ind comes to a boil. Cook. tirring constantly, 1 minute. To prepare strawberry ice >tir in butter, orange rind and cubes, pour water into ffeez,mC SAlte t lray 10 dePTh ?f about Va :anned heat or chafing diSh 1.- . inch Frefze Add hahed ^ juid fuel Serve with pieces of hulled strawberries Add a >ound<^ke, ladyfingers, mar- small amount of water; freeze ihmallows, and chocolate tQ ancbor frujt. Add addi:ookies. tional water to fill tray; freeze Yield: 2Vi cups until solid. MllllllllMtUlliUtlillllilMIIIIHMItllllMliailliMUJIUlllllIIIIIIMIIIMIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllu ER BOYS ANTED -W O SELL???? CHRONICLE ive established s available too. ed? Call 723-9863 ^SK FOR IYNN v v v ? * w " 1 1 , i \ % ' 4 c Tips for Eastei What is it about enter- be a big headache if the taining house guests homemaker understands that causes some home- the role of a hostess and makers to shudder? I host. Hosts and hostthink that there are three esses should never wear major worries about en- themselves out or worry tertaining today: ' themselves sick by con-The greatest worrv confronting most home and preparing someprovide enough, interesting entertainment with- a /jr ml out going broke and Ifhwtl'ilV without appearing too cheap. -The third worry is stantly trying to do more carrying the entertain- and buy more than they ment load, along with are able. jobs and housework Don't try to create a schedules, without un- false impression for your due physical strain -- or guests; just be yourself, possibly hospitilization Don't try to appear more for some people. prosperous than you real i These things need not - ly are. However, you k 1 ????????????????? PRICES GOOD THRU V THE N APRIL 7, 1979 - QUANTi rY /A\ RIGHTS RESERVED NONE SOLD TO ^ DEALERS RFSTAITPAIMTC I A I TOWELS I I C & W 1 I PIZZA I SAUSAGE HAMBURGER PEPPERONI IT 2 Oz. PAK M I ? VANITY FAIR V [bath tissue] _ J rvrfffffs ' / -fl S W 1 m ^L UU2uUUtlflLiLk c /f ? ? ? ?? ' w t Chronicle, Saturday, April 7, 1**79- Page it r i Entertaining should not dwell on how wanted. They want to hard times are, or your feel that they are welguests will begin to be come to your home. sorry that they came to Guests can put up with visit you. bad tasting food if you What do house guests really try and fail to fix want most? Just put good meals. 2. Guests want*! clean m^place to sleep a: d eat A *VOU ^ UP ^ ?ousc. Be nicc about it. hbhhmbmmhmmmbm Before they arrive, v\rite and found out wheyourself in the place of a ther your guests are on house guest, and you restricted diets. The will discover that most plan your daily menus in house guests want: advance. Buy meat that 1. To be greeted will serve several purwarmly upon arrival, or poses like: when you first meet Salmon, which can be them face to face. used for breakfast, dinGuests^wantto^feel^nerofsupper^^^^^^^ EW LOW-PRICE LEADER! JWIFT'S HOSTESS CANNED W HAMS j^t """" ' TltrmUMf) ONE" M - H# T V 1 LB. SLICED J1 (LIMIT1VVITH ,049 *Pfr>r *l&T FOOD ORDER) I BACON I I 2 LBS. 98c I LOW PRICES ON FOOD * ? EVERYDAY! I WHITE POTATOES I I 10 C) 0 I I POLY BAG ^9 5^ I *t I GOLDEN RIPE I Ibananas] 24? I hhiiktfl'jlhrilmi ~ * 1 > 1 I I I H HjH & d a y 1 aa a tv MMUBIUyMI