I 4 | -? ? ' Page 12 The ChroaJkle, Saturday, July 21, 1979 Pioneering Si r--'" By ^ vette McCullough ^ Staff Writer Dr. H. Rembert Mallos. a local surgeon who made histor\ in W48 bs performing a delicate and first time operation on an infant, vsas recently promoted to the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor of Surger\ at Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Dr. Mallow the first black surgeon to practice exclusively in the South. 1?told the Chronicle that his ^ <3? promotion was a triumph A Dr. MallOV ?nH ;i mil??wfi*nr? in Vin llf? / M IIIMV 111111-3111^. ttlMlllllllfllllllMMMIIIIItltlJtMtlllllllHIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIMIItllllltllMIIHIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIMMIIt Watkins from page 1 UIIIIUIUIIIIIIimilllllllllllllllllllllHIMIMIIIII|||||||||||||(||UimilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIHNMI replacement housing for the residents. "Those houses were supposed to have been torn down last year, but . nothing ever happened," said Hughes. __The_pro&pect oLjthe highway coming closer reminds Mrs. Hamlin of the construction of the current expressway. "When they came through, they just cut out 200-300 families," she said. Hamlin said representatives from the Watkins Street area would attend the hearing on July 23, called by the N. C. Department of Transportation, to express^ their viewpoint along with that of many groups, particularly in the southern part of the city. During the hearing, the project consultant Greiner Engineering Sciences, will make recommendations on which of three alternatives should be implemented, either separately or in various combinations. One approach is to widen the existing Downtown ^Expressway (1-40) to as many as ten lanes, possibly some of which would serve as a collector road for the use of local traffic only. Another is to build an East-West Thoroughfare from near the intersprtinn nf^Syitet and 1-40 west of the city, coming parallel to the south of the current Corporation Parkway to U. S. 52, picking up thexurrent highway past Willard Road and building a link to join 1-40 near KernersviHe. c The third alternative is the Southern By-pass, which would start near U.S. 421 dip south of Clemmonsville Road and swing up past Thomasville Road just below the Easton neighborhood before making the same link to 1-40 _ it _ * in * as mtr nasi- vr es^fcxpressway. The approach drawing the most support currently is the concejpt of building the East-West Thoroughfare with improvements to 1-40. _ ^ ^ ESMEBonaE3ijial 4,000 BTU lif^ffiSifil General Electric rj?Q|r| Carry Cool Sll"'.- ' ; I ^f|f{ White WESTINGHOUSI J 5,000 BTU tfBBm $16995 iKSjssi 17*6 Cu. Ft. ^ SB FROST FREESOT Q00 Msf ENERGY 4* # (9 uHj ' SAVER WITH TRADE W GENERAL ELECTRIQ, I Wh;ta W/CCTIMnuniiPi- I v. ww iniw if uw i mVJnkjuoc Fomily size porelain tub $1 A O 00 Lock N Spin I # O yyf ' Safety Lid with trade fs&fi? White WESTINGHOUSE Safe. FREEZER 00 Family Size ^ _ _ J FULLY $OCft00 \w?s==rJ FEATURED 111' TrfJlif R C A*2S" CONSOLE III xlooo HI XL-100 ll Hardwood T Q Cabinet # # M * WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM |j|A SERVICE CENTER Gary Pitts SAT. 9 to 5:30 Jim^Parks s J urgeon Selec "1 think it is a reflection tants intestines at Kate of my work in the com- Bitting Reynolds Memorial munity and at Bowman Hospital. It was the first Gray and 1 am proud to time the Operation had have achieved it." Dr been performed and it proved Mallov said. "To think that to be a success. when 1 first came to this Because of this successtown they wouldn't treat ful operation, it was written Negro patients, this is an up in the Journal of the accomplishment." American Medical AssociDr. Mallov has been a ation. Dr. Malloy was also clinical ins,ructor at the first black member of Bowman Gray since 1970. the Forsyth County TuberHis promotion took effect culosis and Health Board. JuTv 1. ihe first black board memJ * Dri?Malloy first?made h^r nf rhf> Forsyth Connty medical history in 1^48 chapter of the American when he reinserted an'in- Cancer Societv and the first ^/___/ Ci ^C'Y *^\ ' / '***$~f V^-T. ^ 552?*sta2l--ii "- H* (' loot I *""? , ' \ J. I PROJECTED TRAFFTC^EAR 2000 in t>r\r\ - nf ui/>I ?-U when you buy Support your back with the extra firm support ( Choose 297 innerspring coils (432 in full) or 6l/2With durable covers quilted to polyurethane foam Get Full Size Mattress, Regular $179.95 for*.... When you buy full box spring for r - n o' ? ?- - vl,pen >iattrpM, Kegular $221.97 for. ^hfn you buvqufpn box spring for Gel King Size Mattres*, Regular $294.97 for... When you buy king box spring* for 'king Rizr bidding require* th^ur. of 2 box spring* O Where Amei ocars forVc 9kaiu. roibuck and go. Satisfaction (iuaranteeti , * ted | d black board member of the V ft i t i n g Nursing Association. Dr. Mallov attended the | CL public schools in Winston- I Salem. He graduated from Johnson C. Smith University and did graduate work in Bacteriology at the University of Chicago. He graduated from the Howard University College of Medicine in 19_"N. 'ft As Clinical Assistant Pro- 9 fessor. Dr. Mallov will hold H 1*344*8 MSj surgical conferences with students as well as assisting students in surgery. /] ?-^g^' [ 4*00 / / lM0CI H PSSsi. **?, * * l Line I ?Fari PROPOSED I IMPROVEMENTS '- 4 LANES 111U1 6 LANES HllMlMlllllllli M (NORTI Dt highway, bnlldlng an I orooghfare and a Sonare the alternatives. | V JffP^gi M I nil ^ Point his value! Our extra? loaded with comfor W 1/2 < matching box spring )f our Elegance mattress! Twi in. thick Dolvmprir foam i for extra comfort. 89.97 ,79-95 t SE 112.18 G?1 221.98 Vr-V va 147.49 Ank about Searm Crp 'ica. shops Wlnston-Salem - Ha; Shop Monday through 10:00 A.M.'til 9:30 Open Sunday 1 to 6 >r Your Money Hack C I t on't Forget our new location N. Trade Street t bargain Days I iu/Sdjy. cFriday Satuifiay V Southern Coil onjJ Oil Co. is I s^-r-T ,eo,urN thir BIG SAVINGS I Riding Mower I I lyi ^ Rear Engine LAWN TRACTORS I Tht? iw 0091*4 M?n ??vt Ro?< ?M??t built I m* (' < 1# make li*? cmv 4 ptMsu'* kit t?cim I 'iianiMf vol 1 I VTVctog* |?n*T comton lu'W I vml?d Ihiw/flh lK? Nirtftd 'M> *ft|io? hood (?f> I W iMndhnf ttiiti p*?? ilMnng 3 tpwd I !h? go fcwftM iht I * llMnof rt?k and vJop?*g ltn**nt MoW*d I ^vl|^ lum tilted CIXMOWl M*l ^k iia , sftdQ9s| Vly ?34-i? Cut W by YAWPMAN I ir See Our Other ?f YaRD-MaN I s | TILLERS?Push MOWERS 11 COAL ? OIL? WOOD ? HEATERS 9UTHERN I AL & OIL. CO.. IMC. NORTHWEST BOULfcVARD 1?q6 4WEST BLVD. wwJ CHERRY-MARiiHALL) 1979 53 Tun one 722-6191 lnsinnci ? These comfortrfeatures tt 1 are built right in! B and odor free. And it ^^ Luxurious cover over h thick layers of cush- B lony padding. firm Elegance 1 if- 11 v icaiui cs i at regular price n Mattress, a Great Aalue at Regular $149.95 Now an even Greater V alue at 1/2 OFF! ARS 7/197 I PA i with Purrh.M- of I w 1 jl, J Matching Bo* Spring at I Regular price of I149.9S I Hit Plan* Sale end* ^edneaday nes Mall Phone Sears ?.768-9100 I Saturday Catalog Shopping....768-9810 I P*M. Auto Service Center I PM. Opens Dally 8:30 A.M. I