^ The Chronicle, Saturday, Juiy 21, 1979 Medii KALK1GH Legislation enacted bs this past session of the General Assemhis noss makes it possible for elderly or disabled North Carolinians ssho own . considerable real property to be eligible tor public assistance bs transferring the pr-perts to their gross n children orotner rclatises according to Dr. Sarah T. Morrow. secretary of the N.C. Depart-, nwnt ot Human Resources. " This legislation ssas requested bs our Dis ision of Social Sersices to insure that only those w ho really need financial assistance are determined eligible," she said. Prior to 1977, an elderly person r i =1==? z T>*"?fkofll^ 7?-?K^to u,^h^^A? Hypertension Rep. Louis Stokes (D-Ohlo}_talk* with business, civic, community snd professl recently In the Old Executive Building next House during s White House sponsored Sy -HighStood Pressure. Flnsl recommendatlo arrest high blood pressure In the blsck com made by the Blsck Heslth Providers Tssk F< Blood Pressure, Educstlon snd Control dur session of the two-dsy symposium. Sei Ci/iboo t ?-?- -? "?- " " ^??nvo uuiu icii'iu-ngm are uavio UUKli director, White House Domestic Policy stafi Coleman, chairperson of the Task Force. MIMHimilllHIIinilllllMllllHlilllllllllHIIMHIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIItlllllHIl Checkers 'rom INIIIINMItlllllllMIINIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIINI "Its more artistic than it is scienti Wright. "It's artistic because of the when a man can display his talent." The purely artistic features of the missed by those who play it just for fui i_ Jackson; : They noted that there are 2,000 move on the board, and tj$it the player remember and recall on demand the m has the advantage. However, there's also a lot of " associated with the game. As Albert h Wilmington and Mitchell Brown of Ja< Fla. practiced Tuesday, they kept up patter, with Harrison feigning fear t\ might shoot him after four straight losses Up the table, another player bragged beat a man unless he says something." An aim of the association, said Jacks take the game of checkers off the organize itjifrff give it the kind of respect! chess enjoys^ this country and most cou Contestants started actual competition at 11 continuing up to 11 D.m. throuch ?- * -O On Sunday, July 22, winners will rec awards. Last year's champion, Vladimir New York, is expected to be in town as president. Wardell "Champ" Moore Mich. ps?srt?yywwysis,s^^ iftWE I W 7 rw 1 f ^ ^ Oiir readc !; They receive weekly sports not just !| reports on the CIAA, break-ins. !; MEAC, SWAC, and com- comments i| ing in August Barry Cooper great feai | will bring u$ all the national ???? || Black College Sports. It's | all for you evCTy week. ij Don't miss it. Winston-Si '| $ '>'?! tht ft Bzg52gyS?S?gWS?S2S2S2SZSZSZS?S?gyiZS2SOcVVSrt?Vi? I caid Restr could go to their cooptfy social services department and NXpgb^/Or Medicaid so they could g.o into anUfS^'g home at theexpense of the taj^ayefst' atided the secretary. "Thev woOld be told that ; the\ were ineligible because of all the property they owned besides theirhome. The very next week they would sign the property over to one of their grown children and then return to the / count\ department to be determined eligible.'' she said. The 19^7 session of the General Assembly adopted legislation prohibiting this action to become eligible for Medicaid effective July 1, 1977. This AU G. The Mfl* C F1#?icr>hrr?a?ri - ..v ^ ? a vi?jviuiiuiiu I Foundation has awarded I SI,000,000 to the Atlanta I University Center toward construction of a science ./ ;yr*J research and research training facility that will ?25 serve the consortium's member institutions. The I AUC, Inc. is the coordi nating mechanism of the im Center. The new facility will-be^? come the core unit of a I proposed complex of buildI ings designed to promote scientific research within Jft the Center. It will provide ? laboratory and research fa*.__cilities for faculty memv bers, advanced students and visiting professors working on specialized ? group of Projec,s onal leaders ,n addition' tt wl" honse to the White adniinistrative offices of vpoelum on ,he Center s Science Re" ? u * * search Institute, the Dual di on now to _ _ _ munity were De?ree -PLro8ram ,n dul neenng, the Resource Cen>rce on nign . _ . . _ Inn the final ter m Science and Eng1tted behind "eering and the. AUC Comis assistant Puter ^enter' as we^ as f lonc-SOUffTlt animal rart* i ana /innor , ? ? I facility. Dr. JoeJohnson* director I of the Science Research i page 1 i-Institute, said, , ','The | > _________________________ iinttiiiiiiiMniirtHw I creativity H ^ game are added s possible who can v ost moves r VUilin^V^ larrison of cksonville, a steady W on, is "to11 M ^ I v A! I ibility that Thursday Saturday. eive their Kaplan of is national ; DELIVE HE BES1 its get the finest, most comprehensive 11 of the black community plus the city's a ilete coverage of church activities, social ' j and community affairs. And there's e! They learn about all the good ppening in our community, the murders, rapes ? and They enjoy honest political try on our editorial page and ~ :ures on local personalities. ; CALL US 722-8624 i alem Chronicle II Winirnr fom?u?ii( Sine# ictions Re past session amended the state's public assistance laws regarding the StateCounts Special Assistance Program ns hich helps pay for rest home care. The statute states that unless the person received payment equal to the latest tax value of the property, it is presumed that they transferred the property to qualify for assistance. Effective July 1, 1979, persons who transfer such property within one year of making application, during the application period or during a period of continuing eligibility, will be declared ineligible for periods of one to three ? ,1 ets $1 Mi Fleischmann Foundation Science and * 3 grant1 can be seen as an administered endorsement of our desire University, * to see the Center become 1978 by a foui better known and utilized $2.8 million not just for its teaching tional Sciencc excellence/but for its capa- The Dual bilities to perform research gram in Eng and public service." Once ducted jointly completed, the new build- Institute of 1 ing will double the amount now in its of science research space in operation an the Center. most 700 sti The Science Research In- nationally r< stitute currently coordi- one of the c? nates the research activities significant s< of more than 40 faculty members within the Cen4er, primarily within the | a area of biomedical health HyQjgjQj related research. Grants to the^Science Research Insti-. tute over the past six years have totalled $7 million. ^ I The^ Resource Center in HSggsmsls * > wjTjT(Yi miH An4Mi4 Anu G?* Hi ???? E ^ aJ 16! flU 1 ? i& r=g?gr IB ' i/Mk' [ mai VMBi HUH! ^ m | at \ laxed : years based on the value of the property. If the property is valued from $1,000 to $5,000 the period of ineligibility is one year. $5,000 to $10,000 two years and $10,000 or more three years. The l^"'7 legislation stipulates the same periods of ineligibility'for Medicaid for transferring properties of the same values. J "We are pleased that the Legislature I adopted these measures to insure that our state's financial assistance pro- | grams are helping only those citizens * who truly need help." Dr. Morrow " m ,concluded. . Ilion [ I Engineering, nority engineers. by Atlanta The Max C. Fleischmann 'as created in Foundation was created in r-year grant of 1952 as a testamentary j from the Na- trust, eventually ^receiving . i F oundation. approximately $60 million Degree Pro- from the estate-* of Major ineering, con- Max C. Fleischmann, chair- ( ' wit|i Georgia man of Standard Brands. j 'echnology, is Te^ms of the trust call for 10th year of its assets to be liquidated d enrolls al- by 1980. The Atlanta idents. It is University Center, Inc. was scognized as invited to compete for a ountry's most portion of the final mrces of mi- distribution. 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