? I Kt^^mZTv vWW K. r |A^ ^ ^ HvjBR ^ Acorn Manuel. a Redrad S?niAr Volunteer Program [RSVP] volunteer, w | gets an affectionate 108th birthday kiss INcVcl from Mrs. Annie Leonard, director of the Eating Together RSVP project at -r Morning Star Baptist Church, In TOO Baltimore. Manuel, a retired Church of God In ? I Christ minister/pastor, Is assigned to visit the sick and shut-In members of the project. i-?-v Speaking Out J. Francis Pohlhaus The Mottl amendment, promises realistically to for the first time since the work now. : decision in Brown v Board In some cases, transporof Education, presents a tation of students is the direct attack on the J4th only realistic method^of Amendment. Other at- meeting that burden. The tempts to evade or frustrate Supreme Court met this implementation of the .issue squarely in 1971, amendment, such as the when it decided the case of I D:J? i- _ ^ ^ - ? ujiu auu Diucii-cagiciun )wann v Charlotteamendments, have left the Mecklenburg Board of Edu14th Amendment itself in- cation, a case in which the tact and have been upheld District Court has ordered constitutionally^because student transportation as they .have left open other one of the remedies for the methods of enforcing the board's policy of school i Amendment. segregation. In upholding fhe amendment, the use of busing in the ? hi/M&lti'1,1* "would v partially circumstances of that case, repeal, in effect if not in a unanimous Supreme words, the equal protection Court, with Chief Justice clause of the 14th Amend- Burger writing the opinion, ment. It is precisely be- ruled: cause the Amendment for- (w[e find no basis for bids what Congressman holding that the local Mottl seeks to accomplish school authorities may . that he lias resorted to a not be required to emproposed constitutional ploy,bus transportation amendment rather than go as one tool of school dethe earier route of passage segregation. Desegregaofa statute. tion plans cannot be llmlIn Brown V Board of ted to the walk-in school. Education, the Supreme Stated another way, the Court held that the 14th 14th Amendment equal Amendment prohibited ra- protection clause requires, | cial segregation in the pub- under some circumstances, . lie schools, stating: that students be assigned , We conclude that in the to other than "walk-in" | field of public education schools. The Mottl amend- , the doctrine of "separate ment seeks to make the but equal" has no place. "walk-in" school the only Separate educational fa- one that a student can be < cilities are inherently un- required to attend. To this 1 equal. Therefore, we extent it lessens the impact i hold that the plaintiffs Qf the ^4^ amendment and i and others similarly situ- exempts school desegrega- < ated for whom the ac- tjon from the coverage of i tions have been brought ^e equal protection clause. < are, by reason of the seg- As recently as the 2nd 1 regation complained of, d of the ent month t deprived of the equal the Supreme Court reaf- ( protection of the laws firmed its approval of stu. guaranteed by the dent transportation as a Fourteenth Amendment. tQOj ^Qr desegregation. In * In its second opinion in twQ Qhio cases Colombo. c the Brown case, the Court Board of Educatlon v 1 directed -that segregated pen|ck and Dayton Board of r public schools should be Nation v Brtnkman, it * desegregated "with all de- unhe,d school desegrega- 1 liberate speed. Thirteen t-on p]ans ordered by lower ' years later, in Green v federaj COurts that included ' School Board of New Kent busing as Qne of the 1 County, the Court held that remedies s the deliberate speed man- . Joini ' in the dccigtell in date required^* action that the Columbus case< Chief would work now. It stated: Justjce Burger nQted the School boards such as continuing validity of the the respondent then > : i v^uuri 5 uiiui u u 5111 k operating state- decisions: ; compelled dual systems (0]ar rior decl?ons were nevertheless clearly h>ve MCtloned IU oae 1 charged with the affir- [bualngl when a conati , mative duty to take what- ta|Boll(1| violation of auf ever steps might be nec- flc|ent magnltade h? essary to convert to a been found. We cannot ' unitary system in which retry theae aenaltlve and j racial discrimination difficult lasoea In thla , would be eliminated root Cmat; we ^ only Mt ( *t'.d..b|*nC TiliMITi i*"Be"6 1 legalaUnand further: <Wd? and wtthta the , The burden on a school lhn,to af PPe"^ reboard today is to come view, see that they are i forward with a plan that followed. (Car Wrecks 1Sam Shu was involved in a car accident with his I sister's car. He explained to his sister that it wasn't his fault that the rear bumper was smashed and the left rear light was broken. She hard visions I | of how the other car must have negligently banged I kV into the rear of her car. I >7 Rather than get upset, she asked her brother 1 questions about the guilty driver, the color, make, and model of the other car. the damage done to the I other car, and the license number or insurance I > company of the other driver. Sam Shu was 1 * stunned. I How was he supposed to know all those things? I All he remembered was that the car was either 1 * white or beige. He'd not known to get all other information?thusr the guilty driven went free^ I ? How does one avoid this kind of -tragedy? Learn I what to do in case of an auto accident. ... I * The follnwino ic a n H v.>wanji ui U1IUKB IU uu; I you and thelawy. A. Give first aid to anyone who is injured. Call I / an ambulance if you aren't able to give first I Jaid. I ? B. Warn approaching drivers by turning the car I U lights on or using a flashlight to indicate an obstruction in the road. . I ? C. Call the police. They will be able to make I * sure an ambulahce is on the way if needed. I 0 D. Write down these facts: * I ?? - -?The other driver's name: ~~~ | ~ The license plate number of the other car; | j The^other driver's insurance company; I 3 The names and addresses of any injured and I & how they were injured; - I The name and badge number of the police I J officers answering your call; | The names and addresses of any witnesses; T"? An adequate description of what happened, I " (i.e. date, time, location., weather condi- I * Do not assume that you are at fault. You I * may not be^ so to admit liability will make I " things very difficult to settle. Evelyn Dove** I J Staff Associate I Legal Aid Society of I ?{ Northwest North Carolina, Inc. J Hearing Slated On Road RALEIGH?The North W Carolina Department of W Transportation will hold a I I public^meeting July 23-in - _ _ 1 Wins ton-Salem on a study < of the east-west traffic corridor in Forsyth County. Scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thurst in the Parkland High School Auditorium, the meeting is being held to receive comments from area citizens and to present the results of V B the initial phase of the ^ ?*,. T_ B. The study included the I If |H| development of alternative mBgfl highway improvements to meet transportation needs I for the east-west traffic J VI ffl :orridor in Forsyth County md an evaluation of social, economic and environmen- mm m m m mm al impacts of the alternative improvements under :onsideration. h m East-west highway im- Ull 1^1 Ul jrovements for the area currently in the stafe's I rransportation Improve- V V | nent Program include up-" kw m \M I ^5 9 I grading of 1-40 and the iast-West Thoroughfare. *ight-of-way acquisition for -40 is scheduled to begin ip 982-83 ind construction is lated for 1984-85 ? JULY 19tH Guest Pastor H|l BLOOD PI The Old Goler A.M.E. CUM Zion Church, corner of 7th, ? ind Patterson Ave., will * / |0 7 lave as their guest minis- Near Cent* :er, Rev. Rayford - J. , rhompson, Sunday at their 11 a.m. service. Rev. rhompson is associate minister of the Friendship baptist Church, and has been I engaged in the picketing of Roger West Chevrolet, Co. for the past two weeks. I Shoppjng Hour? 10:00 Rev. J. L. Hunt is host minister of the church. The public is invited. / Waste-Line 1-800-662-7952 , . 30 *?? ' "< :> ?? . < ? , . l?? M I ?>?r ' i - . - > ?l . . .< ? . 9* t-r * ? .+ ? ' stf-"* I j ~ ? Tv. -? ? . ?v .#?. . . - ? ? -S'? ... . Ml J V/ -I . . J Ul ? -a *c ? K? . > l> '* * na ' , i ' '- >s .v , Opf N J ? ?%i > ., ? . > . J. 1K-C - N ; . f ~ QP 3 - J ^ ?? V~ ? " K ' * ? 2 OO ~\ or* T iNG *? "* r ?o?v -j 4 n.> 4, . . "J '-- C s ??< * C*C?P*' Cw" MB I \Af r <".$ ? f 0 -J ' * i Mi'l * C. L^'.y O^C< A _ ^ . tihg ' 0^0% "% *>. > M IS^ Si..., you \/\ ' Zv-f $*? vie *' ? n _ v~?Vt oMl WIK W f ?r* C Nfv >r>? Villi ' l"?C->3"-? ! MI'I ~ ''?P nu.:? " '*<.?: ,?-. < ?Jtr<X ???. e c.?i' he"*#*' 0'? >Ul* ?' t>'":' A 1 .* ??ik? ' *o v?i- y * Kf 'im 0*>c? ^,#P s,"52 i thing t< W& i *Jioboch <#i iff Mtu?| ?" '? ?.1?0 l*r ' r ?a.o Arvj e*-. ? ^LjH % &?i"? 3'M( ?.? *.. i? ???JK ' . ?: <". OH NO-"-???l 0*?? M. !jn O* WOOO> ? *H? J ,,?r ' <sg ? .?'?f? :N? g?n e ? ?? ' *' $r< $yv ! KI'1?V?C N ">O-' ': 5 SO*' L"T 9?t'i? iivoj ?-> A*' ?><u jM''V f? c*:r . "f " 0 S8U'1 *CP??'MdMO! 1C w'ir f*a 4 v? ?>?I?D4 0?"?-?'? 1 03'""* ' V l?0 u B *r>0 "tuixao 0wt*>0? BrWl 1 tor I I -_ ? -- _ , livng ?tr:?3 A _ _ t v* intnc^g ?v?-i?. *' " m m ^00 r,?ii No"?*ii' 5~'" | ?6? & iSTING --Atf?e?iY? ^ MAIN OFFICE 16Wesi % rm StO'l* ???"dOwf N.f *>* + . BRANCHES Northside Y*to *?tv?.?#<) ?> t.L Shopping Center She mlhAlvMn.Wn. 3 fpntpr Ej!f| ?# ? Wl* O V^c'lic' b#|M N K fOr k __ = > tO I - On?-?Y *o"?? 5lon tfffH ^ ? !?>? ipv, ?cf oi?yn<XM ^v?? Ct'k *<*-?* ?,n l t v? *?' - ? B3i~ > 2 6?^* Hf? !?r ( ,???(' ? r. ? "t"?Nytv?Sl ?cffl pot*! ? c .ih. ? ?. ?> * ?8? If'boo C?' ??si Ot>ci - ' ; < ' ~ r^~ "c?*r i0A4 vsuM' !;^; A IH? i y(A h^.-N T,ON N- ,.s. - . ?o c.-. s*?. * \x?,? ? :.,?r; ^ ?*> lUTINfi IK. V >00 k)?ist ~r?? ?<?>' p--?! r>c? >*/<? c*? Nv\ ..U? 7 , . SCM*MI * 0*4 f* ^ J * ' * ' \ .' c r*<* M*'*+a *oom 4 cMOMf r-'.s V . ^r# %t. ',. v. ,s . _A " ?! / .' . .. . . HPPHH ZuSEjSSfl Greater <Wirjstonm? iay, Fy & fr Ihance 1 g-Up r 11 shion I is at r ICS Mall J| ONLY: fc E JL tESSURE fp IIC P.M. or Court Mi I if i it * ^ *" The C hrtMik W, Slmrday, J?ly 21, 1979 Page 5 If you have good ideas on how to save money in your^tate government, ^ ZT^JT T-^^T~T"7 -" - ? r '? t mi n?v?c' >* ? ' !* r v ? " v'? "'' ' i ' ' <?, , * ?- 3? ? ? C 'v.<? ? - C 60 f' ! ' H < :i ) >>. . < * "* . < ? K :? IV" ?>c V ?" lit V* v"'? . * r j , ? *i*," * r;> Ul* ,iVi??G . ?. ? -*? * ?rl - -*s t --5-/T?? K- I . ^ - .Ti^ ft 'M J _ f?'3 '>X-1 '< ' ' ' *'? "< ? v.im- o*n - ?.n ^ -f**' * ,..* .<*-??) V "s ? > , ,w ? ? <-* - - f- :r* -5 ?: .... . V - 4'jSijMAM l O A N t .*y.? ' ! ? 1 ' '? * ' "H 1 1 ' " ? - I-? 4 ?" H. ? AC * OPIN BY 4PP04f *-\ *<XX'?0 ,i' ?? ,?SC ? ' " ' t * .. hen you' " e. r?*l ? '' ' ?c - Si the house ' 's#w -o * o** * >j rant ro puy. kS1;ith us about i - N*V? ancingit. " ?? -? ? ? ' ? i*'"* *'* * vx*** <" * the smart o do. Because m *j ?% 0??- *rvV - I f knows more = : home loans. *? *Piwi? C Vr t*' (i ' \ k > y H'X* *v ? ;'( I I * d# v v - " :?'% ! .* */*' A v-c*' V 'h 4 "' * ' ? I a* ')*: '. ' g* v ( of" f ^'tir-rv, .* ,? "a * ... ; ? M? SOC.^V* " ;*i ? ? ^ . " -?? iont Federal ? ngs and Loan . ' 2 tV* v. ??'? : I h.rd street. F 0 BOx 115, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 ^ Shopping Center, Parkway Shopping Center, Thruway *? - NtW usting <n rwood Plaza Shopping Center, Parkview Mall Shopping | m | "JtV-.W Ac^ f i ' AC^I : Kernersville. Boone, North Wilkesboro . .71?, 7 '# < ?*, tQUAl HOUSING , * LENDER ^ " v soo? HOo>i mil iuiihu j ii i iyy a-1 ?,n ' *? * j': "* ** '* w?h mjT,. .nt-Hli . !? VO?0??'*- wwmi . . . .1 - -' av i* ; ?m ? . t v.-. .Or h i. ;?/ . ?e , , . * JJ4 1?/4 U wiNtu OiHi r?.f. * ** - " Jt'>on i.j, , lot); * e> 1>.i. . TW. ?0/r? CONVtNUrN^ TO SWIM ClUft Nt * i. b ? > ? 0 * 0*4 (SSi **' vOv 0" ^?*a ? >* " J * J ONI-OWNH HOMf ?TMf . . . %?*'? # it * ? . * ^ t - 1 ? %? a f *>" 1 IN HAPHNtSi ? ^v;'* Pi . *.-j < Hi1 ' c#* 1 f < ?" ,. ?. ?M C 0?* ? V)f) V, f C't*C*"?r; >* 1 > 5 f/#?o:#<J .f M' ^ii^r bl'^d 4 V C#" VH,*** S"2'*r ' * ?' 9 >v' 1 i a ?<* *v. 4^4^,* 4 rr. g~4 Arnr h,N~,# l^e #? * ? - 4 E n Days I?] ? ^ ? ^ltf\ |y yy ?? ij^J JJJ 252^213225BB3 [a ,^y. ;---\ Silas Creek Parkway & Stratford Road *y/^Z "" 1 Winston-Salem, N.C. - ? ~*wrfl *=* 1 *r

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