~How Tc tBWBg?11 ' ' * ll'l'w>ll''r^>tWMMllMII",,ge="nu<,rjrt Manags Family financial strain and stress and family conflicts over money management problems seem to flare up at the same time. Some of these conflicts are serious enough to lead to divorce. \ BET LIV.' JoAnm S Some recent newspaper facts show that family arguments often occur because each family member feels that the other person is not shouldering a fair share of the household responsibility or spending restraint. The biggest conflicts seem to be over how the money is being spent, over what is being bought and who is doing the buying. Dr. John W. Hudson, former president of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, furnished these facts to the Inquirer on how to handle money management problems in marriage. Dr. Hudson says: 1. Couples ought to sit down and agree on some basic ground rules in marriage pertaining to money management. 2. No matter who earns /the money, married people ought to agree on how the family income is to be spent. (He believes that when either a husband or wife is in sole control of FEMA Hand By Mari Wooden Staff Writer "I don't think the American public realizes thev're not as nrotected as they think they are," said Ms. Dorothy Fentriss, Director, WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Of? fice??4?t4ve?Federal Emergency Management Agency, located at Smith Reynolds Airport. "Because of insufficient funds, our agency has not~ been able to label all of the in-place shelters that would be used in the event of a threatened nuclear attack," she added. During the late sixties, FEMA, then called Civil Defense, went around to many of the shelters throughout the country removing food supplies that had become damaged. These supplies were never replaced. "In the event of a threatened nuclear attack," Fentriss said, "our agency would issue to the media, pertinent information regarding where people need to relocate, what they should do prior to leaving their homes, what supplies they need to take with them, when to leave the shelter and w hat they should do when they return home after an attack." Winston-Salem is classified as a Risk Area, Category III, meaning this area is highly populated, within a distance that can receive nuclear fallout and can be quickly converted for military needs. Ill the event of a nuclear attack, ) Handle 1 ;ment Pro I TamTly'TTriancesT it can leacT to resentment,- anger, frustration and distrust.) 3. Decide on a figureperhaps $30--above which no purchase can be made without the approval of? both spouses. TER M 1NG K y ? Falls Mf 4. Sit down and work out a budget that is acceptable to both of you. 5. If you are still arguing after laying out the ground rules, try to observe these precautions: - Discuss your convictions on spending. Let each other know how money matters were handled in your home when you were growing up. This will help you to understand why the person feels as he does or as she does. 6. It may be that your family was totally against the use of credit cards. Perhaps your husband or wife had a bitter family experience with the use of I A creaii caras because the father or mother in that family did not know how to use credit cards wisely. 7. Never discuss money matters suddenly when you are tired or emotionally upset. But find time to discuss the money situation before a crisis arises. Be calm during discussions abut money. Support your thinking but don't get Lends 1 in Emeri residents would be informed of in-place shelter locations in a host area. In addition to responding toa nuclear disaster,~ FEMA also responds to natural disasters, manmade and to any vehicle carrying low or high level radioactivity. The agency docs not respond to per. sonal disasters unless all nthpr pmpropn/?\; rtmonifo "mvi viovigvuvj vsi ^oiligations respond. The agency, funded by Federal, county and~city~ governments consists of five staff members and volunteers. The military also uses the agency, as a training facility for personnel involved in mobilization. Staff members are trained in the areas of radiological monitoring, hazardous materials handling, tornado spotting and CLOUD OIL METERED 767-* Sa : : ] We specializi BURNER C O D. I (See our yellow pagi "We are a Full T1 and operated Carl Cloud 3018 Claremom wm?m?mmmma?m { Vfoney ? blems I mm, ,,m, t .i >Vf angry"af^fTTare up. 9. Never compare your financial situation with that H of your neighbor or friends. It will bring resentment. 10. Stick to the money subject, and don't bring up "other grudges?" 11. Don't use money arguments to make your mate seem small. If your mate has made a financial mistake, accept it and go on from there. Don't dwell on it. Try to correct it. 12. Accept the fact that you cannot win every money argument. If you can't agree, agree to disagree. If you continue to discuss something about which you cannot agree, it LAND O' LAKES YOUNG GRADE A BASTED 12-20 Lb. M% fk TURKEYS 69? PORK LOIN 1 88 kVUn UMri*2|r '^^T / n. tv SlljLk 1H v^^M FROZEN PORK WtSl brains^^9c AI PRICES QOOD ALSO AT THE DISCOUN1 _ ilw C 1'^iuJe, Sattttihtv. Mr W^f-Pagc 19 :X? rM=^-Z'\ kPLV ACCEPT U.S.P.ATFOOP STAMPS M ^ ai r AS, l^mwnnete^^ ^ U? Dfevw^^^l^Evj ill JiVMuinn 'ILL5BURY BUTTERMILK biscuits 4f79*i | YKRAFT PURE | I ORANGE *0*0^ I I (JUICE Calon J I ( "?VAL PINK ALASKA TALt CAN ,UST 1 M PINK *1691~ SALMON I i sI PUREX LIQUID ? BLEACH 59? I TOTINO PARTY I pizzas 99? 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