? (e Whys VOL. Vil NO. 46 U S P S. No. Wk Hf. -W' V I /XMfcyk '< ^k . Skyline Residents of Skyline Village wait in the WMM?WMMM?WMMIMWWMMUMMWW?MWWMMmmmmnimnmHmmiwm Dr. King: Has The Truth Been Told? pulled the trigger. Williams said he was certain that Ra> did not act alone and thought that "the investigation was a whitewash." Williams also contended that although the investigation stated that Ray escaped from Memphis in a White Mustang, he firmly believed that Ray's car never See Page 2 Summer Enrichment Program Kids'Chroi By Azzie Wagner pus of the Winston-Salen Social Editor Slate University. Students in the ianguag With just two weeks arts segment decided tha "prime time" to deal with the best way to put thei for a summer enrichment skills mastered to work wa program and the immense to produce a tiny newspapc heat, nine students of the of summer activities. Th public school system, aided nine students involved ii by an intelligent and this segment were: Care dynamic instructor - they Hargraves (Editor in Chief put it all together and Natitia Wilson (Poctr; whamo! The results were a editor) assisted by little Ms summer edition of a "Kid's Hargraves. The editoria Chronicle" newspaper! was done by Lamon The aforementioned Pendergrass and the foo "doipgs" was a segment of section was done by Ten a summer enrichment pro- Orr, Reggie Thomas gram in cognitive learning Denard Drake, Willi sponsored by Phi Omega Ware. Angela Shirlc Chapter of Alpha Kappa handled general news repor Alpha Sorority, Inc. held ting with emphasis 01 for two weeks on the cam- creative writing. There wa , ) ton-Sale " Serving the Winston-Salem i 0679 ft) ; WINSTON-SALEM. NX". 'F HJf ^^ML/< * /v*lllS^^^^^^^B9l v^f^^H^nV> V * * ? ? B|.o ^ ? mmmm - * - heat for the press conference to begin last Friday. | UW^H MT 'j N*NJ| *?u 1 ^Sa^k ATflvip y ^v i MHW?Ly ^ j 1 Vr *^4 B?" e ^^ F Mt^Sr / JBm JFTPBT ; /j?l " ^^KSSS ^UMfl : Bus Crash Kills T ? # r Ingle wood, Calif: Barbara Okonkwo, whose hand was bu i bus crash 6/26 that claimed ten lives, comforts Donna Robi> was killed along with Donna's sister Lori in the accident. A for eight of the ten victims at Ing/ewood Park Cemetarv. iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiimitiitiinMiiiiiiMtiiiiiitttiiiMMiitminiiiiiiNi licle Printed n alos an advertising manager Another thing to note is and a comic artist! that the picture for this artic The students involved clc was taken and developed 1 had as instructors: by Little Mr. Michael Cunmf^HaiTKH Pntrwicj U.'inn ~ U ..U~ - 1 - 1 . ..?> .. . i..i iviu "11.11 111 I IJ?I I CI 111 V>IIU l> C J11 I \ I Z s and Harriet Faulkner. years old! Michael does r According to Mrs. photography as a hobby c Wvnn, students, in addition anc^ sv'th the assistance ot rj to learning various skills his uncle has learned how to also saw how important it is develop and print to work togethei as a group photographs! This, ladies ^ "staff' to publish a and gentlemen, gives us an j newspaper. With just two idea of some of the things weeks to put it together they our youth can do with the^ ^ also learned that proper motivation and * . newspapers have deadline gl?dance! ? a|so fecK cv tor publication. Incidental: (rcmcly good to know that C ly, the students involved the Winston-Salem Chromy were rising fifth graders, c/e will be around a verv long rime! Now that'v, what n They did the typing for you call putting it s publication too! altogether. 1 t. %m Chr^i Community Since 1974 Saturday, July 18, 1981 ' , Owner Ordered To Pay Skyline Re Hv ) von tip A nfit>rs.fkPi and ? - Beverly McCarthy Residents of the Skyline Village Apartments won a decisive victory over their Greensboro based 4fmdk>rcb? Monday, as County magistrate J.C. L.ewter ordered the John R Taylor Real I*state Company to pay ope dollar plus one month's rent to tenants served with eviction notices last week. Mrs. Samuel Hilton, a resident of Skyline for 26 years, testified, gi\ing the details of the eviction procedures filed against her and 47 of her neighbors for late payment of rent. Several counterclaims were also filed by'Legal Aid Society attorneys representing the other residents of Skyline Village for violation of lease agreement. "Taylor Realtv moved for a dismissal of the eviction proceedings but was ordered to pay-each resident SI in actual damages and one month's rent for "further relief." Taylor Realty was also ordered to pay the costs of the legal action but since the cases were dropped the company had already paid the only cost involved. Last Friday, the Columbia Terrace Neighborhood Association (the former name of the-Skyline Village) held a press conference to Call attention to their plight, in HM Bus Servic . H oto shopping duplication of ser- b vices and at areas of high b rned in the San Bernardino cost. Bus service will be P nson, whose mother Pauline reduced where it is poorly C mass funeral was held today used, improved where it is n heavily patronized. h \ \ ? u * * i i Seated left to n^ht are Kids' Chronicle staff members Ani Thomas, Willie Ware and Tern Orr. cuticle / ??WHIi II ! II l?H?B????gagggK I. L-lL-J-l'ML.M ???"<" ? i j JJJ.JU JiilUI'*! .-U1.. A>*U' ' ^ *20 cents = ?= T ms Wr-He Tgi jiuj-jpwiJum.Ai. i llj J i - JULH I Tenants sidents Win which their strategy for action \sa\ re\caled by attorney for Legal Aid, Ben Erlit/. Judge I ewter ruled that tlu outcome of Hilton's case would set a precedent tor an\ other claims that miohrfollow, hm h4s uncertain itLaii w < tlie residents involved would accept the riding. incurred when the landlord ordered them out.ol apart ments being renovated into othet units where renovationwere completed. Many people claimed to have I he amount of their rent hiked upon moving since they sign a month to month lease. "You just can't move in the amount of time that he (Taylor) was demanding, said Mrs. Hilton during th<. press conference. The notice just shocked me, I'm still it shock, but when it's all over I am going to-*look tot another place to live, because I've bee it here forC6 year4 and have never had any trouble. It's just too much to hi bothered with." ' Diane Mitchell, spokesperson for the Columbia l et race Association, said that the living conditions outlined by the leases are similar to those on the "Ok Plantation." "We just want to show him that he can't do whatevet he wants and treat us in any was and we're tust going u See Pane J ares Go Up es Go Down In East Winston-Salem, 4. which covers the Boston route 6, the Jackson Vhutnumd area, will he Avcta^e-ybe_OX?>&U.etek,_jAlMu*ft to provide miuv ^ Route, is recommended tor minute to the rhurmo/id elimination because it Street neighborhood, duplicates service provided Service in Northwest by three other routes. To Winston-Salem will be accommodate the passenger reduced to evcrv hour durleft by route 6, routes I. and me peaks hoin the current 2, will be redrawn. Koute I hall noui scrv tee. I wo nour will shift from 12th Street to scrv ice will he provided dur7th Street, and will serve the me the muldav. Route 21 Castle Heights which set vices the Sherneighborhood. ' wood a tea w ill he sub s tanThe Northeastern portion? daily rC-rottfetl- to improve ? of the city will see services trip time. I he Polo Road to North Hills and Mineral portion will he eliminated Springs reduced from evcrv due to high cost, and low hirty minutes, to an hour, rideishjp. Extra trips will be provided Southwest routes will o ensure arrival and depar- receive some reuniting in lire from ' both ihe outlvine pot lion. Route icighborhoods at 7:45 a.m. 2(> will onlv serve tlie L:\ind 5:15 p.m. ccuiive Park a tea during Service to the Cherryv iew peak bonis. Route 18 will rea will be provided In serve Roissth Hospital m oute 10. Knollwood Hall both the outbound and in /ill be serviced four times bound directions. Route 23 >er day from route 10 as will be tetmiuated at lor* -ell. Route 5 will be cut nth technical Institute, ack to College I'la/a. I hit- Route 14 will be eliminated i minute service will be and route 23 will be rovided by route 5 in the ie: ocicd to cover the Sunset >ld Cherry Street and W cm bnd portion of eighborhood. With this the route. The portion of igh level of service, route See Pane 2 _ jm? tela Shirley, Carole Hargruves, \alifia Wilson, Refute