J I Page 10-The Chronicle, Thursday. September 16, 1 arts am The Moment Ofr Our Own Chronicle Awards * , ^Wf' Chronicle ^) John Slade inspired what vou are about to read, so you can place the blame on him for what follows. Some time ago, Mr. Slade, who every now Jk and then - more then Y than now recently '' "' reviews movies and television shows when he not teaching high school English Hillsborough, came up k 3 with his own movie i^ ^ L " ^HT :*>.< awards, including a number of nove 1 j^M^^^VjgEwr ^ - such as "Thp Worct Iiv ri V/I Jl nv. and ''The Worst Slasher ^ Not to be outdone and ...,.,>* not ~ at least in this case . ? to ^e accused of originality, the^-Ghronicle's phantom entertainment columnist offers his own slate of award- (fet. jH wiVmers! jjjj^H Without further ado, may we have envelope, I please..... ^ ?*| The But Can They Sing? Award -- To the Jm m new singing group Vani- jjV^ ty Six, whose PR material expounds more jBr on the "candidly sexual Hp jP^ 1; lyrics" in their music rather than whether they |fe ? i can carry a tune. 111? J M Thp 1 C^nn /rtii/ziM Jfi&k. :. - ? irimuic ;^i Chaka Khan Better Than W J You Award ? To a - -I >>^1 number of pretenders to ' v ? M Chaka's throne, ineluding Mother's Finest ("Love Changes"); Rose Vanity Six: Royce ("Best Love") and?Atlanti c Starr _(44 When -Love-Calls'-iand "Circles"). to over-rate himself as The Most Off-the- much as his female adWall Lyricist Award: To mirers do. Richard "Dimples" The Only My Dentist Fields for "She's Got Knows For Sure Award'. Papers" and "If It Ain't To Leon Spinks, for obOne Thing, It's vious reasons. Another," which in- The She Looks eludes such poetic gems Alright, But Come On as441 ought to flush Y'all Award: To Diana myself down the Ross, who has blossomtoilet...." ed from a skinny kid Most Over-Rated Sex with a big wig and false Symbol: To Billy Dee eyelashes that seemed to Williams, who appears weigh more than she did Television And Radio The Demise Of Ironically, as we were firthe midst ofThtsTeries on black affairs programming on both the local and national levels, the only show in this area that was produced with the minority community in mind died a quiet, unceremonious death. Rudy Anderson's "Straight Talk," which debuted on Channel 12 in 1979 as the successor to Jane Harrington's "Shades of Ebony," aired for the last time Sept. 11. Probably very few people saw Anderson's final show, since it competed with the A&TrWinstonSalcm State football game. Of course, not a great many people watched "Straight Talk" anyway, according to the ratings, "" Leisure Log Teddy Penc i Clearly one of the Sousaphone players to most exciting aspects of the cheerleaders to the the game last weekend majorettes, everybody between Winston-Salem got into the act, shaking State and A&T was the parts of their anatomies halftime show, in which that 1 didn't know could both bands did their level . be shook. best to show one another This halftime, I supup and the Rams, as they pose, was as much a did in the game itself, game as the one involvemerged victorious. ing the funny-shaped Nobody held back in brown ball and was only this battle. From the one aspect of a weekend drum majors to the r that offered something * ' ' 982 I i lei [ruth Hal :^^K^v<*- . ' 1 Recipients of The Chronicl j to a very attractive, often glamorous lady who can sing with the best of them -- but is hardly one of the . most beautiful women in the world. ~The Everybody Is A Star Award: To Atlantic Starr, Midnight Star, Stargaard, Edwin Starr and the Stars On FortyFive. The I Wish We'd Make Up Our Minds Whether We're Going Channel burwhether the show slm: wasn't properly promotec debated. From this corner, I'm inc a little of the former and a First, it was painfully < hardly considered "Straigh As I mentioned last wee air promos to alert the au would be aired and who the 1 * - /\iso, as i mentioned pre cern and resources carried appearance on the air. The : and, well, downright ugl lergrass, for everybody. Speaking of everybody, some of the area clubs did take advantage of the Carolina St reetscene/Aggie-Ram Classic weekend to draw overflow crowds and, although they probably won't do quite that well this week, they're certainly going to try. Take Illusions, for instance. Fresh on the / I > is Arrived ^R :^Hb \l riu i ? / A le's "But-Can-They-Stng Aw, To Be A Positive Black Show Or Poke Fun At Black People And Further Negative Stereotypes Award: To the cast and writers of "The Jeffersons," who will do high-quality shows one week and then insult us with garbage the next. The Best TV Commercial Award: The Miller Lite Beer commercials, of course. 12's *Stra ply dldtrr measure up or = 1 by the station can be lined to believe that it was i whole lot of the latter, obvious that Channel 12 it Talk" a priority item, k, seldom did the station dience to when the show 1 guest or guests would be. iviously, that lack of conover into the program's show's set was amateurish y: Moreover, the show Another ] heels of its "Mini-Skirt Contest" comes a new wrinkle (pardon the pun): an "Astrology Night" and "Ladies Night" rolled into one. The club's doors will open at 9:00 tonight and all ladies will be admitted free until eleven. On hand will be a professional astrologist to read patrons' charts, provide forecasts and of4 1: The En \ - . . .. .< ' jfc| v ^nKk-^^l f ard." The Best Imitation Of Slave Award: To Odyssey, whose "Inside Out" sounds like a clone of Slave's "Watchin' You." l he Most Photographed By United Press International Award: To Lena Home. Somebody at UPI must be in love with the ageless beauty -- or maybe her relative, because, when the light Tall """usually~conststed of an hi confines of the studio. Sel? go on location to do inten Contrast that format wit program aired on WTVD, which weekly features a i . eluding studio interviews, visual essays set to music a members of the Commun Commodores. One "Reflections" prog with Chronicle Publisher E Salem) and interviews v Bradley and PBS' Tony Bi Big Foot fer astrological advice. Friday's attraction will be "Alligator Contest and Noisemaker Night." The doors will open at 9:00 p.m. and members will be admitted free until ten. Finally, Illusions will cap the week's activities with a "Super Saturday Night Disco." Football connoisseurs will have another choice / > i velope, I 1 H w* Ronald Reagan: "Bet former In A Leading 1 i ^